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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #959657
Just a place for the strange thoughts that often invade my mind. Expect the unexpected.
Who knows what will show up here. One day might be normal and the next strange. I love my imagination, and often spend more time there than I should. I tend to get silly at times also.

Just some of the nice comments I have recieved.

This entry is going to keep me awake all night.
How can you write something so blanking beautiful and just toss it off, a crumb for mere mortals who stare at the empty stage and applaud for an encore.

Hahahaha! You my friend are such a nerd.
Deviously Brazen

I just realized something: Whenever I read one of your blog entries, I tend to hold my breath throughout, releasing it only when you are finished.

Wish I had more time to go where your mind travels. Excellent POV, worthy of portfolio status.

You do have an interesting mind.

um, why are there cats on the milky way?
Solitary Man

Beautiful prose! I must argue that "Language is your slave" and not "Master". Your lines tease my own devils and keep me coming back for more.

That was absolutly beautiful.

Beautifully stated madness. I love it
Jaren is Avarielle

You can't say you weren't warned. *Smile*
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November 14, 2005 at 4:55pm
November 14, 2005 at 4:55pm
The adventure must be put on hold. It is the rise of pestilence that hails the broken king. The uncaring laugh as tired eyes fall from focus. The night will be spent in confinement as the path followed is mandatory and not chosen.

I wish Lucinda would come visit me.

I rode along the Milky Way. It really wasn't that fun, it was wet, cold, and there were cats everywhere.

Why do I act the way I do?

See you in the waiting room.
November 13, 2005 at 8:34pm
November 13, 2005 at 8:34pm
In the beginning the sun shone on empty lands and unknown ways. The lost prophets told of an ending and promised retribution for those who waited for the moment when time stood still. The sad truth remains that time never stops and those who wait for their time to arrive find it happens much too late. The only prize awaiting those who do nothing is that of dust, ash, and the false comfort of solitude and eternal boredom. Bring on the trials and awkward games. If a dark future be the award for chances taken, oh well.

Does it really matter?

See you at the .com
November 11, 2005 at 8:39pm
November 11, 2005 at 8:39pm
Easy access and no money down. Live the dreams of others but forsake your own. The end near, but further than you think. In the life of the universe, a speck of dust is nothing more than a fleeting glimpse of false immortality. Wander across the havens and step into the den without fear. Let the stars guide a shadowy light and forget that the future and the past are the same.

I am tired. I am strong. I am smart. I am dumb.

What in the world do I think I know?

See you in the kitchen.
November 9, 2005 at 9:18pm
November 9, 2005 at 9:18pm

The return of someone thought gone is a surprise and a shock. Though still lost, he wanders again through the halls of glorious words and enchanted traditions. It may be a future of unmasked hopelessness, but at least it is still a path alive with dreams.

I am still walking the empty trail. The trees surround me, but offer little more than silence. I thought I would climb one and see if I could spot any sort of future. It turns out that climbing a tree isn’t as easy or fun as I remember being when I was a kid. I ended up stuck for about an hour before I finally figured out how to get back down.

Is there anybody out there?

See you on the skyline.
August 15, 2005 at 12:05am
August 15, 2005 at 12:05am
The wasted days are ever-present. Time that could be spent in the cradled arms of creativity is lost to the bound legs of forced labor. The land says we can live free, but living is expensive and one must sell the precious treasure of time just to struggle.

I am lost. The ever-changing destiny of an unknown prodigy roams the distant land with an errant thought. The words... The words are useless to a skeptic mind. The endless babble of a different intelligence is often lost to those who are confined. The straight and narrow is long, but the trip is more enjoyable if you stop and see the roadside attractions. Just don't wander to far from the path or you may end up like me.

How many times have you been called brilliant?

See you on the links.
August 14, 2005 at 12:47am
August 14, 2005 at 12:47am
Amid the sunny rain, a shadow looms. It hides within all and calls for strength from that which causes pain. It feeds on those who are different and one day may consume the world. The time for war is now, but it must be fought in a peaceful way.

Since I was young, I always thought my mind travels would one day lead me to the Isle of Roke. In that mystical realm, my words would have meaning. The many tomes of imagination would be shared with a world of water and even the stars would delight. It is unfortunate that I still drift without purpose. The dragons speak to me, but I don't listen. They always talk in riddles anyway, not straightforward like me.

Did that last line make you laugh?

See you in the tower.
August 11, 2005 at 10:25pm
August 11, 2005 at 10:25pm
The birdsong echoes silently across frozen time. It is pointless to fight against the ever-moving hands. They call with a demanding voice and stop for no one. The slaves of a simple movement would ponder freedom if only they could. The haphazard ways of day and night leave little room for escape. Only in dreams is meaning meaningless.

I am still tired. I could wander many worlds and talk with the ghosts of half dead heroes, but instead I choose to stare into nothing and believe. The constant blinking and humble indiscretions won't leave me alone. I cannot visit my own worlds without interruption from another. The kaleidoscope spins my many universes together and leaves me lost in a mass of jumbled letters. I am awake.

Do you play games?

See you in a dragon’s breath.
August 9, 2005 at 11:33pm
August 9, 2005 at 11:33pm
The words... They flow across an empty stage and fall on deaf ears with the grandest delight. The unnoticed speech of a ghostly man leaves the blind enchanted and the omnipotent humbled. The audience beckons for an encore, but the shade of this once great man has already vanished. The phantom shadows and jaded souls call and he joins those that share his future.

I am tired. The worn day becomes habit and the nights are uninspired. The faucets leak in an empty kitchen and the fans cool only ghosts and faded lives. The moon reflects the torment of yesterday and the scars remain apparent.

What does blue smell like?

See you in the fifties.
August 8, 2005 at 10:14pm
August 8, 2005 at 10:14pm
Main Street stands lost in a nicotine cloud. The burning eyes water as the fire consumes once proud passion. It is close to a day of redemption and yet the future looks bleak. The dark haired vision of simple smiles is lost among the confusion of bitter days. Where does one wander when the world ends? The timeless decay of rotten hearts is not only remembered, it is re-lived. Even the fearless are afraid of nothing.

I would like to say I surfed across a dust cloud today, but the truth is I didn't. No, instead I wrestled with a sandstorm. The battle went on for hours. It pushed forward and I pushed it back. In the end, it had more energy than me and knocked me down for the one, two, three. That’s okay, I have three of my cronies going to beat the crap out of it as soon as it gets backstage.

What the?

See you over yonder.
August 7, 2005 at 10:25pm
August 7, 2005 at 10:25pm
The universe is falling apart. The dogs bark in the distance and people run around screaming. Stick figure drawings wander the streets as Asian music blares in the background. The traffic lights will turn black tomorrow and money will rain down on our heads.

I walked through the vision of sanity. You just can't believe what that's like. The smells, the sounds, the perfect order of how everything should be done. Man that was a boring place.

Why is your mind so dirty?

See you in a cartoon.
August 6, 2005 at 9:47pm
August 6, 2005 at 9:47pm
In the middle of wayward thoughts an enterprise forms. It is the lost ways, sleepless nights, and bothersome days. To live is to suffer and to create is to die. You may be born a god, but history proves even immortals vanish and those that rule the world turn to dust like any other. Let the time of sacrifice be forgotten and the myriad ways of could be futures become what they are, glimpses of the past.

The long day turned into a wet night. I stand in the gentle rain and call for a new life. Where is the future I dream of? It may be lost somewhere among the scattered clouds, or possibly, I threw it in the wash. I have a bad habit of doing that.

So what'cha want?

See you around Betelguese.
August 5, 2005 at 10:21pm
August 5, 2005 at 10:21pm
It is the unworthy mighty that should fall. The transparent thoughts and false emotions are merely a guise to what lies beneath. The unwilling servants know the truth, but the kings never see the true face of arrogance. It remains a well kept secret from those that pay less attention that they should. Bring down the wall and let the lowly peons have their way. In the end, the truth is always revealed.

I wished for the grandest dream today, at least one for a writer that hates, and loves writing. In the end, wishes are nothing more than wasted breath. I wouldn't get any hopes up.

How would you like to ride on a super nova? Sure, it may get a little warm, but I bet it would be a blast.

Where have all the good times gone?

See you in the eye of the storm.
August 4, 2005 at 11:08pm
August 4, 2005 at 11:08pm
Welcome to a world where sanity is not needed. The lupine ways of dark serpents trouble an enlightened mind. The willows cry in despair and the earth crumbles. The way may seem lost, or incomprehensible, but the light can often be found where shadows hide. In the time of gathering, we wait alone for the call of shattered sorrow. The shameful smile and wanton lust of many goes unnoticed. It is the ignorance of intelligence that has caused this land’s descent. Outer beauty is what all seek and become slaves to this siren's call.

Welcome to my world, fellow ringers. I cannot be held responsible for what happens within these walls. The random insanity and discreet chaos that runs rampant through these hollowed halls is contagious. I would make sure your shots are up to date before you read further.

Where is your mind?

See you in the clouds.
August 3, 2005 at 11:52pm
August 3, 2005 at 11:52pm
The raiders overwhelm the whimsical breeze as it travels through the coldness of an angel’s shadow. In the shallows of an enchanted thought the smoke breaths and fire heals. It is only an idea, hardly worth the time of living, yet death takes longer than birth. Selfish sloth’s only follow one trail. The decayed bodies of helpless phantoms are the only signs of life. Yet the mirror reflects a smile.

Shameless I wander the phantasm and breed incoherent insanity. The world is mine for the taking, but I really don't want it. Let me step away from this dying earth and visit the cosmos with a smiling eye.

The fascination of many colored days no longer appeals. The oyster drowns in it own pearls and the diamonds shatter into worthless dust. I am expected to worship green and covet paper. Yet the thought of a new world order leaves me wondering if it would be as same as ever.

Where does freedom lie?

See you across the street.

August 1, 2005 at 8:50pm
August 1, 2005 at 8:50pm
It seems access to the unlimited remains just out of reach. The search continues on, but the legs grow weary, as does the mind. It may be a waste of precious time, but still the journey must be traveled. The one truth has yet to be uncovered and the promise of everlasting bliss waits for those with patience. The day forever dies is the day we awaken and see the truth is nothing but a lie.

It's just another day. The sun rose and set. The wind blew blades of grass. The birds whistled and flew through the air. The crickets chirped and all the women who should be lining up to date this handsome, intelligent man seem to have forgotten my address.

What's up with that?

See you at work.
August 1, 2005 at 12:02am
August 1, 2005 at 12:02am
The petty variations of bruised skies rolled across a forsaken plain. The wind blew rapid tears without consolation. The rainbow hid from the uncaring sun and left the land bleak. It seems that all were unconcerned about what the day held. It was the delusion of tomorrow they that scampered through their untrained minds. Why do they worry about what never comes?

I hid from the galaxy in plain sight. The dead grass lay scattered across an empty room and forced me to seek redemption. It was just another day. The Swallows sang and the Osprey’s hunted. I sat alone and tried to fill my mind with dismal thoughts. It wasn’t hard, they linger.

Meet me in paradise and you may wonder what is wrong with me. I know, paradise isn’t easy to find and chances are I really wouldn’t be there anyway.

What’s up with you?

See you in the distant land.
July 30, 2005 at 10:22pm
July 30, 2005 at 10:22pm
Hardly a day passes where the burning heat of missed desire doesn't walk across a fractured mind. The spinning of yarns and boasting of Jackals does little to ease the tension of another lonely day. Let out a scream and run away. The universe is not alone.

The wall of a thousand faces is complete. They seem to smile, but won't say a word to me. They must all be female.

Where in the world IS Carmen San Diego?

See you at the waterfall.
July 30, 2005 at 12:04am
July 30, 2005 at 12:04am
Mindless feedback rattles on from a separated mouth. It is the end of the world, or maybe the beginning. The shattered shards of broken dreams and collapsed lives wander in sublime agony. The healing touch of forgotten power is nothing more than a fleeting memory waiting to be awakened.

I am still here, barely. Time moves swift around me and soon I will be left behind. I struggle for freedom and embark on daring travels within the cursed mind. I would like to say I am lost, but I know exactly where I am. Maybe it is the world that is missing.

Where do the specters linger?

See you on the edge of a samurai sword.
July 9, 2005 at 11:48pm
July 9, 2005 at 11:48pm
Walk on the dark side and listen for light. The meandering of so-called spirits invades the cherished minds. They hide in plain sight, where only the blind look. It seems that the world closed its eyes to suffering long ago. The TV is all most notice. They stare into the screen for long hours, compelled by the misfortune of beautiful liars and grown children.

Many people think we are the only life in the universe. What makes us so special? In our galaxy alone, there are million of other planets, billions of stars, and who knows what other kinds of oddities out there. On our planet alone, there are over ten millions different species of life, that’s one planet! Think of all the other planets in our galaxy. There could be a number harboring all kinds of life. Then move to next galaxy and the countless more after that. The possibilities are endless. Do I think there are other planets with life on them? Yes, perhaps even intelligent life. Do I think there is intelligent life in our galaxy? No… at least not in our solar system.

I know, that’s a lot to go through for a punch line.

Do you think you're funny?

See you sometime.
July 5, 2005 at 11:10pm
July 5, 2005 at 11:10pm
The days of eternal bliss crumble and distant memories are soon forgotten. The hopeless linger on sunny shores and wish for the arrival spectral beings. It is a sad way to wander through this fate called life. Staring at the sun and waiting for destiny to open its hands and guide the way. The ancient know the truth, nothing comes to those that wait.

My words are lost. The great imagination still roars and the mystical and uncreative enjoy my lack of sanity. It is unfortunate that I sometimes wish to end this curse of creation. I could slink back to the shadows and hide my scattered lines from everyone. I wonder if I would fall on sublime days without the worry of other worlds.

How many times must it happen?

See you at the newsstand.

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