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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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November 7, 2018 at 9:08pm
November 7, 2018 at 9:08pm
PROMPT November 7th

Wednesdays are the days I get to pull a prompt from the “Challenge War Chest!” These are prompts that have been suggested by bloggers over the years. Today’s prompt is: The color green. What do you associate with the color green and how does it make you feel?
Okay, full disclosure here, I love the colour green. It's my favourite of all the rainbow hues. For some reason, my eyes are drawn to it. My grandgiggles roll their eyes and murmur," We know, we know. Green is your favourite colour." Sure, I may have told them this one or two times.
          Feeling an affinity for things green, I enjoy the taste of, yep, green jujubes and jelly beans. I prefer the taste of spearmint which is often presented in a green-striped hard candy much more than peppermint. Speaking of flavours and yumminess, I also eat green veggies such as peppers, zucchini, and lettuce. This colour is used to refer to spinach and lettuces as "salad greens".
          I surround myself with all types and varieties of greenery. I now reside in an apartment, so my green thumb is appeased with a garden of the indoor sort. Recently, I noticed an online article that claimed woman who kept house plants lived longer than woman who did not. I suppose time will tell if this holds true for me. In the meantime, I will continue to see green as the vibrant colour of vitality and growth.
         I believe flora provides serenity. Different shades of green seem calming . In October, I meandered through a Japanese garden with bamboo, and lilies, and ornamental grasses set along stone pathways and tumbling, splashing fountains. It oozed peace and tranquility.
         I associate my favourite colour with all things Christmas. Wrangling a fragrant evergreen into the house and decorating it resurrects some of my fondest memories. Laughter, family togetherness, and good will are reflected in that tree.
         Green is associated with Spring and its renewal. It also brings to mind hazy summers. Trees are glorious with their canopy of leaves and grass thrives as a velvety carpet. Outdoor living thrives in these two seasons. Oh, and I think of that song, 'Green, Green Grass of Home'.
          Who doesn't appreciate the green traffic light? It signals go. It represents move forward, proceed, and progress, To be granted a green light for a project means approval, acceptance, and permission.
         One of my favourite Muppets is undeniably green and he sings a song about it. Kermit the Frog is an optimist.
         The four-leaf clover is green and it represents good luck Money is often referred to as green.
          Okay, okay, this colour also has some less than savoury connotations. To be jealous is described as being green with envy. To feel ill is known as green around the gills. Both bruises and pus / infection may be green. Yuck!
         Oh, let's not forget heroes. The Incredible Hulk and the Green Lantern come to mind. Again, green is characterized as a strong, take charge shade.
         I can't forget my Irish heritage. The shamrocks and leprechauns seem to be green.
          I even associate green with comedy. Green Acres and The Red Green Show employ my "bestest" colour.
         In summary, green is my happy colour, except for the incessant bruises. No luck of the Irish prevented them.
November 6, 2018 at 12:55pm
November 6, 2018 at 12:55pm
https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/science-dolly-clone-cloning-clo... November 6th

Talk Tuesdays are an opportunity for bloggers to share their opinions and engage in meaningful dialog with those you may not agree with. It is especially important to remember to comment! The judges are checking! Today, share your opinion on cloning (animal or human). What about if human tissue is used to create artificial organs for transplant? Share your thoughts!scoveries-forn5178_low.jpg
         Cloning? Oh, there were times when my three offspring and their behaviour irked me to no end. At those moments, I considered the possibility, no matter how ludicrous, of cloning myself. Sure, what I really needed was an extra pair of hands, or another set of eyes and ears. I admit to feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and sleep-deprived. Any help would've been appreciated. How many mothers have lamented, "I am only one person?" I also remember enormous, perverse gratitude that not one of my children was a twin.
         I recall viewing a 1996 movie titled Multiplicity in which an overworked man sought several copies of himself to handle all the pressing aspects of his life. Hr dreaded all the juggling he did and despite his efforts no one was happy. With his clones, he had time to concentrate on the things and people he chose to see. Mainly his clones took care of grunge work. Trouble escalated when the clones appeared when and where he wished to be. They exhibited their own thoughts. The final clone lacked certain mental functions and he blundered along. This film intended to be a comedy, but I cannot imagine more than one of me.
         There are challenging times in which I struggle to make decisions and execute certain actions. It's only a saying, I am of two minds, but what if it became a reality? Which one of me makes the final choices? Would we vote? Would we take turns being in charge?
         I believe I'm not eager to see the cloning of humans become an option. I happen to like all of our quirks and our individual traits that make us unique. We already have a method to promote new life and that is commonly known as procreation. We create little people.
         Now, I do approve of regenerating human skin for self-compatible skin grafts. Burns are terrible, and offering victims replacement tissue makes sense.
         In the Spring, if all goes as planned, I will receive a total knee replacement. Yes, I understand that it will be man-made and artificial. I am at peace with that. In fact, I am counting on that knee to be better than my original. Cloning my troublesome knee would not solve my issues with it. I have no warranty for the barely functioning joint I had the misfortune to be born with, and replicating it would be ridiculous.
November 5, 2018 at 9:46pm
November 5, 2018 at 9:46pm
PROMPT November 5th

Bust those Monday blues with Motivational Monday! *Bigsmile* Share a motivational quote and why it inspires you. If you do not have a specific quote, share a story about a person, object, or place that inspires you.

*NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO*
          Confession alert: I am a nerd, a dork, a book junkie, a bibliophile. Books weave an irresistible spell. I'm unable to resist their seductive charms. Meandering through a library, or a book store is pure bliss. Never am I bored. I believe Dr. Seuss understood this attraction.
         His wonderful rhythm and flow scoop the reader up and bounces them along. If a word cannot be rhymed with another, this writer creates a new one, why not? So many life lessons; acceptance, tolerance, inclusion, generosity, fortitude, and perseverance meld seamlessly with his vivid imagination.
          When I am absorbed in a book, the outside world ceases to exist. Time is irrelevant. Hunger and exhaustion have no sway. Children "mischief" without impunity. They may squabble. They may choose to redecorate. They may raid cupboards and closets just because they can. They may choose to paint the dog, or give the cat a haircut. A great story is all-consuming, a tranquil garden of Zen. Chaos and discord fail to gain a foothold.
          I live the Dr. Seuss philosophy, " You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book." Flights of fancy and imagination are the best forms of travel.
         Reading is so portable. On a plane, in a car, on a train, beneath a bar....in a boat, upon a bed, you can float, or stand on your head.... you get the idea.
         A writer need words, images, and actions. Perusing the musings of others strengthens one's skills. Oh, Dr. Seuss explains this in a minimum of words. "The more that you red, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Going is not always a physical act.
          I leave with another nugget of wisdom apropo for blogging prompts. "Today was good, today was fun, tomorrow is another one."
November 4, 2018 at 7:13pm
November 4, 2018 at 7:13pm
PROMPT November 4th

Sundays are our chance here to reflect and look ahead. Today, I want you to reflect on your time on Writing.Com - Do you remember being a Newbie? What first attracted you to WDC and what made you stay? How have you grown as a writer in the time you've been a member here? Take this chance to look ahead as well - where will your writing journey take you in 5-10 years?
         Yes, my memory still functions somewhat optimally, so I do recall wandering onto, or is that into WDC. Scrolling among the tidbits of Facebook I discovered an intriguing link that led me here. I've always been a dabbler of the written art and a site that promoted writing had to be worth a peek. I had the internet connection, a computer, and I thought I could devote some time to more creating.
         I must admit the feedback kept me coming back. Having other writers both read and review my humble efforts encouraged me to continue. It's the kindred spirit I like. The different contests appeal to me, too. Accepting a challenge fans the flames.
          I suppose I've learned to consider more showing and less telling. I never knew that the curly parentheses existed. The {} are vital to the inner workings of WDC. I've dabbled with blogging now. Strange, but it reminds me of homework and researching for projects, school stuff I actually enjoy.
         Where will I be WDC-wise in five to ten years? Well, I plan to still be alive, breathing, kicking, offering my opinions, and sharing my imagination, In other words, I will be lucid and coherent. I have no plans to stop writing.
November 3, 2018 at 2:20pm
November 3, 2018 at 2:20pm
PROMPT November 3rd

I recently took a class in Nature Journaling. For this Creation Saturday, find a place to sit outdoors (or at a window) and observe what your see, feel, smell, and hear. Record your observations in any form you choose (poem, monologue, short story, drawing, personification of the animal you're watching, etc).

*NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO*
         Seated next to my livingroom window I shiver. I swear I hear the wind howling or perhaps it's me, as the snow whirls in increasingly angrier gusts. Nope, I choose not to sit outside. Besides , all my lawn chairs are tucked away at my campsite awaiting the return of Spring. Ah, my seasonal campsite.... now that is the perfect place to relax and observe the wildlife.
         I laugh as the scurrying squirrels and the scampering chipmunks drop all pretense of scavenging for sustenance and instead chase each other. You know chipmunks are tiny, but feisty. They tease, and parade themselves oh so tantalizingly close, and then they turn on their rocket boosters to leave the sorry squirrels in their dust. All the larger mammal can do is release his frustration in a barrage of rat-a-tat chirrs. Granted I don't parlez-vous squirrel, but I recognize cursing when I hear it.
         Now the raucous bird battles that awake me before dawn are another matter entirely. Swarms of black feathers screech and squawk. I'm confused. Are they squabbling? Are they just naturally loud and aggressive? I believe these noise makers are grackles, harsh sounding name that reminds me of cackle.
         Sigh, now I sit at a window that reflects that dreary prelude to a full-blown winter.. For the past few weeks, a consistent tableau played outside my window.. I shall endeavour to describe it in real time.
         I recline here at my glass portal and gaze in wonder as I witness the slow rebirth of a road while I marvel at my good fortune to observe the rituals of a construction crew in their natural habitat. I'm certain my scrutiny goes undetected.
         Neon orange hard hats glint in the sun. Distinctive orange vests emblazoned with a yellow cross flutter in the breeze.. They huddle together next to an indentation in the scarred earth. Some lean on shovels for support. Some slouch with their hands stuffed deep into pockets. A few kick at the ground. They suggest inertia.
         As a group, they tense and straighten. Their heads swivel. A lone shiny, white hard hat approaches clutching an object under one arm. A clipboard is flourished that captures attention. The new subject looks down then up. With his free hand, he waves. He sweeps. He points. He gesticulates. His rapt audience nods. A few stomp their feet.
         Snorting behemoths rumble to a stop. They spill dark soil onto the ground in immense piles. Dirt swirls. Fine grit spatters my glass panes. A throaty roar and metallic clank reverberate off my shaking window. The floor beneath me trembles. A large-mouthed machine pushes the soil as it lumbers along.
          A shrill horn blares, it's a signal. Everything grinds to a halt. Shovels are thrown. Hard hats are stripped from perspiring heads and grubby hands smooth back frizzled hair. Backs are thumped. The vest-robed creatures shuffle out of sight en masse. They scatter. An orange and black-striped cone rolls across the abandoned street. Yellow caution tape flickers and flaps. The mighty giants hiss and creak as they settle. The dirt swirls...
November 2, 2018 at 4:37pm
November 2, 2018 at 4:37pm
Hmm, looks like I stumped a few of you with yesterday’s prompt *Laugh* Friday’s are “Fun Fact Friday,” so this one should be easier *Wink*

While you all were busy digging and trolling through "Writing.Com 101" yesterday, I learned something new as well! *Magnify* Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? *Butterfly2O* Do you think taste is an under-utilized sense in writing? Reflect on how taste can be better utilized in your writing to enhance a scene.
          First off, let me answer your question, no. Isn't it the truth that you learn something new everyday? I've never thought about the taste organs of a butterfly. Sure, I notice their stunning colouring, and now that I'm being honest with myself, I envy their ability to float and flit. It must be intoxicating to surf an air wave.
         What I definitely do not admire is the entire tasting-with-your-feet practice. Feet? Grubby feet that of necessity touch the ground? Feet that make contact with all matter of things icky, grimy, sticky, inexplicable, mysterious, and most likely harbouring a gazillion contaminants? No thanks. I depend upon my feet to provide ambulation. They do not need to handle my food, too. Granted they are sensitive, read ticklish, but they are not sensitive enough to savour my meals. Gross!
          Hmmm, how to segue from butterfly feet to a scene that highlights taste? I'm somewhat distracted by thoughts of wine-making. I'm no expert, but do some wineries still encourage grape stomping with bare feet? Squishing slippery grape pulp between one's toes must be akin to sloshing and sliding in a mud puddle. Is there a carefree euphoria? Imagine the skin absorbing that future wine. Would the term "stepped on" apply to this? Is it more appealing to claim the fruit was "pressed"? Okay, okay, enough procrastinating, I will press on.
         I shall insert a disclaimer here. I swear no wine was imbibed during this writing process. caffeine supported my creative endeavours.
         Picture if you will a family gathered together 'round a table for a Thanksgiving feast.. Each place setting boasted a gorgeous paper napkin of scarlet and gold maple leaves. Wait, wait.... this is a different "taste". This highlights the hostess' decorating taste and keen eye for colour. Just for the record, she yearned for a magnificent centerpiece with a pumpkin and a candle, but for practical purposes it would not have fit on the table.
         Throughout that day of celebration, an enticing aroma wafted. I believe mouths watered and noses twitched. Stomachs rumbled. No one had to be coerced to finally sit and dig in.
         Christopher had only sampled a wee bite of his ham before his sister, Carrie challenged him.
         "Well, do you like it? Can you guess the secret ingredients in the marinade?"
         What could he do, but shrug. The prolonged stare aimed in his direction demanded a reply.
          "Um, I'm not sure. Is it mustartd?"
         The family gasped. Everyone knew that mustard had never been a condiment of choice for Chris, so how could he possible recognize its' flavour? Did he have a palate he'd been hiding?
         Carrie nodded. "What else?"
         Living with two siblings of the female persuasion, this brother knew his sister would not let him off the hook. He could continue to eat and humour a pop quiz.
          "Okay, a familiar flavour is tantalizing my tongue. This one I know. Ketchup, yep, it's ketchup."
          That condiment was a given. Chris enjoyed it indiscriminately.
         "What, there's more? Huh. I dunno. I taste a sweetness, yet I also sense a tanginess. Something is teasing me. Um, did you put in a syrup?"
          Laughing, the cook confessed that she'd just winged it, and there had not been a recipe. No, she'd not thought to try syrup in her concoction, but she had mixed in sugar, brown sugar. The surprise ingredients consisted of vinegar and Worcestershire sauce . Apparently, nothing had been measured either.
         "I think I went overboard with the vinegar. I used it to rinse out the ketchup bottle. Hey, at least we're not puckering, or gagging. Remember that time Mom made pancakes with salt instead of sugar?"
         Ah, memories! They can be sweet, salty, savoury, tangy, charred,, raw, and so much more.
November 1, 2018 at 4:13pm
November 1, 2018 at 4:13pm
PROMPT November 1st

What fun it is starting an Official Round on a Thursday! Seasoned competitors will know that Thursdays are what we refer to around here as "Wildcard Rounds." Anything can happen, so you'd best be on your toes.

Unfortunately, I have bad news for you - during your wild Halloween escapades, you’ve found yourself lost in a labyrinth. The "Writing.Com 101" labyrinth to be exact! I think there’s a Minotaur in here, so you’d better hurry and find a way to escape! Luckily, before entering the labyrinth, I gave each of you a cookie (your choice of flavor), a paperclip, and a toy truck for your amusement. There are two ways to free yourself from the labyrinth: 1.) Learn something new and teach us what you learned, or 2.) Dig your way free with the tools provided. Good luck *Devilish* OH MY GOD! Did this actually work? Have I successfully embedded a video into my blog for the first time ever? I certainly hope so. Have I jumped the gun, and celebrated prematurely?
         I must admit that I have no memory of how I came to be lost in a labyrinth. Until this happened, labyrinths had never been on my radar. They were not on my list as potential sites to visit, nor were they on my to- avoid- at- all- costs list. My knowledge of this place lacked a foundation, and so while I wandered I accessed my cellphone to Google some clarification.
         Okay...Google verified what I'd begun to realize, a labyrinth is an elaborate maze-like construction built to keep something contained. Well, lucky me, I'd fulfilled this place's purpose, it's raison d'etre. Oh, and yes, apparently a labyrinth traditionally imprisons a minotaur.
         After more furtive online research, I identified this creature as a rather large being with the body of a man, and the head and tail of a bull. For a brief moment, I flashed on the astrological sign of the bull, Taurus. Most likely not at all similar.
         Had I not devoured the delicious peanut butter/ chocolate chip cookie, I could've offered it as a bribe if and when I encountered a minotaur. I'm not an expert when it comes to half man/ half bull "people" so their cookie of choice is a mystery. Thanks for the treat Emily, but I failed to envision a bakery item being employed as a digging implement. Alas, my weakness is cookies. Even if I'd improvised and flung the cookie at the anticipated minotaur it would've been a colossal waste of a perfectly fine cookie. Crumbled cookie will not deter anyone. Better that I enjoyed it and boosted my strength.
         Anyway, fortified by my cookie and feeling less encumbered by items to carry, I stumbled along the maze. Notice I avoided the description of my foray as a walk. My uncoordinated and uncooperative feet never propel me as a unified team. They choose to bicker, and thus surprise me with their half-hearted efforts. This struggle preoccupies me.
         After a tumble, I took note of how dense the floor appeared to be. Nope, digging my way out of the labyrinth would not happen. I admit, I did not relish getting my hands dirty, or working up a sweat. The act of balancing on my own two reluctant feet was exertion enough for me. I took advantage of my close connection to the ground, to just sit and ponder.
         What occurred next caught me off guard . Sure, I'd anticipated that an actual minotaur might discover me, but I'd also hoped that such an encounter would not/ could not materialize. Events exploded around me. I felt and heard something whoosh past me. The ground beneath me shook as a roar filled the air. Dirt plumes swirled. I swiped at my disbelieving eyes. Sprawled a few feet from me , a rather large bulk with horns moaned. Crushed nearby, I saw the toy truck that I'd dropped. The scene struck me as ludicrous, and I snickered. Despite a fierce glare, I could not stop. The minotaur failed to strike fear in my heart. He had proven himself to be as clumsy as me.
          Shaking his head and rubbing his butt, the minotaur grinned. I marvelled at his enormous teeth and the flare of his nostrils. He had more shocks in store.
          "Hey, how's it goin', eh?"
          What? This mythical creature not only could speak, but he seemed to verbalize the Canadian vernacular. Gasp! Could he possibly calculate the size of this labyrinth in kilometres? Did he prefer maple syrup smothering his pancakes? Was he a diehard Maple Leafs fan proudly wearing the colour blue? He probably would choose to snack on a butter tart instead of a cookie.
         I returned his smile with one of my own, and mumbled, "Beauty day, eh?" To not return a friendly greeting is tantamount to rudeness, and a Canadian is never rude.
         I learned that the minotaur craved company and conversation. In time, he agreed to assist me with my quest to navigate this Writing.com101 labyrinth. He'd been everywhere.
         Without hesitation, he led me to the main room and proffered some sage advice.
         "Take the time to read the instructions and then follow the directions."
         What could I respond? I couldn't very well say, "duh, I know." As I wrote way back at the beginning of this blog, I wanted to learn how to embed a video. Here then is what I learned. On the Writing,com101 page find Posting Contents and Item Types. Click on option 2d Embedding Photos and Media Files in Books. First, you need to have an upgraded membership. The instructions mentioned first creating and saving an entry. Then return to that piece via edit mode and add: {enbed:YOUTUBEURL}. Oh, you'll need to have copied the URL of your chosen video and replace the URL section between the brackets with the rather long set of numbers and letters. Whoo, I believe that's it.
         This first blog post of November has been an exercise. The minotaur took the paperclip off my hands. I foresaw no immediate use for it and he seemed thrilled to have it. In all likelihood, he crafts towering fantastical beasts from any and all wayward paper clips he rescues.
(This is an edit.... Sigh, my embed failed. Alas, I have generated an error message. )
August 30, 2018 at 4:42pm
August 30, 2018 at 4:42pm

DAY 30 Miami

size:5}Final night Ladies of our groupie tour in Miami with Trey Songz. at the Story Night Club He's not to bad on the eyes, Ladies. I don't know how he sounds but the night club looked like we could have a good time.
136 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139


We're doing it up on our last night in style


1601 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139-3112

We're not far from the nightclub but it was recommended we not walk there late night.

I've got our flights all set for Friday, hope you enjoyed your month long excursion with your travel guide
         What flash accommodations for our final night! The Loews Miami Beach Hotel is sumptuous. So, this is the infamous South Beach of movies and television dramas. It does seem to glitter and glow with throngs of people. All I can think as I pause to stare with my mouth wide open is, wow! The ocean front pool is incredible.
         Tonight's farewell fiesta is held at the Story Nightclub. ya, I bet there are stories created at that place. It's a ginormous venue with five full-service bars, a gigantic dance floor, laser/neon pulsating lights and the epitome of surround sound. It too glitters with the throb of the steady beat and shimmying partyers. To describe it as hopping, or simply busy is an understatement. No one comes here to just sit and watch.
         I am vindicated that I researched and determined that this establishment enforces a dress code, or as their website proclaims, "dress to impress, casual upscale". I must admit I was initially perturbed that my flip flops and flat shoes too were not considered casual upscale, and in fact were forbidden. Apparently, the bouncers stationed at the door had full authority to judge the attire of would-be patrons. In my real life, I do not own high heels, or dress footwear, or anything remotely considered to be upscale. My usual shorts are not permitted. Now denim, or jeans were not specifically mentioned in the "what not to wear" list, but they'd probably be considered too casual. Huh, shrug.... this is a virtual tour so I magically pull a smashing sundress from my designer luggage and I strap on a pair of sparkling heels. Of course they fit me like a glove, and I do not for one moment feel like a stuffed sausage, nor do I teeter on those temporary height extenders. I am mingling with the beautiful people.
         Since this is all for fun, I spring for a VIP package that will only cost $6000.00. It is labelled as The Dance Floor Table Package...how intriguing. I anticipated some special, preferential treatment for this expenditure. I secretly hoped that tonight's performer, Trey Songz aka Tremaine Neverson, would be persuaded by my benevolence to dance on our table, but I suppose I misunderstood. We were seated at a table on the bustling dance floor. I think it was also implied that we not choose to dance on the table. Ah well, we were close to most of the action.
         Trey sure had some good looks and he could sing. He seemed to emphasize the love/sex angle with his tunes, 'Come Over' and 'Animal;. Many of the ladies in the house seemed to be buying what he was selling. Our group just treated everything, the singer and the atmosphere, as a lark. We wanted to experience some fun.
August 29, 2018 at 5:05pm
August 29, 2018 at 5:05pm

DAY 29 Nassau, Bahamas

c:red}Hope you're ready for some Island fun
We're on the island but like most cruises there is only so much time, this food and walking tour
will give us some exercise and awesome food.


We're going to get a bit of history as well

Once we're back on board, ladies we're doing another round of karaoke on the top deck under the moon. The captain was so excited to hear you're all such great singers, he's been announcing it to all the returning guests. All he needs to know is what song you're singing.
         I believe this is the fourth island I've visited. Two are in Canada on either side of the country, and twice now I've flown to Cuba. No worries. I can only venture so far before I run out of land.
         So, we head out to explore Nassau, Bahamas on foot. The pace is langorous which makes sense 'cause it's a walking / imbibing tour. Yep that's right, we'll be sampling and sipping our way around.
         Our first stop is at Smuggler's Beer Garden which has a pirate vibe. According to our guide, the local drink is rum, so we give it a taste. You know there are so many delicious cocktails and concoctions based upon rum. I slurped one titled 'Bahama Mama'
.          The locals are so friendly! Everywhere we wandered we were offered treats and more drinks. Huh, that rum is in everything. I didn't say no to rum-infused chocolates and rum cupcakes. hey, I rather think I became rum-infused.
         More than likely my sauntering morphed into stumbling and staggering. Did I mention the generous servings of rum? Our hosts proffered more of this amiable liquid at the John Watling Distillery. I hope I conveyed my appreciation. Somethings are a wee bit hazy.
         Well I for one felt suitably relaxed and loose enough to attempt karaoke back on the ship. I don't recall any stage fright, or misgivings. I suggested we sing along to some
Beach Boys music I chose 'Kokomo' mainly because it mentions Bahamas by name, and who doesn't enjoy a little taste of these guys. In honour of our extensive travels this month, I also belted out their song, 'I Get Around'. We certainly have covered a large concert circuit. Is it just me, or do the stars appear extra sparkly tonight?
August 28, 2018 at 6:51pm
August 28, 2018 at 6:51pm

DAY 28 Miami

We're going to kick back and swim, listen to the different bands while we sail on a cruise ship ~Carnival Victory. We're finishing our groupie tour on the sea. Miami to Nassau in the Bahama's.


While we're hanging out by the pool, let's discuss what band you enjoyed the most? the least?
         OMG! OMG! I've never experienced a cruise before. This virtual travelling is terrific. Oh, I have boated, but never have I yachted, or lined, or is it shipped? Water vessels always seem to have marvelous names, and this gigantic ocean cruiser is the Carnival Victory. Hmmm, why victory in particular? Is this a nautical joke, a nod to its seaworthiness ?Haha, it returned to port, that's a victory. As I approached this ship, my mouth openly agape, I wondered if we'd be issued a GPS to find our rooms, and if the crew regularly executed search parties for wayward guests. Perhaps I shall just follow the crowd.
         I am more than suitably impressed with this floating hotel. I like the main colours of blue and green. Both the Atlantic and Pacific dining rooms are decorated with mermaids and mermen. I swear I saw seahorses on the stairs. Apparently, there is a pool-side movie theatre, and water slides. Somewhere, there is a casino with live bands. If I can find it, the two-tier Lido deck serves an amazing buffet. So, even if I am destined to wander aimlessly for three days, I should not starve.
         Awww, did anyone else find a treasure on their bed? My towels were twisted into an animal, and I believe it's an elephant. When will I find the time to sleep?
         Okay, first things first. All of us concert groupies congregate 'round the pool and test the chaise lounges. Just breathe, relax, and order a cold drink. Music seems to be everywhere on this ocean liner. Already, DJ Spark spins his magic web and succeeds in dispelling any anti-party vibes.
         Honestly, I've enjoyed all of our musical jaunts across country. Each trip was unique. If I was pressed to reveal my least favourite, I would have to say the rappers and the polka'ers / polkasters? The other performers provided fun music to both sing and dance along with. I'm still in awe of the Cirque du Soleil tribute to MJ. Chicago, REO, Billy Joel, and Melissa Etheridge provided good ol' nostalgia. Old Dominion is a new to me group that I really liked. Wait, Ed Sheeran was well worth seeing, too.

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