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September 10, 2007 at 1:49pm
September 10, 2007 at 1:49pm
OK, So here's what I'm thinking. What If you had the opportunity to have one sexual experience for free.

Now, it would be a total freebee….no chance of getting any diseases. No repercussions with your current lover or spouse.

You can pick a revisit with an old flame, A chance gone bad in the past, a fantasy that you never dared to try or some total new experience.

When you’re a day is done, you have the choice to stay or come back to your current life with out anyone knowing (other than you) what has happened.

So here are my questions,

How many of you would take the experience and visit an old flame?

Would you take into consideration the fact that they were married or had a partner? If so, would you offer them the choice?

How many would try something new?

Even though no one could possible know about it, would it affect your current relationship because you knew?

How many would choose to do nothing at all and just stay with your current situation?

What do you think the chances would be that if given the choice, you would give up everything and stay with that fantasy or old flame?

How many of you would tell your partner either before or after (even though you would not be required to)?

Now once you have contemplated that, what do you think your current partner would do it they had the free pass?

What if they told you before? Would you let them experience it?

What if they did it and then you somehow found out, how would you feel then?

What if you chose to see an old flame, came back and then found out it was a dream, would you feel differently about it?

Is a dream and reality really that much different?

Is it really free if you know in your own mind that it took place?

I am writing a story about this and looking for some feedback as to how the average person "really" feels about this.
September 10, 2007 at 5:36am
September 10, 2007 at 5:36am
There will be a blog today, but the printing press broke down last night.....I am fevorishly working on it but wires are burnt and fuses blew....so it might be a while......Not only that, but there was major road construction on my way to bloggsville this morning.....only one lane for miles and everyone was heading in at the same time...not to mention the heavy rains..........when I paid the toll, my window stuck down...hate those electric windows...why do they put those in there? ........No I don't travel the highway in the morning, It is just a bunch of excuses!!!.....stop by later...OK?
September 7, 2007 at 5:20am
September 7, 2007 at 5:20am
In all my 51 years (not an old geiser by the way) .... Well OK, A little old.....but I feel and act 20 so if you subtract 20 from 51..........ummm...hold on... need my toes...did I count that one twice?.......Umm, 31.......yeah that's right 31......

What was I saying? Oh, I have done some pretty crazy things....some I am even proud of.....but wearing a dress...in public.......with out shaving......and realizing I shouldn't bend over to tie my shoes......well that is pretty bad!

Am I too old to have any dignity? Or perhaps I am wise enough to understand I can laugh at myself sometimes and it is ok to be silly.....well maybe even fun. I think I found out yesterday that I am just a normal guy and people don't always judge me by my accomplishments and down falls.

I guess I can just be a guy who is one of the crowd....nothing special .... just mingling in......I think I like that.........Just being silly with my friends....no expectations...no watching your back....no worrying about consequenses.....just having fun......it seems so relaxing.....thank-you all for giving me that experience.

I promise not to wear one again though....you have suffered enough.....And that picture is floating around the internet forever......I am sure it will surface the next time some bank looks up my credit score or does a background check......I think it has probably been locked away in the homeland securities vault by now.....surely they are watching me!!! HAHAHA.....don't they have something better to do?

Some people run races dressed funny to attract attention.....One kid wears dungarees, a flannel shirt and flannel hat. I have seen Superman, Ninja turttles and Togas..........why not a Tu-Tu? UH...well no I think that would be going too far........I don't want a reputation or anything.

Do you think something is wrong with me?
September 6, 2007 at 4:48am
September 6, 2007 at 4:48am
You may want to skip this blog as I'm still stuck on the soul mate thing. I can't seem to wrap my hands around the meaning. Is there some guideline or list out there that one could use to figure out where they stand?

I mean, how do you know if you have a soul mate? Just because you have been with someone for a long time? What if you have not met yours yet....if not then you surely would not know the feeling, thus might might think you had one already. It seems it would be a relative thing; if you have nothing to compare it too then how do you know?

I would like to see a "flow chart" See, A flow chart in my industry, asks pertinent questions and guides you to a likely answer. One you reach the bottom of the page (or chart) you have a likely answer or solution.

So if there were a flow chart for soul mates, then one would know for sure if they had one...right? I would like to create a chart but need some help. I could use some feed back on what you think it is that tells you you have met your soul mate...or if not, what you think an outline would list for one......

I am anticipating upward to a million answers hear as I know there are many readers that do not respond.....yeah, it's you I'm talking about...and you and yes you.......get busy....I expect answers today!!! Get to it! Ski

P. S. If you see me in a tu-tu today....well I didn't really wear one.....someone....and I won't mention Bugzy's name cause I don't do things like that, fabricated a cute photo of me. I must say I look better than I thought and perhaps I should try a new career....I just have to learn how to dance!!! Oh... don't ever tell someone "never"......
September 5, 2007 at 4:51am
September 5, 2007 at 4:51am
Last night she came to visit me again. She was in my dream. Is it a kindred spirit? I am confused at times when I try to understand the reason why I would feel so close to someone who is not mine and probably never will be.

People say kindred spirit, soul mate, spiritual twin, energetic connection, perhaps this explains it? Are they all the same thing? Or are they totally different? Can one have a Soul mate and a kindred spirit who are two different people?

Does it have to be just one or just two? Perhaps you can have many. I think a soul mate would be the person you spend your whole life with, you life partner. I don't think you can have more than one of these.

Now a kindered spirit, that could be totally different. can't it? I think I have at least three. Mine are all women but I suppose it could be either sex. Some would think this is a sexual attraction or lust. Well I think it is much more than that. More like a deep rooted connection that encompasses all of the emotions. So sexual energy could be part of the equation but does not have to be present.

Quantum Physics tells us that everything we see is an illusion. The physical world is an illusion, it is made up of atoms that are a gigantic pattern of rhythmically repeating energy interactions.

In other words we are a dance of energy, we send out wave lengths of our energy patterns and when that pattern resonates similar to another's we fit together vibrationally. This energy is our Karma.

When a "like" Karma crosses our boundaries, it affects our energy field. We feel the connection physically. this creates a bond and a special good feeling. Of course that explains why some people give us a bad feeling even if we have just met them. Their energy field acts like a magnet that disrupts our field.

So, in my dream, I think I met this other energy field telepathically. That is why it felt real. That is why I still feel her this morning. Is this the right explanation?
Or have I mixed up a bowl of garbage to explain my feeling? All I know is that it felt real. When our eyes met, I am sure she felt it too. If I could talk to her today would she admit she met me in her dreams?

What does this all mean? This person has been a friend of mine since high school. They lived down the street from me. We have always been friends but never been lovers. We never dated but ran in the same group of friends. So I guess people can't say it is a sexual draw. I don't know what it is.

We talk occasionally and it is as if no time has past. That may only be once or twice a year. She has invited me and my wife to visit. We never have. Seems awkward somehow. Is that selfish? Almost like I want to cherish the special "alone" time we have even though it is very little? Or perhaps I am afraid of getting too close?

Well I have only touched the surface of this subject and surely one of my other kindred spirits will read this soon (you know who you are) so I must end for now.....besides, how will I get any work done? Do I ask too many questions? Wouldn't it be great if I just found a way to answer some of them?

September 4, 2007 at 5:08am
September 4, 2007 at 5:08am
I think I lost my goals....this weekend was good for me I think. I did work Saturday but had two days to slow down a bit. I actaully lazed in the hammoc yesterday and took a little nap. It was very peaceful and gave me a chance to let my crazy brain just wander.

I was surprised to come across this thought....What are my goals? Well I grew up always having one...There was always something I wanted, some plateau I needed to reach. This day, I had nothing.....nothing at all.

It was such a strange feeling. Why didn't I have something? Was it a sign or some twist of fate? Is there a huge emotional storm just around the corner? I feel like I am on the very edge of some big event......eaither that or I am just an old geiser with nothing more in front of me.

Not sure what I should say now.........do I really want turmoil or should I be looking forward to not having to strive for something? It's not that I don't have plenty to do.....with the stuff at home, the kids and work....well I am loaded with responsibility.....this is more my internal needs.....I just don't know where I am going.

Anybody out there understand that? Is this normal? Maybe it is an age thing?
I am not 100 % happy with my place right now but at the same time have no direction to follow.....stuck in limbo I guess....

I could use more money, but don't want to or feel like working harder to get it. I am running but don't feel like racing, I love my wife but crave some time to myself.
But I have nothing to strive for when I am by myself....I think my transmission is in neutral....how do I get it into drive?

So, is this the calm before the storm or am I in a normal place for a guy my age?
Now, I am not really complainning if that is what you are thinking, I didn't sit around all weekend an waddle in sorrow. I went for a nice easy 5 mile run Sunday that was very enjoyable...I didn't think about my pace or feel like I was trainning for a race...it was just a fun run...yesterday I got up pretty early and went for a nice bike ride, passed some people I knew and a few I didn't know...had a nice smiling hello to them all. Stopped at the store, bought a coffee and paper...sat down on the steps, nursed my coffee and read the paper.

I worked on the pool house and got a lot done inside and went for a refreshing swim.......But I still feel like something was missing this weekend.........Hmmmnn,
It will come to me.

September 1, 2007 at 9:39am
September 1, 2007 at 9:39am
Eight oclock at night, my daughter's house in Farmington, Maine. Five people, each carrying a homemade pie. In the middle of each pie, a large lit candle. They are singing happy birthday as they parade down the driveway.

OK, this is different, I think out loud. What an experience! They were singing to my oldest daughters boy friend. He is 30 and this is his very first birthday party. It seems strange, but he said no one has ever thrown him one before. My daughter decided to change that.

When she invited us, she said "this is a dress up party dad, so be sure and dress accordingly."

Well, being no stranger to formal parties, I had difficulty picturing her friends dressed in a formal manner. Not that they don't dress for occasions, but they are a free spirited group and well (hippie dress) is a normal thought for them.

I should not have been surprised.....but I was. One guy showed up dressed all in black with a cowbow hat and black and white shoes. Another guy, towering somewhere in the six foot five area had long dreads, a dress shirt, black dress pants that were pulled up to his belly button and showing most of his black socks and open sandals. In his back pocket, a bottle of Jim Beam.

Two girls walk up, one had a green prom type dress and the other a black net type outfit with nothing much underneath....they were (together). A family of four show up, the mother had a Samari type dress, one daughter had a tu-tu on, the other desparately trying to drop her diaper and the husband wore a standard office attire with tie and fake black hair halfway down his back.

My daughter was wearing a stunning black evening gown and her daughter a beautiful purple dress. A women shows up with a suit on....but not orthadox in any way. She had a pearl tie ...... Yes a tie made of pearls.....and the pants were only long enough to cover her knees. Anouther long haired couple shows up, the man with a dressy shirt and pants, the woman, a thin sundress. Not a bra in the crowd...unless one of the guys was wearing one!

Every one brought some strange food that they either made from pickings in their garden or bought at the health food store. Not that it didn't taste good, just didn't look normal. I had a cucumber salad that had stuff I didn't recognize and probably don't want to know, but it tasted great!

This was surely the look of a hippie commune gone dressy. Now that being said, no one got drunk, I didn't see anyone smoking cigarettes or smoking anything for that matter ...(though I suspected the latter) there was no judging at all. everyone was accepted and everyone showed up with a bottle of wine.

All the kids played amongst the grown ups and in was a party of good feelings and love. What a great experience. Of course I was dressed the wierdest.. I had dress pants, a dress shirt and very short (buzzed sort of) salt and pepper hair. I looked a little out of place against the average age or 25-30.

I tell you what though, there was no turmoil and I had a great time. It is surely the type of party you might see in a movie and remark that it would never happen. The pace in this town is slow and the people are friendly. I love that my grandchildren experience this lifestyle.

I fell in love with the apple pie. The creater warned me that it was made from unripened apples and might be a little bitter.....I loved it! That girl can make a pie!

So, I got home at 11:30 ... A little late when one has to work the next day...and I must say it was a party to remember........I think I might ask for birthday pie at my next party......

August 31, 2007 at 4:55am
August 31, 2007 at 4:55am
This morning came unexpectedly. I was not ready for it nor did I embrace in my usual manner. No there was no pleasure in my 3:30Am start today.

Why do some morning feel so good and other are like beating yourself up the side of the head? I didn't really do much different last night. I went to bed at 9:30 or so. I did twist my ankle when running 3.5 miles cross country last night, but that doesn't usually affect my morning.

Perhaps it is just a build up from the whole week and the fact that I am working tommorow (probably) I don't know....all I know is my body felt I was being very unfair to make it roll out of bed this morning and then on top of that I made a decaf coffee......my body would much rather the caffiene.

SO........I am not going to stay here too long today....just letting you monkeys know that I am alive today (as far as I know) and I will be back later!!! Honest.
August 30, 2007 at 4:56am
August 30, 2007 at 4:56am
Why do people say "God bless you" when you sneeze? I am sure there is some reason long ago that people felt you needed that encouragement. I mean what is wrong with a sneeze that deserves God's attention?

He doesn't bless you when you have hiccups, or when you are coughing. Seriously, I can think of a few that need some type of divine intervention when passing gas!!

The only thing I can think of is the fact that your heart actually stops beating when you sneeze, so I guess it would be good to pray it starts up again. If God blesses you it will and if he doesn't? Well what do you think?

Isn't it odd to think that as many as 5 or 10 times a day a person could require services from God for sneezing? What is sneezing really? Well it is merely the sinuses trying to clear it self.

Another odd thing ---you are taught to cover your mouth when coughing..... Moms always remind you ..."cover your mouth!!" Do the ever say "cover your nose!" when you sneeze? I actually do cover mine but most people seem to just let them sneezes fly.

I actually like sneezing sometimes.....It feels so good! Almost like you blew some bad carma right out of your body....and it clears things up. Coughing rarely does that other than the occasional flem blob that propels from you throat now and then.

I know a guy that refuses to sneeze. Yeah, he covers his nose and mouth and tries to force it back in. His head jumps around and his face turns red. He makes just as much noise and attracts just as much attention as he would if he let it go and then it the process he almost blows his head off. That can't be healthy!

Now if you are remarking when someone sneezes, aren't you really saying it's OK? So shouldn't it be "I bless you?" But when they cough all you think it what was drilled into your head "cover your mouth"

Do they ever say "cover your butt." when you let that silent one go that suddenly erupts into a full blown roar? Isn't that a better time to get a blessing? Actually, I guess the poor recipient of the gas cloud is the one that should ask for God's help Which brings my mind to hicups.......They don't say anything about that.....do you think it is because it is involuntary?

You have to say "excuse me" when you burp but not when you hiccup ...but isn't a hiccup sort of a bunch of small burps spaced out in rhythmic order? Now how many of you still excuse yourself when farting or burping when no one is around? I suppose a lot of you do. So why don't you "god bless me." when you are alone and sneeze?

My sneezes are lonely I guess or perhaps self conscious because they almost always come in pairs..... yup, one comes and not long after that another. I guess mine just don't travel alone. What I hate is when I have to sneeze, I wait and wait, my nose wrinkles, my head swells and..........then nothing....it drives me crazy. What did the damn thing get scared? Was it worried about getting blessed?
Does God really care if you sneeze or not?

August 29, 2007 at 5:42am
August 29, 2007 at 5:42am
I am so tired of this! This morning I wrote my blog. I felt it was inspiring and unusually bright. I sat in awe as I proof read. realizing how talented I must be to write this kind of stuff with no outline, idea or battle plan.

Yup, I just sat down and my fingers went to work. If only my brain would find a way to back that up. My smile was uncanny as I pushed the spell check button.
It is no secret that the spell check button is my very best friend.

Wait, the spell check didn't work..what the heck? I pressed it again...nothing...So I press edit, then spell, then I don't know what I did........but it was gone! Sucked right out of existence by the computer demon.....Yup He showed up (well could be a she) and took my fine work.

You see, I can't duplicate it......It was an instant creating. No outline or anything.......Gone forever and now I have no blog to submit. I have been reduced to nothing...the new proud owner of a one line blog saying, I'm sorry, I have nothing for you today....If only I had the time and memory to re-create it?

Sorry! ........ I am so sorry.......my million (or is it million and one?) readers will be turned away today hungry for their daily feed......I have failed you and I am sorry.....When will I learn to save then spellcheck? I am so useless sometimes....well most of the time but I hate to admit it..... I will leave now, head hanging as the humility drips off my forhead.....did I say I was sorry?

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