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July 23, 2007 at 4:44am
July 23, 2007 at 4:44am
Well, My big plans for the weekend fell in the dumpster Friday! At 5:15, I packed up my computer, put away my work face and with my grinning weekend face, I trotted out of work and headed home.

I was pretty excited. I couldn't wait to wake up Saturday morning and run the Pat's 5 mile race. I havn't missed that race in 5 years. I must admit, even though I never seem to do well at this race, it is one of my favorites!

At exactly 5:29pm, as I drove inattentively home, I received a call.........We had a crane broke down about 40 minutes from my house.....couldn't get a hold of a mechanic, so I headed that way.

I finally got home at 10:30pm (16 hour day???whoa) and only accomplished getting the crane packed up and back to the shop. I already had three mechanics coming in Saturday for Emergency work, so guess who had to come in too?

Yup while all those runners were racing to the finish line, I was ripping parts out of a crane....well finally got done at 3:30, so 1/2 hour later, I was enjoying my Saturday off! Of course 4:00 pm was a little late to do much of anything.........

When You only have one day, even though Sunday was sunny and hot, it doesn't make for much of a weekend.
So if I sound grumpy today......well I just might have the "missed my weekend blues"

Hey! Besides that, I'm happy as a clam! SKi
July 20, 2007 at 4:48am
July 20, 2007 at 4:48am
I woke up this morning and I was hurting! Where is that bus that hit me? I am confused......I went to bed early, I didn't run or exercise....I should feel great this morning.....Instead I am beat!

I have been thinking about this, I am certain that sleep is another whole world. We just don't remember it....Yes we have vague memories with our dreams but they are not whole...Usually there are many bits and pieces missing. Havn't you noticed how real they seem?

So here is what I think, Sleep is another dimension and it is actually a complete
different world. We go there when we sleep and are given some type of drug or chemical to mask the memory of it.

So last night, I figure some slave labor group grabbed me as I crossed over. They realized how rested up I was and felt they would get a good nights work out of me. They worked my butt off all night and then 10 or 15 minutes before I had to get up, they threw me in a shower to rinse off the Icaboocrud, pumped the memory
masking agent into me and threw my limp body off the truck back into my bed. I think I might have missed the bed and landed on the floor!

I wake up this morning, no memory....no dream what so ever....why don't I remember a dream? well who wants to remember working all night? Yeah, my brain is embarrassed that it allowed me to get dragged off to the slave camp and is repressing my memory....so no dreams...get it?

So what do I do tonite? For the last two days I have taken it easy. Not run or exercised at all and got to bed early. You see I am running a five mile race tomorrow so I usually take it easy a couple days before a race.

I am trouble now! If I go to sleep tonite them bastards will probably take me to the camps again and I will not be worth crap tomorrow....or I can stay awake all night ....then I will be in the same boat....Perhaps there is a sleep cop out there that I can talk to....maybe I can hire a sleep body guard with a big gun to protect me.......?

Wait! I figured it out......I will just sleep during the day today. Yeah, that will solve it, I am already working so a little more labor thrown in while I am napping won't hurt me at all.......Yup that is what I will do...otherwise there is a bus out there with my name on it!! I hope this works????

Oh, by the way, this mornings entry is dedicated to those of you who have been complaining lately ....Yes I said complaining....you see some people here are having difficulty digesting my morning blog...they say it is too much on the brain this early....Yeah, they are getting headaches and brain freezes...some even complain of being real dizzy after reading my blog.....you see, apparantly it causes them to think too much....so...today is an easy one.....just plain fantasy....OK?? SKi
July 19, 2007 at 4:46am
July 19, 2007 at 4:46am
If you were walking down the street and crossed paths with you, what would you think? Ever wonder that? Not who you are inside but the image you project at first site.

I would think I was kinda stuck up. That's right. You see I am actually withdrawn at first meeting and am not the type that just starts talking away like we were long lost friends. I would blend into the crowd and if I did speak, it would probably not be the right thing to say at that time.

No, I would probably not make friends with me right away. Now if I would give myself a chance to see the me inside.......would I like that guy? OK, this might be a little different...I guess I would like me, but again, the attitude might be interpreted wrong...I don't know......

I think I am friendly and helpful. I lack sympathy though....Oh I have empathy and I care, but sympathy from me has to be for a genuine reason. Does that sound strange? I guess what I mean by that is I feel for someone who is trying to help themselves but if they are just "poor me" well I view that different.

What about the "real" me inside? would I like that guy? The one I am very familiar with is so different than anyone knows....this guy only lets out a certain amount of string and is very careful not to over re-act. Does help in situations, but may not always be happy about it.

By that I mean, If a person needs help and they keep having the same problems with no growth what so ever.... well I am there but not happy about it....does that make sense? I hate to retrace steps..no matter what....If I leave the house with out something I need, I hate to turn around and go back and I hate to be late...

I guess my point is that I am really more than one person and I would probably like the complete guy that I am. Though if I look at just a part of me..well I am not too impressed.....I guess I would be pretty good friends with myself but not best friends.....I need a friend that brings other levels to the table...........

I guess I am pretty picky about close friends and that is why I don't really have any "best" friends....I don't let enough of myself out......maybe I should try a little harder and let my guard down more?

I do like me I think..........Yeah, I guess I am OK............Isn't that the first step? learning to like that person in the mirror that is always looking back but speaks very little? What do you think? do you like the person in the mirror? Ski
July 18, 2007 at 4:33am
July 18, 2007 at 4:33am
OK! Who is that hidden guy that keeps kicking me in the butt? Why doesn't he go reek havok in someone elses life? Have you ever asked these questions?

Honestly, I am not a bad person. I help people when I can. I try to treat everyone fairly. So why do I keep getting booted around. It seems I can never just be OK.......The moment I feel things are good, that (bastard) winds up and gives me one huge swift kick down!

I know, there are thousands of humans out there that can only dream of the blessings I have. They only see a blinded version of my life though. Oh It's not horrible. neither me nor my family have a terminal disease or serious pending problems........

I just get so tired of fighting sometimes.....Hey, I am a fighter...don't get me wrong...I am not giving up and I have not slowed my pace......I just can't understand why I can't coast a little bit once in a while......

Alright, with out going into detail, I have had my temper tantrum and am ready to wipe the flowing tears away, pick up my sorry ass and start back up the mountain trail!!!

BUT, If I could find the guy that keeps kicking me from behind, wouldn't it be great if I could sneak up and give him a swift kick right in his behind? If you could do that, wouldn't you have to just stand right up and let one go??? I can dream can't I? Ski
July 17, 2007 at 4:46am
July 17, 2007 at 4:46am
I found out somethig yesterday. Major league baseball takes their brand new shiny balls and coats them with a special MUD! That's right, this mud comes from the Deleware river basin.

In the 1930's they were using Tobacco juice (icky and smelly) to take the sheen off new baseballs. The pitchers were trying to have better control as the new balls were slipery. Aperantly the tobacco juice did not work well (really?)

So Russell aubrey (lena) Blackburne introduced a mud found in New Jersey (Really?) Fishing in the Deleware River Basin, the mud was found to be smooth, creamy but still offer a fine grit that when coated on the baseball was very consistant for the pitchers.

To this day, Lena Blackburne mud is shoveled up (by hand) from the basin, filtered, processed and sent to all the major league organizations. They carefully coat 7-12 dozen balls per game.

It is funny now that I think about it, everytime the ball hits the dirt during a game, the pitchers gets a new one. I guess they do not want any other kind of dirt mixed in with their special mud. I always thought they were trying to keep the ball clean!

Go figure! I wish I knew this information when I was caoching little league. Just think how well my pitchers would have done with mud on our new balls!!! In special games, we always gave them new game balls...these were shiny and new, thought they would pitch better...what did I know? ... Ski

July 16, 2007 at 5:01am
July 16, 2007 at 5:01am
My Dad died when he was 54 years old... I am 51 now. He seemed so old and feable to me back then. I do not feel as old as I felt he was. Does that make any sense?

I read a blog today that brought his image to my mind. He was a special guy and as I think back now, he did a good job with us kids. He was unorthadox and he worked all the time. My Gandfather was a bit of a slave driver.

The whole family was in construction and they worked hard...they also ate hard and their health showed that...all of them with big construction bellies! I have so many great memories of my dad and the fact that he was a real man.

We had a 1967 Buick Wildcat, it had a 455 cubic inch V8 engine and was mighty powerful. The family was in the car and we were heading somewhere...Anyway we were driving through this town at about 30 miles an hour.
My dad turned to us boys and smiled......then he punched it!

The engine roared, the tires started spinning and squealing! It was so exciting and we left a huge bank of white smoke behind us... My mom yelled at him but he looked at us in the mirror and smiled........I will always remember that smile.....My dad was pretty cool!! ....Ski
July 13, 2007 at 4:45am
July 13, 2007 at 4:45am
Hey!! This crazy! I went to a (female's) site to enjoy a couple short stories. She had just commented on one of my stories and I always return the gesture.
I get there and right in front of me, in her port, the title of hell!!! It read,"women what do you think?" a blog of some sort discussing men, relationships and all kinds of other girly stuff. The subtitle states "no men allowed"

What!!! You can't write "no men allowed" Don't you know that? do you know that if you tell a guy to read directions, you might as well burn them right up on the spot....they will never...yes I said never look at them!! Even last weekend my wife said "why don't you call a plumber" whoa.......my brain changed that to "never call a plumber" real fast! I could have a geyser shooting out through the roof and there would be no one named plumber in my yard.

Now my brain keeps bringing that image back.......Girls only..no men allowed......I have all I can do not to rush right to that port and click open to the good stuff!!!! I wonder, Is she married? Has she ever studied men? Perhaps this is her ploy to drive us guys crazy......maybe there is nothing in that port? I mean she should have just demanded us to read it, then she would have privacy if she wanted it.. I've seen this girls picture.....OH yeah...pretty cute. I think she has no problem attracting men, so I have to assume she is playing with us!

I am pleading, will one of you gals take a peek and give me the low down?? Please? So I can sleep nights and get my sanity back? I shudder to think of the secrets that are in there.......the things I could learn about women...how to read their mind.....how to look smart to them no matter what I say.......where they hide the rainy day money....Damn, I am surely going crazy.......I am going back there to stare at it.....maybe it will open miraculously....then I could read it!!!!

A couple months ago, I went to someone's port (yes it was a women) and right there it said do not open this if you know what is good for you. I immediately opened it.......All it said was....."I thought I told you not to open this?" ....Yup that's it. I guess it was some kind of survey to see how many people (men) would open it. Actually I was quite disappointed and felt like I had been scolded!

When are you women going to realize that men just aren't that smart and for sure are not trainable. We are good for opening beers with our teeth and dribbling food down our chins. Throw us in a garage and we will curl up and take a nap...................We are men you know? ..........

OH, one more thing........what the hell is a "no gap waiste band?" I keep hearing this commercial about these pants with a no gap waist band and how it makes you skinnier.... .. What? ... it would have to have ten fingers installed that reach up and hold my "jello-belly" in to make me look skinnier....No, I would think they would do better to sell a waist band whith EXTRA gap.....don't you? Manski
July 12, 2007 at 4:50am
July 12, 2007 at 4:50am
Hey, I was thinking, Aren't humans funny? Is it really possible to figure us out? I went for a run last night and as my mind tells me that I can't continue, my body (though tired) refused to listen. Almost like they are different entities.

I was running "race pace" which means close to as fast as I would run during a race. It is quite hard to do as your mind knows there is no race and it doesn't want to be uncomfortable. The mind is funny like that. Anyway, I realized that our minds do the same thing regarding other goals in life.

Our mind tells us the trail is too hard...we have to give up...we can't do it.....Our minds are actually quite lazy and do not want to work for better things. It does not want to change and only wants what is comfortable.

We have to take control of our wimpy minds and keep moving forward striving for our goal. The mind will come kicking and screaming . When we make a mile stone or complete a goal, our mind takes full responsibility as if it forced us to go forward.

I guess whet I am trying to say it that it is in all of us and it is up to all of us to decide our goal and walk toward that no matter what. It is when we give up that hope is lost.
Like my "race" we can make that goal.....yeah, it will be uncomfortable...if it was easy then there would be no accomplishment.

My race was 3 miles....My mind tried to force me to stop for two miles of it....I came close...rationalized good reasons.....but consciously decided to continue.....you see when the physical body decides you have gone to far, it will stop...no questions asked!

I made to the end.....totally out of breath and my energy was spent......But I felt so good! I don't think I will ever get tired of that combination.....completely exhausted but totally ecstatic all at the same time......remember the last time you did something really difficult but accomplished it? How did you feel? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! I love that feeling. I just wish I didn't have to work so hard to get it.....It is called a natural high. Ski
July 11, 2007 at 4:49am
July 11, 2007 at 4:49am
OK, I one upped Bugzy and I feel good about it...No not felt up! Geez Bugzy, that comes later! I am very proud as I just had the best party ever and it wasn't even at my place so....no clean up.....Yaaa!

Who could top 73 hits on one blog? Wheeeeh!

Hey, I heard a show about overcoming your dark side and living life right.....I don't know...think that is wise? I mean life has feeling because we relate to our surroundings. If our dark side was suddenly wiped out by Mr. Clean, how would we realize the good times?

We need diversity in our lives to compare....with out that we won't appreciate life....No I think we need lows with the highs and bad with the good if life is going to any meaning at all......plus, doesn't it feel good to let loose and be a little bad?

No I want and cherish my dark side.....one just has to learn some self control....right? If the dark was gone, how could we have such a good time by typing one little word....like SMUT? That's right, type that word and dozens of people have a whole lot of fun and we weren't even bad!!

Were we?? Darkski
July 10, 2007 at 4:57pm
July 10, 2007 at 4:57pm
I am not saying that word tonite....I think you guys need some sleep hey? I have thought of a couple ways to make jello sexy but Sweet T yelled at me so I'm not telling..........Deb did have some left over though......OK lean real close and I will whisper it......wspsppswwiisp......got it? OK! let's do it......You coming Bugz? Bm will be so suprised whe we show up!!! SSSHHH don't tell her! HEHEHE!! PARTY AT BM"S TONITE!!!!!! OH, I can't make it until about 4:30 am....you guys still going to be there?? Boy am I excited!! Ski

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