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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1227698
Life, Prose, Poetry, Philosophy, Opinion, Faith
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Thanks Tornado Day for sponsoring me in the "Rising Star Group" and being my friend.

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March 8, 2007 at 7:36pm
March 8, 2007 at 7:36pm
The time is now to grasp state of mind.

Controlling your state of mind. Thats one of the keys of life. Controlling your state of mind, gives you the power to dictate your own circumstance. Living life is something that should be given the wonder and amasement it deserves. I know that I haven’t been on that path as of late, but you have renewed my spirit, and I want to help renew yours.

The mental state that we have the power to turn upon ourselves, can be devastating. So when we control that state, then we are given the ability to dictate a better joy, excitement, contentment, happiness, and warmth. The most amazing of all of these feelings and experiences is love; and we get to live in that state if we choose.
March 8, 2007 at 7:18pm
March 8, 2007 at 7:18pm
Fuel Could Not Be Closer

There was another man whose house was quickly disintegrating. As we were playing cards, we played a lot of cards, he was cutting portions of 2 x 4 from the walls, and throwing them into his fireplace, as fuel for the fire, for warmth.


I took him by the arm, and walked to his front door to his home, opened it, pointed at the strand of trees not 3 feet away, and asked, "why?"

He just didn’t care! I don’t know what ever happened to him. Hope he didn’t burn himself.

The might of the word outweighs even the sword.....Peace Pal


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March 8, 2007 at 6:59pm
March 8, 2007 at 6:59pm
It’s funny how life is such a journey. Ups and downs, ins and outs, it’s a roller coaster ride!

My list of hardships is extensive, and I could be in the blues all the time, if I focused my thought only on them; self pity. It is all so hard at times! Then I realize that I am the one thinking the very thoughts that are making me unhappy. I literally turn that frown upside down. Forcing myself to feel happy, content and needed. It really is all so hard sometimes.

I try to feel the miracle I am, and when I do, I feel as though I don’t deserve it. I feel like there is something about me that is not important enough. Which is an insult to God. God has complete love for all of us. God is not a person looking down at us, thinking of ways to make things happen that are sad and miserable. God is everything and much more. God wants us to be happy, and filled with joy. We each have a sparkle of the divine in us. God wants us to understand the remarkable power we each have; complete dominion over ourselves. The powers of love, joy, compassion, hope.

Forget about the doubt there is. Focus on the ideas and principals. We want to grow and enjoy our lives. Love, joy, compassion, hope. It is all so hard at times. Its a challenge but I’m up for it! Feeling what I ‘m feeling, and living what I’m living is life, and a growing challenge.

The might of the word outweighs even the sword.....Peace Pal


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March 8, 2007 at 5:35pm
March 8, 2007 at 5:35pm
Self Preservation.

It's an interesting concept, isn't it? What really is self preservaion? Is it security of the body? Is is it security of the mind, and body? I think that you can't have one, without the other, so I say mind, and body.

Self-preservation in relation to the body, is a fairly simple affair. Eat, drink, sleep, deficate; self-preservation dictates that those functions are happening. These are needs that we as people have, to stay alive. When those needs are not meet, is when self-preservation sets in, to right the wrong.

Self preservation of the mind is a completely different affair. That is the be all, and end all, for me. Where my mind rests, is were I am. Now the places I get to rest in are dictated by the mind. The most complex piece of machinery there is. I actually own one, so do you, so do we all. Imagine each of us owns and possesses the most complex piece of machinery on earth, and we get to use it, to our own content, whenever we want. I presume that when the mind cannot find rest, then the self-preservation sets in.

The might of the word outweighs even the sword.....Peace Pal


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March 8, 2007 at 5:22pm
March 8, 2007 at 5:22pm
My thoughts of she does give to me, a feeling of much grandeur. With warmth and tenderness, she brings flames to my heart, with candor!

Nectar of sweetness she emits, without thought of self.

Kind words with gentle touch and smile, add honey to her mixture. Her face and eyes, with words so soft, give solace from soul within her. Lending power to me, so I may see the warm candlelight she does tinder.

The bliss in her transforms me, and makes me so much fonder! Constructing thoughts, my spot on earth, is nothing here without her.

The mystery she brings to me, is grace down to its marrow. As my days move on, the world has found, my light with much less sorrow! The glee to be, of she and me, is passion with no measure. What I know, is she is free to grow, in grandeur with such pleasure.

For I can be, protection for she, as man alone I ponder. She lends to me the strength of all, so I may show I'm man. To forge ahead, a brand new day, with her hand in mine is grand.

Fitting for her, royalty she is, with touch of love forever!

The might of the word outweighs even the sword.....Peace Pal


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March 8, 2007 at 3:35pm
March 8, 2007 at 3:35pm
I know that things are easy to say, and completely different when actually done.

But being aware of the magic of the moment, makes doing much more enjoyable. Forget about the past, the worries and anguish. Forget about the future, it is going to happen regardless. Think about NOW, this moment. There is nothing wrong at this very moment, is there?

Living your life in the NOW is empowering. It gives you control and command of YOU! This is some of the stuff kindled in me. Thinking about tomorrow, next week, month or year, takes you away from NOW, and in most cases provokes anxiety.

The might of the word outweighs even the sword.....Peace Pal


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March 8, 2007 at 3:23pm
March 8, 2007 at 3:23pm
Open dialogue is critical in development of both our faith and our understanding of one another. In today’s world there are a number of practices that either curry favor, or bring detriment to man’s understanding of God and self. It is critical that that dialogue be honest, and without the stigma of argument; dialogue is fine but argument is useless.

“Know, O my son, that each thing in the universe is a vessel full to the brim with wisdom and beauty. It is a drop from the river of His Beauty...It is a hidden treasure because of its fullness. It has exploded and made the earth more brilliant than the skies. It has sprung up and make the earth like a sultan wearing a robe of satin.” – Rumi

Your ideas and philosophies are unique to you alone, because they are yours, evolving with you. That evolution is inherent to relationships that go to and fro. Growing because of that interaction.

“If you love people enough, they will respond lovingly. If I offend people, I blame myself, for I know that if my conduct had been correct, they would not have been offended even though they did not agree with me. Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound.”

The might of the word outweighs even the sword.....Peace Pal



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March 8, 2007 at 3:05pm
March 8, 2007 at 3:05pm
Blog huh? Interesting --- Thoughts from the miracles of the world, made instantaneously online; amazing! Really it is so very remarkable that we can communicate with anyone on earth with a computer, and a broadband connection, or a telephone line....WOW!!

I have a beautiful friend in SanDiego, who is experiencing warm, sunny, Pacific Ocean grandeur, God loves her, and so do I.

Another friend in Japan who's weather is somewhere in between here, and the west coast of the US.

My weather is a unique mixture of the breath of God, beautiful easeful temperatures. Hot, but not so hot to have uncomfort on the doorstep. You know what I mean? When the day is recognized for its beauty and perfection, that our earth gives us every single moment. With our eyes open, and our ears acting smart; hearing the whips of knowledge as they parade past. One after the other, with no concern, but to play their role and fade away until time for their next use.

The truly amazing power our language has to love, care, and foster wellness is so powerful, all the time, that lives can be changed, and helped down paths of peace, tranquility and ease.(Listen, Shea says in a calm quiet and respectful tone, I know that it sounds a little sanctimonious, but it is said straight from my heart, and because of that, it has amazing merit all on its own. Really. *Smile*) But that choice and the path being so kindly shown, must be a decision that is not cohersed and flourishes upon its own merit.

The Spirit of the language we use is a lot of what makes us who we are, showing our own uniqueness. As well as how our brothers and sisters see us. When we use language as a tool to help praise one another. Or write a story or poem, that brings a tear to the eye, or some belly laughter to us, its power is limitless really. Do you know what I mean?


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