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When you really have nothing better to do.
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January 2, 2012 at 11:24am
January 2, 2012 at 11:24am
Today's prompt is....
2012 to others is a tragic year since it is
associated with end of days. Express your
sentiments on this.

Yes, I have heard that 2012 is to be our last year living on planet earth. This is widely believed due to the discovery of an ancient civilization's calendar which has no further dates past December 21, 2012. This calendar is credited to be made by the Mayan Civilization. The Mayan Calendar, which is chiseled in stone, I might add, runs out. Could it be that, those Mayans decided that they had chiseled far enough into the future as deemed necessary at that time?

This is what I imagine took place back in the day of the Mayans.

"Hey, Mayan Nature, what are you doing?"
"I'm just chiseling the last, Calendar Day, I can fit on this piece of stone."
"Holy cr@p did you ever chisel the sh!t outta that stone, how far into the future does that thing go anyway?"
"Over 2000 years, but I can't go any further. I filled this entire stone. Things will be soooo much easier once paper is invented"
"Forget that! let someone from the future add to the calender, you should take a break."
"Yeah, maybe your right, we might not even exist in 2000 years."

I just had myself a look at my, "2012 Daytimer" it's printed on recycled paper by: Brownline....Since 1846. This may be an over-sight on their part but, I have pages and dates going right up to December 31, 2012, including a planner for 2013.

Yes I've heard of: The Book of Revelations, Prophecies of Armageddon, Global warming, Galactic alignments, Solar Flares, Alien Invasion. I agree that all of this will come to pass, a lot has already happened.

I also believe, there will always be a tomorow. even if I can't spell it.

Recently I heard a man tell a story on a late night radio show, I like listen to. I like to describe the guests on this show as, kooks, but I confess... they do present some interesting and compelling ideas. This man told a story of how he was convinced that the world would end in July of 1988. and then again in 1996 also y2k would spell the end...for sure in 2006 or 2008 and so on until the present, where guess what?? This man believes that the world will end on December 21, 2012. The host of the show asked him, "What if your wrong again, what are you going to do if the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012?"

his answer was...That's fine, because when I believed the world was going to end in July of 1988, I lived my life "that year" like it was going to be my last year alive on earth. I did everything like it was my last chance to do it. I celebrated every event like it was the last time I would. I made it a point to do everything I could like I wouldn't have another chance. When the world didn't end I looked towards 1996 as the end date, and I lived each day like time was running out. If the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012 then... SO WHAT! Look at what, "Living Like it's the Last Year to Live" has done for me. I completed my education. I raised a family. I wrote a best selling book. I built a successful business. I've traveled around the globe. I've made thousands of friends. I would encourage everyone to try this. Regardless of what you believe, try.... living each day this year, like it was your last, and see where it takes you in 2013.

Not such a kook after all.
December 21, 2011 at 12:05am
December 21, 2011 at 12:05am
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After you read the story you might want to check out the review I wrote.
Maybe even write one of your own.
This all makes me wonder if I am as funny as I am stupid. I think the stupid is gaining strength with age.

Invalid Review

Notice that the Title is HOKEY not HOCKEY.
December 11, 2011 at 7:40pm
December 11, 2011 at 7:40pm
I was wondering....If honey bees pollinated a marijuana crop, would you get high from eating the honey, or would the bees get high and eat the honey before it was collected by the bee keeper?

Joel aka Brother Nature*MailY*
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

December 7, 2011 at 9:50pm
December 7, 2011 at 9:50pm
This time, as if it happens a lot. I am posting my PERFECT PIZZA DOUGH RECIPE as a blog offering.
If you like to cook, and you make your own pizza dough, you'll be glad you saw this, and even gladder if you try it.
WARNING: There will come a day when, you won't get this kind of information for free. Okay that day may never come but still, I'm not keeping all these blog entries on here forever. in-fact I may just delete the whole thing and start fresh on January 1, 2012.
HINT: You'll find this, and other great stuff in my portfolio, should these posts be deleted.

Thanks for coming out.

Perfect Pizza Dough

I first became fascinated with making "home made pizza" back when I was 11 or 12 years old.

I was the only one among my siblings, six of us, that enjoyed the hobby of building plastic model kits. Every Christmas and birthday that is what I received as gifts. Model kits. Nothing but model kits.

What does building model kits have to do with pizza dough?

It was my eldest brother who decided to buy and make a home made pizza one night. I was enthralled with the idea, so, I watched as he read the instructions on the box, then as he began to create his culinary masterpiece.
My eldest brother is not now, and never has been, known for his cooking abilities. In-fact, he was and is known for his ability to have other people do things for him. As, that IS his talent.

Big Brother mixed the flour and water, greased the pizza pan, and began in his attempt to spread the pizza dough onto the pan. His hands were covered in goop and I didn't see anything that looked like the picture on the box. The pizza dough was stretched so thinly in the pan you could see through it in places, and other parts were crater pocked dough hills resembling the surface of the moon.

Chef Bro R D, got it all smoothed out and poured the sauce on top then popped it in the oven to bake. It sure didn't look like pizza when it was complete, and it tasted far worse than anything I had eaten to date. Big Brother conceded that, his pizza was a total fail, and then said to me, "do you think you could make a better one?"

After no thought at all I replied, "Yes!!!!" Because: IF IT'S SOLD IN A BOX I CAN BUILD IT.

Since that time I have been making home made pizza. I have advanced from making the box type to making pizza from scratch. Perfecting the dough has been a process of trial and error. This recipe I have now, makes a dough that gets just crispy enough on the bottom, to keep it from becoming soggy, while still having a light airy breadiness on top. This dough can be made for thick or thin crust pizza by adjusting the thickness or the amount of dough spread in a pan. Make sense?

A word on Pizza Sauce: I have experimented with making pizza sauce, there were times when I had no choice. I gave up on this venture in favor of simply purchasing pre-made sauce.

I should mention: I don't like partially skimmed mozzarella cheese.

okay okay....
The Recipe

21/2 C - Flour
1 C - Very Warm Water
1 - Envelope of Dry Active Yeast
1/2 tsp - Sea Salt
2 Tbsp - Canola Oil


Fill a glass measuring cup to the 1 cup mark with very warm water.
Add the yeast, salt, and oil to the water. Give it a little stir.
Let the water, yeast solution stand for about 15 minutes. This is a good time to slice your toppings. etc.
Measure 2 cups of flour into a large bowl. Keep an additional 1/2 cup of flour to the side.
Stir the water solution into the flour and mix well. Use the !/2 cup of flour in small amounts to get the dough at the right consistency, by adding it to the dough mix. (small amounts at a time / as and if needed)
Knead the dough while adding flour if needed until it is workable with your hands and not sticky.
I don't normally use the entire 1/2 cup of flour to get the dough the way I like it.
Separate the dough into two sections.
Form the sections into round loaves.
Brush the loaves with a very light coat of oil.
Allow your loaves to rise for about 20-30 minutes.
This is a good time to finish slicing your toppings and pre-heat the oven.
Spread your dough onto the pizza pans. (Makes two 12-15 inch pizzas)
Add your toppings and cook your pizzas.
I normally cook my pizza at 400 for 20-30 minutes. Check often so that the cheese is melted and just starting to brown on the edges, and the bottom is a light golden brown.

Two fun facts I discovered while writing this recipe.

1.) Are you kneading a lot of dough, or, just needing a lot of dough.
2.) Breadiness, was not a word just a few short moments ago.

Make Pizza not War

© Copyright 2011 Brother Nature (UN: brothernature at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Brother Nature has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Joel aka Brother Nature*MailY*
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

December 4, 2011 at 10:20pm
December 4, 2011 at 10:20pm
Today's blog, like there's going to be a tomorrow"s blog, is an introduction letter, that I have to write for school.

Introducing Joel
I'm self employed, in the lawn-care/landscaping business, for the past ten years.
I normally do snow clearing in during the winter, but I'm taking the winter off to pursue other interests.
I am interested in "web design" as a step to launching a web based business.
I have interests in computer animation, graphics, and video, digital photography, writing, music, and a variety of arts and crafts.
I'm looking forward to applying some of these interests and talents to the medium of web design.

Joel aka Brother Nature*MailY*
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

November 30, 2011 at 9:55pm
November 30, 2011 at 9:55pm
I wrote this letter moments ago, I'm sharing on my blog, just to get the word out.

Letter to CTV tv news in Winnipeg

I am writing in support of our city councilor Ross Eadie and in support of my neighborhood. The story you reported on regarding Mr. Eadie's use of offensive language in a letter he sent to his fellow councilors, is offensive in itself. In your story the focus seemed to be solely on the language used in that letter he wrote, but failed to reveal the facts that prompted Mr. Eadie to write the letter in the first place. Forgive me for not being completely informed regarding what the real news story should have focused on, but, your news story failed to reveal what I find truly news worthy, and that is, the facts surrounding the reason/s Mr. Eadie wrote that letter in the first place. In your news story Mr. Eadie referred to being stabbed in the back by some of his colleagues at city hall. What I gather from the facts that were reported on is...not only was Mr. Eadie stabbed in the back by his fellow city councilors, the residents of the North End were stabbed in the back by city council as well. Then, once again, we were stabbed in the back by CTV for not investigating and reporting on the whole story. It would appear that councilor Eadie was the victim of some underhanded politicking. CTV missed the opportunity to expose the truth of the matter and make the underhanded, back stabbing politicians publicly accountable for their dirty tactics. I really don't care about what words were used in a letter shared between city councilors. What I do care about is that an important issue will not be reported on because of irresponsible journalism. Is it more important to report that a city councilor used offensive language in a letter, or would the public be better served to learn that their voice was squashed by corrupted political practices? Does it make a difference what area of the city this took place in? Does it make a difference what news programs you watch? I would like to see a proper report on this story. What TV channel should I watch to find one?
November 26, 2011 at 8:24pm
November 26, 2011 at 8:24pm
Tomorrow, in Canada, we will celebrate the sport of football by having our championship game. The Canadian Football League (CFL)
plays a little different brand of football than the National Football League (NFL) in that, we play a 3 down game on a 110 yd. field opposed to a 4 down game on a 100 yd. field. These 2 factors, combined with a few other changes make for a far more entertaining game than what the NFL offers. The NFL is light years more popular than the CFL (even with Canadians), due to the fact people like to gamble on the games and Americans tend to hype the f@ck out of everything they touch. Case in point....Americans have a national championship for lawn tractor racing.

Anyhow back to the CFL.

Two teams will vie for the Grey Cup tomorrow, Sunday, November 27,2011. I'm pretty happy to say that my home town has a team in the big game. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers (that's my team) are playing against the BC Lions in BC Place in Vancouver. Winnipeg has not had a very competitive team in the past few years so just to have made it to the final game is satisfaction enough. Win or lose they have had a successful season. I often wonder who, if anyone, reads my garblely gook, so, if you've read to this point, and your still reading......I'd like you to leave a comment, just to be counted among my readers (assuming I have any). Watch the game, I watch the Super bowl every year, half time show and all. You will be treated to an exciting game.
Good luck Bombers.

November 21, 2011 at 6:22pm
November 21, 2011 at 6:22pm
Where does the time go? Isn't that a question we have all asked, or, at least have heard somebody ask it? Okay,so, who knows the answer? I don't.
I've considered this question, but have to concede that I don't know where the time goes, I don't even know where it comes from. September fell out of the sky and landed right on top of me.I spent all of October struggling to just to get to November.
Here I am!!!
I made it!!!
You're all here too. It's like, Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz. Waking up to find herself, surrounded by the people who know and love her, but, knowing immediately, that they had been there all along. Just like you all and the time.
I don't know where the time goes, but where ever it's going I'll go along.
Nice knowing there is someone out there.
Race you to Christmas.
September 7, 2011 at 8:52pm
September 7, 2011 at 8:52pm
Today is a very sad day. Almost as if it's ANOTHER sad day in a series of sad days. A team of hockey players in Russia were killed in a plane crash today, all but two aboard were killed. Several of the players played here in North America. So it hits close to home. This comes after two NHL players committed suicide recently as they lost their battle with depression. Ad to this the recent earthquakes, bombings, hurricanes, etc etc.
What if the light at the end of the tunnel is a train thundering towards you?
Thanks for dropping by

Joel aka Brother Nature

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August 30, 2011 at 5:33pm
August 30, 2011 at 5:33pm
This is what happens when a blog becomes a blab.
Welcome to my blab.

Mid-week Prompts for Fresh Water..
In case you have nothing better to do or write about, consider choosing one of these prompts to spark your journal writing in the next few day.

1. Think of an unusual inanimate object which has great meaning to you. Write in your journal and tell your readers all about it.

There is one unusual inanimate object that immediately comes to mind.
It's a work of art.
I have had this in my possession since I was 9 years old, 41 years now.
it's a statue.
I remember the day I received it, back in 1970. My only little brother, the youngest of my 5 siblings, 5 years my junior, presented me with it.

What is it?
It's for you, I made it at pre-school.
Okay, but, what is it?
It's art, I made it for you.

The object became my possession and took up a spot in our living room amongst my sisters baton twirling trophies.

Funny note...five athletic boys and one girl, my siblings and I. The first thing anyone says when they first enter our living room is...Holy $#@&! who won all those trophiesThe trophies were floor to ceiling along the length of the room, every one of them my, sister's, for baton twirling. Did I mention?..... In the home of 5 athletic boys.

Anyhow.....That's where the object stayed for many years, amongst the baton trophies.
it was inconspicuous.
As a teenager it adored my bedroom
it was a conversation piece.
It's been with me through countless moves. It's been prominently displayed. It's been a doorstop. It has been with me through thick and thin. I did attempt to sell it in a garage sale once. I put a price tag of about $130,000.00, but I had no takers. Thank God.

Just for fun I will re-post this Blab on my http://manitobanlife.blogspot.com/ where I will include a picture of my most cherished work of art.

Here's ta blabbin at ya
Have a nice day.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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