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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #959657
Just a place for the strange thoughts that often invade my mind. Expect the unexpected.
Who knows what will show up here. One day might be normal and the next strange. I love my imagination, and often spend more time there than I should. I tend to get silly at times also.

Just some of the nice comments I have recieved.

This entry is going to keep me awake all night.
How can you write something so blanking beautiful and just toss it off, a crumb for mere mortals who stare at the empty stage and applaud for an encore.

Hahahaha! You my friend are such a nerd.
Deviously Brazen

I just realized something: Whenever I read one of your blog entries, I tend to hold my breath throughout, releasing it only when you are finished.

Wish I had more time to go where your mind travels. Excellent POV, worthy of portfolio status.

You do have an interesting mind.

um, why are there cats on the milky way?
Solitary Man

Beautiful prose! I must argue that "Language is your slave" and not "Master". Your lines tease my own devils and keep me coming back for more.

That was absolutly beautiful.

Beautifully stated madness. I love it
Jaren is Avarielle

You can't say you weren't warned. *Smile*
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December 14, 2007 at 6:01pm
December 14, 2007 at 6:01pm
If you minus the world, and add nothing to everything, then everything changes to nothing.

Touching softly through burning stars I await the golden day. I seek everything without moving and wander in worlds found and forgotten. Let me see the future so I can escape it and continue down a different path. Tree-lined lakes swallow the moon whole and dragonflies with rainbow eyes dance around my head. All is unnoticed as a cloudless sky cries and soaks me with salty tears. Slipping through the mud and clinging to dying branches, I fall beneath the known and wander some distant, strange land. I still seek the dark and pale dream that I can never have, and still run away when it is there. A state of mind is existence, and nothingness… all entwined and kissing with passionate hope and sublime disdain. It is not always what you seek, but in the end you will find something. All you have to do is look.

Have you ever wandered?

See you with blind eyes.
November 22, 2007 at 1:41pm
November 22, 2007 at 1:41pm
The letters creep across a cloudy sky. Slow, the endless drought lingers as once grand flowers wither and wrestle the heated past. I'm still looking for that missing word and grasping at empty air. I suck breath through a reed as I fight to return from the cold, black water. My hands can feel the dry air and passing zephyrs dancing just above the glassy surface. Yet, I can't seem to release the shadowy grip that holds my legs and keeps me from escaping this living nightmare.

If you could, would you?

See you near the frothy foam.
November 15, 2007 at 4:17pm
November 15, 2007 at 4:17pm
The sunrise beckons and I walk again. Amidst the beaten clouds and prozac dreams, a familiar face forms. I caress the cheek and ghostly skin of a once loved craft. Something ignored and forgotten through the long tribulations and fierce battles beneath the light of many moons. The enemies of creation laughed and angels dangled far from my grasp. Hope is still hopeless, but the spirit is whole.

Is it okay to fall from grace?

See you in the mist.
November 14, 2007 at 9:10pm
November 14, 2007 at 9:10pm
Sometimes... Red, a rising sky drifting through nowhere. Shaking as the cold wind crawls unseen and whispers nothing. I am vacant and trapped. Lost in a place that never existed and never changed. I look. The crimson morphs to azure and falls before my blind eyes. Blank sheets blink in unison and I gaze at phantoms I once called dreams. How can I awaken if I cannot sleep.

When does the beginning end.

See you in the black hole.

November 8, 2007 at 4:24pm
November 8, 2007 at 4:24pm
Like the twilight on a summer day, the lost path seeks an end, but the trees never die. I am wandering somewhere between giant oaks and weeping willows. My will is defeated and I no longer search for the truth hidden between the lies. It is an empty existence... perilous and boring. No longer the worlds of dreams, but one of endless reality and the soft promise of false hope. Meet me on the moon and help me search for the missing part of a broken life.

Where have all the bad times gone?

See you at the disco.
February 16, 2007 at 10:14pm
February 16, 2007 at 10:14pm
The words are there, but are they really needed? A chance to walk with the snarling beast and laugh at the haphazard thoughts of unsure would be heroes. I am lost and forgotten, yet I haven't moved and am called by name. Is it my title that lingers on some crumpled page yearning for a chance to be perfectly stained? The tears splatter star shaped marks on fresh indigo and smears form as an uncaring hand wipes away the memories that scar the freshest dream. Somewhere between self mutilation and burning clouds a thought occurred, but the sins remain a daily chore and forgiveness sank on a ship called Hope.

Where did you come from?

See you in the salty abyss.
February 13, 2007 at 9:40pm
February 13, 2007 at 9:40pm
I scream at the dragonfly and wander through a wonderland of forgotten thought. The dream to be no longer appeals to the sleeping king. The world still spins and I am lost among the kaleidoscope vision of forgotten colors and lackluster shapes. I am one, but wish to see the life that once crawled thorough the wasteland and begged for a chance.

It is barren, like the scorched earth it wandered in search of endless beginnings and long overdue encores. Why did the moon leave and destroy the land it once helped? The quaking trees and fearful shimmy of forbidden fingers interrupt what should be a painless sunrise. The island screams and another promise turns to ash.

When does the future begin?

See you in the east.
December 31, 2006 at 9:54am
December 31, 2006 at 9:54am
Though I stand near death's door I am still alive. I wander across a blank sky with empty words and forgotten gifts. I do not know whether someone is waiting to save my life and stop the fall of useless letters and unstained white. The future is today and I am still asleep in a deformed wonderland of my own creation. Throw the songs to the sea and let me seduce demons with a false smile and pale green eyes.

When the apple fell, Isaac Newton discovered that things falling on your head hurt.

How many coins do you hold?
August 4, 2006 at 8:11pm
August 4, 2006 at 8:11pm
Words fly and warped opinions abound. Last time I checked, I made my own choices. I am a fiend because I don't like what others want me to. Am I not allowed to be attracted to what I consider beautiful?

The stupidity that wanders this land amazes me. Thank god we are not the most intelligent species on this planet; we could all be in trouble.

Minus the toadstool visions, I wandered the fairyland with open eyes. A white rat sang opera and dark-haired beauties danced about. Enchantment became my master and I soon fell before the mighty hand of wanton lust. Sweat splattered across a blackened sky and stars formed as the night washed away. I remembered forgotten sounds and limbs entwined. I also remembered that I shouldn't mix milk and pickle juice ever again.

Ode to an orange.

Actually I like bananas better. *Pthb*

Where have all the good times gone?

See you in the tub.
August 3, 2006 at 7:06pm
August 3, 2006 at 7:06pm
Soft and supple, the gentle rain falls on the tired shoulders of once proud sin. Words drift from my fingertips like notes from a violin. I am the proud warrior waging war on the lost emotions and whimsical dreams. I ignore the precedence, become one with the whispering blue and share philosophy with the silent green. A bell chimes in the distance. I recall beauty from childhood days. I walk across a zephyr with a slanted smile and slowly fade from imagination.

It’s cold. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm freezing here. (Yes, I am dreaming).

What language do you dream in?

See you in the dust cloud.
August 1, 2006 at 7:58pm
August 1, 2006 at 7:58pm
Universal... The anguish and longing seems far reaching and those that care are the first to suffer from its cruel fate. A billion people throwing bottles in the ocean, all seeking the same thing - a savior. Not the invisible kind that can be leapt blindly into. No matter what, something real is needed, and seems that there are only a lucky few who have it, and most of them take it for granted. In the end the bottles sink and disappear into the depths, along with any hope of a guiding light. The world is a small place and a tear leaves a salty mark no matter where you tread.

I am lost. I no longer understand the myriad ways of the paths I thought I chose. The moon spins in chaos and Mars hides it crimson glow from the world. Concentration seems a distant dream and my words have left me for some other would-be poet. I would like to say that I care, but I'm not sure that I do.

Yeah, I know wah-wah-wah.

Something funny did happen today, I just can't remember what it was.

I think the heat has fried my brain.

How’s the weather out there?

See you in the lava.
July 27, 2006 at 7:53pm
July 27, 2006 at 7:53pm
The sunlight falls short of dim in a world of ever-changing delight. I produce magic with my fingertips and seduce devils with my lips. It is nothing more than illusion, the tricks of a fledgling mind. Language is my master and try as I might, I cannot escape its cruel grip. I wish to remain silent. Bottle the words and toss them to the sea for no one to find. It seems like reality, but in truth they are still here, piled on the shore. The broken glass scars my flesh and blood-loss leaves me dizzy. Yet I am still here. The moon still moves and the waves touch my toes with a salty kiss. I look behind me and everything is gone.

Do you know where you’re going?

See you in the sand.
July 24, 2006 at 7:29pm
July 24, 2006 at 7:29pm
And it is, or so it seems, the end of the world. I languish in a land of no regrets and wish for a future of unkempt sorrow. The streets are littered with fallen angels and my heart bleeds blue tears. I am never alone. The ghosts of empty dreams and falsely lined promises are a constant companion. The strength that waits within relentlessly battles the demons and prays for the final truth to be revealed. There are those who believe they know the way my spirit travels, but I say it is they that are lost amidst the confusion of forgotten doubt.

Among the millions, a single raindrop is hardly noticed.

Is this really me?

See you at the finish line.
May 8, 2006 at 6:01pm
May 8, 2006 at 6:01pm
Still, the days remain shorter than the chores. The world spins by too fast and a whirlwind of inescapable could-be's are sucked into the vortex. A simple touch is no longer free and the wonderment of innocent eyes seems a rare sight. Only mild beauty and simple elegance are sought. The grace and charms of a passing dancer don't go by unnoticed, but the mine is dry and the future clouded.

You might think I'm crazy, but I like padded walls. *Pthb*

What'cha gonna do when they come for you?

See you stage left.
April 23, 2006 at 10:14am
April 23, 2006 at 10:14am
The myriad visions of expresso dreams blur the mystic and dull the creative. Superheroes wait to save the day, but unfortunately, they are stuck in line at Makebucks, or whatever that place is called, waiting to replenish their power.

Oddities abound and the roller coaster never seems to stop. I only had four tickets, so won't somebody let me off this crazy thing. Throw my body through space and let the succulent emptiness devour my being. Peace at last.

Once, a grand magician ruled the universe, but then he died.

What would happen if I broke from tradition?

See you at the car show.
March 8, 2006 at 10:00pm
March 8, 2006 at 10:00pm
Drop the emotion and let the savage night prevail.

The hungry beast roars as a seemingly sure feast disappears in the darkness. It is not always easy to survive on nothing, but it can be done. Some do it by choice, while others are forced. You can choose what you want to be, but you can’t make others be that too.

The trembling earth falls just short of miraculous. The cumulous clouds roll through drifting space. I am one with lawful anarchy. I rip through chaos with a pseudo-gothic smile, and a forlorn prophecy of false angels and lying saints. I am the bringer of hatred and the master of tears. I am the nameless name-changer with a silent voice and powerful words. I hear the serpent’s call and resist. I softly stroke Aphrodite’s breath as the wind lingers in some forgotten way. Enhanced with calm the kingdom crumbles, and I watch with a grin.

Does that make sense to you?

See you in the meeting.
January 20, 2006 at 11:24pm
January 20, 2006 at 11:24pm
The battlecry vibrates across the flowing field. Simple warriors locked in a struggle of unknown reasons. Those that understand remain hidden and safe from the onslaught of red rain and woeful wails. The powerful are rewarded and the weak left to die, but all strive for the one truth. It is the never-ending dream of those that covet green and worship ore with ghastly delight. Still, it is the throne they seek, and the glorious, would-be heroes are the victims of this wicked race. So long, sucker!

I met you once, didn’t I? Oh, it was probably someone else.

Okay, so it’s like this… I walked across the clouds with strut. I mean, how could I not strut, it was cool. How many of you can say you’ve walked on the clouds?

That’s what I thought.

So anyway, there I was walking on the clouds, minding my own business, when a giant penguin came walking up to me. When I say giant, I don’t mean twenty feet tall, he was around my height, but still, that’s really big for a penguin. Well, he walks up to me and looks me in the eye. Now, I am not afraid of a penguin, so I stared him down. That’s right, I’m bad. I stared down a penguin. Now, of course, I felt really cool. I walked on the clouds and I had stared down a penguin. There would be no stopping me today. Unfortunately, the penguin had friends. They all rushed me at once and threw me over the edge of the clouds. After a few minutes of falling, I crashed hard into the earth and broke my pride, plus a couple other parts.

The moral of this story … chicken tastes good.

Alright, so Aesop I’m not.

Did it make you wonder?

See you when I see you
January 6, 2006 at 9:06pm
January 6, 2006 at 9:06pm
The cold wall still engulfs the brightest future. The fight to be free of threats and false accusations remains another hopeless dream. Though the warriors swell with pride, the mines are dry and the sun remains hidden beyond a dark horizon.

It’s all the same, I know, a bunch of words leading to mass confusion and then complete sense. Well, maybe not complete, but certainly an understanding in progress.

Is the moon made of bleu cheese?

See you in the salad bowl.
January 4, 2006 at 8:26pm
January 4, 2006 at 8:26pm
This room is empty.

The loss of friendly eyes is still felt. Once proud graffiti gives way to red brick dreams and falls short of proud art. It is still a place that can be rebuilt, but always something will be missing.

So, how long has it been since I wrote in this desolate place? I know, I could just look down and see, or even look over at the calendar and check, but I’m lazy. I’ll just say its been a long time. Why? I don’t know, just haven’t felt like taking on that volcano lately. It has been winning. I mean, it’s a volcano and I’m just one guy, I may be an incredibly intelligent, handsome guy (or not, I’m not telling, but chances are) but I am still just me. I’d like to see you take on a volcano everyday. Sheesh, stop yelling at me already.

Okay, now that you got that out of your system.

Are we there yet?

See you at the crime scene.

November 15, 2005 at 8:39pm
November 15, 2005 at 8:39pm
Brown and orange hues are a rare sight in the land of evergreens. The world still turns, the sun still shines and the ocean still tries to overtake the land. It is unfortunate that everything else stands still and life remains a frozen, jumbled mix of incoherent thoughts.

I am not expected to always be understood, but every word is true. I believe that someday things will be better. I believe that if we work together we can build a brighter future. I believe that one day we will all get along, but most of all I believe that a filet beats a t-bone any day of the week.

Is that the answer you expected?

See you in the orchid.

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