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August 14, 2007 at 6:48am
August 14, 2007 at 6:48am
I think the problem in this country today is there are too many people like me....That's right I am the problem......You see, I lack passion......

I love music, it moves me inside, but I can't sing and I don't play an instrument.I use other peoples passion to feed my desires.

I have strong views about our government. I complain loudly when there is waste and poor decitions......I rant about things I have limited knowledge of.......I read something in the paper and suddenly decide I have the capability to judge......So what do I do?.....run for office to change things? No, I do nothing...........I don't even go to town meeting in my own little town.

I complain about drivers on the road......they have no respect.....I find myself getting mad at them and using certain gestures...........So why do I rate? Aren't I doing the same thing as them? Shouldn't I practice what I preach?

I am in awe of people who accomplish major things in their life. What do they have that I don't? I think it is passion.....Yes the limited few run our country, write our music, invent our new toys, feed our economy, fight our wars, act in our movies..............

All these people have passion and act on it................I wish I had it too....but I just don't. I want to be that guy that can sit down and get completely lost in song, or guide the country to a new direction.........I want to be a world known inventor.
I want my name to be associated with great things.......

You know what though? I am just a guy rambling through life like a large majority of you out there, depending on someone else to do the tough stuff for us......I do not want to be that guy.............but I can't find the passion......it's just not there.

I think you have to be born with it......It is not something you learn to do.....it comes from deep inside and explodes as it blossoms from the body..........

Don't misunderstand, I am not complaining......that is right, finally I understand...it is time to stop complaining and giving credit to the backbone of our world.......I can see that real important people an step aside for them to take care of us......I can no longer complain unless I am ready to step up and take the responsibility off their shoulders and put it on mine.......until I can do that, I will stop judging......

August 13, 2007 at 4:53pm
August 13, 2007 at 4:53pm
.....UPDATE<<<<<< I found out today that slugs have both male and female reproductive organs.........When the get together,,,,,,,well they both pass eggs.......sounds pretty good huh? NO, think again........A lot of times the penis gets stuck and the other slug bites it off!!!!! OUCH!!!!! and then the slug with the lost penis becomes a female only.......big surprise for the next orgy huh??

Another reason I'm glad I'm not a slug!
August 13, 2007 at 5:20am
August 13, 2007 at 5:20am
I was riding my bike Sunday morning. I left the house at about 7am and the sun was in full bloom, it had just popped above the horizon and promised a nice day ahead.

I sucked in a huge breath of fresh air.....I love that! It was slightly cool but had undertones of a warm summer day. As my body processed the fresh hunk of oxygen, I noticed a slug in the road. For those of you that are not familiar with a slug, it is a slimy little fat worm like thing that excretes a slimy substance. It uses the slimy substance as a means to travel. I guess you could say it creates its own path.

So here it is crossing the road....I find myself thinking..Why? Yeah why did this slug decide to cross the road? He (I guess ...could have been a she..how would you know?) Was only about one quarter of the way across and the sun was already coming up.......One of their enemies is the sun....hard to make slime when the sun is baking you.....add in a black tar road and ....well ....might as well be in a frying pan.

So this critter is crossing....now on the side he left there was grass and roadside vegitation ....I look on the other side and see ...grass and vegitation....Hmnn......I rack my brain......why? Well the road when wet with morning dew is a prime base for the slug to travel on.........

Oh, I see a life's lesson here......he took the easy road....haha...pun? unfortunately, there is nothing better on the other side. Now it takes a slug many hours to cross the road and being only part of the way across...well the sun will dry the road up before he gets to the other side........Yup baked slug is on the menu today.

So he took the easy road to get to the same surroundings that he already had....and he will die trying.....how intersting.........I can see many people doing the same thing in their life.........funny how the big picture is apparent to me and the foolish slug is just squeezing out that slime and pushing forward.......

What is the slug mission in life anyway? I mean most everything has a purpose...What is the slugs? I honestly can't think of anything...they eat vegetation and ...........well that's it......

Reminds me of when I was a kid, we would poor salt on the slugs....the salt would cause them to melt and in a few minutes they would just be a puddle of slime.....Oh, and being boys.......well we peed on them.....yup lots of salt there......hey! We were just kids...what did you expert?

Now it may sound cruel....but slugs eat the best part of the plant in the garden and it we didn't get rid of them....well no crop!! So as I got older I did grow some compassion.....So when I had my own house and my own garden, I read some where that slugs loved beer and if you put beer out they would be attracted to that rather than the plants.

I found that beer worked quite well and instead of melting them, I gave them a huge rip roaring party....Oh they died anyway but hey they had so much fun...I could hear the music into wee hours of the morning. I would go out in the garden in the morning and there was the pan of beer.....slugs passed out (dead) all over the place..... laying in the beer, some hanging half out .....I saw one laying on top of anouther.....not sure what they were doing but mix more beer than you can drink with a horny guy slug and ......well do I have to spell it out?

I am sure I was well know for my huge slug beer drinking parties.....the draw back is that I think the were printing it in their newsletter because they we showing up in huge numbers and before I had a Woodstock on my hands, I decided I had to do something.......plus I was giving up so much beer!!!

I read somewhere that Planting Marigolds around the parameter of your garden and sprinkling salt around it too would keep the slugs away.....that worked pretty good but they still got in and ate my plants.....I stopped having a garden....Hey I had to move on you know!

Ever stepped on a slug?......you would know if you did.....all that slimy crap oozzing up between your toes.........OK, got side tracked here....was actually going to write the life's lesson about an acorn I saw right after I passed the slug....will have to wait for another day I guess!!!!!

August 10, 2007 at 4:33pm
August 10, 2007 at 4:33pm
I came across this today....really liked it.

As I've matured I noticed;

I Don't suffer from insanity..I enjoy it

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

There is a fine line between genius and insanity

Age is a very high price to pay for maturity

It is not what you wear but how you take it off

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Don't compare yourself to others. They are more screwed up than you think

What ever hits the fan, will not be evenly distributed

It takes years to build trust and only suspicion, not proof to destroy it.

No mater how much I care, some people are just jackasses.

One good turn gets most of the blankets

You can not make someone love you, all you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

You keep vomiting long after you think you have finished

ex's are like fungus, they keep coming back.

We are responsible for what we do unless we are celebrities.

99% of the time when something is broke around the house, one of your kids did it.

The people you care about the most in life are taken away too soon. The less important never go away and the real pain in the asses are permanent.

Anyone agree?
August 10, 2007 at 5:15am
August 10, 2007 at 5:15am
You know, the internet sucks in a way!! It allows us to reach out and interact with all kinds of people....Yeah we can sit back and portray our essence any way we want......Are we being real?

I sometimes forget that people here are just that....people ...real people with real feelings.....Yeah, we joke around, laugh and snicker as we read the most creative things.

A whole community of faceless people.......some we know quite well, some we think we know and others we just barely scratch the surface with.....we are all here reaching with our outstretched hands, asking for tiny morsels of life from the other occupants..........

We feed off each other in a strange way.........is it because we have something missing in our real lives? Or is this just a lone thread of our braided existence?
Is this real? Well is it?

It feels so real to me and I do have connections with people here.......but am I filling their lives with something positive or just taking up space that should be for someone else?

I came here quite by accident......I had just started writing and emotions were flowing out of me....I came here and thought.."hey a place for me to get feedback...to see if I really have some creative talent" I didn't want to be that person who sings in their car or in the shower that somehow thinks they are fantastic......then are shattered when they sing in front of a bunch of people only left with that hollow feeling created but the unrelenting laughter of our so called friends.....

I thought this site was safe.....yeah a safe haven to try out my new venture in life.........I did find the support and I found some huge critisism......but what surprised me, is that I found a community...a pot full of people who were here for all different reasons but feel into the same trap.....I began to form friendships....hey I have something in common that was not related to the rest of my life......

A special place that I sneak of to and get to play with my friends.....Yes that is right, this is my playgroud....I can swing and climb on the monkey bars, gossip on the corner, run around and chase the girls.....pulling ponytails and pretending I hate them.......suddenly, I find this is part of my life......

I am afraid though, I know the recess bell is going to ring and it will happen when I am not prepared to stop.........I really enjoy my friends here......how did that happen? I only wanted to write a couple stories and see if people actually liked them..........That is all I wanted....how did that small request turn into this?
August 9, 2007 at 4:55am
August 9, 2007 at 4:55am
Ok, here is a crazy thing......on Discovery channel they ran a special about men breast feeding.........HEHEHE...I'm not making this up! This couple from Bolder Colorado had this kid see and the mom was reading this book about breast feeding.

In the book it mentioned that Men had the capability to lactate.....that's right produce breast milk.....HAHAHA! the thought just tickles me...I mean come on!!

OK, So anyway, the guy reads the book and somehow they decide as a couple....which means she decided that this guy, David would do the breast feeding...Hey, why should woman have to do all the work?

So a couple weeks after reading the book, he looked down and his shirt was wet.....milk was leaking out! So I am thinking......were there exercises or something? Did he have to message them or play with the nipples? Or perhaps his wife had to suck on them like the baby would to jump start them?

I am struggling to understand......why is it a guy would want to do this? Did he have to wear a bra with the little peekaboo hole in it? How big do you think they got? I can see it now, I quick little game of basket ball, he gets kicked out of the game for leaking milk all over one of the other guys........Oh yeah....his life is ruined as he now has to wear a bra for the rest of his life....but hey, on the bright side, he doesn't have to buy milk anymore!!!

August 8, 2007 at 4:41am
August 8, 2007 at 4:41am
Am I just filler? That is a question I have been asking myself. You see filler is something that is used to create bulk or cut costs.

Tapioca is a white powder substance with zero nutritional value but has the look and feel of flour, but no qualities like flour. They import this stuff in huge 1700 pound bags. It is then mixed with flour to cut the manufacturers costs.

The tapioca does not affect the flour as far as it function in foods, but does not help either. By doing this the manufacturer makes more money.

Sometimes the "filler" does affect the quality of the product. When producing product with cast steel, they use sand as a filler. The sand creates bulk, but in this case it also lessens the quality of the steel. The more sand, the less the quality.....but sand is cheap so it increases profit.

In the human world, there are good people, great people, important people...and also "fillers" I guess I am wondering if it is time for me to admit to myself that I am a "filler". Now don't get me wrong, I am not complaining or whining......Just trying to be realistic.

When do you decide to put your unrealistic dreams and desires away and except your fate? I'm thinking it might be time for me to do that. Yeah, perhaps it is time to admit that I am merely a worker bee and get on with my duties.

I don't view it as a bad thing, no actually, it might be nice to just enjoy life without huge expectations looming overhead......I mean let's face it, If I was destined to be a rich dude, then I would surely have lots of money already right? I am surely not going to invent some amazing thing and I will never be President.

No the most I can hope for is to support the important people that are rising stars and help them do their best to help us. I think I can live with that I guess....I don't have to save the world to feel I have done my part.......so maybe it is time to admit that to myself?
August 7, 2007 at 5:14am
August 7, 2007 at 5:14am
I look around today and see people ......worried about their health, their diet, their kids. They concentrate on making sure their kids are protected and happy.....but are they? happy I mean? will they look back at their lives as children and enjoy their memories?

Are we doing the right things with our kids? Or FOR our kids? I did not force my children to get a job when they were ..say 12-16 years old....No I wanted them to have better than I had.......but did I do the right thing? I gave them money when they needed it. We took them places. We sheltered them from the cruel world!

As I think back to when I was 14, it was so much different. I got a job because I wanted money to buy a dirt bike. My parents didn't buy me one, they didn't find me a job, they didn't offer to do anything to help me....I am not even sure that they knew I was looking for one?

A friend of mine had a Kawasaki 90 combination dirt trail bike, he knew someone with one like his for sale......I wanted it so bad. My friend worked on a potato farm....so I rode my bicycle over there one EARLY morning and they were getting ready to head out to the fields to pick potatoes.....the owner didn't ask for a resume' or even if my parents approved.....he just said get in if you want to work.

I now had my first job. It was very hard work and hot and dusty....but I was happy...I could earn the money I needed......Funny when I think about it....I didn't have to ask my parents if it was ok, I didn't even tell them I was going over there to ask for a job......At this point, for all they knew, I was still in my bed at home.

I didn't ask if I could even buy a bike........I would have made my kids ask and then I probably would have bought them the bike.......Would I have been wrong?
Should I have forced them go find their own job and earn their bike?

Well I do remember a few things about that time; No one there was on a diet! No one was heavy or overweight. no one complained about the work. No one got a ride from their parents....some walked, some had a car...I rode my bicycle...that is until I bought the dirt bike, then I rode the trails there.....

There is something that is hard to do today....ride a dirt bike to work....no one wants you on their land! Though soemtimes, at the end of the day when I was beat from 12-14 hours of picking potatoes, I would just ride the roads home.....no I didn't get picked up....one reason is we had no cops in our town, but if we did, he would probably not do much about it..Hey, I was working and this was my transportation...he would have been concentrating on real criminals...you know?

When lunch time came.....you could buy lunch..as long as you had money..if not, they did not worry about feeding you....oh well,,,,your responsibility....speaking of that, they would get a lot of cash from people stopping by to buy potatoes and they would stick it in this bowl on their counter. At the end of the day, they would pay us from that cash.

Nope we didn't have to wait untill the end of the week and if we didn't show up one day, well we didn't work.....and no one ever stole any money from that bowl...
I learned to work hard......my parents didn't push me or give me a ride or even acknowlege that I had a job....it was just expected....if you wanted something then it was up to you.........There is something I think we lost here!

Why didn't I continue this tradition? Why did I think I should guard my kids from this? Why did I think it was better for them? Wouldn't they be better people today if I didn't do everything for them? When did I fall off the wagon? why didn't I see the importance here?

To my defense, the world is also different today....you can't trust people like you could then. My son couldn't ride a dirt bike to work. They wouldn't be able to hire him on the spot and pay him out of the money bowl.....no the world does not allow that stuff anymore......maybe it wasn't really me that changed....perhaps the world changed and I adapted to it? Well that's my story I guess, Yes the damn world changed! I miss those days.....I really do.
August 6, 2007 at 4:45am
August 6, 2007 at 4:45am
Hey..........I thought I hired a ghost writer......turns out I hired a PR firm!!! Problem is .....now I have to either have the Ghost back every morning or actually try to fill the shoes laid out for me!

I wish I could say I was out tooling in that vette on Friday but the fact that I don't own one put a serious dent in that plan! It is true, I am full of BLUSH this morning as I read Bugzy's entry....What did she take notes all this time? Or did she go back and suffer through reading all that junk I spit out?

I must say I am slightly embarrassed also.......I half expected my Ghost to take her golden opportunity to bash the hell out of me and put on some kind of roast or something..... What was I thinking? Now that she said all those nice things....Damn I have to live up to some of them!!!!!!

Seriously.........Thanks Bugzy...thanks for being such a good friend.....I have so many good aquaintances but very few good friends......bugzy is sure one of them!!! So excuse me as I wipe this oddly flowing water flowing out of my eyes? What is this damn stuff? How do you get it to stop? Bugz,,,,, what have you done to me?

Can men cry and still feel like a man? I'll let you know once I clean this liquid mess up with a mop!! Can men mop up their cry juice from the floor and still feel like a man? I guess as long as the create a good sweat and do a half-ass job they would still feel manly??? EMBARASSKI
August 2, 2007 at 6:10pm
August 2, 2007 at 6:10pm
see comments for my Ghost blog

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