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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 24 25 26 27 -28- 29 30 31 32 33 ... Next
August 18, 2021 at 1:18am
August 18, 2021 at 1:18am
53 degrees, 30 AQI, rain.

Bad nightmares about how the Past is never ever past.

No past can be buried so deep *ZombieHand* that it can't come back as a zombie in your sleep.

*Dead*...bad nightmares, glad to be awake.

54 degrees, 18 AQI. damp, breathable, mist between the mountains.

2 p.m. little change. Air has rarely been more breathable.

Laxmi gave me here meatballs. Nice to sit with Willie, Phil and Don. One table of bridge, another of mahjonng. The Center is slowly opening up.

I wore a heavy log sleeve shirt today. Felt good.

Me? Holding on in spite of not doing so well.

Boardman: "What are some of the things we can do? I refer to them as the three C's: Connecting with others, contributing to something beyond yourself, and feeling challenged in some way."

Connecting: meeting friends, active on WDC.
Contributing: no clue... unless my activity here counts.
Challenged: learning Thai.

Went grocery shopping late but hardly anyone there. *Smile* Very pleasant walk. Looks like the air is going to stay clear for awhile. Lows may be between 5-10 degrees celsius. Means the end of the exhausting heat.

Days are noticeably shorter. It may feel like autumn this week.


53 degrees, 19 AQI at 9:24.

Saw David, Monte, Kathy. I had a danish, picked up a card from Pat, mailed a post card to Krysha. Sat with Angie and Billie Jo when I got back.

To Tina: "Black cases sometimes include birthdays or zodiac signs in their notebooks or biography or a welcome sign-in book.

Not all cultures consider your birthday of much importance.

Name day, saint day matter to some.

Some start with zero, other's with one. First birthday is when you turn one year old outside of the womb. For others the first birthday is the day you were born.

"He was a harvest baby" makes as much sense as "he was born at 6:21 a.m. on __/__/____".

Who was born on the same day or what was happening matters to some. My sister's birthday is next week. "She was born at 3 in the afternoon on the hottest day of the summer."

Some folks do not know their birthday. Some do NOT celebrate it. As a client Diane once explained, "I was raped by my uncle on my birthday. I just get a year older."

I'm not a birthday person myself."

68 degrees. 24 AQI. 2:22 p.m.

For a blog titled "Free Cold Shoulders"?

"suser:isiterrasource: I guess we're the only huggers. *HeartO* I've seen 'free hugs' signs and sometimes indulge. I miss hugs. I miss touch and cultures where touching is acceptable (like Kosovo).

The responses here give me pause.

I've commented in blogs how cold and distant some people are becoming in real life... pre-covid. Here at WDC? I guess today's reponses answer my question as to why I'm having issues interacting with folks at WDC. From where I sit it appears that WDC writers are happiest without personal or virtual contact. A cliquish club of the Frozen Chosen. [latter-day-cave-dwellers]

At least folks are being honest.

However, it's another reason to search out new friends, move to a friendlier cheaper town, move on from this website. I'm old but not dead yet. I want some warmth before I'm eternally cold."

To R: "I took some time to ponder before I responded.

I want the interaction but I'm leery of social media and have ways in which I protect myself.

My birthday, my street address, many personal details are not found here or on other social media. Have you seen my picture? Not likely. I'm quite the private person in many ways.

I post pictures of my travels on spacekook but have cut back on interactions there because so much is toxic.

But ... a preference for private comments ... I hadn't thought about that before.

I'm sure you aren't the only one. May help me understand the lack of interaction in general at WDC and the almost total avoidance of certain issues."

Sun set behind a veil of grey. Now 61 degrees at 10 p.m. AQI okay. Rain on and off in the forecast.

August 16, 2021 at 10:42am
August 16, 2021 at 10:42am
60 degrees with an AQI of 120 = another day housebound?
82 and 118 at noon... but I can see blue sky.

My stomach was complaining after too much coffee, so I ate stuffing with lentils.

I need a life.

"Grace in the arms of Haiti" TS Grace is strengthening and headed for Jamaica, man.

93 degrees with 21 mph winds blowing out the smoke. AQI a pleasant 72. It's 15 minutes to 5.

85 degrees and 49 AQI. I can breathe! Actually took the garbage out and went to the corner store to treat myself to a pint of Snickers ice cream.

I could go for a walk ... but I won't.


65 degrees 66 AQI.

99Dreamin: I would argue anything beyond 3 is Fanta Sea

SunnyDaysFl: Well beyond 3 was very iffy even a few years ago but if we are looking at days 4&5 in the nhc cone they have gotten darn good.

When someone says there's a storm abrewing, I say, get out the coffee.

71 degrees and 68 AQI. They say scattered showers but I'm hoping for more. Should move in from th Northwest after 5. It's 1:18 and cloudy.

I was allowed inside the Senior Center for the first time in over a year. I could grumble...

But good to sit with Bob, Kathy, John, Dalton, Laxmi and Don. And see Jane and Kelly.

Dalton got his Pfizer booster.

I'm home feeling a bit more energized. It's still warmer inside than out but I could put on clothes if I wanted to.

A week of cool weather 78/45 is forecast.

3:20: 68 degrees with an AQI of 107? Winds brought the smoke in again but but there're raindrops on my window. Long before 7 the air will be cleansed.

9:25: 56 degrees with an AQI of 48. A rainband coming in.

August 14, 2021 at 11:51am
August 14, 2021 at 11:51am
125 AQI ... can't go out. 64 degrees sounds great but it's supposed to reach mid-90s today.

134 AQI and 73 degrees at 11:20. Wrong direction!

I made a pot of mashed potatoes (out of a bag) adding basil, sazon Goya, chicken. I'll eat that today. I try not to do much cooking on hot days.

138 AQI and 78 degrees at 12:12. Heating up and getting smokier.

I wrote a blog entry in response to Neva's post. Used to do that all the time!

Now... to respond to Robert... my friends bought out all the bug-zappers. None for you. Oh to write my fine whine.

To Elisa: "It actually goes with my blog entry I just posted as I saw yours! "Fluidity: the fickleness of weather, the embrace of gender.

Anyhoo... why worry about plots and subplots? Or one narrowly focused genre? So many stories happen behind the scenes.

In "He's coming to me" the genre is BL (boy-love = Asian rom-com). But... is it? It's also a detective story, a mystery, a family drama, and is soundly grounded in time and place (modern Bangkok, Chinese cemetery) and culture (attitude towards monks, ghosts, food, music) in two decades (1997, 2017) delivered with silly humor, suspense, longing and angst. It all makes perfect sense in the end... but has it ended?

So... why would poly-anything have to be resolved? Not all relationship are tidy. They arrive upon the scene like a squalling baby and continue long after the lights are turned off.

There is a western (American) cultural notion that everything must be resolved. Bullcrap. Life seldom works like that. Akira Kurasawa's "Rashomon" (1950) is a must see if you haven't watched it recently."

To 4provinces: "I would've liked to have seen Afghanistan carved up. Certain, more progressive areas, would've welcomed our support. Works elsewhere. Taiwan (more open), Brunei (mostly closed), Saudi Arabia (absolutely closed), Hungary (closing up), Kentucky? not sure... a real mix.

Biden reminds me of a deep glacial loch. Don't be fooled; beware of Nessie.

But the messaging out of DC, on covid in particular, has been drowned out by the states.

You are free to read and disagree: "Koming out of Kovid and Kovid Konsernz

Viet Nam was concerned about China long before we were! I'd go but I'm studying Thai at the moment and the region is huge and will warrant 2-3 trips at the minimum.

It's just my opinion but trade and tourism can open an area up in ways that punishing and isolating cannot. I wish Iran were open to American travelers, same with Cuba and Korea.

Nigeria and Russia are two countries that do not want American tourists and China limits access.

The US also limits access and the insular American attitudes reflect that."

153 AQI = no. 91 degree temp = no. It's 22 minutes past the vesper hour.

The hour that whispers 'day is done' ...

To Whata @ 19:30: "90 degrees. AQI 150-180. 150 is hazardous. Rain possible on Tuesday followed by cooling temps. It's the combo of heat, smoke and covid. It's not healthy inside. It's worse outside.

Greener pastures? Not around here. I understand that you're ill; but, most of the folks here, especially those in theri 20s and 30s don't have that excuse.

I might post "Let Them Die" ... the battlelines have been drawn. I don't have much of a choice because of where I live so I resent those who come and go without any thought or concern about those of us stuck here. I'm feeling trapped again. A tourist town is a curse when the tourists show no respect."

163 AQI and still 81 degrees at 9:09. *Worry*
166 AQI @ 10:20.


"Ryme screamed. His lime-green sheen was turning olive."

68 degrees at midnight = nice. 168 AQI = choke.

66 degrees at 9:50. 167 AQI. Still cool but smoke gets in my eyes.

To LA Grawitch: "I would agree [about a different approach from the beginning vis a vis masks and vaccins] but I think we've passed that point. Americans would rather retreat to their tribal enclaves than seek solutions. I don't see how one side can live with the other if they are perceived as killing them off.

I don't think it's politicians and media. I suspect it's traditional dogmatism versus investigative science. The schisms run deep in American society. It morphs with every generation but it's underpinning is an us-versus-them zero-sum mentality that in my opinion goes back to the OT. There are modern nations that don't play this tribal game."

96 and 158 at 6. No bueno.

August 10, 2021 at 1:27am
August 10, 2021 at 1:27am
I told Robert: "I am a descendent of those that survived the plague that decimated Scandinavia. Whether I am descended from the original inhabitants or those who moved in later I may never know.

99% of a virus or bacteria may die but those that survive are stronger. The "strongest" don't kill off their host.

If humans are latter-day-microbes then they will need to learn how to not kill off their host, the Earth, to survive.

Even if only 1% continue (90 million) it will be enough for humanity to continue. Civilization? Not as we know it."

57 cool degrees under thin grey. 54 AQI. Should warm up and be a nice day.

Bryan picked up his money.

To Annette w/cc: "I think blue cases (purple cases?) should take note of site squabbles. Not to intervene but to be aware that these little brush fires can get out of hand.

Spacenook got severe blow back by not intervening in the conspiracy meme wars, then received more when they did. Hurt-feelings and misuderstandings are one thing but 'tribal' warfare is another. My D/C blog entries will wade into treacherous waters at some point. I expect some blow-back when I do.

I say this because some challenges/contests are uber-careful where they tread. 30DBC and QotD are vanilla pudding because 'someone may get upset' and they are trying to be broad based (read geared towards pre-teens and the 'pious' with or without opinions). I almost understand. I just don't agree. Much writing wells up from deep emotions... and vomit ain't never vanilla.

Another point: is it possible to make <18 members a different color case (optional?) like green... *Bagg* ... I only ask because there's no way to know. Some are mature writers but some seem to be quite immature.

Anyhoo... that's what I was referring to. A website worried more about the word 'shit' than shit-flinging will face challenges."

Everyone set me straight on blue cases. They do newsletters, occasionally correct item ratings. They are volunteers.

It wasn't a bad day... just somewhat worn out. Tonight I creamed cherries and cheese. Earlier today I ate rice and beans and a pork patty. I'm doing okay.

71 degrees, 69 AQI at 22:22. Quiet, barely a breeze.


58 degrees c/ 54 AQI @ 06:20.

NBC News: Feds warn of potential violence fueled by false election claims

My post "Donald Speaks at the Restoration has been up for hours. 13 views, 4 thumbs-up, one comment. Maybe people are speechless?

Long walk home from Trempers. Bought book on Thai language. $10. At market bought cashews and 2 peaches.

93 hot breezy degrees with an AQI of 67. Now 88 hot but breathable degrees at 7:44. *Sad*
August 8, 2021 at 11:53am
August 8, 2021 at 11:53am
It could be cloudy and cool all day with some sprinkles or rain. 64 degrees at 9:50.

Since my place will cool down I should work. Not in the mood but I should.

Will today be the day I resolve some things?

If I had a car... but I don't.

59 degrees. Almost noon. An AQI of 37 (good). The rain is cleansing.

I ate an english-muffin with melted cheese. Coffee with chocolate.

Response to Stik:

""I" statements asking for clarification or at worse merely stating one's own experience or opinion (experience trumps opinion or speculation imho) are best. "You" doesn't work well in English. It can come off as an attack.

I've done NVCC but my brain doesn't fully grasp it so I struggle.

Message forums: I've left invitations to read my writings, usually my blog, on posts hoping that maybe someone I'm not normally in contact with may read it. I really would like for newbies to know that blogs exist. We are less important than raffles at WDC...imo.

My perception is that what I was writing at WDC was more visible on the internet prior to 2009 before bookface and twatter took over the airwaves. Plus, algorithms now show products and companies ahead of any serious research. Sex isn't the only topic impossible to 'gargle'.

The r/r push has lead to fluffy shallow reviews instead of any real help on craft. I mentioned this to Sum1 today.

I like blogs because I can read and comment without having to review and rate. Even poetry is easier to read/comment in my opinion. I've mentioned this to Solace.Bring at Express it in Eight but posters seldom provide an entry to a link (maybe they are not upgraded?).

Allowing some type of book/blog at the basic membership level might help. It might even help WDC grow... but the mechanics of that are beyond my knowledge.

But... y'know... nothing is stopping a black-case one-item author from visiting and commenting on my blogs. I can beg. I can throw water at them. I can't make them wash their face or even throw the water back at me! There's a huge segment of present-day WDC that is afraid of having or, heaven forbid, sharing an opinion.

I'm tagging suser:jaybride, suser:dmadison, suser:sum1swriting and suser:elle as we have had bits and pieces of this discussion elsewhere."

And on the newsfeed to Stik: "If it's an essay (item) that's open for rate/review than focusing on presentation and writing craft rather than content would help.

The opposite rings truer for blog entries that are opinionated and request an opinion, rather than a critique, in return.

D/C is only as difficult or controversial as we make it. The French have always scoffed at the British/American inablity to discuss sex for instance. Gender is less of an issue for Native Americans and Thais... but still a hot potato at WDC."







Felt cool when I went to the store. May be 55 at 11:30.


53 refreshing degrees at 9 a.m. with a breathable AQI of 30! Expecting semi-cloudy with blue today.

Sent money yesterday and mailed two postcards.

Re QotD: I think the question is cynical. It isn't necessary nor advisible to be obsessed with the motives of others. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Be kind. Accept kindness. Focus on the kindness.



""U.S. government suppressed scientists and professional opinions…and subjected them to cyber violence and harassment…even physically threatened them." The report called former President Donald Trump "probably the biggest promotor of COVID-19 misinformation" and said he sparked hyperpartisan fighting, which prevented Democratic and Republican lawmakers from combating the virus spread."

70 pleasant degrees under blue skies with an AQI of 27 (no smoke). It's almost 2 p.m. The sun is overhead (astronomical noon here is around 1:40.)

73 degrees and an AQI of 39 = perfect summer weather. *Delight*

Fought with WorldRemit and Teledolar over money I sent. It didn't get there. I'm pissed. But... Bryan borrowed money from a friend. So... he won't get kicked out of his place. And the cat got out but didn't go far.

Still, I'm pissed.

To Robert: "I am a descendent of those that survived the plague that decimated Scandinavia. Whether I am descended from the original inhabitants or those who moved in later I may never know.

99% of a virus or bacteria may die but those that survive are stronger. The "strongest" don't kill off their host.

If humans are latter-day-microbes then they will need to learn how to not kill off their host, the Earth, to survive.

Even if only 1% continue (90 million) it will be enough for humanity to continue. Civilization? Not as we know it."

August 6, 2021 at 10:43am
August 6, 2021 at 10:43am
61 degrees and an AQI of 77 at 8:30. Quite dry in spite of 71% humidity. Didn't rain. *Sad*

Tired. Very tired.

5 comments for today's blog entry. 3 on the entry (Robert, Ned, Mike), 2 on the newsfeed (RavenClaus, Ruwth).


Made eggs with cheese in the microwave in my microwaveable do-hicky. I should go out... but nowhere to go that's close.

Anxiety still elevated. Depression? *sigh*

I feel fine as long as I don't move. No severe aches or pains, just no energy... ever.

I told Tina: My most favorite place and why...

I like places where I feel safe, accepted, welcomed, inspired, relaxed.

Safe: Tokyo, Japan. Buzzing city. Absolutely safe.
Accepted: Prishtina, Kosovo. Open, passionate but tolerant.
Welcomed: Tainan, Taiwan. Wonderfully diverse city of open arms.
Inspired: Evora, Portugal. It led to writing vampire stories.
Relaxed: Solvorn Norway. Pastoral setting along a fjord.

There are only few places on my "did not like" and a few on my "why bother" lists.

I need to write that blog, focusing on "why".

I wrote Bryan: "There are costs to going public. Dealing with mud-slinging (never assume fellow writers are nice people) and cut-throats. Money! It costs to submit and submit and submit not knowing WTF the editors are looking for (hint: just like here, entries by the famous or their friends). If the entries are being judged by 20 year olds... consider the audience. If by MFA wannabes... consider the audience. If by snooty well-known "writers" of literature... consider the audience. Fortunately, history tells us that some writing will escape the clutches of the gate-keepers, get published, get noticed. Do what is best for you."


71 degrees at 11 am. 55 AQI. Lowest in long time. Overslept. I'm groggy.

Like painted kites
Those days and nights,
they went flyin' by
The world was new
Beneath a blue umbrella sky
Then softer than a piper man
One day, it called to you
I lost you, I lost you
To the summer wind

A breezy but pleasant 85 degrees with an AQI of 61 at 2 pm. The sky is blue-ish and I can see the mountains. The river is clearing up too. No word as to why it was muddy.

Saw Margi and Nathan and Chase. Been years.

At market. Got sheep curds from Emma, a cherry-almond scone from Irina. Cherries. A spinach pocket from Mohammed. Chatted with Athena and Maria.

Celebrated by writing a letter on cork while I downed a cherry-chocolate milkshake. But... didn't have my address book with me.

At 6:30 87 degrees but 32 AQI which is in the green 'breathable' zone. *Smile*

Ivan ZARCO ALVAREZ finishes at 2:44, 35 minutes behind the winner from Kenya, finishing last, #76. But he finished. He's a half-marathoner and a last minute addition to the team from Honduras. There are all types of heroes and they each have a story.

August 4, 2021 at 12:09am
August 4, 2021 at 12:09am
MY REAL BLOG ENTRIES ARE LISTED HERE: "Blogville This is just my journal of stray thoughts.

Hmm... quiet before the storm or a relaxing lull?

To Robert: "I do agree that Puritanism is a huge factor [lingering bruise] in American society. The "be-perfect" or "go-to-hell" black/white false dichotomy has lead to both hedonism and outrageous cruelty. Something I should blog about someday. I mean, 'Why should anyone be reasonable or strive to be nice if they are just going to hell?'"

144 AQI, hazy, 72 degrees. Still very bad at 9:22 a.m.

I grew up with smokey ashy days growing up. This constant pall isn't healthy.

I have a microwave egg-holder. Used it today. Ate both eggs on a bun. *Smile*

90 degrees and AQI 129 at 2 p.m. I'm fine as long as I don't move and don't go out.

KE to Whata: Every comment left removes a nail from my coffin.

Y'know, I like all types of ice-cream, even a good french vanilla; but, some folks come off as if they are Milli Vanilli [sic]. Fortunately, I know they aren't. Everyone here has issues and insight. I just wish they were able and willing to share them.

93 degrees and 88 AQI at 6:34! I might be able to venture out later if the AQI continues to fall. I don't go to the grocery store during rush-hour because of crowds and covid.

"Cooling" at 9:30. 82 degrees with an AQI of 85. I posted a card to Lyn. I bought a few things including chocolate milk, buns and boneless chicken.

I also bought $100 worth of gps. So I'm set for this year when I renew before the end of August.


81 degrees and 69 AQI at 1:40. The AQI this morning was cool enough to visit friends, check my mail (nothing) and buy a sticky bun. *Smile*

On covid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C23NPgeZ6vA

I need to make up a list of prompts:

1. The anti-gay Reagan years.
2. The "War on the Poor" in the 1980s.
3. The criminalization of People-of-Color.
4. White Identity... I'm a traitor to their cause.
5. Tribalism in the OT.
6. Pauline doctrine... pros and cons.
7. Hospitality around the world.
8. The Death of Kindness.
9. The criminalization of an unsolicitated "Hello".
10. The proper distance. Latin versus Scandinavian.
11. No Thai (or Taiwanese) ever stands alone.
12. Family is the only thing that matters. (CR)
13. No one matters. The Lonely North American.
14. False Freedom.
15. Vaxxed and the delusion of choice.
16. Body Integrity.
17. Monetization of Art.
18. Blind spots and how to get rid of them. OPPOV.
19. Writers and a lack of communication.
20. The Comfort Zone.
21. Making Time.
22. Cash is anonymous; a credit card is not.
23. What I learn from watching foreign film.
24. Slowing down to see what we see.
25. Assume: making an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.
26. Senses and setting.
27. What we cannot express in English.
28. How we know a word is a word.
29. McDonalds versus the World.
30. The generational gaps.
31. Basic skills (a lesson from 1000 Stars)
32. That extra day in the month...
33. An old man learning new tricks.

70 degrees at 10:40 and an AQI of 77... but I still wish it would rain.

August 2, 2021 at 1:40am
August 2, 2021 at 1:40am
77 countries have won medals at the Olympics, some countries for the first time. If you are from one of those countries you know the sense of pride and how important it is.

And then there's the USA. Obsessed with what the Russians did or did not do. Debating a gymnast's mental state, unimpressed unless they win gold and sweep the podium. Yeah, pure Soap Opera.

67 cloudy degrees at 8:28 and the AQI not so bad. We could've used more rain imho.

Coffee is not a good diet. 4 pm. and I cooking up rice.

75°F with an AQI of 83 at 4. I ventured out today to sit with Jean and talk about Taiwan and Thailand.
78 degrees with an AQI of 102 at 7. Smokier = more dangerous.

I reheated chicken broth/fat and threw in some lemon pepper, salt and rice. Very tasty. Reminded me of avgolemono.

August 3

Fog? 68 degrees and AQI of 104.

26° with haze and 111 AQI... wrong direction.

Connections issues are "fun"... aren't they? Not.

Today I threw in chicken with the rice. Creative me? *Laugh*

I told NormaJean: "Here we were under a flash flood warning but all we got was sprinkles. It helped a bit with the smoke. But it's back. 92 degrees with a toxic haze. AQI of 151 = I don't dare go out. We might have a bit of a break in temps this weekend but without a good soaking rain we choke."

Made a tuna fish sandwich. A tad too toasty to cook.

I would like to go out. AQI of 155 stops me. It's also 86 degrees. At least I got my "A Gold of Her Own posted and remembered that it was the 3rd and time to pay rent.

74 hazy degrees and 155 AQI at 10:30? When will this crap end?

July 30, 2021 at 11:37am
July 30, 2021 at 11:37am
July 30th

69 degrees and a choking 159 AQI. Dry mouth. Stinging eyes.

Also a personal temp of only 96.9. I've been shaking. Arm seems to be dislocted again and I don't sleep well.

Just me whining.

Anxiety lessening. I don't want to annoy people by having them watch my roller-coaster, but I do want a few to know that I'm not doing well, that I am NOT okay.

97 sweltering degrees. AQI of 108. Hope for rain to wash the skies and bring some relief. Told Jean that I can't go out when it's this smokey. Hope we can meet Monday.

Posted "Why do some people [not] trust God’s plan with their lives on the newsfeed hoping to get a response.

Snow in Brasil. May devastate the coffee crop.


The local temp's between 96 and 100 right now.. AQI down to 84. *Smile* Almost 7 p.m.


It kinda cooled down overnight. But now it's 12:40 and 91 degrees with 101 in the forecast. AQI is 96. Went tomarket. Bought curds, spinach pocket, 3 potatoes. Irina's blueberry pastry was to die for... and I told her. Good enough for Paris or a fancy restaurant in Missoula. Made Jonasz share one with friends. He didn't complain much. *Bigsmile*

Todo tranquilo si no me muevo.

Finished "View from the bridge [179] "Calling Zmitri "PPC #8 Quoting Leviticus [197] and "Hidden among Hemlocks. I finally found some energy to write today but too little and too late. I'm wiped out in so many ways.

Nice chat with Bryan. Saw Sunny and Bri for tacos.

Praying for smoke to clear out (it was better today) and rain. I want rain.

July 32


Real life: mental and emotional.
Writing: a bit burnt out.
Characters: hold that thought. My Muse is knocking at the door.

Truthfully? Anything will do. It need not be grand. We're all where we are because some obstacle wouldn't let us go where we wanted to go. Hopefully, we are happy where we are.

It never cooled down. Now 85 degrees at 11:55. AQI of 87. We might get sprinkles later today or a downpour. The forecast is unreliable for here.

Third place will do.
Sommeren  (13+)
Sussan is enjoying her last summer among the snowfields of Central Norway.
#2253659 by Kåre Enga in Montana
Tears in my eyes...

My comment to a review from WebWitch: "Thank-you for your generous response. *HeartO*

To answer unasked questions:

Yes, I have travelled that route [Sognfjellvegen] by bus... twice. We stopped once at a lodge and I was able to see the glaciers in the distance, the snowfields closer, the cotton grass. And yes, there was a moth orchid in the window. It's a Norwegian thing. I've traveled through Sogndal as well (I stay in Solvorn). Very few people choose to live in this inhospitable place. They visit, hike, camp... but they don't stay. I needed to put Sussan where she could breathe. I hope she enjoyed her last Summer."

I told Cubby re "Flight Lessons

the dimple in the carpet — as seen from below
is just Juliana's butt — not a UFO. *Laugh*

So... maybe I should write "Juliana's Flight Test", as Wordsmitty suggested and include the above.

89 degrees at 4:26. AQI of 76. I wore a mask to the laundry but I prolly didn't need to. Now to hang up once I catch my breath. 42 steps up with wet clothes isn't the same as 42 down with dry.

What does one say to someone who just lost their best friend today? I did what I could.


I'm feeling deflated. There were only 10 entries to the WDC Contest so 3rd place isn't saying much at all.

One only has to have a basic membership so all those newbies are nowhere to be found unless they're all just playing games. Once upon a time there were real writers here at WDC. There still are, but many of us got long in the tooth and Gen Z doesn't realize that by merely interacting they could rejuvenate the site. The Millenial dabbler has aged as well... maybe they're all playing BINGO? Or are folks just interested in monetizing their writings?

Where's Gabby when we need her?

Only 77 degrees at 6:52; AQI of 71? I SMELL RAIN ... and chicken (I'm cooking chicken). The pavement is actually wet and I can breathe!

As billionaires fight to go to the Moon, there have always been other voices asking about the price...

Regarding haiku on spooseback:

"Yes and no. The Japanese form does not translate into English well. It has rules for a reason and those rules are bent for reasons. No one writing a Shakespearian sonnet is going to write 13 irregular lines of non-rhyming verse and call it a sonnet. So, yes, if you are trying to write a haiku then there are rules... hundred of years old that don't seem to have stopped the Japanese from expressing themselves. If you are talking about Anglophones then no; English speakers, especially Americans do what ever they want and call it whatever they want. They seldom write a haiku because they don't understand what one is."

July 28, 2021 at 4:07pm
July 28, 2021 at 4:07pm
2 p.m. 31c with AQI of 103.

I went out with my mask. Sat with friends then went to the beer and wine store and bought groceries. Hunted down the wild lemon merengue.

And picked up butter. 99c/lb

At home ate some key lime yoghurt and remembered to put the cheap (89c/lb) chicken thighs in the fridge. And since I splurged and bought cashews I set them out of view.

Jeremiad: a long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes. "the jeremiads of puritan preachers warning of moral decay"

Three responses to my lament today... just a lament, no jeremiad.

Lost in dreams in Thailand with Chu Yi from Taiwan looking through me as if I were a ghost, as if he were Xiao Bai and me Weifeng.

29°c in a smoky haze hiding the sun. AQI = 95. It's 8:44 and dusky, dimming not yet dark.

To Annette: "No, I looked at articles in Deutsch Welle, Le Monde and Al Jezeera today; incredible news from around the world. I also peeked in at Fox but they have no news outside their conspiracy bubble. The World does not exist to Followers of the Fox.

I live in a multi-cultural multi-lingual world where many speak Arabic, some of whom I call friends. I do not condone xenophobia or islamophobia. I have cut back at spazenook because of the level of ignorance and hatred there.

I find it interesting that Bezos would try to corner the market in printing. $1 for me; $1 for you... except he will have enough to build a mansion on the Moon or Mars leaving me have enough to buy a coffee. Since I have a couple 1st Chapters to offer... tempting... but will His Highness tolerate me leaving a copy here at WDC? Who really rakes in the royalties? Who owns the copywright? Does it matter? He could crush WDC. Did you read the fine print? I started to.

Is his policy English First or English Only? Visions of China and their One China policies looms in front of me. Did you know... does anyone at WDC realize... that French, Spanish, Navajo and hundreds of other languages are native to North America? Are they now 2nd Class citizens? Amazon is worldwide and quite fluent in German (#2 market, UK 3rd).

Color me skeptical at best, because being infuriated isn't good for my heart."

To Robert: I suspect that the entire article could've been summed up in one or two sentences. "Take time to smell the roses." and "Make hay while the sun shines."


67 degrees at 8:52 with an AQI of 104. Do I risk it?

81 degrees and 120 AQI at 11:53. I survived my walk across the bridge. Now home for the day. Saw Angie.

Still 90 degrees but AQI down to 81.

Ate tuna sandwich. Ate cashews. Trying not to move much. Sweating.

I received a pretty painted stone *Ladybug* from Idaho... who do I know in Idaho? Sheila, Jennifer? But who... *Owl4*


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