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When you really have nothing better to do.
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November 4, 2015 at 2:02pm
November 4, 2015 at 2:02pm
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November 4, 2015

Today's prompt
from the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

"Imagine you're Cinderella and tell us how you danced at the ball."

Is this where Prince Charming holds his balls?

Thank God I found this place, you won't believe what I had to go through to get here.

I wasn't even going to come. What kind of a creep invites all the teenage girls from the kingdom to his castle, just so he can say, "I have the biggest balls in all the land."

Anyhow, I wasn't even going to come here, but my wicked step-sisters pissed me off so much, that I said, "I hate you fat ugly bitches, and I'm going to that fucking ball, or my name isn't Cinder Fucking Ella!"

Then my evil step-mother tells me to do all the house work and wash all the laundry, if I'm not going to the fucking ball anyway.

"Fuck that!"

That's when my fairy fucking God-mother shows up and starts waving here magic fucking wand around.

Next thing I know I'm dressed in this slutty gown and getting out of a pumpkin carriage... a fucking pumpkin carriage! and here I am at this dick wad's ball.

Is there somewhere I can sit down, these glass fucking slippers are killing my delicate feet?

So when is this dip shit Prince Charming going to ask me for a dance, I have to be home before midnight, what time is it?

Well... I don't have all day. I'll go ask him to dance.

Fuck! I can't even walk in these things. Who thought glass fucking slippers was a good idea. If I ever see that fairy fucking God-mother again I'll shove these glass fucking slippers straight up up her ahh... Prince Charming, would you like to have this dance with me?

My feet are killing me. I can't even speak. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. each fucking step sends streaks of pain shooting from my feet through my entire body. I'm hearing bells ringing. clock bells. There's an enormous clock in the center of the ballroom. "you have a have a huge clock," I mumbled through the pain. The chiming grew louder, the pain grew stronger, we twirled and swirled. I can't dance. I fall into Prince Charming's arms. The room fades to black. "I love your balls," are my last words before I pass the fuck out, right there on the fucking dance floor.

I awake again in the hospital as I often do. My feet are bandaged and my hair smells of pumpkin. My slutty gown is a hospital gown now. There's no fucking Prince Charming, and no opportunity for balls in my future.

It was a pretty good day, after all.

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November 3, 2015 at 10:34am
November 3, 2015 at 10:34am
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November 3, 2015

Today's prompt
from the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

"How much would not having internet access for an extended period of time impact your life?"

Okay, the short answer is... Not very much.

The internet is not something I've always had, so I would simply do the things I did before the internet was the only thing in the world that matters.

Back in my day we had what we called LSD. You just had to take a couple hits of purple micro-dot... and you didn't go on the internet - you WERE the internet.

One time a larger than life fire engine, complete with blaring sirens and flashing lights, sped right through the kitchen of a crowded house party. The fire-fighter riding the back of the rig waved to me, as the fire engine raced down the hallway and out the front door. Luckily no one was hurt.

As you can see... I would be just fine without internet.

But it's this young generation I'm worried about. What do they have to fallback on if they lose the only thing they know?

I remember back in the sixties, during the cold war, people were encouraged to build 'Fall-out/Bomb Shelters' - (a safe place to go in the event of a atomic bomb attack)

We should be encouraging people to build 'Outages Centers' - (an entertaining place to go in the event of internet unavailability) These could be just small rooms equipped with some books, a TV set and VCR (video cassette recorder) maybe a musical instrument or two, playing cards, board games, CB radio, and it wouldn't hurt to stash some recreational drugs and some booze too.

Hey? Who misses the internet now?

I think I'm just going to build one anyway.

fax ya later.

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November 2, 2015 at 9:49am
November 2, 2015 at 9:49am
Spell Syllables
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
verb (used without object), mused, musing.

1. to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject.

2. Archaic. to gaze meditatively or wonderingly.

  verb (used with object), mused, musing.
3. to meditate on.

4. to comment thoughtfully or ruminate upon.

Origin of muse

At a quick glance I thought that last one said; or urinate upon.*FacePalm*

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November 1, 2015

Today's prompt
from the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Music Monday!
What's your go-to, adrenaline rush, good mood music?

I have an ipod containing 219 songs (15 hours and 24 minutes of music.)

Each song I selected had to be a song I would like to hear while I'm either cycling, exercising, or hi-way driving.
Each song then, is one of my favorite songs, and also fits the category of 'adrenaline rush' inspiring.

Okay, I do have a couple 'groaners' in there. Like; Buddy Holly's, True Love Ways, but I like that song, and I couldn't pass it up while I was going for a couple other Buddy Holly songs that pump my tires.

Music is like medicine - it's all meant to cure the same things, but side effects may differ from person to person.

Heavy Metal, Punk, and Rap can boost my energy level, but can give me a headache as well.

Interestingly enough... I find 'The Blues' to be a genre that puts me in a good mood.

Smooth and easy - Like peanut-butter - Oh my God... Look at the time!


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November 1, 2015 at 9:13pm
November 1, 2015 at 9:13pm
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November 1, 2015

Today's prompt
from the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Come up with a fake news headline...something you'd see in a checkout line tabloid at the grocery store. Convince us that it's something we should believe.

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If you believe nothing else... believe this... The moon is on a collision course with planet earth. This is the biggest internationally held governmental cover-up in the history of the planet.

The leaders of all of the planet's countries are unanimous in wanting to keep this news from becoming public knowledge.
They do not want to cause undue wide spread panic. This is why you'll never see articles about this on main-stream media.

Thank God you're a Brother's Blog reader. Now you'll be able to prepare for what will be a quick and painless end to life on this planet.

There really isn't much to prepare for.

It's not like there's anything you can do about it.

You're probably better off not knowing.

Now that I think about it... the government is probably right.

It would be better if the unpreventable end of life on the planet came as a surprise to the mass populace.

... ... ...

Hey! Wait a minute. ... ...

This just in... The Government is Probably Right About Something.

Naw... Nobody will ever believe something so ridiculous as that.

Never mind.

Party on folks.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
October 2, 2015 at 12:11am
October 2, 2015 at 12:11am
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October 1 & 2 & 3 now, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Unofficial October Challenge

Here's an optional blog prompt for October 1 - 3, 2015, to get you started.

What did you do in September? Did you have any writing goals or other goals? Do you have any writing goals or other goals for October? What do you like most about the month of October?

Make us laugh with some classroom humor from your years in grade-school, or write a related poem or story.


Write a short bio for yourself in today's blog. Tell us all of your likes and dislikes.

I'm going back to the bar

Back at the beginning of September, I set a few personal goals for myself. Only one was a complete success, and that was my writing goal of completing the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, without missing, or posting a late entry. Regardless of where I place, I consider that a win, and I congratulate my fellow challengers on completing the Official September Challenge. Another writing goal was to keep a daily journal, written with pen on paper, no less. I missed more days than I wrote for, but I did have an encouraging eight day streak to start things off.

I made some lifestyle changes in September which I kept up with - nothing too serious, I just made an effort to eat healthier
and avoid snacking. I included a daily exercise program into my schedule. I thought I would loose ten pounds by the end of the month, but I only lost seven.

All in all, September was a pretty good month for me - I'll do it again next year!

I'm looking forward to October, I'll continue with my lifestyle changes except; now, I'll call them lifestyle habits.
If I lose another seven ponds this month... I'd be happy with that.

My writing goals are a bit different; I'm going to help out hosting the Unofficial blog challenge, and I'm going to commit some time into adding new content to The Monkey Bar, as I like to call Andre the Blog Monkey's Blogging Banana Bar.

What I like most about October is the onset of hockey season, both NHL and the local brand. I love being able to spend a nice day outdoors during autumn, without the scorching heat and the swarming insects (%#*& mosquitoes) of the summer months'.

As for classroom humor and the short bio... I'm a day late and a dollar short.

Besides I have to get some stuff ready for the mini challenges.



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September 30, 2015 at 12:32pm
September 30, 2015 at 12:32pm
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September 30, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

War Chest Wednesday!
Last entry of the month! Sometime Wednesday afternoon Joel and I should have details ready for October. Until then, here's your prompt, from the War Chest:

What is the most annoying sound you have ever heard?

I've got better things to do

Am I the only person that has the ability to be self-annoying?
Honestly... There are times when I wish I'd just shut the hell up.

Besides myself, there must be at least forty-seven million sounds, (both human and electronically generated) which annoy me.
But it's true what they say... "When you point your finger at someone or something - four fingers are pointing back at you."

okay - three fingers, but you get my point. ... ha ha, get it? MY POINT! ... see what I did there?

Brother Nature's TOP TEN list of Most annoying sounds

10. Elevators that "BEEP" as they pass every single floor of the building.
9. Any TV commercial that airs twenty-seven thousand times or more a day.
8. People who converse in a language you don't understand while in your presence.
7. Screaming kids.
6. Check-out clerks (and the likes) who say, "Have a good one."
5. Telemarketers
4. The sound of other people's cel phones ringing.
3. Anyone who begins a sentence with the words: I want... - I need... - Can you...?
2. Soon to be FORMER Prime Minister of Canada, Steven Harper.
1. Automated call answering systems, which prompt you to 'Press number whatever for services.'

That's all I got folks.
I'm happy and proud to have successfully completed another 30 Day Blogging Challenge.
It's been fun!
Congratulations to all my fellow blogging enthusiasts.

Now... Get ready for another "Unofficial Blogging Challenge Month" Beginning October 1, 2015.

We're going to be running a '5 Day Mini Challenge' activity, with special themed 5 day challenges, and even specialler guest hosts. Sign-up is going on now in the forum.


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September 29, 2015 at 1:53am
September 29, 2015 at 1:53am
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September 29, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

Talk Tuesday!

I know people often joke about TMI (too much information)...but all kidding aside, can too much information ever be a bad thing?

Zip it!

Keep this to yourselves, but...

We're living in the information age, at least I think we still are. Sometimes these things change, and I'm always the last one to find out.

So, assuming we're still living in the information age, we are obsessed with information. We can never get enough of the shit.
On the other hand...we have to be guarded about our own information. You don't want to be letting too much of that shit get out there.

A very bright, and successful market annalist, by the name of Danny, who was also nutty as a fruitcake, once asked me in his thick Austrian accent, "What is the main thing that moves markets?"

"I don't know... ... ...orders, maybe, I answered."

"No! not orders you idiot... information ... information ... it's the most important thing! What the fucks the matter with you?
Orders! Orders are nothing! It's information. Fucking information."

"Okay, okay it's information, can you leave me alone now?"

So, information is important, and avoiding conversations with Danny is a good thing too.

Personally, growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, I learned the value of information, as in... you don't say shit about shit to no one. Even people you think you can trust, you can't trust, because you don't know who they will go and talk to.

Can too much information ever be a bad thing? I think so. I know that in the sales process there comes a time when you've said everything that needs to be said and it's time to make the sale. When you get to this point you have to recognize that it's time for you to stop talking. Shut the fuck up. No more information. When you get this point in the sales process, and you've asked for the order, it is said: The first one to talk loses. It's true.

So, yeah. Too much information can be a bad thing.


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September 28, 2015 at 3:11pm
September 28, 2015 at 3:11pm
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September 28, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

Music Monday!

Do you have any guilty pleasures when it comes to music...something you think no one else really knows you listen to and enjoy, or are maybe a little afraid to admit? (If this prompt doesn't really appeal to you, you can substitute music for television shows, or movies, or food...any kind of guilty pleasure, I suppose.)

Mamma let that boy play some rock n roll

...any kind of guilty pleasure, I suppose.      (yeah right!) I'll stick with the music themed prompt.

My guilty pleasure when it comes to music, besides my love affair with Dominique, from the flying nun has got to be my love of home-grown music.

Perhaps you've heard of a little band from my old neighborhood called "The Guess Who" Their play list consists of forty-five minutes of 'top ten pop chart songs', but there are a couple other bands from the hood, which I feel privileged to have been in their audience on many occasions.

The lesser known bands are my guilty pleasure. These are the bands that were working the bar circuit when I was young and party prone. A few of these bands went on to tour the world, but all of them have a place in my heart. It's not easy to find their music online these days, but some of it is out there. I'll share a couple here, and let the music do my blogging.

Have a listen - let me know what you think.

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A few others that deserve a mention (and a youtube search, if you're interested): Streetheart, The Pumps, Orphan, Harlequin, and Queen City Kids (Regina)

Tune in, Turn on, and Blog about it.

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September 27, 2015 at 4:48pm
September 27, 2015 at 4:48pm
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September 27, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

The Sunday News!

What's the biggest story in your hometown this weekend? Not where you're living now, but the place you were born (if they're not the same area).

Pick a card, any card.

Umm, Okay, I'll tell you what I know.

You won't read this anywhere else.

I guess the world leaders don't want the general populations of the planet to panic.

Trust me - There's never been a better time to panic!

This is about the moon - Here's what I know...

I've always been one to look at the sky. My entire life, I've always been drawn to looking up.

Other than clouds and aircraft, daytime sky viewing is unremarkable, because the brightness of the sun washes out all other celestial bodies.

One day, back when I was a curious ten year old, I noticed that the moon was visible in the sky (mid-day) which was very unusual. I asked my school teacher why this was and I was given a fairly logical explanation, and it was offered that this was a rare occasion (the moon being visible during daylight hours) and it was.

POINT - Seeing the moon during the day was a rare observation, thirty to forty years ago.

SECOND POINT - Seeing the moon during the day, is common place in present time.

Consider this - Up until 2013 we have never heard of or witnessed the moon phase described as a "Super Moon."
Now we seem to have Super Moon events on a regular basis.
We also have seen an increasing occurrence of what are described as a "Blood Moon." - another moon phase that never existed prior to 2013. (with the exception of 'Dracula' movies)

Why is this?... The scientifically explanation calmly explains moon phases and orbits, combined with atmospheric conditions
which point away from any cause for alarm or panic.

BUT... TRUST ME ON THIS ONE...There is cause for alarm, and it's never a bad time to panic.

THIRD POINT - The moon is on a collision course with the earth.

THE PROOF - Read between the lines of the scientific explanation. They always casually mention how the moon's appearance is caused by it's CLOSEST PROXIMITY TO THE EARTH!!!
Also LOOK UP - The moon is getting bigger and brighter all the time, as if it were coming closer and closer and closer to the earth.

FEAR NOT - The moon is not going to hit our planet, not while we're still alive at any rate. Long before the moon makes contact with the earth, the gravitational pull that the moon generates on earth will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic activity, hurricanes, and weather related disasters with increasing occurrences, and intensities until we are all exterminated, and the planet becomes lifeless.


What does this have to do with my home town of Winnipeg? It's simple - The moon is putting on a show, and it's FREE.

Winnipegers??? Winnipegonians ??? People from Winnipeg are notoriously cheap.

A Winnipeg homer, would walk across a field of broken glass, bare footed, if they thought there was something to be gotten for free on the other side.

The moon is putting on a show tonight, you just have to look up, and it's 'TOT-ALLY FREE!'

It's been a slice.

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September 26, 2015 at 3:32pm
September 26, 2015 at 3:32pm
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September 26, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

Creation Saturday!

An eighth day has been added to the week, and you've been chosen to decide why. The only caveat is that whatever you decide must be done for at least eight of the extra 24 hours, and what you choose will become permanent for all of humanity until the end of time. What would you do, and why?

Pity, I never learned to read

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Cover your eyes, there's going to be some swearing.

Fuck is a great place to start with this one, because I've long felt that the calendar is fucked.

There should have been at least eight days in a week from the very beginning. God created the universe, the earth, and everything on it in six days, then rested on the seventh day. But, "where does it say, God said, 'fuck it, that's all the days you're going to get'?"

Just keep repeating the first seven days?

So it's all fucked.

Doesn't it make sense to NOT repeat the days over and over and over again? Wouldn't it be better to number the days from day
one and so on. Then we'd really know what day it was.

We could say, "I was born on day 365,000,002, or I have a dental appointment on day 365,142,007."

So, this prompt is fucked.

Asking me to decide what people should do is fucked as well. It's like annoying someone for hours on end, then ask them
something like, "Where would you like me to put this large phallic shaped object?"

*RollEyes* *RollEyes*

You don't want to know what I'd have people do for eight hours of the day into eternity. One thing for sure is... People would hope that the end of time would hurry up and arrive.

The bottom line is, "fuck it!" Once something is fucked it can not be un-fucked. You can get fucked up just from trying.

I really hope nobody is reading this load of crap. It's probably the worst blog entry I ever wrote - or close - I've written a lot of stinkers.

Fuck it, enjoy 'Creation Saturday' for tomorrow we rest.

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