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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1429181
Now my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two...
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
-Breathe(2AM), Anna Nalick

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For Daddy, the real world gets fainter and fainter every day.
-Homer Simpson Homer, Please Don't Hammer 'Em

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If we shadows have offended,/Think but this, and all is mended,/That you have but slumber'd here/While these visions did appear./And this weak and idle theme,/No more yielding but a dream...
-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer's Night Dream
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August 9, 2009 at 11:45am
August 9, 2009 at 11:45am

I really didn't think we'd stay out until 3A.M. We may have stayed longer if I hadn't had to work this morning. If I had known how late we would be, I might not have traded Justin back to our normal hours.

I had a blast last night. So much fun, but not enough dancing despite my youtube choice. I think I mentioned something in a earlier entry about not being as wild as I'd like to be. I think I took care of some of that last night. Although, my wild is still pretty tame when compared to others.

I did get a little tipsy. But not enough for a hangover. Thank God. Sundays are bad enough getting a full nights sleep and being sober. But if by the time April gets here and I'm feeling worse, I may go home sick.

Greg is a state cop and he drove his cop car to the party, so I asked if he had breathalyzer. He said, "Sure, wanna see it?" I said, "Sure." He then told me to get on my knees. I informed him I wasn't that drunk. Although, it did take moment for the joke to sink in. (Have I mentioned that Greg is the inspiration for Langston?) So he went and got the real thing. I thought he'd have one attached to his dashboard and it would be like the one they used on Mythbusters. But it was a little portable one and it has disposable plastic tubes. Each person has to use a different tube or it'll screw up the results. My suggestion may have cost the state five plastic tubes. I opted out of being tested as there were only five tubes and people drunker than myself. Wally, Lindsey's husband had a .23. Greg said if he had pulled him over, he would be sent to the hospital. But people who drink a lot can have a higher alcohol/blood ratio. Or so I've been told. Wally does currently work at a liquor store and takes full advantage of the employee discount.

Lindsey asked why we didn't get drunk at the campsite. We did get a little tipsy at a wine tasting though. I thought the state park didn't allow booze, but she said that was only on the beach. *shrug* A pool or a lake would have felt good last night though. I guess all things considered, it's probably best not to mix water and booze.

I am so very tired, but last night was so very happy. It was well worth it.
August 8, 2009 at 3:35pm
August 8, 2009 at 3:35pm
We're not having the camp out that Lindsey had planned to celebrate her birthday and Greg's. Instead we're just having a party at her house tonight. At least I found out in time so I could switch back to my normal work schedule. And before we drove up to the in-laws to get camping supplies.

I've spent most of today getting the sphere room the way I want it. I still need a desk though. I'm also not finished with it yet. The nice thing is a breeze is coming in through the window. Still sweating way too much though. But the room is ready to be used as a guest room. So if you need a rest stop or something whilst in Indiana I have one.*Smile*

Yesterday, we went to Indianapolis and took a bunch of used books to Half-Price. For two bags, we got ten bucks. Which didn't surprise me. I'm just happy to be rid of them, especially a stat book I had to buy in college and could never get rid of. I then got Lindsey a present. We still have to get Greg one. Plus food to bring. although we stopped at an Asian grocery store and picked up some sake to bring. We normally always pass the Asian Mart when we go to Indy and I finally convinced Benn to stop yesterday. I think he enjoyed it. We picked up some noodlely things and some sweet things. I don't know what mochi is, but wrapped up in marshmallow, chocolate, and strawberry jam, it sure is tasty. There were Asians there shopping and I wanted to follow them home to see how they cooked the items they purchased.

Then we picked up B and went to see the G.I. Joe movie. Now, I never watched G.I. Joe except for the last few minutes of the episodes because it came on before another cartoon I watched. But I do know quite a bit about it for never having seen it. My husband has always had a thing for Baroness. In fact, there's a huge poster of her upstairs that B got him for his birthday some time ago. I guess she's pretty hot. *Pthb* Benn plays a female human in Final Fantasy XI and her name is Baroness. I was okay with the movie, but I didn't like the the whole mind fuck thing they did with Baroness. I don't think that's giving away much. Benn and B absolutely hated the movie. The only movie Benn hated worse was Gladiator. He was starting to imagine ninjas half-way through that way to make it better, but GI Joe had ninjas all ready. I understand they have to adapt things like G.I. Joe so it can be fit into two hours, but I don't think most fans will like some of the liberties they took. At least I know two of them didn't. *Pthb*

And to explain the title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8
August 6, 2009 at 7:36pm
August 6, 2009 at 7:36pm
I've had a frozen lasagna in the freezer at work for about a two weeks now. I figured tonight I should eat it, but when I was getting it ready to put in the microwave, I noticed that it was supposed to serve 2.5 people. I had purchased this lasagna in the same area of the freezer with the other personal frozen meals. So it should have been a single serving size, but really no big deal. But then I notice the microwave directions. It's one of those items that needs cooked on high for a few minutes and then cooked on medium for a few more. I have never had good luck with meals that are supposed to cook that way. I either cook it all on high and dry out the food too much to be edible or it doesn't cook enough. Not to mention every microwave I've worked with doesn't make it easy to set the microwave to high, medium or low. Since it's always happens at work, I don't have the instruction manual. If I have to put that much work into nuking something, it isn't worth it. A microwave is for convenience. It's purpose is to simply take whatever we put in it and heat it up. Much more than that and it's not convenient. I might as well just cook.


Anyway, I'm taking the lasagna home since it has conventional oven directions. For that, I just preheat the damn oven and throw it in. That's convenient. I don't care if takes longer, I just don't want to have to stop the process before it's done. And if hubby is around it can be split in half and served with a salad for a nice, quick, CONVENIENT meal.

I want to Panera instead. It was quite tasty.

Speaking of microwaves, I don't bother to reheat pizza in them. I find leftover pizza much tastier if warmed up in the oven and it only takes about five to ten minutes. It's less greasy that way too.The pizza stone might help with that too. There is a local franchise pizza restaurant that I will warm up their pizza in the microwave because it tastes all right that way.

Come to think of it, about the only thing I use a microwave for is the timer feature. At home anyway. The ones here at work I use for frozen dinners. My husband relays on it far more than I do.

I always get relay and rely mixed up. I hope I used the right word. Stupid grammar. Stupid microwave. Everything's stupid but me. *Pthb* Does the *Pthb* convey that I'm not serious? Cause this all should be taken tongue in cheek. I'm betting that having all that explained takes what little humor there was out of it... I have the soul of a comedian, but not the brain to allow it to speak properly.
August 5, 2009 at 8:33pm
August 5, 2009 at 8:33pm
Today I went over and got more storage books. And those days are always exhausting because I have to clean them and then sort them. The cleaning is done, and I'm just taking a break at the moment. The only problem with taking a break is making myself go back. And I was worried I wasn't going to get any exercise in. I think spending a good chunk of the day moving books should qualify as exercise. Just this week I started exercising again. I didn't do it today because of a plasma appointment. I didn't think it'd be a good idea to come home right after that and jazzerize. Our cable company offers free programs including some exercise workouts. I've been checking out the dance ones. It surprised me because the ones I've tried so far gave me a really good workout.

I did get 58 words written for my story yesterday. Woot! I probably would have had more, but I came across some blocks that I had to figure out setting wise. The good news is, it's started my brain thinking about the story more often.

Ug, well I guess that's long enough. Time to give these arm some more reps.... *sigh*
August 3, 2009 at 9:51pm
August 3, 2009 at 9:51pm
I'm really trying to get back into the groove of writing. This past month has just been so busy and I don't see it letting up until about the end of this month... When fall semester starts. *Cry* At least by then, my weekends should be free again. And to think there was a time I was depressed about having my entire weekends free. Now, I have a three day weekend this coming weekend, but I had to trade Justin a Friday for it. So the weekend after that, I only have one day. And that day will be spent going to Gen Con. It's not that I don't want to go, I'd just like to have a day to myself again. At least this Friday, I should have some time to myself, but Uri has to go to the vet. Still, it shouldn't take too long.

Benn told me our friend B is going to move to Virginia the week after Gen Con. This is sad news. His girlfriend lives in Washington D.C. She used to live here. Her and B used to date when they were both going to school here. Why can't she move back to Indiana? *Frown* Benn says B is depressed about going. I can understand being sad, but depressed? Shouldn't he be happy that he's going to be closer to his girlfriend? And I've known his past girlfriends, and his current one is much better than the rest. And that includes his ex-wife who used to be my best friend. B will be living with his aunt. B has never lived anywhere by himself. I hope he doesn't rush into a marriage again. Even when he was married, he lived with his brother. That whole thing is a weird sorted tale I don't want to get into. But he married my best friend to make her happy. Not to make himself happy. When getting married, both parties should be happy with the arrangement. B is the last friend we see on a regular basis. Benn all ready lost Craig this past year. I'm thinking that's why Benn is pushing this Triumph thing and camp out party this weekend. Really there's no reason we can't hang out with some of our old friends, because they still live here. It's just we grew apart and never came back together. I blame a egotistical douchebag for that.

This really isn't an exciting entry. I'm sure if I went into details about some of the events above, I could entertain you for a good long time. But like I said, I don't want to go there this evening. I have considered starting another blog where I just tell stories about my past. Sometimes things are just best left forgotten. *Pthb*
August 1, 2009 at 7:33pm
August 1, 2009 at 7:33pm
I'm going through the things I took from my parent's yesterday. First, after reading a journal I kept in junior high, I'm so glad I'm not that age anymore. Second, I just came across a dating questionnaire for potential dates in high school. I'm pretty sure it was a joke, but here are some of the gems:

Do you have craving for human flesh?
Out of how many of your past relationships are is your former partner still alive? (I'm pretty sure that was inspired by Northern Exposure.)
Have you had sex with anything dead?

Maybe this explains why I never got dates in high school...
July 30, 2009 at 8:26pm
July 30, 2009 at 8:26pm
I just finished going through the textbooks in our collection to see what the state re-adopted and what it didn't. I've been calling it my yearly arm workout. And chest too I suppose. I should being working out my arms the rest of the year to prepare for this, but I also need to start working out in general again.

         Anyway, after slugging around textbooks for a week, I'm surprised that by the time students graduate, they are super he-men or he-women. So I'm guessing students aren't lugging around their books to classes or to home. Which doesn't bode well for their education either.

         When I was in school, they kept saying that soon children would be taught with computers and TV screens. Possibly doing away with heavy textbooks. Here I am, still dealing with them.

         I suspect textbook publishers enjoy having a captive audience. The schools have to buy them to properly teach the kids.

          Each year a different subject gets picked to go through the re-adopted process. This year was Social Studies. I, being a history major, had to go through a lot of the textbooks. Because I'm a nerd that finds going through encyclopedias and atlases interesting. I was a bit disappointed at the coverage for the discovering of the Americas and the first settlements. The place I went to on vacation, St. Augustine, FL, is the oldest continuously occupied European established city in the continental United States. It was founded in 1565. But it wasn't even mentioned. Ponce de Leon was only mentioned briefly for exploring and naming Florida. But there's considerably more about the English settlements of Jamestown (1607) and Plymouth Rock (1620). I realize that the English perhaps had a bigger part in our history than the Spanish, but still, they couldn't spare a paragraph for the Spanish discovering St. Augustine? Blah.

          One of the publisher's textbooks would define words in the margins. Words that kids that age should know, like collapse. I can't think of the others right now, but it made want to weep that they had to define such simple words.


Last night, one of my co-workers directed me to this site: http://www.stuffchristianculturelikes.com/ The standard disclaimer of if you're easily offend or have no sense of humor don't go to this site!, applies.

          The one thought that has been mulling around in my head since pursuing the site is this: I wonder if putting so much emphasis on how wonderful sex is and that's the reason you should wait until you're married, makes it more likely that you'll have sex. I shall try to explain my thought process here, because I don't think its the normal argument. I think by stating that sex is a powerful thing, it can make someone believe that having sex with their crush will bind them to you. I know they tried to tell us that having sex with boys wouldn't change them, but I thought those were the nasty boys who drank and smoked and would never be any good. But the boys I had a crush on, were shiny paladins that would never use girls like that. Once we were together, they would see how wonderful I was and want to stay with me and marry me. Even back then I knew that thought was naive, but it didn't stop me from hoping. I also slept with him because then I'd always be his first no matter what. (Assuming he told me the truth, but he was such a loser, I have no doubt he was telling the truth.) He was my first kiss too. When I was 20. There was also the fact that I had never had a boyfriend or anything until college. So when this boy came into my life, I believed it had to be destiny. No other boy had ever seemed interested in me and since it had taken so long for a boy to approach me, he must be the one. I went off on a tangent there. And that boy could get his own entry. Hell, he could probably get an entire book, but it would only stroke his ego. But, point is, you make sex sound so powerful that it can make an innocent believe it will make someone fall in love with you, so it doesn't matter if you don't wait until marriage. No matter the warnings to the contrary. Sex can be a powerful thing, but I'm not sure how many young ones can wield its power effectively.
                   When I was in high school, the church had the youth watch this Why Wait series. Produced by Focus on the Family. There was one scene where a virgin girl was talking with her friends who were not virgins and they were encouraging her to have sex or making fun of her. The virgin said, "I can become like you anytime I want, but you can never become like me." I liked that line, but I often think of it when my family members with children try to convince me to have children of my own. It just seems like when they're trying to convince me that a child is wonderful, they're really trying to convince themselves. But that too could be a longer blog entry, so moving on...
                             One last thought about the sex/marriage thing: If a man doesn't want to marry you because you are not a virgin, then he doesn't really love you. I guess that could be said of a woman too, but you don't often hear about that. Seriously, he only gets to enjoy a virgin once. Then you have the rest of your lives to fill. Marriage needs to be about more than the wedding night. Honestly, if other people were like my husband and me, we were too tired from the wedding day to think about the sex.

          This site also pointed out that Christian culture likes U2 music, but not Bono's ideology. Which made me smile, because my sister and her husband love U2 and they are rather devout. At least more so than me. But that's not saying much.

         It seems that Christian culture doesn't include Catholics or Mormons according to that site. But after reading the site some of those things could apply to what I've read in chicochica 'sblog about Mormons.


Tomorrow, I'm going to my parents and cleaning out some of the stuff I left there. This is also county fair week in my old hometown. So I thought if Mom asked me what I wanted to eat, I would suggest some fair food things. Like the huge tenderloins served by the Conservation Club and the lemon shake-ups that a local stand makes. Shake-ups from other places are hit and miss, but that stand is nearly always perfect. Then I thought cotton candy would be tasty. And I haven't had an elephant ear in a while. It's really said, because when I was a kid the fair was the place for going on rides. Now, I just want the food. As I got older, the sicker the rides made me. I avoid them all together. There was a brief time where I got over my fear of roller coasters, but now I'm certain they would make me sick. It's kinda sad, but then again going to an amusement park for an outlandish fee just to stand in lines doesn't seem like a great idea anyway.

I think that's all for now... *Smile*
July 29, 2009 at 12:02pm
July 29, 2009 at 12:02pm
I often have problems with people hearing me. I learned to project my voice years ago in theater, but I often do not want to be that loud. It still feels like I'm yelling when I do that. I'm so tired of not being heard, when I'm asked to repeat what I've said or speak louder, I just don't bother and say it's not important. It's just really frustrating for me to have to talk loudly. That maybe one of the reasons I'm so quiet. The thing is, I don't think I'm normally all that soft spoken.

Right now, my husband is playing a game ( a game he doesn't even like) very loudly. ( And he complains when I have the TV up too loud.) I just don't want to compete with the game.

I'm understanding that one quote in a totally new way. "Speak softly and carry a big stick." *Smirk*
July 28, 2009 at 9:22pm
July 28, 2009 at 9:22pm
Does anyone else go through the blogs and follow the drama that occurs on WDC without commenting? I keep wanting to bring that up, but I'm afraid of getting dragged into it somehow. I've found my groups and I'm happy with them so the larger community I don't think about too much. Perhaps that's what's wrong with society at large. *shrug* But I don't see how I could help by adding my two cents in and truthfully, I don't really have two cents to give. Most of the time, I do see both sides of the argument. But I did take a quiz on Facebook that said I was like Hamlet, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I'm not that decisive.

Anyway, I finally got around to viewing my critique of my query letter on Evil Editor. It was posted while I was on vacation and I only got the nerve to look at it today. It wasn't bad at all, nothing like my first 150 words critique. There are some commenters on that site I've learned to ignore. I've had to learn that about people on this site too, so no big deal. I actually found most of the comments and critique useful. I had come to a road block with the query letter and I really needed input to improve upon it.

I'm ready to jump back into writing, it's just a question of finding the time to do it. The next free weekend I have, I'm going to go through Chasing and edit it. I think it's been long enough since I looked at it that I can come back to it with fresh eyes. I intended to do the editing during my time in Florida, but whenever I had a moment to spare, I usually took catnaps. I also took a bunch of books to read, but the catnaps were always more tempting. Like I said in a previous entry, I didn't sleep very well during the night, so catnaps were probably necessary. *meow*

I made an appointment for Uri at the vet for next Friday and then he'll be scheduled to get fix. They grow up so fast. *Smile*

I think that's all I have in me for an entry tonight. Have a good one.
July 26, 2009 at 3:11pm
July 26, 2009 at 3:11pm
Blak. This is my first Sunday back at work in two weeks. It still sucks. To make matters worse, summer semester ended and we now have four weeks before the fall semester starts. Of course one of those Sundays I'm still taking off.

I think with the pictures done, I've said enough about my vacation. Although, I can think of several things I could still gush about. I'm also getting settled back in to my home. Which probably shouldn't have taken a week, but there are times when I long to be on the beach again.

This coming Friday, I'm going to my parents to clean out some of my old things so my parents can bring the daybed, the vanity and a set of shelves to our townhouse. They'll be going into the spare room. Since I'll be going through things I haven't really seen since high school, I'm expecting Friday to be full of nostalgia.
Not that I remember my high school days fondly, but it had its moments. *Smile* There should be some college things stuck in there too.

It's also inspired me to make an office of sorts for myself. If I get a desk put in the spare room for my laptop. I hate to admit it, but sitting upright at a desk I do tend to be more productive than reclining on a couch. Not that I haven't got tons of work down on a couch, but I've become really undisciplined lately and need to start making some adjustments. I'm thinking if I have a place to do my writing, I may get more done. Saying this spot is for this, may help. I also look forward to decorating it too. It's a place I don't really have to worry about the cats breaking things, because there's a door I can shut to keep them out. As the kittens get bigger the more destructive they're getting. Yuri's name should be spelled Uri, since Benn named him Uriel. So, I'm going to have to remember that. I don't know if I want to take the time and go back and change the picture titles.

Anyway, the spare room reminds me: While I was gone on vacation, Craig contacts Benn one morning before Benn has to be at work, and asks if he can come over and get the rest of their stuff. Craig and Mat had a U-Haul and were ready to head off to Michigan. They still had stuff at our place. It would have been so funny if Benn had been on vacation with me. So Benn has to put a hold on his plans, which included buying food for my cats, so that Craig could get his crap. He still didn't take it all. His truck is still outside our apartment. Benn asked him what he wanted done with the truck and Craig said his parents were coming for it. The parents who disowned him and have no idea where he lives and probably don't care. Benn took off the sticker that lets him park at the apartment complex and put the rest of his crap in the truck. Benn is selling the small fridge that Craig left behind. Benn talked to the the manager of the complex and he said he would try to contact Craig about the truck before having it towed. I have no idea what's happened since then besides the fact that the truck is still there. I guess at this point it's between him and the manager of the complex. As long as we're not charged for having it towed, I guess I don't care.

I guess I should go and become productive now...

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