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When you really have nothing better to do.
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April 4, 2015 at 5:19pm
April 4, 2015 at 5:19pm
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Prompt for April 4, 2015

Day 4 - What’s for dinner tonight? Expense or difficulty in preparation is no problem.

Now I'm off the ship.

Now I'm on the ship.

One minute I'm in a heated hallway game of Roomba polo, with Fivesixer and Charlie ~ then Bamm I'm back to real life, spending Easter with family back in Manitoba.

There I am over at PandaPaws Licensed VetTech dinner party sporting nothing but a black tie, (that's what the invitation said to wear) feasting on fine dining & fine wines. I call it swine dwining. Then Pow! I'm back at our place on Sunset Bay. It's our first time back since I closed it up last fall. The house wintered well, and it was much easier to gain entry, having remembered to bring the keys this time. Other than half a dozen dead houseflies falling onto my head when I first opened the door, which freaked me out ... It was as if the flies set me up for this gag - you know, "lets all go die up here on top of the door, so when he opens it up and walks in, our carcasses will drop down on him and freak him out.

The other thing going on is... the water pipes and pump are frozen, so we have no water.

Then I'm knocked out cold by a kick in the head from a Pegacorn, Charlie goes to see if one of the half naked cheerleaders happen to be a nurse. That's the last I see of Charlie, someones knocking on my door, and I smell all sorts of different food cooking all at the same time, and I'm starving, and suddenly craving pancakes, not a great big stacks of pancakes, just a couple nice round pancakes, maybe a couple cherries on top, dripping in sweet syrup, little cream on top, Then...

Bam!... Leslie and I are looking for an open grocery store in Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba on Good Friday, because we don't have stitch of food back at our house by a lake in the woods. We had to do our grocery shopping at a gas-bar convenience store.

My real life supper meal was a vacuum sealed double cheese burger, with meat of some sort and cheese on it. a slice of processed cheese, not a whole slice mind you, thank god. A bag of pretzels and some trail mix rounded out the culinary masterpiece.

Still...It's nice to back in Sunset Bay. I wished the weather was better.

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April 3, 2015 at 6:39pm
April 3, 2015 at 6:39pm
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Prompt for April 3, 2015

Day 3 - On this trip you don’t have to do any cooking, cleaning or other chores. Tell us how you envision these tasks being performed.

So... the last I saw of Andre, he was sneaking on-board by using the employee entrance.

It turns out that someone put a NO BLOG MONKEYS ALLOWED sign at the boarding gate as an April fools prank. I decided to go have a look around the ship to see if I could find him. I still haven't found him, but I ran into a few other travelers and there is talk of a monkey and a band of minions serving food and performing acts of cleaning and service rendering.

I figure the work will keep him out of trouble, besides I don't want to be around when he finds out he was punked.

As I walked down the hallway, back to my room, I noticed a furry chamber maid entering my room. As my room door closed behind her/him/it, I heard a loud shriek.

I decided to go visit with some of the other travelers on-board, this magical ship seems to have a magical something magic about it - could it be magic?

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#1985857 by Not Available.
April 2, 2015 at 3:07am
April 2, 2015 at 3:07am
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Prompt for April 2, 2015

Day 2 - When you enter your assigned room with attached bathroom on the ship, it’s bare. You may decorate and furnish your room any way you like – just say it or wish it. The only limitation is you only have one port window. Tell us what the room looks like after you finish with it.

I must have dozed off while Andre was driving. I was awoken by Andre, who was poking me in the ribs and pointing to a sign on the check-in counter wall.

We must have been here before. Okay buddy you know the drill. And with that, I stepped up to the counter and engaged the young lady in polite conversation. I see you don't allow blog monkeys on-board, I said.

"No, we used to, but some mobsters brought one on-board about this time last year, and we still haven't reopened the bar-car and three rooms on the upper deck are still uninhabitable."

When I noticed that Andre had slipped through the 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' entrance, I let the nice young lady know I was Brother Nature, and I was here to check in.

Just out of curiosity I asked, "do you allow Pandas, Dragons, and Wolves on-board?"

Yes we do, but not entire wolf packs, we only allow lone wolfs.

Makes sense.

After checking in, I went to my assigned room, and it was completely bare. There was only one window, which provided a view into the attached bathroom. Normally this would be a problem, but not on a magical ship. All that I have to do is wish it, and it will be as I wish it to be. I closed my eyes and began to wish. The wishes came fast and furious. My conscience kept repeating the mantra, "Be careful what you wish for" I went right on wishing.

When I opened my eyes, my room was transformed beyond the human minds ability to understand or reason. Over stimulation is an understatement. It took me several days to wrap my mind around my new environment.

The room was now a half mile squared. The outside walls of the room were made of canvass panels, yellow and red striped panels, like a huge circus tent.

There was one chair, and no bed. Not like I was here to sleep anyhow. From my chair I could look down onto the Olympic sized hockey rink where the 1972 Team Canada team was playing against Team Russia. Paul Henderson scored the series winning goal every half hour.

On one end on the hockey rink there was a huge stage, with a humongous stack of Marshel speakers, so tall that clouds block your view of the top speakers. Led Zeppelin was playing a perpetual concert with a hologram of John Bonham playing drums.

One side of the room had a football field where The Winnipeg Blue Bombers took on two NFL teams at the same time, and shut them out every quarter, until they conceded and sent in two more teams to meet their end.

On the sidelines a group of half naked cheerleaders beat Major league baseball players with huge rubber sex toys.

I don't remember wishing that.

On a small table there was a phone. a light on the phone constantly flashed, and a digital message repeated the text: Nobody has called - No one even likes you.

Birds of every kind filled the air.

There was a oval race track on the outer perimeter, with a grass track and dirt track on the inner rings. Stock cars raced on the
big oval and the finest race horses of all time ran races on the inner two tracks.

Spiral staircases allowed access to several levels of some of the finest restaurants and bars in the world. Seven staircases lead to the seven wonders of the world. One lead to the San Diego Zoo, and another staircase was the entrance to Cuba.

The Macey's Thanksgiving Day Parade wound it's way through the room, While the pope himself offered absolution as needed, when needed.

There was a Panda doing a pole dance, but that may have been just in my imagination.

Still, there was one window which looked onto the attached bathroom.

This is going to be one heck of a trip. I wonder how Andre is making out.



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#1985857 by Not Available.
April 1, 2015 at 3:39am
April 1, 2015 at 3:39am
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Prompt for April 1, 2015

Day 1 - If you could travel anywhere, where would you go. What would you expect to see, eat, smell, hear, and feel.

I am so glad to finally be headed on a much needed vacation. It's not even a matter of IF I could travel anywhere - It's more a matter of... I am going to travel anywhere, or is it somewhere? No matter! The point is I'm heading on vacation for an entire month.

If I could travel anywhere then that's where I want to go - anywhere. I'm not talking about going to a major city of anywhere, I prefer the remote undeveloped, underpopulated parts of anywhere. Anywhere but here...ha ha ha.

Naturally, when you're travelling to to anywhere, you can expect to see anything. One of my favorite things about going anywhere is all the delicious foods available everywhere. I'll pretty much eat anything, and if I like it, I'll eat everything. Everything smells so good when you go anywhere.

It's as if I never hear anything. People are forever telling me that I never listen. I'm sure they say other things, but my attention span is short, and I stop caring long before they stop talking.

I'm always excited to go anywhere, I feel real good about my travel plans for this month. I'll be very happy to get off the planet for awhile, I've never liked it here, and I've never bonded with my human heritage. That's why I'm taking Andre the Blog Monkey along with me. Andre is a great traveling companion because everything he says rhymes, and he's a great driver. Problem is...Andre wants to go to someplace. I guess we'll work things out somehow. We have an entire month.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
March 11, 2015 at 2:54pm
March 11, 2015 at 2:54pm
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March11, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official March Challenge

Two-fer Tuesdays & War Chest Wednesday!

Share an item or blog entry from any of the eligible competitors this month. Include a review link for bonus points (if you choose to share an item).
Do you have a lucky number, and if so, why is it special to you? If you don't have a lucky number, is there a trinket or similar object that carries a special lucky significance for you?

Hello Again

One of the problems with completing the 30 Day Blogging Challenge's 30 day blogging challenge is that you have to write and enter a blog entry everyday for thirty days in a row. I've always said, "that's a hard thing to do." I know that concessions are made, and there are allowances given to late and missing entries, but I'm a recent convert to the, Eliminationalist Movement.

Having been (I think the only one) officially disqualified and banished from posting in the forum for life; I was beginning to think there was no way out of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, once you sign up. Which reminds me, (I forgot to send three prompts for the 'War Chest')

Where was I? Oh yeah. ... That's what I was beginning to think! ... ... AND THEN, Taz_Koby Introduced me to 'Self Elimination.'

I'm gonna get me some 'o' that.

What I really mean to say is... I have to get my ass in gear, with some work orders, otherwise I'll be stuck in a basement all summer long. I won't have the time to write a blog everyday, as I had hoped, so I'm taking a break from this competition.

But first... Check this out! Today I decided to review and share a blog entry of Charlie ~

As the Contest Turns

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#1985857 by Not Available.
March 9, 2015 at 5:46pm
March 9, 2015 at 5:46pm
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March 9, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official March Challenge

Wildcard Monday!

Saturday night parts of the world had to set their clocks ahead one hour to account for Daylight Savings Time. Did you have to, and if so, did it affect you at all? According to this link (http://www.weather.com/health/news/daylight-saving-time-spring-forward-health-ef...) researchers think the switch to DST every year impacts our health. What do you think?

Hello Again

There I was, back in Manitoba, Canada turning my clock back and forth every spring and fall. Am I losing an hour or gaining an hour? Turn it ahead or turn it back? I forget which way I'm turning the clocks in between clock changes. Then there's the home electronic devises that do it for you, auto-magically. Did it do it yet, or should I go ahead and do it? Am I turning back or ahead? What time is it? What time is it, now? What time is it, really? Really?

And the scientists don't help either - Studies show that it could have adverse effects on your body-clock. My body clock!

It's only an hour! How many times during the year do you sleep an extra hour or wake up an hour earlier than you normally do?

But the thing that bugged me the most, was when someone would say, "They don't turn their clocks back in Saskatchewan."

"That's because they're a bunch of dirt farming, hillbilly, mental patients in Saskatchewan. Ever see the crowd shots, from the Rough-Rider games? I would always snarl back.

Fast forward to this past weekend and my present new home in Saskatchewan, and Joel is singing a whole new tune.

Go -Riders Go

Call us dirt farming, inbred, hillbillies, whack job, Rough-Rider fans, with no NHL team... I don't care.

We want you to think that!

It's the only thing that keeps Saskatchewan from becoming over-crowded!

It's like a secret Utopian Nether World, whatever the fuck that is.

We don't piss around with clock changing, we don't pay taxes on things that tax was already paid on, we park where ever the fuck we want, the roads are good, and the economy is strong; Sure we don't have an NHL team, but we have one of the best WHL teams in the history of hockey, and you don't have to be a millionaire to go see them play.

Have fun playing with your clocks, fruitcakes!

As the Contest Turns
Finally, I got the announcement out for the February contest results. It was quite a bit of work, compiling, the judges scoring and crediting all the contestants who posted blog entries for the Final Blogappocolypse, then adding all the stars ( and half stars! Smitty!) It all sorted out fairly true to form, a decidedly debonair debacle.

I was actually a bit surprised at the outcome, I knew it was going to be close, but I thought Ann would come out ahead in the end.
One thing that I left un-announced are a few HM prizes and a proper recognition of the people who helped along the way.
So I'll have to go another mile, before I rest.
But now...I'm going to rest. I saved an hour by not running around changing all my clocks


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#1985857 by Not Available.
March 8, 2015 at 11:57pm
March 8, 2015 at 11:57pm
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March 8, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official March Challenge

The Sunday News!(re-created version)

Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

Hello Again

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This just in... Waldo has been located.

I was enjoying a pretty slow day for news, when this prompt came along and spoiled my contest results releasing party.

BTW more news... Happy birthday and Congratulations on being the best of the best. Cubbee

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As I was about to say, it was a slow day for news, and then - BAM! - http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/03/08/tory-mp-apologizes-for-o_n_6826366.html

I'll pass on the discussion on this news story topic. What I'd really like to discuss is: Where WAS Waldo all this time?

As the Contest Turns

Results are out - Check em out @ The Monkey Bar.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
March 7, 2015 at 7:13pm
March 7, 2015 at 7:13pm
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March 7, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official March Challenge

'Creation Saturday' (re-created version)

When I inherited the "30-Day Blogging Challenge" , I was also given a few other items...the one I use the most obviously is the War Chest, which holds a majority of the prompts I send out. The people who have owned it before me put some effort into organizing it; prompts are loosely categorized into the days they should likely be used on. As I was scrolling through the lists looking for an appropriate 'Creation Saturday' prompt, I came across the very last 'Funny Friday' suggestion, and I've decided to put it in play for Saturday instead. So without further ado, answer the following question in any manner you wish (poem, drama, humor, essay, lyrics, bullet points, etc...any way you'd like): Where is Waldo?

Hello Again

It seems like a lifetime ago when my son brought home the first, 'Where's Waldo?' book from our local library. Both my kids loved those books, and I was surprised to see the number of books and the vast number of pictures, in which you can search for Waldo.

You are talking about the, 'Where's Waldo' books, and not just simply asking where Waldo is? Right?
Otherwise, I don't know where Waldo is; I don't even know Waldo!

But the books...My kids loved the books, and I did my fair share of searching for Waldo as well. My daughter was freakingly fast at finding Waldo. We would sit together, the three of us, and go through the Waldo books, racing to see - who can spot him first. The girl was always first. Sometimes she could find him in seconds.

Her ability to find Waldo would play on my mind as I searched in vain for hours for the little bugger - only to toss the book across the room and say, "I don't give a fuck where Waldo is," then storm off in a huff.

So there! Now I'm angry.

Go find Waldo yourself, if you really need to know where he is.

Good day to you.

As the Contest Turns

I said, "Good day to you!"

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#1985857 by Not Available.
March 6, 2015 at 4:20pm
March 6, 2015 at 4:20pm
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March 6, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official March Challenge

Funny Friday!

The "How To" article is a staple of popular magazines. We don't always need informative-yet-boring "How To" articles...what we sometimes need is "How NOT To" advice. Try to make us laugh and tell us a good way of not doing something.

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Hello Again

Steve Smith, aka Red Green, is about the best there is when it come to 'How NOT To' comedy.
I'm not sure if his Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) television show, 'The New Red Green Show' plays, outside of Canada.

We get, 'America's Funniest Videos'.

I'm actually pretty handy, and enjoy the challenges of, doing it yourself. (DIY) This prompt reminds me that I have to get my ass in gear as far as my renovation project in the basement here is concerned. Where the hell did February go?

Anyhow, there's nothing funny about that. But, no worries, little bro is the clown prince of DIY fails. My only regret is not having a video recording of his many entertaining attempts at ... at ... well, at everything.

There were a few incidences that required emergency medical attention, mostly for stitches, ex rays, and concussions. I guess it's not right to laugh about those, funny as they are. I have to share the story of the day that little bro used the snow-blower for the first time.

I stopped by to visit one of my older brothers and his wife one snowy Saturday afternoon. Our youngest brother happened to be living there at the time as well.

Little brother was leaving out the back door when I arrived, he told me he was going outside to shovel the snow. As I got settled in, big brother was telling me how it's the first time little brother is going to used the snow-blower. After awhile big bro got up, and went to look out the front window. It wasn't long before he was laughing uncontrollably.

He motioned me to come look.

Little bro was pushing the snow-blower down the snow covered sidewalk. The discharge chute (where the snow flies out of the machine) was directed straight back towards the back of the machine. He was shooting a flood of cold wet snow right back in his own face. He would go forward, for as long as could stand it - stop - wipe the snow out of his eyes and face - then go forward again, pelting himself in the face with a shit ton snow shower.

Older bro and I laughed until we were crying, it went on and on. My sister in-law came to see what we were laughing at. She started laughing as well, but soon turned to us and said, "someone has to go tell him."

We did show him the little dial which changed the direction of the discharge chute, but only after we had a chance to stop laughing long enough.

True story folks!

Me running a snow-blower with the snow directed away from the operator.

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As the Contest Turns

I have to go now. I'll do double duty tomorrow.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
March 5, 2015 at 10:18am
March 5, 2015 at 10:18am
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March 5, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official March Challenge

From the War Chest

Do you believe in miracles? Why, or why not?

Hello Again

I believe that all things are possible - therefore miracles are possible.
Except for: at the moment of their occurrence, they cease to exist, because life is a series of possibilities being realized.
- therefore miracles are not possible.

Here's your stinking miracle... *Faucet* = *Glass2*

Believe in that!

As the Contest Turns

The teams completed their first team challenge, and things were beginning to take shape.

Birds On The Wire
Team Leader: Elle - on hiatus

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The Blogging Bunch
Team Leader: PandaPaws Licensed VetTech

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The prompts were better now too. The prompts were better. The prompts were much better. I thought the prompts were better.

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