It's not a great hand, you tell yourself, but it's not the worst hand either. And you don't have to have the best hand, you remind yourself. You just have to stay off the bottom.
The three new cards you draw are the Six of Spades, the Jack of Diamonds, and the Four of Clubs.
The third six makes you smile. If you were home and online, you'd be pushing the betting up.
As it happens, you're hand wasn't the high one in the round, but it wasn't the lower either. That honor goes to Elizabeth. On one hand, your kind of glad the low hand wasn't Lilith or Lara. The way Lilith and Sam had been antagonizing each other, you're not sure what kind of rackus would have ensued if one or the other had had to remove an article of clothing. But you actually feel a little sorry for Elizabeth. I mean, yes, if you had the chance, you'd want to see Elizabeth nude, but on the other hand, Elizabeth was just sitting over there, being nice, when Sam and Lilith were haranguing each other,
As if reading your mind, Elizabeth gives you a bright "no need to worry" look, as she bends over and removes first one boot, then the other. Then the next five cards are dealt out.
Your Cards: K(H), 10(C), 3(H), 3(S), 2(D)
Clothing Count
Clothing Count:
Player: Baseball cap, jacket, sneakers, socks, t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Elizabeth: Petticoat, boots, skirt, slip, stockings, corset, panties.
Lilith: Vest, boots, chaps, zip-up shirt, shorts, pink halter top, panties.
Zoey: Zip-up hoody, shoes, socks, jeans, white shirt, bra, panties.
Lara: Boots, socks, outer tank top, pants, inner tank top, sports bra, panties.
(Sam: Jacket, boots, socks, shirt, pants, bra, panties.)
You keep