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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Missoula, Montana

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"In the midst of silence
"Tales told over scones and hot tea
"Boise City
"Wheat penny

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"In a garden of roses, baby
"Holy day. Autumn in November. A mole.
"James Doohan, Scotty. Ombra mai fu. Eutin Guitar Orchestra



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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February 23, 2013 at 4:43pm
February 23, 2013 at 4:43pm
Too ill yesterday to do anything and today? Still haven't eaten.


Went to see a series of shorts movies at the Wilma. Managed to sit there without any issues. Movies were good.

Found out that one of my favorites I saw this week got an award: "Words in the Margins". A multi-lingual Kenyan helps an illiterate American read. Subtle slap at bigotry.

"Blood Brothers" won the big prize. I didn't see it but the clips were amazing. Basically, a young man decides to stay with his "family" in India: the orphans of AIDS etc. Uplifting.

I think this last one worked into my fever induced nightmares last night.

Dreamed I was in Kristiansand (southern Norway) and met a black cat, Jon, who can point out sick people (including me). There's another cat and dog in the picture, but they're just friendly animals. Jon and I speak. And help others get to the clinic even when they aren't aware that they are ill. Nice... until I had to leave. And, of course, there's always that tension about having my "own" life instead of being a servant to a cat.

Wonder if the dreams will resurface when I visit Kristiansand in May.

Did run into Ingrid today so I get to rub it in that I'll be in Norway, perhaps Stavanger, for the 17th of May. *Smirk*
February 22, 2013 at 2:08pm
February 22, 2013 at 2:08pm
Money. Using a different currency can be tricky.

So $100 = €76. Hmmm... I'll probably try to keep to rounded amounts €100 = $132; DKK100 = $18; NOK100 = $18; SEK100 = $16. The US dollar has weakened in Scandinavia since last May.

Because: 1. I'm trying to stay under $80/day and $100/day is a limit and 2. I don't want to go to the ATM every day... That means €150 every two days max or DKK1100, NOK1100, SEK1300. When traveling it helps to have this worked out beforehand. That and what things normally cost.

A Swedish hostel for SEK200 is looking real good! LOL Doubt I'll do better elsewhere.

Now to figure out lodging costs, travel costs, food costs...

$60/day seems like a pipe-dream.


Done screaming.

As I wrote Scarlett: I'm feeling guilty over not going to England.

The Sahel in Africa is getting more unstable so maybe I should reconsider where I go in the Autumn... then again, November in England isn't the brightest idea. (Any definition of bright will do.)

But why worry now when I'm going to be in Paris in Spring Time!

Check: got my umbrella. *Bigsmile*
February 21, 2013 at 7:43pm
February 21, 2013 at 7:43pm
Yeah. Booked.

Paris on April 15th; return from Stockholm on June 11th.

Wish me luck!


Stress level drops as soon as ticket is bought. Then second guessing moves in as a kill-joy. But do I listen to that cranky-old voice? Better to pretend I'm deaf until I forget ...easily done ...the forgetting part that is.

So now... where, when, costs, etc... Train/bus may prove to be expensive.

April 30: Holland
May 17: Norway
June 2: Göteborg, Sweden!

And will I get to see Alfred in Paris ...or Anna Lisa in Sweden again?

Vi få se. *Delight*
February 20, 2013 at 4:50pm
February 20, 2013 at 4:50pm
...isn't in the flying. It's in the preparation of when, where and how and later the ordeal of crossing borders. Flying? If you croak at 35,000 feet it's someone else's problem...


I be stressed. (habitual be)

I'm stressed. (the present be)

Looking at tickets again... At this moment... too many options but they are getting fewer. Göteborg? Copenhagen? Oslo? Stockholm, Bergen, Trondheim? Paris is still in the running although Frankfurt and Amsterdam seem to be out.

Do I leave earlier in April? (brrrrrrrrr)

The last date is early June before tickets go up-up-up.

I'm stressed out at the moment, so this is my screaming break. A mini-on-line tantrum as it were.

I've been back 2 weeks and I'm planning my next trip? Yeah, I knew it'd be like this. Once the ticket is bought I be fine as wine. *Laugh*

Added after reading Fivesixer's blog:

... The child within is frightened of making a mistake. The adult wants to fly and has to convince him: 1. there's money, 2. there's time, 3. nothing else matters.

My child is shy around family and social situations; he gets sick in the car. The adult scolds him to get over it already!

Some days nether wins. *Frown*
February 19, 2013 at 1:25pm
February 19, 2013 at 1:25pm
In my dream I am a writer sequestered in Montenegro writing a story about my friend Nick who has always wanted to go there. So I "take him with me"! Every day I try to see through his eyes and write a false memoir based on his personality and the sights of Montenegro, its ancient towns, its deep canyon, its black peaks and wild countryside.

I scrawl a couple poems on abandoned walls where no one looks... so he can find them! As if I've already been there before his trip and he can come across small bits of me ...as if this were a mystery ...with clues.

One month and the book smells, tastes and sounds like Montenegro. I publish it, get it translated ...and then he gets to go for real! Uncovers a special place with his own eyes ...and a bit of dejà vu.

Do I dare go there and write it!


I see "friends" of mine daily. I know they are merely acquaintances, but this is a town of friendly acquaintances.

I don't have friends ...maybe Nick ...but even with Nick and a few others, do I spend enough time actually getting to know them and just BE with them?

On-line connections are good for me; but sharing grilled parsnips and Yorkshire pudding is precious and if there be a carrot or two...

I'm sitting in a place where I know many people. I live in a place where I know and greet and speak with many many more. But I'm still isolated... anyone know what I mean?

A game of cards, a hot cocoa...
February 17, 2013 at 5:19pm
February 17, 2013 at 5:19pm
...but apparently Ann Bodle-Nash does! *Laugh*


Snow. Light beautiful snow brightening up the day.

And inside nice and warm. The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival started a couple days ago. Today I went to see short films and will attend two more sessions.

I really liked "The Words in the Margins" about an American of Chilean descent who went to school and never learned how to read. He's helped by a literacy volunteer from Kenya (who is multi-lingual, including Spanish, and learning Portuguese and Chinese). It's shows how two giving people can live in Hayward, California despite obstacles of education and immigration. It puts the lie to the rhetoric that immigrants do not contribute to America in meaningful ways.

Well, coffee and now black-bean chili. I'm ready for the next show!

And space ships? Someone in Spokane makes them and the restaurant in Wallace wanted one ...so Ann visits and takes photos at different times of year. *Smile*

Peace out.
February 15, 2013 at 2:42pm
February 15, 2013 at 2:42pm
An asteroid has hit Shellyville! The incipient Snow Melt tinted Three Shades of the Wolf a new moon red. Sister of Mercy rushed to the scene where the carrots steamed and Second Helpings were available for all. There were no reports of injured Unicorns; but, Tidbits from Tessa reported that Partyof5's Even Groovier Blog had been sighted. Humorous it wasn't but then ...Russian humor...

As I posted at facebook:

Re: meteorite hits Russia, the best response reported by (AP):

"One of the most popular jokes was that the meteorite was supposed to fall on Dec. 21 last year — when many believed the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world — but was delivered late by Russia's notoriously inefficient postal service."

Back in Blogville the bloggers have followed The Path, the 30 Day Blogging Challenge notwithstanding. Rolling Onward we are R-Evolving while over in Connie's Corner we ask ...

Who Do I Think I Am...


So far a boring day... nothing to report.

Will look into visiting Bornholm in Denmark on my trip. Nesbö's book is un-nerving me. Will continue working on "November Letters" and deciding which films at the Big Sky Documentary festival to attend this coming week. My vacation to Montana is working out okay. Day 9. ***sigh***
February 14, 2013 at 4:16pm
February 14, 2013 at 4:16pm
Either way it conjures up an ***ick*** factor. *Heart*




Ah... that's more like it.

Broke off more tooth last night on a hard VD candy.... Then someone gave me one with "mi amor". *Rolleyes*

The topic of one discussion was "aphrodisiacs". One guy said oysters, another said cherries. Two of us said chocolate! Not that a feather carress on the neck ...or elsewhere ...would hurt. *Blush*

Turn-off? After my experience in Costa Rica... it's the moment you realize that someone is interested in you only because they think you're rich or want money... what a bummer. *Frown*

I need to do my work and delaying by entering a blog or playing on facebook doesn't help.

Hope you have a nice VD or VD Day or whatever... floats your boat. *Smirk*
February 13, 2013 at 3:23pm
February 13, 2013 at 3:23pm
I'm working on my wrings from November 2011 letters, found in a new folder: "This and Every November (prose letters) .

I have 8 done and 33 more to go. We shall see ... some are a bit touchy, but so far so good.


Last night for "Wild Mercies", a program of the Environmental Studies writing program, Melissa Wardlow presented a short piece on using menstrual fluids for fertilizer. I was stunned. Well-written and thought out. Needs a bit of editing, but I think it's publishable in a gardening magazine ...and told her so ...and told her professor as well. When did she write it? The day before! Double stunned. So much talent ...

I'm reading "Phantom" by Jo Nesbø and the Selected Poems of Langston Hughes. Nesbø's intro is shattering. Whether one continues reading or not ...it'll stick with you. I've read Langston Hughes before, but gawd ...talent. The poems for children are charming and some of the political poems are still relevant today.

At Empathy Group: "I mentioned ... that I'm conflicted. Montana and Costa Rica both provide for some of my needs, but not all. Kansas is still 'home' in a way but doesn't satisfy me totally either. I haven't found the 'special' place." [on page 3292 of my journal]

So, yesterday was a good day. And so far today is too.
February 12, 2013 at 1:27pm
February 12, 2013 at 1:27pm
The Senior Center has a new way of paying for meals. It's a real deal if you're over 60 ... and I am ... just. $3 for the meat-and-potato crowd, carrots optional. It's $6 for everyone else which isn't bad.

Still, 4 years ago it was $4. Up 50%. My check has gone up 1.7% this year! So they say ... I have $20 more per month ... can't wait until the rent goes up ...


It grey again today. I want to scream it all away. Days are getting longer for those who didn't leave, lighter too; but, I came back to shorter days shortened even more by a friggin' mountain that's in the way. And sunshine ...I basked in sunshine! I miss it.

I suspect my tan is fading by the minute.

Speaking of carrots ... I opened up the card I got from Scarlett (it arrived when I was gone). Something about the Snowman getting caught picking his nose... at the erotic vegetable section I'm sure...

In other snews: edited another November 2011 letter/prose-piece. 2 down, 39 to go.

And by-the-way, news headlines to the contrary ...I'm not running for pope. *Laugh*

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