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When you really have nothing better to do.
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November 7, 2016 at 12:30pm
November 7, 2016 at 12:30pm
Brother's Blog - November 7, 2016
Day 7 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Motivation Monday!

Singer Joni Mitchell, born on this day back in 1943, once said "Chase away the demons, and they will take the angels with them." What do you think about this? Is it necessary to have demons, if only to keep the angels around?


Whew ... Deep breaths ... ... Whoa. I have to be careful not to turn this entry into a Joni Mitchell love ramble tribute.

But this totally convinces me that Fivesixer is a closet Canadian for sure. I bet he has a Gord Downie poster on the ceiling over his bed.

I'll do my best to stick to the prompt and keep my Joni bone hidden. *Blush*

"Chase away the demons, and they will take the angels with them." I have a hard time wrapping my head around this one. I get it, but I'm not sure I agree with it.
I guess that means I don't get it.

If you chase away the demons, and they take the angels with them, then what do you have? hmmm.

What would happen if you chased away the angels? Would the demons remain, or go with the angels?

Maybe it means you can't have one without the other?

Is it the same as saying. "There's good and bad in all of us?"

One idea I've always subscribed to is: You can't believe in God without also believing in the devil. Is that the same thing?


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Happy Birthday, Joni .
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November 6, 2016 at 2:40am
November 6, 2016 at 2:40am
Brother's Blog - November 6, 2016
Day 6 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.


This Sunday, your challenge is to pick a news story and start a conversation about it. What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you feel that others will agree? If so, why? If not, why not?

I would describe myself as a news guy. I like to be informed. I think it's important to know what's going on around you. I enjoy sports, even the sports I don't follow that closely, I still like to know what's going on, so I can converse with people who are more involved. The sports news is great for me, because I can catch up with all the scores and the stories without spending all day Sunday watching football for example. I used to think the weather forecast was good to know, but now I don't think they know when it's going to rain while it's raining. Sadly, the news has become a source of grief and aggravation for me lately. I've lost all respect for the news media lately including the CBC, (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) which was once the standard for journalist integrity.

I guess there's not much I can do about the state of the way things are: it's the new normal. I still want to know what's going on in the place I live, and in the places around me, so I'll have to watch the news that is made available to me, as weakly reported as it is.

For this prompt, which I believe I initiated a few years back, I wanted to find a 'good news' story; I did, but it wasn't easy. I searched several news agencies both Canadian and American, and eventually did a Google search for, 'Good News.' I was directed to The Good News News Network, which only reports on good news stories, and I found this little gem, which I hope you'll all read and enjoy as much as I did. It's not really an agree/disagree story, so consider Brother's Blog as a little shelter from the storm today, but just for today.

I was hoping to not make any comment regarding the American election, but I've already leaked out a couple statements - I just couldn't help myself.
So if any of my fellow bloggers share an American election related news story. I'll have to forego my intention to hold my tongue, and have at er.

Back when this prompt was first posted I shared this Beatles song, it's one of my favorites .

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November 5, 2016 at 3:55pm
November 5, 2016 at 3:55pm
Brother's Blog - November 5, 2016
Day 5 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Creation Saturday!

You're in charge of building the ideal robot- the robot science fiction has been telling us for decades is eventually gonna exist. What is it going to look like, how is it going to function, and what role will it play in your day-to-day existence...complementary, or otherwise?

Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

This is the 412th entry into Brother's Blog - WDC tells me that the blog has had 15,013 views. I do believe that this is the first time I have included a bible verse in one of my entries, and I must say, "I love Creation Saturday, and I love this prompt." I also have to say, "It's about bloody time I was put in charge of something."

Before I get into today's prompt I want to revisit a couple of previous entries, I have more to say. (surprise, surprise!)

"Invalid Entry - I had a conversation with a Facebook friend yesterday that completely exemplified this entry I wrote.

This is about a friend I have on Facebook, she's the significant other of a male friend, who I have only been friends with for about six years.
I like both these people, they are good people, they are peers, and that's the main reason we are friends. I don't communicate with this lady often, but she makes several Facebook posts a day. She posts pictures of her cooking almost daily, (which is one of my pet peeves - I know what food looks like.) She also makes vague comments calling un-named people names like, two faced liars, bitches, losers, that sort of thing. She made several posts where she threatens or scolds un-named friends of her teenage daughter. For a while I un-followed her, but I didn't want to offend her, because I really enjoy being friends with her partner, and I don't want to do anything to damage that relationship.

For the past eighteen odd months she has been posting pictures and videos of her infant grandson. (He is a little cutie to be sure) Anyhow... Yesterday she posted a video of the little fellow climbing up the front of a dishwasher in her kitchen to get at some baked treats placed high on a counter top. The little guy pushed a stepping stool in front of the dishwasher to help him reach up to the top of the machine, then was attempting to pull himself up.
Her comment on this video was, "lol is that the cutest thing you ever saw?" Well... I didn't think it was cute. I thought it was terribly dangerous. I had a difficult time watching it. It really bothered me to see this. So many things could go wrong here. From storing items of interest to young ones out of reach but not out of sight, to allowing a child to think it's okay to climb kitchen counters and appliances.

I will add that, Our seven month old son had a serious accident at home. (he was seriously hurt, but made a complete recovery; it could have been much worse) I was right there when it happened, but there was no time to do a thing for him. It's one of the worst memories I have.
So, after having what was one of my most frightening experiences, and likely the worst day in my life, we learned that the accident was totally preventable, and we took immediate steps to prevent something like that from ever happening again. Still... What if we had prevented the accident from happening BEFORE our son was hurt? If we only knew!

So, although I was pretty sure this lady would not want to hear what I wanted to say, I had to speak my mind. I had to say something, I couldn't leave it alone.
So I made a comment on her post in which I wrote, "I thought that was very dangerous, I had difficulty watching that video." I was hoping to start a conversation about the safety issues, I was hoping for it NOT to be taken in the wrong way. I was hoping she wouldn't accuse me of JUDGING her or her parenting skills. I was hoping I could help prevent a future accident.

The little boy's mother replied to my comment first, assuring me that grandma was right there, and everything was fine. Then my friend replied to my comment.
She wrote, "lol you don't have to worry Joel I was right there, you can even see my shadow on the video, he was just trying to get to grandmas cookies on the counter, it was so cute to watch."

This bothered me for an hour or so, I couldn't think of anything else, so I decided to make another comment. I wrote a reply to her comment... "With all due respect, it takes less than a second for an accident to happen, even being right there is only going to give you a good view of the accident. I'm only telling you this, because I know, sorry doesn't mean shit after something bad happens."

I waited to see what sort of response my comment would get. ... ... ... Nothing! Awhile later I searched for the post, but she un-friended me.

What do you think of this? I'd like to hear your opinions on this.

The other entry I'd like to revisit is : "Invalid Entry

My new blogging friend and possibly my son the Wordy Jay commented that - I hope you had much better experiences with amusement parks later on in life though.

I have been to a couple big amusement parks: The West Edmonton Mall and Valley Fair in Minnesota, USA. I've also gone to the traveling fairs, Most recently, the Queen City Exhibition here in Regina, where we saw a free concert by April Wine, and Loverboy. (Just saying)

As it turns out, Jay... I don't like thrill rides, they scare the shit out of me, even the kiddie rides.

But, I really wanted to write more about the park in Lockport which was closed. The reason why it was closed with no warning or explanation is because the owner went broke over the winter (it's a seasonal thing here with our winters being -30 or colder on average) On or about what would have been opening day, the bank put a lock on the property and it never re-opened. The park sat empty and abandoned for decades. I went back there and stood at the gate when I was older. Everything looked exactly like it did that day we went there as a family except for being grown over with vegetation, and weather worn. It was sort of spooky.

Around 1990 A developer bought the site, and built a water-slide park there called Skinner's Wet and Wild. It was a much loved water-slide park for two summers, but during the second winter most of the pipes and pumps, which served the water park froze and burst. Fixing the park meant tearing it down and rebuilding it from scratch. The developers didn't have the money to do that, so they walked away. The property is again an abandoned site. I think there's a good ghost story here.

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And now... I'm in charge of building a robot. We already have robots. We just don't have the best robot ever. This could be, because I have never been put in charge of building one, but all that has changed today.

My robot would be a human companion robot. It will be available to all the people of earth, free of charge. The robot will not be a visible contraption, like that little garbage-can of a nerdbot R2D2. My robot will be an implant, introduced at first into the human body, but then having the ability to embed itself into future generations through the reproduction process.

Now, don't get all scared! This robot will not make us all become robots. It's a companion to us, only intended to make us make ourselves better people.

Here's how it works. Once the robot is injected into a person's body it immediately goes to work. First it reproduces itself and sends out a small group of specialist robots. Some will travel through the body completing tasks sort of like how Norton's anti-virus works on your computer. Others will go straight to your brain and make the necessary adjustments to make us, as a human race, a master race for all time and masters of the universe. The body-bots*Copyright* Will travel the body destroying any forms of viruses or diseases. They will monitor nutrition levels and report to the brain-bots*Copyright* any deficiencies or excesses. They will also have the ability to aid in the healing of injuries. The brain-bots will instruct the person to perform proper actions which will ensure excellent health and promote much longer life expectancy times for all of humanity. Another function of the brain bots is to eliminate negative emotions such as hatred, greed, fear, jealousy and lust. (well...maybe we can have a little lust. We can adjust that later- gigity) They will also enhance the feeling of good emotions like love, compassion, and joy. These robots will not change us from who we are, they will only make us better at living together as what we are - human beings. Humans will still have free will and be free to do and say whatever they wish, nothing about that will change. For example: If you got a thought that you need to eat more fruit to maximize your nutrition levels, but you don't feel like eating fruit, then you don't have to, but you'll find yourself craving an apple and not think about why you're craving an apple. Later you'll just eat an apple.
The brain bots will also take direction from you, for example: I might might think, I'd like to be a better writer. The brain bots would then find all of my education in writing and examples of quality writing and bring this wealth of knowledge (I already have) to the forefront of my thoughts, so I can draw on it as I write.
These robots would look like super models, so sexy that Donald Trump would try to put his... never mind that, the robots are microscopic so nobody will ever see them. OMG... Look at the time!

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November 4, 2016 at 2:41pm
November 4, 2016 at 2:41pm
Brother's Blog - November 4, 2016
Day 4 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1981, the second scheduled flight of the space shuttle Columbia was halted with only 31 seconds left in the countdown. Has there ever been a situation that you went through a lot of trouble trying to pull off (or really looked forward to) only to see it cancelled at the last minute? How did you feel about it, and was it, in retrospect, a good or bad decision?

I remember that day in 1981, (it was a Wednesday) when they had to scrub the launch of Columbia. The launch was originally scheduled for October 9th, but there was that spill of nitrogen tetroxide during the loading of the forward RCS pod, So the launch was rescheduled for November 4th.

Everything was going good and proceeded without major issue until the GLS (Ground Launch Sequencer) issued a hold due to a low reading on Fuel Cell oxygen tank pressures. During this extended hold, high oil pressures were discovered in two of three APUs that operate Columbia’s hydraulic systems. The launch was scrubbed and the APU gear boxes flushed and their filters replaced.

The launch was rescheduled for Nov. 12 at 07:30 EST if memory serves me.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be strapped into the cockpit of a the space shuttle waiting for that moment of launch?

Your chair is tilted horizontally, so you're actually laying on your back, in a seated position. It's cramped quarters; you,re packed in like sardines with three other crew members. You're wearing a flight suit, and a helmet with a full visor. You're held in your seat by a five point harness. You can't look left or right, you can't turn around and look at the people seated behind you. If you're seated in the front you can see out the small front facing window. Your view is of the clear blue sky, you might see the occasional puff of steam pass by as hot engines are cooled with water to prevent the heat from expanding the fuel in the booster rockets, otherwise they would explode. The instrument panel has flashing lights, dials, switches, and meters, that make you wish you read the training manuals back at space shuttle pilot school. The craft and the launch tower rumble and shake, as different cooling fans and ignition engines are tested
Scientists, engineers, and technicians are constantly talking in your ears over the radio, you just sit there wondering what the hell they're talking about. Hours go by... then, instead of blasting off into space, they tell you, "fuck it you guys, we're not going anywhere today, you might as well come out of there and go home."

You all don't need to be reading this, I'm just plugging away to avoid thinking about the terrible stuff. While I'm doing this, and thinking about the past, I don't have to deal with today's nasty batch of misery.

Takes me back to the time we made a family trip to the Lockport Amusement Park, which is located about an hours drive outside of Winnipeg Manitoba. It was back in the summer of 1967, I was six years old, it was a Saturday, if memory serves me.

Mom sat up front in the 1957 Chevy with baby Scott on her lap. Dad drove and our only sister sat between them on the front bench seat. Me and my three older brothers sat in the back. I was always squished in the middle. I still have dents in my ribs caused by my older brothers' elbows. No seat-belts - No air conditioning - No car seats - Way before airbags - and dad chain smoking up front. The only time he smoked outside the car was when he was fueling up.

I had never been to the amusement park before, this would be my first visit. I was so excited. My older siblings talked about all of the rides, the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, the carousel, something called: the wild mouse, the spinning teacups, they even had pony rides. I could hardly wait to get there. This was going to be the best day ever, I was about ready to burst. I wanted to experience it all.

When we finally pulled into the parking lot my brothers and even my mom and sister pushed their faces up against the windows, I couldn't see a thing. They were saying things that made no sense to me. Something's not right here. I felt like a space shuttle pilot minutes before take off, and space shuttles weren't even invented yet. There wasn't a single other car in the parking lot, dad was able to drive right up to the entrance gate. Then it all became clear, there was a large sign posted on the fence with one word printed on it... CLOSED

We got out of the car and stood along the fence. I was in disbelief, stunned, shattered. I could see it all ... the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, the carousel, the thing called: the wild mouse, the spinning teacups, and more. All of it motionless. Not a soul in sight. I remember us all just standing there in silence on the outside looking in. I didn't even cry, there was no point. I was too young to swear. We all just stood there, for what seemed to be a long time, I'll never forget that.

Now that I'm old enough to swear and I'm already crying anyway, I'll just close this one off by saying, "FUCK!"

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November 3, 2016 at 1:41pm
November 3, 2016 at 1:41pm
Brother's Blog - November 3, 2016
Day 3 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

The Wildcard Round! Today's winner, chosen by Virtual Dice from all eligible entries, will receive 5000 GPs.

What makes you feel lucky?

Well... It just so happens that I am one of the luckiest people on the planet. I feel lucky all the time. I was born lucky.

My mother practiced in the science of luck, and held a degree in superstition. I studied her ways, and asked a lot of questions. By the time I was old enough to go out into the world to make friends and go to school, I already had the workings of luckology figured out, and was practiced in the family craft; much to the amazement of all who noticed I was... Well... pretty messed up is how they'd describe me to be honest.

When you're very young and impressionable you never consider, not even for a minute, that the mother who raised you from infancy and taught you all the life skills you know, is actually a nut job.

I thought everyone had a good luck penny in their shoe, a piece of paper in their pocket with the number seven written on it, and a rabbit's foot key chain.
(I didn't even have keys - just the key chain) The other kids thought I was insane, especially when I started employing my superstitious bad luck counter measures. Like throwing salt over my left shoulder if any is spilled, or never stepping on a crack, or walking a circle around your chair before sitting down. I tirelessly searched the lawn for four leaf clovers. I was so careful to never break a mirror - seven years of bad luck is a life sentence for a six year old.

"Come on Joel, the other kids yelled at the sound of the recess bell, let's go this way."

I stopped dead in my tracks, "No, I shouted, we have to go out the same door we came in - It's bad luck"

"Awe, not another thing your mother told you!"

It's not true?

So that was me... the lucky one. I'm still lucky to this day. The only thing is - I don't have good luck, I have dumb luck.
Well except for the fourteen years of bad luck I had after breaking those two mirrors. Worst part of it was I broke the second mirror just as the first seven years of bad luck was about to expire.

I'm also randomly physic, which increases my luckabilty rating immensely, yet uncontrollably. It's almost like cheating sometimes.

Like the time I entered a games contest at the local pub. The premise was to play a variety of pub games over a three month period in the pub.
Every time you won a game, you're name was entered to win $10,000.00 You could play as many games as you wanted and you could win multiple entries for the draw. The only catch was, you had to be in attendance on the day of the draw to be eligible to win the prize.
I played one game on the first day, and won one entry into the draw. Everyone told me to play more games to win more entries, but I told them, "no."

I knew for certain that on the day of the draw, that my one entry would be drawn. The money was as good as mine. The day of the draw I told everyone that my ticket would be drawn first. They didn't believe me, but I knew... I knew.
So we sat there waiting for the draw to be made, and the MC made an announcement as to how the draw was going to be done. When he said that is was going to be an elimination draw and the LAST ticket drawn would be the winning ticket, my heart sunk.

And the first person to be eliminated from the draw is (drum roll) Joel! Fuck! I knew it! Just my luck. Piss me off! I'm still a bit miffed about that one.

But that's my luck, thanks mom.

I have that dumb luck like... Lucky you weren't killed when that car hit you.
Or people say things to me like, "You're lucky I'm already on probation or I would stab you in the neck.

I have a hunch that I'm going to win the 5000 GP - I'm feeling lucky!

Daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

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November 2, 2016 at 2:33am
November 2, 2016 at 2:33am
Brother's Blog - November 2, 2016
Day 2 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

War Chest Wednesday!

What is the difference between 'judging' someone and simply 'disagreeing' with someone? Is it possible to let someone know you disagree with them without judging them?

This is a great question, I wish I had a great answer. No, that's not quite true... I do have a great answer, but I'm afraid to say it for fear of being unfairly judged.

It seems to me that it's become common place, that if you disagree with someone on any given point, instead of hearing your idea or defending the idea you oppose people are quick to accuse you of judging them, or even accuse you of being a hater or worse.

I think what I'm trying to say is... People (now, more than ever before) perceive the rejection of their idea as personal rejection.

Maybe what I'm trying to say is this... People only hear what they want to hear. In some cases people (for a variety of reasons) take a side of an issue, and that side becomes a part of them. Even if there are strong arguments based in fact that render their side to be baseless in fact or pointless, they still cling to their side of the issue, and dismiss your arguments by calling you judgmental or by discrediting you on a personal level rather than making an argument for their side. They make it personal.

I don't think I'm doing very good here.

How bout this... The difference between being of a different opinion than someone else, and judging them is all in the way you express your thoughts.

If I say to someone, "I think you are stupid, and here's the reason why." Then I am being judgmental.

If I say to someone, "I think your idea is stupid, and here's the reason why." Then I am voicing a different idea, and not judging them based on the stupid idea they subscribe to.

Lets just settle this in the usual way... emoticon sword fighting! ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

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November 1, 2016 at 2:14pm
November 1, 2016 at 2:14pm
Brother's Blog - November 1, 2016
Day 1 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Talk Tuesday!

With Christmas right around the corner (there are only eight more Fridays 'til then!)...do you pick up gifts here and there throughout the year, do you try to get as much as you can in as few trips as possible, or are you a last-minute shopper? And if you don't celebrate Christmas, tell us about your favorite gift-giving occasion.

I'm not so sure that I celebrate Christmas anymore. I have a personal Christian based attachment to the day, but it's different from what most people seem to be celebrating, and most of what I thought were never ending traditions have fallen to the wayside over time. To advert a lengthy Christmas related rant I believe I will answer the second question from the prompt, which is: Tell us about your favorite gift-giving occasion.

My favorite gift-giving occasion is Christmas; It always has been, ever since I can remember.

Growing up in a home with five siblings made for an exciting Christmas morning of gift opening. As we grew as a family Christmas morning became chaotic, with the addition of spouses, nieces, and nephews.

During the nineteen eighties My Christmas shopping gift list included more than twenty people.
As the years went on we discontinued some of our family traditions, such as buying gifts for all of our siblings. (We opted for a name draw, so we'd only have to gift one sibling) On the down side, I only received one gift, when I used to receive five. We decided to cut off the gifting of nieces and nephews as they reached the age of eighteen. Then we abolished the name draw all together.

During the nineteen nineties I had a spouse and children of my own to buy for. My gift buying list was down to around ten people. Shopping was made easier, but the cost always seemed to increase no matter what.
I tried to use my last two paychecks prior to Christmas to make my gift giving purchases, but I always found myself wandering the stores on Christmas Eve, looking for that perfect gift.

Christmas gift giving is so much easier these days, now that my children are grown. This year I have already purchased gifts for my children and can't afford to buy much more, so all the stress of what to buy vanishes with the notion that... It's the thought that counts.

Having been disappointed on Christmas morning, as young boy, due to higher expectations and greed. I learned some valuable life lessons from my mother, who told me, "It's good for you to be disappointed with the gifts you receive. Children that get everything they want learn to expect that they will always get the things they want, and life is not like that." Mom would also remind us that Jesus only got three gifts for Christmas and they had to double as birthday gifts as well, and they weren't even toys.

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October 16, 2016 at 10:11pm
October 16, 2016 at 10:11pm
It's been a while since I've written a blog entry, but this rant has been building up inside of me and it's time to lift the lid and let off a little steam, otherwise things could get ugly.

Speaking of ugly... Have you been following the American presidential election? (As if you can avoid it!)

I wanted to keep my opinions and thoughts to myself, as I'm not an American citizen, so I feel I have no right to voice my opinion, regardless of what it is and who it favors. I even scolded some of my Canadian countrymen for sharing american political propaganda ie: Trump or Clinton jokes on Facebook. I posted a comment where I said, "You shouldn't be posting these type of jokes, as funny as they may seem, they are offensive to Americans, and you also have no business making comments on their electoral process. I believe it's highly disrespectful towards our friends and neighbors to the south to spread these jokes; it's not funny!"

Well, okay. I have to admit that SNL's skit satirizing the most recent presidential debate was very funny.

But the whole thing actually makes me very sad, sad and angry. I'm sad because it seems to me that the American people don't seem to have a worthy presidential candidate to vote for.

I think Southpark has it right with their take on it. On this show the presidential candidates are a choice between either a giant douche or a turd sandwich.

I'm angry, because of the sheer stupidity of the whole thing, but mostly because of the horrendously irresponsible media coverage of the campaign process. There used to be a time when there was journalistic integrity. I never thought I would ever say this or ever have a need to say this, but I miss those days. I only watch local news coverage and CBC national news coverage, I once had respect for these institutions, but that was once, and they are no longer deserving of respect.

So... here are my thoughts that I said I wouldn't share... I like Donald Trump. I don't believe he is presidential material, and I think he's made a grave mistake in thinking that he is. I very much enjoyed his reality show, Celebrity Apprentice. I liked getting to know the celebrities who participated in the challenge, and I was proud that they raised millions of dollars for a variety of charities. I know Donald Trump is not known to be a very ethical businessman, perhaps even ruthless, but not too many successful businessmen are. The honest and ethical people are usually eaten up by the crooked, aggressive, bastards like Trump. He is who he is and he makes no excuses, I can at least respect that.

Hilary Clinton on the other hand is a thousand times worse than Donald Trump. She has proven to be a corrupt, unethical, manipulative, liar. My God! When former president Bill Clinton (her husband) desecrated the sanctity of the office of the President of the United States of America by hosting a sorted affair with an intern by the name of Monica Lewinski, (right in the oval office) and then lying about it to the American people - Who did Hilary support then? Not women! She supported her husband and stood by his side. In my opinion she condones his actions and supports his abuse of power and his abuse of women, I see that every time I see her. After what Bill Clinton did, I can't believe that she would have the audacity to say that Donald Trump isn't fit to be president, because he doesn't respect women. On this point alone, I paint Hilary Clinton as pure evil, with absolutely no moral fortitude. When I see Hilary Clinton on TV it always seems like Bill Clinton isn't too far out of the shot. I like to think that she keeps him close by her side because she can't trust him to be out on his own.

But it's the media coverage of all of this that truly disappoints me the most. The last few days all the news outlets have been reporting about women coming forward accusing Donald Trump of, 'what the media call sexual assault' They keep punching that term over and over again. Like they get paid ever time they say it. I've heard some of the complainants make statements, and although I don't deny that Donald Trump is a womanizing scoundrel, (not nearly as bad as Bill Clinton) I don't see the sexual assault being committed. Sexual assault is a crime. I'm hearing more (from the women coming forward) that Donald Trump made an aggressive pass at these women. I'm not hearing that he forced himself on anyone. I'm not hearing that he hurt anyone in any way. Yes, he may have been aggressively seeking sex, and I'll hazard to say that his courting style may have worked for him on some occasions, but from what I'm hearing (from the women coming forward) is that he respected that 'no meant no' when it came down to it. Besides that, if there was a case of him committing sexual assault, why were the police not contacted at the time of the occurrence? I have the greatest respect for all people, but to the woman who are coming forward making these claims, I have to ask, "Why now?" And because they can't respond to my question I have to assume the answer is, because they are motivated to discredit Donald trump, or they are seeking attention, or they are being paid to give discrediting testimony.

I'd like to clarify my logic on this point of sexual assault so I'm not accused of condoning Donald Trumps actions or being insensitive to the issue of abuse. Sexual assault is a crime. A victim of a sexual assault is deserving of every protection provided by society. Any victim of sexual assault should and must report this crime to the police as soon as can be expected. The police are bound to investigate any and all claims of sexual assault. Charges must by laid against the perpetrator of the crime. A trial should be held, and if convicted the perpetrator should and must face a lengthy jail sentence. The news media do not have any police reports or any incidences where charges were laid. Because of this, I don't believe it's fair to use the term sexual assault.

Worst of all is the way the media is feeding the mud slinging, and utter nonsense that has become this presidential race. The world is pretty deep in shit, and the focus is on frivolous dirty politicking.

Shame on you news media, you are the scum of the earth. Film at eleven.

If I were an American citizen I don't think I would even bother voting. It's very disturbing, I don't think there is a winner in any of this. I'd like to build a wall of my own.

Well, glad I got that out.

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May 5, 2016 at 11:49pm
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May 5th - Day Five

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May 5th Prompt... Wildcard Thursday! This is where I give away stuff...and admit my shame for not keeping everything up-to-date. So, your bountiful pleasure today is the Blogging MB...
How did you get out of something you were obligated to do? *BigSmile* Fivesixer

   I used to do all the things I felt obligated to do. I used to find myself somewhere with someone doing something I wouldn't normally do, except for somehow feeling obligated. Probably just because I said something like... "I'll do that."

I would sometimes sit at these these places I don't want to be at, and do whatever I didn't want to be doing, along with the people I don't want to be with, and I would wonder why this sort of thing keeps happening to me, and how can I stop it.

On the other hand... I sometimes feel obligated to go places I enjoy going to, and spending time with people I enjoy spending time with, while doing things I enjoy doing, so these are not the type of things we're talking about. Why would you want to get out of doing stuff you enjoy doing with people you enjoy being around?

What I did was... I followed the problem back to it's source and, no surprise, it was me. So I stopped saying things like, I'll do that, and Okay, I'll go there.

Then I began saying things like, NO and I don't think so, or Good luck with that.

I have a few other things I say, but I'm trying not to swear all the time in my blog entries.

So now, I find myself in those awkward situations less often than I did, and now when I get myself obligated to something I'm not a fan of... I buck-up and do it anyway.

A little bit like the old saying: "You made your bed, now call in sick and go get back in it."

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May 4th - Day Four

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May 4th Prompt... War Chest Wednesday! As always, these are from a bank of prompts submitted by previous challengers...
You step into an elevator and someone left a briefcase in there. The doors shut. What do you do?*BigSmile* Fivesixer

   Not gonna happen. I've always watched people, I look at everybody, I watch what they do, I look at what they're carrying. I wonder about what they are thinking, and I think about what they are doing, where they came from, and where thy're going to. When I am in a public place or using public transit I read the people. I enjoy people watching like some people enjoy reading a good book. I'm always willing to offer assistance should I see a need. This is why I say, "Not gonna happen." The elevator doors would never shut. I would notice the briefcase and try reconnect it with it's owner. If the briefcase was on an empty elevator, when the doors open, I would not get on. I've watched enough Bugs Bunny episodes to not get fooled by the old exploding briefcase in the elevator trick.

Okay, So what if I got on the elevator with the lone briefcase? This is what I know I would do. I would look at the briefcase. I would wonder what is inside it, and where it came from and who it belonged to. I would reason that it is just about to explode, and I would look at the numbers on the elevator dashboard to see if I could select the closest floor to bail out on.

If I make it off the elevator in one piece. I would notify security.

In my youth I would have stole that briefcase. (Finders - Keepers) In my youth the briefcase would have been filled with money and jewels.

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