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April 14, 2007 at 7:23am
April 14, 2007 at 7:23am
Morning everyone! Well all two or three of you. I slept in a little today, it felt good. I got up at 4:30 and ran 6 miles. Something feels oddly exotic about being covered in sweat that early in the morning! Can't explain it and probably have talked about it too much already. On the way to work, I was listening to talk radio (as usual) and the song amazing grace come on. Now this was strange because talk radio does not usually play songs. Well anyway, it struck an emotion and I couldn't help but join in. Lucky that no one was riding with me because I would consider myself a one, on a scale of 2 to 10. Honest! I really stink! If I was around during the world war, they would have hired me to replace the siren! I wail so bad that animals will run away in fear! People would call the cops asuming that I am slowly and methodically torturing some poor bastard. Anyway here I am driving down the road bellowing amazing grace at the top of my lungs and the emotion is swelling. Like I said, I worship where and when the spirit moves me. I must have had some spirit this morning. Might have been a little better but I couldn't remember all the words so I had to stick some of my own stuff in there. Now that was comical, so I got my shot of comic relief this morning too! SO I am all set I guess, got my exercise, religion, comic relief , That exotic feeling (didn't do anything about that other than take a shower) and a coffee all before 6:00am. Damn good I think! Have a great day!! Ski
April 13, 2007 at 4:46am
April 13, 2007 at 4:46am
Well, here it is April 13th and I had to shovel snow this morning. What is up with that. The snow is very heavy,wet and thick. Perfect for a snowman, though I doubt anyones feels up to doing it! I must say, the word sure looks different this morning. It was still dark on my way in and out at the ends of my headlites, was a beautiful calm world. The snow covered everthing, every branch, the power lines mail boxes. Like a smooth white blanket laid gently to warm us from the cool breeze. It almost does not look real, as if a cartoon has ripped it's way out of the fantasy word and taked possesion of our life. I can't help but enjoy the scene as I drive through the 6 inches of snow not yet removed by the plowtrucks, appearantly
winning its battle with us humans even if only for a short while. It was to cover us completely and the plowtrucks are frantically fighting back by pushing the snow to the sides. Eventually the trucks will win. There is something tranquil about a snow covered road that has not been disturbed by car tracks. I almost felt sad as I ruined that smooth blanket with my sliding vehicle. My vehicle almost smiled though as I expertly slide around corners and powered up those slippery hills. As usual, the journey ended as I was compelled to turn into the yard at work, park our van (all wheel drive so don't worry) and shovel the walkways. I'm here and the
beautiful ride is over. Work, has begun!!! Ski .........
April 12, 2007 at 5:38am
April 12, 2007 at 5:38am
Hi, I know I'm late, but I worked on my emails first and just finished my shift at the Recovery room. Well, I call it a shift, I don't actually get paid and no one put me on the schedule. I just believe in the support process and spend time there to give what I can. It may not be much as I am not a proffesional in anyone's streach of the imagination. I am however, pretty level headed and perceptive. I have seen some bad stuff. (funny way to put it HUH? Bad stuff?) anyway, the Recovery room is there to help support people that want to talk and just need to get things out. At the same time, through discussion they end up helping others. What a great system. Stop in and check it out. Do your shift and I guarranty you will feel good about. Well I guess I can't really guarranty but I can say chances are you will feel better. SKi
April 11, 2007 at 5:50pm
April 11, 2007 at 5:50pm
Today is finally screaching to halt and my body yearns for the trip home. In my mind's eye, I can see the bellowing smoke of my tires as my truck lets out a huge YAHOO and shoots toward freedom! It is short lived though, tomorrow a huge snow storm is threatening to invade my world. It is April for Christ's sake. What does the snow storm think it is doing? Surely Mr. Frost is not so mad that he must punish our quivering bodies with sub zero temps and a blanket of frozen water. This is crazy, I wish I could tell on him but fear he has the approval of his superior. Our world is one of change and disarray (sp?) Surely not spelled right but my lazy being refuses to use the energy to check, so you all must suffer my
short commimgs. I laugh out load "HA----HAAAA! It is OK, every sane person has left the office, only us crazies are left. I tilt my head way back and laugh again ----- HA....HAA..HAAAA. --------- Ok, I'm done because I know Mother nature and her side kick Jack will be the ones laughing tomorrow. I do have four wheel drive so I am not worried, I will make it to work. Boy, that is stupid, if I couldn't make it, I would have a day off! Hmmnn, I guess I should not have laughed.. Is it me? Am I really crazy? SKi -----gone!!!
April 11, 2007 at 5:03am
April 11, 2007 at 5:03am
Well, the week is half over. I have been so busy lately, it seems like the world is traveling at 100 miles an hour. Finally it has caught up to my aching brain. The damn thing just keeps steamrolling. At times I can't get the words out fast enough.
If I actually learned how to type, I could probably write a book in one sitting! Instead, I struggle with the 2 1/2 finger dance. I make a lot of mistakes so it ends up being 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Kind of like a pulsating writing form. Probably pretty funny to watch!! Ski ..out.
April 10, 2007 at 6:14am
April 10, 2007 at 6:14am
This is my second blog today. I just couldn't leave without getting past my ranting. Sorry about that, but I get crazy sometimes. SO anyway I am back to normal and trying to think good thoughts. I woke up at 3:00 this morning, decided not to run and rolled over for an extra 1/2 hr. Got up at 3:30 and felt good. Guess I needed the sleep! So I'll be sure to run tomorrow, I have to, that is when I think best. I have a feeling that this will be a second Moday and am gearing up for a tough day. I can handle it so don't worry. I just heard the weather forcast and wow! It is going to Snow Thursday! This is quite a winter, it was warm through January and now cold and snowy in April. I think the weather God has lost his place here. Maybe he is just making up for the mistakingly good weather in Janaury? Anyway, I think I will just call this March instead of April, then it will feel about right. Ok, now I am ready to get some work done.........Bye
April 10, 2007 at 4:43am
April 10, 2007 at 4:43am
Morning, I have thoughts bouncing around in this crazy cavity I call my brain. I don't understand what is happenning to our kids! My youngest son is 21 years old. In high School he was on the track team. One of the girls on the team had a horrible ordeal in her senoir year. Her Father killed himself. He was severely depressed and she struggled to deal with it. She was a very nice girl, upbeat and seemed to handle things well. This weekend, she walked into the woods near her moms home and hung herself. SHe was only 21, how did she fall through the cracks? Why did no one see her turmoil? Four years ago, a friend of my oldest son (he turned 28 yesterday) who was in college became missing one day. His twin brother found him in the woods, hanging. His twin did not even know there was a problem. There were no drugs involved, no split parents, just good kids giving up. Why are we allowing this? what are we as a society doing wrong? Have we done such a bad job in this world that our kids can't face it? Sorry, I am usually upbeat no matter what, but these are our kids, it's Crazy! How can a child be that depressed and we do not notice? Shouldn't someone have noticed? I wonder if we are pushing our kids too hard, making them grow up before they are ready or are we not giving them the tools and guidance they need to cope with our
crazy world? I wish I knew the answer! Ski
April 9, 2007 at 5:17am
April 9, 2007 at 5:17am
Well, I am at work again. What can I say, Monday morning just keep showing up.
You deal with it. My proffesional mask has been slid into place and my emotions pushed into it's parking spot for a little while. I have to say, I am beginning to enjoy this blog thing. It is nice to drop a few thoughts down onto this little white box and then I am suprised to see what garbage I write. I don't really think it is garbage in that sense, just in the sense of random thoughts with no real organization or pattern. It is my free spirit letting loose ...... Actually feels great! Like writing something and not worrying how people are going to rate it. I guess I do have a couple readers and so far have not bored them too much or turned them away with my constant views of the world. I try to help through association, kind of philosophical and analytical all rolled up into a pepermint stick. (taste good if eaten in moderation) Thanks to all of my new friends for allowing me to ramble and ramble and ramble .....well you get the hint. Ski
April 8, 2007 at 9:54am
April 8, 2007 at 9:54am
I got up at 7:30 this morning and went for a 7 miles run. It was great. I am sure if you have never run, it is probably hard for you to understand what it does for me. Well years ago I used to go to church every Sunday. I would pray and listen to the paster tell us how bad we were and good we should be. then all week long I wouldn't even think about it untill Sunady again. Our paster got caught doing bad things. I began to realize that many people were One day saints. They would spend 6 days doing whatever and one day asking for forgiveness. So I decide to live my convictions and beliefs. I live 7 days a week worshiping in my own way, not in some manmade white church, but every where, and all the time. I practice what I preach. My sermon of relaxation and revelaation is when I go out for an easy long run. I am one with the world and one with nature. It is amazing. My brain clears of all the junk and I blend in with my creater. He runs beside me, he is the wind and the sun. This is probably hard for many to understand, but nature is God, nature is my God. Have a great Easter. Ski
April 7, 2007 at 8:34pm
April 7, 2007 at 8:34pm
Well I didn't get on this morning and I have all these emails to catch up on! I didn't get up till7:45 this morning, It felt so good to sleep in late. I immeditely went out for a nice run. Even though it was only 31 degrees, the sun was out and it was beautiful. Bugzs, I took your advice and treasured the momet. I ran 6.5 miles and besides being tired, I enjoyed the sun shine. Took a shower then went to do my deed CLEANNINGmy moms house so she could get around with the walker. I can't understand where all the trash came from. Three big bags, anyway got it done. AActually had help from one of my brothers and me sister. I hope to get a chance to relax a bit later, I went to visit Mom after cleanning. Wasn't that much fun, she lives in the past and brought up abunch of old termoil, she acted like it all happened yesterday......She sure can twist the knife!!! SKi

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