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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
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"This is pretty much what journals are all about, at least to me.
I knew as I wrote them that even though they provided
an excellent place for brain (and heart, and psyche) dump,
they were mainly a map of me."
          --- Colleen Wainwright

"Writing gives you the illusion of control,
and then you realize it's just an illusion,
that people are going to bring their own stuff into it."
          --- David Sedaris

"Please write again soon.
Though my own life is filled with activity,
letters encourage momentary escape into others lives
and I come back to my own with greater contentment."
          --- Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

"In giving of myself onto these pages every day
I allow myself to write regardless of the depth and meaning.
I share myself with others without fear of recrimination
for these are my thoughts, my feelings and my very being,
and there are non who's opinion of me matters more than my own."
          --- Rebecca Laffar-Smith

The Writer's Round-About

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June 24, 2006 at 6:40am
June 24, 2006 at 6:40am
I sit here frowing at the familiar yellow and black pages, the names of friends who've probably long forgotten me and the screaming agony of my self-doubts as I try to turn my feet back to the path. Many months ago my mental meanderings led me far astray and while there has been joy and sadness in the strange wanderings along random trails the call of a steady road, the road back to my writing calls.

I miss the words. I use them every day and yet without purpose, without destiny, they hold no power. The power of words when formed inspire and delight and at the same time bring dark dread, chilling fear, shivering self-conciousness and doubt.

This feeling is a horrid weight leaning on my head, bowing my neck, straining my back and shoulders. I struggle to stand tall, to carry the weight like one with a finely postured walk might balance a book. I breathe, one breath at a time trying to supress the constriction of my lungs, trying to inhale deeply and fully and struggling to find the oxygen in air that seems so thin.

But I look ahead and behind in the same instant. In both directions are my dreams. For in the past they were so strong and clear and in the future they stand tall and proud. If I can get past this present, step back on the path that leads me to the future I've always dreamed of I could find my way to them.

Every step is just one step. For some reason stepping away from the road is easier then stepping toward it. Each step is an agony, like razors beneath my feet, cutting my apart and making my whole being wince knowing that the next step will be agony, and the one after. But unless I force myself to take those steps I'll never have what I want.

So I step, and step again. My feet bring me back to where I'd left the road many months ago. I look, left and right, seeing no traffic, the road lays dormant as if waiting for me to return. It looks firm and disappears into the distance in both directions. I step ahead, and now on the road face the future, determined to continue stepping forward and turning my eyes to the future rather than letting them find the distraction of the world either side of the road.

Long ago I wrote a post entitled, "Priorities, Willpower, and Action." Today I reevaluate and find myself coming full circle. So, I begin again, and I know that while it feels like starting over I've learnt a great deal already, and the path ahead is all new and full of opportunity.

So long as I just keep stepping forward...

November 23, 2005 at 11:55am
November 23, 2005 at 11:55am
Well, when it rains it pours. (If only it would rain.) lmfao

Bare with me, I'm in a strange mood and I suspect it's caffeine related. Had a bottle of diet coke today and haven't had coke in over two months. This could get scary. It's just gone midnight but my brain and fingers are still flying. *Bigsmile*

Anyway, just incase anyone still checks my blog I figure I might toss another of my particularly rare, at the moment, entries out there to give you an update. Begging lots of forgiveness for not keeping up with my favorite member blogs. I keep saying I will but then always seem to be doing everything else instead. *Blush*
<---- See My Favorites Over There

The Kids
They keep growing up. Isn't that just the strangest thing? Every time I turn around they look and act older. I can't believe Kaylie will be starting Year One in just a couple of months. She's got less than three weeks of school left then about six weeks of holidays before starting in 2006. She's been home from school all day yesterday and today. Sick. I'm not exactly sure what it is, she's been hot and lethargic, spend the days on the couch, dozing occasionally. She's not eating much but she's eating enough to sustain her. If she's still not looking well tomorrow I'll book her into the doctor for that afternoon. Perhaps it's just a touch of heatstroke since it has been very hot lately (considering it's not even Summer yet).

Josh is getting big too. He's TALKING!!! *cheers* And guess what goes down as his first official word? Nope, I'm not counting the 'oof' and the 'at'. *Smile* His first official word is 'MUM'. Or rather at the moment it seems to be, 'mum,mum,mum,mum,mum,mum,' lmfao. (Is that a sign that I don't pay enough attention to my kids? They have to keep repeating my name like that? *Wink* ) Of course talking does not make him any easier to deal with. He is stubborn, so darn headstrong it's like wacking my own head against a brick wall. The real problem is that I'm stuck between him and a hard place because I know I can't give in to his will at this age or he'll be a terror all his life. But we battle every day because of it. Still, he looks adorable even when he's being headstrong and technically, headstrong is good because it will hopefully lead to a strong confident boy/man. That's assuming we don't kill each other before then. Just Kidding. *Wink*

The NaNoWriMo
Still going strong. I'm a little behind the goal word count for this stage and with only one week to go I'm starting to get a little worked up about it. I was planning to do 5,000 words today but with Kaylie home sick, and that stubborn Josh deciding to find out how gooey a carton of eggs can be when spread over the kitchen floor, I only managed to get 3,000 written. Still, it's better than the word counts I've had Monday and Tuesday (0 words) and if I did 3,000 a day for the next 7 days I'd still make quota in time. *Smile* Of course, I aim to blow quota out of the water so hopefully I can get 5,000 done tomorrow.

Away from word count and into plot. I've no idea where I'm headed in a more immediate sense. In fact I'm not really sure in a general sense either. Still the plot is interesting and I'm enjoying finding out as I go along. It's a new experience for me because since adulthood I've always plotted my stories before writing them. That's because I'd never managed to finish any story I didn't have plots sorted out for. They'd just wander on for all eternity never actually reaching, 'The End'.

Child of the Storm at least has a basic opening, climax, and end in my head and while I'm 30,000 words in I think I'm barely reaching the half way mark. The hardest thing is that I've got three primary characters, all good guys, but they've not really, officially met the bad guys yet. They know they exist, one of them was dead in the first chapter, a group of them had ransacked a wagon in the second chapter, but our protagonists haven't actually had a physical confrontation with them and I'm starting to worry that I'm leaving it too late. Ohhhh, interesting idea just came to me. We could have a scene/chapter insert of what the bad guys are doing. That way our protagonists mightn't have met them but our reader has. Mmmmm, ponder, ponder. Still, anything in that sense would have to be slotted in so that it fits cronologically (I hate writing backwards) Maybe it's something that'll get put in during NaNoEdMo in December.

Over 100 new members in it's first month. I call that a marvellous opening. *Smile* Still going strong too and growing every day. It would be nice if more people created a character after registering, even better if a higher percentage of those were acceptable and those denied were edited to acceptable standards. But I can't really be picky. The good news is that I've got a great chat room game going every Saturday Night EST. Two players so far but both giving rave reviews after the first session last weekend.

The forum game moves slowly with so few players but story is progressing. I wish I could prod players to post more frequently but the slowness is inevitable with forum based gaming. At least we are getting some regular players happening and some of them are giving exceptional posts (others could probably stand a little more practice). *Smile*

The Weight Watchers
Well I'm still with it and getting into week 10 now. I'm not so happy with my results, it seems to be some big roller coaster ride for me but I suspect a lot of it has to do with not understanding it all right away. There is a big learning curve from having had an unhealthy lifestyle all my life, to learning how to make those changes to get things under control.

For example, Monday 14th we went to a meeting and the topic was Sugar Points. In WW your allowed 14 sugar/alcohol points per week. I don't drink but to give you an idea a glass of wine would be 1 point. A row of chocolate (Cadbury's of course) 3 points.

Anyway, I was doing the right thing, drinking my daily 2 liters of water (flavored with cordial) and watching out for the nasty sugar points by switching to diet yoghurt, jelly, etc. and using my sugar points for things like Jam (the diet stuff is horrible).

Little did I know how something so tiny could slip me up. CORDIAL. I wasn't drinking diet cordial but I thought because I added so little cordial to my water it wouldn't count. I mean I add only a quarter of the recommended mix. Anyway, during the meeting the leader was talking about nasty sugar points and I did the math in my head. One glass of cordial = 1 point. 6 glasses = 2L. 6 sugar points PER DAY = 42 Sugar Points Per Week That doesn't even include the 14 I thought I could add by having my non-diet Jam.

So, lesson learned, no more non-diet cordial. In fact I've gone no more cordial and actually find that I've grown accustomed to non-flavored water. *Smile* It's little tricks like this that have been throwing me around on the scales. In 10 weeks I've only lost 3kg. I'd be happy if I'd lost 5kg as that would be 0.5 per week and the average minimum you can expect to lose on the program. I'd be happier with 10kg total as that would work out to 1kg a week the actual average loss overall. Still, hopefully by getting the hang of all the little tips and tricks things will start going steadily down very soon. Meanwhile, I just remind myself that I'm 3kg healthier now then I was when I started 10 weeks ago. *Smile*

The other stuff
Still no renovations done on the house *Frown* The money slips away too easily on inconsiquentials. Quick fix, gratitude now, stuff. *Frown* Still, I could probably up my content insurance by another 2-3 thousand because of my new entertainment cabinet and DVD's. *Smile* I used to blow my money on food which always made me feel terrible, at least now when I blow my money it's on stuff that I can see and feel for years to come. *Bigsmile*

Wow, almost 1AM. Even with this coke buzz I need to get some ZZZ's so I'll leave off here. I hope you enjoyed the brief (yeah, right. *Wink* ) catch up. Have a great day/night/week/life. *Wink*
November 11, 2005 at 2:52am
November 11, 2005 at 2:52am
Since Mel's taken an interest I figured I'd give everyone an update on my NaNoWriMo Progress.

I'm on track although it hasn't been easy. The story flowed well the first day (3188 words) but then it all seemed to dry up. I struggled to get 1377 words the next day then nothing at all for two days after that. I sat myself down and made myself write for an hour the following three days and managed to drag 1394, 739, 626.

Thankfully forcing myself to do it got me back on track and the last three days have been much better again, 3126, 4084, 2879. I had to work overtime to catch up but I'm on track now and the story has been bringing me some surprises.

I hadn't done any plotting before starting so it's all unfolding right before my eyes as I write it. I do a bit of ruminating during each day then watch the results appear on the screen when I write.

I got the book by NaNoWriMo's creator, Chris Baty called No Plot? No Problem! There doesn't seem to be many 'tips' but it does encourage you to just do it. Get the words out no matter how bad or rediculous they seem as they happen. You can edit in December after you've written the 50,000 words.

So, I'm progressing, and I'm pretty pleased with the way things are coming along in the story. I'm not going to share anything more than the short exerpt I have with my profile on the NaNoWriMo website. The rest will be available when it reaches second, or maybe third draft. *Smile*

Still, got lots of words to write and the month is already almost half over. Only 4 weeks left of the school year and Christmas is right around the corner.
November 1, 2005 at 11:08pm
November 1, 2005 at 11:08pm
Woo Hoo!! Celebration. *Wink* lol Ok, so I know most of you didn't miss me (Hi Mel) but I wanted to drop in and let you know that I'm doing well and cruising along nicely. Feeling like I have something worth talking about each day had started to really become a chore so I stopped writing any entries at all in my blog which I suppose is even worse.

The good news is that I'm writing one today and I think that primarily it's because of NaNoWriMo. Hands up if you know what that is? For those of you who don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month (according to http://www.nanowrimo.org). I learnt about NaNo in December last year when people on WDC were talking about their results. Too late to join in the fun in 2004 but I've signed up this year and already made a fantastic start.

My novel Child of the Storm isn't as completely outlined as The Dating Game was when I started but the first chapter or so is well planned. I only remembered NaNo about a week ago and I had no idea what I would write. I did consider writing my other 'Storm' story but no matter how much pressure I put on that initial idea it just isn't growing. Perhaps it's destined to be shelved or perhaps it's only worthy of a short story (but then I have no idea how to do that either).

*sighs* Sorry, ramble, ramble. Anyway, I'm over 3,000 words into my NaNo novel after day one. And I'm feeling very confident at not only achieveing the 50,000 word count by November 30 but also having a substantial first draft at the end of it. I'm finally writing in the genre I want to write in (fantasy) and I've got a great story even if all the finer details aren't ironed out.

As for my other projects I'm still going strong there too. http://www.ipseitys.com is going very well and we had a fantastic 50 registrations in October with 8 characters approved for play. This is an excellent start for the site and I'm encouraged for the progress of the next few months. It can only get better from here on in. *Smile*

I'm still going with Weight Watchers although it's much harder and very frustrating than I thought at first. My first week I was very annoyed to learn I had actually gained 0.1 kg's. Week two was better with a 0.5 loss and week three a fantastic 1.6. Then it all fell down around me with a gain of 0.5 and another of 0.9. I'm hoping week six (weigh in tomorrow) will prove better results as I've worked hard to evaluate my last few weeks and get myself back onto the right track.

It's certainly not easy. There is a lot to learn about maintaining a healthy life style and it's more than eating less. In fact, I've discovered I have to eat more and that is something that is the hardest of all. How does anyone eat that much every single day and not explode? Apparently by not eating enough my bodies metabolism drops to reserve my energy stores and thus stores fat instead of burning it. Still, it's a challenge but I'm dedicated to sticking to it and making it work.

Kaylie has nearly finished Pre-Primary. She's growing up so quickly. I can't believe that in a few short months she'll be starting year one. She be six in April. That means it's been six years since I was that foolish seventeen year old who believed I was prepared for anything life might throw me and that I wanted to be a mother. I don't regret that choice, Kaylie is a joy, but six years later and I realise how young and clueless I was then.

In the past weeks I've done some various work for people, editing more than writing. One in particular has English as a second language and is currently studying at a university in the UK. He's from India originally and struggles with the language. He hires me to proof his school assignments and in a sense there is a little translation work in it. Not so much from a native language to English but from garbled translated English to, well, normal English. lol It's fun to see the way non-native speakers write other languages. I remember learning French and being very confused because sometimes sentences were, um, backwards. It works in reverse when they learn English.

Josh has had two new teeth come in over these past weeks. Makes for a grumpy baby boy that is more tiring than usual. He's also starting to communicate, sort of. Still no 'real' words but grunts and body language is improving. His understanding is excellent however so I'm encouraged by this to believe that the words will follow. He loves animals and always points out birds, and dogs and cats when we are out walking or in books. He kind of says 'woof woof' when he see's a dog but I think it's mostly my wishful thinking translating because it's more of a "ooohhhhfff" with outstretched pointing hands. lol

Beyond that, not much to update. I suppose I could also mention "Invalid Item. The response to this contest is still fantastic. I've just opened up round four and annouced the round three winners. To think this started as a 'what do you think of this idea' comment here. *Smile* Thanks again to everyone who supported the idea. Your support has benefitted so many people already and I hope to continue this contest into the future to aid many more.

Anyway, time to get lunch into me then hop over to my personal site, 'Still Writing' (http://www.ipseitys.com/laffarsmith) to update some links and possibly add a few more poems. I really should get some articles, short stories, short shorts, and novella's written to fill that site out. *Smile* But who has the time for that sort of thing with everything else I'm working on at the moment. *Smile*

Hope you all had a fantastic October and are looking forward to the November ahead. Less than two months till Christmas. Has anyone else not even started shopping for the occasion yet? I'll have to get onto that ASAP. lol G'night everyone.
October 9, 2005 at 10:35am
October 9, 2005 at 10:35am
I had a lovely day with family today. I always love the get togethers we have and it's extra special when it's a birthday but twice that again when it's two birthdays. *Smile* Early October is a time for family in ours. Both my mother and my sister have their birthdays, within days of each other. My sister, Amanda had her birthday on Wednesday and my mother's 51st birthday was today.

My eldest sister, Tracy, put together a lovely lunch at her home. She always put so much effort into these events but it's always wonderful. If the weather had been nicer it would have been a perfect day. Still, we braved the weather to sit outside, as her small unit would not nearly be big enough for us all.

Of course, I went knowing that I planned to completely ignore points and I enjoyed the meal very much. Of course when I got home I couldn't help tallying up what I had and the results are a bit shocking. The good news is, because I planned to blow the points today I'm not beating myself up about having done so. Today was completely within my power and going back to points tomorrow is easy. I might however keep the rest of the week light to try and make up for the points I used today.

Tomorrow is the first day of the final term of school. I'm looking forward to Kaylie being back at school. The regular walking will make getting to 10,000 steps a day a bit easier.

It will also mean we can get back to a better routine. These past few weeks Josh hasn't always been getting his nap in because he and Kaylie are happily playing together. Even when I'd put him down for his nap he wouldn't rest as long as normal because he'd rather be playing.

Anyway, the Sunday night movie will be finished soon and I've practically got my 10,000 steps. 9988 lol the last few will be easy to walk just preparing for bed etc. I'm planning to get up early tomorrow to fit in an hour of yoga before getting ready for school and the day ahead. I'm hoping to make yoga a part of my daily routine but we'll see how I do getting up in the morning for it.
October 8, 2005 at 12:38pm
October 8, 2005 at 12:38pm
Taking the hard step isn't easy. I guess that's why it's considered the 'hard' step. lol I mentioned yesterday that a stupid wrong email mistake I made meant I missed out on meeting up with some Weight Watchers women. Well another opportunity came up this morning and I pushed passed my fears to take that step outside my door.

Raelene is a lovely woman and we have many things in common. I'm glad that I pushed past the anxiety to actually meet her. Sadly, while having taken that first step, the second and third don't seem any easier. But I'm dedicated to making change in my life now and that includes facing this phobia head on and getting a life despite it.

Kaylie had a lovely time playing with Raelene's little boy. Daniel is 3 and he doesn't stop talking. lol It makes a huge difference to me and I couldn't help finding him adorable because of it. My two are both rather quiet. I've mentioned that Josh isn't really talking yet, not an actual word although he's becoming more vocal lately he's still not actually said anything understandable.

We met at the park at the end of my street. Raelene lives with her husband Geoff and her boy in a house about a street back from the other side of the park so meeting there was mutual ground for us. It's amazing to know that there are people living so close that I could relate with.

Geoff is writing a screenplay if you can believe that. lol Not that it's funny that he's writing a screenplay but that I'd meet someone who is also a writer. We didn't have much chance to talk but I mentioned how I'd stalled when it came to the first edit of my novel and he told me that he was on edit eight or maybe nine himself. *Smile*

Raelene seemed very down. We talked about the trouble we both have in social situations and I get the impression that she has trouble too. She's been making more effort than I have, arranging meets with Mum's from the Essential Baby website as well as more recently with Weight Watchers women.

It was wonderful spending some time getting to know her. While we were sharing coffee (or rather tea) it seemed easier than before and after it felt so hard. I can't help these nasty voices in my mind that tell me that I've blown it and that she doesn't want to know me. I know this is just that malicious self-defeating part of myself that always does this to me but even saying that I can't help the insecurity. How do you really know?

Anyway, that's a slice of my life today. Taking the chance and stepping outside my comfort zone. Sometimes you've got to put yourself on the line in the hopes of gaining something more. Hopefully by risking rejection I'm gaining a long term friend.

It's a risk I'll be taking more frequently from now on. I am in charge of my own life and it's wonderful acknowledging that I am in control of myself. I mightn't have the power to prevent myself feeling these emotions but I can control the way I react to them.

Meanwhile, it's gone midnight and the only reason I'm still up is because I was watching a late night movie. Now that's finished, so is my journal entry for today. *Smile* Have a great Saturday everyone and do something for yourself that is outside your own comfort zone. *Smile* Stretch your boundaries a little. It's amazing what can be let in.
October 7, 2005 at 10:43am
October 7, 2005 at 10:43am
I've hired some DVD's to watch tonight as a reward for the hard work I've done in the past two days. Getting the newest feature finished up on Ipseitys wasn't easy, but it is done. *Smile* So now I get a little me time to sit back and catch some of the flicks I missed seeing at the cinema.

Being a single Mum of two young children makes it hard to arrange time to do things like go to the movies, start dating, go out with friends etc. Most of the time I don't mind but when there is a movie on at the cinema that I wish I could seen on the big screen I get frustrated. Thankfully I know they'll come to DVD eventually and these days hiring DVD's is pretty cheap (especially compared to rising cinema prices).

I must admit that when the next Harry Potter comes out in November I'll be getting a baby sitter. *Smile* No way am I going to miss seeing that movie on the big screen. Either I'll get my sister to babysit for a few hours and go with my mother to see it (she loves Harry Potter) or maybe Mum will watch the kids and I'll go alone.

Some of the Weight Watchers ladies who live locally around here were getting together to meet up this morning. But I stuffed up and sent the email asking for her address to the wrong email. *Frown* So I didn't get to join in. A part of me wonders if the stuff up was a subconscious means of getting out of it. I'd hate to think that this phobia had so much power over my actions. I hope it was just the mistake of a tired mind.

Meanwhile, this entry turns my day blue, now it's off for the computer and onto the last DVD for tonight. *Smile* I hope you all get to watch something interesting yourselves today/night.
October 6, 2005 at 10:37am
October 6, 2005 at 10:37am
-0.5 *Smile* Woo Hoo. Not as impressive as I could have hoped but I've already lost a couple of centimeters as well so I'm happy. A loss is still a loss and it sure beats the gain I had last week. I'm hoping next week will be even better as I've read that it can take one or two weeks for the good (or bad) you do in one week to show up on the scales.

I also had a dentist appointment today and the hole in one of my front teeth is now gone. *Smile* It looks so much better in the mirror because before there was a dark spot where the tooth had decayed. Now it looks like a tooth. *Smile* I'm booked in again in a couple of weeks to get two more teeth done and I need to stop in at the shop and get some dental floss. That's what my dentist insisted on. Apparently the reason my teeth are so bad is because I have never flossed. My mother doesn't believe it does anything so she never taught us or raised us to floss. She didn't really encourage regular brushing either but I'm trying to get into the habit, not just for me but for my kids.

I've put a bid on ebay for a playstation dance mat and game. I've read that the game is really good and it's great for exercise. I hope I win and I look forward to dancing away on the mat. *Smile* That's my goal reward for doing 10,000 steps every day last week.

This week my mini-goal is to continue with the 10,000 steps per day but to also manage a full 2 litres every day. I've set my goal reward as a bottle of bubble bath, a loofah sponge and a night of luxury after the kids are in bed. I can't remember the last time I did that and I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll manage the water and the steps so that I can earn it.

I've go so much to get done. Tomorrow I've been invited to join a couple of WW ladies for coffee and I'm going to make the effort to go. All part of my self improvement goals at the moment. I need to develop RL friendships and hopefully I'll be able to connect with these women. I'm already suffering anxiety about it and I hope it doesn't overwhelm me and cause me to pike out.

But on top of that I've got a deadline for a feature on Ipseitys that is quite complicated. I managed to get a large portion of the code written today but there is still a lot of tweaking and perfecting required. Assuming there are no major interruptions other than the coffee break, and assuming I get straight to work instead of procrastinating this morning, I should manage to get it done in time.

Meanwhile it's already 10:35PM and I've got 3,000 steps to go so I better log off and get stepping. Have a great day everyone, I hope life give you a few curve balls that you hit back for home runs. That's kind of like spice to make life interesting but not enough to spoil the pot. lol Am I getting any better at metaphor? No? *sighs* Oh well, maybe someday. lol
October 5, 2005 at 11:36am
October 5, 2005 at 11:36am
I can't believe I almost forgot to post my journal entry again today. I had already shut down the computer, had stepped my last 100 or so steps to push it past the second bonus point and had written up my final day's WW entry in my WW journal (keeping track of what I ate, stepped, etc.) I was standing over the computer putting my WW stuff away when it clicked.

OMG I've not written my entry yet.

Normally I would have written it shortly after the kids were in bed, while waiting for the good night time TV programs that start at about 8:30 rather than the 7:30 bedtime. Of course my mother stopped around to see my new cabinet (it's great btw although I had to completely rearrange my living room to fit it in, lol) and that meant I was running late getting dinner finished and the kids bathed and to bed.

I was also mid-work instead of wrapping up my day earlier like I try to do. Mino, the woman I left in charge of Outlanda Games (the old RPG site I created in 1998) is still MIA and the character void (the approval process where players submit a character to be accepted before being able to play) had reached nearly 250 characters. I was weeding through them doing mass denials on any character that wasn't acceptable. I managed to whittle the list down to about 30 characters who I'll have to do more personal denials or possibly acceptions for. (I'm actually thinking of emailing anyone with acceptable characters and inviting them to Ipseitys since Outlanda isn't functioning without it's regular Admin.)

Anyway, no Yoga today, there just hasn't been time. I only just finished my 10,000 steps a short while ago. I've rearranged the living room, that probably counts as extra points, especially considering vaccuuming was involved. *Smile* *admires new cabinet* It really is lovely. I need some ornaments for the top. And guess what, the kids videos fit perfectly into one side leaving the other side for my DVD's and room for new DVD's. (I was overflowing on the shelf of the other cupboard.)

Anyway, since it's nearly midnight I'm going to leave today at that. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll let you know how my weigh in goes tomorrow. I'm very anxious about what the result is going to be. I've worked my booty off but I'm a little worried that I haven't been eating enough. lol That sounds funny, but apparently not eating enough points is just as bad as eating too many.

G'night. *Smile*
October 4, 2005 at 9:07am
October 4, 2005 at 9:07am
A couple of weeks ago my mother and I went hunting for wood. You might remember it because I'm pretty sure I wrote an entry about the fact that wood costs as much as ready made cabinet doors and ready made cabinet doors cost nearly as much as a finished cabinet. We decide instead of buying the wood and putting doors onto the front of the computer desk I currently keep my TV on I'd just buy an entertainment unit.

We found the perfect one marked down at a local furniture store. Trouble is it cost about $500 and I didn't have that much money available because I was within days of my mortgage interest coming out of my bank and I'd loaned a few hundred to family.

Well today my mother paid me back her loan, mortgage is a month away, and payday was yesterday. Being shopping day we made stopping at the furniture shop one of the days errands. At the time I'd said if it's meant to be it'll still be here when I had the money to buy it. I was right, it was still there although every other cabinet that had been with it was gone. *Smile*

So tomorrow morning my new entertainment unit will arrive and I'll be able to give the computer desk I'm currently using to my mother. What's great about this new unit is the doors. They are a criss-crossed wood pattern and they have little knob bits that hold them closed. The kids won't be able to manage them so they won't be constantly getting into the videos and I can safely store my DVD's. *Smile*

With the shopping and housework I've done today I'm already up to 6000 steps but I've got another 4000 to get done tonight. It's going to be tough because I'm a little achy already. While shopping this morning I found a boxed packet that caught my eye.

It's a Yoga Kit. With a floor mat, a fit ball, fit strap and two blocks. I already had a Yoga DVD but because I've got hard floorboards and no rugs I haven't used it. The floorboards really hurt my knee's so I wouldn't try doing it straight on the floor. Same goes for the morning arobics on TV.

Anyway, I blew up the fit ball this afternoon with the provided (tiny) hand air pump. And this evening when my mother arrived to pick up her food scales we put the DVD on and I followed along with it. I only got the first half hour done before Josh woke up crying.

He's teething at the moment and while his mouth doesn't hurt the teething causes an abundance of acid which gives him seriously bad nappy rash. He's in so much pain, especially when he has a soiled diaper. Anyway, I gave him a quick wash and soap down in the shower while he screamed in agony. It's better to do it that way because using the wipes abrades the skin (which would hurt more) and it's important to get it completely clean or you'll just aggrivate the rash. I walked around for a few minutes with him held carefully in my arms and no diaper on. Then quickly got cream and a diaper onto him. He's asleep again now after a dose of panadol. Hopefully he'll sleep the night now pain free.

Anyway, I've wandered. What I was saying is that I only got half way through the Yoga DVD but that'll do for today I think. It really works muscles that aren't used to the work and I need to get my steps up which Yoga doesn't do. So I figured I'd write a quick journal entry then get stepping. *Smile*

G'night everyone and have a great day. PS. I'm wish something interesting happened in my life occasionally. My mundane day to day seems so boring on paper.

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