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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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March 16, 2020 at 3:48pm
March 16, 2020 at 3:48pm
PROMPT March 16th

If you had the opportunity to compete on a television game show, which would you pick? If you won, what would you do with your winnings?
         I'm not a game show aficionado. I know they exist. I'm aware of a few via commercials, or news reports. I cringe as the host is bear-hugged, or lifted off their feet by overly enthusiastic participants. For some strange reason, many people choose to express their excitement with repeated jumping. Some, react as if they forgot their brains at home. Maybe it's the deer in the headlight mentality? Perhaps their brains shut down all non-essential functions such as hearing and reasoning. That oxygen still needs to reach the extremities and that wildly thumping heart.
         When he is home, my hubby insists upon sharing YOUTUBE clips with me, random snippets of video. He seems to like the Steve Harvey ones showcasing competitors from the Family Feud. Yes, I will admit that people say and do the strangest things in the heat of the moment. They blurt out secrets, spontaneous confessions, and mind-boggling drivel. Even the host is flabbergasted and at a loss for words at times.
         Okay, okay... This is a reluctant reply, but perhaps I'd choose to compete on Jeopardy. I must have a well of untapped trivia stored somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind. Of course, I'd have to practise answering questions with a question, beforehand. What is confusion, Alex. What is what am I doing here, Alex. My handicap would be the eye-hand coordination needed to strike the buzzer. That effort could potentially knock me off my feet 'cause I'm a klutz with almost no balance.
         Is there a game show for Pictionary? If a team event existed my hubby and I could clean up. It's not that we're the best artists in the world. We somehow have a psychic connection and we can read each other's thoughts. Hmmm, now that I'm writing this I see the absurdity. That enhanced wave length doesn't always work. For some inexplicable reason, we are often forced to use our words. Our Pictionary playing powers are awesome though. He once drew a single horizontal line and as he prepared to embellish it, I yelled out, "Silver mine." Lo and behold that was the correct answer! The couple we competed against did not possess our prowess. The poor husband drew a very detailed telephone, and still his wife had no clue as to what it could be.
         So, my final answer is Pictionary, I'd play that. Oh, this must be in reply to an actual television game show? Sigh, fine, I'll attempt Jeopardy.
         Now that I'm pumped up with the heady exhilaration of a possible win, I must consider what to do with my winnings, my bounty, my prize. Is cash awarded to the winner? Could I take home enough to pay off the credit cards? In light of this COVID 19 pandemic, could I win enough to purchase toilet paper for the unfortunate? Could I invest in toilet paper manufacturing stock?
March 15, 2020 at 7:06pm
March 15, 2020 at 7:06pm
March 15th Prompt: What are some ways you reduce stress and create happiness in your everyday life?
I admit I will procrastinate to avoid stress. Yes, this may seem counter productive, but it delays the inevitable for a short time. If I avoid a looming due date somewhat,meaning I don't deal with it immediately, or in an early fashion, it lessens the stress of producing. I often prepare an outline for a story or poem with bits of dialogue, snatches of descriptions, a proposed ending, and such. I may choose to leave it for a while before I write something cohesive. I have a plan in place and I don't sweat the details. When I do sit down, the writing is not forced.
         Just getting up and moving is a proven stress-buster. Music entices me to sing and boogie. I'm not performer-Oscar material, but I have fun. Today, I returned home after a four-hour drive alone. The radio blared and I belted out classics I don't listen to on a regular basis, but remember from various points in my life. I'm still amazed that my memory has stored lyrics for just such an occasion. The road trip passed pleasantly. My only goal was to reach home.
         Walking in fresh air invigorates me. I return with more focus.
         Chatting with my extended family via phone, text, or face-Timing reinforces feelings of togetherness. Our bond keeps us laughing and sharing. Nothing epitomizes happiness more than a video of my newest grand giggle learning to toddle with a big proud grin on her face. This marvelous technology did not exist when my kiddos were younger. Daily, I receive photos of her in all her cuteness. My older granddaughters keep in touch with texts and humorous memes.
         Losing myself in a book creates stress-free happiness. Dr. Seuss had the right idea. I can travel and see things from the comfort of my recliner. While reading I lose all track of time.
March 14, 2020 at 7:51pm
March 14, 2020 at 7:51pm
March 14th Prompt: What is your favourite childhood memory? Does anything make you feel nostalgic?
I remember childhood. Those were carefree days.
         I kept up a penpal relationship with my maternal grandma, Nanny. In each letter I'd describe my schoolwork and what was new in my life. I never had the greatest penmanship, it resembled a scrawl or chicken scratchings.
          I also neglected to write out the full address on the envelopes. I simply addressed each missive to: Nanny, Sundridge, Ont. She received all of my mailings. I still marvel at the postmaster not only knowing who she was, but where she lived as well.
         Sometimes, I'd include some art work, or stories I'd composed. I wish I could read those letters and early creative endeavours now.
         I do not know why, but I signed those bits of correspondence with Sandy B. My aunts and uncle started referring to me as Sandy B-dot.
         Nanny would answer with letters she wrote. She shared local news and snippets of gossip.I miss those days and my first, most loving penpal.
March 13, 2020 at 1:56pm
March 13, 2020 at 1:56pm
March 13th Prompt:Are you responsible with your money? Is managing your finances easy for you, or challenging? Do you ever splurge and buy something you cannot afford?
         I like to believe that I'm responsible with my finances. I try to live modestly. Bills are paid in a timely manner. Some services are necessary such as hydro and a phone, but the internet is a luxury. I pay a set fee for that, so it's easy to budget. Years ago, probably ten now, I cancelled a television satellite service. I don't watch a great deal of television and I cannot control what is broadcast, or when it's aired. Too many channels offer the same programming anyway.If I choose to indulge in some t.v. viewing, I do so via my computer without network fees.
         Hubby and I downsized ten years ago and we're back to renting an apartment. This reduced our overall expenses and maintenance.
         I pay all bills via online banking. It's quick and efficient. Government filings for tax rebates are also filed online. Pay cheques are direct deposit.
         Nope, I'm not a splurger.
         I have never had a fortune to manage or play with. Perhaps this is a blessing. Nothing is complicated. Now the lines from The Barenaked Ladies' song is echoing in my brain. "If I had a million dollars,"
March 12, 2020 at 8:03pm
March 12, 2020 at 8:03pm
March 12th Prompt: Other than music, what sounds do you love?
Ah sounds...I cannot fathom deafness. This is a sense I take for granted. I am able to hear and I expect to hear. Sounds are a part of my everyday experience. It never really is completely silent. Appliances hum, pets snore, birds squawk, traffic rumbles, anything with a touch pad chirps or tippity-taps, the wind howls or whistles, floors creak...
         My refrigerator sounds like an asthmatic. It wheezes and gasps and shudders. Then again, it's a senior for an appliance, over twenty years old. I find myself waiting for it to struggle to life. I know it will breathe its last soon. This background noise is a constant in my home.
         The sound that I love is laughter. It's a universal reaction to many things and it is a universal language easily understood. Laughter means merriment, glee, excitement, happiness, and more. The chuckles of a baby are magical.
         I like a cheery greeting when I'm out and about.It is friendly and caring. It is a nod of acknowledgment.
         I rather like the ding-ding of my oven timer. This signals something edible is ready. For that same reason, I like the bubbling and hissing of my coffee percolator.
         The sounds of children playing is a great pick-me-up. They are in the moment shouting, cheering, chortling, bantering,singing, whatever. They sound happy and carefree.
         I also like the particular, specific noise that my cell phone creates to let me know I have a text or a Messenger message. I hear a Minion chirp, "hello." This signifies a relative or a friend has something to share. We natter about current affairs, upcoming events, memories, milestones, and such.
March 11, 2020 at 12:16pm
March 11, 2020 at 12:16pm
March 11th Prompt: Do you consider yourself a patient person? How easy or difficult is it for you to wait for something? Does a delayed reward feel more or less satisfying than an immediate reward?
Yes, for the most part I'm a patient person. Good things come to those who wait. I suppose I've been conditioned to wait.
         The art of baking requires patience and the end result is so worth it! As a young girl I learned this to be true. If I wanted cookies or muffins or a cake, I had to measure and mix the ingredients. My wait was further compounded by the need for my anticipated treat to bake.Calories are burned during the preparation and baking time, too.
         Christmases taught me that a seemingly endless agony of waiting produced wonderful surprises.
         Being pregnant three times showed me the benefits of a nine-month long delay. Each of my offspring were born healthy. I never knew their genders before their births either.I repeated this process, in a sense, awaiting the arrivals of my three grand giggles.Raising children requires an eternal well of patience.
         I like the anticipation of a trip. The possibilities are endless.The myriad experiences during travel are a reward.Countless conversations with new people make it worthwhile.
         Now, fretting and aching while awaiting a surgery is not pleasant at all. The mind tends to manufacture what ifs and second thoughts.I just want it to be over so I can get on with the recovery and healing.
         Are all rewards created equal? Mmm, maybe not, but a reward is still a reward no matter how long its culmination. Short term and long term rewards are both welcome.
March 10, 2020 at 7:57pm
March 10, 2020 at 7:57pm
March 10th Prompt:How many languages do you speak? If you could instantly learn any language, and be able to speak it fluently, what would you pick? How would you use it and where would you go?
         Well, my mother tongue is Canadian English. I speak with the letter 'u' in colour and valour. I refuse to wear a toque in winter. No matter how they dress it up a toque is still a hat and I don't like hats.
         Je parle francais aussi. My youngest has a French name, Danielle, and now she's engaged to a French-Canadian. I'm on board with teaching their daughter , Alexandra,French. I find myself warning her, "Touche pas."
          Years ago, my eldest grand giggle who will be nineteen in May,(gasp), admonished me one bedtime. "It's good night Nanna NOT bonne nuit." Oddly, she never minded my saying, "Je t'aime."
         If I could somehow magically speak Gaelic, I'd be thrilled. My paternal heritage leads to Ireland.I'd love to meander the Emerald Isle. Knowing the local lingo would make my exploration authentic. The language seems so rich and vibrant.
March 9, 2020 at 10:13pm
March 9, 2020 at 10:13pm
PROMPT: What is your first memory of being really excited?
         This is a great question to which I do not possess a ready answer. I always liked everything about attending school, so I will go with the first day of kindergarten. I remember my teacher, Miss Clare and nap time. I've never been a napper. Imagine a talker such as myself being introduced to a roomful of new classmates, potential listeners. How could I possibly observe a forced quiet time let alone stay still on my blanket?
         I recall learning to tie my shoes as a "big girl" before I could go to school. I believe I felt very proud of my new skill.
         My one-year old grand giggle, Alexandra, positively quivers and vibrates with excitement. Her legs kick. She clenches and unclenches her hands. She babbles. She grins. She tries not to blink.That girl radiates anticipation.
March 8, 2020 at 1:52pm
March 8, 2020 at 1:52pm
March 8th Prompt: Spring Forward...Write about time and how you make the most of it. What is worthy of your time? What is not? What do people spent too much time on theses days?eses days?
I've never been bored and stranded wondering how I will occupy myself. Even as a kid, I found ways and things to keep me amused. I don't need the stimulation of company to insulate myself from myself. I do not dread being alone and now I have the opportunity, the lifestyle to keep my own company most of the time. If I fancy conversation, I seek it out.There's nothing like a great natter and I consider it a wonderful expenditure of time.
         I've been known to lose all track of time simply sitting and thinking. Sometimes, I suppose, I am daydreaming. Occasionally, I reminisce. Often, my mind ambles down an inviting path only to discover an intriguing trail. I can and will lose myself in word games.

         I'm an avid reader and have never read to calm my mind in order to fall asleep. Once I begin a book I'm committed to finishing it. Luckily, I read , make that digest, a book quickly. In two maybe three hours, I turn the final page. Nothing would ever be checked off my to do list, if I read at a snail's pace. Needs like eating squawk to be appeased.
         Writing is definitely worthy of my time. I don't begrudge the hours spent considering just the right turn of phrase, or the perfect piece of dialogue , or the most descriptive words. Creating a concept or a storyline exercises "my little grey cells." Poirot epitomizes the thinker.
         Of course, I believe baking to be worthwhile.Cookies, muffins, and cakes are delectable rewards.
         I believe people,myself included, spend too much time wading through social media. Yes, it is a means to reach out and communicate. I've reconnected with old friends. I scroll and marvel at the tidbits of online humour. I cringe at the atrocious spelling and grammar that proliferates this social platform, but it produces unintentional amusement, too. Real life should require real face-to-face interactions. Too many hide behind anonymity. They act as bullies. The chain posts and misinformation are staggering. Some participants insist upon spouting their own brand of hate, prejudice, intolerance, and ignorance. We may revert to ranting and raving as I'm doing now.
March 7, 2020 at 1:05pm
March 7, 2020 at 1:05pm
Prompt: What does wisdom mean to you?          
         I believe wisdom is a combination of life experience and common sense. I'm thinking of that adage "wisdom of the ages". If I'm lucky enough to become a senior citizen, I hope to have learned a thing or two.
         I love this saying. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present. Some would say that wisdom is acceptance. Live in the here and now. Don't rehash the past or waste time and effort worrying about the what-ifs. Enjoy today.
          This is an example of Not Wisdom: rubbing coffee grounds on your naked body to prevent cellulite, in a Starbucks. Another is not washing your hands despite public health warnings re Coronavirus.

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