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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #969382
Breaking the laws of blogging, one entry at a time.
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For repeated blog faux pas, including, but not limited to:

Obsessive ranting - guilty on 92 counts.
Repeatedly beating a dead horse - guilty on 17 counts.
Unnecessary use of curse words - guilty on 142 counts.
Boring daily recounts - guilty on 45 counts.
Pointless entries - guilty on 214 counts.
Contradictory statements - guilty on 72 counts.
Recounting toilet actions - guilty on 15 counts.
Overdramatization of insignificant things - guilty on 152 counts.
Overreacting to meaningless gestures - guilty on 22 counts.
Unnecessary temper tantrums - guilty on 75 counts.
Cruelty towards animals, superiors, peers, and inferiors - guilty on 146 counts.
Repeated bad grammar, spelling, and opinionations - guilty on 214 counts.

Suspect is considered armed and dangerous.
Do not confront directly, instead call the authorities
and slowly back away. Do not provoke suspect, as
she is easy to agitate. The best action to take is to
smile and nod. Any other response could lead
suspect to rant and rave for days without ceasing.

Dead or alive.

Offending evidence:
Merit Badge in Journaling
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Given for penning the favorite response entry in the Follow the Leader contest with "Come Again?"
(Exhibit A)

Merit Badge in Variety
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Because I never knew what to expect from your Follow the Leader entries, but I'm oh so glad you played!
(Exhibit B)

Merit Badge in Journaling
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I enjoy reading your blog. You always have something to say, and it tends to be interesting, too *^*Bigsmile*^*. Thanks for providing us all with food for thought! *hugz* Kit
(Exhibit C)

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October 23, 2006 at 10:26am
October 23, 2006 at 10:26am
Leading entry: "Calle Ocho

I didn't take Spanish in high school. I took German. Calle Ocho would be Achte Straße in a language that is mildly understandable to me, or Eighth Street exactly.

To be honest, I don't really remember that much from German, anymore. At one time, I could have been able to go to Germany and follow a conversation and maybe participate in it, as well. I could never get my brain to translate fast enough, though.

One time, I talked to one of our German foreign exchange students who was staying with my best friend, Betsy. I asked her if she thought in German or English when she spoke English. She said she sometimes had a hard time because she often had to translate her thoughts from German to English because she'd gotten so used to speaking English that she was starting to have a hard time thinking fast enough to keep up with her mouth.

The first thing we ever learned in German was how to say our name, age, and where we lived. Ich Heiße Melissa und ich bin sechsundzwanzig Jarre alt. Ich komme aus Kalamazoo, Michigan un der Vereinigten Staaten. Except they call Vereinigten Staaten Amerika in Germany, and komme aus really means out of. If you wanted to say from it would be von, but for some reason my teacher said never to say it like that because it is like being birthed when worded in that manner. Oh, and Ich Heiße isn't really my name is, rather I am called but Mein Name ist Melissa isn't proper, as far as my teacher ever taught.

I liked my German teacher. His name was Mr. Beverly. He wore Birkenstock sandals and interesting socks. He was an older man, and balding, but very down-to-earth and easy to talk to. Every year, he had a Christmas party at his house, and German Club students were invited to both Secret-Santa and were given an unique gift from him.

My Senior year, I got kicked out of the Honors Band because of poor attendance, and I either had to choose between German 3/4 or Concert Band. I had been in Honors Band since its creation, and felt that I was above being in Concert Band, where they played stupid, easy show tunes and never went to competitions. That's what I got for being truant, though. Either way, I chose German over Concert Band, and still continued my truant ways.

Part of me is always angry at myself for behaving like I did, those last two years in high school. But I know that with everything I was going through at home, and feeling like nobody cared, it was natural for me to act like I felt. It doesn't make me regret it any less now, though.

Ich Heiße Melissa und ich bin sechsundzwanzig Jarre alt. Ich bin ein dritte Schule Durchgefallener, und ich bedauere die Wahlen, die ich traf. Erlernen und leben, Sünde und sie zurücknehmen, oben fallen und wieder steigen. Mich gerade nicht bilden, liederhoßen Abnutzung wie Problematic Content .

You should try that paragraph in Babelfish. It comes out so wrong. *Laugh*
October 22, 2006 at 1:36pm
October 22, 2006 at 1:36pm
Leading post: "Invalid Post"  

My life has become entirely too dependent on television show schedules. Monday is Deal or No Deal, which we occasionally watch. Tuesday is NCIS, which is set to record on DVR, in case something happens, like Fox airs a new episode of House, another Tuesday favorite that's on at the same time. Wednesday is Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi Channel. Thursday is CSI: Crime Scene Investigators and Grey's Anatomy at the same time, so another contest to which one the DVR tunes on TV1. Oddly, we've found nothing to watch on Friday and Saturdays, but Sunday is, again, another day of television schedule conflicts. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is the only thing that doesn't have a conflict, I think, being on at 8. Then Desperate Housewives and Cold Case fight for TV1 on DVR. Sometimes Cold Case gets pushed back 1/2 hour for Sunday Night Football, which always pisses me off, because it throws the whole schedule off and not only delays Cold Case, but also delays Without A Trace. Then I have to set up DVR to record the News at 11, even though I don't want to watch the news. I want to watch the last 1/2 hour of Without A Trace. I also DVR CSI: NY on Wednesday nights, but never stay up to watch it, instead opting to watch the recording on Thursday while Ethan's napping.

All of that said, I was torn when Grey's Anatomy was moved from Sunday nights to Thursday nights, conflicting it with CSI. That meant I had to choose which one I liked best in the event we ever lost DVR. I would choose Grey's Anatomy any day, even though I enjoy CSI pretty well.

There's nothing like tuning in to see who Meredith is going to sleep with next, whether she and McDreamy will ever manage to get back together, or the stars will keep crossing for them. They always leave each season with a huge cliff-hanger. At the end of season 2, they left Meredith with her hand on a bomb that was stuck in a guy's insides. That season finale is what finally sucked Jason in to the addiction known as Grey's Anatomy.

Season 3 left us with a different cliff-hanger. Meredith had been dating McDreamy's vet, and there was a senior prom being held in the hospital cafeteria, for the chief-of-staff's neice who had cervical cancer or something like that. Meredith and McDreamy did the nasty in an exam room. Izzy found Denny dead from a brain clot that had moved from his heart to his brain. When everyone went to leave, Meredith was left to choose between McDreamy and McVet.

They left viewers devastated that Meredith was going to hurt Finn and go back to that damned McDreamy. They left viewers grieving for Denny and feeling sorry for Izzy and wondering what was going to happen to her in the next season. And they also left viewers creeped out because George decided to be all aggressive with Calli, which just looked awkward and wrong.

I don't know why, but whenever I think I might miss this show, I get stressed out. I can't not know what's going on. I can't try to pretend that it isn't that important to me.

Anyone who knows me knows not to call or visit on Thursday nights between the hours of 9 and 10 pm. They know that if they call, I will either pick up the phone and tell them I don't want to talk to them, or I will just let it ring into voice mail. And they know that I'll slam the door in their face, unless they are willing to sit and watch Grey's with me, and be OK when I bitch and moan about how the story line is progressing. They must also accept that once the hour is over, I'm going to whine about the fact that Grey's is only on once per week, and only lasts for an hour.

It's pathetic, really, that a fictional story could pull me in like that. But it does. And, to be honest, it's something about myself that I'm not going to try to change.
October 22, 2006 at 10:33am
October 22, 2006 at 10:33am
Leading entry: "Invalid Entry

When I was growing up, as in a child and teenager, my family was dirt poor. We shopped at Goodwill for school clothes and generally wore a lot of hand-me-downs. I remember, at some point, after my Grandparents bought the house that we ended up living in from the time I was in the 4th grade on, that my Grandpa took us shopping for school clothes because he didn't want his grandkids going to school, the first week, wearing second-hand outfits.

Needless to say, we developed a waste-not, want-not way of life in our house. You didn't throw food away, you ate what was on your plate or packed it up and saved it for later, when you got hungry again. You ate your free school lunch because it was probably the most balanced meal you could get during the day.

I remember eating a lot of goulash, spaghetti, and the occasional pork chop with scalloped potatoes. We were never really hungry. My grandma always sent food home with my Mom. A couple of times, we got food from Loaves And Fishes. I remember those times, especially, because one Christmas those people came to our house with bags and bags of presents and bags and bags of food.

As the years went on, we learned that you didn't throw anything away, unless it was absolutely too broken to be salvaged. You saved it because, even though you might not have a use for it now, you may later. And if you'd thrown it away, you probably wouldn't be able to get a new one.

Esentially, my parents taught me how to be a pack rat. You have to save things in case you, or someone else, sometime in the future, might need it. Our house started to pile up with all kinds of things: clothes that didn't fit anymore, toys that we didn't want anymore, things we felt some sort of attachment to, even though they weren't worth the space they were taking up, and other junk and useless items.

I carried this need of keeping material things for a long time. Sometimes, I still fight with it. For instance, I finally got rid of all of the yarn in my basement because I hadn't knit or crocheted for a long time. Not too long after I got rid of it, I took an interest in crocheting again, which lead to a want to knit. I had no yarn and I was pissed because I let myself believe that I didn't need it anymore when I got rid of the stuff I had been collecting. It's just yarn though, and I bought more. I wouldn't have had to buy more, though, if I hadn't done away with the yarn I had already bought before, even though I wasn't using it and probably never would.

Jason has pack rat tendencies, too. We have all kinds of crap in our basement that we will never use. I mean, when will we ever need the stock radio from a 1993 Mazda 626, a car which he owned at one time but we don't anymore. This along with a stock radio from a 1995 Dodge Avenger, a car which we traded in for the Odyssey 2 years ago, and a stock radio from a 1998 Cavalier, which we still have, but has an after market CD player.

At one time, we had 4 blenders. I don't know why. We just did. We also had 4 vacuum cleaners in a house that really only needs one.

Our basement is a treasure trove of useless and forgotten items; items that I will slowly pull out year-after-year, in hopes of getting rid of the clutter, and sell at a garage sale or yard sale some summer. These items will be replaced by more useless and forgotten items. They always are. It's been 5 years, now, of decluttering, only to find that the clutter multiplies when given additional space.

It's an ongoing battle, where the clutter seems to be winning. I mean, it's just stuff, and you can't take it with you when you die. So why is it so important that we keep it in a dark corner of the basement when someone else could probably get some kind of use out of it that we haven't? It's a neverending battle, choosing between the desire to hold onto material things and the irritation of not being able to walk through the basement, except the small path that leads from the bottom of the stairs to the laundry room.
October 21, 2006 at 1:44pm
October 21, 2006 at 1:44pm
Leading prompt: "Invalid Entry

History is full of mysteries of all kinds. When I'm not busy chasing Ethan, or scrapbooking, or other things that don't involve 100% of my attention, I've been known to think about them. Well, not really. I mostly only think about them when I watch a show of the subject on the History Channel or the Discovery Channel.

There's a whole show dedicated to History's Mysteries on the History Channel. Sometimes, it's something interesting, like the true identity of Jack the Ripper, or what really happened to Amelia Earhart, and whether or not the sinking of the Titanic could have been prevented. But there are other mysteries from history that I wonder about, too. Like the Black Dahlia murder, or how a coroner could possibly say that George Reeves killed himself with 3 bullets to the brain.

Other than that, I think life is full of mysteries. These are the mysteries I spend most of my time trying to solve, without success. Maybe someone else can help me solve these mysteries, though.

*Note* How come I can put both socks in the washer, move both socks to the dryer, and only have one of the two when I pull the laundry out of the dryer and take it upstairs to fold it? Does the dryer keep it as sock-tax? Or are there little gnomes who live in the lint trap that steal them to make little gnome blankets?

*Note* What on earth is belly button lint? Do gnomes use our belly buttons to collect things and then later retrieve them when we're asleep? The same goes for toe jam. Do gnomes use it to make peanut butter and toe jam sandwiches?

*Note* Why do we say "trick or treat" when we go door-to-door on Halloween? Do we really have a choice of what to give those brats? What would happen if someone chose trick?

*Note* Do the people who make Tootsie Rolls really think that anyone has the patience to lick their way to the center of a tootsie pop? Has anyone ever been able to resist biting a tootsie pop so they can get to the chocolate center?

*Note* How come, when I make a piece of toast and drop it, it almost always lands butter-side down? Does the butter make that side of the toast heavier, or do I just really have that bad of luck?

*Note* If humans are evolved from the same species that monkeys also evolved from, why is it perfectly acceptable for monkeys to fling poo, and completely taboo for humans to talk about it?

I have so many more of these questions, but most of them have already been touched upon elsewhere in my portfolio. If you're bored, and you have nothing better to do, you can always check them out in my "Invalid Item folder.

For now, until scientific evidence surfaces to answer my questions, I guess I'll have to be happy with speculation and hypothesis.
October 20, 2006 at 5:41pm
October 20, 2006 at 5:41pm
Sitting at the turn light, waiting for it to turn green. When it does, the cars in front of me start on their merry way. The first person, as usual, had to wait for a written invitation while the rest of us squirmed in our seats to get through a notoriously short light.

As I drive up, I know that the light is going to turn yellow. It always does after four cars. Do I gun it and go, successfully running a yellow and possibly a red, or do I put on the brakes and follow the letter of the law? I did a quick cop-check, and gunned it. Lucky for me, the lady behind me did, too, because once she got around the corner, I could see the cop rounding the left behind her.

Blue lights flashed. I pulled into the grocery store parking lot, where I was going anyway. So did the lady, and thusly the cop. I parked a few spots down from where the cop pulled up behind the lady and sat for a moment. Do I get out, chancing that he calls me over and tells me I'm getting a ticket, too, or do I wait for a moment and possibly draw attention to myself and thus earn a ticket where I was off the hook?

I slowly opened the minivan door, waiting to hear a "Ma'am!" from the direction of the cop car. No sounds came, only the errant flashing of blue lights. I glanced in the direction of the two cars guiltily, expecting my wayward glance to give away my involvement. Then I turned and walked into the store to get my goods.

It was the fastest trip I'd ever made into a grocery store. I spent less than 7 minutes grabbing what I needed and then quickly paid for those items. I also spent less than I expected, at a mere $8.87.

As I left the store, I held my breath, expecting to see the cop car parked next to mine to handle my turn at the ticket booth. Lucky for me, he was still writing the ticket for the other violator. I quickly got in my car and left as descreetly as one can in a dark green Honda Odyssey through a parking lot of miniature proportions.

Pulling into traffic, I said a quick thank you to the powers that be for the lady behind me. If not for her, it would probably have been me who received the ticket. Thank wonders for small miracles.

The next time I am put in a similar situation, where the light is yellow and I know I have enough time, I will choose to use the brake petal. Lightning never strikes twice, and the next time, that cop will be flashing his lights at me.

When I got home, I realized I'd forgotten to buy that for which I had originally made the trip to the grocery store. I'm not going back.
October 20, 2006 at 8:18am
October 20, 2006 at 8:18am
Leading entry: "Invalid Entry

Fuck. I had half of a response entry written about the weirdest candidate I have ever witnessed, but IE crashed on me and now it's all gone. I guess that's a good thing because, to be honest, it was long and boring.

Basically, this guy, Carl Oehling, just spent his entire 3 minute time discussing none of the issues at hand so he could spread his message of how God put forth the 10 commandments and "Thou shall not kill" also applied to abortion. Babies have DNA, and thus they are living beings.

I Googled him, because it was just too weird to be real. He looked like he was 900 years old, in reality he's 74. He says, on his bio page, that his mother aborted him vaginally prior to his due date. I'm sorry, I thought that was having labor induced.

Anyway, you can read more if you feel like it. http://www.constitutionpartymi.net/cpmi/Patriot/Oehling/

Not someone I will be voting for. I like candidates who can separate church and state and not quote the Bible in their campaign speeches.

Another nomination I have is to OPEC for being the greediest bastards on the face of the earth. They're going to slow oil production again to drive the prices up, thus screwing all of us in the ass again. When will we have an alternative fuel source so we don't have to put up with this bullshit?

I'm tired of the elections already. Between the Republican party making their Robocalls, Dick DeVos trying to make himself out to be concerned about the interest of the citizens of Michigan when all he really cares about is the greenbacks in his wallet, and Mike Bouchard spamming the airwaves with slanderous and disgusting campaign ads towards Debbie Stabenow, I just want it to be over with already.

Everyone keeps talking about how critical of an election this is for Michigan. We can either continue on our road of less properous action, where the job market continues to decline and the Democrats turn their heads and deny that things are getting worse, or we can vote for the CEO of Amway, who thinks being governer would be the same as being CEO of a company.

I hate politics. I nominate politics to be this year's devil incarnate.
October 19, 2006 at 8:25pm
October 19, 2006 at 8:25pm
I'm still bored. There's still no new leading entries. I borrowed another quiz from mood indigo again. Just passing the time until dinner's done, folks. And this one is a long one in case dinner takes longer than it should.

1. If your life was a little glass ball, who would you trust enough to give it to?
I could say something stupid like I would trust my life with Jason, but to be honest, he's clumsy and I'm sure he'd drop and break me.

2. Do you think our futures are already planned out for us?
I would have to believe in fate to be able to believe in predetermination. If you want to get into it, I guess that each person has several paths they can take at any point in time, and each path leads them to several more paths. In this way, I suppose there could be a small amount of predetermination, but there are so many variables that there's no real way to plan which path a person will take.

3. Do adults really understand teenagers?
Actually, they do. It's teenagers that don't understand that adults do know what it's like to be a teenager and that they, too, said to their parents that they didn't understand when they were teenagers.

4. How often do you feel like you just need OUT?
Quite often. So often that sometimes the urge is overwhelming. The only problem is, I don't know where I'd go if I got out.

5. What would you do if you found out someone very close to you (for example, boy/girlfriend you've been dating for years) told you they were a member of the KKK (or some other racist group)?
Well, if this question was worded properly, I must have been drunk the first time they told me and forgot, so then I found out because someone reminded me. Either way, whether I found out or they told me, I would probably never speak with them again. I hate bigots.

6. Does the music you listen to effect decisions you make in your every day life?
Music is not a special effect, but music videos can contain them. And I'm not one of those stupid asses who say that Marilyn Manson's lyrics inspired me to go postal in my high school's cafeteria.

7. In the end, will we all be forgiven?
For which sin and which time it was commited?

8. Do you understand why some people want to commit suicide?
I guess, although I may not agree with his or her reasonings.

9. Have you ever been to a big protest?
No, not really. I've never been an activist and I've had a hard enough time with the police in other avenues of my life.

10. If you had the chance to live your life over, would you? Why or why not?
There's quite a few things I would do differently, but it would change the ultimate outcome of where I am now. I mostly like what I have now, despite my complaints and manic ramblings. I wouldn't want to give that up to change a past decision.

11. Truthfully, do you want to make a difference when you grow up?
I already have. His name is Ethan.

12. Are we ever really free?
What the fuck is up with the philosophical questions? That's like asking if the chicken came before the egg or why the hell the same chicken walked to the other side.
In some ways, we are free. In others, we're not. We all have the freedom of decision. Whether or not our decisions mold with the standards of our society is a different question.

13. Are you/have you ever been clinically depressed?
Yes. I have taken antidepressants, but my depressions have been based on circumstances and not chemical imbalance.

14. Do you have any mental disorders, et cetera?
Besides OCD, you mean? I have some other kind of personality disorder, I'm sure. I'm severely fucked in the head. I bet you couldn't tell.

15. Is it noble of a person to actually forgive everyone, even people like Saddam Hussein?
No, not really. Forgiveness might make you feel like a good person inside, but nobody is going to say, "Ooooh! There's that girl Melissa, she's the forgiving one."

16. Is it fair for a president to draft soldiers to the army?
Does it matter? He's going to do it if he wants and there's nothing anyone can do about it, short of dodging said draft.

17. Are we a lost generation?
We're all stars in the dope show.

18. Is it bad to call someone retarded?
I tell Jason he's being retarded all of the time. Does that make me a bad person?

19. Would you consider AIDS the worst disease on earth?
I think cancer is worse than AIDS. AIDS isn't what kills you. It's all of the diseases that you contract as a result of contracting AIDS. Cancer can, and will, kill you if you don't do something to kill it back.

20. Does God owe us an explanation?
That depends on what, exactly, God is supposed to explain. And, to be honest, God doesn't have to answer to anyone because he's God.

21. What the heck are we fighting for?
Depends on which fight you are referring? I guess they all revolve around the same bullshit, though. Someone, somewhere, thinks its his way or the high way.

22. Is money the root of all evil?
It isn't the money that's evil, it's the people who greed for it. Sloth is the sin. Money is the device.

23. Is everyone a good person at heart?
I tried to think of why we are, but I can't. Some people are good people at heart, even though they act like complete assholes to most everyone they come upon. Like Ernie, for example. Most people think he's a bastard, but in reality he's a cuddly little teddy bear who likes to scrapbook.

24. If a young woman was raped and got pregnant, and then decided to get an abortion, would you still consider her a "baby killer"?
Everyone has the right to make her own decision regarding whether or not she chooses to turn her life upside down on a permanent basis with the addition of a child, be it a product of rape, sexual promiscuity, or irresponsibility and poor planning.

25. Do you want to be alive when the antichrist comes, just to experience it?
You mean George Bush is not the antichrist?

26. Are you a good person at heart?
Actually, I think I'm a horrible person at heart. It's my brain that doesn't let me say the things my heart thinks.

27. Is it really wrong for teachers to hug their students?
What kind of hugging? If you mean a platonic act of comforting or encouragement, I don't think a teacher hugging a student is wrong. If, however, you mean hugging in an "I want to shag you" sort of way, then it is very wrong.

28. Would you mind being president?
I would mind being president. I can't contain my anger that well. At some point, some member of the press would ask me some stupid ass question and I'd go off. Or I'd order him executed. Or something else really bad like that.

29. Do you find it weird, that you never know what your future will bring, and you might really end up president, or the first lady?
I can tell you that that would never happen. I would never allow my husband to run for President, and I certainly wouldn't give it a try, either.

30. Are "followers" really that bad, considering you can't have a leader without them?
I consider myself a follower, and I see nothing wrong with following. Leaders, on the other hand... well... too many cooks can spoil the stew.

31. Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Nah. I don't buy the hype and don't care to see it.

32. If you answered yes to #31, did you enjoy it?
I probably would have rather had a root canal than watch it.

33. If you answered no to #31, why not?
Other than the reasons stated above, it honestly didn't interest me.

34. Have you ever told someone "Go to hell" and really meant it?
Several times in my life. All incidents involved my father, and I still sometimes wish he would heed the advice.

35. Do you give homeless people spare change, even though you know they'll just buy booze or drugs?
Not on purpose. One time, as I was driving out of McDonald's downtown, a man walked in front of my car and told me this story about being a pastor from Battle Creek that brought a woman to the mission and his car ran out of gas and could I spare $2 for him to get some gas. I didn't have $2, but the line was piling up behind me, people were wanting to get back to their cubicles to stuff their faces with french fries, and the guy wouldn't shut up. So I gave him 50 cents and rolled my window up.
When I got to J's work, I told him about it, and he asked me if the guy was well-spoken and dressed nice. He, indeed, was just as Jason described him. J then recounted the story to me that the guy told me.
"Oh did you see him today?" I asked.
"No, I saw him 2 days ago for the same reason. And 2 weeks before that. He's been stuck in Kalamazoo for a very long time."

36. When someone does something you know is wrong, like make a racist or sexist comment, what do you do?
If that person is serious, I would probably smack him or her. I've never been in a situation where that has happened in a serious manner. Unless you're talking about my husband, who makes assinine racist and sexist comments all of the time. I just ignore him, except when he says it in front of Ethan. Then I smack him, too.

37. Are you embarrassed by your family's background?
I'm just embarassed by my family, period.

38. Even if you don't believe Jesus was our savior, do you still think he was very noble?
I don't know. I've never met the man, and you can't always believe what you hear.

39. Is God really watching over us?
Why don't you ask him yourself?

40. What do you picture heaven to be like?
A place that makes me feel the same relief as finally being done with this survey. Of course, I inflicted it upon myself, so there's nobody to blame but me. And Shannon, since I found it in her journal. But nobody said I had to do it, so I guess she's off the hook.
October 19, 2006 at 11:12am
October 19, 2006 at 11:12am
I'm bored. I was hoping for a new leading entry sometime soon, but I have to remember that some people don't sit at home all day long hitting the "My Portfolio" button and wait for something on her "My Favorites" sidebar to update. Some people have jobs and lives that keep them away from Writing.Com for several hours at a time.

Not that I spend my entire day here, or whatever. I do have a son that has dirty diapers, craves my attention, and loves to play. But even the best of mommies crave adult interaction along with speaking to someone whose vocabulary extends beyond babble and a collection of around 50 words.

I've been saving all of my blog ideas up, thinking maybe I can use it as material for Follow the Leader. Not that any of these things are anything that's going to give me the winning entries. I just want to actually have something to say in the event someone makes a leading entry that this would apply to. If I write about it before there's something for me to apply it to, I'll be pissed, because then I have to come up with something new.

So, because I really want to make a blog entry, and I don't want to write about the things I'm kicking around in my head, I borrowed a survey from mood indigo 's last journal entry. I'm telling you, if you want to write something, but don't know what to write, her journal is a cache of surveys. Not that Shannon has nothing to write about, but she likes to do surveys, too.

Plus, I want to play around with big fonts some more.

1. Do you have an air conditioner?
I do. For the first time in my life, outside of living in an apartment, it's actually central air, too. We never had A.C. while I was growing up, and you'd think in Michigan we wouldn't really need it. Let me tell you, though, 95 degrees isn't really that hot until you add 70% humidity to it. Then, you're not really sweating, your body becomes a humidity collector.

2. Do you like James Blunt?
I don't know. I've only heard the one song:
"You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, it's true."
While that one song is OK, I can't say I like an artist because one of his songs is OK. Shannon doesn't like him, though. Does that count?

3. Do you have one of those Rocawear bags?
I didn't even know what Rocawear was, so I had to Google it. I'm assuming it's the stuff that Jay-Z designs by what came up on the Google search. I saw some knock-offs at Target when I went to buy my last 2 purses. Those kind of things are just not my style. And I wouldn't buy an original because spending $65 on a purse is a waste of perfectly good scrapbooking supplies.

4. Have you ever tried Canada Dry cranberry ginger ale?
I didn't even know that Canada Dry made a cranberry ginger ale. Besides, I prefer Vernor's.

5. Have you ever had summer or night classes?
My entire college career (heh, I still can't believe that you refer to training for your choice of career as a career) was spent mostly taking classes in the evening. I only chose not to take summer classes one summer. I figured I deserved a break from taking classes, since I did that and worked 2 part-time jobs (sometimes 3, depending on the time of year) the entire time I attended college. I deserved a break from homework that summer.

6. What is the next movie you want to see in theaters?
I don't even know what's coming out anytime soon. And with a toddler, you don't often make plans or even think about what you want to see at the theater. Most of the time, you just wait for DVD because it's easier than finding a babysitter.

7. What do you think of "Laguna Beach," Season Three?
You would have to watch it in order to form an opinion of it.

8. Are you currently reading a book? If so, what is it called?
Other than kids books and magazines, I haven't read anything since The Da Vince Code. If magazines count, I'm reading the November issue of Scrapbook Answers. It's their last, and sad because they didn't know it was their last, so they had their 2007 design team call and talked about what was going to be in future issues.

9. Have you ever been to a YMCA?
My middle school was across the street from a YMCA, so we got to spend Phys. Ed. class learning tennis and racketball using their facilities. After school, my boyfriend and I used to hang out there until my Mom picked me up when she got off work.

10. When you were little, did you play board games with your friends?
I think I played Candyland with my sisters, and maybe my friend Lindsey. Most of the time, I played Barbies with my friends. We almost always made Ken and Barbie get married and consumate their marriage. It would always result in a Skipper, who I think was actually supposed to be Barbie's little sister.

11. Do those 9/11 shows and movies interest you?
Not really. I tend to change the channel when they come on. I did was the one about the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, though. I wanted to turn it off, but it was like a train wreck. I just couldn't stop watching.

12. If you live in a building, what floor is your apartment on?
I can't answer this question until the sentence structure is fixed.

13. What is the last thing you bought at a mall?
A winter jacket for Ethan. We got it at Sears.

14. Are you a seventies, eighties or nineties kid?
I was born in 1980. I wore a red Cocacola t-shirt until it was thread bare. I still own Michael Jackson's thriller in an LP. I think that would consider me an 80's kid.

15. Share an inside joke:
I could, but you wouldn't get it. That's why it's called an inside joke. If you're not on the inside, it isn't funny. And I doubt many of you are on the inside.

16. Have you ever had a crush on someone for two years or more?
Most of my crushes were short lived, although I would consider Ben a long-lasting crush. I still crush on him, and I haven't seen him since 2001, when he kissed me and said goodbye.

17. Would you rather be a little chubby but healthy, or really skinny?
Who says being really skinny means you're unhealthy? You can still eat in a healthy manner and be really skinny. I hate judgemental questions, like this.

18. Do you have anything in your home from Ikea?
Not that I know of, unless someone bought us some furniture or something from there and Ikea wasn't on the box.

19. Would you rather use white out pens or bottles?
I don't use white out. I put a line through it and write what I really meant. Or I use a pencil, so I can use the eraser that it comes with.

20. Do you find it sad when people you know don't know things like the seven continents?
I had to think for a second, to make sure I wasn't one of those people. I'm not, thankfully. It means that some of my memory is still intact.
October 18, 2006 at 12:18pm
October 18, 2006 at 12:18pm
I just really want to do this.

And this.

*Note* I like to play with new ML code.

So *Leaf1* me alone.
October 18, 2006 at 10:19am
October 18, 2006 at 10:19am
I hate standing in line anywhere. I think I've said this before. I'm not a patient person, and I always want instant gratification on everything, even standing in line at the supermarket.

Have you ever noticed all of the gossip magazines these days? I think they come out with newly designed and named magazine every week. But they're all the same. They spread celebrity gossip or talk about the aliens in Denmark.

Personally, I wouldn't ever buy People magazine, let alone the really bizarre ones about the three headed dogs, Bill Clinton's love child (like that is really that far fetched of a possibility), or ol' Nessy breaking shore in Scotland. Those kind of things just don't interest me.

Except when I'm standing in line at the grocery checkout. Then, I'm bored, and I have to do something to pass the time while I wait for the old woman in front of me to unload her 32 cans of dog food, one at a time, and pay for it all with the spare change she has in her wallet. Then, and only then, will I pick one of those gossip mongers up and give it a read.

I wonder what the headlines would read if there were a Writing.Com tabloid published. What kind of gossip could be spread around this place? Well, if you're friends with Ernie, you wouldn't have to buy the tabloid. He knows all of the good gossip. But otherwise, you would probably see the following headlines:

INSIDE!!! Photographs of objurgate's balls on a chain, all lit up!

kittiara nags roommate into becoming a fairy! Details on page 47.

Melissa is fashionably late! forgets to take supplements, becomes homicidal. MORE INSIDE!

Ronis brain tumor is gone! gets pregnant to stop menstrual cycle! Find out why on page 16.

MaryLou pushes Deelyte- Chillin' at Renny Faire and watches her fall! More on page 44!

Problematic Content eats toilet ninjas, gets hemmerhoids! FIND OUT MORE, page 2.

Sophy gets "tennis elbow" with the boys tennis team! Page 5.

Elisa: Middle Aged Stik misses her pussy. Where did it go? FIND OUT INSIDE!!!

Erika misses girlfriend, chops off hair! Page 55.

What news did grim receive from a pregnant woman? FIND OUT ON PAGE 60!

spidey tells all about transvestite, homecoming king! READ MORE INSIDE!!!

Why doesn't auric stink on dates? Find his drug of choice on page 45!

Why is terryjroo called Terry the Fairy? BIG STORY!

Jedi Moose ponders his low-hanger hanging lower. DETAILS INSIDE!!!

Moody Blue: Needs an Upgrade reveals everything... to everyone... Page 70!

What is Nikola~Ugh Summer! doing with that many men? Find out on page 5.

What could make a teacher sneer at Jenn ? MORE INSIDE!!!

poisonivy finds her baby in a dumpster! Read the shocking story inside!

What does Kendra reveal about her past? DETAILS INSIDE!!!

Watch elizm446 sink like a rock because she's black! Page 3.

What's mood indigo 's weapon of choice? Read more on page 7.

Yeah, so, that's what I imagine your tabloid headlines would be from you last blog/journal entries. Add the regular disclaimer here that nothing I said is meant to offend or hurt anyone. I honestly mean it in a good-natured sort of way. If it still pisses you off, I don't apologize, because I have no ill intentions.

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