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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #959657
Just a place for the strange thoughts that often invade my mind. Expect the unexpected.
Who knows what will show up here. One day might be normal and the next strange. I love my imagination, and often spend more time there than I should. I tend to get silly at times also.

Just some of the nice comments I have recieved.

This entry is going to keep me awake all night.
How can you write something so blanking beautiful and just toss it off, a crumb for mere mortals who stare at the empty stage and applaud for an encore.

Hahahaha! You my friend are such a nerd.
Deviously Brazen

I just realized something: Whenever I read one of your blog entries, I tend to hold my breath throughout, releasing it only when you are finished.

Wish I had more time to go where your mind travels. Excellent POV, worthy of portfolio status.

You do have an interesting mind.

um, why are there cats on the milky way?
Solitary Man

Beautiful prose! I must argue that "Language is your slave" and not "Master". Your lines tease my own devils and keep me coming back for more.

That was absolutly beautiful.

Beautifully stated madness. I love it
Jaren is Avarielle

You can't say you weren't warned. *Smile*
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July 3, 2005 at 6:19pm
July 3, 2005 at 6:19pm
Is it time to write again? Sometimes the wonderment of creation becomes a burden. The world where dreams are born feels distant and leaves the scattered mind hopelessly lost. It just a step away, but that step better be big.

The ghosts have left for now. I can still hear their voices, but they are faint. Perhaps I am just ignoring them. It doesn’t matter the soul mates are still whispering in my ear, they want their story told.

Do you have any clue what I'm talking about?

See you in the fine print.
July 1, 2005 at 9:53am
July 1, 2005 at 9:53am
Okay, so I know the talk of writing.com has probably been "where's MoW?" "Why hasn't he been writing in the blog journal thingy?" Am I right? No... *Frown* oh well. I'm going to tell you anyway.

I have spent the last month writing like crazy for The Writing Decathlon. Yes, it was an adventure and it left me little time to write anything else. My novels are suffering and obviously so has MoW vs the Volcano.

Some good things did come out of the Decathlon, like "Invalid Item basically a mini-novel. Though it was written kind of fast, I think the story turned out good and could be better if I spent more time on it.

Anyway, I have to go; Mona wants to take me out for lunch.

Did you write today?

See you at the finish line.
June 1, 2005 at 12:13am
June 1, 2005 at 12:13am
I can tell by the flood of e-mails that everyone has been wondering where the heck MoW was. Okay, so there wasn't any e-mails, but thats not going to stop me from telling you. I spent most of the last week sick. I am still feeling like crap, but not as bad. I'm so sorry for making all of you miss me.

How are you feeling today?

See in the medicine cabinet.
May 28, 2005 at 11:45pm
May 28, 2005 at 11:45pm
The witching hour approaches. The weary eyes of unrest gaze upon endless letters. Sleepless nights have burdened a once free mind with useless babble. The time for rest is near, yet so far away.

I went to sleep in an eternal dream. It is unfortunate that forever is limited. I awoke to find nothing had changed. I am still stuck in a forest, surrounded by trees that never talk.

If you met me on the street, you would find me just a strange as you think I am by reading the words contained within these walls. I do not admit to be normal. I bet you aren't excactly the vision of normalcy either. If you were, you wouldn't be a writer.

Is this rampant imagination really a gift?

See you under the tree.
May 27, 2005 at 11:24pm
May 27, 2005 at 11:24pm
Friendly voices are quiet. The sweltering sun swallows the still coolness of a short-lived night. The wishes of bright tomorrows seem so distant and the calls of endless nightmares are certain. Let the earth swallow the unlucky soul that hides behind the mask. It should be easy to forget one that wanders between worlds like liquid fantasy. Cherish the moments of ragtime dreams and never forget the time of eternal silence.

I think I will sit on a star tonight, talk about being on the hot seat.

Can you dance?

See you after the fire.
May 26, 2005 at 10:51pm
May 26, 2005 at 10:51pm
The day started with a welcome sun. The months of work ended with a small jaunt across a well-lit stage. The nerves were calm and the trip was fun. Can't wait to do it again.

I danced with Dr. Frankenstein today. I, of course, was the monster. We tapped our way through a classic beat. The cheers of an unknown audience still ring my ears.

Do you know how to bombershay?

See you on the stage.
May 25, 2005 at 11:35pm
May 25, 2005 at 11:35pm
Shining lights and small children smiling made for a long day. The dancers practiced hard for the coming show. A big day anxiously awaited.

I don't know what to do anymore. I grow weary of the humdrum days. The cycle of endless tomorrows, where nothing changes is not what I wanted. What do I want? Heck, it beats me.

What do you want?

See you at rehearsal.
May 25, 2005 at 12:18am
May 25, 2005 at 12:18am
So, what’s going on?

I grow weary of the endless cycle of nocturnal days. I stand alone in a forest and wait for a rescuer. I know, I could just walk out, but I feel compelled to stay. I think there are others in the darkened woods that are lost too. I can hear their voices and see signs of existence, but I sometimes wonder if they are real.

Where am I? I often ponder the possibility of traveling to different worlds. I think the event horizon theory is the most plausible. I just have to figure out how to make space fold, that might take a day or two.

Where are you?

See you in the Milky Way.
May 23, 2005 at 10:32pm
May 23, 2005 at 10:32pm
Nothing works. Try and try is the way of the lost. No matter what, everything falls apart. If life were a movie then all could find their soul mate and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, life is more like a nightmare and the souls that could connect are stranded in different worlds.

Sometimes it’s so hard to continue the struggle.

I talked with ghosts today, well I did the talking, they just kind of floated there. I know that’s hard to believe, me doing all the talking, but its true.

Where do ghosts live?

See you in the enchanted forest.
May 23, 2005 at 12:51am
May 23, 2005 at 12:51am
Easy days often lead to boredom, but also give a scattered mind time to rest. The thoughts become coherent and the idle babbles become inspiration, food for the imagination. The downtime can allow escape, the chance travel to different worlds. It seems too often that other lands are better than being home, no matter what the alternate universe holds.

Life as I know it will never be the same. Then again, when has it been the same? Everyday runs together like an endless storm. I dance to around lightning and drown in rain. I wish I could find a sunny land and spend time with someone special, even if only for a day.

I landed on the moon; it wasn't my first time here. I jumped giant craters with ease. I was actually enjoying myself for a change when I heard a voice call "Ouch!" It turns out the man in the moon is a real person and I just landed on his eye. Needless to say, he wasn't very happy and threw me off the moon quicker than I could say sorry. So, here I am floating through space without any idea where I'll end up next. I have my thumb out so hopefully someone will pick me up and take me home.

Does anybody really know what time it is?

See you on Pluto.
May 22, 2005 at 12:44am
May 22, 2005 at 12:44am
In the end, it doesn't really matter. The heartfelt ways of the caring are often used and abused. The lonely get lonelier and the sad grow sadder. Nothing goes right for those who try to make a better life. The constant struggle becomes a strain and the melancholy easily lose hope for a brighter tomorrow. Life is expensive, not just to live it, but to have it.

I wish I could find my happy place. I know its around here somewhere. I have looked everywhere, the bathroom, under the mess in my car, even under the rugs. I spent half an hour digging through my trash thinking I might have accidentally thrown it away, but no, it is nowhere to be found. I wonder if I threw it in the wash. I will have to check, but if I did, at least I know my happy place will be clean.

If you found a dust bunny, would you keep it as a pet?

See you at the fountain.
May 21, 2005 at 12:38am
May 21, 2005 at 12:38am
The clouds rolled in with rage. Daylight disappeared during the fury and was replaced with imitation darkness. The sky cried empty tears and the world suffered from its sadness.

I called my secretary into my office today. She was looking hot let me tell you. I wanted her take a memo for me, but just couldn't remember what I wanted to say when she walked in. I ended up giving her the rest of the day off, with pay. I guess I'm writing this note myself.

Where oh where has my little dog gone?

See you in the office.
May 19, 2005 at 11:33pm
May 19, 2005 at 11:33pm
Spending time with departed lives is nothing less than an education in patience. The mouths run with ignorant tones and uneducated guesses. The half-busted and know-it-all attitude is nothing less than annoying.

Useless gibberish could be contained within these walls.

I wandered all day with cheerleader dreams. The visions never truly took form and believe me that was really upsetting. All this imagination and I still couldn't get it right. Oh well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow.

Who wants to join my harem?

See you in the castle.
May 19, 2005 at 12:21am
May 19, 2005 at 12:21am
Moments with forgotten lovers would be better missed. Its hardly a joyous day for either, sometimes it's necessary. The world revolves around lovers, the separated are just left hanging on while the earth spins.

I walked on a nude beach today, not really the best place for a single man. I stumbled there on accident and found myself staring. I knew this wasn't a good thing, shorts or not, I had to get off this beach. I tried to walk straight ahead. It was hard. I couldn't keep a straight line because my head kept turning. I finally found a discarded towel and used it to block my view until I got off the beach. I hope I can remember where this place is.

What’s up yo?

See you in therapy.
May 17, 2005 at 11:49pm
May 17, 2005 at 11:49pm
A day at the beach is never missed. The thunder rolls through the streets with a grand echo. The water fell from a cloudless sky and drenched the earth with cleansing rain.

My computer came to life today. It was pissed at me for using it so much. It said it was overworked and underpaid. I had no idea what it was talking about, its not like I spend every waking, non-working moment on it doing something. Oh wait, yes I do. Oops, sorry Mr. Computer.

Why is TV so boring?

See you in the studio.
May 16, 2005 at 11:24pm
May 16, 2005 at 11:24pm
The words sped through my mind with a welcome grace. Ghosts had arrived in the house and they were a welcome sight. I know some ghosts are scary, but mine are always welcome.

Mona showed up again last night. She was mad because i spent the day with Lucinda, believe me, the last thing you want mad at you is an evil fairy. I guess she must really like me because she didn't hurt me when she stormed out the other day. (I mean literally stormed out, lightning and everything). She was all smiles when she came back though and said she wanted to take me on a trip. We ended up in Ireland, how cool is that? The birthplace of my family and here I was standing before a castle with my coat-of-arms on it. Mona showed me a lot of Ireland and introduced me to some of her Leprechaun friends. We had a great day and she didn't do hardly anything evil. I would tell you what she did, but if it got out that she did it the blame would fall on me for telling. I wonder what I'm going to tell Lucinda.

Where are you from?

See you at the Blarney Stone.
May 15, 2005 at 12:30am
May 15, 2005 at 12:30am
The sunlight shone across the world. The moon was also in view. The mechanical thunder roars mere miles from home. It doesnt entice at all. The steel jockeys can stay where they are.

The dusk rolled across an empty plain. Well, it wasn't really empty, there were some trees and such there. I decided to swing across the branches of an apple tree. Okay, so I was hungry and there wasn't a restaurant in sight. So anyway, here I am trying to climb this tree to get me an apple. I jumped up to the lowest branch, grabbed hold, and pulled myself up. This was easy, who said I couldn't climb a tree anymore? I climbed up higher and finally got my hands on some juicy apples. I ate them with a smile and when I finished I decided to head back down. I lowered myself to the branch below and as soon as I stepped down, it broke. Luckily, I was still hanging on to the branch above me and saved myself from falling. I was able to pull myself back up, but now I'm stuck in this tree. It was sitting there that I remembered who said I couldn't climb trees anymore, it was me.

Why do I ask all these questions?

See you in the future.
May 13, 2005 at 11:45pm
May 13, 2005 at 11:45pm
The phone rang in an empty home, the words of the well-to-do kept a scattered mind late. It was nothing less than boredom that led the day, and now lingers in the night. If tomorrow came, it would be the same as today.

I wandered around motionless for quite some time. It was the beginning of the end. I knew the world had stopped and I could do whatever I wanted, but what I wanted to do couldn't be done. I decided to wait for time. I knew it was infinite, but somehow it had ended. It left me aware for some reason, I don't know why. Lifetimes passed and I did nothing but sit. I really didn't care, I don't think it mattered, but I'm sure it did. It was inevitable that time was born again. I stood and looked as the land around grew and died. It eventually caught up with me and everything returned to normal. Tomorrow turned into today and yesterday became a memory.

Where have all the good times gone?

See you on the mountain.
May 13, 2005 at 12:07am
May 13, 2005 at 12:07am
Laughing comes easy. A smile is hard. The clown always has one painted, but if you pay attention, you will never see his lips curve up. It is the sad truth of living a lonely life. Emotion is hard to control, but for some it must be done.

I walked with a lions pride. It was a little nerve-racking, but thankfully, they had already eaten. I listened to their words of knowledge, (yes, I can speak lion, can't you?) They are really an intelligent cat. Did you know it was a lion that invented Velcro? I wasn't interested in their scientific hypothesis though, I wanted to learn the way of stealth, how to stalk your prey among the tall grass, but mostly I wanted to know how the heck the male could have so many females and keep his sanity.

What do you want to do today?

See you on the river.
May 11, 2005 at 11:22pm
May 11, 2005 at 11:22pm
In the empty twilight, the sunset lingers. The point when all is possible, darkness and light mingle with a lover’s grace. They sweep through the sky with a ballerina style. They paint the sky with purple and pinks, and then one disappears.

Too many things to do. I can't keep up. People slow down in front of me and drive me crazy, as if my lack of sanity needed a boost. I want to run up to them and say "Hey, I have laundry to do, learn to read the speed limit, and do it!" I know, that’s probably not nice, but hey, I said I was in a hurry.

Where did I put my keys?

See you in Salt Lake.

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