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Rated: E · Book · Entertainment · #2268464
Entries to Express It In Eight from September 2020 to the present .
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March 3, 2022 at 10:16am
March 3, 2022 at 10:16am
Journey’s End

The road through winter,
graded now as we approach
the end - a T-junction and (perhaps)
a turn for the brighter.
‘Tis about now that we tire,
all of us, and snow’s still pretty
but cold is wearing us thin;
we long for the sun’s return.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 16 2021
Prompt: Photo of a winter street.
March 3, 2022 at 10:14am
March 3, 2022 at 10:14am
Of Journeys

Sheryl Sandberg offered me a seat
on a rocket to who knows where.
I did ask but she said it's a secret
kept to preserve the adventure
of a journey beyond the stars.
A moment's thought was enough
to decide to turn down the gift.
Sheryl's lebensraum is not my problem.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 15 2021
Prompt: "If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on."
~ Sheryl Sandberg
March 3, 2022 at 10:13am
March 3, 2022 at 10:13am
Rarely seen tiny antelope of the African heights.


There are some animals it’s a privilege to see,
animals that are rarely encountered,
through shyness, habitat and common sense,
the klipspringer, rock leaper nocturnal, being one,
grudging its rare glimpses in the bleak, dry hills,
and gone in an instant like the mountain goat
of northern climes, its only rival for miraculous feet
finding grip on sheer, stony slopes.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 13 2021
Prompt: Bleak.
Note: The photo is courtesy of a South African friend.
March 3, 2022 at 10:11am
March 3, 2022 at 10:11am
Last Stand

I’m a remnant,
one of that dwindling band
that remembers the world
before computers, sliced bread
(had to explain the bread knife
a while back), and DVDs.
It basks in the glow of nostalgia,
it’s true, but it was my heyday.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 12 2021
Prompt: Remnant.
March 3, 2022 at 10:09am
March 3, 2022 at 10:09am
Pottery decoration.


I had this beauty figured for Greek,
Minoan or Mycenaean maybe,
early at least, the asymmetric
tilt so unlike the classic form,
but there’s nothing like it in the lists,
the only clues a geometric frame
around a ram drawn with prehistoric simplicity
the sweep of horns so detailed yet wildly abstract.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 11 2021
Prompt: Illustration of urn decoration.
March 3, 2022 at 10:08am
March 3, 2022 at 10:08am
A Sea Shanty

Dolphins have been rescuing people
since the days of the ancient Greeks,
one of their deities being Apollo Dolphinus,
and so it goes throughout history,
dolphins saving us from the sharks.
And I must declare, slightly in jest,
that especially when anywhere near the sea,
everyone needs a porpoise.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 10 2021
Prompt: Purpose.
March 3, 2022 at 10:06am
March 3, 2022 at 10:06am
Right or Wrong

One feels sorry for them,
the right handers,
never learning beyond one side,
always the same hand extended,
no matter the task.
Lefties however
use whichever serves best,
laughing at sinister and dark.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 09 2021
Prompt: The Left Hand of Darkness.
March 3, 2022 at 10:05am
March 3, 2022 at 10:05am
Cave Painting, Zimbabwe


The humped, bare granite hills,
like whale backs scattered in the sea of veld,
are laccoliths, igneous intrusions
into the strata since worn away
leaving the grey landscapes of a former age.
There are often caves and overhangs,
eroded by millenia of water,
painted with the lives of vanished peoples.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 08 2021
Prompt: Cave.
March 3, 2022 at 10:04am
March 3, 2022 at 10:04am
Magnificent Obsession

The storm chaser rides the plains,
on the trail of the big one,
he scans the radar plots,
alert to the swirl of circulating air,
the seed of the tornado,
feeding on the adrenaline
driven through his being
by the tempest.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 07 2021
Prompt: Photograph of approaching storm.
March 3, 2022 at 10:02am
March 3, 2022 at 10:02am

When the world was young
my father and I set out many times
to climb the mountain,
walking upward through the forest at its foot
‘midst the light dappled by the filtering leaves
across clear cold streams of whisky hue,
picking mushrooms in the mulch of eternity,
we never came to the summit.

Line Count: 8
Free Verse
For Express It In Eight, February 05 2021
Prompt: Dapple.

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