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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"A radiant moon has set
"At three
"Koan on an October sky

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"Footprints in the snow, in memory of Nyia Page
"Poems inspired by maps. Remember 1963?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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March 6, 2013 at 2:18pm
March 6, 2013 at 2:18pm
...and in my stomach. *Smile*


Too early in the day to have news. We had powder sugar last night. The mountains look lovely. Now the sun is out again. Fickle brat...

We're just glad he deigned to show up! We'll be even gladder when that dipsy air-headed Spring decides to come our way. She's known to stay away until May... or June.

Depending on Spring this year it could be chill or cold when I visit Norway in May. I want to stop in Røros, a mining town (think Butte) near the border with Sweden. A very cold area. July would be wiser... and even then... I also may get a chance to walk up to a glacier in Fjærland. But so much depends on those white chickens and I don't have a red wheel barrow.

I'll be back June 12th. Better be Spring here by then. *Laugh*


I don't worry about having nothing to write about. The 30 day blog challenge gives prompts. some of them lame, but some fairly good. I won't officially join as that's too much like work and I have other priorities. I do read some of the blogs from time-to-time.

I don't seem to make enough time to blog-read. Or book-read in general. I'm constantly reading and writing but not producing.

Gotta get that chapbook out. After the 41 items in "This and Every November (prose letters) are re-edited they'll go to a group of people ...have two young local women chosen already, but I need at least one male to read as well. And an older person of either sex would be apropo. What I ask is a basic sorting task or rating. Like here! But a bit more strenuous. The bottom half doesn't matter much and the top one's will float regardless (I'm not sure which those are...); it's the decision regarding the mediocre middle that matters.

After the "best" survive, I may mix them with blog and journal entries from Novembers past to break up the boredom ...er ...flow.

We'll see. Wanted to be done and printed by end of February of this year. So much for goals!

By-the-way... the shepherd tasted real good.
March 5, 2013 at 1:14pm
March 5, 2013 at 1:14pm
...still freezing cold!


This blog is brought to you by the color green ...from chartreuese to forest and beyond. The sunshine is wonderful but I need to feel Spring will arrive before the 11th of June ...or maybe by the 12th when I finally get back from my journey.

It could start now as far as I'm concerned.

Good news: "This and Every November (prose letters) Letters is done! Now I need to reread and reedit. Ah ...the fun! *Rolleyes* I like a few of the pieces; others make me cringe. In the end, I hope to publish about 16-20 (half of the 41) in a chapbook and then send it to friends.

Until then...

I should wear green today. I did the other day and it cheered me up. With my beard gone I look more leprecaun-ish than santa-ish. Even santa's daddy (me) deserves a break.

Other snews? The salt algae lotion is helping with the dry skin. Less itchy. However, it doesn't make my wrinkles go away. Bag balm? The would help at the other end of my smile as well...

Toodles ...and have a great day. *Bigsmile*
March 4, 2013 at 2:02pm
March 4, 2013 at 2:02pm
I needed to take out the garbage last night and there was this fluffy cold wet stuff coming down. This morning was white ...and cold ...and slick ...and sunny!

Party wrote it was 17º. Warming up now.


Doing okay. Up early on a bright morning but have slowed down since. I have 'things to do' but nothing important or urgent.

I think and dream about my upcoming trip most every day. A bit of this and that. Sweden: I may be able in include a visit to Visby in Gotland on the way to Stockholm but Åland seems less practical ...another time. I'll be in Göteborg on June 2nd and leaving June 11th from Stockholm gives me little time. But last year it was less time and I managed!

Lund? Ystad? Simrishamn? Karlshamn? Karlskrona? Kalmar? Something will have to be left out. Where to stay and connections must be looked at closely. That and next year is always a possibility. *Wink*

Don't even ask about Norway yet. Still can't quite figure out some of the 'how can I get there from here' details. Røros, a mining town is high on my list. As are the fjords (again). It's the point A to point B issue...

Y'know... England is nice in September ...and much of Sweden and Norway is too.

BUT... still winter here. However,

"The sun has come out and Winter is having a meltdown. He has lost his grip."

Gotta work that into a piece of prose or poetry. *Delight*
March 3, 2013 at 6:41pm
March 3, 2013 at 6:41pm
Finally ...40k views! But my blog is envious... My first blog "L'aura del Campo has over 70k views...

Guess I should count my blessings. *Laugh*


What day is it?

Yesterday was a mild break. Even saw a crocus trying to bloom. *Flower3*

I walked to/through Greenough Park. And I scored a mattress! It's a "gently" used Sealy ...firmer than the one I was gifted 4 years ago... my friend Nick helped me get it home. I slept quite peacefully last night.

Trip plans are advancing. Working on Norway part of trip at the moment, but peeked at Stockholm. I could have fun in Stockholm. *Blush*.

Saw friends today ... usual ... can't always say that when I'm traveling; although I meet nice people most every day every where.

So... staying inside except to get milk. $6/2 gallons ...cheaper than gasoline/petro which is $3.23 ...which is cheap compared to much of the U.S.

Will go to a poetry reading and hang out in a coffee shop later (Liquid Planet ...David *Bigsmile*).

Sunday. Yep, today is Sunday and $1 for a cup.
March 2, 2013 at 5:09pm
March 2, 2013 at 5:09pm
...comes right on the heels of First Friday!

Who wudda thunk dat?


Skies have brightened and days are noticeably longer. However ...few signs of Spring. Gotta look close.

I stopped in the library on my way to the Hills. Funny how the internet just absorbs time ...and never gives it back.

So. First Friday was very good to me. The street scene on a night of opening art exhibits is wonderful. Met folks. Saw some good art. It's one of the reasons to live here. This town has a vibe and an intact downtown that isn't AMERICAN ...used to be... *Frown*

Folks go to Europe and marvel at old buildings (they tear them down here), the walkability of cities (America prefers suburbs and SUVs). The café scene ...and I don't mean Starbucks.

I'm so looking forward to Masstricht, Delft, Ghent, Bruges, Røros... each will have a flavor that defies the beige shopping malls of the U.S.

Would you believe I ran into a Dutch woman (three times) from Rotterdam?

Ah... First Friday!
March 1, 2013 at 3:45pm
March 1, 2013 at 3:45pm
...is out running about in the sunshine today. I should join it.

mE mE mE:

My recent villanelle was well received by my writing group last night. No oohs and aahs, but that's fine. I'll edit of course. Present form is found in my old blog "L'aura del Campo" in this entry:

"The unseizable colors of waves that break

Had chicken salad sandwich and clam chowder for lunch. Enough but not too much.

Our table talked about the rape trial in town ... it's been over-sensationalized. Because there was a problem of not prosecuting rapes in the past it feels as if the prosecutor's office felt obliged to put forward a case that's frankly quite weak. Among us old folks the consensus is the jury should find him "not-guilty".

Regardless it has been a front page media show.

Jury's still out... I've checked.

And the sun's still out too. Almost feels like Spring. A couple "warm" days (read 50s) and nights above freezing will encourage Something to bloom. Can't wait!

We really do respond to the sun here in Missoula. The grey pall has thinned, as Party noted, and we-all are ready for a few rays.
February 28, 2013 at 6:32pm
February 28, 2013 at 6:32pm

I prefer giving gifts to receiving them.

1. Never knew quite how to be thankful as a child.
2. Especially when I rarely got anything I wanted.
3. And now I have few needs.
4. And my wants are rarely monetary or tangible (to most people).

So I mailed coffee, pens and feathers from Costa Rica and alpaca hats from Ecuador to a friend.

But no other recent gifts...

I used to give gifts at this time of year, have a party and extra gifts for anyone who showed up. But that was a long long time ago.

5. However, should someone want to buy me a chocolate bar... in Belgium... just saying...

February 27, 2013 at 12:55pm
February 27, 2013 at 12:55pm

As I stated in the last blog, orange is one of my colors.

It's also the color of the House of Orange in the Netherlands.

Since I'm planning to be in Holland (or Limburg) on the 30th of April, I'll need to be deciding where. Soon. The party (no matter how sober) will be intense and it would be a pity to miss it.

Today in the news:


Orange is also a flavor ... anyone got some orange chocolate?

I particularly liked the orange cardamom rolls at Bernice's Bakery. Haven't seem them in a long while but I think Break Espresso has orange rolls. Remember once, a-long-long-time-ago, making orange cinnamon (or nutmeg) rolls for coworkers.

I don't cook anymore like I used to. Don't have parties or make gifts. Sad really. Especially since I could. Nothing stopping me.

But that was in a different lifetime.

Odd how people who know me now would have no clue of how I used to live. Life goes on ... just not in predictable ways.

Like who would have predicted I'd be in Holland for Queen's Day ... wearing orange? *Laugh* Not I!

February 26, 2013 at 10:06pm
February 26, 2013 at 10:06pm
I'm orange (poppy) and green (emerald, forest), maybe a bit of ivory, maroon and midnight-blue. As a child I was sea green and melon. [in any case think Spring]

Shannon told me she was marigold, sea-green (hmmmm) and robin's egg blue

I think of Gary as winter-sky blue, sunshine yellow and dove-feather grey.

Nick on the other hand is more summer-blue, yellow-ochre and rust brown.

Each of the above evokes a different emotion from me. When I asked Maggie today she said rainbow!


A bit better today. I got my meatloaf meal for $3 and took it over to the Peace Center in a plastic covered dish I bought yesterday for 50¢. Got to eat and sit with others at the Empathy Group.

I should write down what I said, felt and learned but now I'm blocked... *Frown* I did however have a nice chat with Maggie afterwards. Very helpful. My comments about how I wasn't able to deal with a lot while I was homeless resonated with others. [Anxiety was so high I didn't even have time to be depressed.] Of course, now I'm "safe" and the crap is coming out!

Since today is the 10th "memorial" of a lot of bad shit... I need to figure out how not to be sucked into reliving the trauma. After-all, that was then... not now.

I figure I'll still have a few bad moments...

But I'm free to be ME! *Smile*
February 25, 2013 at 4:12pm
February 25, 2013 at 4:12pm
...teach midgets math.


Maybe Party was in the restrooms at Liquid Planet?

In any case ...

Was so sick... for one day... playing catch-up...

...except there really is nothing to catch up to. *Confused*

I'm doing okay. Went to a reading tonight. One was good; the other I couldn't hear.

Earlier, started/////day break due to computer hibernation/////...now I forget.

Notes from my journal last night:

Bought yoghurt!

"Looked at prices in Belgium & Luxembourg. I think I'll be okay there. Not so certain about France. Slowly... daily... tackling aspects of the trip. Plan A, Plan B.... Plan L, N, D, G, S... and so on. *Smile* One other thing done: bought soap for the trip. (small thing, but hey...)"

...the rest gets complicated. The book I'm reading, Phantom by Jo Nesbo is triggering traumas. Bound to happen this month. One of the movies brought up deep issues as well.

In other snews:

1+1 = 2

Refer to comment at top. *Smirk*

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