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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1227698
Life, Prose, Poetry, Philosophy, Opinion, Faith
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June 4, 2007 at 10:44am
June 4, 2007 at 10:44am

Sitting and dreaming of times to come and realizing that I should be dreaming of the time that is now.

In the now I have a couple of options. I can focus on the light, or I can focus on the darkness. Now the darkness is tempting, because it loves self-misery. Self-misery lets the heart drown in soothing pity, which in turn strokes the ego. That’s not what I want. I want to be happy, and enjoy the wonder of it all. I want to feel the light, the energy, the intricacy. I want to glow with love for myself, and for all around me. I must choose to accept the light, with all its wonders, and trials as well.

Living in the light, does not mean, that I don’t get the chores of life. We humans have been given emotions, and cognition. Emotion and thought, are a lot of what make us who we are, each unique, and miraculous. So we must experience what is a part of what makes us human. That includes sadness, anger, bitterness, fear, a broken heart, and lots of other things; the light sooths these emotions and thoughts, making how I experience them easier.

I don’t think I’ve even touched the surface when it comes to me. Wow, I have so much power I have not taped into. As my days pass, my ability to harness that power will grow. We all have it you know

Focusing on the good and richness I live in.

June 3, 2007 at 9:04am
June 3, 2007 at 9:04am
After the dust clears, there will still be a growth into strength. The turmoil that has been ever present, becomes a mare quake on the road we walk. Strength comes from the living of that quake. Prayer in the quake is powerful.

In effect, I guess, living the lives we have been given, become seasoned with the passage of time. Seasoned, meaning that we become better able to deal with the next set of circumstances we are in. Life is precious, as you are precious.

Our life events deserve the respect they do, because they make us who we are; both in the here and now, and the here after. That philosophy could be drawn even one step further and given a Divine orientation. Meaning that things happen as a result of Divine Fate.

You are in the hands of God. God is letting our hands touch, and our touch goes to the deepest caverns of the heart. .

June 3, 2007 at 8:56am
June 3, 2007 at 8:56am
Always attempting to maintain order, in the heart

We can always have a degree of individuality, and innate behavior. Attempting to maintain divine life force that we each have, as a gift. Sometimes, that force is diminished, because we let other’s intrude, into the functioning of our heart, and even mind.

It is too often, when others feelings, thoughts, anxieties, ills, and every other little bit of disdain, become embroiled onto us. The key, and I know of many, is to always maintain serenity in the heart, and along comes the mind, giving a natural amphetamine; peace.

Very easy to say, not so easy to do, consider it understood. There is nothing that can intrude into our inner sanctum, without us holding, the passage door wide open. With a big grin, saying, “come on in, and destroy whatever you find.”

First off, we need to not, automatically hold the door open, for unnecessary distress.

Number two, is keep the door closed, and train the grin, on the unwanted miseries, that are trying to make their way into your sanctum.

Three, let life around you be joyful life, and always celebrate existence.
June 3, 2007 at 8:53am
June 3, 2007 at 8:53am
Alone and sitting in my dimly lit room I sit and ponder community, and think of the power it can manifest. We merge and meld into loving and dynamic people in our unity. The loving and attentive hand provides solace giving fortitude. In our relationships with one another we share, on occasion intimately, and often cordially building from one another’s strengths
June 3, 2007 at 8:51am
June 3, 2007 at 8:51am
An easiness of heart and mind can so easily be had, and so easily be lost. In the progression of time with resolution to the events of our lives as they have unfolded, we dictate were our dissertation of easiness, of calm and balanced demeanor is active.

We go through life. How we go through life, is akin to a snowflake; all unique. As we go through we develop a base core of beliefs; a base - core of innate behavior that has been genetically encoded. Mingled with elements of our environment and “whala” we are.
June 3, 2007 at 8:50am
June 3, 2007 at 8:50am

Thinking that we have complete dominion over our very selves. As my friend would say, “This is a free will zone”. By being human we all receive default grace. Regardless of the past and times gone by.

We as people are very important for our being alive. With a heartbeat and cognitive ability, we are masters of ourselves. The direction and scope of which, is always unfolding before us. With gentle coaxing, we have at our disposal the wonders of life. There are many wondrous happenings that are in front of us every day. We just need open our eyes, mind and heart.

Viewing our life in the righteous light, is what life deserves.
June 3, 2007 at 8:06am
June 3, 2007 at 8:06am

Running, breathless, were to go. A cavorting parade, laughing in amusement. To see the effort was fixating on interaction. Melding of what is now and what will be a minute from now. An air of humility filled the non-believers. A deep feeling of pride and love took hold. All now embraced the struggle and the struggler.

The majestic tranquility that transpired began to mushroom. Akin to mass gatherings, fervor of praise encompassed the small borrows of other side, with the driving force of one. The trek continued with energy that need no breath to move. Under the flood of reality, energy of fulfillment could be seen. On effortless wings the sore could to felt. Climbing great height, look down same effect. It filled here with complete communication of thought. Awareness of thought could be understood by all.

The pool which infinity holds was now in complete unity. The melding with other side was instantaneous, and complete.

May 16, 2007 at 8:16pm
May 16, 2007 at 8:16pm
The power of self has such an amazing capacity to thrill, as well as condemn the very creator. The word will captures the essence of the amazing capacity I speak of.

Our will, a good analogy being the reserve of troops we have in reserve ready at any moment to flood the front making victory certain, without doubt, an unequivocal betrothal. This being the very will that allowed the mind to entertain feelings of anxiety. An anxiety nurtured in part by the almost ceaseless attempt of mind to find fault in self.
March 9, 2007 at 2:09pm
March 9, 2007 at 2:09pm
Ode To Love

Things happen, that have never occurred before.

Things that cannot be understood because of inexperience, and because sometimes I feel unsure. There are many things, I prey, I never encounter in my days, you are not one of those things; of that to you I'm sure.

I am so thankful you are in my life; I praise God for His mercy. God's mercy, to let me live, and experience you in my life story. As my day progresses into evening, I think of beauty, I think of you. Do you feel the passion, and energy that is mine through you? You are my thought when I wake, and when I go to sleep too.

Though I am not a poet or writer; this is the way I share my feelings. You are of such importance to me, that I would gladly give my life for thee. You are of such concern to me, you are my dear friend.

I look out my window, and think of times gone past. Light snow falling, I prey for peace through you to last.

I support and lend you strength, through strength I gain through you.

I am yours; I am your friend.

You have great power in my heart, until my very end.
March 9, 2007 at 10:18am
March 9, 2007 at 10:18am
Genetics and environment have a push pull relationship; you can't have one without the other. The degree of importance and prominence in our lives, we give one or the other, both being genetic and environmental forces, is decided by both our will to choose, and the encoding we possess in our DNA.

Our ability to choose, is more often than not, drawn to specific conclusions, as a result of innate behavior; genetics.

As we age and become what we make of ourselves. Then comes stewardship of our lives. So I believe that with the attainment of age, our being is fifty percent environment, and fifty percent genetic, due to living life over an extended amount of time past early adult years.

So I see it as fifty fifty in our early years, and when we reach adulthood the pendulum swings more toward the environmental consequences of what makes up each of our personas.

Free Will is really the crux of the matter, because regardless of genetics and environment, we always have choice. Which always has the ability to fly into the face of decision.

As for the relationship between genetics and free will, I believe that one may be stronger than the other at times and vice versa, as well as both retaining the same force to manifest action in our daily lives.

We are made up of the wonders of life, on a magical journey, mixed together with portions of all who have come before us.

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