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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #959657
Just a place for the strange thoughts that often invade my mind. Expect the unexpected.
Who knows what will show up here. One day might be normal and the next strange. I love my imagination, and often spend more time there than I should. I tend to get silly at times also.

Just some of the nice comments I have recieved.

This entry is going to keep me awake all night.
How can you write something so blanking beautiful and just toss it off, a crumb for mere mortals who stare at the empty stage and applaud for an encore.

Hahahaha! You my friend are such a nerd.
Deviously Brazen

I just realized something: Whenever I read one of your blog entries, I tend to hold my breath throughout, releasing it only when you are finished.

Wish I had more time to go where your mind travels. Excellent POV, worthy of portfolio status.

You do have an interesting mind.

um, why are there cats on the milky way?
Solitary Man

Beautiful prose! I must argue that "Language is your slave" and not "Master". Your lines tease my own devils and keep me coming back for more.

That was absolutly beautiful.

Beautifully stated madness. I love it
Jaren is Avarielle

You can't say you weren't warned. *Smile*
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April 20, 2005 at 10:48pm
April 20, 2005 at 10:48pm
Stranded in a friendly place. The sun began its slow descent on an eastern coast. Broken keys unlock no dreams, and leave the weilder weak. It was a simple tale riddled with gold.

I stepped into a fairy tale land. I was looking for my happily ever after. The fairy godmother wouldn't grant my wish. She heard about me trying to re-paint fairy town. I told her I had the best of intentions, but she still threw me out on my butt. I was stuck there for a couple hours too. I did get to spend some time talking to a mermaid. She was cool, but just not my type.

See you in a dragon's tale.
April 19, 2005 at 10:38pm
April 19, 2005 at 10:38pm
The sunshine was wasted on hungry souls. The darkness came in the middle of the day. It caused heat to run rampant, and smoke filled the room. The open window made escape possible, but soon the darkness fled and the hungry returned.

So are you confused yet? Welcome to the mind of MoW.

I'll give you a break tonight and leave out the random insanity.

Instead, I will put some not so random insanity.

I stepped into a fairy world today. The colors were pastel. I almost couldn't take it. I thought all the little creatures were cute, and nice enough, but the colors just made me want to gag. I decided to get some paint and re-do the place. Man, were those fairy's pissed. It turns out they actually liked the colors that were there. Anyway, they kicked me out and said I wasn't allowed to return. Would somebody mind going there and tell them I'm sorry they have such bad taste in color.

See you on the rainbow.
April 18, 2005 at 11:36pm
April 18, 2005 at 11:36pm
Simplify. Shorter days bring lasting peace. The words form in a clear mind. It is relief from the ever-present fog that conquers an imaginative thought. The ghosts have returned, and though they are scary, they are welcome anytime.

So, the moon rolled across the sky. I grabbed hold and went round and round. I could see the Earth, and then the stars. Everything was spinning. I suddenly remembered why I liked roller coasters, and not spinning rides. I could feel my stomach churning. I decided I better let go, nothing worse than tossing one's cookies while still going in circles. Anyway, I let go too soon and landed in Kentucky instead of South Carolina. If I would've hit Indiana it would be alright, I could have stayed at mom's house.

Would you share your purple berries with me?

See you at the movies.

April 17, 2005 at 10:36pm
April 17, 2005 at 10:36pm
The features are endless. Nothing to do but choose. Aisles of moving fantasy. Gothic and mistreated, loved and hated. The unknown soon becomes familiar.

The wanton lust of forbidden fruit entices a savage beast. There is nothing to obtain. It is the eternal struggle of loneliness that binds. Quiet sunsets no longer shared. Waves crash an empty shore. A starlit night gazed upon with blind eyes. The crown is broken, and kicked across the floor.

Yes MoW is feeling awkward and strange once again. Yeah, yeah...nothing new.

If you walked into the sunset, wouldn't you get burned? At the very least you should get a good tan. (I believe they call that extra crispy).

See you in the frozen north.

April 16, 2005 at 1:29pm
April 16, 2005 at 1:29pm
The hawks hunted across a windy sky. It was the coolness of a forgotten spring. I drove in the mist. Outside, the rampaging blue remains clear. It is depravation that makes the day. The few hours that were mine taught me a lesson. I learned I was a Zombie.

I still chase random insanity. It is the ultimate test of a writers dream. To live in multiple worlds, and still make your own work. Mine is too demanding at times. I wish I could spend more time in one of the others. Of course, they can be a little scary.

I wonder, if you walked into an asylum, would you feel at home?

See you after midnight.
April 15, 2005 at 9:58pm
April 15, 2005 at 9:58pm
A Sandman attached himself to my back today. I just couldn't shake him. I threw hot espresso on him, but he still hung on. He kept reaching around and trying to force my eyes shut. I think I lost him on the way home. I threw him out the window. I bet he is going to be pissed. Let’s hope I don't visit his dreamland tonight.

Rabid dogs stalked the lonesome prey with a wide-eyed glare. The mighty pack angered a vengeful soul, and bit off more than they could chew. They nipped at first, but soon found that some prey bites back.

Yeah I know, blah, blah, blah.

I bounced the world on my head. It was fun, so I did it again. The second time a mountain poked me in the eye. There's a moral there somewhere.

See you on the couch.
April 14, 2005 at 5:17pm
April 14, 2005 at 5:17pm
The vampires walked on a cloudy day. They wore masks, but I saw their true form. It wasn't hard. They chased me through snake like streets, and nearly had me cornered. It was a good thing I sneezed when I did. They must not want to get sick.

I walked with the herds today. Hustled and bustled through concrete pastures, pushed in and out of different barns. My hooves are worn and I can't find new ones. Oh well.

The sun hid today, I didn't feel like playing Hide-n-go-Seek, so I left it where it was. I wonder if it will be mad. I mean I did totally dis it. *Smile*

If a nerd plays a flute in the forest, and no one is around, will a tree fall on him?

See you on the dark side of the moon.
April 13, 2005 at 10:13pm
April 13, 2005 at 10:13pm
Alright stop crowding in here. I mean it, calm down theres plenty of room for everyone.

*crickets chirp in the background*

Okay, what strange thoughts have crossed my mind today?

Well I can tell you from experience that root beer burns when it shoots out your nose. I mean, it is funny at the time, but after a couple seconds it really sucks.

Okay, enough of that.

The mystic air drowned a sublime soul with melancholy beats. The clown fish laughed, and the gull screamed with a deafening roar. It was natural for the beach to hide from the attacking flock. They are like vultures swooping down on not so fresh prey. All that for a french fry.

I heard that if a bird poops on you it is supposed to be good luck. I don't know if I need that much luck, how about you?

Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my. I am not afraid of any of these. Country music scares the crap out of me though.

If you randomize your thoughts, you will see everything in perfect order.

See you at the edge of the world.
April 12, 2005 at 9:35pm
April 12, 2005 at 9:35pm
Somewhere between time and endless suffering is a place. I havn't quite pinpointed it, but I know its there somewhere. I'm sure there are pixies or something to that effect floating around, throwing dust in your eyes, and then stealing your wallet while your blinded. hahaha Thats why you should never carry cash.

Yes I am in a strange mood. Whats new?

The world turned today while I was walking. It tripped me, can you believe that? The planet tried to make me fall! Any ideas on how I can get even?

I know you're probably still wondering what the heck I am writing about. Well maybe not, nobody has read this or my first entry yet. My e-mail would be full of letters saying, "What the heck are you talking about?"

If I told about how I work fourteen hour days between two jobs that would be boring, wouldn't it? So I guess its best to leave you wondering what the heck is going on. Make you try to think where I come up with these silly notions of people tripping planets, and pick-pocket pixies.

Okay, enough silly rambling for one night. Enjoy your stay.

See you in the twilight zone.
April 12, 2005 at 12:47am
April 12, 2005 at 12:47am
So, here I am. The random thoughts and incoherent phrases that might be here astound me. It could be great delight. It might be utter confusion. No matter though, who isn't confused, (or confuzzled for that fact). Its the ozone layer. Its robbing our minds of precious juices in an attempt to heal itself. Why shouldn't it? We broke it.

Okay, strange enough? Don't say I didn't warn you. Yes, there is more.

Who is Man of Words,(aka MoW *insert random thought here*)?

I bet you are asking yourself that right now. No, I am not your average freak. I am a unique freak.

I wander through many worlds, and sometimes ride dragons. The mystical eyes of fresh awe fill my mind with dewdrop visions. I am lucky to have imagination, and would be useless without it. Wouldn't you?

I don't remember ever looking to the sky and seeing clouds, and feel sorry for those that do.
It’s too easy to leave imagination for the young. My daughter has it, and I told her never let it go. It is a gift that is rarer than you think.

It’s the end of a day. Just a couple thoughts for tonight. I thought I would take it easy since it’s my first time.

Okay so I lied, only one more thought.

I wound up weary and worn, but did this anyway. So if it seems weird, just wait it will get worse. *Wink*

There's no telling what I will think tomorrow. So until then...

See you in space.

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