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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1289347
My little nook of the corner. Includes health, daily news, and writing progress entries.
Welcome to my little area of the world I like to refer to as "The Nook." This journal will be replacing a great deal of my on-line journals, with the exception of my devotional book- which I will be building on in an attempt to create my own sell-able version.

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As a child, I dreamed of a perfect reading corner. The place in my mind was small but comfortable, with shelves of books on each wall.

In one of the places I lived in growing up I was, at first, disgusted with a room my mother gave me to dwell in. I joked constantly and mercilessly about its small, cramped living space. However, the room soon came to be known, affectionately, as The Nook.

Although I have not yet realized my small dream, I hope to see it come to fruition someday. In the mean time, this is where I will curl up in a good chair, all of my favorite books surrounding me, and write.

Welcome, friend, to The Nook!

Please check out my blog group, "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor .

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December 20, 2008 at 10:29pm
December 20, 2008 at 10:29pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Sometimes I think [my husband] is so amazing that I don't know why he's with me. I don't know whether I'm good enough. But if I make him happy, then I'm everything I want to be." ~Angelina Jolie

Borrowed from thinkexist.com

~EL~'s Day

I get so frustrated going out with my husband. It seems we can not go any where without him saying, "Hey! We make those handles." Well, it has now been brought home. We're watching The Princess Diaries this evening and he says, "Hey! Those are our 141's." And yes, their exclusive to the company. Well, it's cool that his company had some thing to do with even the smallest part of a great movie, but... wow!

I know it's been a while since I wrote my blog. I've missed out on a couple of things. A couple of days ago, my step mother, step sister and sister stopped by to say hello. The visit was refreshing, especially considering the fact that I haven't seen my step sister in a while. She brought a video camera from school and I threw hubby's dog into the bathroom out of respect of her and the very nice piece of equipment she was holding. She let my son record some, he took pictures of my dirty house and our cat *Wink**Pthb*

Tomorrow I get a break. Yay! Time for Momma to catch up on house chores while Grandma takes him out for a couple of hours. We have some Christmas gifts to create, and my hubby is going to have a three week break. *deep sigh of relief* Time spent with the hubby, and help with the kid!

I've thought of a couple of ideas within the past couple of days. First, I think I'm going to encourage the Blog Bumpers by offering a Blogging Merit Badge to the most active Blogger monthly. I passed the other by my aunt this evening. I would like to decorate a tree with stars. On one side of the star, I would like it to say the name of a departed member of the family that is no longer with us, and on the other a memory associated with them. My aunt liked it and said she'd think about it.

More tomorrow. I'm growing tired and want to bump some of my members and get mail out. Peace! *Thumbsup*
December 15, 2008 at 6:22pm
December 15, 2008 at 6:22pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"A sister is one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart." ~Author Unknown
Borrowed from thinkexist.com

"Chance made us Sisters, hearts made us friends." ~unknown

~EL~'s Day

I've been enjoying pampering my sister, Valeera , since she got on about a month ago. A couple of days ago, I bought us both Upgrade Accounts, I have gotten a couple of mb's for her, and today I began using a gift card I won from auction for a cNote shop for her. Can't you tell I'm a bit happy to have my sister on the site with me?

Today we discussed a presence we would like to create on the site. I'm the "good" sister and she's the "bad" sister. I feel privelaged and excited to have her on the site with me. Having long since grown out of my mother's house, and with her not yet out (she's 18), it's nice to have some thing we can share together as well as a way to correspond with one another.

Pamper, pamper, pamper.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 2 bowls Mini Shredded Wheats Lunch~ 1 bowl Mini Shredded Wheats Supper~ Spaghetti
Healthy Choice. 1 point
Positive Attitude.
Self Acceptance.
Spiritual Renewal.
Journal. 1 point


~EL's Writing~

Community. 1 point
Market Research.

December 14, 2008 at 9:55am
December 14, 2008 at 9:55am
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"To suceed you only need a bit of TEA. Time. Effort. Attitude." ~Karen Moon (my mother)

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." ~John Lennon

~EL~'s Day

9:55 amI missed entering my blog yesterday, but I wanted to share a little of what happened any ways. I have been feeling so anxious about my next package from my correspondance course to come in. After all, it was sent on the first, why shouldn't it be here twelve days later? But yesterday the post man knocked at my door and handed me the mail- and there, finally, was my package!

It also explained why it took so long to get here. There are two "text books" in with it... a couple of books on writing for me to look at. Of course, I can't look at them until I finish the lesson I'm currently working on. *Bigsmile* My lessons themselves can be real treats.

~EL~'s Health

Nutrition. Breakfast~ Lunch~ Supper~
Healthy Choice.
Positive Attitude.
Self Acceptance.
Spiritual Renewal.


~EL's Writing~

Market Research.

December 12, 2008 at 11:23pm
December 12, 2008 at 11:23pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"One must desire something to be alive." ~Margaret Deland

"Last night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone." ~Tommy Cooper

~EL~'s Day

Miss Deland explained one of my credos. To be alive, one must always be learning, always growing. They must also have some thing to live for. Tommy Cooper just cracked me up. I love comical quotes!

I'm not quite sure what happened today. Another day gone by without actually thinking about what was going on around me. I did get some cleaning up done. My son made an unbelievable mess of the living room and I straightened it up.

When it was time for his nap, I was working on some thing on the computer, but after a while I started feeling tired too. Unable to really keep my eyes open, I laid down with him. The next thing I knew, I was hearing the dogs barking at a high pitch and the sound of my husband's voice telling them to shut the heck up.

He was on his way out the door when we appeared. He was making his way out the door when I took a peek out of it. I just caught him before he and a family friend of ours took off to get groceries. I told him to wait a minute and Zach (who had woke up about the same time as me) and I quickly got ready to go.

I picked up The Golden Compass and Wall*E. We haven't yet watched the Golden Compass, but Wall*E is really good. I think I'm going to watch it again. My goals for tomorrow include actually getting my goal sheet done and watching those movies with my son. Some how or other, we have to get them back before 9 p.m. That's when they are due back to the machine at Wal*Mart.

I convinced him not to get Mac N Cheese tonight. I am so sick of it! After we get back on even ground, if we don't stop eating it now, I will never eat it again, it's gotten so bad. I am so sick of eating Mac N Cheese all the time. *Sick* Any ways, I succeeded in getting him to choose some thing else!

Then we had family night. Which is basically pizza and a movie. Tonight it was Wall*E.

Tomorrow my hubby is planning on being gone all day. He has a certain obligation to a group he's part of until 4, and then, at 5, he has a Monavie meeting to attend. Unfortunately, he doesn't know when he will be back. I keep wishing for one weekend, just one weekend, where he has no obligations and can just stay home and spend a little more time with me. I guess I ought to keep wishing, because I don't see it happening. At least not any time soon.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 1 bowl cereal Lunch~ 1 1/2 bowls mac n cheese Supper~ Personal Pizza, 5 cookies. 1 point.
Healthy Choice. More than 1 serving cookies. 0 points.
Exercise. 0 points.
Water. 1 point.
Vitamins/Meds. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. 0 points.
Self Acceptance. 0 points.
Spiritual Renewal. 1 point.
Journal. 1 point.

Total~ 5 points

~EL's Writing~

Write. 0 points.
Read. 0 points.
Review. 0 points.
Community. 1 point.
Study. 0 points.
Submission. 1 point.
Market Research. 1 point.
Organization. 0 points.
Journal. 1 point.

Total~ 4 points
December 11, 2008 at 2:54pm
December 11, 2008 at 2:54pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." ~Jules de Gaultier

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~Albert Einstein

Borrowed from quotationspage.com

~EL~'s Day

At first, I was confused with what Einstein meant when he said that, but I think I have figured it out now. You need knowledge to know the basics, but you need a good imagination to put that information to good use. And Jules just doesn't want you getting too serious. If you lose your sense of humor, how can you enjoy life?

Today I was welcomed into the arms of two groups.

WDC Frontliners Group  (E)
We motivate fellow authors & writers to write on!
#1353654 by It's too hot already!


The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I'm hunting down signatures for my reviews which will be personalized with my name and the names of Images In Ink, Simply Positive, Frontliners and the Angel Army. I'm getting an idea of why people have multi-name sigs out now. It's part of each group to participate in Public Reviews and, to get the credit, the name must appear on the sig. To simplify things? Get a multi-sig!

"Invalid Item is also getting the attention it deserves. I just started actively advertising yesterday and already I have 5 wonderful members.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point
Nutrition. Lunch~ 1/2 bowl chocolate cereal, 2 bowls Cheerios Supper~
Healthy Choice. Limited sweets. 1 point.
Vitamins/Meds. 1 point.
Positive Attitude.
Self Acceptance.
Spiritual Renewal.
Journal. 1 point.


~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Community. 1 point.
Submission. 1 point.
Market Research. 1 point.
Journal. 1 point

December 11, 2008 at 2:15pm
December 11, 2008 at 2:15pm
I thought some of you who've said you like my blog format might enjoy seeing how I do it. Feel free to adapt this format for your own blogs or be creative and create a format of your own. I have two formats- one for weekly updates and one for daily. (On Sunday, I would have two entries. One for the day, one for the week.)

I like seeing blogs spiced up. I won't lie to you. It takes a little extra effort and hard work to create a format for a blog, but it's well worth the time, effort and imagination. And I'm reminded of that every time some one says, "Hey! That's great blog work! What a neat idea!"


{font:impact}{size:4}{c:violet}~EL~'s Quote for the Day{/c}{/size}{/font}

{font:impact}{size:4}{c:violet}~EL~'s Day{/c}{/size}{/font}

{font:impact}{size:4}{c:violet}~EL~'s Health{/c}{/size}{/font}

{font:impact}{c:blue}Nutrition.{/c}{/font} {b}Breakfast~{/b} {b}Lunch~{/b} {b}Supper~{/b}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Healthy Choice. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Exercise. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Water. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Vitamins/Meds. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Positive Attitude. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Self Acceptance. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Spiritual Renewal. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Journal. {/c}{/font}

{font:impact}{c:blue}Total~ {/c}{/font}

{font:impact}{size:4}{c:violet}~EL's Writing~{/c}{/size}{/font}

{font:impact}{c:blue}Write. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Read. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Review. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Community. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Study. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Submission. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Market Research. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Organization. {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}Journal. {/c}{/font}



{font:impact}{size:4}{c:violet}~EL~'s Quote of the Week{/c}{/size}{/font}

{font:impact}{size:4}{c:violet}~EL~'s Review{/c}{/font}

{font:impact}{c:blue}Shining Moment(s)~ {/c}{/font}

{font:impact}{c:blue}Health Grand Total~ {/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}New Health Goals~ {/c}{/font}

{font:impact}{c:blue}Writing Grand Total~{/c}{/font}
{font:impact}{c:blue}New Writing Goals~ {/c}{/font}
December 10, 2008 at 1:36pm
December 10, 2008 at 1:36pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success." ~Brian Adams

"With love and patience, nothing is impossible." ~Daisaku Ikeda

Borrowed from quotationspage.com

~EL~'s Day

Patience. Some thing I have yet to learn.

Ever had some thing you didn't want but couldn't get rid of? Not much can compare to what I have but can not get rid of. A border collie/lab mix that has destroyed what few treasures I have.

I didn't even realize I had treasure until he destroyed them. A framed poem, the last Christmas gift my Grandmother ever received, some thing special I had made for her. A teddy bear from a couple days before Valentines Day 2006, the very same day my Grandmother passed away. A very special framed drawing of my husband, son and I surrounded by family which says, "Remember, you always have family," and more. If he didn't pea on it, he chewed it up.

If he gets out of the house, good luck getting him back! Chasing him is just a game, one I don't play. I call him a little bit, tease him with food, and wait for him to decide to come in. Not an easy "game" to play. Today, I have started a new game. I blow the whistle and, once he comes to me, he gets a treat. Now's the really hard part... consistency. I've never been good with consistency, so I hope I can train him and keep him trained on the whistle. I'm afraid we'll lose him for good if we don't stay consistent with the whistle.

1 1/2 year old, trouble maker pup!

He does have his funny moments. This past weekend, Hubby finally got the hole in the door to allow our cats access to our room and the rest of the house without having to worry about the dogs... or so we thought! I have a Sheltie (purebred, papered), the smaller of the two dogs, obviously. Yet, Buddy is the one who can get in and out of the room through the cat hole door. I don't know about Sunny, but he's not the one we're really worried about. As I said, Buddy's the trouble maker... his favorite food is dung! He'll go into our room and eat out of the kitty litter box- the very reason we don't want BUDDY in our room.

As a couple of WDC members have said already, "That's one determined pup!"

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point
Nutrition. Breakfast~ 2 bowls Mini Shredded Wheats Lunch~ Supper~
Healthy Choice.
Positive Attitude.
Self Acceptance.
Spiritual Renewal.


~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr)
Read. (2 pts)
Review. (1 point)
Community. (1 point) 1 point.
Study. (2 pts each)
Submission. (5 pts)
Market Research. (1 pt)
Organization. (2 pts each)
Journal. (1 point)


Cheers! *Cool*

Emily Logan *Reading*

~EL~ Happy NaNo

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** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

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December 9, 2008 at 3:09pm
December 9, 2008 at 3:09pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"[Addiction's] not about placating the bad dog - it's about feeding the good dog. You still have to feed the bad dog, but only enough so that the ASPCA doesn't bring you up on charges." ~Robert Downey Junior

Borrowed from quotationspage.com

~EL~'s Day

Ok, I confess. I'm addicted to writing.com... admittedly the internet too, but I spend all my time on WDC!

So far since I've gotten on, I have thinned out my inbox and port, edited a couple of groups that I want to get going: "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item , and done some catch up work with some other groups I'm involved in. I have also placed myself in an auction and a couple of other activities. Busy, busy, busy!

Meanwhile, my house suffers and my family has forgotten me. Ok, both exaggerations, but I'm on the net a lot. I should probably cut back, just after I...

Since I've allowed myself to take advantage of the www, I have not done what I am supposed to in the past couple of days. However, I will be showing what points I did get for today by the end of the day.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point
Nutrition. Breakfast~ Missed Lunch~ 2 PB&J sandwiches Supper~ Mushroom Soup & Noodles. 1 point.
Healthy Choice. No sweets. 1 point.
Exercise. None. 0 points.
Water. 32 ounces. 0 points.
Vitamins/Meds. 1/2 dosage, running out of meds. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Didn't try too hard. 0 points.
Self Acceptance. Didn't practice positive thoughts. 0 points.
Spiritual Renewal. Missed. 0 points.
Journal. Late entry. 0 points.

Total~ 4 points

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) 0 points.
Read. (2 pts) Nothing. 0 points.
Review. (1 point) No. 0 points.
Community. (1 point) 1 point.
Study. (2 pts each) No. 0 points.
Submission. (5 pts) 1 point
Market Research. (1 pt) None. 0 points.
Organization. (2 pts each) No. 0 points.
Journal. (1 point) 1 point.

Total~ 3 points
December 5, 2008 at 9:38pm
December 5, 2008 at 9:38pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is research." ~Anonymous

"Nothing a man writes can please him as profoundly as something he does with his back, shoulders and hands. For writing is an artificial activity. It is a lonely and private substitute for conversation."

Borrowed from quoteland.com

~EL~'s Day

You would have nothing to write about if you did not live life to its fullest. So remember to live so that you can be the great author you were born to be.

I'm excited about today. Earlier this afternoon, a man knocked on my door and told me I was hooked up to the internet. Then, this evening, my husband got all the technical stuff taken care of, and now I'm on. Needless to say, I'm a happy woman!

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I had to rest quite a bit because I was dealing with withdrawal from one of my medicines. I'm not feeling well. So today's points, which I will post tomorrow when I catch up, are going to be all messed up. Besides a low intake of water, I forgot I was doing points and took in way too many sweets.

With out further ado, my points.

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies Lunch~ peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Supper~ BK Veggie Burger and fries 1 point
Healthy Choice. limited sweets 1 point
Exercise. 1 point
Water. 1 point
Vitamins/Meds. 1 point
Positive Attitude. 1 point
Self Acceptance. 0 points
Spiritual Renewal. 1 point
Journal. 1 point

Total~ 9 points

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) 0 points
Read. (2 pts) 0 points
Review. (1 point) 0 points
Community. (1 point) 1 point
Study. (2 pts each) 1 point
Submission. (5 pts) 1 point
Market Research. (1 pt) 0 points
Organization. (2 pts each) 0 points
Journal. (1 point) 1 point

Total~ 4 points
December 4, 2008 at 6:09pm
December 4, 2008 at 6:09pm
~EL~'s Quote for the Day

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." ~Sir Winston Churchill

"Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed." ~Sir Winston Churchill

Borrowed from quotationspage.com

~EL~'s Day

Not much of a theme that I could think of for today, so I picked an author from their site instead. Likeies? *Pthb*

This morning was a pain in the butt. I started chores at 7 and was only just wrapping up when the bug man came at 11. Needless to say, I was not able to get on until just now (nearly 6). It will be so much easier to get on Monday, and I'm looking forward to it!

I went to my neighbor's house for a few minutes where I chilled out until I could get my son off the bus at noon. We were there only a few minutes after, since she had some kind of errands to run. We had to let the gasses out early so we could get in, since I forgot my wallet in the house. Then my little Dude and I took a nap, and here I am. Fun day, huh? It sure did go fast!

I have a couple of things to do on-line yet, so this is a short entry. Following, see points for yesterday. I will get myself caught up on day of Monday evening!

Oh! And, by the way, I need help coming up with prize ideas for my health section, writing section, and both put together (not specific to either one). If you have any ideas, please leave a comment. Thank you!

~EL~'s Health

Sleep. 1 point.
Nutrition. Breakfast~ missed Lunch~ pb & j sandwiches Supper~ pizza & mozzarella sticks, yum! 1 point.
Healthy Choice. went slightly over on the sweets and had fatty foods. 0 points.
Exercise. Walked (twice) to Wal*Mart. 1 point.
Water. 100 oz. at least. 1 point.
Vitamins/Meds. 1 point.
Positive Attitude. Made some effort. 1 point.
Self Acceptance. 0 points.
Spiritual Renewal. 1 point.
Journal. 1 point.

Total~ 8 points

~EL's Writing~

~Daily Writing Exercises~
Write. (2 pts/hr) 1 point.
Read. (2 pts) 0 points.
Review. (1 point) 0 points.
Community. (1 point) 1 point.
Study. (2 pts each) 1 point.
Submission. (5 pts) 1 point.
Market Research. (1 pt) 0 points.
Organization. (2 pts each) Bought myself a calender for organization starting Jan 2009. 1 point.
Journal. (1 point) 1 point.

Total~ 6 points

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