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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"'heart's home'
"Between us
"Boise City
"Mauve Mavis

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)
"When is it proper to tell someone you love them?
"A Thanksgiving Dinner poem and the WDC Zoo
"Czernina (Dirk's-blood-soup?) and Murv Jacob's mural



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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March 17, 2013 at 8:27pm
March 17, 2013 at 8:27pm

Cold day. Nearly got smacked by a snowflake. Mountains are sugar-powdered. Raw... but I can guarantee you that the green beer's flowing. *Laugh*

Still reading... a great day to curl up with a book.

Went to Bernice's Bakery in the morning. Good choice. Ended up in conversation with two Montanans, Loris and Linda (of Minnesota Swedish background ...can't avoid Swedes ...they are everywhere!) and one Alaskan (Iñupiaq). Very intelligent and interesting conversation. History... women's roles... West-Asia (a.k.a. Europe) and other subjects.

It's moments like that that make me stay here. The people are usually interesting and tolerant and kind. Usually ...I'm no fool; but, in general that's how it is here in Missoula.

A group speaking Spanish just left the booth at Liquid Planet. That too is heart-warming ...one can speak another language here with getting mean looks or fear in the eyes or worse ..."why don't you speak English". As if a private conversation is anyone's business!

Language when I visit Europe? That needs to be addressed. Danish, Dutch, German... plus my raggedy French and tattered Norwegian? Ouch. Need to have a translator or phrase book.

Only one month to go. *Shock*
March 16, 2013 at 7:22pm
March 16, 2013 at 7:22pm
...stayed up and finished another Henning Mankell book last night. Started another today. *Rolleyes*


Went to the Lady Griz basketball game today. For $8 I was entertained. Game never in doubt as home team (and Big Sky champions) hit 20 of 21 free throws in spite of shooting only 27%.

The men's game is tonight but I'm not going.

Tomorrow will mean snow, a temporary dip in the temp but nothing serious. Spring is here.

Also, St. Paddy's parade today ...forgot about that...

No real news. Some days are like that.

Denmark and Germany:


Hope the weekend has gone great for you-all. *Smile*
March 15, 2013 at 3:08pm
March 15, 2013 at 3:08pm
Gone for a whole day? Gone where you ask?


Ate my corned beef and cabbage, green pistachio desert, orange carrots. Lovely meal for $3. It pays to be old!

Irises (miniature) are in bloom at the Peace Center. They join the crocus, dandelion, snowdrops, buttercups, grape hyacinths... and who knows what else. Snow is in the forecast ...of course.

Took a walk through the hills yestereve. We've had a couple mild days.


I finished the man who smiled by Henning Mankell. His character, inspector Wallander, haunts Ystad. I will visit Ystad in May.

They have been made into movies in Sweden and by the BBC:


You'll have to click further to get to the link on the movie series.

I didn't want to put the book down. Quite a pleasant and fast read. But definitely not to be confused with Nesbø's work which seems to me to be "literature", haunting, difficult to read because it is so psychological. Mankell's work is lighter in tone.

That said, I identify with the fog at the beginning. Very apropo for the trauma Wallender is dealing with.

I'm hoping to see the movies before I leave on my travels.

So there's the answer to your question: I was reading! Yep. *Smile*
March 13, 2013 at 3:33pm
March 13, 2013 at 3:33pm
I need to write about my life using the vernal pool as metaphor. I'll link when I get to it.


Will my friend Dustin be able to meet me in Paris? He owes me a coffee... *Smirk*

This possibility cheers me up. I realize I'm not spending enough quality time with friends. Not enough quantity either. I easily crawl into my cave. When I'm out and about I greet everyone, but friendship demands more than a how-do...

Real connection is dicier and more time consuming. I think I did better in the 1980s and 1990s. Times have changed ...and I've lived in 5 states in the last ten years.


One cannot have the Past back.

Moving slowly ahead...

Belgium and Luxembourg:





I intend to print out some info and only take my Norway and Sweden travel books with me (maybe). Too heavy. Also figure a new tablet needs to be bought. Still, paper copies are useful for me. Especially maps.

*Reading* Finished Jo Nesbø's Phantom. Very painful book. Excellent writing; typically psychological, so Norwegian... but very very painful and non-sentimental. One shouldn't care about characters that much.
March 12, 2013 at 4:34pm
March 12, 2013 at 4:34pm
She woke a week ago and smiled at us. Today she shook the dandruff out of her hair. Then she yawned (oooh ...the smell). She needs a shower! Fortunately she's the generous sort. When she showers she shares with all of us. (Like a happy labrador.) *Rolleyes*


The black smoke made me sigh relief. One more day of not being made pope!

I wouldn't want the job. Too much drama. Too much responsibility.

And red shoes... not so sure about those...


For Alfred: *Snow3*

I will be in Holland when the spring bulbs bloom. Not sure which will be blooming at the end of April, but something will.

When I get to Norway in mid-May I could see flakes again. Especially if I visit Røros first. It's an old mining town ...and cold.

But Paris... in April... hopefully they will have the pope straightened out by then ...or maybe he'll have the Catholics straightened out. If he speaks French...

At one point the papal seat was moved to Avignon.

Maybe Rome's the problem... *Worry*

Rome is not on this trip. Neither is Montenegro, Dubrovnik, Istanbul or Prague. There are so many places to visit! The trip itinerary is almost planned except for minor details in Holland and major details in Norway.

Norway is a problem because my wish list is way too long, some hostels don't open up until June when I'm gone, expenses must be considered, too cold for me to camp out (I'd have to learn how to first). But experience teaches me that in the end I'll manage.

Holland needs extra attention because of Queen's Day, the abdication and the coronation. Definitely the place to be! There are still beds available but there won't be... One thing nice is that Leiden (Keukenhof Gardens), Delft and 's Gravenhage (Den Haag) are all close to each other and not far from Amsterdam.

Delft in Holland:


Leiden in Holland:


Keukenhof Gardens (near Lisse):


Maastricht in Limburg:


Time to get serious!

Spring today: 43º and grey skies.
March 11, 2013 at 2:52pm
March 11, 2013 at 2:52pm
...as in ...why is my world insane? *Laugh*

For Linda Zern:

insanity of a march evening in montana

Placed two blueberry pop tarts in my toaster.
Plugged it in.
Held the handle down because it wouldn't stay down.
Have had this problem before.
Wondered why the filaments didn't glow.
Wondered whether the toaster had met its maker (mixed metaphor I'm sure)
...then realizing...
I'd plugged in the blender instead.


I ate the only witnesses.

sheepish me:

My temp has been yo-yo-ing. Yester-afternoon it was 96.8 before going up to 98.0. In the evening it was 99.5 after eating; then went down to 97.9.

Not sure what this means. But it does warrant mention to the doctor when I see him. As for me: no need to panic if I get an odd reading. I am feverish though when it's above 99.5.

Debra Earling mentioned a "reading workshop" at her (Second Wind) reading yesterday. She has a point. She reads well but there are tips on what not to do and what works best for writers. Connecting to the audience comes to mind first. And she did! Marvelous reading.

Interesting that Alfred mentioned taking a down sleeveless vest on my impending trip as a comment my last entry. I do have a zippered vest ...not down though. Down can be bulky... but I should ask around regardless. This is a good town for any hiking autumn, spring or winter wear.

Last night: clean sheets to sleep on! It's the small things some daze...
March 10, 2013 at 10:35pm
March 10, 2013 at 10:35pm
Need to write a piece of prose or a poem for Carrie. "Shiny things" is our inside joke. A piece about someone "recently planted" comes first to mind. She likes daffodils, bear grass, poppies and Indian paintbrush... I bet I can weave it into something special for her. *Wink*


Today is brought to you by springy colors. *Laugh*

Saw snow-drops in bloom yesterday. Today the yellows and purples of crocuses. It's "warm" during the day, like 10ºC but just below freezing at night. We will still see some snow and March can be bitterly cruel here so no bets on the weather. Still, winter seems to be gasping in the heat and the Spring pattern seems to have taken hold.

Other snews: went to a basketball game last night. The home team looked like they could've been beat by a group of high-school freshmen (Hellgate HS did win their Montana championship game BTW) but they woke up in the 2nd half and won 63-50 over a mediocre Northern Arizona team. So they are Big Sky Champions. As are the Lady Griz. Both will host the tournaments to decide who goes to the NCAA. I'm not holding my breath.

I did enjoy going to the game regardless. $7 ticket won't break the bank and sports are important to many of the folks here. Also... breaks up the routine and boredom. I'll prolly go see the Lady Griz this week unless I have scheduling conflict.

The controversies (ongoing and many) about the conduct of the UM teams is eroding support on many levels. As a friend told me ...go to Stockman's Bar late at night and met some of the bad boys... He knows too many of them and isn't amused by their conduct. But sports are king here in Montana. *Worry*

Back to Spring: did a big load of wash. At least I didn't have to fight the weather on the walk there and back. Weighed a bit though. I even did underwear! *Shock* Pre-soaked and boiled of course... *Pthb*

So I now have a whole bunch of clean clothes (and sheets) hanging all over my place (they dry quickly in Montana). Soon it'll be time to choose what goes to Europe. It'll be Spring in Paris in April (weep for me now) but not necessarily warm in Norway come May. June in Sweden may be a "toasty" 25ºC *Bigsmile* So... short sleeves, long sleeves, hat and scarf, coat... the only thing that's certain is my underwear... my black travel-wear is already folded and ready to go. *Delight*
March 9, 2013 at 6:35pm
March 9, 2013 at 6:35pm
...sing it!


I've started reading again. It was hard there for a couple weeks. And the sun's been out a lot. Spring ...early early Spring ...has arrived. Or as Party would say ...Mud Season!

Today the snowboarders were in Caras Park, the kayakers were in the river as were the fly fishermen, the skateboarders were out and about. It's a mix of seasons. Tonight there's a college basketball game and theatre. Bored in Missoula? One has to work on being bored here at this time of year.

I finally saw Ty today. My list of folks I haven't seen after being back a month grows short. I have one more month to go before I'm gone again.

I even started cleaning a bit! *Shock*

It must be the *Sun*.

Toodles ...I'm off to catch some rays. *Cool*
March 8, 2013 at 1:14pm
March 8, 2013 at 1:14pm
You know how trains cars make a loud sound when they smash together?

Or how a slow freight train's a pain or a runaway train a horror?

Well... I felt like I was trying to outrun the speedo on the Tokyo to Osaka run...

It won. *Rolleyes*


Not a cloud in the sky this morning when I walked to the Senior Center to plunk myself in front of the computer to write, read and edit. The sun is streaming in.

May eat (pangius fish parmesan) ...or not*. [*see above; see below]

The News: rarely uplifting. It tends to make my anxiety levels go up. Occasionally there is good news. I could do without a daily recount of Justin Bieber being a teenager... ack. Or worse ...worrying about Michelle Obama's wardrobe...

We waste too much time criticizing others. Becoming intrigued by personal dramas that have nothing to do with the sunny sky out there.

Like my early morning run to the toilet... but that's what sinks (underwear) and showers (the rest of me) are for. Better a TV with the sound and picture turned off!
March 7, 2013 at 1:45pm
March 7, 2013 at 1:45pm

The sun is out. It's not helping much. Just dragging. Didn't want to leave my place. Good thing I don't have internet there, eh?

Although the trip to Europe isn't totally planned, it's time to look at my other lists of things that need to be done. Items to buy before packing, pre-packing (who knows what's missing ...no longer working?), cleaning, laundry, haircut, working on chapbook, calling friends I've somehow missed.

Little things that either need to be done or will annoy me if I don't.

Life's a bit of a logjam at the moment. It will burst if I'm not careful.

Aronia berries. Ever heard of them? Guess they are also known as chokecherries. If so... I can get them around here. They supposedly are a great anti-oxidant.

If they would only serve them with the meat loaf today... Occasionally they get inventive with this meat-and-potatoes crowd. Just not today.


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