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3,404 Public Reviews Given
3,443 Total Reviews Given
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Template most of the time, covering setting/plot/characters/conflict/resolution if applicable. For shorter works, I concentrate more on feelings evoked.
I'm good at...
Short story, chapter reviews and in-depth reviews.
Favorite Genres
Sci-fi, Romance, mystery, children's
Least Favorite Genres
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, novel chapters
Least Favorite Item Types
essay, editorial, non-fiction, somebody's homework assignment
I will not review...
XGC, poems, prose. I am an animal activist and vegan, so cruelty or violent, unnecessary, death due to negligence is overwhelming. I am unable to review any pieces involving abuse of any kind to anyone. I like to keep my corner or the world happy, because I grew beyond my "challenges" of childhood and don't want to look back.
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Review of Contest Entries  
for entry "Fire!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Angelica Weatherby-4DaystilOct Nixie here, reviewing this item for "I Write in 2024

Banner for Winter I Write

First, bravo for writing in an unfamiliar genre. I have trouble writing horror stories, so I applaud your attempt.

The story was a little confusing and the plot a bit repetitive. I would have liked more information about the attacking forces, and less about fire and the run to the lake. Water and fire was the constant theme, other than the deviation when he helped his girlfriend. But nothing moved me, or raised any emotions.

I like using dialogue to make a story more real for a reader. They feel more invested in the character(s) and their plight.

An escape story always has the potential to create havoc and possible horror, depending on what one is running from. And that's where my confusion set in.

At first I wasn't sure who the 'torched people' were. I thought they were humans who had already been burned. Somehow, the torched people were the invaders who were setting the fires? Later, it was stated that the enemy wouldn't last long in their suits. Was the enemy wearing suits for compensation because Earth's atmosphere couldn't support them?

The concluding statement was a bit awkward. I know what you were trying to convey, but the sentence didn't feel 'right.' I'm not one to offer specific suggestions to alter an author's words.

Then he felt hot, as hot as he ever felt before.

I did feel a bit sad in the end, because I wanted Christian to live. The story was hopeless for him from beginning to end. If that concluding sentence could be rewritten in a more powerful and clear way, it would have more impact.

Yay for you and your willingness to try writing in a different genre.

Respectfully reviewed by

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Swing  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Greetings, Beholden I found your item while cruising through random reviewing.

A well-written and disturbing story. I don't read horror because it gives me nightmares. What kept me reading? Morbid curiosity? Shock when Ariadne ignored the cries from her brother.

As the story progressed, the reader was treated to an escalating decline. Gradually, the state of disrepair was revealed in several distinct ways. The most disturbing part was the mother passing without anyone noticing.

Ariadne had to have been mentally ill, acting in her grandiose thoughts, believing she was above human travails. I was wondering how big the house was. In my mind, I pictured a mansion.

When she finally left the house, the descriptions of how she looked gave me chills. Maybe she was already in a different form, more ghost than human. But her death was brutal and her efforts to save herself show that she clung to life.

The story is restricted to narrative with no dialogue, other than Ariadne's inner thoughts. That approach reinforced the solitary life she built for herself.

What an awful person she was. Did the swing call to her all those years in her isolation? I think that would increase the drama and add an even ghostlier feeling to the story.

Reading the conclusion, I decided the tree itself killed Ariadne. Excellent write!

Respectfully reviewed by,

** Image ID #2212245 Unavailable **

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Review of Jury Duty  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings, An apple a day.... I found your item while cruising through random reviewing.

I'm happy that I didn't read the brief description. Otherwise, the conclusion would not have sent me reeling.

I was focused on what was happening to the jurors, especially the loudmouth and the pregnant woman. Last year, a guy sued me for a fender-bender that was my fault, but he wasn't injured at all. I had a rotator cuff repaired the week before and was still in agony. I 'won'. The irony was, my insurance company's lawyers offered him $35,000 and he turned it down. The jury awarded him $5,000, which probably only covered his court costs.

Anyhow, that's where my head was. When the jurors were initially called in, I had to help with jury selection. We had the utmost respect for the jurors, who listened attentively and judged fairly.

A few of the sentences were awkward, but the story was well-worth reading. I had a clear image of the scene, and experienced relief when loudmouth was excused.

A standout line:
“Well, I have to go to the bathroom, or I’m gonna float,”
The dialogue couldn't have been more accurate. I've never heard someone say they were going to float, so that made me laugh.

I stepped away from the story to tell my own. I like to hear other people's stories, and I hope you do, as well.

Respectfully reviewed by,

** Image ID #2212245 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Rhyssa

*CakeB* "Anniversary Reviews*CakeB*

You knocked all those prompt words right out of the park. Had they not been bolded, I never would have suspected that they were prompts.

The opening scene sets the tone, and I wasn't quite sure how I should feel about Annika. (BTW:fantastic name.) The particulars of her illness were revealed as the story went on. I was so relieved that she didn't have cancer, which was my first guess.

Suggest > In the first sentence, Annika watched, rather than saw.

Suggestion for the title > Through the Window, rather than through the window

You certainly have a way with writing descriptive settings. I felt as if I were a character in the story, waiting for the onset of spring. Pneumonia is debilitating, and it sounded like this wasn't Annika's first run with it. How sad that she thought she'd lost her best friend.

What really got me was the conclusion. Bonnie and the reader may draw two different outcomes. Was Annika crying because she had been coughing, or because she was crying? I wonder what Bonnie would think?

Great write, one that I enjoyed reading more than once or twice.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

*CakeB* "Anniversary Reviews*CakeB*

It was no easy feat choosing an article from your portfolio to review. So many of the titles were intriguing. I settled on this one out of curiosity and a push to acquire wisdom, as your approach to writing is a lesson well-learned.

The article progresses organically. I favor first person POV with a quirky second character for my MC to play off of.

When introducing a character, as you explained, it's important to show the character in action. It places the readers in the zone.

What is more boring than reading an explanation of what a character looks like? And looking in the mirror is a pitfall, an unsavory shortcut. I've read that the same is true for using weather to establish a setting. I waffle on this restriction. If the weather is important, I express it through the five senses and character reaction.

Thanks for including both a description of the characters and showing how to achieve this with a first draft. I didn't pick up any glaring missteps, but the car racing outside felt forced. I wonder if that is an area to be expanded upon?

~None of the images are visible. The light green font is difficult to see. I'm fairly certain I'm on track with this demonstration, but I can see where my writing may be less than optimal in comparison.

Happy Anniversary, Max.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ornery  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Beholden I'm cruising through 'read and review' and chose your item to review.

You may not realize it, but in a few words you expressed a familiar concept. A person needs to acknowledge and own who they are.

Outside of the writing world and inside the real world, I prefer the word stubborn. I've been told that a few times. Did I recognize it within myself? No. Do I believe it? Unsure. Not listening to someone's advice has proved disastrous...maybe I should adhere to my own words.

I always shake my head in wonderment when I read a poem that adheres to a specific form. The rules of 'engagement' stifle me. I prefer freeform prose where I can spread my wings.

I'm not quite at the level of acceptance expressed here. I'm willing to venture into new territory, attempting to keep up to date with my grandsons. They have to explain everything to me, or merely accomplish the task for me. I wonder what they think of me. Does it matter? Do they think I'm a lost cause? So be it. Why stress over something I don't understand.

The words may be simple, but the meaning is relatable.

Damiana Matrix SPR

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Write-fully Loti.

*CakeB* "Anniversary Reviews*CakeB*

The title attracted me, as strange universes are something I like to write about.

The opening two paragraphs that established the setting were vivid. Having wild horses create the path was unique. This was followed by another strong visual, as I've seen the same thing happen. At the end of the paragraph, the conflict was established.

The scene shifted briefly, and the orange trees established that the MC was in a different world.

*Right* "I think I'm lost," I answered.
He gave me a weird look. "You can't be. You are right there."

*Checkg* This is exactly the kind of cryptic answer I expected from the man.

When she returns to her world, she finds a hat. The problem is, there was no hat mentioned in the tiny man's description.

The challenges of a w/c contest are vast. Still, the conclusion should make sense. A hat that was never mentioned is tossed into a fire for no explicable reason. Maybe the MC had a reason, but you ran out of words to express why.

*Puzzle2* One suggestion. In future writings, a larger font and more white space would be appreciated. Doing so makes reading the story easier.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "~ Life Goes On ~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi ruwth. Nixie here, reviewing this item for "I Write in 2024. Yes, life does go on. Great title.

Banner for Winter I Write

My first impression was shock. I can't imagine heat sickness for such a prolonged time. How awful for you.

I have faced similar experiences. I found my apartment after searching for several weeks. My brother came to visit and tried to help. Frustrated for many days, we took a side street. He said, "Isn't that the apartment complex you showed me last night on the computer?" Sure enough, it was. The complex had the same name as the one my parents had just moved from. It also has a lake, just like my parents. I had no idea where my apartment would be. I ended up in the back, with a vista spreading downwards towards the lake. An unobstructed view. None of that was a coincidence.

Your story is poignant, unlike my practical one. It amazes me how we're guided to where we belong, by whatever or whoever one believes in. You were blessed with this last visit so close to his dying day. The upside is your attitude. Rather than mourn the loss (I'm sure that was part of it) you celebrated his life and have that memory to carry forever.

Respectfully reviewed by

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wanna Play?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi WakeUpAndLive️~Go Forth📖 . I'm cruising through 'read and review' and chose your item to review.

I had to stop and review this for a few reasons. First, this would be an excellent entry for "The Dialogue 500. The short conversation made me laugh because the dialogue was between a human and a dog.

The 'story' also reminded me of the Golden Retriever I had growing up. There was no leash law all those years ago, but Dawn tended to wander when I walked her. Every now and then, she'd plop down and refuse to move.

The conversation goes much like the one I had. "I'm going to leave you here if you don't get up." Of course, she ignored me. She must have known the truth. I would never leave her. After all these years, I can still picture the exact street we were on and the wild brush along the side where she'd planted herself. With her tongue lolling, she looked like she was smiling at me. I wasn't smiling back.

*Right* Wanna Play > capitalize the (P).

You made a salient point. Dogs (or any animal) are more likely to respond to a kind voice vs a stern one.

Thanks for allowing me a few moments to reminisce. I'd forgotten all about the times I'd struggled with my stubborn dog.

Respectively reviewed by
Damiana Matrix SPR

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings, D.K.D. I found your item while cruising through random reviewing.

The title was a bit of a yawn because it was ordinary. I've heard/read it over and over again. I liked the second half of the brief description. It contradicted the usual interpretation. I wondered who was doing the looking.

A reader doesn't have to appreciate the capricious nature of cats in order to enjoy your story. The first paragraph yelled, 'read me there's so much more'. Next, a question. I'm only savvy to a few feline types, so I googled 'munchkin' and learned quite a bit. So the first paragraph melds into the second. Consider moving the first line of the second paragraph to the last in the first paragraph.

One of my favorite parts was the interjection of the narrator speaking to the reader. "Too long... That phrase heightens the experience, since one can now imagine who is narrating. Following that, a simple sentence adds definition to the setting. Well done.

Each footfall, more graceful than the last.
comma splice.

For genres, I would suggest "supernatural or paranormal", animal, and mystery. The story didn't stir my emotions, as suggested in the first genre pick. Also, choose 'short story' to identify your work.

The ending paragraphs had a few bumps. "At that moment..." seems to be an overreaction to the 'feeling' experience. The last sentence was at odds with the story. The plot was well executed, the cat looking into the narrator's eyes. But how does the last question fit in?

Bonus: a larger font and excellent spacing of paragraphing to create white space.

Your story was descriptive and easy to imagine. Welcome to WdC and keep writing!

Respectfully reviewed by,

** Image ID #2212245 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings, Justasapien. I found your item while cruising through random reviewing.

Yours was a fascinating read. At first glance, all I saw was a block of text. I wish the font had been larger, because I had to squint to read your work. Also, there was no white space.

*ExclaimO* Do not fear. I rarely review stories formatted in this way. But I read yours, meaning you captured me and I couldn't stop reading.

Due to the cramming, I'm not sure if I fully understood what was happening. I probably missed a few key points in this emotional piece. At times, I was so confused I had to skip through a few sentences. The meaning is clear for you, but I'd need a bit more explanation(?) to grasp the entire concept.

I have in my mind the word esoteric, but in definition it's not a precise fit.

You've defined this work as a 'chapter' so there must be more to help wrangle these concepts into something concrete.

*ButtonO* One nitpicky comment. The (w) in 'world' needs to be capitalized. 'Far from the World.'

The conclusion somewhat put the story into perspective. It was truly a shocker. Keep writing!

Respectfully reviewed by,

** Image ID #2212245 Unavailable **


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Midnight Visitor  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings, Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th I found your item while cruising through random reviewing.

Great title!

Your story gave me the shivers. It was well-composed with tight wording. In less than 300 words you captured the scene in vivid detail. I liked the first person POV and the gentle humour 'spoken' in the MCs inner dialogue.

The progression of the plot unfolded expertly by giving a little bit here and a little bit there as the tension mounted. I was scared from the beginning.

I laughed when I read (creepy spider). Is there any other kind? Some people keep them as pets. Ick.

I had almost exactly the same experience. I was visiting someone and sleeping in the guest bedroom. When I woke up, a RED spider was on his way down to ravish me. I slithered out of the bed and looked. The spider was gone. Was it in the bed? I have an almost allergic reaction to spider bites. They're so huge that after the swelling subsides, I can see the puncture marks.

The final paragraph made me feel triumphant. I don't like killing anything, but bugs are the exception.

The story was captivating and I enjoyed reading it.

Respectfully reviewed by,

** Image ID #2212245 Unavailable **


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings, SeptemberBee I found your item while cruising through random reviewing.

The unusual title and brief description brought me to a screeching halt. I knew your story would be 'a must read'.

At first glance, I considered the possibility of an unreliable narrator. The statement was broad in scope, akin to 'all men who live here drink black coffee'. This initial niggle was clarified as the plot opened. The excellence of the coffee was well known.

First person POV stories are my favorites because we can 'hear' the MC's thoughts. I enjoyed the combination of intrigue, action, adventure, and humor. Before reading this, I'd never thought of the shape of coffee beans. Now I have to wonder if it's true. Also, the silly name Miztypoo (and no laughing at me allowed) prompted me to run a Google search.

When the woman brought food to Clyde, I was certain she would reveal him as a smuggler, or steal the coffee. I was wrong, and the adventure began.

Since Bonnie had already spoken of the need for perfume, why would she later say, 'just in case'? Were the guards less likely to suspect they were smugglers?

See Grosenwitz, is snuggled
comma splice

“Perfume?” She suggested.
she suggested.

Coffee outlawed? The desire of the dictator's son and the fact that Bonnie knew about it tickled my fancy. She must have seen more than a few attempts.

The smashing conclusion left me with a smile. Yours was a wonderful story that answered the prompt in a unique way. Most imaginative and impressive.

Respectfully reviewed by,

** Image ID #2212245 Unavailable **

*SuitHeart*A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Aunt Mozelle  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi G. B. Williams Nixie here. I found your item through the 'read and review' option

I intend to review your personal story with a tender heart. I'll approach it gently. Although there are technical issues that could be discussed, I won't do it.

I had an aunt who was a mother to me. I won't say 'better' than my mother, but more endearing. She died years ago, and, honestly, before I read your story, I'd forgotten her. While my mom was controlling and overprotective, my aunt was a free spirit who helped me grow into an adult. I had to keep secrets from my mom, though. She would throw a conniption fit if she knew what my aunt allowed.

One part of being respectful of your work is not asking questions. My dad said if someone wanted me to know something, they would tell me. Obviously, you didn't want to specify your aunt's disability, though I'll admit to curiosity. And I wondered who she was grieving for that ended in her death.

I suggest beginning this piece with the sentence "My Aunt Mozelle..." and continue from there. Also, in that sentence, (Aunt) is mistyped (Aung).

The last sentence, as worded, is unclear in meaning. It seems to suggest that some people had other opinions about her.

If you're wondering about the 4 star rating, it's rated that way because of the tech issues I alluded to.

It's not often I stumble over a piece where a writer bares their soul. I see this as a testament to love. I'm sure your aunt is watching over you, and she's smiling.


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of LOVE  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi Kim Nixie here. I found your item by scrolling through 'read and review.'{/center}

Welcome to our wonderful website!

I think you'll notice in a short time that this is a writing community. What you've written looks like a social media post. The spelling is incorrect. The grammar is incorrect. The punctuation is inconsistent. A larger size font would help a reviewer. I don't know why everything starting with the word 'treasure' is greyed-out.

(You) is not spelled u.

Somewhere in that block of text is a piece or two of wisdom. Many members would enjoy reading about your personal observations. But the work has to look somewhat professional. From there, writers go over to editing and polish their work.

The best way to improve our writing skills is through reviewing others' work. You can look over Newsletters
https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/232...} for advice. You'll also find highlighted stories to read. I like the 'read and review' option because I'm immediately directed to works I want to review.

Please continue your stay with us and work on your writing. Everyone started somewhere. We have all levels of writers here, and all are welcome. *Smile*


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Man on the Moon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Jeff. Nixie here, reviewing "Man on the Moon for "I Write in 2024

Banner for Winter I Write

Okay, *Angelic* Jeff, other than wishing for a larger font, I can only say this work was flawless. Your writing 'voice' is excellent.

So what will you receive from me? My thoughts.

I'm terribly bitter about the whole space exploration issue.

One of my upsets involves the way humans are now only polluting and destroying our planet, but are now littering space with our junk. I've heard it's actually dangerous, or to a lesser degree, tricky, to evade space debris. It makes me sick to think about it.

We're the only creatures on earth who require anything other than natural to survive. I'll stop here, because what I'm writing may be offensive to some.

A bit of silly: If the first landing had happened in recent times, Armstrong would have had to say 'one small step of humankind'. Women are people too.

Please stop me from further espousing. Here I go again. A voice of dissent.

The last place we need to expand is in outer space. A conspiracy theorist may have said that we once occupied Mars. We killed that planet and moved to earth, defining our existence as 'planet killers'.

Should I have been so opinionated in a review? Probably not, but I've already written it. I'm not disdainful, in any way, of your thoughts. I rather enjoyed the read.

Your last paragraph impressed me the most. The wording and the thoughts were eloquent. If I triggered something unpleasant for you, my apologies.

Respectfully reviewed by,
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Collaboration Day  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Words Whirling 'Round. Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

I have a weird fascination for dystopian stories, probably it stems from the state of the world. I embraced your story and enjoyed the experience.

Your story isn't entirely fictional. Most sci-fi has an element of politics, and the one described here is familiar, but even more intrusive than most imagine.

If we're speaking of AI, then we're already under attack. Privacy is an illusion. I know my phone 'listens' to conversations, crazy as that sounds. One day, I was talking to a friend, and the word turmeric was discussed. The next day, an ad for turmeric appeared on my Newsfeed. And that's only one example.

I have a question. Are the 'camps' for those who go against AI enforced doctrines? Is there an internment limit set? I'm asking because that was my assumption when I read that those who volunteered never went back, indicating that the time spent suffering was forever.

Referring back to the cover art. At first I wondered why a vinyl record was used. Now I'm thinking it represents an AI's eye.

Information was tightly packaged with precise words. The reader sees a fully developed society, correctly written in a 'show don't tell' style.

Americans will most likely elect a felon for president, or be so discouraged some may not even vote. We already have politicians in place who have made laws that control our freedom. As expressed in your conclusion, kids growing up now will never know what true freedom meant in days gone past. And it makes me sick.

An excellent 'fiction' story that tells a believable scenario. Great job writing this unique creation.

Reviewing your work was
My Pleasure tks.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I Love You  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, fyn. Nixie here. I found your item via the 'read and review' option.

I cut short my perusing when your poem showed up. I wasn't sure if the bold print was a distraction or a style used for easier reading. In the end, I was happy that I didn't have to squint.

Now...for the real review...Your poem struck close to my heart because I feel exactly the same way. I never forget to say those words before I hang up on a call, or say goodbye to someone endeared to me. And I say those words for exactly the same reason as expressed here. What if it is the last time I spoke to that person?

Years ago, my aunt told me about a tragedy involving her dad. They'd fought over something trivial, and later in the day he died at an early age due to a heart attack. She never forgave herself.

My mom gave me this nugget of wisdom. "Never let the sun go down on an argument."

I'm sort of going backwards here because I forgot to comment on the formatting of the lines. The prose almost seemed to form some specific shape, but not quite. It reminded me of the way love can present itself. Somewhat formed, yet readily adaptable to mesh with another person. I hope that doesn't sound like nonsense. I typed the words without thinking too much.

The prose is straightforward with no undu fuss. It conveys a message that is easily relatable.


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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Dream Car  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi brom21 Nixie here. I found your item while cruising along the 'read and review' option.

I can imagine this plot taking off from the first paragraph. Rather than listing reasons, the narrator can comment while showing the car Camaro cruising.

There were two themes complimenting each other. One was about the car, the other about his relationship with his sister, which was portrayed as a fondness for each other. The surprise was revealed in the conclusion.

I noticed many sentences composed with the word was. The word can be either passive or active, depending on how it is used. In active sentences, the subject is the verb. And the character is in action.
Daisy was cleaning the windows. vs. Daisy cleaned the windows. (cleaned is an active verb).

A bit of Tracy's life was explored, but nothing of interest until she mentioned UFOs, a foreshadowing of the conclusion.

Rather than talk about the car, some action could include the brother and sister driving around in it.

I was hoping for a more definitive conclusion. John was annoyed that he would have to save up again, but the conclusion had no wow! power.

~Respectfully reviewed by

** Image ID #2153781 Unavailable **
*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Few Questions  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Detective. I'm cruising through 'read and review' and have chosen your item to review.

This is one crazy and entertaining story. I can't decide who was the stronger character. The naturally inquisitive detective, or the naked man. I certainly hope the officer could avert his eyes, or handover his jacket to cover up the idiot guest.

In the beginning, the dialogue carried the plot, creating a visual scene that I didn't care to picture in my head. The back and forth interview between the detective and the guy worked well. Sometimes the answers were simple, creating one line paragraphs.

The meat of the story was revealed in two large paragraphs of text. The story looked off-balance, but I've done the same a few times. When that happens to me I'm frustrated, especially if I can't see a way around it, or I'm limited by a w/c and turnaround time for a contest.

Once the reason for the hotel stay was explained, the rest of the plot held together. The guy's explanation wasn't in the least bit plausible, and I guess that's how the detective decided to treat the incident. I wondered if the officer had been privy to similar situations. Although it wasn't specified, guests must have called in complaints.

The appearance of the wife mollified the officer, but it wasn't a particularly satisfying conclusion. Regarding the husband? My only thought is 'what a dummy'.

Respectfully reviewed by Nixie.

Damiana Matrix SPR

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Repellent  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jatog the Green I'm cruising through 'read and review' and have chosen your item to review.

Recently, I've been writing more poetry, but I've never tried writing in a specific form. I'd never heard of jazzonet, and apparently, Google doesn't know the term, either. After some continued searching, an item that was written here came up. That's where I found the definition. I still can't comment on adherence to the format, because even with the research, my brain is muddled.

What I can express is how much I agree with the theme presented here. Some people are simply toxic. At one time, I ventured to see only the good in others and that led to disasters still affecting my life today. A closed door is the ultimate answer, metaphorical or real.

After a few reads, I can see a bit of the form within. The repetition of phrases. If I had to choose my favorite line, it would be "hatred parries love of life" because of the precision of word choice. (parries).

I hit the jackpot when I landed on this prose. It expresses what I've learned in life. Unfortunately, although sometimes I like it, my life is solitary because I no longer trust anyone. Only my family. I'm better off alone. No one can hurt me, and I can't unintentionally hurt someone else. Isolation breeds a lack of understanding of others.

I have no idea where all of those comments came from. That's the magic of poetry/prose. Concise wording evokes specific reactions. Well done!

Damiana Matrix SPR
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Infidelity  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Sleepy. Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

To be honest, I'm surprised I read this story to the conclusion. The husband is a disgusting man, and child abuse is unforgivable. How can he possibly be so clueless and selfish? I guess one could say you made me effectively despise him.

And what does it say about his mistress? If he's so disgusting, all she requires of him is a shower? She doesn't care about his drunkenness?

It's important to separate each character's dialogues/actions with paragraphing. Start a new paragraph whenever a character is switched. The story needs extensive editing. Also, using a larger font size helps the reader.

I'll keep this review short because what was the point in finishing something that disturbed me so. I guess I was curious about how the story would end. Sort of like being unable to look away from a car crash.

Even though he lost both his wife and mistress, I wasn't satisfied that he received his just dues. Maybe I'm upset because he reminded me of my first husband who was always out of work and lying. He didn't like our kids, but he never physically hurt them. The man was a psychopath who died alone in his mid-sixties.

I can't imagine what experiences you may have endured that led to the writing of this story. It doesn't seem like the kind of plot that's entirely made up.

I wish you all the best in your continuing endeavors.

Dr Who and his Tardis


"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Silent Night  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Odessa Molinari Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

I imagined this poem in a farmland setting of times long past. I added in a vision of villagers singing 'bringing in the sheaves', as they harvested grain for storage. Or something like that.

I'm probably not the first to comment on the difficulty of reading the first letter in each line. The font color is too light. I had to squint, which detracted from the reading experience. In the last stanza, the final two lines were lost to me.

The opposing stanzas maximize the differences in seasons changing. I felt the cold of winter's bite and remembered the joy when I was a kid of seeing the first snowfall of the year. As winter progressed though, the snow banks turned black from road grit. Then, I was looking forward to spring.

Squinting and reading again and again, I finally was able to appreciate to the fullest the last two lines of the first stanza. I wish the same were true of the last two lines in the second stanza. No matter how closely I peered, the lines were invisible.

Consider using a larger font size.

It's obvious, considering your precise word choices, that you're an accomplished poet. Of course winter gives way to spring, but the way you expressed that was unique.

Funny aside: when the snow melted in the spring, all the neighborhood kids came to our house to reclaim their winter hats stolen by our family dog.

Free form prose has been appealing to me more and more. I'm always happy to come across an item like yours. Despite the difficulties, the prose was rich and full of life.


Reviewing your work was
My Pleasure tks.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi DyrHearte writes

*CakeB* "Anniversary Reviews*CakeB*

"The Mighty Steed was a mighty fine read, indeed.

The action began immediately, and the characters were established. I was thinking about my trail-riding days when we were going back down the mountain. I always released the reins and 'gave the horse his head'. He sure knew better than me how to navigate the rocky terrain.

This is my first time reading a story in the 'western' genre. The cowboy speech was authentic. I was surprised though that the mom spoke the same way.

The story is fun and fancy-free, but I still prefer words without full caps and enlarged text.

Now, for my confession. Every once in a while, I read the end of the story before reviewing. It gives me a handle on what to expect, and also, if I will be able to write a good review.

My sometimes approach didn't really work against me. To put the story in context, it was easier to figure out what was going on.

I wonder what other readers will think of your surprise twist?

About the brief description: I didn't read it at first, but later I did. The word (unhuman) would have detracted from the unexpected.

Lovely story.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of The Mighty Pencil  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi two of four

*CakeB* "Anniversary Reviews*CakeB*

The name choice of the MC (Astrid) was an immediate indication of her age. I'm not in my 100's, and if I were, there would be no doubt in my mind that the world could be changed by any one person.

I wish I had Astrid's book.

What freaks me out is the concept that we create our own reality by what we're thinking. Or, the other saying that if we express our goal, the universe will conspire to satisfy us. (I've tried the universal theory, it doesn't work.) Why would the universe care about humans?

I liked how you drew out Astrid's plan. She saw no immediate results and that kept the story alive. And having her read that book time and again demonstrated her tenacity.

Astrid can recall her 5th birthday with clarity. I may be closing in on that age when old memories are more accessible than current ones. Not. Despite what I see in the mirror, I'm only 25 in my mind.

I'm reminded of my meditation practices. Every single tiny worry that's on my mind is written down before I begin. The list is titled 'forget', which most days includes 'WdC'. Like so many others, this is my second home, but like everything else in my life, I push myself too far.

Maybe Astrid is too old to show enthusiasm, but I expected a stronger reaction than simply making tea. She did hum as she walked to the kitchen, which was more realistic than what I had in mind.

A few comma oopses could be corrected, but nonetheless, I enjoyed reading your clever and unique story.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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