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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
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"This is pretty much what journals are all about, at least to me.
I knew as I wrote them that even though they provided
an excellent place for brain (and heart, and psyche) dump,
they were mainly a map of me."
          --- Colleen Wainwright

"Writing gives you the illusion of control,
and then you realize it's just an illusion,
that people are going to bring their own stuff into it."
          --- David Sedaris

"Please write again soon.
Though my own life is filled with activity,
letters encourage momentary escape into others lives
and I come back to my own with greater contentment."
          --- Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

"In giving of myself onto these pages every day
I allow myself to write regardless of the depth and meaning.
I share myself with others without fear of recrimination
for these are my thoughts, my feelings and my very being,
and there are non who's opinion of me matters more than my own."
          --- Rebecca Laffar-Smith

The Writer's Round-About

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September 23, 2005 at 8:49am
September 23, 2005 at 8:49am
My thoughts are with Mel and Tor at the moment. And with anyone else out there on the coast of Texas etc. facing up to Rita or getting out of her path. Even just the risk must be a life changing event. It must make you really look at everything you've done and are doing with your life. How many hours you've worked in your lifetime for this house which could be torn away in moments. For your car which could be seriously damaged by hail and wind if it makes it through the storm. How you're life is going to change, at least in the months to come because of water, and wind.

I'm scared for everyone who's home is in Galveston and surrounding. I hope everyone stays safe, and that Rita proves to be less than she seems. Being in Australia I'm far removed from things for the most part. We get a news update every few hours but I rarely have my TV turned on. So far today it's been the same, pictures of cars piling on the interstate and barely moving. Tanker trucks trickling along, topping up the cars that run out of petrol from idling engines, and empty streets in what is normally a bustling town.

I don't know how long is left until the bulk of things gets started, climaxes, and ends. I expect it will be while I'm sleeping, either tonight or tomorrow. I can only hope that by the time it does everyone in transit is holed up somewhere and that it is all over quickly.

Dan talked today about the human spirit and how he knows that even after the storm has passed, people will go back to their homes, and start again. Anything that was destroyed can be rebuilt. The water will receed. It makes me think of the great presidential quote given just before the comet is due to hit in the movie Deep Impact. About how preserving life is the most important thing because everything else mankind has accomplished can be recreated.

I'm thinking of everyone around the world facing their own difficulties. From things like war, drought, poverty, and storms, to the smaller things like holes in your socks and having to make a meal from a tin of tuna and a cup of rice. My wish tonight is that everyone can face their problems and stand strong and tall and proud to be a human being. This is another hill in life and tomorrow is another day. Be thankful for all the things that are truly important, loved ones, and life. The rest will come. What mankind has made can be remade.

All the best everyone, and stay safe.
September 22, 2005 at 8:24am
September 22, 2005 at 8:24am
Today it's an effort to start my journal entry. It's not that writing the entry is truly a chore or anything like that, it's simply that little voice inside my head muttering his little comments away. "You've got nothing interesting to talk about, no one really cares what you have to say, wouldn't you rather have a hot shower, or go to bed, or why not eat something."

This nasty little voice is evil. He has often been my greatest downfall. He fights hard against all my good intentions and I guiltily admit that I've frequently listened and let him beat me. "Yes, I'm sure I'm boring people (if so they can click elsewhere), at least I'm writing, I'd love a hot shower but after is soon enough for me, it's only 8PM I've plenty of time to get to bed, and I'm done on my points today so if you want something it'll have to be carrots or celery sticks."

lol Yep, didn't think he'd like me answering him like that. *Smile* Sane logic reasoning. But of course, after deflating all his excuses with logic he's got a million more behind them. Most of the time it's a case of ignore. Still, it's not easy.

I did however promise myself way back on the 13th of this month (just over a week, gees it feels longer than that) that I'd start writing my daily journal entries again. Writing them at this time of night has been working out more or less and while I mightn't be as engaging as Mel or Tor or Dan at least I'm writing.

Yesterday, while walking to pick Kaylie up from school, my head was going crazy with feedback about my Storm book. "Storm Book?" I hear you all say. lol Well that's what I'm calling it for a moment. Those of you who read me way back a few months ago may (or probably won't) remember me talking about this incredible dream I woke up from? It was while I was write in the middle of my first draft of 'The Dating Game' and I decided to scrawl my notes but leave the story to one side while I finished the romance I was working on.

Well obviously the romance is on a burner, perculating. (I swear that's what it's doing, I've not forgotten it, I'm just letting it mature a little.) But I was surprised to be getting these sorts of mind twists about Storm. I'm calling it Storm at the moment. That will not be the title but because I've yet to settle on a suitable title I'll refer to it as Storm since that's what it is in my head at the moment.

It's good to know that this story is still floating around in my head. It's definately one worth writing, even if I haven't worked out too many details yet. It also leads me closer to my preferred genre. I wrote The Dating Game, a romance, simply because at that time I needed to focus on something lighter and heart specific. My preferred genre is high fantasy but I suppose we'll see how I do writing for that genre when I get a chance.

Storm isn't high fantasy. From the notes I've taken so far it seems to be a sci-fi drama or something of the sort. I say sci-fi because no matter how I try to change the storm scene in my head it refuses to be budged. The setting is rather futuristic, a huge chrome/metal city, overhanging far out across the ocean. Bridges and walkways connecting everything, like a huge, metal, stick insect, or perhaps an orgy of stick insects. lol

Of course the story focus is not the city at all. It's actually one woman, a young woman, Sarah, who is a live in nanny/teacher to a very large family. The parents of the family (and a couple of children) are killed in the storm and Sarah become responsible for the remaining children. Let's just say that becoming a mother at this stage in her life was not on the plans but she loves these kids. They'll all have to adjust with the changes as well as dealing with greif and tragedy, etc. etc. etc. See, drama. lol

Now it's a case of working out the details a little more finely. Flesh the story out, get an outline together and a couple of prime character sketches. Sarah has a love interest, friends, and those kids, even the parents need to be a little more fixed in my mind before I could start chapter one. Not to mention the fact that I'm not sure where exactly in the story to start. Writing books constantly mention starting where the action is and in this case the storm would be the action. But if I started there I'd have to flash back to pre-storm to flesh out the situation for readers and in a story like this that could actually work. There are other options and it's all doing cartwheels around my brain why I peel carrots and wash dishes and walk to and from school.

The trouble is all of these activities are rather hazardous to the notetaking I try to do simultaneously. They are great busy activities that let the mind wander but have you ever tried walking and writing? Ok now push a pram while you're doing that. *Wink* Or dry your hands every few minutes till your tea towel is sopping wet and your trailing suds across the kitchen floor. You see my problem. For some reason when I try to sit at the computer and think about the story it just isn't there.

*sighs* Ok, I've yarned your ears off. Storm will continue brainstorming at my busy moments but it's still a long way off first draft. I also feel kind of like I'm cheating if I were to start the first draft of that before getting The Dating Game finished. Especially since I don't seem to be having any movement on that one at all at the moment (other than similar busy moment stray thoughts).

And now, time for a hot shower and I might watch a DVD tonight, there is a TV program I'd like to watch tonight but it's a late show and it would be better if I didn't stay up that late. But a movie starting soon would still get me into bed at a reasonable hour. G'night all and have a great day.
September 21, 2005 at 9:32am
September 21, 2005 at 9:32am
Whoops, better not forget my journal. lol It's 9PM and I just remembered that I haven't written my journal entry for today. Nothing much of interest to talk about really. School assembly this morning and the 24 muffins and a sultana cake I baked seemed to sell up well at the cake stall.

Tomorrow will be my first day at Weight Watchers. My mother signed up about a month ago and I've decided to start going too. It seems fairly simple from what she's explained to me and I've already started paying attention to what I eat.

It will be good to weigh in every week. At the moment I rarely ever weigh myself (no scales) so I don't know if I'm losing weight or gaining. With the exercise I get lately and if I eat sensibly I should definately lose weight. Of course I hadn't been eating sensibly. Missing most meals and making up for it with chocolate really isn't good for your body.

As with any habit the bad eating habits I've gotten into over the many years are going to be difficult to break. A chocolote binge craving at 9ish every night is just one, the temptation of coca cola or the urge to get takeaway whenever seeing the ingrained symbology, giant yellow chickens, arch M's, etc. Getting into the habit of snacking on vegetables instead of chips, buscuits or lollies. *Frown*

Still, it's not that I don't like vegetables. It's just that the less healthy options tend to be easier. I mean opening a packet of chips is easier than washing, peeling and cutting up a carrot. Dipping a busicuit into my tea is quicker than peeling an orange. *sighs* Lifestyle changes.

Of course, better help, improved self-image, improved actual image, confidence, fitness, all these things make starting now a great idea. *Smile* No one needs Weight Watchers, or any other such solution to go about making these changes. All these solutions do is give you a motivational boost and a textbook guide.

The plan is simple and straight forward. It's proven. Follow the plan and you'll lose weight. You don't need to pay to visit a clinic every week to follow the plan. But following the plan can be tough emotionally. That's where the meetings come in. It gets you together with others who are doing what you're doing every day. It shows you the plan working and reminds you what your goals are. It gives you someone to talk to. It boosts your motivation.

Ok, so tomorrow it boosts my motivation. Tonight, I get to sign off and head to bed. *Smile* Have a great day everyone.
September 20, 2005 at 7:49am
September 20, 2005 at 7:49am
*sighs* Yes, another day like that. It's shopping day but since my cupboards are mostly stocked I only needed to do staple shopping (bread, milk, eggs, fruit & vege) so my mother (we go shopping together each week) and I decided to hunt around for wood to make doors for the video shelves.

Of course wood on it's own, just plain sheets of timber were about the same price as ready made cabinet doors. What's even worse than that is that the ready made doors aren't that much cheaper than a brand new cupboard. So after hunting around and realising that buying just the doors wasn't worth the effort we started looking for a new TV cabinet. And we found one!

The trouble is there are less than two weeks left till the end of the month and mortgage interest. I'm starting to worry that even without dipping into my account prior to then I'll come up short because Paul didn't send Child Maintenence through today like he normally does. Hopefully I won't have to chase him up about that.

Meanwhile, it'll be at least two weeks before I get paid again so I've got to leave the money in the bank right where it is and that means not buying that cupboard today. I'm expecting a tax payment at some stage but I thought it was dependant on Paul's tax return going in. It's been almost a month since that happened so I'd have thought it would have been processed by now. Hopefully, that will happen any day now, if it does then I'll go pick up the cupboard. If not then I'll have to hope it, or another at similar price that I like will be available after next payday.

But it's moments like these I wish money grew on tree's. If it did I'd tend a yard full of money tree's and get all the things done around the house that I'm trying to save for. Dipping into my renovation funds for things like TV cabinets doesn't help. *Frown* Nor does paying $425 for photographs. Hopefully Paul comes up with half of that for half the photo's.

Why is money so hard to keep track of? I really need to get my budget back in hand. When I was keeping track of it every day, every cent, I always seemed to have plenty. Admittedly this past week I've loaned $300 to my recently unemployed sister to finalise her rent (she's moved home to my mothers) and another $100 to my mother because her pay got stuffed around. So technically I have $400 more than my bank account shows. Trouble is I don't know when they'll be able to pay me back. They are as tight as I am at the moment.

I so hope the tax money comes in. If it does then I'll be able to give Kaylie some interesting outings over the holidays. I've promised to take her swimming and I'll do that regardless but the Royal Show is coming up these holidays and I'd like to take her. Wouldn't mind catching a movie too if there are any good kids ones out this holidays. It will all depend on what comes in over the next couple of weeks. Just looking at my calender and I'll get paid again before the end of the holidays, so hopefully we'll be able to do some fun things in the second week of the holidays. *Smile*

Anyway, time to get back to working on Ipseitys. I've just finished up the baking. 24 muffins and a saltana cake. *Smile* All for the cake stall tomorrow at school. Hopefully we'll raise some decent money for her class. (It goes towards school excursions/incursions so the more we raise for the class the cheaper it will end up for parents and the better the excursions they can send them on. *Smile*

G'night all and I hope your day is filled with money arriving from unexpected sources. *Smile*
September 19, 2005 at 9:50am
September 19, 2005 at 9:50am
Ok, it's officially getting late. I've watched a little TV tonight and it would be about now that I'd shower and head to bed. But of course I haven't got my journal entry in yet. And it's all my mother's fault.

She's recently changed her internet connection and at the moment it's not working until they get the new connection up and running for her. So today, she dropped in at about 7PM to use my computer. Of course, she hung around after checking eBay and her eMail.

She normally played a game called Sudoku, but I didn't reinstall it after my last reformat. So instead I introduced her to PartyPoker. I think I got her addicted, lol. It's only due to the reason that I turned my television off that got her to close out and head home.

Thankfully, that gives me time to get a quick entry in. Unfortunately for all of you, it leaves me too brain dead to have anything of interest to say. I'm super tired today because I spent pretty much the whole day walking.

Josh had an audiology appointment at the hospital this morning. After I walked the 20 mins to drop Kaylie off at school, I walked another hour to the hospital. The walk didn't take as long as I expected and it meant I was an hour early. I took advantage of the time to stop in at the hospital cafe for breakfast. Ham and Salad Pita Roll. mmmmm

Side tracked... Josh can apparently hear normally. His hearing is sharper in one ear than the other but both within normal levels (as best they can tell with an 18 month old). He does however have flat eardrums which indicates fluid in the middle ear. We've been referred to a GP who will hopefully be able to give us something to dry it out.

After the appointment I then had to walk the hour and a half home again (thankfully the school was 20 minutes in the right direction). I detoured past the shops on the way and wandered around there. Took the scenic route home and eventually got home at about 1PM.

Of course, that meant I had only just sat down when it was time to go out again for the 20 minutes to Kaylie's school to pick her up, then the 20 minutes home again. I have to say, I'm totally bushed. Not to mention having to get some housework done, dishes, dinner, baths, kids to bed, before I can relax.

Now I'm looking forward to a long, hot, shower and resting my head against my big, soft, pillow in my big, soft, bed under my big, soft, warm, blankets. G'night everyone and have a great day. *Smile*
September 18, 2005 at 9:35am
September 18, 2005 at 9:35am
I started the day feeling very unmotivated but once I settled into working on Ispeitys I really knuckled down. Made some excellent progress with the site and I'm pleased with how it's moving along. Of course there is still so much more to do but I'm getting it done chunk by chunk. I think the message boards will be the next chunk I get into, either that or some more admin controls.

It helps that I've worked a similar site from the ground up before. It means I'm aware of what I want to start with. I mean last time I didn't set up any admin controls and the rest was all rudimentary. This time I can get a little involved with the smaller seemingly insignificant details because I know how invaluable they are.

Of course with so much to do it can sometimes be hard knowing where to begin and I have to keep testing and checking and occasionally adjusting changes as I go. Each step of the way produces more the check and test. But I'm getting there, slowly. *Smile* It feels great to be accomplishing something.

It feels even better to know that while a couple of times I've been tempted to turn the server off and load up a game or head to bed with a book instead, I haven't done that. *Smile* Of course, my house is totally trashed, but that's because both kids were home all day being a weekend and Kaylie was watching a movie before bed tonight. She's crashed on the couch without cleaning up before bed. I won't wake her up to clean up but I'll have to get her to at least get her room done before going to school tomorrow.

For some reason, no matter how often I try to drum it into them, neither kid gets the hang of putting away toys they are finished with before getting something new out. So there are books scattered about, ponies, dolls, blocks, etc. The video's are spread out over the lounge room again but that is all Josh. For some reason he just has to drag them all off the shelf. I've got wood on my shopping list, I'll be adding doors and child locks to my TV cupboard. (which is actually just a second computer desk)

Anyway, it's getting close to my own bedtime and I almost missed putting up my entry. I almost forgot all about it. My connection disconnected on me about 1PM today and I was just going to shutdown and leave it till morning when I remembered. Thankfully it just needed a restart to get up and running again. So here I am. *Smile* And there I go. *waves* *Wink*
September 17, 2005 at 8:45am
September 17, 2005 at 8:45am
I think I'm having a bad day. It's not as bad as they get but it's definately not good. I can't bring myself to do much of anything. I keep thinking of what I could be doing and looking for reasons not to be doing them.

For example, right now, I know it's time to write my blog entry. If I don't get it done then I'll have a black 17 on my calender and will have broken the promise to myself to get back to writing my daily blog. I value my word to myself but sometimes it's so easy to break. My brain keeps telling me that I have no idea what I could write about. Nothing at all interesting could come out of me today. Why should I torture my readers with more of my long-winded babble?

I also at a half block of chocolate today. I feel rediculous for doing it but my justification is that come Thursday I'll be paying $16 a week to lose weight with Weight Watches so I need to get rid of the stuff in my house that will blow me off course. This was also my justification for eating Yum Cha for dinner and Spaghetti for lunch rather than healthier alternatives. I can't afford to throw away or give away the unhealthy food and buy new food even if that would be a better choice.

The truth is, I could turn those unhealthy foods in my cupboards into a small portion of an otherwise fairly healthy meal. I mean if I turned that can of spaghetti into a small portion in a dinner of steamed vege's and fish for three (or even made 6 serves and freeze 3 for another meal) it would be healthier than just having spaghetti on it's own and so much of it. But I can talk myself into the easy options very easily.

I keep coming across this lack of willpower within myself. It prevents me from reaching so many of my goals. I know I've talked about it before in various means, procrastination, depression, etc. all of these things are just parts of the reasons my body conjures for throwing up road blocks to my own success. And what is worse is that I know it's all my own doing and that I have the power to prevent it from happening.

Why is it so hard to make better choices? Why is it easy to sleep in till 9AM in the morning and spend the day reading or playing games instead of writing, working, cleaning, gardening etc? Does anyone else have difficulty convincing themselves to do the things that have to be done?
September 16, 2005 at 8:00am
September 16, 2005 at 8:00am
Yesterday, Nada wrote an entry about her Circles of life, talking about the people she calls friends in her life. It got me thinking about how important it is for us all to have some real human connections. Imagine living life without knowing other people, without communicating, sharing problems or simply just connecting with others of our own species.

This morning Josh and I had fun at playgroup. We go every Friday because the playgroup is wonderful. It's hosted by the head of the school's P&C and the school allows us to use the Kindy classroom. (Kindy only go to school four days a week, leaving that room free on Friday's.) The outside area is mostly enclosed (joins with the preschool but is fully fenced from roads and the rest of the school) and it has some nice grassy area's, two sand pits and a climbing frame and slide. Basically, it's ideal for a playgroup and the number of parents and children have been rapidly expanding as the year progresses.

While the changes to get out and play with other kids is wonderful for Josh, I find that playgroup is even better for me. I'm not sure how many of those who read my journal already know, but for those who don't, I'm a sociaphobe. That means I'm terrified of people. Or at least that's how it seems all the time. What I'm really afraid of is the social situations that being around people involves. Humans as a species are generally quite ok. lol

There was a new mother at playgroup today. She suffers from post-natal depression (Which is actually just normal depression but they call it post-natal if you are depressed and you also have a baby under the age of two and didn't notice your depression until after the baby was born. Personally, I think if you saw some of these people prior baby they'd have been depressed then too, having a baby just adds to the stress already in their lives. That's not to say that some post-natal depression's are not caused by the hormones of pregnancy and birth but considering how long these depressions can last I think a broad range of them have nothing to do with that at all.)

Wow, getting off track, anyway, she was talking about how she often felt like a single mother because her husband worked away. He works in the mines on a rotating shift of two weeks on and one week off. That means he's away two weeks straight and back for a full week. I think I'd find this rather disruptive to me but apparently people do it all the time and even more amazingly some people actually enjoy it. Go figure.

Getting off track again. lol Anyway, we got to talking today and it's amazing how important the human connection is between people. I know that I have 0 RL friends. In the sense that I have no friends who I could call up at random to have a whinge with, go shopping, have a coffee, invite over for dinner etc. I'm working to create a few friends but for a sociaphobe it involves a hell of a lot of work. Only 11 weeks of school left in the year and I'm still not comfortable striking up conversations with the other Pre-School parents. I'm starting to get the hang of it but more often than not it's overwhelming.

But this woman seems lovely. It's obvious that with the depression and everything she struggles. But to tell the truth it sounded like she was coping much better than Helen (another Pre-School mum to whom I wrote a letter for a contest - check my port) Sometimes I'm tempted to give Helen some parenting tips. She is so warm and loving and she's so very nice. She is much too nice. Her boy knows it and takes full advantage. He's not too bad, not as bad as Lyn's boy who is a real brat, but he is a little wild. He likes to roam and he doesn't like to listen. With more confidence and a firm tone Helen could turn that around really quickly. But you can't go around telling people how to raise their kids, it's just not done, and if I start doing it people would point out the faults in my own children which lord knows are there. lol

Julie, that's the name of the woman with depression I mentioned, does alright with her beautiful little girl. And her girl, so adorable with this delightfully happy smile that just shows you that her mother is doing something right. She's certainly not lacking for love or basic needs. It's just a shame that Julie struggles so much with her own emotions. I gave Julie my phone number and address and welcomed her any time. Even told her that not only could she call any time if she needed a hand but that she's welcome to drop in for coffee and that I'm even willing to babysit if she needs a break.

I don't know if she'll ever take up the offer. I made the same offer to Helen and haven't heard from her outside of playgroup. But I know how important it is to know that someone is there. It's amazing how much you can cope with when you know that if you can't cope you've got somewhere to go. For some reason, it's when you feel like you are all there is, it all seems so much more impossible.

Next week I think I'll hand out my business cards. I keep forgetting I have a pile of them in my purse and am forever writing down my details for people. Lately because of Kaylie's playdates with school friends. I should just start handing out cards. lol Next week I will, and I'll leave an open invitation but also see if anyone is interested in gathering here the following Friday. Because of the school holiday's the Kindy won't be available for playgroup but that doesn't mean some of the mother's mightn't want to get together anyway.

I'm thankful for my home these days and not so ashamed of it. For a single unworking mother of two I do pretty well. I have my own home, it's not a mansion or anything but it has a lovely big backyard and plenty of floor space. The other advantage of inviting people over is that it gives me more incentive to make sure I keep the place clean. I really need the push of knowing people will be seeing it to make sure I keep up with my dishes etc. lol

*sighs* Ok, well, that's my ramble for today. And to break it down into a managable chunk I'll say: Connecting with others, both online and off is terribly important. All species need to relate with each other and Human's more than most. So, I'm going to make an effort to connect with people offline more. I can't let this phobia hold me back from having a life. You know what I crave these days? A girl's night out. I've never had one. How can you get to 23 and never have a girl's night out? Hopefully, I'm taking the steps to achieve that for myself. *Smile*
September 15, 2005 at 9:38am
September 15, 2005 at 9:38am
Ok, so the title is a little bit strange. *Wink* But since that's exactly what I am it's probably rather suitable. Today was another full on day. I spent the morning working (nope, sorry, not the novel *Wink* ) and had a dentist appointment at 1:30PM.

I finally reached the top of the 10 month waiting list and today was my first appointment. *Smile* Woo Hoo! What's even better was it meant that nothing interesting would happen today. They say open wide, count teeth, say stuff like 'suitable', 'caries', 'absent', etc. They took two X-rays, one side and the other. Then charge me and book my next appointment. *Smile*

This is actually good even if it does sound bad. It means that they've evaluated any work that needs to be done and it'll be done over the next couple of months along with a full clean and polish. The other good news was that my oral health wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was. *Smile*

Still, now I've got a good female dentist giving me the incentive (evil glares and guilt trips work wonders) to get into a real brushing and flossing habit. I've been a sporadic brusher all my life. But I also know it's important to develop good habits for the whole family so that my kids will always brush and we won't have repeats of Kaylie's Early Childhood Caries.

Of course, after the dentist (my mother had driven me there and stayed with Josh for me, I don't have a car) we picked up Kaylie from school then spent a few hours at my mothers house. She was introducing me to Weight Watches and I've decided to go with her next week to join up myself. *Smile* So, here's to losing weight, dental hygiene and getting healthy. *Smile*

I hope everyone else has enjoyed a productive day, and if not then I hope you were relaxing and taking it easy. *Smile* Don't forget to check out my contest *Down* Scroll down a little for the link. Oh, and another of my poems won a contest. Yay! G'night, bedtime for me very shortly and for now I'm logging off. Have a great day everyone.
September 14, 2005 at 7:42am
September 14, 2005 at 7:42am
Today was both eventful and uneventful. lol It's funny how some days can be like that. Today involved Kaylie's school excusion to AQWA (Aquariam of Western Australia). I had planned to go too but unfortunately family couldn't share the bus as there were no seats available and I don't have a car. If it were just me I could have gotten a ride from someone but having Joshua with me means we have problems with car seats etc. And since the trip is a long one I wouldn't risk having him in a car that isn't properly fitted for my child seat.

But that's really beside the point. It was disappointing not to be able to go but I'm glad Kaylie was able to enjoy herself. I've just realised what a contradiction of terms I just made. lol No, not the Kaylie enjoying herself part, the part where I said I wouldn't risk a long trip in a car that isn't properly fitted with a child seat but I was going to take him on the bus which has no restraints at all. lol

Rambling... I suppose planning to spend the day out and then not doing so is what made today seem so uneventful. I actually accomplished a fair bit, laundry, housework, programming, and even a little gaming (Ceasar 3). Josh went down for his nap same as normal and those few hours were lovely and peaceful.

This morning, before school, I set up the contest I mentioned in my earlier entry. Every few hours during the day I checked back to the site to see if anyone had sent me an email or left a message on the forum but as of right now I've had no feedback except the anonymous 1 star rating that blemishes the top of my rather pretty contest forum.

It's sad to think that someone goes around giving poor ratings at random. It also hits my insecurities enough to make me wonder what I did wrong with the contest. Especially since there hasn't been any response to it yet. Is it really that bad? Was it truly a bad idea? Does anyone think like me in considering writing advice columns an interesting career move as a writer?

I still haven't worked on my novel. Today I spent time programming Ipseitys which is coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to getting this gaming site up and running. I haven't done any role-playing in nearly two years now and I really miss it. I gave up my former site Outlanda Games (http://www.outlanda.com) in December 2003 when I was pregnant with Josh. I just didn't have the time to keep it up when I was coming back and fourth from kindergarten as well as dealing with pregnancy and the coming newborn.

Outlanda continued in the capable hands of my 2IC for the next year and a half but slowly, over the months, it's dwindled into inactivity. I've asked Mino if she'd consider giving the site back to me, if she's not interested in running it. But for the moment she's still holding on. I know how hard it is to let go and I'm actually excited about starting Ipseitys so even if she gave me back Outlanda Games today I'd take down Outlanda and put up Ipseitys instead. (Using the web hosting account that Outlanda currently uses rather than creating a new account (costs about $500/year).)

It's great to be programming again too. That's another thing I've been neglecting for a long time but it's wonderful getting back into it. I'm even tempted to get back to studying but for the moment that's on the back burner because I'd rather get the bones of the site up and running. I plan to learn Java and C++ because those two languages will help me develop the MUD that will be a part of Ipseitys.

Ok, how many of you did I just lose with all that jargon? lol Back to normal talking now. *Smile* Forever mentioned that while I might be too young to be considered BANG it doesn't mean I couldn't submit something from the perspective of a Pre-BANG. At 23 I'm probably Pre-Pre-BANG lol *Smile* Just to make you all feel old, you BANGer's are my mothers age. lmfao *Wink* Still, at 50, she is by no means old and she works as hard as a woman 20 years younger.

*sighs* Well, it's time to get back to the grind. My Wednesday night TV program (House) is due to start shortly and I've still got a lot more work on Ipseitys to get done. As for The Dating Game, um, I'm still ruminating. *Pthb*

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