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When you really have nothing better to do.
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November 4, 2012 at 9:21pm
November 4, 2012 at 9:21pm
November Movember 4, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 3, 2012

Writing/blog prompt: Open Mic Sunday, you have the stage.

Well it's about time we got a break from those prompts! Finally, I get a chance to speak my mind. Now is the opportunity to let everyone know exactly what I think. Kind of makes me wish I had something to say.
All of a sudden I've drawn a blank.

My two favorite types of blogs are:
1. Opinion pieces, Rants, filled with outrages exaggerations, dry wit, extreme sarcasm, and the more ridiculous the better.
2. Blogs where people simply share their day.

I think that I most enjoy reading the blogs of people who share the events of their day.

So, try stay awake for, "A Sunday with Brother Nature"

I slept late this Sunday, but it is daylight savings time, and we gain an hour. Why that matters is beyond me.

I went straight to the kitchen from bed and began cooking (implies I can cook) a "Great BIG Sunday Breakfast"*Copyright*

Great BIG Sunday Breakfast
Smoked bacon (homemade by Karpati's Meats)
Pan fried hash browns.
Two fresh eggs (easy over or over easy, what ever.)
Toast & Coffee

Leslie took a break from filing her taxes to join me for breakfast, and to remind me of the figures she needs from me, in order to complete her taxation forms.

I moved on to doing the dishes.

After, the dishes were washed, I was able to spend some time getting caught up on my attempts at blogging. With the TV on in the background I typed away. I got caught up on the news and listened in on the Nascar, Sprint Cup pre-race show.

After I blogged all the blogging I could blog, I settled in to watch the first four laps of the race.

As the race on TV entered into it's fifth lap, I exited to the great outdoors, to complete some "get ready for winter" chores. I put a coat of weather protecting wood stain on the unprotected wood surface of a, well head cover, I made. (implies I am handy.) Leslie gave me a hand putting a winter cover on the above ground pool, and we made a trip to the dump. (landfill site) ( to drop stuff off!!! very funny.)

When we got back, Leslie returned to her taxes and I returned to the kitchen. I kept one eye on the Nascar race as I prepared pizza and Greek salad for supper, at the same time I also made this new dish I'm sort of inventing. It's a spinach, mushrooms, onion, mixture, cooked down with some spices, then baked in a three corner pastry shell.

Then I did the dishes again, and one more batch of dishes before, returning to the blogging thing.

Not a bad way to spend a cool, quiet, November afternoon, just down the road from paradise, in a place we call, Sunset Bay.

Now I've completed my day's activities, Leslie and I are on the sofa relaxing and watching TV, planning ahead for another busy week.

Have a great week.
Peace out

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November 4, 2012 at 2:15pm
November 4, 2012 at 2:15pm
November Movember 3, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 3, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: Are you a collector? If all things were possible, what would be your most interesting or outrages collectible?

This is the third time I'm writing this blog post. The first two attempts I closed the site with-out saving. That is correct... I did it twice.
I guess you can say I collect misery. Speaking of misery, check out the rest of my blog entry...

I've never been one to intentionally collect things. In my youth I rarely had anything and if I did have something, one was all I had of it. hardly anything I could call a collection. I have a hobby of building plastic model kits (Nascar series stock cars.) The completed model cars become part of a collection, that is displayed under an ever thickening coat of dust. To date, the only item I possesss that I could call a collection is my stack of, "Canadian Tire Money" I have over 40 bucks worth. I bet I could exchange it (at par or better) in one of the more southern US states.

All things being possible I would collect, the unwanted collections of collectors, who no longer can keep their collection. I would sort and display all these collections and sell them to people who want to collect something, but don't want to spend all that time and money acquiring their collection piece by piece. My ad would read...Why spend all that time amassing a humongous collection of crap, We have ready made collections, all you have to do is add the dust to it. At Brother Nature's Collection Resurrection, there's a customer born every minute.

That's all I got folks
save and post!!!!

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November 2, 2012 at 9:47am
November 2, 2012 at 9:47am
November Movember 2, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 2, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: What is your favorite food? Other than eating it, what other ways do you have to enjoy your favorite food?
suggested genre: fiction.

I will begin by complaining about the prompt, as is the custom. Why did a suggested genre have to be included?

Oh, because you want me to be, "Creeee - A - Tive.

Well, in my relationship with food I already am creative, so I can write non-fiction and readers would never be certain what genre I'm writing in.
Most people in-fact, hope, I'm kidding.

I started playing with my food at an early age, it was the thing to do, growing up with older siblings. The first game I remember being brought into was, "Stick it to Breakfast" In this game we (myself & my four older siblings) would invert our bowl of porridge, hold it over our heads, and see who's lump of porridge would fall SPLAT on their heads. Happy to report that, never did a porridge lump fall. Mom would end the game, with a short freak-out, and we'd all go back to quietly eating our porridge.

What's my favorite food?
I like it all, I love food. It would be difficult to pick a favorite. I'd have to make a list, and the list would simply grow and grow.

Games played with food: (I am not making this up)
There is a snack product called, Bugles *Copyright*. (God I hope no one sees this.)
Bugles *Copyright* are a cone shaped, corn based product.
Number three brother created this game we called, "&$#@"*Copyright*
The game is played in a group of two or more, you can play solo, but it may be a sin.
First you bite the narrow end off of a Bugle *Copyright*, then you gently blow through the narrow end.
This creates the, "Letter F" sound.
You then add the suffix "UCK" to the "F" sound as you draw the Bugle *Copyright* away from your mouth.
Repeat often.
Don't knock it before you try it. We laughed until we cried playing "&$#@" *Copyright*.
This of course, was another game mom put a sudden stop to.
We still play it, at parties, when someone includes Bugles *Copyright* as a snack food.

Other games played with food.
The classic, Popcorn toss. (everyone has played this one)
Mashed potato stacker.
Blow (another brother#3 game)
gravy dam
cracker molding

Leslie and I had an awesome visit to the east coast of Canada this past summer. Eating the abundant sea food was one of our main reasons for going, and a favorite daily activity and adventure. We discovered at our first sea food dinner that lobster was fun to play with, pose, and photograph. We did this at our table in the restaurant. I watched as a young lady laughed uncontrollably at Leslie, who was balancing lobster claws and mussel shells on water glasses to, then take photos of her sea-scrap-sculptures.

Larry the Lobster by: Leslie
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A Note on Blogging.
I have been credited with running this blogging challenge, and that is fine with me. What ever works to bring some folks together is
what it's all about.
My true intentions were only to post my entries in this forum regardless if there is a challenge going on or not. I just wanted to get a bit more exposure to a blog that I was writing anyway. I invited the group to join me, by emailing my October 31 blog entry to the group. Anyhow, that is how we got here. Emily has offered to keep us on track by recording some stats and doing some scoring."Invalid Item I'll take care of prompts, by either providing them or delegating the task. So anyone is welcome to come and participate and have some fun... BUT, this is still Earl's group and Michael is still the person charged with running the challenge. So upon their return they can simply step in and do their thing. It's kind of cool that the group can just function on it's own. Bottom line is to just have some fun. Thank you everyone for coming out and blogging. Enjoy.

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November 1, 2012 at 12:14pm
November 1, 2012 at 12:14pm
November Movember 1, 2012

Brother's Blog

Today marks the begining of a new month. Say it with me..."October is history and November is a mystery." Fun huh.

Yesterday I talked about occupying the 30day Blogging Challenge Forum Page. It appears the group leaders have, left the building.
I shared my blog entry with the 30day Blogging Challenge Group Members, because I had made an invitation for anyone interested to join me, by also posting their blog in the forum.
It would appear that I will be having some company during my occupation.
In fact, a few confused my intention to occupy the forum as volunteering to run the challenge...It's not.
But...It looks like we all just want to play, so lets play!

Today's Blog prompt is...Discuss Cancer.

This being the first day of Movember I am excited to announce that I am participating in a campaign of my own. I was inspired by the involvement in past years of my young nephews and cousin, and their group of friends. It was nice to see the young people support a worthy cause. I'm also moved to act by the way cancer has effected me personally. My Grandfather lost to pancreatic cancer, and most recently we lost a cousin to lung cancer, but my mom and a life long friend are two time survivors. I feel strongly that I am helping someone, perhaps even myself, just by raising awareness. There is an addition to this years Movember campaign to raise awareness regarding mental health as well. I may not be the best spokesman for that issue, but I would make a fine poster model.

I'll keep updates on my Movember campaign coming.

I'm going to have to cut things short...I have to go. Tell you all about it tomorrow.


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October 31, 2012 at 10:07am
October 31, 2012 at 10:07am
October 31, 2012

Brother's Blog

Now I've gone and done it again! I'm waiting for the "cable guy" to hook us up with some television channels.
I'll be right back, I have to check for something on youtube.

K...I'm baa-ack...Good news and bad news...Good news is, I found it! and oh yeah (Jesus loves you) Bad news is, It is a live production and the production quality is not very good, it doesn't do the band or the song justice. The song is called, Bust the TV, it's by a band called The Pumps. The Pumps were a popular pub band here in Winnipeg back in the days when I was a popular pub patron. Ha ha, just kidding, I was never popular.

Okay, so... waiting for the cable guy to hook up the TV made me think of the song "Bust the TV," so I went to see if it was on youtube. More dedicated music fans might want to check out the video I posted below. It may be of interest to you to check out this band, they are actually still playing the pub scene here, merged with another band from the eighties, "Orphans" the two bands are billed as one act, "Pumps/Orphans. Some good music here, if you're inclined.

Moving right along...Happy Halloween, Trick or Treat? I hated those options..."Listen Lady, I know you don't know any tricks, and I could care less for treats, unless it's a room to myself at home, I've been lugging this bag full of fricken apples around half the night, I'm cold, tired, and I'd just like to come in, sit on your sofa, and watch a little TV, okay?"

Just a couple announcements, then you can all get back to your regularly scheduled programs...

*Tack* October is history and November is a mystery. (personal goals) I'm going to be pounding out some more brain cells for the next short while, as I plow through my E-business course. Renovate the house on Bannerman...(yes, same house same reno plans as last year, and the year before that, and so on.)

*Tack* (writing goals) I don't want to start any rumors but, I'm probably going to be rich and famous pretty soon, I'll keep you all posted.

*Tack* (blogging goals) On November first I'm planning to begin an occupation of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge's forum. @ "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Those of you who have participated in the challenge may know that Earl can not host the challenge and Micheal seems to be a.w.a.l. In any-case, I'm planning to post daily blog entries over there with random writing prompts and prizes. I'm hoping a few people will join me, in my peaceful lock-in.

*Tack* !%$&#@* NHL Players!

*Tack* I'm participating in "MOVEMBER" this year, which is my blog topic for November 1, 2012. 30 day occupiers can follow my prompt: Write a cancer related piece.

*Tack* Why do we even need a TV? It's not like there will be any hockey games on to watch.

*Tack* Who's idea was it to give out apples on Halloween night?

*Tack* Oh yeah....taxes... I gotta go.

We now return you to our regular scheduled programming But first*Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* a word from our sponsors.

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October 26, 2012 at 3:43am
October 26, 2012 at 3:43am
October 26, 2012

Brother's Blog

Review of the Led Zeppelin dvd (release in November 2012) Celebration Days

In 1976 a friend and I took the bus on a frigid Manitoba night, our destination was the, Grant Park Mall Theater, where we saw the movie, The Song Remains the Same.
The movie featured the band Led Zeppelin, giving a concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1973.

My friend and I were fifteen year old Led Zeppelin fans. Led Zeppelin, a band originated in the sixties, was already considered The Grand Masters of the "Rock" world. "Stairway to Heaven" their most notable song, was the top most requested radio play song of all time... and still is.

So, it was a bit of a trip down memory lane when, my friend (same friend) and I, arrived at The St. Vital Mall Cinema-Plex thirty six years later to see the same band performing the same songs.

On 10 December 2007 Led Zeppelin reunited for the one-off Ahmet Ertegun Tribute Concert at the O2 Arena in London, with Jason Bonham again taking his late father's place on drums. According to Guinness World Records 2009, Led Zeppelin set the world record for the "Highest Demand for Tickets for One Music Concert" as 20 million requests for the reunion show were rendered online. Music critics praised the band's performance. A film of the concert, Celebration Day, is set to premiere in October 2012 and be released on home video in November.

What has changed?
First of all they are called Cinema-Plexes now and not theaters. You have to buy your admission ticket by selecting a series of choices on a computer driven touch screen. So don't forget your reading glasses, ( I did ) because you can't just say, "One for the Zeppelin movie, please," and hand over twenty bucks, then hope for some change back. Speaking of handing over money... *Angry* seventeen bucks for popcorn, twizzlers and a fountain drink. *Angry*

What has changed ? (That someone might care about)
The most obvious change to the band is the absence of John Bonham, aka Bonzo, their drummer, who passed away on September 25, 1980. John's son Jason Bonham, sat in at the drum kit for this performance. There is no better drummer to fill in for the late John Bonham. Jason Bonham gains an instant acceptance (with fans) as a stand in for his father, he is a talented musician, and is a perfect fit with the other band members. It has to be said that John Bonham was, and still is, known as one of the best drummers in the world. His thunderous drum licks can not be reproduced, and will always be missed.

The band members have aged...Bass & Keyboard player John Paul Jones is 66 years old. He appeared to have retained a somewhat youthful look, and he also retained his steady stage presence. He reminds me of the "Wizard of Oz" conducting all things from behind the curtain...(pay no attention to the man behind the curtain) John Paul Jones can still, without appearing to make any effort, provide the musical foundation for the greatest rock band in the world. That is what you will see and hear him do in this movie.

Jimmy Page (68) is the most noticeably aged band member. The iconic pose, with his long curly hair reflecting the stage lights, a cigarette hangs from his mouth as he plays, is now an iconic pose of a well dressed, gray haired man, playing his Gibson Les-Paul guitar. Nice to see the cigarette's absence. You can sense the fun that the group is having on stage together. Jimmy Page delivers a masterful performance that would leave any guitar player or fan of guitar players in awe.

Robert Plant (64) Still looks pretty much the same as he did back in the day. Add some gray hairs to his golden locks and a few pounds to his frame. Musically Plant's voice is as good as ever. His vocal leads and harmonies are the same as they ever were, arguably the best rock vocalist in the world.

Bringing Jason Bonham into the band for this show makes it work. I don't think it would work as well with any other drummer. Having Jason Bonham sit in for his late father on drums enables the group to perform without having to be judged on how well selected their replacement for John Bonham was. Jason gives the band a sense of family, allowing us to relax our discernment and just enjoy the show.

What else can I say?
I enjoyed seeing and listening to this movie. It was fun and inspirational, truly a celebration. The movie celebrates the success of one of the world's top rock bands.
I had a strange feeling as we left the theater cini-plex, I commented to my friend, "Usually when you hear a song from forty years ago, you would get a nostalgic feeling, but with Led Zeppelin songs, you don't get that feeling, because they never stopped playing their music". You hear Zeppelin music all the time, on the radio, parties, pubs, sporting events... it's ageless... Is it endless?

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October 23, 2012 at 12:54am
October 23, 2012 at 12:54am
October 22, 2012

Brother's Blog

I have to say... things are moving much too fast these days, in my opinion. I just heard a story on the news about, boys entering into puberty at an earlier age than their previous generation. Boys bodies are now entering into puberty at age ten. I hardly knew what sex I was opposite of, when I was ten years old. This is not the only thing that is speeding up, everything is speeding up. The internet is mainly responsible for the increase in the speed at which time passes.

There is also an, "Internal Governor of Time" which we all carry. This internal time governor, is defaulted to run progressively faster, in 90% of the human population. Fortunately (0r unfortunately, if you will) my internal time governor is set to, "Chill For a Bit, Don't Sweat the Little Stuff." I found this out in grade school when our teacher allowed us to, "Work At Our Own Pace" through our math exercise book.

Let's get back to blaming things on the internet.

Thanks to Facebook, I was able to visit briefly with several old friends and a couple of my family members in less than 30 minutes. Twenty years ago it would have been logistically impossibly to spend any amount of time with that number of people. Travel time alone makes it impossible.

So...What's my point?

Good question.

I don't really have one. I just wanted to mention that I think things move a little too fast for my tastes.

And I don't believe that ten year old boys are entering into puberty. When it comes to puberty and ten year old boys, ten year old boys are liars. Trust me on this one.

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October 17, 2012 at 11:39pm
October 17, 2012 at 11:39pm
October 17, 2012

Brother's Blog

There is never a better time to fake a seizure, than just before you start thinking of a blog topic. I think that is why greeting cards have been so successful.
Greeting cards have taken over the task of thinking of something to say or write. I used to aspire to work as a greeting card writer. Not because I liked to write or thought greeting card writing was my destiny. I just wanted to do that because, that is what Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 did as a cover to hide his true occupation, "Control Agent."

I'm going have some all occasion greeting cards for you all, in a WDC shop, coming soon.

Here's a little sample.

Sorry to hear you had to fake a seizure.
I'm not sure what else I should say.

Keep in mind this is just the text. The finished product will have appropriate illustrations. Presenters of my cards need not think of a thing, simply mark their X and hand the card over.

Pre-orders can me made in comments.
Have a nice day.

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October 16, 2012 at 3:26am
October 16, 2012 at 3:26am
October 16, 2012

Brother's Blog
Winter is coming, winter is coming, batten down the hatches, (what ever that means) winter is coming.
"Not a big deal," I say. I like winter. The Winnipeg Jets are back in the NHL and I'm soooo looking forward to watchi... ... ... ...what?... ... strike?... ...again?...some nun a bee...
Well it looks like a winter with the possibility of no NHL hockey. It seems that I've spent more years missing NHL hockey than I have spent watching NHL hockey.
I grew up not having a favorite NHL team. I was a Winnipeg Jet fan, they played in the WHA. When ever I was asked, who my favorite NHL team was, I would answer, "I like em all." I did like all the teams, for one reason or another. I gained my love for the game through watching, Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday day night for as long back as I can remember. More than that, it was watching the 1972 Summit Series (Canada vs USSR) that made me a hockey fan in the true sense. All of the players in the 72 summit series came back to play for their respective NHL teams, so yeah, I liked all the teams. This was back in the days when hockey was good. It was exciting when the WHA merged with the NHL and the Winnipeg Jets of the NHL were born. Of course, I was an instant fan, until we lost our team that is. It took me several years to warm up to The Manitoba Moose, who first played in the IHL, then became a Vancouver Canucks affiliate in the AHL. We were enjoying the "LIVE" affordable hockey in the "NEW" arena just fine, when seemingly out of no where, Winnipeg gets an NHL team re-named The Jets, and The Manitoba Moose are re-located to St. John's along with my affordable "LIVE" hockey fix.

...and now the NHL is "LOCKED OUT"
...Well, that's just great!

What's up with this NHL? They put teams in locations where the populace doesn't seem to be interested in hockey, and refuse to move teams to locations that are begging to support an NHL franchise. They change the rules of the game to speed up the play, then wonder why the players keep getting knocked out (concussed)

Another strike?... I'd like to have The Moose back.

On the bright side, we will still have The World Junior Hockey Championship to look forward to at Christmas. I'm all for making it out to cheer on The Lac du Bonnet Blues. Perhaps take in a Wheat Kings game.

I'm wondering what other people are going to do this winter to fill the hockey void. During the absence of The Winnipeg Jets, I became a NASCAR fan. If you were to ask me who my favorite driver is, I'd likely answer, "I like em all." Texas Hold-Em became popular during the last NHL strike. I'm looking forward to seeing what form of primitive entertainment it would take to replace the current game of hockey as it has evolved to become.

I'm taking another course through the Red River College Continuing Education Program. I'm also planning to launch an E-business at some point. I also have a house to renovate, snow to clear, pottery classes to take, get a job...(like working at the Jets games would be perfect!!!) I'll keep myself pretty busy...Maybe I'll create the "NEXT BIG THING"

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For my friends in the Southern Hemisphere, have a nice summer.
For my winter friends...What are you going to do this winter?

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August 12, 2012 at 4:48pm
August 12, 2012 at 4:48pm
August 11, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Brother's Blog

Imperfect Future.

A five minute poem is a poem that is written under a time limit of five minutes. The start time is recorded at the beginning, and the completion time, is recorded at the end.

A five minute poem by Brother Nature.
8:05pm October 7, 2012
I better start to type this out
there wont be time to laze about.
the idea makes me jump and shout.
to brush my teeth with tile grout.

four more minutes left to go.
I'm getting s#!t done, I'll have you know.
the lines keep coming
but rhyming gets tough
dut dut du dum da humming.

two minutes still, what a thrill
I wonder if I'm in your will
the poems about words
and time
and birds.
listen to the singing birds
their song will end in
three, two, one.
My time is done.

8:10pm October 7, 2012

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

This is the blog post they will talk about in the future. A future generation of, "Brother Nature-ites" will puzzle over the reason why I began this post in August but didn't complete it or post it to the site until October. They'll read this statement over and over looking for clues, but find none.

Brother Nature

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