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Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful tribute you have written here for of of WDC's finest. I certainly know what you mean when you say, "my online friends are closer to me than my local friends." The members here are amoung the finest on earth.

This uplifting story warmed my heart. If made me realize once again how very lucky we are to have a site like this to call home. I would also like to tell you that I didn't find any errors in this. Great work my friend.

~*~Damiana Returned~*~
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful poem that expresses some very fond memories. I found the overall flow of this piece to be quite good. The imagery you created in this poem allows the reader to see a clear picture of life around you. There were no errors found in this entire poem. The dedication you added makes it even more special.

Write on!
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Review of Birthday Sonnet  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem starts out as a wonderful birthday tribute for a mother. The sentiments being said are warm, caring and heart-felt. Then you get to the last two lines and the beautiful picture painted by the first part of this poem is shattered into a million pieces. What a shocker! You did very well with this.

The form of this piece has no issues and I didn't see any errors. Write on fellow poet!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a magnificent idea to help assist newcomers to WDC find their way around. All of the links are listed in neat and clear fashion and look very professional. I like the fact that you didn't just include "how to" links but also some for contests and cNotes. Way to go!

~*~Damiana Returned~*~
Review of Freedom In Death  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Dawn,

I have to tell you that you have a good story here. It's sad that Tom felt as if he had to die to be free. I can undserstand why he felt this way though. You conveyed his emotions well. Most of this story is fine but I did see two mistakes in the same line.

Tom said as turned his head slight to the side You are missing 'he' after Tom said as... and 'slight' should have 'ly' on the end.

Aside from those, the rest of the story is well written and error free.

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Review of To you.  
Rated: E | (4.0)
As short as this piece is, it is quite good. It has a good storyline, reads well, is easy to understand and has great imagery.

I do have a few suggestions though. In its current form it is very blocky and looks like one huge paragraph; even with the indents. I would break it up into a few smaller paragraphs to give it a more streamline appearance. I would also lose the brackets around the quip about false alarms. It can be emphasized with commas and still be effective. Other than that, you did great.

Write on!

~*~Damiana Returned~*~
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Rated: E | (4.0)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

Who wouldn't get excited to learn someone has a crush on them? I was thinking about this the whole time I read this story. I enjoyed the overall tone of this piece, with the budding affection growing bigger and bigger. Like the character I was disappointed when I heard the origin of the statement. Thankfully, it was real all along.

You have a really good story here and I am happy to report I didn't see any mistakes. Write on!

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

Hi Judy,
I couldn't agree with you more about everything you said in this story. I am the mom of 4 extremely challenging kids and I have tried pretty much everything. I found that the more positive I am, with love, attention and praise; the better the behaviors.

I would certainly recommend this piece to anyone who needs a little advice. I personally appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with all of us.

PS..There were no errors found. *Smile*

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Review of The Falls  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

You tell a creepy tale of woman's obsession in this story. The ironic thing about it is that it's quite believable. Some people will go to any length to get what they want.

I enjoyed reading and reviewing this entry. It is well written, has a great outline and there are no errors. Great writing my friend.

Write on!

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Rated: E | (4.0)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

I can certainly see the reasoning behind your statement of a 5 star rating, however, I tend to disagree with it.

Giving someone 5 stars for one piece of work does not mean that everything is perfect. For me, it lets that person know that for something that they poured there heart and soul into is was just right.

If you praise something enough to merit a 5 star rating, but for your own reasons won't give it; I find that personally insulting.

This is of course my opinion and we are all entitled to them. Thanks for sharing your views.

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Review of At the Mall  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

What a great story! It shows the reader how easily a situation can change and how much more aware of our surroundings we need to be. Sometimes when we get stuck in a routine, we don't notice obvious things that we would otherwise. This story sends wonderful message to its readers telling them to always be cautious.

The overall look structure of this story is fine. There are no spelling errors, the story is believable and the character is real. Nice work my fellow author!

Write on!

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Rated: E | (4.5)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

You certainly have a nack for story telling. I felt as if I were right there at the party and I even checked my face for tell tale signs of bithday cake...*Laugh* This story was a joy to read and it brought back fond memories of my own childhood birthdays.

The overall composition of the story is great. It follows all of the proper guidelines and I didn't see any errors. Nice job my friend. Write on!

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Rated: E | (4.5)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

As I read this poem, a vision of beauty entered my mind. I knew right at that moment it was your enchantress. I guess I needed her and you brought her to me; divine timing? Maybe...

This is a poem worth reading. To me, it felt as light as air. The words flow effortlessly off the page creating a magical atmosphere for the reader. It is remarkable and flawless. Brava Sherri!

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

Most of the time I try very hard not to think of the atrocities you mention in this poem because my head and heart cannot deal with the emotions.

I wish I was able to answer the "why" in this poem but I am afraid none of us will ever be able to. Your poem is very deep and thought provoking. The images that came to my mind as I read it were enough to make me cry. It has great form and the overall flow of the piece is seamless. There are no errors in this poem.

Great work my friend. Write on!

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

I had never heard of this style of poem before I read this but I must say I find it very interesting. Your poem is lovely. It paints an erotic but tasteful scene for the reader to explore within their own imagination. The rhyme scheme is idyllic, the meter is smooth as silk and there are no errors. Thank you for introducing me to yet another wonderful style of poetry.

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Review of The Climb  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

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Simply Positive Review Forum   (E)
A group dedicated to spreading honesty and positivity.
#1384147 by Simply Positive

I have got to give a big high five to Bob for his ingenuity! What a smart cookie...*Laugh* I loved this story and I hope you don't find it odd that I laugh my hiney off when I read it. It's priceless.

The story has excellent compostion, flawless grammar, punctuation and spelling. You have a brilliant mind my friend. Write on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW! What I just read here creeped me out big time because all of it is SO true. I have goosebumps all over me. This really make one think about so many different things at one time. It certainly got my brain gears going.

It doesn't have any errors but I would recommend breaking it into 2 paragraphs. Some people find blocky chunks of text hard to read. Just a suggestion though.

~*~Damiana Returned~*~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This exerpt is one of the best pieces of literature I have read here on writing.com. I am afraid to ask if all of the Lisa Lansing series is based on a true story. It looks like it will be a fantastic read and this piece has me convinced that I need to start reading it.

Your writing skills are exceptional and I admire your dedication to your talent. This report is superbly written and error free. I certainly look forward to reading more of your work.

~*~Damiana Returned~*~
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Review of A pale blue sky  
Rated: E | (4.0)
You paint a wonderful picture with the descriptions you give in this poem. I don't see any issue with the form and the meter is fine, however, I do feel the poem should have punctuation. As it is now, the whole poem seems as if it is one very long sentence. By adding punctuation, it will give the poem a better overall feel as it is read because it will have a pause where it is needed.

I hope my suggestions help. Write on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is absolutely fantastic! It's not often that something gives me goosebumps when I read it, but this one certainly did. The meter of this poem is impressive and the rhyme scheme is flawless. If this is a glimpse of what you can do; I can hardly wait to read more of your work. Welcome to WDC!

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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I am always inspired to create something new when I see a contest that focuses on a specific genre. The best part about it, is that it allows writers to test their own ability in an area they may not have even considered before.

Your rules are simple and straight forward and laid out neatly. All of the text for this contest is error free. I personally appreciate the fact that you may reward a prize higher that originally listed if the entry is excellent.

Gook luck with this awesome contest!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a wonderfully original idea for a contest. It give us a chance to step out of the norm and try something a little different for a change. The way in which you have the forum 'decorated', makes it inviting to others. All of your information is set up in an easy to read format and is free from error. The prizes you are offering are also very enticing.

I wish you all the best with this contest.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a stunning collection of cNotes. Sonnetwolf does a great job creating these images that seem to be everywhere on WDC. The images that you chose for this collection appeal to a variety of different people and the sentiments are great. The fact that you have them reasonably priced is sure to draw a big crowd. Thanks for offering them to the members at WDC Sherri.

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Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
I have so many stories running around in my mind that this contest may be just the right place to get one out. I am like yourself; I love erotica but I have never actually taken the time to write anything in that genre.

You have this forum set up perfectly. The rules are well laid out, they are easy to understand and the prizes are absolutely phenominal! *Shock* The images are what I like best. I have read all of the information you have listed here in great detail and there are no errors.

I wish you luck with the contest.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
I am awed by these exquisitely created cNotes. They way in which you have showcased the authors of WDC is remarkable. Your photography is impeccable and is some of the best here on writing.com. The vivid colors in each of these images are truly amazing and you have them decorated perfectly. Thank you for bringing your artistry here for all to enjoy!

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