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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1429181
Now my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two...
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
-Breathe(2AM), Anna Nalick

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For Daddy, the real world gets fainter and fainter every day.
-Homer Simpson Homer, Please Don't Hammer 'Em

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If we shadows have offended,/Think but this, and all is mended,/That you have but slumber'd here/While these visions did appear./And this weak and idle theme,/No more yielding but a dream...
-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer's Night Dream
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December 12, 2008 at 11:08pm
December 12, 2008 at 11:08pm
I can't remember if I got this link from del.icio.us or from Noe . It looks like it's Photoshop.com. I just took the time to look into it. I was able to edit some photos of my cats so I can post them here on WDC. Although, it maybe easier to just create an album on the website and post a link. Meh. Anyway, here's my kitties:
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item I choose this picture of Raish because I thought it was cute that he seemed like he was using my laptop. I think I was working on Chasing at that moment in time... In the background of this one you can see Una too.

Next stop: LOL cats? hehe...
I need to find some way for these felines to make me money... I'll figure it out eventually...
I think I said once I figured out how to edit my photos, I'd post pictures of the hats I bought at GenCon last August. But I'm not going to do that tonight. Perhaps tomorrow...
December 10, 2008 at 10:44pm
December 10, 2008 at 10:44pm
I'm in one of those moods where it would be better for everybody if I was locked away by myself. I almost feel like going into the back and telling my student assistants to only bug me if the library is burning down. And I only have a half hour left, but I still have to wait an hour or so for Benn to pick me up.

One of the reasons I'm in a sour mood is because I didn't get much sleep last night. First of all, I can't seem to fall asleep until Benn comes to bed and he's been staying up past 2AM a lot of nights. Last night, I did manage to fall asleep before he came up, but then I had a night terror. Until a few years ago, I never had one. I don't know what started them. I don't know what causes them, but it sucks. I'm never dreaming about the same thing when I do have them, but they are nightmares. It's happened so much, I'm now aware of it while it's happening, but it doesn't help. Everyone one of them I start screaming but I'm in that state of sleep where you're paralyzed and I can't. When I finally manage to get a scream out, it's not loud enough, and I try to scream louder, but Benn wakes me up as soon as he starts to hear me scream. Last night, he must have came to bed after I fell asleep because I woke up at about 3 or 4 and he was there after my little night terror. It then took me a while to go to sleep. I remember being somewhat awake as Craig got ready for work.

Then we got up at about 10. That's a problem for us lately anyway. We used to get up at 9, but now we're staying in bed until 10. That hour makes a huge difference on the days where both of us have to be at work. Today, Benn needed to be at work an hour earlier which meant 11. He says he didn't sleep at all last night. So, I can't expect much sympathy when I see him. I concede, it's harder to work in juvenile prison than a library when you're running on little sleep. I'm also concerned about how his day is going.

It's also the busiest time of the year and the mere presence of people is annoying me. I'm probably very hormonal right now anyway. Ug. It sucks that I'm trying to hold all the grumpiness back because no one has done anything to deserve it. Not today anyway. I would have been tempted to call into work if my boss hadn't taken an half day. But it would have caused her boss to flip out if I called in. I know it would have. Even though it wouldn't have made a difference, she would have freaked about making sure the area was covered. It would have been. I'm starting to think I may just need a vacation...
December 9, 2008 at 12:47pm
December 9, 2008 at 12:47pm
I have a request for those of you that write nonfiction. I guess it can apply to fiction on some level, but I see it more with nonfiction. Anyway, if you are writing an article or book about a person or event, please title the piece something other than the name of the person or event. Yesterday, I was going through this book list for the librarian in charge of our area. This list was recommending books we should have in our collection about Abraham Lincoln for young readers. Do you know how many books out there about Mr. Lincoln are just titled Abraham Lincoln? Too many to find the one you're looking for. Yes, knowing the author does help, but not always. Yesterday, I had an author by the name of William Bell. Do you know how many authors by that name have existed? You just need a better title than the person's name and event. I don't care if the title is Abraham Lincoln: The 1 zillionenth biography about him. Just put something in the title that separates your book from the others. Really, that can only help your book stand out more. When you're talking about biographies about someone like Lincoln, you need to find something about his life to write about that hasn't been done. I don't think a straight forward account of his life is going to cut it anymore because many of those books are already out there and there is no need for it. If you have to pick up aspect of his life that no other or few have delved into before, you might as well find a unique title.

We also have too many books in our collections just called Spiders, Mammals, Cats, etc. I know it's nonfiction, but that's no reason you can't be a little creative.

I think made my point. Have a good one. *Smile*
December 8, 2008 at 1:30pm
December 8, 2008 at 1:30pm
I hate waiting to go to work sometimes. At times, it makes it difficult for me to get into something because I know I have a definite deadline. If you throw in the fact that a lot of the times, I'm the one that has to make breakfast/lunch, it really eats away at my time. I'm leaving a little early today so I can get the car payment taken care of.

Then there's the fact that I also hate winter and it doesn't help motivate me to do something. Blah. In winter, I get bloody noses and dry itchy skin, I'm always cold, and I hate having to drive in bad weather. I will say, that I have grown more accustomed to driving in it. It used to be I'd be all hunched over the steering wheel and cursing the whole way. By the time I got to work, I was ready to bite people's heads off. Now I have a job that starts at 2, the roads are pretty clear by then. But still... It's cold and I hate it.

I didn't mean to gripe so much. I really don't like winter. Why I haven't arranged to move somewhere that's warmer, I'll never know. Granted, maybe if I didn't have to go outside so much and was able to stay inside all the time, maybe I wouldn't hate it so much. And find some way to keep my skin from being dry and itchy. Hell, I'd settle for just getting rid of the itch. I have found lotions, but they don't last. I never had this itchy problem until I went to college. Seriously, I have scars on my legs from scratching so much. I'd wake up in the middle of the night and find myself scratching my bloody legs. The last few years it hasn't been that bad, but I've learned to keep myself slathered in lotion. Uck.

I'm really not in a hateful mood. I'm just killing a little bit of time. It looks like it worked. *Smile* Later.
December 5, 2008 at 9:48pm
December 5, 2008 at 9:48pm
Okay, the view count for my blog has been sitting at 999 for a day or so now... I just want to see it roll over... I'm also distracting myself from writing at the moment...
I did get a good deal accomplished today. I think so anyway. I sorta finished revising a chapter for Chasing, I just need to transcribe it onto the computer. I did post the first chapter of Moon and I'm probably about done with chapter 2. At least the bare bones of it. I'm going to have to go back through and add some setting and reactions and so forth.

I still haven't figured out why in the recently added or modified part of the Portfolio it doesn't mention items that I have set for certain forums, but when I add or update something for my eyes only, it puts it there. *Confused* Ah, well.

So, whoever is the first to view this, thank you for being number 1000 and I'm sorry for the lackluster entry that may have led you here. *Smile*
December 3, 2008 at 10:45pm
December 3, 2008 at 10:45pm
I finally got a title for that story I've been working on and off on since high school! I've mentioned it before somewhere in the blog, but I'm not going to go through old entries to find something that probably only I care about. It will be called By the Strawberry Moon Which I know to some, may sound... odd or cutesy, but there's a damn good reason it's called that. I was just going to go with Strawberry Moon but there's already a published novel called that and it's like murder mystery thriller thing. So if such a book can have the title, I don't see why I can't... just modified somewhat.

The reason for the title: The climax of the story is going to happen in June and the full moon in June is called the Strawberry Moon or the Rose Moon depending on which Native American list you're looking at. Here's a list from Wikipedia if you're interested:
And the main character is a strawberry blonde. For a split second, I was going to have the town she lives in called Strawberry Fields, but I thought that was pushing it.

For awhile, I was worried about all my titles having a verb ending -ing... now two of them refer to fruit... I am so weird.

This also means, I'm working on the story again. Out of all the things I've written over the years for it, I'm pretty much starting from scratch. I almost have the first chapter done. I'll put it on WDC, but I think it will be awhile before I post it on the Fantasy Forum. Once I'm done revising Chasing, I'm thinking of pulling it off the forum. It's been there for over a year. Not in it's entirety, but I'm pretty much getting the same reviews over the beginning. There are some exceptions to that, but I've also had two people get to the end and another getting there and I'm finding with three people I'm getting a good feel for what needs to happen revising wise. It'll be awhile before I'm ready to do this and I'll keep it here on WDC under severe restrictions just to have another safe place to keep it or let others finish it if they desire.

I totally lost sight of my short story goal. I do have one short story I want to send out to loveyoudevine, because I wanted to get on a vampire anthology they're having. But first they'd have to accept me as an author. I already picked out my Erotica pen name. As I was revising the short story I want to submit, I came to a roadblock because of a couple of reviews and it made me think maybe I should wait for more reviews. But on the Erotica Forum, I just don't get as many responses on my works. Granted, I haven't done as many reviews there as I used to, but that's because it didn't seem I was getting as many in return. Plus we started a two week schedule and that makes it easier to put off doing reviews, because I always think I have time to get more in.

Anyway, I'm really excited to be working on Moon again while I'm also revising Chasing and rewriting the sequel to Chasing. Called When Gods Leave, by the way. I've thought about changing the title for it too, but since it's different than the others, I think I'll keep it for now. *Pthb* Oh, and Moon has no vampires... I know, weird, ain't it...
December 1, 2008 at 6:49pm
December 1, 2008 at 6:49pm
Work for about the past week has been very busy and very hectic. The semester is ending so the library's jammed pack with students trying to get their final projects, papers, etc done. Brad got Kathleen's old job. Kathleen used to be my old boss, but since I got switched back under a different department, Brad will not be my boss. However, since Brad is leaving, his duties get divided up among everyone else until a replacement is found. That adds a whole lot more stress and work at one of the most busiest and stressful times of the year. And Brad's only been gone one day! Not to mention that due to the budget for student assistants, we're lacking help in that department as well.

I actually enjoy being this busy, but my body isn't used to it. Mentally, I'm still pretty awake, but my feet hurt like hell. I haven't worn heels in weeks, but today I decided to... Normally the heels I'm wearing today don't hurt, but when I'm constantly on my feet, ouch...

It's the end of semester and that's when I usually retreat to the quietness of the employee lounge. Normally for lunch I'd just use a public terminal if I wanted to use a computer, but today, I checked out one of our laptops and am hiding in the lounge. I just needed my space, because no matter how much I may like it when we're busy, at some point I need room to breath or something is going to die or break...

I don't have much to say. I'm just happy I get to sit for an hour... *Smile*
November 27, 2008 at 2:33pm
November 27, 2008 at 2:33pm
Well, I suppose most of you out there have already had your Thanksgiving dinner. Except for those of you out West. It came to me as surprise that most people ate around noon on Thanksgiving. We only ever went to my Dad's side for Thanksgiving and we don't eat until 5pm. Grandma did it that way to allow her children to visit other parts of their families during the day. Grandma moved in with my parents so now my parents host Thanksgiving and we still don't start until 5. So my immediate family usually fasts until 5 and wait for the other family members who are usually stuffed from wherever they ate earlier. *Rolleyes* But once I was married and out of the house, we started to eat a little something to tide us over until 5. Today we went out to seek sustenance as we don't have much in the house. The only place open besides grocery stores and gas stations was Starbucks. So we got some peppermint mochas and this new breakfast sandwich thing they have. Benn actually wanted Taco Bell... That just seemed wrong to me... I couldn't imagine putting a turkey dinner on top of tacos... Granted, the tacos would have probably been digested by five, but still...

I don't know why we never went to my mother's side for Thanksgiving. If we did, it was usually a few days after. We don't go to Benn's parents anymore. We did for the first couple years after we married. They do eat at noon and after we were done there, we drove to my parents. Benn didn't like it because it was a lot of driving. I didn't think it was that bad, but it's his parents and if he doesn't want to go there, then so be it. *shrug* Every year, I tell him we can go his parents instead, but he never seems interested.

There was one Thanksgiving, because of Benn's horrible schedule at the toy store that we just stayed at home and made our own dinner. Benn wanted to make the turkey, and the drumsticks came out raw and bloody while the breast was perfectly cooked. We still haven't figured out why that happened.

I feel kinda bad because Craig will be spending his Thanksgiving alone. He went out and bought himself some things to eat today. I'd invite him to my parents, but I don't think he'd enjoy it. I may not enjoy it. Mom's food is about the only thing I'm for certain to enjoy myself. And taking a gay man into a remote Indiana county where the KKK is still active is probably not the greatest of ideas...

Even though my dad voted for Obama, he still hopes that he isn't a secret Muslim... *sigh* I really hope politics don't come up tonight...

Anyway, at this point, I'm just focusing on getting some turkey and mashed potatoes. I really should have gotten eggs and made deviled eggs... bet no one else well...

I hope you all have a good day! *Bigsmile*
November 24, 2008 at 9:27pm
November 24, 2008 at 9:27pm
I only have a three day work week this week. It's the one time of year where the holiday actually works in favor of the evening/night shift. I have a four day weekend coming up. I always look forward to the time off so I can spend more time on, say my writing. But things always seem to crop up. After all, on Thursday, I'll be going to my parents' for Thanksgiving. I already made plans with my sister for Wednesday night. She's going to take me shopping for Christmas decorations. So, I'll probably get the tree decorated on Wednesday night. When I decorate I usually wait until the Friday after Thanksgiving, but Benn put up the tree yesterday and is getting anxious for it to be adorned. So, already, I can see where I'll end up with little more time than I usually get in a two day weekend. For two of the three years I've worked here, I took a vacation day on Tuesday so I got five days off. Didn't really care to do that this year. Which was probably a good thing as a lot of our staff and students seem to dropping off this week. We've been busy today, but I suspect tomorrow things will die down real quick. Especially since tomorrow night is our last home football game and we've been undefeated all season, so there's more excitement about it than there usually would be.

Mat will probably be coming to stay in December. He sent me IM tonight while I was on lunch, which was a bit of a surprise. But that gives me some hope we can have some sort of realtionship. He was asking about how to find jobs at the university. So, I'm hoping that's a good sign too.

I'm looking forward to break and it's making it hard to concentrate on much of anything. Tomorrow will be worse because we'll be slow... Ah, well. I think that's enough pointless rambling for today... *Smile*
November 23, 2008 at 11:10am
November 23, 2008 at 11:10am
I'm much better today, although not without going to some dark places yesterday, but it's a normal, annoying Sunday so far. Yesterday, to add to my angst, my tea maker broke. It looks like a coffee maker. I would put the tea and water in and it would brew the tea and keep it warm on the burner. Tea makers like that are not very common. I think they may have done away with them all together now. It's no big deal, I can make tea the traditional way, I just never really have before. Of course, I've done the hot water pouring over a tea bag thing, but I've never had an actual teapot with a tea infuser before. Long ago, I switched to using loose leaf tea instead of bags, so I really need something with an infuser or just buy an infuser, I guess. I did try to do that last night. I went to Meijer planning on just buying a tea maker, but discovered they had none. I looked at their teapots, but I wasn't sure if they came with an infuser or not. I'm sure they're probably supposed to, but I didn't want to buy one and find out it didn't have one. The only one that said it had one was like $30. Which is about the cost of a tea maker or a nice teapot from this mail order place I get my tea from. I also looked for just an infuser with the other kitchen utensils, but I couldn't find one. I decided I wasn't in any condition to make a decision about the teapot so I just went home. That whole thing didn't help my mood either.

It was obvious to Benn I was not happy yesterday, so he went out and tried to find me a tea maker, but he couldn't find one either. He did buy me a Christmas tree though, which is the reason he thought I got into a funk anyway. I wanted to at least look at trees yesterday, but after we ate, we pretty much came straight home. So, not being able to find a tea maker, I think he bought me the tree. So, I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband. *Smile* It was from Wal-Mart so I'm thinking it was probably the last place he looked, because we both refuse to go to Wal-Mart unless we have to.

Now, I just need to buy some decorations for the trees. I don't think the ones I have for the small tree are going to cut it. But I could also put up the small tree... hm...

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