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When you really have nothing better to do.
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May 3, 2016 at 11:13pm
May 3, 2016 at 11:13pm
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May 3rd. - Day Three

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May 3rd. Prompt... Talk Tuesday!
When was the last time you heard good news? *BigSmile* Fivesixer

   That would depend what you consider to be 'good news'

If you came here to see live, nude, dancing, then I have some bad news for you... Not gonna happen.

If you were preparing yourself to be horrified, then... Good news! ... Not gonna happen.

Okay, Good news: This just in! Today in Winnipeg, an elderly couple (The man 71 and the woman 82) living on a fixed income were just days away from being fined and possibly being sent to jail if they did not comply with an order from the city to paint their North End home. The couple received the notice over a year ago, but are unable to paint the two story home on their own, and can not afford to pay to have it done.

The couple was contacted yesterday by College Pro Painters,a local painting company, who offered to paint the home for free. This morning a team of painters began work on the home, and the old couple are happy to be relieved of all the stress they were under due to their situation.

I feel like doing something nice for someone now.

Eh... I'm over it.

Later Alligator.

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Made in Canada
May 2, 2016 at 9:45pm
May 2, 2016 at 9:45pm
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May 2nd - Day Two

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May 2nd Prompt... Motivation Monday!
Legendary guitarist Link Wray was born on this day in 1929, and once said "I'm not the same today as I was in '58, or '59 or even '71." How does not being the same as you were a year, five years, or twenty years ago influence you today?
*BigSmile* Fivesixer

   Legendary guitarist Link Wray (Fred Lincoln Wray Jr.) was born on May 2, 1929 in Dunn, North Carolina. He passed away on November 5, 2005. He once said, "I'm not the same today as I was in '58, or '59 or even '71."

I have to confess... Before today, I had no idea who Link Wray even was, or that he was legendary.
I consulted with my blog monkey, who advised that I Google it, because he has a headache from binge drinking on the voyage of the magical ship party cruise for five days.

So after doing my own research and wondering why I even have a blog monkey, I found that Mr. Wray's question raises even more questions.

When you add these questions to the question posed by Fivesixer... That's a lot of questions.

Mr. Wray served in the US Army during the Korean War, and contracted tuberculosis, which laid him up in a hospital for a year. His stay concluded with the removal of a lung. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So he wasn't the same the day after his surgery, he was changed by one lung.

I had a geography teacher who only had one lung. His speech was choppy, due to a shortage of breath. He would often pause between syllables in words, which made his speech funny, when he spoke of countries.

Women always want to change you - That's a fact.

Mr. Wray was married three times - No wonder he was obsessed with the amount of change he had undergone.

Oh wait, this gets better. He had eight children with his first three wives, then moved to Denmark, where he married for a forth time. (This is too much change for one man to endure.) I couldn't find any information regarding Mr. Wray's education, but I will guess that he was a slow learner. He died of heart failure at age seventy-six, at his home in Copenhagen to mark his final change.

So what I've learned is... Mr. Wray realized he was not the same person he was a couple months ago - every couple of months or so. With the exception of being able to play guitar and missing a lung. His name wasn't even Link it was Fred!

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions." But! What if it's not? What if (E doesn't = Mc2)? What if our future is formed by our past?

I was the same person I am now, a year ago, except now I know how to play guitar. As does (or did) Fred Wray. aka: Link (let's tie the knot) Wray.

I am different today from how I was yesterday, because today I know who Link Wray is/was.

I am not a legend like Mr. Wray, but when did Mr. Wray become a legend? This is one change that is not listed anywhere.

Lessons learned: I may have six less children and one more lung, but I too will someday be a legend, even if I'm not alive to enjoy it.

I listened to Link Wray's signature song, Rumble. It's not that good - IMO. But... Here is what other people (who you may have heard of) said of Mr. Wray's music.

Jack Rose cited Wray as an influence, as did Iggy Pop, and Neil Young. Jimmy Page says that Link Wray had a "real rebel attitude" and credits him in It Might Get Loud as a major influence in his early career. According to Rolling Stone, Pete Townshend of The Who once said, "If it hadn't been for Link Wray and 'Rumble,' I never would have picked up a guitar."From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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NOTE: In researching this blog entry I learned of another famous musician, who was previously unknown to me... Jack Rose. While learning about Jack Rose, yet another musician became newly known to me... Harry Pussy. I stopped right there! I've learned enough for one day.

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Made in Canada
May 1, 2016 at 3:42pm
May 1, 2016 at 3:42pm
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May 1st. Day One

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May 1st Prompt...The Sunday News!
Apple, the makers of the iPhone, have recently refused a request from the FBI to unlock the phone of a suspected terrorist. The FBI has managed to access the phone , but won't reveal how. Does the government have a right to the information on this phone? Do you fear it may open the door to further privacy intrusions, even in non-criminal situations? And should a government figure out a way to access such information on an otherwise locked cell phone, do they have an obligation to tell you they're doing it (and how)?
Good luck this month, you guys! - *BigSmile* Fivesixer

   I don't have an Apple iphone. But if I did... I wouldn't be so naive, as to think that the FBI, CIA, KGB, RCMP, Bill Gates, and a couple dozen teenage boys can't listen in on your conversations and see every keystroke you enter into the God forsaken device of the devil. I want one real bad, anyway.

I'm not concerned with what the government can do or not do with an iphone. I would suggest that they take that iphone, turn it sideways, then shove it... well you get the idea.

Well, I don't really have anywhere to go with this.

thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...thinking... thinking...

I got it! The reason why I don't really care if the government watches every thing I do is because: I already have a government agent watching my every move. It's my long-time friend and Facebook friend, Winnipeg City Counselor, Ross Eadie.

I've written about Ross before in Brother's Blog. Ross and his family are from my old neighborhood, we all grew up together, went to the same schools. I wrote about how Ross had lost his eyesight in two separate 'eye injury mishaps' one when he was a young boy, and another as an adult. Ross persevered despite his loss of sight, and was elected to public office, representing the people of the neighborhood we grew up in.

So... I'm not concerned about being spied on or whatever, if it helps to get even one bad guy off the streets, then good. I have Ross watching me anyhow, and Ross has people watching him. There's no privacy, there's nowhere to hide. It's a viscous circle, and I don't have anywhere to go again.

Ross Eadie - On The Job!

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I wouldn't laugh if I were you, just because Ross can't see you, doesn't mean he still can't kick your ass.

Have a great day.
Good luck all with the 30 Day Challenge.

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Made in Canada
April 29, 2016 at 1:08pm
April 29, 2016 at 1:08pm
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Day five - April 22, 2016

The prompt

Thank you all for comin' out this week! We hope you had a good time, and in appreciation the captain has decided to throw one last major bash. It's not formal, so you're encouraged to cut loose and have the time of your life. Your favorite entertainer(s) are doin' their thing, and so are you and your fellow travelers. As the night and the excitement of the week begins to die down, we're all gathering at the bar to swap stories...what's the wildest party experience of your life you can remember? - Fivesixer

Back in the day there were some pretty wild parties, or at least I thought they were wild. When I was a young adult I was single, employed, and living at home with my mommy. So I had money and very few responsibilities, which provided me the opportunity to party all the time. I found some good ones. The best and wildest parties (the ones which I most enjoyed) involved a live band.

There was the Keg & Rib Bash just outside of the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario, where I lived during my career as a grain handler in 1982.

This party was held on a private property, outside city limits. The deal was - You paid fifty bucks to get onto the property and it's all the beer you can drink and all the BBQ ribs you can eat. There was series of local bands playing on a natural stage, with a rock shelf back-drop. The party was attended by nearly 800 people. (I'm guessing) All in all it's probably one of the best parties I've ever been to.

Then there was the 'Shaker in EK' when my buddy, who was singing in a rock band in Winnipeg, invited me over to the Band House.
(The band house was a three story rental property, which the band secured to rehearse in.)
His band had been playing at various venues around the city, and were gaining a little bit of popularity. I had been out to see them play at several events.

Anyhow we/they decided to throw a party in the house Saturday night, as the band didn't have a booking that weekend.
My friend and I, and a few of the guys in the band spent the afternoon calling all the people (girls - gigitty) we could think of, and invite them to the party, where the band was planning to play an 'open' rehearsal in the basement.

300 hundred people showed up! The band played in the basement - there were people crowed into the basement - there were people siting all along the basement stair-case. On every spot of the floor in the three story house, there stood a person. There wasn't a space available in the entire house. I can only describe the scene as total mayhem.

The police arrived to close the party down, but because they were so badly out numbered they decided not to enter the premises. People reasoned that - if they're not coming in, then we don't necessarily have to go out there.
So we continued to party, while the police waited patiently outside.

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Made in Canada
April 28, 2016 at 10:30pm
April 28, 2016 at 10:30pm
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Day four - April 28, 2016

The prompt

Dinner and dancing! It's our next-to-last night on the ship, and the Captain wants it to be special. What's on the menu? What kind of music is playing? Is it a band? A DJ? A monkey? Grab your partner (or your friends) and show us your moves!

Settle down there, Captain Love Boat.

I know what happens when you mix monkeys, music, and partner grabbing. I don't think I have to spell it out.
Dinner sounds like a good idea, as long as dinner has nothing to do with bananas.

I could sure go for some sea food. Then again, I do love Indian. I also like Chinese, Thai, Mexican, any food from Europe, Asia, anywhere really. I like it all. Variety is the spice of life.

I'll have what she's having.

I've been eating a more extensively vegetarian diet as of late, so I am going to order a giant cheese burger with a side of baby back ribs, served on a bed of rib-eye steak. I'll have the fries and onion rings with that as well. Oh yeah I said I wanted sea food. Okay then add on a cod fillet and lobster tail with a pound of battered shrimp. Dozen scallops, and might as well have a pound of hot wings and a tossed salad to start.

I don't think I can show any of my moves after eating all that amazing food. I don't think I'll be able to dance either.

But I did invent a dance move I would do, if I wasn't so full.

You all can try it. It's called the flippity. What you do is lay prostate on the dance floor and flop around to the beat of the music, like a fish floppitying around on the floor of a boat.

Try it!

Note: floppitying is the past tense of flippity. Today I flipptyed, yesterday I flopityed, tomorrow I will try harder to behave more normally.

But seriously... Try it!

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April 28, 2016 at 12:28am
April 28, 2016 at 12:28am
Plarty Bogging wit Bother Knature on the Magic chip

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sumthin snot rite hear

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Day One - April 25, 2016

The prompt

We're being treated tonight to a live performance by one of your favorite comedians...but what you don't know is that he/she has conspired with the rest of us to get you on stage during the set. What kind of skit have we planned for you to improv to?

The next thing I was aware of is I was back in the Magical Ship's Showroom Casino, or still in the showroom. I was still in the showroom, wearing the same clothes, was it the same drink? how many drinks did I have?

Linda warned me about the banana brew. "Mo nore drinks," I hollered at no one in-particular. I heard laughter. "Here's your drink sir."

"Thank you" I said, as I poured the drink onto my lap, missing my mouth only by a foot or two. I heard more laughter.

"Mo nore drinks," I hollered at no one in-particular. I heard laughter. "Here's your drink sir."

"Thank you" more laughter. I had one more drink because they are so good. Linda warned me about the banana brew.

Again laughter, or still laughter?

I laughed right along with the crowd.

What's so funny I yelled.

The comedian! the entire crowd yelled back at me. The room erupted in more laughter.

I hap to go to the bat room.

To the back room?

No! to the vacuum.

That's how I ended up on stage with one of my favorite comedians, Lewis Black.

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What happened to your pants Lewis Black asked me. Another outburst of laughter.

I took a step towards the audience with the intention of beating them all up for laughing at me, but I tripped over my pants, which were now down around my ankles. Lewis Black pantzed me. More laughter.

Even I had to laugh at that one.

Do you have any money LB asked me.

Yes, I have lots of money, I manage a cyber bar owned by an imaginary monkey on Writing.com.

Do you have a one-hundred dollar bill?

I do.

Can I have it, to show you a trick with he asked?

m'kay - I gave him my hunrit dollers bill.

Then he made a big production over ripping my bill into little bitty bits and putting it into a magic hat, all to uproarious laughter from the audience.

Then... with a few magic words, and a wave of a magic wand, he tipped the hat upside down, and my hundrit dolla bill fell to the floor of the stage in itzty bityzy bits like confetti.

And Lewis Black said, sorry about that, I just learned that trick today, I thought it would work. You can go back to your seat now.

The people of the audience laughed uncontrollably.

I started to move back towards my seat, when Lewis Black said, wait a minute, I bet I can make a monkey fly out your butt.

In that instant Andre the Blog Monkey appeared seemingly out of nowhere - OUT OF NOWHERE on stage with us.

Andre had my hundrit bucks, and he threw it to a Panda waitress and said Banana Brews for everyone, and we all laughed and laughed.

I'm here all week! Tell your friends.

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Made in Canada

April 26, 2016 at 11:20pm
April 26, 2016 at 11:20pm
Plarty Bogging wit Bother Knature on the Magic chip

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sumthin snot rite hear

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Day One - April 25, 2016

The prompt

We were gonna head to the ship's lounge for a mellow night of listening to some classic crooners...but there are signs posted up all over advertising a Talent Show! That sounds like fun! Are you performing? Is it a solo act, or part of an ensemble? Or are you content with just watching us and conferring with the judges?

A quick check-in with reality - It's been nearly or maybe exactly one year since I took my first online guitar lesson with Andy the Guitar Teaching Monkey. Sorry, I couldn't resist writing that. It's actually just Andy, and he's not a monkey. He is a guitar teacher though, and I've spent many hours online taking his free guitar lessons on Youtube. This is the first lesson I had with Andy.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EVT2VNMcpA.

I've been playing the harmonica for the past thirty odd years. I haven't been playing it all the time for thirty years, (what I mean is) I began to learn how to play the instrument thirty years ago.

During the last two years of my exile in Regina I have missed (very much) getting together with my musically inclined friends and playing music back in Winnipeg as we do on occasion.

I have no musically inclined friends here in Regina; truth be told... I have no friends here in Regina. I miss being able to play harmonica along with a guitar backing.

I've always wanted to be able to play the guitar. I even took lessons for a short time, but my hands are very small. So I gave up and decided it was a skill I would never gain.

One of Andy's lessons (the one that first got my attention) claims he can teach anybody to play the guitar, and he could teach them to play ten songs with knowing only two of the easiest chords to play. I figured I'd give it a try.

It seemed easier than trying to make friends with someone who knows how to play guitar.

I was hooked after my first lesson, and although I can't play bar-chords or all of the open chords (yet) because of the size of my hands, I can play thirty-two songs, and I can play along to my own twelve-bar blues progression on my harmonica.

(aka Neil Fricken Younging it)

My sister was just here for a visit, and she is the first person I have played guitar in front of, other than Leslie.
I was a little nervous at first, but I actually surprised myself by playing somewhat proficiently, my sister even join in singing and it was fun. I'm looking forward to returning home to Manitoba and jamming with the boys.

So... The Magical ship Showroom and Casino would be the ideal venue and audience for me to showcase my newly discovered talent.

I will play "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" by Jim Croce - A new song I just learned this weekend "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day. Then finally an old standard, "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash, where I tear up the ending with a chilling harmonica solo to bring er home.

Thank you... Thank you very much.

Brother Nature has left the building.

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Made in Canada
April 25, 2016 at 11:12pm
April 25, 2016 at 11:12pm
Plarty Bogging wit Bother Knature on the Magic chip

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sumthin snot rite hear

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Day One - April 25, 2016

The prompt

Let's wind down another month on the Magical Ship by taking in some of the on-board entertainment...I hear there's a funk band playing on stage in the ship's casino. Who's ready to try their luck? Who wants to get down and boogie? Tell us about it...the sights, the sounds, the action, etc.

It's been awhile since I last stepped foot on the magic ship. I wasn't going join this voyage, because it's too dangerous, but then I heard there was a casino on-board. How did I miss that before? I thought that taking a trip on this crazy magical ship WAS the gamble.

One last check-in with reality before I board... ElaineElaine reported some major problems with the ships main power source. No. Wait. ... That was me. Okay, so much for reality.
I'll trust that Fivesixer knows how to drive this thing, and with that I climbed aboard.

I'm eager to check out this casino. I wonder what sort of currency is paid out should someone win. I know that if you lose you can only lose your mind.

On my way to the casino I passed by the room I stayed in last trip - "Invalid Entry There was police tape across the door.
I kept on walking.

Finally I found the casino, and went inside. The place was loud and crowded. Everyone who ever traveled on the ship was there, if not in person, then their hologram-self was there in their place.

I stood there in awe, unable to move. The music moved me, or at least it would have if I could move. Steven Tyler from the band Arrowsmith was singing with the band Guns and Roses while the 'funk band'(which was the feature act) took a short break to beat up and throw over-board some poor Peruvian flute band.

The music was good and the music was loud, so I danced and I sang with the rest of the crowd.

I was tapped on the shoulder and asked if I wanted a drink, when I turned to say, "yes" - It was Andre the blog monkey serving drinks.
"Andre I shouted, where have you been hiding?"
The little bugger pretended he didn't speak English then slipped away.

Eventually I found a slot machine and sat down at it. It was voice activated, so I asked, "how do I play?"

"You're already playing. Most of your mind has already been lost. Do you still want to play on?"

"Slur ... sure I slurred."

A hair covered hand passed me a drink, but when I turned around there was nobody there. I took a large couple of gulps from the drink, then just about then everything went weird. This is what I love about the magical ship.
I sat there taking everything all in, as the slot machine screen flashed pretty lights while the screen text repeatedly flashed...

Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser 'JACKPOT' NO WAIT - MY MISTAKE... Loser Loser Loser Loser

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Made in Canada
February 27, 2016 at 6:03pm
February 27, 2016 at 6:03pm
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I'm not bragging or trying to say anything other than what I'm saying, and that is... I've read the Bible several times over. (both the old and new testaments)The following is pretty much blasphemy in print. Luckily, I have faith in forgiveness. My two book characters come from two books of the Bible. Adam from the book of Genesis, and the virgin Mary from the Gospels. This could get ugly folks; Pray for me.

"When I told my son I was going on a blind date, he offered to come along and restore your sight."

"That's funny, but nice of him to offer. If things work out, maybe he can turn a few bottles of water into wine for us."

"He would gladly do it too, but he said he was meeting with Pontious Pilot after having supper with his twelve friends, and wouldn't be back for three days or so."

"Hmmm, so you'll have the house to yourself for a few days? Maybe I could stop in for a nightcap?"

"To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure why I even came to meet you, Adam. I know you're married to Eve."

"We were never married, we just live together in Eden. But, while we're being honest, things aren't going too good for us these days. Ever since Eve started eating from the tree of knowledge things have gone down hill, and when one of your children kills the other - it adds so much stress to a relationship."

"Yeah, that must really suck. Maybe we could go to a stoning together, that may help cheer you up."

"Last time I went to a stoning, your son came along and spoiled everything. Nobody would even throw the first stone! How is it you even have a son, aren't you a virgin?"

"It's complicated, Joe doesn't even get it, but he's willing to go along with it anyway. I think he's suspicious of my relationship with God, but doesn't want to risk getting smote."

"This really isn't going anywhere, is it?"

"What, our date?"

"No this blog entry."

"I should get back to paradise, Mary. I hope you'll pray for me."

" I will. Now, and in the hour of your death."

With apologies to God, and anyone who's taken the time to read this.

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Made in Canada
February 20, 2016 at 5:49am
February 20, 2016 at 5:49am
I began watching Nascar racing when I was around nine or ten years old. It was called Grand National racing and it was shown on ABC's Wide World of Sports. Today's legends of the sport, were the active drivers back then.

Fast forward forty odd years - I'm still a huge racing fan, and I've never been to a race. Auto racing is nowhere near as popular in Canada as it is in the USA. Not many people watch it here. I actually get teased about my like love of Nascar racing.

Anyhow, I have a point to all this, if I can only get to it.

My favorite driver was/is Dale Earnhardt Sr. He died in a crash on the final lap of the Daytona 500 in 2001. I cried for weeks at the thought of this tragic loss. I'm tearing up right now.

I decided to not ever invest all of my admiration and fan loyalty into one driver. I now have several favorites and enjoy each race. My guy always wins.

So, in 2010 my favorite drivers were Micheal Waltrip, Kenny Schrader, Kenny Wallace, Johnny Benson, and both me and Leslie like Sterling Marlin.

I have to say this... Quite often people would ask me if I had ever been to see a race. I never have, but I would always give them my standard answer, which I stole from my dad, because I thought it was funny. I'd say, "No I've never been to see a Nascar race, I'm waiting for a Nascar race to come and see me." ha ha ha

But, get this, in 2010 five Nascar drivers came to our little dirt track just outside the city limits to promote Nascar racing in Canada and to have a (for fun) race on the dirt track.

The five drivers that came here were: Micheal Waltrip, Kenny Schrader, Kenny Wallace, Johnny Benson, and Sterling Marlin. No word of a lie.

Of course we went to see them, it was amazing! Best day EVER!

The coolest thing about this is... These race car drivers...They're used to having crowds of fans in the 60,000 plus numbers in attendance. Here at our little dirt track, we're luck to get more than 200 people in the seats. Not too many people came out to see these stars of motor-sport.

I tried to buy tickets in advance, because I thought it would be packed - The race track didn't a way of purchasing tickets in advance. Cash at the gate is their only POS. I made a point to get there as early as possible.

The event was very poorly attended. I guess someone thought the drivers would draw a crowd, because they had these long sections of roped off walkways so the mass of people (who never showed up) could wait patiently in line for an autograph from their favorite driver. About 300 people showed up, maybe less, not very many people.

The roped off sections looked like a labyrinth. "How does this work," I asked on of the track workers? He says, look for the driver's name you want to meet (here) then follow the rope to that front table (there). I was so excited, I was the first one there, and there wasn't anyone even behind me. I picked Michael Waltrip's line - Mikey! He's my favorite by far.

I was literally the only person there, so I start following the rope maze. I'm about a quarter mile from the table where the drivers are sitting. Half way there and I can see Mikey, he's just sitting there, alone, staring off into space. He had this look on his face that was like... Why in the world would I come to this shit hole in the middle nowhere.

When I get to the table, I'm beaming with delight... "Mikey, I'm your biggest fan, I can't believe you came here to race on our dirt track."I hand him a shirt and a book I want him to sign. He's a real nice guy, very genuine, he signs both my items as I gush about how happy I was when he won the Dayton 500, but how sad it was that Dale Earnhardt lost his life that same race. He let out a little sigh as he passed my (now autographed) items back, and he looks past me to the right, as if to say, "next"
But there's no one next, it's just me and I'm still talking to him. He looks back at me, and he has a big grin on his face. I know he's thinking, what the fuck are you still doing here?

I'm talking to him about Robby Gordon, a driver he has had a few fights on and off the track with in the past. Mikey says, "Yeah I don't like Robby Gordon much."

Then I spot Leslie and my Son, they're standing right behind Michael Waltrip. (they didn't walk the rope maze, they just walked straight up to the table from the back parking lot. My son has my camera, so I wave him and Leslie over.

This my wife and son Mikey, can we get a picture together?

MW sits for a couple pictures, but he's clearly wondering why I'm still in his face.

I would bet that... If I had gone to ANY track in the USA to see a Nascar race, I would have about five seconds to get get an autograph from any one of the drivers, and I'd probably have to wait for hours in a lineup.

So more people are navigating the rope maze now, some people are stepping over the ropes, some people are ducking under the ropes, workers are trying to direct people, still, more people are walking up to the table from the back lot.

The workers start to take down the rope walkways, then one of the workers directs me to exit to my right, which leads me past the other four drivers, who I stop and chat with and get autographs and pictures. Leslie even got a hug from Sterling Marlin.

So, that was my meeting with my Nascar heroes, it was like a dream. Not a dream come true, more like like a weird, nonsensical dream.

I did have a dream about Michael Waltrip once, but that's for another time.

Then there was this other time... I met Al Unser Jr. (a Nascar legend) and I made him cry. true story.

I had to come back and edit this line in... It was Bobby Allison who I met and made cry, not Al Unser Jr. I've never met Al Unser Jr. nor have I made him cry, but who knows, maybe someday.

I gotta go

Wait! There's pictures!

The line up to meet MW
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too dark image of Mikey signing the back of my shirt
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Sterling Marlin
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Sterling Marlin, sighning
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Ken Schrader, and a young fan
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Kenny Wallace
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Waltrip and Kenny Wallace wrecked their cars
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They had a little fake fight on the track - it was very entertaining
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