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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1289347
My little nook of the corner. Includes health, daily news, and writing progress entries.
Welcome to my little area of the world I like to refer to as "The Nook." This journal will be replacing a great deal of my on-line journals, with the exception of my devotional book- which I will be building on in an attempt to create my own sell-able version.

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As a child, I dreamed of a perfect reading corner. The place in my mind was small but comfortable, with shelves of books on each wall.

In one of the places I lived in growing up I was, at first, disgusted with a room my mother gave me to dwell in. I joked constantly and mercilessly about its small, cramped living space. However, the room soon came to be known, affectionately, as The Nook.

Although I have not yet realized my small dream, I hope to see it come to fruition someday. In the mean time, this is where I will curl up in a good chair, all of my favorite books surrounding me, and write.

Welcome, friend, to The Nook!

Please check out my blog group, "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor .

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February 10, 2011 at 8:55pm
February 10, 2011 at 8:55pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day
"[Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together." ~Thomas Dekker

~EL~'s Day
My pain killer seems to be keeping me drowsy. The Dr prescribed no driving for a few days. I think I know why! My day in a nut shell: played on the computer, taking it easy; picked up a head brace to help me hold up my head up, got on for a few minutes before crashing on the couch. My hubby kindly got off the computer to let me on for a few minutes. I think I'll be crashing for the night soon.

Oh, and one more thing. I loaded a program called GIMP today that a friend referred me to. I'm going to read up on it, do some practice work with it, and start working towards my own store. I only hope I'll be good and make some awesome sales for my groups, donations to some other groups, and membership to WDC. That would about sum up my day.

Now as for the writing group I promised... it's now been a couple days, so I'll do my best to remember what happened.

The Writer's Exchange meets every 2nd Tuesday at Barnes and Noble. When I walked in, I looked around, but saw no evidence of a meeting. I asked at the front counter, but they said they had no idea of any such group, so I started asking why people were gathered together. One was a Bible study, another a crafting group, another a writer's group, and yet another a writing group... but not the right one. It was a high school specific group. I did ask if they had a particular name, but it was not The Writer's Exchange. FINALLY, near the cookbooks, I found the group.

The meeting started with introductions because I'm new. I told them a little about myself, leaving out the part about Zach and AJ. I said that I'm a writer, not yet a published author. Later on, during the last part of the meeting, they were talking about projects. I told them that I'd lost my son to the state (no more, no less) and that my current project is to get back to reading and writing. I explained about my pen name as well, that if I ever did get into serious publishing, I'd do it under Emily Logan, and that I use the name on this site.

The members names are Anita(?), John and John. Anita writes childrens' stories (she took the course advertised in Writer's Digest) and joined the group 9 years ago, John 1 (the previous leader) started the group 11 years ago and prefers fantasy writing, John 2 (the new leader) writes stories along the lines of Steven King and is Celtic.

I asked some questions of the group, who's number I'd called for one. (It wasn't until I'd made it to the meeting that I learned that the reins had been handed down to John recently.) The former leader told me, once I quoted back the number from my phone, that I'd called his house and probably talked to his wife. The new leader gave some information out to the group that we have a new blog and group (leader) specific e-mail now. They told me that they met on a regular basis by the cook books, and that we will until we can find a more suitable place to sit.

The group began 11 years ago when the original leader wandered into Barnes and Noble looking for a writer's group to join. They told him there'd been a group, but they were no longer meeting. So he requested permission to create one and B&N quickly agreed. They even put an announcement in a newsletter they used to print out for customers. I laughed in agreement, and explained what had happened when I walked in looking for them. He'd had a friend who'd moved out to California and helped him with ideas to get things going. She had her own group there and some idea about how he could run his group. Apparently, John had never been in a group before that.

Once introductions had been made and the current leader explained how meetings usually run- read something you've recently wrote, read from a special book the other John handed on to him, do a writing exercise and read it, etc- the heart of the meeting began. I, of course, had nothing to contribute, but the others did. They read, I listened, but I couldn't even paraphrase what they said now... it's been two days now after all.

Afterward, the leader had Anita pick a card. The page was on titles. They talked about using a title as a jump off point, not only for the story, but for chapters. This idea is an alien idea to me, but I think it's a good one. They talked about some authors starting chapters with a quote- that's not so strange to me now that I think of it. Look at my blog posts; the majority of them start with a quote. I don't know if you've noticed, but I like using quotes that define my day the best.

Next, we had our writing exercise. I couldn't think at first... so I used a title. My work often starts with a strong starts and ends weak, if at all. I don't normally start with titles either. However, as I wrote, the words danced magically through my hand, into the pen, and onto the page. I didn't quite finish it, so I felt the need to explain where my thoughts were in the peace. The end of the story is where the story is strongest, where Valentines makes sense. I wrote about a woman who'd lost her husband, how they met (car accident... ironically, we had a pretty nasty one the next day that wiped both me and my car out :P), and parts of their relationship after that. My story is a pretty long one and I'd like to finish it, but I have to get my notebook from the car first. I'd taken it with me in hopes of continuing the piece... so much for that idea!

The meeting ended by speaking of our projects... that's when I briefly brought up the loss of my first born. I did explain that he had not passed on, but was simply taken by the state. I said that I needed to get back to my reading and writing then. I did pass on a little information about NaNoWriMo  ; they said there'd been a good member called Dean who'd been part of the program. However, the group focuses on shorter pieces and getting them submitted in an effort to prevent procrastination and submit to contests.

Anita said she had an article to be published there, and pictures that the editor hadn't had a chance to put in. She said she's going to try to get them in. I do not remember what John or John said about their projects, but they had mentioned turning in a piece from a writing magazine last fall. The pieces did not so much as get an Honorable Mention though.

The meeting has lead to some people getting published. What a remarkable group! I hope I DO get published. That'd be wonderful. I offered to find a ton of contests and offer them up to the new blog; John had explained that there was not yet any thing in the blog and I'd like to help. He said he'd also send them through the e-mail; I just hope I wasn't overstepping any boundaries for being new and all.

With that, the meeting was over, but we stayed and talked a bit about Ireland and Christianity... big mistake as we do not see eye to eye. I'm going to try and not speak of it again. I'll just let His light shine through me. You can't make someone believe, and I refuse to argue the point. I found out some interesting things, though, that I'd like to look up. Such as equality between man and woman in Ireland, both genders acknowledging their different talents while working together in an equal world. That there were many religious leaders that were women. That St Patrick's day ended the Celtic Ireland and, in John 2s perspective, the very heart of Ireland. That the "snakes" St Patty chased out of Ireland, that St Patty's day is so famous for, were actually religious leaders, many of whom were women. I don't know how much of his story is true, but it would be something to study.

That was about the sum of the evening. As I promised, I've told you about my wonderful experience. And, by the way, I've had brief experience with a writing group before in college. I will continue to meet with them, and not speak of what's so important to me. I will let His light shine through me though. May God bless us all!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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February 9, 2011 at 11:03pm
February 9, 2011 at 11:03pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"'Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive." ~John Sheffield

"The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances." ~Aristotle

~EL~'s Day

It's been four weeks since I've seen AJ. The first two weeks I had a dangerous (had to go to the hospital because I really couldn't breathe) congestion. The third was a storm. The fourth... the fourth was this week.

I was driving behind a slow moving vehicle. I was about to move around him, but saw that there was oncoming traffic- without a chance of passing him immediately, I slowed to a crawl. Before I knew it though, I heard a loud crunch and the car jerked terribly. It was dramatic and terrible, reminding me of the movies. For a moment, my mind was gone, having been distracted from the terrible momentum of the car. But just as suddenly, I found my bearings and pulled over to the side of the road.

I opened my door and tried standing, but found I could not get my bearings. Resting a moment, I finally managed to rise to discuss the accident... patiently. The woman was quite concerned and asked many times if I was all right. I said I was... but a few minutes later, I began to hurt terribly. When the cop came up behind me, my response was slow. She asked if I was all right and I explained that my neck felt strained. She put me in the car and put the seat in the upright position, instructing me to sit still.

Not more than a few minutes later, an ambulance arrived to pick me up. I grabbed the blankets from the passenger seat- and should have grabbed my writing notebook and library book for extra curricular activities to distract. My writing notebook, though I just started it, is particularly important to me. I'm sorry that I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get it... in the mean time, I guess I'll just work on the computer. It's easier to see in the position I'm most comfortable in any ways.

But to continue my story, at the hospital we learned that I was only sore with a whiplash. The Dr did not even find it necessary to release me with a brace, although he did give me the option. They sat the bed up and I turned my neck from side to side- I felt ok and said as much. We left the hospital without the brace... I wish now that I hadn't done that. I've wrapped a blanket around my head the way they wrapped a towel around my head on the way to the hospital- it's helping a lot. As a matter of fact, I might need to sleep in the chair tonight. I'll try to sleep in my bed, but if that doesn't work out, I'll come back out here.

I have felt no anger whatsoever to the woman who rammed us. Every one makes mistakes, and I got the treatment right away that I needed... although I didn't get to my aim today- seeing my son. By the time I see him, it will have been 5 weeks since the last time I saw him. What a pain in the neck!

I'll never be angry with her and don't want any one else to be either. What I do want is a prayer of God's peace, safety and blessings over her.

Last night, I started a writer's group. I'm excited about it. It's called The Writer's Exchange and meets at the Barnes and Noble in my area. We had a 10 minute writing exercise on Valentines Day that I would really like to finish. Guess where it is? That's right! The notebook in the car.

I really got going last night and started on a poem; that too is in the notebook in the car. Now you know why I want it so badly.

I'm eager to tell more about the group, but it's getting late, hubby has to get up early in the morning, but he wants to make sure I get to bed safely. So I'll tell you tomorrow morning... scout's honor!

Ab a good night and God bless!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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February 6, 2011 at 9:31pm
February 6, 2011 at 9:31pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Adversity does teach who your real friends are." ~Lois McMaster Bujold

~EL~'s Day

And, for the record, it also teaches you about the loyalty of family members. I've learned this lesson the hard way!

May God see fit to end this battle soon! 2 years is too much for me. I want to live, not in limbo, but free of the burdens of the court system!

I met two very amazing people today that were very encouraging, Bonnie and Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h 2 new friends! I also added myself as their fans. Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h has done 2 reviews of my work today and I haven't been able to do any in return, though I did read "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor and plan on reviewing it ASAP. I've become one of their fans, and I'm so excited to get to know them better!

Having lost my son, and fighting for the other, I fear the life has gone out of me. I don't even feel the will power to keep pushing on. The ones really holding me up and getting me through this mess are God, my husband, my mom, my sister and my girlfriend (who is like a sister to me). I'm on WDC, and a few other sights, to reach out to keep a hold on life.

So when Bonnie and then Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h complimented me on how outgoing and exuberant I am, I was both surprised and elated. The news mearly made me jump up and down in excitement. Is it possible that there's something left of me after all? Hope hovers over me like a hummingbird above it's flower.

I'm grateful to Bonnie and Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h for your honest, fresh opinion of me! I hope to continue my friendship with you and return the honor you have bestowed upon me 10-fold. You have no idea just how much it means to me. Thank you!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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February 5, 2011 at 9:23pm
February 5, 2011 at 9:23pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by." ~Will Rogers

~EL~'s Day

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Today was a day for heroes. It started when a fireman wearing street clothes came to my door. He told me about a millage our town will be voting for on the 22nd. A fire station, that covers the area where I live, could be closing down because of funding. He went on to explain that fire fighters could be put out of a job if the station closes.

I understood immediately and agreed. To be put out of a job, I said, is one thing, but to be put out of a job and a hero... well, I feel strongly that those one protects should encourage and strengthen them in return. When he saw my enthusiasm, he asked if he could put a sign up. Now, as I explained to him, I normally talk to my husband about such decisions first so we can make it together, but he was asleep and I felt strongly so I quickly agreed.

Nate surprised me by coming out of the bedroom shortly afterward. He asked if the mail had come, but I was busy with something and couldn't immediately reply. When I finished, I went to our room where he had returned and we discussed it. He told me that a millage would mean another $40 out of taxes, out of our pocket books. Now, it's not like we're living big or any thing, but that's hardly a nickle, especially for what we get in return- more immediate assistance when and where needed. When I told him about the sign, he assured me that he wouldn't have done any differently.

The bottom line of this particular story: we need prayer. Our whole community does. Our county is one drawn out "city" (I'm from the country, mind you, not New York or LA, but to me it's a city!) and has other fire stations that could be utilized; but what's going to happen to the men and their families? Please pray that God's hand will be over this situation and the men, that His will, most importantly will be done. I know that God will take care of us, and I'm sure He knows how these men care for the community every done. His Will will be what we all need right now.

We had a pretty quiet Sabbath day today. With no gas money, we couldn't make it to church, so we listened to 3ABN   Radio for a bit and later put in some music. We also listened to Whit's End   and His Kids  .

While we were listening to music, I started poking around WDC. I read a newsletter in my e-mail put out by The WDC Angel Army, which had a list of activities and found "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor . I was looking at last year's nominations when I found "The WDC 09-11 Memorial"   by iKïyå§ama . While I have no personal connections to the attacks that I know of, I wrote a new piece hosting a vigil candle. "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor There's still plenty of work to be done on the piece, I ramble a bit in my musings, but a piece can be ironed out over time.

The bottom line here? Remember 9/11? This fall, it will have been 10 years ago that the centers came down. Yes, really, TEN years! Maybe I'll host- or get someone smarter than me to host- a contest honoring the memory of those fallen. Admittedly the forum doesn't have many recent postings, at least not as I write this, but please drop a note and let them know you care.

My husband is pushing me to get off the computer, in his quite, patient way. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to post another piece. I consider it a couple more steps in the write direction that I read some pieces today and wrote my 911 piece. My first step, of course, being to get back to my blogging. And I'm doing pretty well... so far!

As much as I want to stay and browse WDC some more, I have been on all day and my hubby wants his turn. Can't wait to do taxes and get a new lap top so we can both be on whenever we want. That'll be nice. In the mean time, I'm going to stop babbling and get off. Please keep our heroes in your prayers.

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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February 4, 2011 at 7:55pm
February 4, 2011 at 7:55pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"I've learned that you can't have everything and do everything at the same time." ~Oprah Winfrey

~EL~'s Day

When I got up, I got on the computer for a few minutes, but was in between it and trying to put up my magnets. I concentrated the most on my magnets- it took me easily a couple of hours to put them up!

At one point, when I chose to take a break, this is what I found

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Sharing can sometimes be such a pain in the neck! We hope to get a laptop with taxes.

This is my finished product

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The left is all my nouns, the right (around the black line, which is the brand name) are my connectors and adjectives, the middle is where I'm starting to put phrases together. That's a lot of words!

My first phrases

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The pictures don't show up as well as I would have hoped. The phrases are

"dogs never talk he has to find his bone then play"


"if grammar is good why do they speak of it"

Later I changed the last phrase to

"if this grammar is so good why do they speak of it"

Of course, there are no punctuation marks for me to play with, but I sure have fun with it!

In November 2007, I bought Shop: "Magnetic Poetry: Writer's Remedy - SOLD OUT"  : SOLD OUT -- Over 300 words to help cure your writer's block. as municipal liason to my area for whoever finished 50k first, but the product never got to her. If I can even get ahold of her again, I'll have WDC send a new one directly to her with a message.

The past couple of years have been pretty rough and my ability to write has been reduced to blogging only. I'd like to reach a little further and write... but I need help to do that. So I finally broke down and opened the product. I'm eager to play with it a little more and see what comes of it. Also, I'm going to try to find a writing group I can work with.

Further, I got some dishes done today. Kitchen looks a little better at any rate.

The sun has fallen and with it comes the Sabbath. A day to rest and think on Jesus' gift. I'd like to work on making a better Sabbath with my husband. Have some thinking to do on that.

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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February 3, 2011 at 8:06pm
February 3, 2011 at 8:06pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Cleaning anything involves making something else dirty, but anything can get dirty without something else getting clean." ~Laurence J. Peter

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."--Psalm 91:11

~EL~'s Day

Pretty laid back day today. Talked to my girl friend... for THREE amazing hours. (3?! I thought it was 1!!)

We're discussing the possibility of going to camp meeting together this year, in her state. That way we can all go, and she can get help with her kids. Camp meeting is all about the kids without help: I offered. In return, I might be able to share their site. I'll need to think about what camping gear I'll need, of course.

Also talked recipes and kids: I ranted about the injustices with which I've been treated over the past 2 years. Hard to be a good mom without kids!

Also, I've been working on chores today. Mainly on the living room. It was extremely dusty. Looks great now, and getting better.

One last remarkable note to make. Only this story does not involve me at all. I read this in the notes on Facebook. My cousin had to work even as the dangerous storm started I complained about a couple of days ago. This is the story the best I can paraphrase:

Her car is small, so my uncle insisted on coming to get her with his jeep; good thing too as even his vehicle was blown around like a toy. The snow was so high in the road, they had to drive on the wrong side at times.

Towards the end of their trip, near their drive, they could see the lights of a vehicle ahead and worried they'd be hit, so stayed still a moment. When they noticed the vehicle was not moving, they pulled up and into their driveway. My cousin saw, as they pulled in, that the truck moved on with 2 or 3 vehicles behind. Whether a human or angel agent, God was watching over them and sent a guardian angel to protect them.

At the beginning of (our trip), I prayed harder than I ever prayed in my entire life.

Safe in our driveway, I thanked harder than I have ever thanked in my entire life.

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."--Psalm 91:11

What an awesome verse for us to remember!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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February 1, 2011 at 8:00pm
February 1, 2011 at 8:00pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true." ~ James Branch Cabell

~EL~'s Day

Not much to tell for today. Got some chores done.

However, I did get some bad news. There's a bad storm coming to our home the likes of which have not been recorded since 1978. What does this mean?

2 weeks ago, I came down with what both my hubby and a nurse thought was the croup. So I've been recovering from that and unable to see my son. I'm doing much better now: just breaking up some congestion, but because of the impending storm I won't be able to see AJ tomorrow. Arg!

Well, I've waited this long. I guess I can wait just a little longer. To my greatest dismay, though. :(

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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January 30, 2011 at 2:28pm
January 30, 2011 at 2:28pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Life is just one damned thing after another." ~Elbert Hubbard

"Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep." ~Fran Lebowitz

~EL~'s Day
Rough night last night. Couldn't get away from my nightmares. No doubt, it had something to do with the rough day I had yesterday. Don't know how I'll wait out seeing my psychiatrist next!

{user:kiyasama) was quick about getting me some sigs I ordered yesterday. Still waiting on a couple of others, but this is what I got

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2 of which, of course, are for my blog. What do you think?

I did get to see an old friend today, Vivian She became like a mentor to me some time back and I still look forward to seeing her every time I get on. Unfortunately, as I was getting on to talk to her, my hubby walked in the door. I was able to talk for a little while, but we had to get going to go shopping.

We picked up some safety supplies: monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, cabinet latches. We also picked up some food and, well, ashamedly, we're pretty late getting AJ a Christmas present, but we got one today. He's gonna LOVE it- that's a guarantee. I can't wait to watch him open and then play with it. Recently, AJ has had an intense interest in balls, we got a fun, electronic one for him. It's a learning toy!


We'll see how he likes it on Wednesday.

That's my day in a nut shell... so far!

~EL~'s Pet Corner

Still trying to figure out the problem with Angel and Bracket. Got a note from my aunt saying she couldn't take Angel or give me Bracket without my mother's permission- she doesn't know my mother is the one who asked us to take Bracket. She seems to think I'm going behind my mother's back- how aggravating!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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January 29, 2011 at 7:44pm
January 29, 2011 at 7:44pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day
"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world." ~Agatha Christie~

~EL~'s Day
I lost him. They gave me a choice, not really a choice, in July and I was forced to give up my first born. I haven't been the same since then. I feel like I'm losing touch with reality at times. I'm scared. I miss my son. I love him so much... I don't even know what our relationship is any more, if you can even say there is one. I've heard the line, "they can never take your spot as his mother away," but I don't know if I can believe them. What about his adoptive mother? His loyalty will always be due to her now. I don't know if I'll ever see him again...

They won't even give him back to the family. I'm desperate for something to do... and there is nothing. Can any thing be more painful than this? Is it possible for me to ever be happy again?

AJ's almost a year now. His birthday is February 24. They say we have more chance to get him then we had to get Zach. But we fought for Zach for a year and lost him, possibly forever. If we have a better chance, why are we still fighting? CPS isn't good- they're there to take families apart, not keep them together. You can take my word on that... and my word is good. I think it's just a matter of time.

They say we have a good shot because I have no history with him. So maybe that's what's taking CPS longer to take him away. I love AJ, and I would really love him to come home... but I don't have much faith in that, unlike those around me. I wish this would stop, either way, as painful as it may be, so we can have a chance to move past this. Stuck in limbo is not place to live- and we've been there for a year and a half now.

Will I ever live again?

~EL~'s Pet Corner
I haven't been working in rescue in a while. I had a fall out with the rescue I was working with that was quite painful, but I have plenty of home news.

Star, my youngest sister's dog, is still living with us.

My mother asked us to take her dog off my aunt's hands. Mom has had no place where she can have her dog in some time, so she had to give the dog (Bracket) to my aunt to care for, but now my aunt can no longer handle him. A little too rambunctious for her. Mom is concerned any ways because he's an indoor dog living outside. We've been working on research to getting him in the house- we need to look into getting him fixed, vaccinated, licensed, groomed, etc so he can live with us. Bracket is my dog's son and means a lot to my mother.

However, a new problem arose tonight. Dad can't handle Angel, my dog's sister. When they were puppies, my family got the whole litter- 2 girls and 1 boy. The boy is mine and the girls are my sisters', respectively. As a result, the girls are as near to my heart as my own dog. I'd sooner see any of the three dogs leave then my own children- and you know how crazy about the latter I'm going!

However, I have a prior obligation to my mother, who's been there through thick and thin through this whole custody battle we've had with the kids. We can't have more than 3 dogs in this house, we'd be busting at the seams with that many. So, you see, we have a problem on our hands- how to make sure that things go well for all parties involved. And, no, I'm not just going to turn my back on the problem and hope it goes away. In one way or another, through obligation and compassion, the problem is mine- what to do about it- that's the question of the hour!

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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October 6, 2010 at 11:37pm
October 6, 2010 at 11:37pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" Dr. Robert Schuller

"If you're afraid to let someone else see your weakness, take heart: Nobody's perfect. Besides, your attempts to hide your flaws don't work as well as you think they do." Julie Morgenstern

~EL~'s Day

I'm not going to talk about my case much, but I made a mistake last year, a small one mind you, but a mistake that cost me my family. Because of it, I see a parole officer. This morning I found out that I'd missed my appointment yesterday. I was terrified some thing bad was going to happen, but he was understanding- after all, I've made all of my past appointments and I was right in this morning when we realized the error. Yesterday I wasn't with it- I had a horrible night mare and I was exhausted. I slept most of the day away.

Let me tell you some thing, most of this year has been a living night mare. I lost my first born because of vast exaggerations and risk losing my new baby as well. I had a special relationship with my son, and now I'm afraid to let myself get too close to my baby. Tell me how natural that is!

Any ways, as the day wore on, we found ourselves concerned about making it to see our baby today. However, my hubby was eventually able to get a hold of his friend and we made it out there. The time I spend with AJ is special, but I enjoy it and have done with it- I try not to think about it when we're apart.

A couple weeks ago, hubby lost his job, but he got another- within the space of only a couple of weeks! Tomorrow morning he starts.

You can probably tell how great a day I haven't had today. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow.

~EL~'s Pet Corner

Sunny has some sort of sore on his back we've been treating with raw honey. It's really awful, and I hope it heals fast. He's my best friend. I hate seeing him in pain. My friend, who runs the rescue, is helping me take care of it. So no vet bills.

We heard some odd screaming this evening. Nothing I'd ever heard before. It sounded like the piggies but it was LOUD. Nate went to check it out, and there was Prince screaming his head off. Apparently Star's curiosity frightened him. I don't think they know what a dog is or, at least, he was acting out of his natural instincts. I don't blame him, but hopefully we can rectify that situation. First, I have to get the piggies used to, and comfortable with, me.

I'm going to feed them greens little bits at a time 4 or 5 times a day so they get used to my presence. I want to have as good a relationship with them as I possibly can. Then we'll see what other socialization we can give them.

My mom put pics on a cd, but I can't seem to be able to access them. I'll talk to her about it. In the mean time, I don't think there's any thing further to report. Going over to the rescue tomorrow to see how much I can help.

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