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August 2, 2007 at 5:46am
August 2, 2007 at 5:46am
ATTENTION!!!! I have just hired a Ghost writer to handle my blog today....I was informed by a few readers that it literally sucked! I can't help it...you all expect me to produce these great pieces and honestly, I only have a couple a day in me....
I wasted one this morning to cyber space and the other one I am saving for later..... soooo.....stay tuned for my ghost writer.....prepare to be overwhelmed with greatness.................I am so excited!!!!!! Ski
August 2, 2007 at 5:20am
August 2, 2007 at 5:20am
Hey, it happened again.....I wrote a blog...went to reference something and wham!
it was gone.....I hate that.... You see I do not prepare my blogs. They fall right out of my head as I hit the keys......so I can't reproduce it....Damn and it was a good one......Oh well, some poor soul in ciber space will read that blog and either be enlightened or very confused.....probably confused.

Hey, I ran into a new writer here, she is trying hard to expand her horizons. She wrote a novella and received this horrible 1 for a rating and no explination....I have been there and know how she feels.....

I was hoping we could rally up at take a look at missmanda812 port and give her a couple fair reviews.....she is quite distressed and I want her to know that there are some good people here.

I haven't read her stuff yet, so I have no idea how well she writes....I do know she is passionate about writing though...so that should count for something...So what do you say? will you take a look? Thanks......... Ski
August 1, 2007 at 4:49am
August 1, 2007 at 4:49am
What is wrong? Why is it that we are attracted to turmoil? If it yells, rants, complains, dumps on someone, We flock like a bunch of dumb sheep right to the door step!

It seems the crazies get all the attention. What is it about human nature to causes this? I think part of it is the unpredictable excitement these things cause.
That is why we look for adventure........it pierces our mundane lives with the fear
of the unknown............I think it tells our brain that we are alive.

Some guy on this site dumps on every one that crosses his path. Complains that the community is defunct, hates us all, feels he should be able to say whatever he wants......reguardless..........and what do we do?

That's right, we run over to his house to watch the action......Hey, I'm no different, I was in the crowd too. I just really don't know why. Oh Yeah, I got my two cents in. That's right, we all had something to say! Why didn't we just ignore him?

His power was the fact that we all showed up. If we ignored him.....he would fizzle and go away. Even he couldn't walk away from it. If it upset him so much, why didn't he just leave?

Because we can't......that's right, we can not turn and leave......I can't count how many times an accident was caused by gawkers paying more attention to something other than their driving......like another accident......Yeah, accidents seem alive.....they breed off each other!

There are very few people here that get attention for being good and nice......Yup there is little reward unless you are some type of crazy minded half wit! I am tempted to throw half my wit away and become a well know force in this community.

Yeah! I can be crazy....sure I can... Hey, I drove here this morning with out my seatbelt on!! Yup that's right! I could have been killed.... The other thing I did was slam the door when I entered work........

Too bad though, no one was here....but if they were, I would have surely gained their attention.......yeah, what was I so mad about? Well That was all the crazy I could conjure up this morning. I think I will try something different later.....maybe I'll leave my trash on the lunch room table? Or not open the door for one of the secretaries........I'll think of something.......I am so radical today!!! I suppose I should yell at someone.....I have to think of something to get mad about first.....Hmmnnn .......let me think......Well I figure it out.......I know, I will not check my spelling .....that's right, something will surely be spelled wrong!....OH NO!!!!!! >>>>>..SKi
July 31, 2007 at 5:04am
July 31, 2007 at 5:04am
My first thought this morning was "Why" do I have to get up now? I am having a "Why" day. Why does my back hurt? Why can't I do the things I want? Why does my money only flow one way? Why did I start asking me these questions?

I feel like a young kid on the edge of a temper tantrum.... I did something Saturday to my back...well not really my back, more like my side...what bothers me is I can't remember doing anything out of the ordinary!

I just woke up Sunday and thought maybe I slept wrong...went for what was supposed to be a long run and only made it 2.5 miles.....had to walk back....hurt to lift my right leg. I thought it would probably go away but this is the third day and it is still there.

Why, I wonder to myself...the big race is Saturday.....T D North Beach To Beacon......world class race..the Kenyons even show up for this one! They have a website...you folks should go check it out.

Anyway four days before the race and I am hurting....I sure hope it is better by then.......Why now though? Think it is that damn Murphy guy again?

OK......WA..WA...WA..WA!!!! There I got it out now I feel better........I think..HAHA Why am I such a goof? Who in their right mind cry's on their blog....HAHAHA!!! What a dingaling!!!

Of course I am kidding....I don't cry...ever! NO sir not me! Someone come give me a hug? AHHHH, no guys though.......And I would have to restrict the girls to between 30 and 55 OK?

It's not that I am predigest, but I can't get emotional with some old bag.....did I say that?.....OH, not that you, my older readers HAHAHAH (I am assuming that I have some) Aren't warm and cuddly but if I am going to talk some one into A hug, ......I surely want to enjoy it..Right?

Why am I writing this? Some one has surely taken over my body and is forcing me to say these things....So of course I am not responsible.....where is bugz when I need her? HAHA< she is probably doing this right?

You think she went to some Voodoo place and got a ski doll .......she learned how to use it and is sticking me with an emotional pin....damn she's good!

OK, I am good now! Why are you still here? Surely you are fed up and bored by now! ..........Get now!... Just get out of here and go read a real blog........yeah, you heard me .....get outa here...........HEHEHE! Feels good to yell at someone.
You still here? WA-wa-SKI
July 30, 2007 at 5:18am
July 30, 2007 at 5:18am
Wow! It seems like the day just melt together this time of year......It is one big blurr... I wish I had a remote control for summer.....I would hit slow-mo and enjoy more.

The days just fly by before I get a chance to enjoy them! We had lots of comapany this weekend.....well 90 degrees and we have a pool so------you do the math.

Seriously, I am not complaining. My son, his girl friend, her brothers and sister....somewhere between 6 and 10 kids....they would buzzing around so fast I couldn't quite count.

So much fun though,,,,, I miss those times with my kids so much...When they were little we had so much fun..swimmming, baseball, football, volleyball, dirt bikes. hiking, running, climbing, the ocean....just about any activity....My kids were very active and their parents were right there with them.

Yeah, I was the dad that played all the games...my kids friends would talk about me....I guess they were suprised that some old geiser (I was about thirty-ish at first then progressed right uo to 40-ish) Could actually get out of the easy chair and mix it up with them.

I miss all that....I realized that yesterday....It's funny, we were playing woofle ball and they were very content to just let me pitch....I can pitch so they all get a hit...one of my many talents...They never offered to let me hit.......

I sure was tired when 8:00 showed up....but I'll bet all those kids passed out on the way home!!!!! The pool was definately a hit yesterday...sure am blad I got it!!! Ski
July 27, 2007 at 4:57am
July 27, 2007 at 4:57am
You know, I can remember a time when I was full of pep.....Yeah, a real pistol....I was the bull rider and life was the bull. I can easily remember how it felt. Life seemed untamed and it's direction unpredictable.

I rather enjoyed the challenge as I held on tight with one hand and used my other one to try and balance myself in hopes of not falling off. I thought if only I could tame this bull called life, All I had to do is stay on long enough for the bull to get tired and quit.

The wind in my face, the sudden change of direction, the un-relentless bucking, throwing me this way and that. The excitement is almost unexplainable. You know why? Because I was too busy riding to appreciate the moment.

Yeah, that exact moment when I was in command of my life. Even if only for the eight short seconds. I don't recall that moment. It does not come to my memory as a snap shot in time. Instead it is just that .......a memory and sometimes it seems so far away and vague.

Is it really my memory? Or perhaps something I read? How do I know for sure?
If you talk with a person that is mentally ill and they have halucinations, don't they believe what they think is true? So are our memories completely true? Perhaps our brains embelish, maybe just a little?

So I remember being that crazy guy attempting to tame the bull ride of life.....I had vision. There were so many goals in my life, so much I wanted to accomplish. I was ZEST and PEP..........Or was I?

Funny, I don't remember getting off the bull. When was that day that I decided I was finished? I am not on the bull now, No instead I am sitting in the stands watching the bull riders........When did I do that? When did I decide I had enough and was ok with just riding along in life's current rather than attempting to stand up and command the wave?

I honestly don't know. I guess it happened because here I am with no new and exciting goals for my future. It causes me to wonder if I ever really was that strapping young man grabbing what ever I could hold on to in life. I might be just embellishing the memory. Recalling my interpretation of how my life was.

I have to assume this, otherwise I have to admit how much I have changed....Instead of fighting life head on, I am no longer the warrior as I sit back at camp and wait for the results of the fight. Waiting for the real men to return screaming their victories.

I know this to be true as I have no real goals....I just get up each morning head to work....do the things I am seasoned at.....write a blog...talk to some friends...eat lunch...go home....hit the sack to gear up for tomorrow.

I am not really complaining...am I? I just don't remember getting off the bull....when did I get off? Was there ever a bull? I guess I must belong in the seats and reciting to the young children my escapades as a bull rider so they will be impressed enough to try and ride that bull too!!

Am I OK with this? The dust has settled and the bull is gone......should I go bull shopping? Or just bask in my created memory of how great it was out there? I guess I will have to sleep on this one......Ski
July 26, 2007 at 6:50am
July 26, 2007 at 6:50am
Well ....A picture of my new car if I had the money to buy the car of my dreams.........Thanks Thea....at least I have a picture of one and Bugzy is looking into the possibilty of making it bigger ( returning it to it's original size).

Damn, I want this car......we already have an intimate blog together!!!!!
July 26, 2007 at 4:50am
July 26, 2007 at 4:50am
What do you think you would have to do to earn a million dollars a day! I mean Wow, do people actually earn that much? They must work really hard and do something so very important right?

Well, The President of the United States (last I heard) makes around three hundred thousand dollars a year. If you counted each day as a "work day" he makes $821 dollars a day.

Now, of course he makes that pay for the rest of his life, even after leaving office so if I calculate that in.......Let's say the average former President lives 10 years after he leaves office........ummm...hold on my brain is calculating......that's 10 million or so for eight years of work........that is $3,561.00 per day in office.

Now his job is pretty important right? Well, would you believe that someone actually does make a million dollars a day? I heard yesterday, Oprah makes $265 million dollars a year and if you figure a 5 day work week, that is -----ONE MILLION DOLLARS A DAY!!!!!!

That blows me away!! I mean yeah, she is pretty interesting to watch and stuff, But 265 mil a year? what does she do? Do you think she has to show up every day at a certain time? Somehow, I can't see her punching a time card..........

Hey, All the power to her I guess.....it is her money....she somehow convinced someone to give this money to her....so in that sense she did earn it.......It just drives my brain crazy! I can not comprehend cashing my daily check for one million dollars and not feeling a little guilty!

Do you think we give celebrities too much? It is our fault you know. Sure we watch those TV shows, we pay to go to concerts.We buy the records....oopps I mean CDs..HEHE...I'm not THAT old..am I? OK, I did own a whole lot of 8 tracks and I even had a reel to reel when I was a teenager.

Most of you probably have no idea what a reel to reel is. Well that used to be the best quality music a person could get. I t looked like a projector.....what a minute, some of you may not even be familiar with a projector.......OH! I give up.......just look up reel to reel on the internet..........acually I don't know if it would come up....I think I will try it....

So, If I had 265 million dollars, I think I would leave my job and I surely would not worry about working next year!!!!!! I would buy a 1956 red and white corvette convertible though........ SKi
July 25, 2007 at 4:58am
July 25, 2007 at 4:58am
I almost lose my breath as I catch my first glimpse of you! A silhouette in the bright sun, I can imagine your heat building inside. To me you are perfect. Curves in all the right places.

Oh, I know many people may not see the beauty that I do. But I don't care what other people think. They are not the ones that dreamed of this very moment.
I am so full of anticipation, I have waited forever and finally, there you are.

My pace slows as I near you. The lump in my throat grows bigger as I realize the emotion is stronger than I imagined. I can't wait to touch you, to wrap my essence around you. I want you to be mine forever.

I know you are not perfect in many a man's eyes, but I did not expect more. I want you just the way you are. I am aware of your strong spirit and anticipate
your need to excite me.

I shudder slightly as my first touch is not disappointing. You feel perfect, smooth but surprisingly cool. I can hardly contain myself as I want so bad to be in you. In control and commanding your sleek body to the horizon.

"Take her for a drive." The burly voice pierces the silence and brings me to reality.

I smile as I open the door and get in. You engulf me. Your seat is perfect, as if designed just for me. A turn of the key and your roar sends shivers up my spine.
The sound of your old V8 engine purring and waiting for my command overwhelms me.

"I'll take it!" I blurt out as I shove the shifter in reverse......It my be 51 years old,but this car was made for me!

July 24, 2007 at 5:04am
July 24, 2007 at 5:04am
I know, that is a crappy (bugzy's word) title for today, but That is how I feel. Not that I feel bad, just don't want to bother with the work day. I don't really feel like writing some inspiring little blurb that excels me to blog stardom.

Yeah, I am tired of all the people chanting my name and marvel at my thunderous thoughts of wisdom. NOT!!! I guess I know better than write that .....
I feel I make fun because I am struggling to find my real worth lately/

Oh, not at work or at home, I know my worth there.....Yea, they can't seem to survive without me....... No I'm talking about my inner worth....me feeling that I am on the right trail for the long haul.........does anyone know what that is?

If some important figure......Oh let's say God or equivalent stopped in one night, had a cup of coffee and a cookie as he described his plan for you......well wouldn't you have to listen? Then you would have no questions in life, You would now know what was expected of you.

On the other hand, if you found out .... say through some life path magazine or one of those computer generated phone calls that there is no plan in life and after you waste your time on this earth trying to do things right, you just drift away in the wind..............well, would you live different?

You see, I don't know........yeah, I guess I am not in the loop....no one told me.
Well I take that back, I have been told by many that want to influence me......The church, my parents, other parents, the government, many different writers, all those paid programs on TV, the bible, the people right here on WDC...........

They all agree to disagree I think....so how does one decide to live their life? If
you could finally find the real truth, wouldn't you do everything you could to follow that? Well I would!

I know........a bunch of you are saying...FAITH...have faith, follow your faith........
Now isn't faith one other thing that has been pushed on us by people with certain beliefs?

Well I am very analytical and things are real to me when I feel them them and see them.....I surely don't believe everything someone tells me....OH no, you need to provide some truth......something solid to see and touch........so what do I believe? You have asked the right question I guess>>>> Ski

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