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Life, Prose, Poetry, Philosophy, Opinion, Faith
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June 5, 2007 at 1:30pm
June 5, 2007 at 1:30pm
The time is now to grasp state of mind. Controlling your state of mind. That’s one of the keys of life. Controlling your state of mind gives you the power to dictate your own circumstance. Living life is something that should be given the wonder and amassment it deserves. I know that I haven’t been on that path as of late but you have renewed my spirit, and I want to help you renew yours.

The mental state that we have the power to turn upon ourselves can be devastating. So when we control that state then we are given the ability to dictate a better joy, excitement contentment, happiness, warmth, but the most amazing of all of these feelings and experiences is love; and we get to live in that state if we choose..
June 4, 2007 at 6:21pm
June 4, 2007 at 6:21pm
The road to rebirth, and renewal, of mind and soul, are encompassing during our journey. The number of times that rebirth occurs, will depend upon the commitment to the present, and awareness of the future. As well as the roads we choose to travel, during our lives.

Rebirth, and renewal, are given to us through the use of awareness, and enlightenment. When the awareness, and enlightenment, become plainly visible. Both in the minds eye, and the happenings of each day. We see that there is growth happening with us. Sparks of awareness bring hope, and ease, knowing that the events of the past are no longer in control, because the rebirth has begun.

Shedding our past as a snake sheds its skin; renewal. It is an event that occurs with that animal, each and every year. Not a bad analogy, but the snakes have no choice. We choose to take the direction that will bring what is our own contentment. We choose to shed our own skins. The skin being, things that need to be let go of. To feel the wonder of life's flow, we must be vigilant, with our constant movement toward enlightenment. Which is slowly attained through our own experiences, including rebirths.

Life demands that we grant ourselves rebirth on occasion, bringing security, and fulfillment to our souls, soul. The power of that transformation is in excess of powerful. There are too many words that could describe the experience. Inspiring, cleansing, renewal, and calm, are but a few.

As the sprout of rebirth, takes hold, and grows roots, becoming more powerful with life. So do we grow powerful, as we continue the path down our own roads? With valuable life affirming qualities received. Shedding the skin of the mind's clutter, gives the spirit of renewal, and rebirth. Allowing for forgiveness of self, knowing that one grows, with the passage of time.

Growth is always in movement, and growth is, and can be, manipulated with the dynamic power we have. Our power to think our own thoughts, and create our own realities. Our ability to love, and care, as well as our ability to be loved, and cared for.

Each rebirth we live is growth intensified. Each rebirth we experience is a shedding of what will not bring the contentment we desire.
June 4, 2007 at 5:13pm
June 4, 2007 at 5:13pm
Pondering my breath of life.

The capacity to become overjoyed with the adrenalin rush it gives is attained only on rear occasions because the focus of my mind is in turmoil, physically and mentally dealing with obligations that have either been self imposed or forced upon me.

The attainment of that joy is unattainable at times because of my own mindset. I feel secured in the knowledge that joy is there one hundred percent of the time and that the only reason for non attainment is directly due to the thought pattern and the emotional stability that I am experiencing at that specific moment.

I am sure that balance is attained through understanding of the consequences of the now, and tied together with the past and how the past was lived in relation to demeanor and manner. I believe that my demeanor and manner have a great impact on my ability to have balance in my life.

Specific pieces of information are added to the mix, if through no reason but being alive. The awareness of our reactions to happenings in our lives is key in me having security, with security the gates of self can be opened to a much greater degree. Security can be viewed in umpteen different ways, and regardless of how it is looked upon, it still is always attained through understanding of self and understanding of conviction; demeanor, manner. The conviction to live life on a balanced plain with joy and happiness being paramount to my personal success is directly related to my thoughts and the temperature of them at that particular time.
June 4, 2007 at 5:00pm
June 4, 2007 at 5:00pm
With intent in it’s proper house I am given many tools that are always at my disposal, and with the gentlest of nudging find a home in which all is, and all dreams of the future are manifest into life affirming without the slightest of doubt. A rhyme in time makes laughter hostage to the mainstay that is mine.

Go with valor and chivalry of no other but you to speak and claim respect, in wonderment that is of no hand but the hand that molded the life-force of all.

Can’t see the goal and thought the victory would be cold,
Just keep moving with valor on the cusp of your own intellect, not running from what is yours.

Lost in my world of pain trying all that I can to master that hazy world that is none but mine, going into the passion that encircles my rhyme.
June 4, 2007 at 4:56pm
June 4, 2007 at 4:56pm

As my days move, from morning to night. My heart is filled now with wondrous delight. Of long days that have passed, finding such peace, at last has added flame to the light of my wonder.

Warmth with her touch makes my feel as such, to yield heart to her with all splendors. Because of she I do now feel free, to open my world without hinder.

My body and hers, give glory to earth as love can only be laid.
In grace came she, with her mountain of glee, and her passion can never be stayed.

As I go through my days from morning to night my heart wants to be with hers in mid flight. Soon it will be that she will be free, to unfold the carpet of hers and feel life is right.
June 4, 2007 at 11:31am
June 4, 2007 at 11:31am
We Decide

Sometimes the experience is to beat the band, and sometimes it makes the band run away and hide. At least I can decide how bad it is, and not let it overwhelm me. In all, ten percent of things, are things that happen, and ninety percent of things, are how I react to those happenings. So I’ve decided that my reactions to situations, be they good or bad, reflect my humanity and its depth. That not only includes physical and verbal reactions, but psychological reactions as well. I have a building block upon which I can place my trust in the development of myself and world.

That important foundation has been in my life from day one. My unconditional acceptance is, and was, the only hurdle on my path. A self imposed hurdle. The will and freedom given, have always been there for acceptance by me. My mind is forever pondering my own resolve on the essence of life, always leaving me open to queries. Those queries are given a resting place in my faith.

As people think for themselves, and think what they will, my personal anticipation is affection. Affection is powerful, in that it gives support and affirmation to yourself, Supporting those around you; emulating love.
June 4, 2007 at 11:28am
June 4, 2007 at 11:28am
Tender Praise

Thought of our flight of time, great times are yet to come.
Always sure our happy times are much more, yet not done.
My heart calls love, with tender praise, and gallant valor.

Our touch of hearts enraptures love, with spirit dancing kindled,
Bringing the heart; lap of tender in our flight together.
Embrace of spirit, my heart so sings; spirit keeping chord; true.

The soar of heart, in the world of now, is life renewed anew.
When our hearts unite my praise for you is true.
My heart beats with the touch of your hand; the man I am.
The energy is wondrous to share, then embrace with care, sweet you.

My heart does sing sweet song.
June 4, 2007 at 11:20am
June 4, 2007 at 11:20am
Happenings, events, occurrences, coincidences, are relative to the very essence of who and what we are.

The weight one places upon one’s response to external stimuli is molded from the essence of who we are, and who we have grown into. We give what has happened and what will happen the driving force in the interaction. When the past and the future are banished, then totalness of the experience, it grows, grace is attained. When focused on the moment and total commitment to the interaction there are no external pressures from the ego to dictate how it, the interaction, unfolds.

A commonality from self intuition reveals in us all that we strive toward acceptance and acceptance can be as fleeting as a summer breeze.
June 4, 2007 at 11:11am
June 4, 2007 at 11:11am
Know deep awareness, of the contents of the mind, holding hands with our body.

All driving power is urged foreword, with the mindset of; “everything can come, and bring it on.” It aids in the strengthening of us as people, blossoming with power. With the given ability to use and implant seeds of a more joyous and happy life for those who have the good fortune to get to see you and see who you are; a person accomplished with strong character and true essence..

Innate behaviors, which we all have, can through mental control of one’s faculties, be joyous to the other souls around us.
June 4, 2007 at 10:46am
June 4, 2007 at 10:46am
We are all looking at the world and trying to figure out how to deal with it. There are so many brave people, people are very brave, you are brave. Be brave and be strong, we all overcome with perseverance, and will.

Believe that faith is a cornerstone that helps us live our lives on earth. It help’s us conquer our worst fears. It lends strength to weakness, and courage to the heart. The goal; to live our lives in desired tranquility, nurtured spirit, and love. The goal is nurtured by faith, giving faith the power it has. Growth into full humanity makes our faith real and attainable; it’s a very large building block.

As our lives are lived, we have the power at our disposal to access the Spirit through Christ. As that task is undertaken with confidence, our life goals are integrated into our own lives. In other words, we are building ourselves into what we want to become.

Letting faith has ruling force in life opens a floodgate of fulfillment of needs and wants. This floodgate is attainable, when asked for by prayer. Be filled with the Spirit and enjoy the security. For complete immersion into the Spirit brings with it remarkable insight. A guide for our everyday existence, from rise in the morning to sleep at night. With the progression of our lives, faith gives serenity and purpose.

That purpose is evident through the grace of God always with us. Some have intentionally decided not to immerse themselves in God’s grace, leaving a huge void in life. The void can be detrimental, leavening discouragement, ill will, and failure. Commitment to move foreword brings a want for more. More light to guide us down our sometimes-dark paths

When everything is said and done there are only a certain number of things we can rely on in our lives. Jesus Christ is the most significant, powerful, compassionate, caring, and gentle in our existence. My release to God has given to me a fountain of personal strength, and dignity, without which I would surely have folded in the turmoil.

Our Savior is always with us. Regardless of weather we wish to accept that reality or not, faith brings us closer in that vital relationship. With that awareness, incredible things are open to happening every day of our lives. Faith can move a mountain, and change the direction of life, for the better. Faith has the amazing ability to unlock areas of our own mind that have been padlocked shut.

Things, which we thought, were unattainable now, become tangible with faith. There will always be events in our lives with no explanation, rhyme or reason. That is divine predestination in our lives, which the Lord has chosen as our path on earth.

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