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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1429181
Now my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two...
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
-Breathe(2AM), Anna Nalick

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For Daddy, the real world gets fainter and fainter every day.
-Homer Simpson Homer, Please Don't Hammer 'Em

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If we shadows have offended,/Think but this, and all is mended,/That you have but slumber'd here/While these visions did appear./And this weak and idle theme,/No more yielding but a dream...
-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer's Night Dream
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August 26, 2009 at 9:26pm
August 26, 2009 at 9:26pm
When the technician stuck me at my plasma appointment this morning, somehow she caused my blood to spray all over me. One moment I'm looking at the brand new book the library just got, ready to start chapter one and the next moment, there's bright scarlet drops on the book. Which given that I was re-reading Turn Coat the latest Dresden file novel, it's kinda appropriate as the book opens with a character on Dresden's doorstep, bleeding. So, it'll add to the ambiance of the book for future readers. Blood also got on my t-shirt which is one I got down in Florida. Most of my t-shirts are dark colors, this one is pink. The weird thing is, as I was deciding which shirt to wear this morning, I had the notion not to wear it because I might spill something on it and stain it. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm so clumsily that I often end up getting food on my shirts. But I didn't think it would be an issue today, since I didn't plan on eating anything to messy.

Once I confirmed it was my own blood, I was okay with it. But the technician felt bad and she said she almost cried. She wanted to see if they had any t-shirts they could give me, but they didn't. The manager came out and gave me ten extra dollars for the book. The book costs about $30 and I doubt the library will charge me for damages. However, it is a book the library doesn't own. We lease our best sellers, so at some point they have to go back to the company we got them from. Still, I don't mind, it was a nice gesture. They offered to dry clean my t-shirt if the blood doesn't come out. Since I went ahead with the donation, the blood set in and I doubt it'll come out. But it's a t-shirt. I'm not going to have them dry clean a t-shirt. It was just a matter of time before I stained it myself anyway. But when I got home, I put in cold water anyway. Maybe it'll do some good.

Speaking of plasma donations, me and Benn were just talking about people's reactions and attitudes when we talk about it. Usually, there's someone who says they couldn't do it. No big deal, some people have needle issues. Then there's people who think it's just for poor people. Honestly, it just gives us spending money so our pay checks can go towards bills and such. Although, I'm planning on using mine for vet visits. Dad even offered to give me money so I didn't have to go. If he did that, I'd still go. My boss said that since I'm working Labor Day and getting over time that maybe I wouldn't have to give so much plasma. I don't understand those attitudes. I think they'd be surprised at how clean and medical looking the place is. It gives me about three hours a week where I have nothing better to do than read. What's wrong with that?

Not to mention, there's people that need the plasma. The plasma often goes to people who have weak immune systems and a lot of them our children. But there's a part of me that feels guilty from time to time, because I'm getting paid for my donation. The payment for is most likely coming from charging these people for the medicine. It's probably not cheap. They often show videos of people thanking us for the donations and explaining how much better their life is because of the medication. It's a weird set of circumstances.

At any rate, in the future I'll wait and make sure that everything is hooked up before opening my book.

August 25, 2009 at 9:29pm
August 25, 2009 at 9:29pm
My husband collects demotivational images on his computer. Even if he doesn't know why it's funny or if it's disturbing. I just tend to save things that I find particularly funny and amusing. Anyway, his screen saver is the one that makes a slide show of the images you have on your computer. Every time this one comes up:
http://img.moronail.net/img/2/9/29.jpg I have the notion to do a contest on WDC so I can see what sort of wacky stories people can come up with. Some day I may have the gumption to put it together. Although, if you all want to put your interpretations in the comments, I'll not stop you. *Smile*

Skimming through the blogs this evening something reminded me of the picture, so that's all I have to share right now. Have a good evening!
August 23, 2009 at 1:06pm
August 23, 2009 at 1:06pm
So, mimosas are tasty. I actually ended up having two, but they were served in plastic champagne flutes so there wasn't much alcohol in them. It was a pleasant evening, although I didn't have as much fun as I did at Lindsey and Wallie's party a couple of weeks ago. I suspect things got more entertaining after I left as the booze was flowing more freely at that time.

Benn actually got off work early last night, but he forgot I had plans. He ended up going to that friend's who called me yesterday to make a character. He didn't get home until 1:30. If I had know he'd been out that late, I may have stayed at Justin's longer. But, oh well.

I can tell the students are back. Last night they were combing the streets looking for or going to parties. This morning, I had to park on the second floor of the garage. We're never very busy on Sunday mornings and afternoons. Sunday evenings are different, but I wont be here.

I really don't have much to say. So, I guess I'll go now.
August 22, 2009 at 5:09pm
August 22, 2009 at 5:09pm
Tonight, my evening co-workers are throwing a breakfast for supper party. It's the first thing they've asked me to that I felt comfortable going to and is at a decent hour. Usually, they do stuff really late on Saturday night. I'm the only one with the screwy schedule that has to be at work on Sunday morning. It's going to be at Justin's who has a pool, but it's been kinda cool and rainy today. He also lives a few doors down from Lindsey and Wallie. Small world.

I'm really not sure what to expect. April is inviting some of her friends and that makes me a bit uneasy. But that's not saying much. But hey, free food and booze. Not that I plan on drinking since I have to drive. I'm curious as to what a mimosa tastes like, so I may try that early in the evening.

I just had to turn down another friend to make a character tonight because I had plans. That just seemed weird. I'm Mrs. Popular all of the sudden. *Rolleyes*

Mike really wants me to come tonight. He kept asking if I was coming all week and I told him yes several times. Even confirmed it on Facebook. But I wonder if he'll talk to me much at all. Like I've said before, he'll ask me something at work and only give me a sentence to respond before he starts talking again.

We paid off our car yesterday! Woot!

I bathed Lash today in attempt to rid her of more fleas. Uri had his second vet appointment yesterday and the vet gave his this pill that keeps fleas off of him for a day or so. I had hoped to get Lash as flea free as possible. I haven't even noticed fleas on Raish or Una. I'm wondering if that's because Benn got the flea medicine on them in time. Back in our old apartment, we cat-sitted a friend's cat and after that, we had a severe flea problem. I would go to work and find fleas in my hair. Ick. But we won that battle. Then our friend blamed us that his cat had fleas. Even though he lived with his mom who had a dozen or so cats, plus ones she was fostering for ARF. Anyway, I'd like to nip the flea issue before it becomes worse.

I need to think about getting ready for the party. I'm usually an early arriver at things, but for parties I've learned to be right on time or a little late. I don't know why, but for parties, people usually seem to arrive later.
August 19, 2009 at 9:16pm
August 19, 2009 at 9:16pm
I have written over seven hundred words tonight! Woot! I hope to get more written, but I need to take a small break.

For some reason, we can't access Facebook on campus today. I could understand if our work computers were blocked, but it's also inaccessible from the public stations. Twitter and MySpace can still be accessed. So if for some strange reason the university decided to block Facebook from the campus, why wouldn't they have included Twitter and MySpace? Seriously, our library has a Facebook account. So does our theater. It could be affecting everyone, but I don't think that's the case.

Ah well, it just gives me more time to focus on my story. I'm really proud I've gotten what I have done.

I think I'm going to be mod for our Erotica forum now, too. This always seems to happen when I join a group. I eventually end up running things, or helping to run them.

It's only move in week and I'm all ready answering questions about how to find our DVDs and explaining the process of checking them out. *sigh* I guess the freshmen do move in first. Next week is going to be such a shock. There is no easing into a new semester. One day it's quiet, the next day BAM! The hordes arrive.
August 18, 2009 at 9:52pm
August 18, 2009 at 9:52pm
I've been wasting time going over some of my past blog entries. I really have been trying to work on my writing this evening. It's been so hard to get back into a groove since I got back from Florida. Two weeks ago, I was starting to and then last week I got sick and that totally screwed everything up again. Part of the problem is that when I get up in the morning, I don't want to do anything before I go to work. Except play games on Facebook. I don't know why mornings have gotten harder, but I need to snap out of it.

For that week that I was doing the dance workouts, I enjoyed it and felt good the rest of the day. So I don't know why it's so hard to get myself to do them. The only thing I can imagine is that being lazy is more of an instant reward. *Rolleyes* It's really not, given how bad I feel being lazy.

Anyway, we did go to Gen Con on Saturday and then Benn went back down on Sunday while I was at work. He's really pushing hard to see all our old friends again. Really, it shouldn't be so hard given that Lindsey and Wally still live in the same city. I ended up only getting about three hours of sleep on Friday night, so I really wasn't at my best on Saturday. I may go into more details about Gen Con later.

For the past few days, Raish has been trying to leave the apartment with more gusto than usual. And a few times he's succeeded without us noticing. I guess yesterday he slipped out when I left for work. It took Benn hours to realize he was gone. It took Una meowing at the door for him to realize that Raish was on the other side wanting in. Then today Raish slipped out again when Benn left for work. When I left to get lunch, he came running back in. When I got back, he rushed out again and it was harder to get him to go back in. Usually, a gentle shove is enough to keep him from going out, but when I left for work, it took more than that to keep him in. I have no idea why he's suddenly so eager to leave. When he is outside, he wants in pretty quickly. He's been fixed, he shouldn't be feeling any need to procreate. He's never acted like this before. I think he's being destructive too. The kittens are destructive, but I think that's because they're getting bigger and are full of kitten energy. I guess it could be more cat politics, but I thought all that had been settled. *sigh* Maybe once Uri is fixed it will help.
August 17, 2009 at 10:20pm
August 17, 2009 at 10:20pm
Seriously, I should just de-friend my sister-in-law on Facebook. Her comments make my head want to explode. I'd point out how inane her arguments are, but that would only led to more stupidity. And bring me closer to head explosion. My husband all ready de-friended her for some of her stupid comments about some of his posts. I should do the same.

It may save my brain.
August 13, 2009 at 9:32pm
August 13, 2009 at 9:32pm
Who would have thought that the 'other duties as assigned' in my work description would include checking our shelves for cockroaches. Blah. It's not good enough that the place was sprayed with pesticide. We had to make sure nothing survived. So, let's have girl who's been sick the past two days and is still hacking up a lung when we put a dusty storage book in front of her, check the chemical coated dusty areas to see if anything leaps out at her.

Okay, it wasn't that bad. But still, I don't think most people would check for cockroaches right after the pest control people were there. I was more concerned about finding spiders than cockroaches.

I am feeling much better, but I still have coughing fits from time to time. And I'm really tired. That's because I'm still having a hard time sleeping because of the coughing thing.

The ATM machine kept my card because I couldn't remember my damn PIN. So that's going to suck, dittly-uck for the next few days. Especially since Gen Con is this weekend.

I'm really not in a good mood right now. I don't know exactly what kind of mood I'm in, but it's not depressed. It's not angry. Maybe it's a laying-down-and-avoiding mood. That sounds about right.

I think I need to go find something to make me laugh... if that something should displease me, it's head may have to be removed from it's body... Don't know how to do that to a website, but still...
August 12, 2009 at 1:05pm
August 12, 2009 at 1:05pm
This will have little to do with my entry, but it needs to be shared:


I called in sick to work yesterday. After I got home on Monday night, I coughed so hard that the contents of my stomach came up. More than once. I had actually done that at work a little bit, but all I had was water in my stomach apparently. I couldn't fall asleep Monday night, because every time I was about to, I had a coughing fit, leading to more vomiting. I did take my temperature and it was 100. The weird thing is, I didn't feel sick. I had a sore throat and stomach muscles from coughing, but I didn't have that sick feeling. I did when I woke up on Tuesday. I had a temperature of 99 point something throughout the day. Which I think one could make the argument that a temperature of 99 may actually fall within normal range as most humans probably don't stay at 98 degrees consistently. I think I average more like 97 anyway. But I haven't felt like I've had a fever. Usually, when I have a fever, I'm very cold to the point of shaking. Today, I'm still 99, but I feel much better. Not enough to go to work. I'm feeling weak and decided since I have a slew of sick days it wouldn't hurt to use another one to rest.

So, this time around, the husky voice was probably not due to allergies. Benn now has a sore throat. I hope he doesn't get as sick as I did. Although, compared to other illnesses, this one hasn't been so bad. Benn's having one of his insomniac phases. He spent last night cleaning the house. I think he may have actually cleaned out the cat boxes. I haven't felt well enough to face them. *phtb*

This really sucks though. Things were settling down and then I get sick. Blah.
August 10, 2009 at 5:31pm
August 10, 2009 at 5:31pm
I had my yearly physical today and it happened to coincide to me being hoarse. So, I had that checked out while I was there. There are a couple of times a year where my throat hurts. I may have some coughing, some sneezing and maybe a little nose blowing. I assumed they were allergies because it didn't feel like a cold. After I got my sleep apnea machine, I was prone to blame that. For some reason, I just didn't want to have allergies. I never had anything like that until I came to college. There was one time in college, where I lost my voice. My throat was sore and I just couldn't talk. I went to the health center and after answering fifty questions of "Are you pregnant?", the doctor finally looked at my throat. Nothing looked abnormal. I just couldn't believe it.

Well, when the doctor looked at my throat today, she said everything looked fine. So I asked her what could cause my hoarseness. She said allergies. I had assumed that allergies would make your throat red, but I guess not. It could also be acid reflux, which I did have issues with once, but on the suggestion of another doctor, I got that under control by not eating so much before bedtime. But my current doctor said that heartburn can actually be 'silent' and people may not even feel it. I've actually wondered about that for awhile. Given the other symptoms, I'm inclined to think allergies, and so did the doctor. So she gave me a prescription for some allergy medicine to see if that helps. The pills are gigantic. I'm surprised I could swallow it with no problems.

My throat stopped hurting today, but I'm still hoarse. It had started to hurt when we were watching the G.I. movie. I suppose some might see that as a comment about the movie. I can't say that would be completely inaccurate.*Smirk* But it can still be a pain to talk. I'd rather not. Which some smart asses out there may ask how that's different from how I am when I'm well. Well, there is a difference, but I'm not going to bore you with the explanation. I was really kinda hoping the doctor would tell me not to talk until I got better. I know, I'm weird.

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