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May 10, 2007 at 5:08am
May 10, 2007 at 5:08am
Well........ I am am having an inner self type of day so far. It is like I am hiding inside someone elses skin and looking out at the world, hoping no one sees me. Just thinking about my life and where I am really going. Sometimes I do that. Sit here and think about who I am, who I have become, why I ended up on this trail and not some other. I suppose everyone thinks like this ........ I lot of self questions....Am I really doing things right...I freely give people my insights and advice, but who am I to do that. Maybe what I have to say is not "good stuff" maybe my brain is full of crap and I have no idea what I am saying? Oh, don't get too upset, I am OK and everything, Just thinking. I guess I am prone to give my two cents worth like it or not! So, they are talking thunder storms today and strangely I am looking forward to it. I was always in awe of thunder storms... all that raw power..but still tranquil at the same time, and the electricity seems to clean the air. It seems so much fresher after a storm. Well I guess I have bored you long enough today........Ski
May 9, 2007 at 4:55am
May 9, 2007 at 4:55am
Well, track was hot last night. 79 degrees and no one was complainning. It is about time, we have had a cold and wet spring so far. This was a welcome change. Only problem is the black flies were out, appearantly they were enjoying the great weather too. I ate a couple while running,can't help it while trying to suck in enough air to satisfy the lungs demand. I swear these black flies are Japanese, they were surely flying suicide missions as they seemed to take a bee line for my mouth. One did real well because he flew (could have been a she) in to Dana's mouth (he was running beside me) He caught it, spit it out and the damn thing had the tanasity to fly right in my mouth....uccck. Dana appologized. Honestly what could he do about it. I tell you someone else's spit wrapped around a bug is not the meal I was hoping for. The things the world throws at us HUH? I have been told that they contain a lot of protien, so I had that going for me but the taste really sucks! Tonite I rest, I get to go home and mow the whole lawn....Lucky me! Some day I should get a rider. Of course the pushing is good exercise. Takes me about 1.5 to 2 hours to do the whole thing as long as I haven't let it get too tall. So, Why did I put in such a big lawn? I ask myself that every year. Ski
May 8, 2007 at 5:14am
May 8, 2007 at 5:14am
Morning, I am not thinking too deep today, I guess my brain is on the lighter side. That is where I go when I am digesting imformation. My brain is making those "crunching and clicking" sounds your computor makes when it is working. You know it's figuring something out and that damn hour glass just sits there. Well my hour glass is in limbo right now. I have some things to iron out in my head. I am sure I lead you astray as you probably thought lighter side to mean humorous. Well sometimes it does..... not this time........ Be back later...Ski
May 7, 2007 at 4:54am
May 7, 2007 at 4:54am
Well the weekend is gone again. It seems to evaporate as fast as a smoke ring. Looks big and beautiful when you first see it then within seconds, it expands and evaporates as it dissapears you only have the vague memory of what it once was.
After a while you can't remember for sure if you really saw it or if it was a figment of your imagination. Now I have to wait 5 days to see another one.....Boy that seems like a long time!!! Ski
May 5, 2007 at 6:22am
May 5, 2007 at 6:22am
Morning gremlins, I know, I am late tody. What can I say it is the weekend right? I got up at 4:30 and went down stairs to get a run in. did four and a half miles.... feeling pretty refreshed now that I rinsed off the sweat! Well I have to thank ShellySunshine for the great week. I bought her sole at the auction...Oh by the way, Great job..Iammark and what a great idea! anyway I had some wonderful virtual adventures with Shelly.. we had some crazy times. We were planning on a trip to Pypers in PA to take her out for some virtual swing dancing..as in our minds, we are very good at it ...thought we would rub it in..anyway time worked against us and we didn't make it. The virtual airport was a mess..grounded planes and overbooking...then I lost the keys to all four of my vehicles and the taxi service refused to come get me and take me to the bus station..something crazy about a tornato...it is crazy because we don't have them in Maine!! So, the schedule went to virtual crap. Now I have a lot to do, Shelly is off with her husband for a getaway weekend, Pyper wants to spend quality time with her family (and she should!) so I'm thinking of taking a mind trip up to VanCover (sp? too lazy to check) to see Bugzy. She invited me over to visit with her "puter" and swim off her dock. Maybe we will find a dance hall and do some swing. It will be hard because I have to multi task today ---cleaning my moms yard and stuff. Luckily by brain does it's own thing most of the time....never asks me first, so I am sure I will make it up to Bugzy's. I plan on barging right in, I hope she has some food ready cause I am hungry....then I think I will surprise them all and jump in that 54 degree water... I know there is a chance of shrinkage but I have to prove I am crazy enough to hang with the bugz..........Then when I leave, I think I will bring some Lilacs home for Sheila, she loves them (secret; I do too) don't tell anyone, I don't want them thinking I am soft or anything. Well as usual I have nothing to say as my brain can barely think of things to write so I will have to say goodbye for now. Hey, you know what I feel kind of sci fi today, I think I will go visit Paul Matheson, he writes some great stuff.......... SKi Out!!!
May 4, 2007 at 4:53am
May 4, 2007 at 4:53am
Ok, my grandmother, I called her grammy, anyway you all know she was a little different. Well here is another tid bid about her life. She always had a garden and she wanted some chickens. Well my dad got her three chickens and she decided to name them so she would know them apart. She named them..... chicky, chicky chicky and chicky, chicky, chicky. she sounded funny when she called them in for supper. She recognized them individually. It actually was kind of cool. I don't think the chickens knew the difference though, I think they all came to chicky. In chicken talk, it was...come eat!
May 4, 2007 at 4:46am
May 4, 2007 at 4:46am
It sure seems good to say that....The last day of this work week!! Boy it has been busy and I guess I made it to Friday. I went to my son's girlfriend graduation last night. She is a RN also. We just met her about a month ago. He has been with her for about three months but he likes to be sure about things before he takes steps. After 2 months, he decided that things were looking strong so he introduced her (and her two children) Yes we were a little surprised, but we were ok with it. We don't judge so she seemed to feel comfortable with us. Well I am a little tired as we got back so late last night. and this morning still showed up at the same time. This day will probably be long...I also have to go out of town to look at some equipment we might purchase for work so that will squeeze the day up severely. Plus I am planning a virtual plane trip with Shelly Sunshine today, so I will have to fit that in! Good thing it is only in my mind, that way I can multi task. A good friend asked me how I am doing...she is relentless and genuinely concerned. I have avoided the subject so far so I will answer it here......How am I? Well I am not mad..nor am I sick. I am not sad, if I had one emotion to pick. I would say I was glad, yes glad for the great friends I have had. ...............Most of you have probably been writing all your lives and it seems old hat, second nature and possibly normal. Well I have only been writing for a year..It feels like a new girlfriend, exciting and so many new and unexpected things right around the corner. When I was in my teens, I would have called me a geek...reading and writing for pleasure????? Whoda thunk it! Here I am with all these friends at the tips of my fingers. Almost like I can reach out and touch them ever so gently on the arm..A light touch to say Hi...I care, yes I care.... It really is foriegn to me, I am used to ...one on one/ face to face kind of relationships..this is so different .. like a new girlfried or exciting present for christmas, My birthday and you showed up with gifts... yea, gifts just for me..... don't have to share with my brother (that's a story for another day) well....Thank-you all! SKI
May 3, 2007 at 6:56am
May 3, 2007 at 6:56am
My grandmother was driving in a snow storm and unlike most old grandmothers, mine was in full command of the road and felt she owned it. The storm was severe, but she had to go down to the store to buy something she absolutely needed right then and there. Don't even know what it was now. Anyway she was powering along, we figured later, about 40 mph, and she rammed right into a plowtruck. She said the bastard was going too slow and wouldn't get out of her way. She hit the plow while trying to pass him. My parants took her car away from her that day and the state decided she should not drive anymore! Funny, as I think about it, she was a unique person. Ski
May 3, 2007 at 5:42am
May 3, 2007 at 5:42am
Hi I'm back. Felt like I needed to clarify a bit. You see, My Gradmother was mentally ill.....It was tough for our family as we built a little house for her behind our farmhouse and she lived there. She was difficult sometimes, but I was the one that could handle her and calm her down. As I look back now I can see the traits my mother had but didn't realize it at the time, I guess it was because compared to my grandmother, my mom didn't seem so bad. I know now how tough her sanity was and of course, it reflected on us kids. Anyway just wanted to give a little background for my decition to work at an institution. They don't have them around here now. Society has changed a lot and now we allow the mentally ill live in the main stream....why did it take so long for people to learn that we are all in the same boat, some of us just struggle a little harder with it than others. Ski
May 3, 2007 at 5:25am
May 3, 2007 at 5:25am
Well, I made the mistake of surfing some blogs this morning....Got myself talking and thinking about some things in the past and here I am sitting here and ...well I guess I am a little down....this happens sometimes, no big deal. It just brings back memories that I don't like to think about.. A time in my life that should have been the best memories of my childhood. Mine ended at 16 years old. One day I was 16 and the next I was a man ..... an Adult with huge responsibilties..... I somehow found a job, It was hard back then to get a mans job when you are just a teenager. People do not take you seriously, why would they? I had an interview and they said we can't hire you unless you are 18. Well I said"I am coming back every day to prove my comitment and will not stop until you hire me." It was a job with the State taking care of mentally ill patients at a State institution. I felt I had what it took to handle a job like that and I wanted to help people...kinda driven for that...anyway, I would walk into the admissions office and say, "you got a job for me today?" And they kept saying no. One day after about two weeks, I walked in, asked the question and they said, "show up here Monday. They said they were tired of me showing up and if I was coming everyday anyway, I might as well do something. So I got the job. My only qualification was detirmination! Well, I need to change my thought direction for today..........see ya Ski

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