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Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, what an impressive list. I have read many of them and agree that these are some of the best. I'm honored to be among these writers and their writings.

Thanks for your kind words and for the awardicon for
My Favorite Neighbor  (E)
He taught us we were special.
#640812 by Kenzie

Mr. Rogers will be missed. But his lessons live on.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Words we have all thought, I'm sure.

If you've already had a column in the newspaper...have you thought about expanding that?

I worked for our local daily newspaper and discovered that most small and mid-sized papers use freelance writers. I helped negotiate the contracts for the freelancers.

What most of our freelance writers discovered was that they could create one column for numerous papers. Our cooking columnist was more than willing to share information about her experiences and earnings.

Gin's column appears in 15-25 mid-sized papers throughout the country. With us, she received $45 a week. If her earnings with those other papers were between $25 and $50 each, she was earning a decent income with just the cooking column. She was able to work at home. And she often worked weeks in advance, so she could travel with her hubby.

Personally, I've just been invited to write for a web site. They are going to give me 1 or 2 assignments each week and pay $100-150 for each one. They found me; I didn't inquire of them. How? They found my writings at another site that paid me only $15 per column.

The work of writing for a living is not an easy task, but it can be done. I belong to an online mom writer's group. Most of those members earn over $12,000 a year. That's not a living wage, by any means. But for moms staying home with their kids, it helps the family finances. Most of them will tell you that they started out writing for free or for peanuts, just to get exposure.

One of those moms took my advice about finding a niche column to write for multiple newspapers. She now writes a travel column for 15 newspapers each week.

There are ways. I think writers have to be willing to be creative in finding markets. And they need to be versed in marketing - themselves and their writings.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
You've done it again, Harry. I always love your storoems, and this one was no different. I did like the setting, the chivalry, and the prophecy fulfilled.

Review of Your Birthday  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautiful free verse, about such a sad event. We do tend to remember our loved ones, long after they are gone, on their birthday. Children we've lost will always have a different kind of special place in our hearts. And birthdays will surely be remembered.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow. This is sad, and very powerful.

One suggestion:

Be that girl that tries to take her own life (girl who tries..)

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting thoughts. Most people my age do look back at high school rather fondly. But it's not because they've lived it forever.

At this place, you changed verb tenses......

Someone is judged immediately by any little thing they do-- how they dress, what classes and activities they are in, how they act.

Students were judged by how they dressed, classes and activities they selected, and how they acted.

The ending needs to be separated into paragraphs, and you might want to shorten some of the sentences.

Review of Texas Winter  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
I saw this Texas winter - as I was traveling in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Sure was different than where I live south of Houston. Good description. I thought about writing about what I saw outside the window. You did it well.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well written, to be sure. And this certainly made me smile. Vacuuming in the dark? Not me. I turn on every light and open the blinds, so I can see that I'm reaching all the dirt.

Guess we'd make interesting friends. I think I'm like your mother. Let they sunshine in! (They do call me Ms. Merry Sunshine, after all.)

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is well written and shows your true emotions about your disorder, and about the teasing you've gotten over the years about being skinny.

Although I cannot say I ever had that problem, "some of my closest friends were skinny." I was always amazed at the things people would say to them. Or, as you mentioned, that people would have the nerve to grab their wrists to see exactly how skinny they were. They wouldn't do that to a fat person. What gave them the right to do so to a thin person?

You've handled this well, it seems.

Congrats on the size 7's. I think that's a great size - whether one has gained or lost weight to get there.

Review of Bon Appetit.  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
I think you're on to something with this story. It must explain why some folks have to visit said fast food places every day. And why others look on in disbelief as their friends insist on fast food again.

Good job. There are a few places where you have 2 sentence fragments that could be combined to make sentences. They'd be long sentences, though.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
An excellent beginning for this work in process.

I have close relatives who have worked for the same company for 23 years. From the day she was recruited in college, she was put on the fast track. They knew they needed women in high places, and she was groomed for that. Her husband was finally wooed from his company to hers, so that they could be transferred together. He worked in project and plant management, she in corporate management. And so they were groomed. And so they changed.

With each subsequent promotion, move, and increase in benefits, these 2 people have changed. In 23 years, they've changed dramatically. They don't see it themselves, but those who haven't been on their merry-go-round ride can see it. The longer they work for big daddy, the more they are willing to overlook everything that company does that is bad for the company, bad for the community, bad for everyone except those who have climbed high enough on the ladder to be unaffected.

Pointing these things out to the couple is useless. They spout the propaganda that graces local newspapers and magazines - about the wonderful things their company does for the economy and the environment...as lawsuits are still being settled for the mistakes they've made over the years. They think everyone not affiliated with "their" company is just jealous - of their "successes" and their rise in the community, in the size of their home, in the amount of wealth they've accumulated. Still, in the back of their minds, they know that over the years they've replaced people of the age they've now reached. And, finally, they worry that they might be the next to be let go - before they reach that magic number of 25 or 30 years and the added retirement perks that would mean to them.

Most folks don't change overnight. It takes years for values to be eroded. Society is the same way. There are so many things in today's world we now take for granted, that we would not have tolerated years ago. Gradually, our sensibilities, our integrity, has eroded. Gradually, we've become what we are today. And changing back would take one big tragedy, I'm afraid. No one wants to give up the so-called perks that Uncle Sam has given us.

Sorry to rant. I'll be sure to check back on this one.

Review of A Poet's Tool Box  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an excellent list of resources for a poet. I discovered this because of another public review. Glad I stopped by.

I've placed this in my favorites too. I've had newbies ask for a list like this. Now I'll have one to share. Thanks!

Review of Mirror, Mirror  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What wonderful words, what fantastic memories. No matter when we lose our loved ones, it's difficut. It's always a shame when grandchildren don't even get to meet their grandparents. I never knew either of my grandfathers. But I did, because the rest of the family shared what they were like. And some of my male cousins ended up looking like them.

A few years ago, I looked into the mirror and was really shocked. I'd seen a sign in a little country store that said it all..."Mirror, mirror, on the wall. I am my mother after all."

Review of Child Adrift  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm so glad this worked out well, 'cause it means you're here to share with us!

When I was really young, I used to wonder how Paul thought it was possible to pray without ceasing. Now I realize that if we talk to God throughout the day, in the midst of trials and in our times of joy, that's exactly what we're doing.

Review of Drive-In Movies  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Truly funny. Brought back some memories of those drive-in times, although I must admit, thankfully, I never had an experience quite like this one.

I needed a laugh this morning. Thanks.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What excellent advise and a great recounting of your adventure. You're right that all we hear about in terms of internet romances are the real horror stories of kidnappings and worse or the happily-ever-after endings. There have to be many in-between experiences.

I still believe that for many men, starting a relationship on the internet is a good thing. They're often forced to get in touch with their feelings in ways they might not - ever - if the meeting was a normal one in the neighborhood.

But, I'm with you about meeting quickly after it appears feelings are developing in an internet a romance. The longer one goes, developing an internet fantasy, the harder the fall when reality is not as grand.

For some, where the pickin's are few, though, internet romances seem to be the only way to meet anyone.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was another excellent chapter in the story of Crystal and Erick. The vows, of course, were beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. What fantastic proof of their love for each other. (I love that Crystal vowed to obey!)

You've done such a fine job of making this story real. I can't wait to read on.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I needed a smile this afternoon, and this gave me even more. It gave me a real laugh. Fiction is most fun when it reminds of us past experiences, and this does. I'm sure most of us have traveled in the wrong direction, although perhaps maybe not as far. I've even encountered cows on the road in my travels. Both experiences together? Thankfully, that hasn't happened. But the thought of it did make me giggle.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
Bless your heart. Not having our kids around - for whatever reason is difficult. My only complaint? The line about the car seemed forced.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I saw Simply Blue's review of this and just had to look. Simply Blue was correct. This is a remarkable piece of writing. If will probably offend some, but you've articulated well what others of your generation are feeling. I had to forward this one to my son. It sounds just like many discussions we've had, only better.

I also liked the line Simply Blue pointed out. "If I’m one in a million, there’s at least ten of me in a hundred mile radius." Shouldn't it be.....
If I’m one in a million, there are at least ten of me in a hundred mile radius.

If you've read any of my writings, you'll know that I won't agree with all you've written. Still, it's good writing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amen. Wonderful thoughts, great reasons to rate high rather than low. I'm with you! People are here for therapy. That's obvious. In fact, sometimes I think there are more of that type writer than any others. Perhaps it comes out most on lonely weekends.

I also agree about the 4.5. If someone writes telling me how absolutely fabulous something is and gives it a 4.5, I want to know what could be done to make it even more fabulous so it gets a 5.
But that doesn't usually happen. Those are the folks who can't seem to find the 5 on their screens. I have one on mine and I use it!


Review of HELLO  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Interesting. Will you be continuing this?

Here are some suggestions......

Gina watches as her parents drive of (off)

Gina sits on her bed and flicks through her magazine, her parents will not be home for hours; her friends will all be out, so (there is) no point in calling them(.) (S) she wonders how long she can bear this silence for even music will not drown it out.

"(Q)quite a few people(.) (I) was talking to my

"That(‘)s a ridiculous question(,)" Gina says with such severity that Rita is taken aback. "Of course (I) want to go to the pub!" Gina laughs.

They were joined in the hall by other people also heading in the same direction, and the two (groups became one).

(S)omeone decides after they have all had one too

The idea scares Gina because she has known these people for little over three hours(.) (T)he idea of sharing her secrets, of trusting almost

Yet she agrees becausse(because) she (doesn’t want to be left out) tonight.

"(Okay)," Rita smiles, "(I) want to ask the first question.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good poem. Excellent lessons. Keep sharing this story!

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Another great chapter. I see you know older women well too. I had the same thoughts of Crystal's mom at the end of the previous chapter.

The question remains. When are you going on the road to conduct seminars about how to really love your spouse? I want to make sure we book you in my town first!

Review by Kenzie
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Jim, I enjoyed chapter 10 just as much as the others before it. For an instant, I thought that this encounter in the church was endorsing having sexual relations outside of marriage. But I do believe in a situation such as this that God would understand. This coulple is more married than many real married folks, certainly more in love than many married folks. Besides the wedding is coming soon.

I pointed out your portfolio to a young newbie who is also writing about real love.

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