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When you really have nothing better to do.
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January 12, 2012 at 12:02pm
January 12, 2012 at 12:02pm
January 12, 2012
Day 12

Today's prompt:
We have seen significant technological advancements in our time. Sites like TED and Big Think offer amazing ideas. What do you think will be the next big thing?

         I've never been good at predicting what the "next big thing" will be. This is a skill handed down to me through generations of being unable to predict the "next big thing". Please don't take this to mean that I can't see into the future.

         I can.

         Unfortunately my clairvoyancey does not afford me any useful applications. I am however, rather skilled at predicting the winner of reality shows on TV.

         I do not have a clue as to what will be, the "next big thing"

         Back in the early seventies, McDonald's opened their first restaurant in my home town. My Grandfather told me, "That restaurant will never survive here. People don't want to eat cheap food. People don't want fast food. People want to go to a nice restaurant, take their time, enjoy a fine meal. McDonald's will go bankrupt in less than five years."

         Grandpa missed the mark a little bit on that one. Luckily he made better predictions betting the ponies. We would always stop by McDonald's after a day at the races.

         Me...I'm just as bad. After seeing a news story about the online popularity of a young boy named Justin Beiber, I said, "That kid won't go anywhere, he appears awkward and although he's good musically, he's not gifted.

         Would you like fries with that Mr, Beiber?

         For what it's worth... I think the next big thing will be one little thing, an idea that the global community will adopt and keep. Maybe the next big thing will be a goal to live a simple, humble life, and be good stewards of our greatest asset, our planet.

Don't forget to look for, Brother Nature's All Natural Website, coming soon to an Internet near you.

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 11, 2012 at 4:59pm
January 11, 2012 at 4:59pm
January 11, 2012
Day 11

Prompt for day eleven:

Time. We all have it, but nobody completely understands it.

What are your thoughts on time?

Hold on *Clock* one second there, Outasync. I don't think your prompt statement is completely accurate. You claim that, Time. We all have it.

I would disagree with this statement, by pointing out that, I have often heard people say, "Sorry, Joel, I simply don't have time for your bull$#!T."
I hear things like, "I would have picked up your life saving medication, but I didn't have time to stop at the pharmacy". So...We may all have time, but, it's apparent that people run out of it, from time to time. Leaving people to feel they have no time.

I would also disagree with the statement, Nobody completely understands it.

I do.

I just don't have the time to explain it anyone. I've tried, but that's when I hear the, "Sorry, Joel, I simply don't have time for your bull$#!T" remark.

Well, okay! I'll admit that, perhaps I don't completely understand time.

Having said that, I should spend a few minutes blogging about time.

The faster you read this, the quicker you will get through it. This way you might save some time.

I'm saving up all of my time, to use when I run out of time.

I know what your thinking....What a good idea!!! Not so fast!! There is a big problem with my time saving account.

The problem is: The amount of time I save is equal to the amount of additional time I have to spend. This leaves my "time" account with a constant neutral balance.

But, I wouldn't be the genius I am if I didn't have a plan to counter act the time continuum factor.
I'm not going to go into details on my theory as that would prompt you to say, "Sorry, Joel, I simply don't have time for your bull$#!T."
Imagine, if you will... a time account, void of any funding, like my bank account.
So...When the time necessitates I will quickly write a "time cheque*Copyright*" for a few extra years. Then my hope is that my overdraft covers it, or by the time I'm discovered it will be too late.

You still with me?

I should really let you all go now.

Stop wasting your time.

Oh my gosh look at the time!*Clock*

I'll be late for what ever happens next.

Outta Time!! *Watch*

Gotta run!!

See you tomorrow?

Same time?

In the words of my one of my favorite teachers ( a New Zealander)...What a bloody great waste of time.

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 10, 2012 at 3:37pm
January 10, 2012 at 3:37pm
January 10, 2012

Today's Blog prompt:
If you knew that whatever you ate next would be your last meal, what would you want it to be?

I could have wrote about this as one of my strengths or weakness. (depending on whether your glass is half full or half MT).......... *BigSmile* Eating*Blush*

My ultimate last meal is a well planned, three day long, "gorge - a - thon". Including a road trip.

The meal begins at home with some of the favorite dishes I prepare. In no particular order I would dine on:
*SuitHeart* Oven baked BBQ spareribs,*SuitHeart* Pizza, *SuitHeart* Chicken cacciatore, *SuitHeart* Greek salad, *SuitHeart* Oven roasted veggies, *SuitHeart* Stick in da ribs- Chili.and about two dozen *SuitHeart* Fatayers.
During this meal the following people will attend: *SuitHeart* Lasagna, *SuitHeart* Cajun prawns, *SuitHeart* Meat-balls, *SuitHeart* Sweet and sour Meat-balls, *SuitHeart* Clam chowder, and *SuitHeart* Drunk Christmas Dinner.
You all know who you are.

For desert I would have countless batches of my, *SuitHeart* Oatmeal, raisin, peanut butter, chocolate-chip *SuitHeart**SuitHeart*cookies *SuitHeart**SuitHeart*prepared.
I would willingly eat several bags of*SuitHeart* Lays ripple chips, and*SuitHeart* Rolled Gold Pretzels, between courses to retain the single meal restriction.

Day two would begin with: *SuitHeart* I'm a pig about Bacon*Inlove* , Hash browns, Eggs (Over-easy or Easy-over) with Rye toast and Coffee.
Then I would head over to, *SuitHeart* North End Sals for another serving of*SuitHeart* Breakfast.
I would have to spend the day cris-crossing the city, visiting my favorite restaurants, then making my final stop at Mom's for some comfort food.
My stops would include:
*SuitHeart* Chicken Delight, for (guess what) *SuitHeart* Chicken and a "two four" of *SuitHeart* Hot wings.
*SuitHeart* Tony Romas for *SuitHeart* Calamari and *SuitHeart* Ribs.
Micky Dees for a *Sick* Big Mack...what the hey! gonna die anyway!
Back to *SuitHeart* Chicken Delight for round two because I forgot to order the *SuitHeart* Coleslaw and *SuitHeart* Fries.
Yes I will have another order of *SuitHeart* Hot wings*Wink*
*SuitHeart* The Pita Bakery for *SuitHeart* Zatar, and *SuitHeart* Beef donair.
*SuitHeart* Burger Palace for a *SuitHeart* Fat boy and *SuitHeart* Fries with extra gravy.
I better get to Mom's before I explode.

Mom would have a huge plate of *SuitHeart* Yuckna for me along with a serving of her *SuitHeart* Salmon pie, *SuitHeart* Bologna rolls,
*SuitHeart* Scalloped potatoes, and an *SuitHeart* Egg salad sandwich.

I'm full.*Silent* *Yawn* *Sleep*

Day three is....shhhhhhh I don't really have a day three planned, just two days.....I was hoping to grab an extra day for ...you know*Wink*

Can you tell I'm on a diet? I'm trying to trim down a few pounds. Eat less, Exercise more. Life with-out snack food*Cry*

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 9, 2012 at 11:00pm
January 9, 2012 at 11:00pm
January 9, 2012
Day 9

Today's blog prompt:
Good versus evil. Does it truly exist? What are the gray areas? Do good people do bad things? Do evil people do nice things?

After giving this blog prompt some thought, I have decided the best way to write on today's prompt, is to answer the questions posed with-in the prompt.

#1. Good versus evil. Does it truly exist?: Yes. The answer given to question #2 justifies question #1's answer.

#2. What are the gray areas?: The gray areas are where Good and Evil exist. These areas are what I would refer to as, "Spiritual Life"
and "Physical Life".

#3. Do good people do bad things?: Yes. We are all sinners. We are but victims of our own temptations. Nobody is perfect.

#4. Do evil people do nice things?: Not exactly. There are no "evil people". There are only "good people". There are good people who have a tendency to indulge
in evil thoughts and deeds disproportionately in comparison to their good thoughts and deeds, but still, they are good

In order for a reader to get a fair idea of what I mean about the above four Q&As I would have to write a complete book on my answer given in question #2.
It is not feasible to write a complete book in this blog format, so it is my hopes that readers will understand through divine intuition.

Any Questions ?

Today's blog sponsors are: Brother's Deviled Eggs and Nature's All Natural Angel Food Cakes.

January 8, 2012 at 8:13pm
January 8, 2012 at 8:13pm
January 8, 2012
Day 8

Here is the prompt for Day 8:

" What is your greatest strength? What is your biggest weakness? Write about each and why you think it’s a strength or weakness. How would you change either of these things, if you could?"

Think of this as a good way to practice if any of you have a job interview coming up. Interviewers always ask those questions! *Laugh*

Blog on!!


Fears, mistakes, now strengths and weaknesses ses es. I'm trying to be honest here.
I've answered this question honestly during job interviews. I was never hired. When you get this question during a job interview, lie your @$$ off.

I have to think about answering this question for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, in an effort to keep it honest............................................smell of rubber burning..................

............... okay ........Greatest Strength would have to be......I have to be honest. Leslie helped me. She suggested the "Strength" I should blog about.

My greatest strength is my creativity. Not bad, not bad. It's like picking a super power for a super hero. Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan!!!!
Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan would wear a new and unique, hand made costume everyday. Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan, would go around the world suggesting ways to make boring things interesting, and making plain things fanciful, Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan can make a dull task fun. All of the other super heroes and villains would continually make complimentary remarks about his costumes and say things like: "Hey Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan, where do you get your ideas?" and "Hey Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan, how did you make that?" .... huh...... hang-on.........

Now Leslie is offering her help on my weaknesses ses es, She's saying something about my attention span. I missed most of it. No worries!! Apparently she has a list.... ............. ..... ........ ....... ...... ... ......

I said, "Hey hey.... hey!!!!! I didn't ask for your help with the weaknesses ses es. I know, I know, I know..... I have plenty to choose from. I'm Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan, after-all. I can choose from my own list."

As I thought about my weaknesses ses es, I read over what I had written thus far. Hmmmm...... I thought, "maybe Leslie has something there with the attention span thing."

Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan to the rescuuuuuuuuuuuuuue!!

I asked Leslie what weaknesses ses es sheeeee would offer, if asked, during an interview.
I had to ask. I had no other way of knowing.
Leslie, is as perfect a person as can exist. She is faultless. Void of weaknesses ses es. Pretty much a Goddessesness es es.
And like always, Leslie gave me the absolute best answer one can give when asked the "weaknesses ses es" question.
I'm sorry I can't share her answer here, but I will share a suggestion she has for answering this question in a job interview.

When you describe what some may perceive as a weakness, add to it, an example of where having that weakness has helped you or describe a benefit your weakness provides.....Leslie.

Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan meets Shooort Attention Spaaaan Ma I'm watching a movie. Oh yeah....Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan can justify any perceived weaknesses ses es, by spinning a creative positive twist faster than an HR officer can say...Yeeeeer Fired!!!

I don't have a shor

Okay so that's my blog for today then.....looking forward to a new and interesting day tomorrow.

Tune in again tomorrow. Same Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan time...Same Creeeee - A - Tivity Maaaaan channel.

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 7, 2012 at 10:27pm
January 7, 2012 at 10:27pm
January 7, 2012
Day 7

Here’s a mistake I would love to have a do-over for:
Growing up in a family with three older brothers, one older sister, and one younger brother, we had to learn early to share our toys. For example.... We shared everything, it was OUR way of living. When I was between eight and ten years old, five of us siblings shared a paper route. The sixth was too young. During those days four of us boys shared a hockey card collection. The sixth was too young and the fourth was a girl. Many of the packs of hockey cards were purchased with our paper route earnings. The hockey card collection was stored in a shoe box. It wasn't very well cared for, as far as keeping anything in MINT condition was concerned. It wasn't considered to be a collectible item. In fact the cards, in addition to being a library of pictures of our hockey heroes, was a well played with toy. We had a couple games we would play with these cards.

One game, I don't think we had a name for it, involved throwing cards towards a wall, with the object being, closest card to the wall (without hitting it) wins. The other game we called, "Blows". This game involved: selecting an equal number of cards as your opponent, combining said cards in a pile, placed squarely against a wall, then each player gets a turn blowing. Blowing is done by placing your head firmly on the floor and blowing as hard as you possible can on the broad side of the stacked cards. The object being: you get to keep any amount of cards you can flip over by blowing on them. I recall blowing my brains out all day long. Good thing your head was already on the floor. There was less travel when you passed out from hyper ventilating. We had a lot of hockey cards. We had cards dating back from around the mid sixties through to the mid seventies. I spent hours looking at and reading each card. We all had memorized the stats of each player, we would quiz each other for hours.

Little brother and I discovered that we could make the cards funnier by drawing glasses and or mustaches on the players. It took us a few weeks, but with pen and ink, crayons and felt tip markers, little bro and I decorated every single card in the box. I'm not sure, but I think those card got tossed at some point along the way.

We sure got our money's worth out of them.

No regrets.

If I could have a do-over, I'd like to go back and properly store some of those cards. I see those same hockey cards in collectors shops now. We had multiples of cards that now sell for hundreds of dollars.

I'm not bitter about this and thankfully neither are any of my brothers. We got much more value out of our card collection than what we spent. Still it would be nice to share in, maybe, forty or fifty thousand dollars.

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 6, 2012 at 4:42pm
January 6, 2012 at 4:42pm
January 6, 2012
Day 6

Today's prompt: Anything goes.
No prompt???... just when I was getting to like it. Oh well.
Here it goes, free style blogging, as if I knew what I was doing.

What is different about today, that I could share with you all?
The weather!
Today we have gotten our first day of wintery weather. There is a steady wind, with gusts hitting 30 - 40 km an hour,(USA conversion = 60 - 70 mile an hour). There is a constant snow fall, and the temperature is -8c.(USA conversion = Cold). This is quite typical for this area. We're in Southern Manitoba, approximately 140km NE of Winnipeg.(USA conversion = In Canada). It's not unusual for us to have this weather. What is very odd is...This is our first day of this type of weather. Normally winter gets started here promptly on October 31. Not this year! In-fact, Yesterday, January 5, it was the warmest January 5th on record, with a high of 6c reached. (USA conversion = 40).
One other thing that strikes me as odd, is that, the forecast in November was for a colder than normal start to the winter season.
We are spending this winter at the lake, it's very peaceful, and pretty. From inside looking out, that is. Tomorrow there will be a constant flow of snow machines zooming by, on their way to go ice fishing on the lake, or, just to go fill their need for speed. Some of those machines can go in excess of 160km an hour. (USA conversion = $#!T your pants fast). *Blush* sorry....said....Anything goes!

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 5, 2012 at 10:37pm
January 5, 2012 at 10:37pm
Day 5 Prompt - We’re all afraid of something. Write a formal complaint to whatever scares you the most.

Dear Air Travel Industry:
I am writing to inform you that I find your mode of transportation to be somewhat frightening. I would not say that I am afraid of flying, I am not. I would love to be able to fly. I just don't care for flying inside an airplane. My fear is not so deep rooted that I would decline to board an airplane, I just don't care for the sensation of air travel. For the benefit of future improvements to your customer service, I will outline the processes of air travel that I am uncomfortable with as well as some suggestions to, in my opinion, make air travel better and safer.

*Plane* The door to the aircraft is to high off the ground...build your planes lower to the ground, that way, each passenger can have their own door, like a car.

*Plane* Don't fly so high...thirty forty feet, that's enough! there's no need to be thirty or forty THOUSAND feet in the air.

*Plane* Take off...Take off is cool, until we actually leave the ground... Why not remove the wings and just have it like a jet propelled bus.

*Plane* Landing.I hate landing the most, yet there is that moment of jubilation, when the flight is completed..The bathrooms should be left open.*Blush*

*Plane* All airplane windows are too small, it's like looking through the bottom of a shot glass...I would like to see out of the front window.

*Plane* Lastly instead of peanuts why not give out sedatives..or allow us to bring our own through security.

Those are all the ideas I have to share at this point. I'm confident you will give my recommendations serious consideration. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my suggestions implemented, next time I board an aircraft.

Yours Truly
Brother Nature

P.S. Can I drive?

Joel aka Brother Nature *MailY*
Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group.
"Showering Acts of Joy Group

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January 4, 2012 at 10:24pm
January 4, 2012 at 10:24pm
January 4, 2012
Day 4

Today's blog prompt.
In 200 words or more, write a post about a world-wide issue that you feel needs support.

Maybe some things are funny. Depends what end of the joke your on. If I told you that I wrote a 200 word plus story on this blog prompt, then the entire piece was lost due to a problem in saving it. You might think that is funny. I don't. Maybe I'll just write a better entry now. Who am I kidding!
Before I was rudely interrupted I had a lovely story supporting gloom and doom for the entire world's population. There was nothing funny about it. Until now!
Because now I'm mad at the entire world's population. So the issue I wrote about was, managing our planets natural resources namely fossil fuels, which are: coal, oil and gas. Oh yeah, I had the solution to end global warming and restore the ozone layer, but there was a problem saving my work and now it's lost for ever. Now I'm forced to spew grud blab just to get this done before I start getting that....Are you going to sit there typing all night look, that I get when I sit here typing all night. I have to go be part of the family now. I have to keep the peace at least until our planet can no longer sustain human life. Here are a few world wide issues you all should support while I'm away.
1) Pollution - We need to stop polluting globally.
2) Natural resources - We have to stop producing and burning fossil fuels, and find renewable sources of fuel.
3) I'm not done with item 2
4) Global Hunger - If we can't get food to the people then get the people to the food. (duh!!)
5) I just got another look.
I bet that's 200 words by now. Looking forward to tomorrows prompt. I bet it's going to be funny.

January 3, 2012 at 2:43am
January 3, 2012 at 2:43am
January 3, 2012
Day 3

When you are writing, do you prefer to use a pen or a computer?

Penmanship was taught back in MY day in grade school. "Writing" was a regular part of school lessons. I grew up in a strange sort of time warp, meaning, As I progressed through the school system, the lessons I learned became antiquated due to advancement in technologies and it's effect on society. For example: In grades one through four we were taught, Imperial Measurement. (12 inches in a foot. 3 feet in a yard...bushels, pecks, miles, gallons, quarts, and so on) Then in grade five we were told, "Okay, forget all that, now we've changed to the, Metric System. The metric system has different names, and the numbers didn't mesh up with the old system. It was a horrible mess. To make matters worse, they didn't teach us the math skills we needed, to do the conversions necessary, to know anything about anything for another three years. If someone asked me, "Hey, Joel, how big is that boat there? I would look at the boat and say, "Uuuhhmm uuh it's........ ahh........... it's a pretty big boat.

Okay Okay the pen vs computer thing okay.

In high school they had, Typing Class. It was an optional course. I wanted to take typing, but, my buddies laughed at me, and said, "Typing class is for girls who want to become secretaries, Ha ha ha, Joel's going to be a secretary, hey bring me a cup of coffee sweetheart"

I had no idea. Thank god my friends pointed out my stupidity.

I suggested that I might check into that "NEW" computer program. My buddies all bust a gut, because, Only nerds signed up for, Computer.

Again....I had no idea. Thank god my friends pointed out my stupidity.

Eventually, I opted for hanging out in the park across the street. Fun times. In the end it worked out because the typewriter was replaced with the keyboard, and everyone learned what the nerds learned when the Internet became available on-line.

When it comes to pens...I would fill a million Hillroy Scribblers with countless writings of all kinds, with a 49 cent Bic Pen and die a happy man.
But truth be told...I'm hopelessly addicted to: the delete key, backspace, > , and <, spell-check, copy and paste, click and drag, fonts, colors, point and click, the list goes on.

I was going to say, I was surprised to find out that my children were not taught writing. It's not a separate skill anymore. It's merged in with all the other subjects they don't teach anymore. but I think I went on a little too long already.

What was the question....... oh yeah.... When you are writing, do you prefer to use a pen or a computer?

I'm with the nerds.

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