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July 10, 2007 at 4:48am
July 10, 2007 at 4:48am
I am a little tired but excited at the same time. Is that possible? I just returned from "Blogger's Nightmare" A huge smut party that I wasn't even invited to.
If you could see my sad face you would surely shed a single tear as you laughed all the way home.

I only wanted people to like me and thought it was unfair that a certain someone of whom I will not name...Bugzy.......Got all that great attention and I didn't get any.....I know, WAWA.

SO I assume this person I'm not naming...Bugzy...rallied up some pretty cool friends and had a rip roaring party in my port! I hope you guys had fun? I only wish I had used that word.....can't say is here because the landlord might kick me out....But anyway..... SMUT......there I said it again..GEEEZ....I kinda feel good when I say it.............

SO ....well ... thanks guys....you sure did bring up my spirits and one thing more.........could you invite me next time? OH, when Sweet T say's she has to leave to take a bath.......well ...we do have imaginations you know!!

Hey BM, you're pretty cool but next time you keep all the babes to yourself, well it's you and me outside girl.................I think I need to go take a bath....HA HA HA!!!! Damn that was a great party!! .forgotSki
July 9, 2007 at 3:46pm
July 9, 2007 at 3:46pm
>>>>CRABS>>>>>>>CRABS>>>>>THIS IS A TEST!!!!!
I was amazed at the responses Bugzy got when she mentioned crabs///\\& smut.....unbelieveable! Almost as many as Tor! I wish I was that popular!!!!!!!!
smut..smut..smut..smut... Write smut and they will come......
July 9, 2007 at 4:37am
July 9, 2007 at 4:37am
Yeah, It keeps showing up.....Monday. I heard on the radio yesterday to make believe today was Friday instead....What? You can do that? Does my boss know? Cause if I don't show up tomorrow....Tuesday/Saturday
Will I get in trouble?

OK, I worked on the water problem....Now Bugzy told me that it is against blog law to talk about the same thing three entries in a row.....so I guess I can''t tell you how it went.

I am so mad that I can't tell you how I messed everything up. I yelled at a plumber that wasn't even there. I ripped the sheetrock off a wall only to find.....No pipes behind it!

I just can't tell you about the fact that some plumber played hide the pipes in my house 20 years ago? Well I also can't tell you that I did finally find them but have some ugly holes in my walls and that I still didn't find the leak?

If I could, I would tell you that I did manage to install 4 water shut offs and a new hotwater heater. Yes, I wish I could tell you how tired I am! Dragging the old one up the cellar stairs.....well it was not fun!

What I can tell you, is that the weekend (which started for me at noon on Friday) I needed to pick up the hotwater tank and fittings, was way to short and it was overcast with rain all three days!

So, here I am, at work and HEHA! It's Friday already! Yeah.....I love Fridays, See you Monday!!!! Ski
July 6, 2007 at 4:39am
July 6, 2007 at 4:39am
I remember when I was young, "Icaboocrud" was pretty bad stuff! I don't think anything could have been called worse with out swearing. Well I had forgotten that term until yesterday as I was feverishly trying to get on top of my water problem.

I left work early (4:00), Stopped at the hardware store to pickup a couple shut off valves and some solder. My battle plan was to cut the pipes down stairs and install shut offs.....still some swearing in my head about that one.....that damn plumber....I asked for shutoffs...didn't I check after?

I gathered up all my implements of destruction and headed down into the basement. The floor was soaked and a stream was alive and well right across my floor! I slopped through the stream and shut off the water supply to the whole house. It was this creaky old valve that surely forgot it had more than one position. For a minute there I thought it was going to break!

Finally mastering that task, I set up a step stool...(Ok, I am not that tall...so shut up about it)... Each step higher put my head into the haze of Icaboocrud.....Dirt, cobwebs,wet sloppy black stuff stuff.(I guess from furnace exhaust).........Got the picture yet?

Once I get the pipes cut and shiver with the water running down my arms and soaking my shirt, I clean up the pipes and sweat on two shut off valves.....turn on the creaky valve and.............No leaks! OK, Now I have disconnected the pipes to the upstairs shower.

I gather up more tools, my sheetrock saw and a broom..(my wife made me bring the broom) I locate the spot I think is right and cut open the wall in the second floor bathroom. I find more Icaboocrud, but can not see the leak....it is between the floors! I said some words that your imagination might enjoy!

I was out of business for the night. I told my wife that I needed a lot more parts and would have to leave the second floor shower disconnected for now. It was when went back down cellar that I ran into Murphy's law's twin brother.....Damn Shelly your were right .........the whole floor was now completely soaked as Murphy's brother..expensive had reared his ugly head in my cellar!

How could the floor be even wetter? well the hot water heater was bubbling out of the top of all the penetrations.......Water was running everywhere. I closed the shutoffs......yeah they were there..I installed these! Then I mopped and mopped and mopped.....got real tired of mopping....Again these new and strange words were surfacing!

OK, so I get things cleaned up, crank up the de-humidifier and wash the Icaboocrud off my body.....thought I might take a quick shower........That is when my heart sank.....I turned on the shower on the first floor and you what I heard? Yup absolutely nothing! the pipes I capped apperantly went to the first floor shower too.......Well, when I told my wife, she blurted some of those words that are now seeming quite common and said "no way, I have to take a shower in the morning...fix it!"

It was now 9:00 and I had no parts........Then I told her that tomorrow I would have to rip the first floor bathroom wall apart too..........That is when I saw Icaboocrud in the form of words......Yup she was not too happy....of course neither am I.....the work ahead of me will surely take all weekend.

Icaboocrud.......sure is a funny word.....I am bound to find more of it this weekend and by the way, my wife washed her hair in the sink this morning.....it wasn't that bad!............Yeah she survived the Murphy thing so far, but what will this weekend bring? Who knows? I am sure my donation to murphy's brother ..expensive will be substantial!! Did I tell you one of the words my wife used? Yup....PLUMBER!!! No way, I plan on getting it right this time....well with shut offs at least! Ski .... soaked and cruddy,,,,Icaboocrudy!
July 5, 2007 at 4:57am
July 5, 2007 at 4:57am
Funny, this world we have Huh? Things go real well and some good things are going on.....then poof, that damn Murphy's Law thing takes over.

My house is sick...that is right, things are falling apart. Just when I wanted to concentrate on things outside, the inside gets sick!

I went down cellar the other day and noticed some water on the floor. I checked out an old hot water heater and decided it must be coming from that....cleaned up the water and went on my merry way.

The next day, more water.....hhhmn, I think it is the newer hotwater heater that might be leaking?....My wifes yells down that the ceiling in the down stairs bathroom is wet.

I check the ceiling and verify that she is not full of.....well you know what.... anyway it is wet...I'm
thinking the two water problems must be related...maybe leaking pipes upstairs running down into the cellar?

This morning I went down to turn off the valves for the upstairs......hmmmn, I'm sure they put in valves, I asked them to...... found no valves....been 20 years and I never checked...had no reason to... at the same time I realize that the two problems are not related!

Now I had two big problems to solve! Well actually three because I have to move huge amounts of storage junk to get at the water heater....why do you think there is still an old heater down there?

I will also have to rip the wall apart upstairs to get at the pipes up there......OH... I have some work cut out for me....now I guess I won't get the pool house siding done.

Just when I thought things were coming together ...
That damn Murphy....I wish I had his phone number!!! Ski
July 3, 2007 at 5:50pm
July 3, 2007 at 5:50pm
Please insert your reponse to what you think I might say if I was actually at work on the 4th of July instead of at home lazing around my pool!!! I want good quality conversation here OK? I might just peek in the morning so don't put it off all day!!!! I will start you off........ Blaaa BLA bla? blabla bla! Ski
July 3, 2007 at 5:18am
July 3, 2007 at 5:18am
Isn't it funny how the human mind works? We have the uncanny ability to see our friends objectively and give our amazing advice for their lives....but we can not see our own?

I am surely one of these people......I have my own shortcommings that I know of and probably many that I don't see. I live in a glass house too, why do I through stones?

Why do I feel this overwelming need to fix everyone? It seems I can't just let them live their lifes and keep my two cents right in my hip pocket ---where it belongs.... hey, I can use the money..you know?

I have always got these "feelings" about people and situations and seem to get a good mental picture of who they are and what they represent. Of course it is not always right but I do have a good percentage... I don't know if it is anything special or more the fact that I am analytic and I pick up on little things.

Maybe, I am just a good detective? SO what? Do I hurt as many people as I help? Am I doing the right thing or just disrupting the lives of others? Perhaps I should stand back, take a look at my own life. Then I could fix my own problems....right?

Nope, I think not as I am just too nosy....I think I have Beagle in me.....walking around with my nose to the ground following that trail like it is my last mission on earth! Yes I suppose I am the cute little dog that has the luxury of a couple table scraps .......that is until I overstay my welcome and the damn human swiftly kicks me back onto the pavement to find my next meal.

What am I trying to say? Yeah....that's a good question.... isn't that what blogs are for?........to puke out information until it either purges your soul or empties your stomach to make room for more nonsense!! I guess I have done that today! Ski
July 2, 2007 at 4:50am
July 2, 2007 at 4:50am
Friday night my wife mentioned that there was supposed to be a pink moon. I have never heard of that. Have you? We went outside about 8:30 PM. I searched all through the sky, but saw no moon at all.

The stars were very abundant though. Some very bright ones. I can't remember that many extremely bright ones in the past. We could hear a plane and located two of them seemingly heading toward each other. It was easy to pick them out as the familiar blinking red and green lights were visible.

Then a fairly bright clump of lights appeared it was about three steady white lights and it was heading in a circular pattern south east. behind it was two red dots that seem to be catching the white ones. One of them disappeared twice and re-appeared white for a few seconds before it turned red again.

The red ones finally caught up with the white ones and they eventually disappeared. So what were they? It surely didn't look like a normal plane. It was moving about the same speed as the planes we saw and we could hear the sound of a plane. Of course there was a plane crossing the sky too, so that could have been the noise.

Now I am pretty open minded and even though I would be the first to admit it would be quite vain for us to think we are alone in this vast universe, I would also find it hard to believe that some intelligent aliens were cruising around my neighborhood when there are many more important places in the world to visit.

I then remembered that the leader of Russia was coming Friday to visit our president at his family home in Maine. The compound is about 30 miles south of me. I would assume that their leader would have a couple security planes working point when he flies. So it was most probably him.

I still wonder though, are there visitors from another world? If so they surely must be more intelligent than us. If they are, why would they bother with a bunch of crazies like us? We surely must look quite immature to other life. You think?

I heard that former president Bush took the Russian leader out for a speed boat ride and then they did some fishing. The meeting was at the Russians request. Do you think he was just looking for an exciting and different place to spend the holidays? If he was interested in coming to Maine, well maybe the aliens would too? Perhaps they too were looking for a different place to spend the holidays.

Of course they surely would not celebrate the 4th though, but they might like a speed boat ride, some fishing and a good seafood dinner. Why else would they come here? Ski
June 29, 2007 at 4:44am
June 29, 2007 at 4:44am
I am first into work in the morning and I shut off our phone which is an answering service. So this morning she tells me that some lady called the service at 4:00 AM to get a message to her doctor because her child had poison ivy...........?

Yeah, This is an emergency? Apparantly she didn't know about it last night?
It's crazy and if she thinks it is that much of an emergency then she should go to the hospital.......That is where people are AWAKE to help you.............

So.....I know I have been ragging about my job lately(sorry Bugz) and it seems
only fair to give some positive views too. I have been working very hard the last three months and it has been extremely crazy at work.

I was stuck it three meeting yesterday with my two bosses. They never agree and they usually want me as an allie. If I take sides, I have one of them mad at me. I was smart though, I knew the agenda and kicked off reports to bring with me. When they asked a question, I sided with the reports.

Sometimes it supported one and sometimes the other....I left with both of them fairly happy with me, we came to an agreement and solved the problems...He..Ha!!
I love being prepared...it knocks the steam out of the emotional side of a meeting.

So anyway, I was so happy to get past these meeting,which took place in my office....You see it was 95 degrees and humid....I have AC and They don't....long story.....Anyway, they hand me this envelope.....and it was a bonus....it is our year end June 30 and usually they give out some 401 contributions if profit was good.

I have gotten little bonuses before so I was not surprised.......that is until I opened it........$10,000.00 yes..ten thousand dollars!!!! I was shocked (of course it was down to $6900 after taxes but who is complaining?) I felt a little guilty as I am not used to getting this type of reward.

I guess my point is that if you work hard things are bound to come back to you.
Not that this will make my job easier, but AT least I know they appreciate me! The timing is good too because the money will come in handy!!!!

Yes the green glow was shinning last night when I went home.....I already made plans to help a couple of my kids with some financial needs.....It feels good to be able to do that. We are going to fly my daughter home form Arizona for a week to be at her brother's college graduation.....It will be so good to see her!!! We miss her so much. Ski
June 28, 2007 at 5:05am
June 28, 2007 at 5:05am
It came to my attention yesterday after my nice little blog about firefly juice, that The Green Lantern glows much like a firefly and given my close association, perhaps it would be my burden to find his secret and use it to solve the worlds energy problems.

First of all, Well..........there is no Green Lantern..... I don't know how else to tell you but blurt it out. You see Green is a projection of my inner self. His glow, first of all is not really green, more like an Indigo. What it is can be explained easily if you have ever seen a mood ring.

You see there are emotions in all of us. These emotions are portrayed through our Aura. Yes, that's right, the aura radiates our true emotions and when Green is out fighting evil, the blue/green glow becomes prominent. If he becomes very tired or sad then the dark colors take over and the aura turns dark.....much like the mood ring....so of course no glow.... See isn't it easy to understand when explained that way?

So.......I am the Green Lantern and the glow radiates when I am fighting hard for what I believe in......Get it? (Sorry...all you cute girls that fell in love with the handsome, powerful Green, it is just plain ole me! You will have to find some other hunk to worship))That's right....so there is no super hero in that sense, just me trying to do my best for others.

Here is an example; Bob Dylan....... not attractive..raspy voice that barely carries a tune...yet we love his songs..(well I do) other people that really can sing try to sing his songs but they are not as good. Why?

It is simple, his songs radiate his internal emotions....you see and hear the internal Dylan....surely not the same as what we see at face value. Think about other artists, Bond Scott (AC/DC..love their music!)stands ten feet tall with the confidence of John Wayne. He actually was a short little squeak (when he was alive) but you wouldn't know it when listening to his huge inner emotions on stage.

So, our emotions show our true self through aura and Karma.Some people can see it, others just don't open themselves up enough. Ironically though they do when they fall in love with a wrestler or a rock star. They just don't realize it.

Here is a great example; Many woman fell in love with Barry Manalow (sp?) His sweet love songs burned deep in their heart....he is surely not a handsome guy!
Stop and think of some of the well accepted artist and what they really looked like....Joan Biaz, Joe Perry, Tom Petty, Niel Young, Here is a good one, Clay Aken from American Idle..cough..cough........ I could go on for hours.

You get the picture?.....it is when we let the true-ness out that people see us for real....That is the Green Lanterns glow!!

So here is my new problem.... As I was turning into my yard Tuesday night, a women traffic controller stopped me. They were hot topping the road across the street from my driveway. I pointed at my bumpy dirt driveway and shook my head. She seemingly understood as she smiled and mouthed the words OK, then smiled.

Well as you all know, that is a verbal contract and even though my driveway is 200 feet long, I expected to see a fresh coat of hot top when I got home last night. Well, what a disappointment! The road across the street looked so nice and my driveway......still dirt! We had a contract! I am a tax payer, in essence, her employer and she said yes with a smile.........so we had a deal right?

I wonder if I can sue? Then again, I could take the money I would use to sue and hire someone to do my driveway...... people are wicked sue happy these days.......don't get me going on that subject!!! Green....Out!! Ski

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