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When you really have nothing better to do.
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February 12, 2012 at 10:59pm
February 12, 2012 at 10:59pm
February 12, 2012

Today's Prompt:
SERIAL PROMPTS from TEFF ... FEB 10 to FEB 13.
Write a serial using the following ...
FEB 10 --- Boy meets girl, chance encounter, provide geographical setting
FEB 11 --- Dating ensues. Characters meet the fam or social pals
FEB 12 --- Tragedy or near tragedy befalls for (?) from character list.
FEB 13 --- Love's salvation. Story Conclusion/

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What is this thing called, Love?
Chapter Three

Wendy Johnson was late getting home from work on Thursday evening because she stopped to pick up her new car. "I have my new car, mom," she shouted as she entered the apartment suite, "want to come see it, I'll take you for a ride."

"Come have something to eat first, after you eat, I'll come and see your new car, you can give me a ride to bingo."

"Your going to bingo?"

"Yes, one of my friends from the book club invited me. Would you like to come along?"

Wendy sat at the dinner table, continuing the conversation she said, "No thank you, I'm not fond of bingo, but I'm more than happy to give you a ride."

Louise moved between the stove and the kitchen table, setting a place for Wendy, and putting food on the table as she spoke. "I'm anxious to see your new car, but I do wish you'd do more things outside this apartment block. You'll grow old too soon if you don't get out there and do things."

"I do things. I get out there. I just bought a new car."

"You know what I mean dear, you should have some friends, maybe meet a handsome man."

"Well, I'll have you know I have a dinner date Tomorrow night with a handsome man."

"Oh My, Well THAT IS news. Who, what , where. tell me"

"The who is a friend I've known for a while now. He takes the same bus as me to work. His name is Bentley but everyone calls him Ben or Benny."

"So he's a friend but now your going to start dating?"

"I've had a crush on him for quite some time, I've been dropping subtle hints to him, about asking me out. He finally got the hint I guess, so we're going out tomorrow night."

"That will work out good then, because tomorrow night is roller disco at the senior club."

Meanwhile over at Scott Farkus's house the guys were gathering to have few beers and watch some football. Word had already gotten around that Bentley had a date lined up for Friday night, so when he walked through the door, last one to arrive, he was greeted with a loud round of jeers and cat calls.

"Hey thanks for showing up Romeo"

"Benny's finally gonna get some"

"Who's the lucky guy/"

"Remind me why I hang out with you jerks," Bentley countered to silence the hounds.

The boys gave it to Bentley pretty steady during the game. It was like more of the dinner table conversation at home.

"What's she look like Benny/"

"Where you taking her for dinner? ....McDonald's"

"Does she have her own bus pass?"

"Who is the lucky guy?"

At halftime Bentley decided to answer all the questions to put all the comments to rest.

"Look guys I'm just taking a GIRL out for dinner, then afterward.... who knows."

Stinky mentioned the fact, "You're going to miss Texas Hold em Night."

Scott asked, "what's her name?"

"Oh that's right" Bentley said, "You know her, Scott. It's Wendy Johnson."

As the group started up the jeers and cat calls which continued through out the entire night the last comment heard was what Scott Farkus said.

It echoed through Bentley's head for the next 18 hours.

"Be careful Benny, Wendy Johnson has been husband hunting for the past ten years."

"Be careful Benny, Wendy Johnson has been husband hunting for the past ten years."

"Be careful Benny, Wendy Johnson has been husband hunting for the past ten years."

"Be careful Benny, Wendy Johnson has been husband hunting for the past ten years."

"Be careful Benny, Wendy Johnson has been husband hunting for the past ten years."

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Leslie and I attended The First Annual Bird River Bible Camp Winter Supper. The organizers of the event put up a poster at our mailbox / bulletin-board. We decided to attend just to get out and perhaps converse with other people. Well!!! We TOTALLY Scored. The Bird River Bible Camp has hired a full-time for real chef.
The food was AWESOME!!!!!! and the folks made us feel very welcome and comfortable. Best part, no dishes to do.
Lucky kids who get to attend that camp. I recall camp meals being wieners and beans cooked over an open fire and served on a paper plate topped with insects and ashes from the fire, and that was breakfast lunch and supper.

Play nice folks, God is watching.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

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February 11, 2012 at 6:47pm
February 11, 2012 at 6:47pm
February 11, 2012

Today's Prompt:
SERIAL PROMPTS from TEFF ... FEB 10 to FEB 13.
Write a serial using the following ...
FEB 10 --- Boy meets girl, chance encounter, provide geographical setting
FEB 11 --- Dating ensues. Characters meet the fam or social pals.
FEB 12 --- Tragedy or near tragedy befalls for (?) from character list
FEB 13 --- Love's salvation. Story Conclusion/

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What is this thing called, Love?
Chapter Two

Bentley arrived home from work to the smell of home cooking. Ruth always had a hardy supper meal on the table promptly at 5:30 every week day for her two hard working men.

"Ah, Benny, your home just in time. Go wash up. I was just about to put supper on the table."

"Okay, Ma, smells good. Hey Dad," Bentley added as he passed Gordon in the hallway.

At the dinner table Bentley was eager to tell his exciting news. Before he had his first perogy off his plate he blurted out, "you don't have to make supper for me on Friday mom, I have a date."

"A date? With who? Some one from work? Do you work with any girls?" Ruth began with the questions.

Before Bentley could get a word in, Gordon began asking questions too, "are you dating another man? You're not a homo are you?"

Now Bentley is asking questions to both his mom and dad. "Why can't you ask one question at a time? What kind of a question is that? What the hell is the matter with you? Why do we always have to talk at the same damn time?"

It was Ruth who pounded her fists down on the table, just firmly enough to gain attention and shouted, "enough!" She nodded towards Gordon and said, "You! Eat your supper before it gets cold," and, "You!" she said turning to Bentley, "Now that it's quiet, tell me all about this date."

"It's with a girl," Bentley began, pausing to give his dad a short look as he raised his voice when he said the word girl. Gordon shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.

"It's a girl I know from the bus."

Bentley's answer sparked a flurry of more questions from both parents.

"Are you picking up girls on the bus now?"

"Is that such a safe thing to do?"

"Are you some sort of bus pervert?"

"Do you think that's a good idea Benny?"

"What if she turns out to be some sort of a nut or something?"

This time it was Bentley's turn to give the fist pound, let's get back to dinner speech.

After some calmness returned and there was a chance to get some dinner down, Bentley began speaking at a slow and deliberate pace.

"It's a girl. I've met her before. She went to school with Scott Farkas. We ride the bus together each morning. Her name is Wendy. She's not some sort of nut. She's very nice and I decided to ask her out to dinner."

Bentley focused completely on eating his supper while the questions flowed from both ends of the dinner table.

"Does this Wendy have a last name?"

"How does she look?"

"How well do you know her?"

"Is she good looking, son?"

"Where are you going take her?" "Does she live near by?"

"Scott Farkas went to school?"

"Maybe we know her parents, Do they go to Holy Christ?" "Does she have a good job?"

"Does she have her own place?"

"Is she a secretary?"

"Does she wear sexy dresses?"

Ruth and Bentley both paused to give Gordon a look. Gordon shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating.

Bentley drained the last of his glass of milk and addressed some of the questions. "Her name is Wendy Johnson, She's very plain looking. She's quiet. We meet up on the bus most days and we talk when the bus is not too crowded. I'm not sure where we'll go.

Just then the phone rang. Ruth picked it up and said hello. Ruth passed the phone to Bentley, "It's Stinky, he called for you earlier too."

Bentley took the phone from his mom as he headed upstairs to his room. "stinky" he began to say into the receiver.

"Did you get my message man?"

"Well, yeah, but just now. Why what's up Stink?"

"Thursday night football at Scott's. You in?"

"Sounds good, I'm there. Hey! Guess what."


"I have a date this Friday night"

"Yeah right, who's the lucky guy?"

"Shut up. Your as bad as my old man."

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
It's hockey day in Canada for those of you that have the same GOALS in life. Have a Happy Hockey Day Today and Everyday Day.

*Bullet* *Check*           *ThumbsUp* *ThumbsUp*

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

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February 10, 2012 at 9:28pm
February 10, 2012 at 9:28pm
February 10, 2012

Today's Prompt:
SERIAL PROMPTS from TEFF ... FEB 10 to FEB 13.
Write a serial using the following ...
FEB 10 --- Boy meets girl, chance encounter, provide geographical setting
FEB 11 --- Dating ensues. Characters meet the fam or social pals.
FEB 12 --- Tragedy or near tragedy befalls for (?) from character list
FEB 13 --- Love's salvation. Story Conclusion/

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Bentley Mohr is a twenty eight year old single man living at the home of his parents Gordon and Ruth Mohr. Bentley was a good boy and always did what was asked of him. He was a gainfully employed civil servant, working as an entry level clerk. His parents allowed Bentley a free pass on living expenses in order to help him save for a house of his own. So far, after pay week-end partying with his buddies, Bentley has managed to consistently save from his pay checks, enough money for bus fare to and from work, until his next payday.

Wendy Johnson is a twenty seven year old woman living with her mother in a two bedroom apartment suite. They moved into together after her father passed away. Wendy's mom, Louise, was lost for the first few years after losing her husband. but now had found some hobbies and friends to fill her days. Wendy was glad she was able to be a full time companion for her mom when she needed someone to be there. But now it was time for Wendy to get on with her own life. It was time for Wendy's life to take a change of course.

Bentley Mohr's course in life puts him on the same bus each weekday morning with, Wendy Johnson.

Bentley and Wendy were introduced to one another through a mutual friend some years ago. Otherwise they would have never spoken to each other being that they were both some what introverted. They would often exchange pleasantries, and on occasions when they shared a seat, would make awkward attempts at conversation.

It was one fateful Wednesday when Bentley and Wendy's relationship would be forever changed. While Bentley was making small talk, telling Wendy of his up coming pay check, which was going to be the first pay reflecting a recent raise. Wendy blurted out, " Why don't we go out for dinner Friday night."

Bentley pretended not to hear her, just so she'd have to say it a second time. Buy himself a little time.

"Your celebrating a pay raise and I'm celebrating buying a new car. Why don't I pick you up and we go out to celebrate together?"

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
It sure is quiet staying here at the lake for the winter. It's an event to see a car drive past our house. The house we have in the city is a bit different. So far this year we have missed a stabbing turned homicide and a house fire both on our street. The stabbing turned murder was across the street 5 doors down. Yep it's pretty quiet out here.
Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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February 10, 2012 at 2:26am
February 10, 2012 at 2:26am
February 10, 2012
Not sure what day it is.

Today's Prompt:
"Details for library visits."
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Okay, I'll let you in on a little secret. See that! You're getting very exclusive information. Alright! see the building in the picture. That is St. John's Public Library, it's a couple blocks away from my present home, and with-in walking distance of my home growing up. It is still there, and it looks just like it does in the picture. During my youth the library was my secret get away. I had cause to get away often, but that's not what I want to talk about right now.

I started hiding out in the library at a young age. There were two sections, a youth section, and an adult section. I read every single book I was interested in sitting in the youth section. When I asked the librarian if they had any more books she began bringing me books from the adult section. I remember being too intimidated with the adult card file box so I decided not to use it and just pick a section and grab a book. I picked "reference" and over a period of about six-eight years I spent hours upon hours reading reference books. I would eye up a set of encyclopedias, pick a letter, take the corresponding book, and read the entry for anything that I had an interest in, or anything I didn't know what it was, and wanted to know.

That's my library visit, That's why when people ask me, "how did you know that?" I shrug my shoulders and present the double eyebrow lift and smirk.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
Why is it people on holidays send pictures of themselves drinking? It's like they didn't even go anywhere. That's what they look like here!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

February 9, 2012 at 1:54am
February 9, 2012 at 1:54am
February 8,2012
Day ??
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Today's Prompt: With Valentine's day next week, how will you celebrate February 14th? If you have a significant other what will you do for them? if not what will you for yourself?

First off, I don't think that was me who gobbed on the carpet. My memory is clouded. I do however recall a funny Valentine's Day Dance, from back in my early teens.

A couple buddies of mine went out and bought these huge Valentine Chocolate Hearts. I met up with them so we could walk to the dance together. I was surprised to see my buddies went to such great lengths. I felt kind of bad. I didn't have money to buy anything like that, besides, I didn't even have a girlfriend. Which prompted me to ask one of my buds who he was planning on giving this huge red monster Valentine to. I forget who he said he had his intentions set on. It's not important. So when my Buddy presented his intended with the huge red heart, that could been seen by everyone at the dance....She refused to accept it from him. So he slammed the gigantic red heart onto the floor, then stomped on it then booted it across the room. Chocolates flew every which way. That was so funny. I lost track of that fella over the years. I hope he found the right gal and or anger management along the way.

I'm not giving up my grandiose plan for amour du la Valentino mo cha cha. nudge nudge wink wink.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

We had a long walk today, it was cold -22c. I've always enjoyed being outdoors when it's cold. If you keep active it's very rewarding, almost spiritual. I miss playing spongee. I was even hoping the Stephen King kids played some sort of ball hockey. They only drive snowmobiles. Doesn't matter anyhow. I'm going to have to dedicate some time over the next few days to my web design course. + This is birthday month in my family. several big ones shhhhhhh++ Valentine's Day on the 14th shhhhhhhhhh

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

February 8, 2012 at 2:49am
February 8, 2012 at 2:49am
February 8, 2012
The days are no longer numbered.
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Today's Prompt:
Sunnystar says," let er bee"----free roll!!!

In case your confused and think I'm on the wrong day, then your not confused. I am on the wrong day. I didn't have enough time to complete my day, so I'm holding it over for a few more hours. It's all covered by a post dated time check. Like a line of credit, but with time.

It was good to hear from Earl today and MARY yesterday. It was also nice to see the lobby tidied up, and the welcome mat spruced up. I think I gobbed on it one night ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So if February is unofficial, then so be it! It's a leap February too!

I've been looking at HTML code for the past three days. I was not aware of it's intoxicating effects.
My brains are literally leaking out of my ears. I don't want to change the font-family any more.

Is is me, or is it getting stupid in here?

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

< ! --#######################################################-->
< ! --This is how you write comments with in your HTML code structure-->
< ! --#######################################################-->

I just read what I wrote yesterday, I think I'll write it again in style="color: blue; font-family: impact; text-size: 4;"/>

it seems to attract an awesome selection of like minded individuals, who add to the merriment and kaos, which is my journey.

Joel aka Brother Nature
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group
"Showering Acts of Joy Group
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February 6, 2012 at 2:52pm
February 6, 2012 at 2:52pm
February 6, 2012
Monday @ 12:42pm

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This barn looks to be in need of some TLC. Looking at it, one might think it's empty.
Same could be said for me.

Today's Prompt: MARCELLA SHALE, USA ----

I'm a bit confused today. I was a bit confused yesterday, and the day before that too. Now that I think about it, I'm likely to still be confused tomorrow and beyond that as well. Allow me to embrace the confusion, and accept it as part of my persona. Perfect timing on writing a blog. A blog is an excellent place to expose confusion and to attempt to clear things up. Make things less confusing.

I think for me, confusion is a way of being.

I'm quite happy in that state, unless of course I feel the urge to understand or be understood. That's when things get complicated.

Complicated things are confusing.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question.
definitely blog. That is the answer.

I'm not sure what to say about today's prompt, but it's not always about what I;m not sure about.

MARCELLA SHALE, USA ---- The first thing that comes to mind is, Sheila Shimmallstone, who (as you all know) was the name of the person, Barney Rubble invented, in order to collect some money of Fred's that Willma found.

That's about all I have to say about that.
So, where am I going to put this blog of mine now that it's almost wrote.
Well right here in this great big, abandoned, confusing, barn. I can't think of a more fitting place for it.
There's something magical about this place. It appears a bit unkept, and off the beaten path, not to mention the room service sucks.
All that being said, it seems to attract an awesome selection of like minded individuals, who add to the merriment and kaos, which is my journey.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
Leslie and I snowshoed a little ways down the Bird River yesterday. We walked out on the Jets after the second period.
Just like old times!

Joel aka Brother Nature
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group
"Showering Acts of Joy Group
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February 5, 2012 at 1:41pm
February 5, 2012 at 1:41pm
February 4, 2012
Day 35

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Today's Prompt:
Write your own inspirational quote which promotes health and fitness. Then sell it to the masses, tell why everyone should live by your words.

I have my very own inspirational quote related to heath and wellness. It would be most inspirational to anyone hoping to shed a few extra pounds.
Truth be told my quote is not very clever or witty. It's really not very inspirational, but it is original and it does relate to health and fitness.

My quote..Eat less. Exercise more. *Copyright* Brother Nature

For a person considering going on a diet and or beginning an exercise program in an effort to lose weight, this is a fine bit of advice.
Not only will a person be successful, but following these two simple instructions will take so much of the stress that dieting can cause.
A person does not have to deprive themselves of foods they enjoy to eat. Nor does your family have to change their eating habits to accommodate your dietary changes. Feel free to eat what ever foods you enjoy now, just eat less. I ramped up my diet plan by eliminating potato chips from my nightly ritual of lovingly crunching down on an entire huge bag of delicious, salty, crispy, fun and exciting, potato-y, goodness we call *Heart* Lays Ripple Chips*Heart* . I hardly miss them!
Finally, exercise more. You don't have to join a gym, or train for a marathon. You just have to increase the amount of daily exercise your already doing. WALK more.
Don't set un-realistic goals, and don't expect overnight results. Weight loss takes time. Look at how long it took you to get out of shape!

Eat less. Exercise more. Eat less. Exercise more. Eat less. Exercise more. Eat less. Exercise more. Eat less. Exercise more. Eat less. Exercise more.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
We went shoe shoeing on the lake. We walked into an area where the snow was wet and heavy, and it was bit un-nerving when we sunk into the snow more than was expected. We made it out alive though. We are going again tomorrow, which is today, but first we have a Jet matinee to enjoy.

Joel aka Brother Nature
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group
"Showering Acts of Joy Group
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February 3, 2012 at 1:00pm
February 3, 2012 at 1:00pm
February3, 2012

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Today's Prompt:
What is your favorite inspirational quote and why do you like this quote?

This is my favorite inspirational quote.......wait for it...

My Great Grandmother on my mom's side, said this often. I don't know who is credited with first saying it, but Great Grandma P gets credit for each time I say it, and I say it often.

If you can't be thankful for what you have, then be thankful for what you don't have.

I find this quote very inspirational for myself, I'm reminded of all the things I have to be thankful for, at times when I feel there is nothing much good going on in my life.
I have also found this quote can be comforting to others that are having difficulties. I think it makes people realize that, perhaps their problems are not as bad as they seem.


*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Leslie and I tried out our new snow-shoes today. Leslie's Mom sent us a bit of $$ for Christmas, so we treated ourselves to purchasing these snow-shoes. Today we figured out how to strap them on to our boots and then we snow-shoed a couple laps around the yard. I strapped mine on wrong and they fell off. There's got to be more to that sport than walking through the snow! picture to follow.

Joel aka Brother Nature
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group
"Showering Acts of Joy Group
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February 2, 2012 at 11:12am
February 2, 2012 at 11:12am
February 2, 2012
Day 33

Ground Hog Day..More winter for Winnipeg. Spring will come soon. Quit your complaining. Go outside and play.

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Our front yard on Sunset Bay

Today's blog Prompt:
Thar ain't one.

Over the next few days I'll be working on creating a blog format to aid in the creation of a welcoming, and entertaining, blog page.
I like some of the pages and ideas the other bloggers on this site have. It's not my aim to copy anybody's page but simple to learn
and then apply the ideas to my blog. I will create something that works for me, and hopefully be enjoyable to others as well.
I like the picture addition. It's easy enough to change daily, and It promotes Leslie's wonderful album of arts and nature candid shots.
In this area I can write some words, if I knew any. It's also a good place to add prompt inspired text.
Below this line break I will have a little off topic commentary section. with a cute little tittle.
I'll make a few more changes as I move forward. Thanks for stopping by today. Tell your friends!

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Today I will attempt to make a "Hockey" emoticon....

*Bullet* *Check*

Joel aka Brother Nature
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

Member of :The Showering acts of Joy Group
"Showering Acts of Joy Group
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