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My little nook of the corner. Includes health, daily news, and writing progress entries.
Welcome to my little area of the world I like to refer to as "The Nook." This journal will be replacing a great deal of my on-line journals, with the exception of my devotional book- which I will be building on in an attempt to create my own sell-able version.

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As a child, I dreamed of a perfect reading corner. The place in my mind was small but comfortable, with shelves of books on each wall.

In one of the places I lived in growing up I was, at first, disgusted with a room my mother gave me to dwell in. I joked constantly and mercilessly about its small, cramped living space. However, the room soon came to be known, affectionately, as The Nook.

Although I have not yet realized my small dream, I hope to see it come to fruition someday. In the mean time, this is where I will curl up in a good chair, all of my favorite books surrounding me, and write.

Welcome, friend, to The Nook!

Please check out my blog group, "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor .

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July 18, 2007 at 11:32pm
July 18, 2007 at 11:32pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." ~CS Lewis~

~EL~'s Day

Today went by rather quickly. I started it off with exercise, like usual; but I felt pain in my foot and made the decision to wait until I could talk to Ben. He didn't pull it out until this evening. I weighed myself in this morning~ 208. I don't understand what could have happened, but I know that I did not gain the weight to lose it all again.

Jenny and I are starting to work out our differences. Hopefully we'll have it all cleared up soon. I suggested encouraging each other with quotes and Bible texts; my first one is listed above.

At work, I did some catch up on an equine sim I'm part of and didn't get a chance to do my morning journal entry. I might do the same thing tomorrow with another game I'm part of. Of course, being on the computer and watching tv all day is not an option. I have to get work done around the house and any ways there will be better things to do outside with my son and sister tomorrow.

After work I came home and played lazy. It was enjoyable to just relax today. I need to be more careful about being too lazy and having other people do what I could do~ Mom says my grand mother did that and she was unhealthy for the rest of her life.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 7 hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ Slim Fast Strawberries & Cream Shake, 1 banana. Lunch~ 1 bowl chocolate & marshmallow cereal. Supper~ 1 plate spaghetti. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. Shouldn't have had the kid's cereal. 0 points.
Exercise. Stretched, attempted Crunch Cardio Salsa. 1 point.
Water. 64 oz by bed. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Healthy lifestyles are fun, and I'm succeeding day by day! 1 point.
Spiritual Renewal. Devotional this morning. 1 point.
Family. Time with family today, after work. 1 point.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. Wasn't outside a lot today. 0 points.
Journal. Done. 1 point.

Total~ 9 points

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) Wrote with Baby today. 1 point.
Read. (2 pts) Nope. 0 points.
Journal. (1 point) Done. 1 point.

~Writing Bonuses~
Research. (1 pt) None. 0 points.
Reviews. (2 pts each) None. 0 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) None. 0 points.
Submission. (5 pts) None. 0 points.

Total~ 2 points

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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July 17, 2007 at 8:40am
July 17, 2007 at 8:40am
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

I was angry with my friend
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
~William Blake, A Poison Tree~


~EL~'s Day

8:40 PM
Had I not gone looking for a quote to meet today's subject, I would still be angry and use this passage to rant and rave. My best friend, my matron, has been harrassing me about The Biggest Loser Challenge. This morning I read her e-mail, a fate I dreaded even before opening it. All she did in this e-mail was to tare me apart from limb to limb because I don't want to do what someone else tells me to do. She gave me a mental punch in the face. She told me she was sorry that I felt my way was better than her way.

Here's the scoop. This is not the first time I have challenged myself with the Health section of this journal. I am part of the group, "Healthy Habits Bandwagon"   by SueBear . In this group, I figured out a system that works best for me. Eating good food~ as prescribed on the food guide pyramid. Exercising, with days of rest in between; currently I have just been focusing on exercising every day as much as possible since there isn't much time before I marry. Drinking lots of water every day. I did really well. In 3 months, I lost 20 pounds.

Recently my girl friend challenged us all to The Biggest Loser, but I should have expected what the result would be. I'm no good at taking orders, and will not be lectured too. I just start shutting down and not listening. The Biggest Loser, although it may be the best for others, is not best for every one~ that includes me. So last week I stopped dragging my feet about The Biggest Loser and bought a scale and weighed myself to start on my own program.

Unfortunately, I can not see very well. The first time I weighed myself, I could tell it was at least below 210, that line I could see. It's the little ones in between I have a problem with. So on Sunday I have Ben weigh me in. I get on the scale and he looks at it~ upside down! He tells me I'm 213. So Jenny takes that as, I must have gotten bigger doing things my way. I know I didn't gain weight in the 3 days I had had to start my work out! I mean, come on!

Tomorrow morning I will get back on the scale, though it is not my proper weigh-in day, and weigh myself again. I will see what I come up with myself. I'll post the response here. I've been sticking to my limitations quite a bit, so I should have dropped by then.

Jenny says that she was harrassed when she was getting married too and that it should be expected. Why make a big deal out of nothing then, just to make the bride even more stressed out then she already was? If she's making a concious effort to change her ways, which I am, why miliciously attack her? May one good thing come of this. If I ever have the honor of being a matron, may I never so attack that I stress the poor girl out. May I be so good a friend that she may relax and just let the wedding happen in good time.

You may think I'm still ranting and raving. This morning I was so enraged that my hormones were going wild, I felt sick to my stomach, and I was cussing up a storm. No, I have truly cooled. I refuse to let the anger take hold on me.

Today I hope to donate my plasma and get some reading and writing done. I will try to accomplish what I failed yesterday: cleaning my house! I just plain ran out of time yesterday, although I did manage to get some dishes done. Today I hope to make my house liveable or at least put a good dent in it to get it moving in the right direction. I also want to spend quite a deal of time with my family: Ben and Colt and Baby.

It is late and I have not accomplished a lot of any thing today. I spent a lot of it with my sister. We invented our own little game off of writing and have been working away ever since. We did stop to have supper, but that was about it. Also, I managed to get another load of dishes done this evening.

Earlier today, I read another fabulous author. Sunday I met ShellySunshine , today I met tosca . I'm not very good about reading very lengthy pieces on the internet, but her piece "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor was quite intriguing.

Did some research today as well, sent out some links for references to a couple of writing.com members too. Did well with writing today, not so well with health unfortunately.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 7 hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 1 Strawberry Slim Fast Milk Shake, 1 banana. Snack~ 1 Slim Fast Snack Bar. Snack~ 1 m&m kudos snack bar. Supper~ 1 big helping mac n cheese. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. Did pretty well today. 1 point.
Exercise. Will stretch before bed. 1 point.
Water. 24 ounces. 0 points.
Positive Attitude. Felt ready to take on the world today. 1 point.
Spiritual Renewal. Devotional this morning. 1 point.
Family. TONS!! 1 point.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. Nice cool time out side for a few minutes with my sister this evening. 1 point.
Journal. Done. 1 point.

Total~ 10 points

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) Wrote "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor and some with Baby~ to be posted later. 2 points.
Read. (2 pts) Read some from my book and from the site today. 2 points.
Journal. (1 point) Done. 1 point.

~Writing Bonuses~
Research. (1 pt) Some. Still need to take notes. 1 point.
Reviews. (2 pts each, if book review) A few on writing.com. 2 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) 0. 0 points.
Submission. (5 pts) 0. 0 points.

Total~ 8 points

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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July 16, 2007 at 8:34am
July 16, 2007 at 8:34am
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over."
~Francis Scott~


~EL~'s Day

8:30 AM
Inhale... and exhale. Aaaaahhh! Just smell the fresh new beginnings of today. Today is a wonderful day and I'm so excited about all the possibilities. I wonder what will happen today? What new things will be brought my way just begging to be written?

Today's the day. I promised myself yesterday that I would challenge today to show me something extravegent. That I would not simply let life come to me, but that I would come to it. That I would make today happen. So I wonder what will happen today?

Today I hope to accomplish some of my writing goals, as listed below, including some extra bonus material. I want to go out side, feel the fresh sun on my back, watch my son and dog as they play out on the lawn. I want to feel inspired as I clean the house, room by room, feeling that sense of accomplishment as I finish each task. I want to enjoy today!

8:30 PM

Today went really well. As promised, I did not allow the day to pass me with out finding some thing interesting about it. At work, I concentrated on reviewing pieces on the site and researching for contests on Google. After work I went to Dad's house to deliver an invitation and returned with my sister and her dog.

It was enjoyable to visit with Baby, and then with my Dad for a few minutes after he came home, but even good times must end. After receiving permission from my father for Baby to come over for a couple of nights, we made a quick stop at the house, got some food for lunch at Wal*Mart, and went off to do the route. I was really distracted today, with my sister sitting in the car with me during work. After words we went to get my son, then back home to get supper. Another fast day ending quickly: yet today didn't just happen. I happened to it!

I look forward to the next few days with my sister. We can work on collaborative writing and talk until long past dark. Of course, I will have to be careful about just how late I go to bed since I have to work in the morning as well. The added bonus of having her around is that I don't have to take Colt with me when I take Ben to work for a few days. *Wink*

Not a perfect day, but I did my best over all. Still working towards a perfect-score day.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 7 hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 2 string cheese, 1 Chocolate Slim Fast Meal Shake. Lunch~ 1 Strawberry Slim Fast Shake, 1 banana, 1 Slim Fast Snack Bar (forget flavor). Supper~ 1 plate spaghetti, 1 M&M Kudos bar. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. Temptations, temptations. Yet I did not yield to them when I went into the gas station today. 1 point.
Exercise. Stretches and exercise video. 1 point.
Water. 64 ounces by bed time. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Live healthy, don't diet. This feels great and I'm loving it! 1 point.
Spiritual Renewal. Devotional this morning. 1 point.
Family. Time spent with my sister, less time spent on the computer this evening, and more with my fiance and son. 1 point.
Sunshine/Fresh Air.  Not a lot just yet, but I suspect Baby and I will be going for a walk this evening. 1 point. Didn't go. 0 points.
Journal. In progress. 1 point.

Total~ 10 points

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) Will before bed tonight. 0 points.
Read. (2 pts) A lot. 2 points.
Journal. (1 point) Done. 1 point.

~Writing Bonuses~
Research. (1 pt) Found a site with free contest listings and started looking through links. Will have to keep a reference book for contests. 1 point.
Reviews. (2 pts) Writing.Com r&r's today. 2 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) None. 0 points.
Submission. (5 pts each) None. 0 points.

Total~ 6 points

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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July 15, 2007 at 9:04pm
July 15, 2007 at 9:04pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." ~Annie Dillard~


~EL~'s Day

1:17 PM
Today moved along at a rather rapid pace. Colt was ready to get up before I was. I got him some breakfast and struggled through the first few minutes of the day exhausted. When Ben got back home from the route, he watched Colt so I could go back to bed. I slept in until 10 AM this morning, a rarity for me.

Because of the lateness of the morning when I got up, I did not have breakfast. I also didn't have devotional or exercise. I spent a while on the internet this morning while Colt watched a movie before he and Ben took their own morning naps. They were asleep until after I left at quarter to 1 this after noon. After stopping at the gas station to get a bite to eat, I headed to the college.

The after noon was spent reading and writing. Yes! I finally got some of that done this after noon. At break time I went and picked up a note pad. I wrote about my muse. "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor In addition, I got myself a job on writing.com. I will be running "Healthy Habits Bandwagon [13+] Challenge. I just need to get things together. I hope to have it up and running within the next couple of days.

Today I met a wonderful author. She really stands out and is fully worthy of publication. Having been here since February, she's already a yellow case. ShellySunshine I will be raiding her port within the next few days, she's a really good work. I would encourage every one to go take a look at her port.

I'm tired of life just happening to me. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and face life head on. Maybe I will get some inspiration from life itself for my journal entries as well as my writings.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 8 hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ No. Lunch~ 1 Strawbery Slim Fast Meal Shake, 2 cheese sticks, 1 kudos. Snack~ 1 kudos. Supper~ 2 haystacks (chips, beans, cheese, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, salsa, a little sour cream), 2 bananas. Heavy supper but healthy choices today. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. At the gas station, I was tempted to get something fattening, didn't. 1 point.
Exercise. Walk, stretches soon. 1 point.
Water. 64 by bed time easily. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. This is hard work, but I am determined to live a healthy lifestyle. Besides this will make me more beautiful. *bats eye lashes* Oh! And keep me young longer too. *Bigsmile* 1 point.
Spiritual Renewal. Will have devotional before I go to bed. 1 point.
Family. Did not spend much time with my family today. *Frown* 0 points.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. I got a few minutes today when I took Sunny out for a walk. 1 point.
Journal. Done. 1 point.

Total~ 9 points.

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) Wrote "Invalid Item . 2 points.
Read. (2 pts) Read a lot of ShellySunshine . No reviews yet~ she left me temporarily speechless. Will be raiding her within the next few days. Will be reading "Emma's Secret" by Barbara Taylor Bradford this week. 2 points.
Journal. (1 point) Done. 1 point.
Weekly Updates. (5 pts) Wrote my weekly entry earlier today. Plan on posting weeklies every Sunday. 5 points.

~Writing Bonuses~
Research. (1 pt) None done. 0 points.
Reviews. (2 pts each) None. 2 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) To ShellySunshine on overall port impressions. 2 points.
Submission. (5 pts) Nothing submitted today. 0 points.

Total~ 14 points.
July 15, 2007 at 7:22am
July 15, 2007 at 7:22am
~EL~'s Quote of the Week
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."
~Og Mandino~

~EL~'s Review

Shining Moment(s)~
*Star* Finishing the "Writer's Sketchpad" logo with stomper
*Star* Getting the Wedding Invitations out finally!
*Star* Getting involved with WC again
*Star* Creating this blog. Doesn't it look so great? Please review!

Weigh In~ 213 lbs
Health Grand Total~ 31 points
New Health Goals~
*Heart*Nutrition: 2-3 servings Protein, 2-3 servings dairy, 3-5 servings vegetables, 3-5 servings fruit, 6-11 servings wheat, no sweets this week
*Heart*Sleep: To bed by 8, no later than 9
*Heart*Exercise: Come up with varied exercise plan
*Heart*Spiritual Renewal: Keep having devotional every morning.
*Heart*Education: Study http://www.mypyramid.gov/, make an appointment to talk to doctor about safe diet. (Nutrition above based on old pyramid.)

Writing Grand Total~ 6 points
New Writing Goals~
*Idea*Read: at least 1 book by the end of the week
*Idea*Write: 1 hour every day
*Idea*Contests: Find and submit to at least 1 contest every day, whether WC or from outside sources

~EL~'s Highlights of the Week

Image of the Week~

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I've chosen this image because stomper and I worked so hard on it this past week. We agonized over it until it was just what I had imagined. Thank you, stomper for being so patient with me this week!

Author of the Week~

I didn't do as much reading as I would have liked throughout this past week but, within the first few minutes of having spoken to her, she reached out and touched my heart. As a young, 13 year old girl, raeni has been through a lot.

raeni is unable to work, since she is only 13. Her only means of earning her own upgrade, which she is determined to do on her own (an admirable trait), is to earn gp through various means on the site. Please consider purchasing a sig or participating in her contest today.

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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July 14, 2007 at 10:25am
July 14, 2007 at 10:25am
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us." ~1 John 5:14, KJV~

~EL~'s Day

10:10 AM
Happy Sabbath! Oh what a beautiful creation God has made. It's stormy weather we're having today, and I love it. The rain is good for the greens as well as for my soul. The feeling of peace washes over me and is welcomed like cold water over a hot body.

Early morning has ended as we head towards after noon. I have exercised, held devotion, and had a decent breakfast. The car is down, so we will not be attending church today, but we keep the Sabbath by refraining from all work and resting. The blessed rest that we never seem to be able to get enough of during the week!

While my fiance sleeps in the next room, I can hear my son playing in his room. A few minutes ago I sent him there- Mommy needs a time out! Today I suspect that I will have more time for reading and writing, though today my focus will be on Christ. In 6 marvelous days, Christ created all things. On the 7th day, today, He rested. That is why we keep the 7th day Sabbath. And, when kept, the Sabbath holds marvelous blessings!

Today I would like to accomplish my writing goals I have not done been able to get to yet during the week. Also, I would like to take my dog for a walk~ that is, if it stops raining long enough. I may have to wait for Ben to be up so he can watch Colt while I take our Sheltie out for a walk. It's just to wet out to take a toddler out into it. We'll see what of these tasks I will accomplish later today. It's not a heavy load, so I should be able to accomplish the tasks.

Maybe, while we wait for the rain to subside for a few minutes, I'll get Coltan working on a Sabbath project. We have a book chock full of Sabbath activities, newly purchased from Camp Meeting a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps we can try one of those.

9:00 PM

Today was a very restful day. We all got some down time. Ben spent the whole morning sleeping and then took another nap this after noon. You would think he'd be buzzing now, right? Well the reason he slept so long was because of his very early mornings to late nights during the week. Zachary also got quite a bit of sleep in.

Today, I went through my mail, chatted with friends, and played an equine sim called Equus Unlimited for a short time. Not much to tell about my reading and writing today. I didn't really get a lot of that done~ again! Ok, so give me some time to step into routine. I only just got back to all of this this week, after all.

One way or another, I have decided, I am going to find a way to renew my upgrade by October. It would be nice if I could renew it for longer than a year, but I know I can't. However, if I put away $20 every month for the next year, maybe I'll be able to get an Upgrade for a couple of years. Do that for a couple of years and, when Ben and I are ready to have a baby, I'll have a year or two I won't have to worry about the Upgrade. I can put my whole effort into my family.

I have also been considering opening a gp bank account today. Maybe, if I can manage to make enough some how, I can get a "trial" Premium. That would be really nice. I would have to find some way of making good gp, though. I'm no good at art, though I have considered selling my photography, and I'm not sure if I could write any thing worth selling on wc. Or even if that's an option.

It stopped raining some time this morning. This evening Sunny, Coltan and I all went for a walk. I tried to entice Ben to come with us, but he wouldn't budge. My writing has been left undone today, although I did start writing something. Didn't get further than a couple of sentences~ nothing to really talk about. I had a hard time getting my brain to settle down enough to focus.

Hopefully this evening I'll still get something accomplished, although I don't hold out much hope. I also hope to spend some more time with Ben this evening, after Colt has gone to sleep. We may watch a video~ yet another thing for me to be distracted by. I highly doubt he's going to be too tired to watch a video. *Smile*

~EL~'s Health

~The Basics~
Sleep. 8+ hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 1 bowl Cheerios with milk. Lunch~ 2 vegetarian burgers and 16 oz punch. Supper~ skipped. Will probably have light snack. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. Ok, so it wasn't the best food today. At least there were no sweets right? 1 point.
Exercise. Stretches, no work out video today, walk. 1 point.
Water. 64 oz+ by bed time, no problem. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Didn't do to bad today, but I didn't exactly have the "go get 'em" spirit either. 0 points.
Spiritual Renewal. Morning devotions. 1 point.
Journal. Worked on. 1 point.

~Extra Essentials~

Family. Spent time with family today. Yay! 1 point.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. Got some fresh air and sun when I took a walk. Ok, so it was a brief walk. At least I put forth the effort. 1 point.

Total~ 10 points

~EL's Writing~

Write. (2 pts/hr) 0 points.
Read. (2 pts) 0 points.
Research. (1 pt) 0 points.
Reviews. (2 pts each) 0 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) 0 points.
Journal. (1 point) 1 point.
Submission. (10 pts each) 0 points.

Total~ 1 point
July 13, 2007 at 9:18am
July 13, 2007 at 9:18am
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

Oh, to bottle time and pour it out as needed! I'd fix myself a healthy drink of it daily. Ms Kimmie

~EL~'s Day

9:16 AM
My day has hardly begun, but I would like to write down my goals and see what I have accomplished by the end of the day. First of all, however, let me tell you what I have done this morning. After dropping Coltan off at the sitter's, I went to Wal*Mart and picked up a bathroom scale. My first weigh in, the best that I could tell without knowing where my glasses are, was 209. That's exciting considering the fact that it's better than I was afraid I'd be going back to after not living healthy for a year and a half~ 220.

I had a routine a couple of years ago, when I kept my fitness journal for Healthy Habits Bandwagon called Endurance. I will just have to bring it back to life, plus add a couple of things to it. This is how I see the every day morning:

4:00 AM- Up and At Em! Devotional Time.
5:00 AM- Take Ben to work.
5:30 AM- Exercise
6:30 AM- Shower, Breakfast
7:00 AM- Take Coltan to Sitters

~At this point, there are two places I am likely to go. If I'm working, I will go to the computer lab where I work at the school. If not, chances are, I will probably go home. In any event, these are the activities I would like to accomplish during the morning hours.~

Write~ At least 1 hour, if not more. May include personal, reviews, and/or letters.
Read~ Writing.com, books, magazines, newspapers, whatever for half an hour to an hour.
Research~ Half an hour. Looking for contests and publishing companies.
Submissions~ This is probably the best time to prepare any thing to go out for submission.

~By this time, lunch will probably be looming. For healthier eating, I can bring my lunch to work with me. The next stop will be the paper route at 1. If I have to wait, I can write while I do. After the paper route is done, I pick up Ben and take a break. This would be a good time to do any chores that need doing.~

5:00 PM- Pick up Coltan from the sitters.
6:00 PM- Supper
6:30 PM- Family outdoors- chores, play time
7:30 PM- Worship, Journal
8:00 PM- Bed Time

This will make for an awfully busy day for me, but at least I will be getting my points. Sundays will be a little different. I will not only be posting my daily schedule, but the weekly post as well. I will see how far I've gotten and how far I still need to go. This will be when I define goals pertaining to the schedule over the week. This will also be weigh in time for me, just after my morning shower. This coming Sunday, I will be posting points to meet and what goody I will get once I've reached them.

This morning, I still have to have devotional and exercise. I will also be fitting in the wedding invitations. They must go out today! I will be trying to accomplish at least most, if not all, of my morning routine as listed above whilst getting chores done. It is going to be a busy morning for me. Let's see how much I can get done.

9:15 PM

The day is done, and I am weary. It is now time to evaluate my day. I did not get every thing done today but then, I set a lot for me to do as well. I managed to accomplish getting invitations out and doing every thing I needed to for my health. Unfortunately, I have not fit much of my writing goals into today.

~EL~'s Health

~The Basics~
Sleep. 8+ hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ Missed. Late morning. Lunch~ 4 Miracle Whip and Mayo Sandwiches, 1 extra pickle. Supper~ 1 plate of spaghetti. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. No sweets today, though I felt tempted to pick something up. 1 point.
Exercise. Crunch Cardio Salsa, stretches. 1 point.
Water. Will have had 64 ounces by bed time easily. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Although I did not get every thing done I had hoped to, I set a lot of goals for one little day. Overall, I did a great job. 1 point.
Spiritual Renewal. Devotional this morning + family worship. 1 point.
Journal. Done. 1 point.

~Extra Essentials~

Family. Did not spend special time with them yet again today; just the same old, getting by type of day. Hope to spend more time with them as my routine takes shape. 0 points.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. Nope. Didn't get out today. 0 points.

Total~ 9 points.

~EL's Writing~

Write. (2 pts/hr) 0 points.
Read. (2 pts) 2 points.
Research. (1 pt) 0 points.
Reviews. (2 pts each) 0 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) 0 points.
Journal. (1 point) 1 point.
Submission. (5 pts) 0 points.

Total~ 3 points.

I know, letting my writing fall by the way side for yet another day. Will have to work harder on the routine thing. Tomorrow will be different because of the Sabbath~ no set schedule. We'll have to see how that will work out.

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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July 12, 2007 at 8:41pm
July 12, 2007 at 8:41pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."
~Og Mandino~

~EL~'s Day

After a long day, I'm resting in my chair watching television. Colt stayed home from day care today and relaxed with Mommy at home. While he watched tv for a short time this morning, Momma got on the computer for a little while.

About 11 AM, I turned off the tv and computer for chore time. Ben loves records and, as such, purchased a stereo with a tape player, CD player, radio player, and record player all rolled into one some years ago. I picked up a record titled, "The Thrasher Brothers" and listened to it while I worked on dishes; Colt played nearby.

At 12 - 12:30, I made us some sandwiches and we watched Veggie Tales again. The same two over and over again. We just got the rentals yesterday at Blockbuster and already I'm getting tired of these videos. *Wink* After we had finished Veggie Tales, we went for a drive. We were out most of the rest of the day while we picked up his daddy, ran the paper route, and did some errands.

This evening, we are, once again, repeating the Veggie Tale specials. One is Minnesota Cuke and the other Gideon the Tuba Player. We have had supper and are winding down, getting ready for worship and then bed.

My invitations are running late and I hope to get them out tomorrow. These must be addressed by hand this evening. I have been procrastinating this and must not any longer. RSVP's are due by the 31st, and guests need the invitations as soon as possible.

~EL~'s Health

~The Basics~
Sleep. 8+ hours last night. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 2 bowls cheerios and fruit with milk, 1 banana. Lunch~ 2 sandwiches with Miracle Whip and pickles. Snack~ 1 Snickers candy bar. Supper~ 2 bowls sketti, juice. 2 points.
Healthy Choice. I ate the candy bar in an effort of keeping my blood sugar crashing before supper. Ate healthy the rest of the day. 1 point.
Exercise. Stretches and Crunch Cardio Salsa. 1 point.
Water. Not yet, but will have 64 ounces by the time I go to bed. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. I began to believe once more that I can live a healthy life style again and worked towards that ends. 1 point.
Spiritual Renewal. My very next activity. 1 point.
Journal. Done. 1 point.

~Extra Essentials~

Family. Was with them, did not pay as much attention as I could have/should have. 0 points.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. Not any more than usual. 0 points.

Total~ 9 points.

~EL's Writing~

Write. (2 pts/hr) 0 points.
Read. (2 pts) 0 points.
Research. (1 pt) 0 points.
Reviews. (2 pts each) 0 points.
Letters. (2 pts each) 0 points.
Journal. (1 point) 0 points.
Submission. (5 pts) 0 points.

Total~ 0 points.

I know, I sloughed off in the writing department today. Will have to make a daily routine and stick by it.

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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July 11, 2007 at 9:56am
July 11, 2007 at 9:56am
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Life is what happens while you are making other plans." ~John Lennon~

Quote borrowed from www.quotegeek.com

~EL~'s Day

A book all about me. Every day I will post how my day has gone as well as posting points and quotes to inspire.

Hi, my name is Emily Logan. You may or may not know who I am. I'm just a normal, run of the mill, kind of girl. I like homey, down to earth-types of things, writing letters, reading books, and spending time with friends and family.

Speaking of family, I'm sure you'll hear me speak a lot about them, so it's probably right that you know them. First is Ben. Ben's my hubby~ well, not quite yet. Actually, he's my fiance, but we'll be married August 26, 2007. Oh, don't worry! You'll definitely be hearing about the wedding. Especially as the time nears. *squeals*

Ben is tall (5'11"), lean, and wears glasses. He has brown hair and green eyes. Recently, he had a beard until I  begged urr-hrmm asked him to take it off. After he did, I barely recognized him. I was unnerved. Had I had a good visual of him when first I noticed he was clean shaven, I might have said something along the lines of, "I'm sorry, my fiance's not in right now. May I take a message for you?"

My son, Colton (Colt for short), is 2 1/2. With curly brown hair and black eyes, Colt is the most adorable little boy on the planet. Many people, especially when his hair is getting really long, still mistake him as a girl. After we are married in August, I will take on paper routes as my sole source of financial contribution to my family. As the job only takes a few hours to complete every day, that will give me the rest of the day to spend with my son.

My father is a burly man. He was strong once, but as he becomes older and his health deteriorates because of his health, he is loosing what was so precious to him. It is sad to see. I worry for him some times. Growing up, my mother always stepped in between us, seemingly to protect me. After they separated, I learned why. My father picked on me a lot, and only ever complimented me once. I felt like I could do no right for him. Recently, I was finally able to get that off my chest. Now that he knows, it seems some how easier to have a relationship with him.

December 2, 2001, my father remarried. Her name is Honey, but some times we call her "Mom." She has blonde hair. I've never really looked that closely at her eyes, but I think they're blue. She's a sweet lady and has been working on my wedding dress. Thanks, Mom!

Mom. We used to have a good relationship. When I was growing up, she used to go places with and for me. She used to go to PTA meetings, school concerts, and a managerie of things. She loved being active in our activities; but all that changed when I was 12, after my parents announced they were getting a divorce. She became distant, unreachable.

She went back to college, was involved in theater, and hung out with her friends. When she was at home, she was always working on her home work. "You're the dependable one," she would tell me. "I need you to take care of the girls and the chores. I can't rely on your brother to do that." Just like that my childhood was over. Mom stopped going to concerts with me, going so far as to discontinue going to PTA meetings for us. She treats my baby sister, the sole remaining child still under her roof, the same. Knowing that I would not always be around, that my time with mother was growing to an end, I would beg her to spend more time with me. To no avail. I could not, honestly, truthfully, and from the bottom of my heart, tell you whether my mother really loves us today or not.

Steve. Ugh! Steve. My mother never re-married, but she lives with her boy friend, Steve. I don't approve of the man, I think he's slime. However, we have come to an impass. Why fight over something your mother is determined to stick to? Even if you don't agree, it's better to find even ground than to risk being at indifference with your own mother.

My matron of honor is a dear friend. Jenny has really been hounding me about keeping a diet for the wedding, and bugs me with endless questions pertaining to the wedding. I know she means well, but it can really get on my nerves, you know? She's taller than I am by as much as an inch, has blonde and blue eyes. I have not had a real chance to get to know Jenny's husband. He's a few inches taller than I am at 5'6" and has brown hair. Both of them are a very kind, very helpful couple.

I have 3 siblings and 2 step-siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters, 1 step-sister and 1 step-brother.

My brother is married and has one child. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Growing up, we didn't get along; but now that we live apart, things aren't quite so bad. I have grown fond of the time I have with my brother.

My sister-in-law is a dear. I only wish we lived closer so we could have more of a chance to get to know each other. She's very social and outgoing, though, so getting to know her- even if we lived next door to each other- would still be a feat. She has blonde hair and is an average height for women. She brought her daughter into the marriage with her.

My niece also has blonde hair and is, in all senses of the word, spritely. She's 8 or 9 now, I believe. Jenny divorced before the baby was born, for matters that are hers to tell. So my brother's about the only "daddy" she has ever known. What's sweet is, at the wedding, he got down on one knee in front of her, told her how special she had become to him, and explained that he didn't want to be just her mommy's husband. He wanted to be her daddy. Then he asked her if she would be his daughter. Of course, she said yes!

My sister is the Tongue! She has words that will snap you off your feet. Not lift you off your feet, snap you off your feet! Although her words are usually quite harsh, Tongue can also be a sweet heart. Currently, she is staying with my brother and his family. She has long, straight brown hair and brown eyes.

My baby sister is my sweet heart. I love her so much! She just touches my heart. She's also the inspiration for some of my other writings. For the time being, she is safe at my father's place. She has long, straight brown hair and brown eyes.

Our aunt breeds Shelties; Tongue, Baby, and I got the top she-dog's whole last litter at a dog each. I got the oldest, Sunny, Tongue got the next oldest, Angel, and Baby got the youngest, Star. Which, coincidentally, is the order of our own ages- 24, 19, and 17. Brother will be 23 tomorrow. Right now, Sunny's at home with me and Star is with Baby. I haven't heard any thing about where Angel is, but I would assume she's with Tongue.

My "evil" step sister, Artist, has short brown hair. She's outgoing and independent. Currently, she's attending college and seeing someone seriously. She's a real sweet heart (I was teasing when I said "evil" *Pthb*). Although living nearby, I don't see Artist a lot.

Artist's brother is autistic. He is often found, whether in car or house, rocking against the back of his seat and making noises. (No, I'm not referring to rocking chairs.) He is at a higher level of autism. I have never heard him clearly utter more than three words since I've known him. My one secret wish was to have an older sibling- I wanted someone to look up to! Between the two, he's the oldest, but still not older than me.

Then, of course, is me. You'll be hearing a lot about me- since this journal is, after all, mine. I have brown hair and brown eyes. In case you're wondering, my hair reaches to the middle of my back, where my sisters' reaches almost to their hips if not beyond. I assure you, I'm real; but, as with the other names listed above, my name has been made up to protect my identity. The only difference is, as a writer, I have been giving serious thought to registering "Emily Logan" as my pen name.

~EL~'s Health

This is where I will keep my points for my health for the day. Each item is assigned to 1 point except: Nutrition (2 points) and Family (2 points). Since my day has just begun, I will have to do this a little later.

~The Basics~
Sleep. 8+ hours. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 3 pieces pizza, 1 breadstick. Lunch~ 1 strawberry Slim Fast shake, 2 cheese sticks, 2 no bake cookies. Supper~ mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, miracle whip and pickle sandwiches. 0 points.
Healthy Choice. The complete opposite of what I should have done today. 0 points.
Exercise. None. 0 points.
Water. 64 oz. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Just a rotten day today. 0 points.
Spiritual Renewal. Missed worship today. 0 points.
Journal. Done. 1 point.

~Extra Essentials~

Family. Not much family time today. 0 points.
Sunshine/Fresh Air. Not much more air than usual today. 0 points.

Total~(5 pts) 3 points.

~EL's Writing~

Where I keep my points for writing. The list above, under ~The Basics~, was a list given to "Healthy Habits Bandwagon [13+] members. This list was inspired by that.

Write. (2 pts/hr) Besides the journal, did not write today. 0 points.
Read. (2 pts) A lot of writing.com reading done today. 1 point.
Research. (1 pt) None. Zip. 0.
Reviews. (2 pts each) Reviewed writing.com work. 1 point.
Letters. (2 pts each) None. Zip. 0.
Journal. (1 point) Done. 1 point.
Submission. (5 pts) Not done. 0 points.

Total~(5 pts) 2 points.

It is my deepest hope that you will find my blog entries enlightening, while I learn to live healthier and to achieve my goals. Thank you and God bless!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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