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When you really have nothing better to do.
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December 13, 2012 at 1:24pm
December 13, 2012 at 1:24pm
Brother's Blog

December 13, 2012

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December 13, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: Write about a holiday in which things just did not go as planned.

What's going on here?
I think the world IS going to come to an end on December 21.
I've already notice that "Time" is running out.
Where does all the time go?
Why do I not have any?
I add hours to my day by waking up earlier and staying awake later, but still I don't have enough time.
It's like throwing wood on a fire, only to have the flames consume it all the faster.

I'm using a new pair of glasses. It's the first time I've been prescribed glasses due to my failing body. The new glasses are not working out too well, things are blurry, and I'm feeling dizzy, and disoriented.
I'm painting in our bathroom today. It will be interesting to see what my work is like when the paint drys and the vision focuses.

The prompt...Well, what ever DOES go as planned?
There was the Christmas when Mom was in the hospital, recovering from cancer surgery performed on Christmas Eve. We all crowded into her semi-private room, and exchanged gifts, before heading off to our family Christmas dinner without her. The good news is...Mom's going to be 80 yrs old in February, and she hasn't missed a Christmas dinner in twenty five years.

There was the Valentines Day where my buddy, slammed his heart shaped box of chocolates on the floor and then kicked it across the room, when we were at the teen dance. That did not go as planned. The plan was for his girlfriend to be thrilled to receive such a thoughtful gift, not to refuse it, sure was funny though. Sad, but funny.

Plan for the worst - Hope for the best.
I'm outta time (again)

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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December 10, 2012 at 10:37am
December 10, 2012 at 10:37am
Brother's Blog

December 10, 2012

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December 10, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: Write about your most cherished childhood memory.

Here's a good opportunity to share a cherished childhood, "Christmas Memory." The days leading up to Christmas, hold some fond childhood memories for me.

"Christmas Decorating Day," was one of my favorite days, back when "Christmas Oranges" came from Japan, and arrived packed in a wooden crate, and Christmas trees came from a forest. We made an entire day each year dedicated to decorating.

Everything got started with Dad bringing home a tree and putting it into a stand, too bad it was before the invention of the video camera. Once the tree was in it's place and the entire house was cleaned of branches, twigs, needles, sap, ice, and snow, we began to decorate the house, while the tree thawed. The smell of "Pine" throughout the whole house was like nothing I would ever be able to reproduce.

We had a couple, "Plug-in" ornament's, one was a giant, Santa Claus face, that lit up. The other was a hollow figure of Santa Claus holding a little Christmas Tree. The year it was my turn to plug in the Santa face, I learned about electrical shocks, and how much I would dread plugging things in, for the rest of my life.

There were six of us kids, plus Mom & Dad, we all had a hand in decorating the house for Christmas. We had six times the decorations that other families had.
Dad was a Christmas lighting technician, he was a pioneer of the electrical revolution. Once the lights were placed on the tree, we applied ornaments of dazzling brilliance. and finally a liberal scattering of tinsel and our house was transformed into Christmas Central. What Santa could resist leaving dozens of gifts under our tree?

Then we would sit, my siblings and I, in the living room and gaze endlessly upon our Christmas splendor, until someone started with...

I spy
with my little eye,
something that is

Fourteen more sleeps until Christmas.
Better be good.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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December 7, 2012 at 10:58am
December 7, 2012 at 10:58am
Brother's Blog

December 7, 2012

Greetings friends.
I want to share a major break through in the understanding of life, that has just occurred to me. I have identified a segment in time. It's embedded in the season of Advent. The segment of time is: Pre Christmas Crisis Manifestation. It's an annually event. I've noticed this period of time existing in past years. Now that I have officially recognized it, we can all better prepare for it in future years. Of course we may not have future years in store for us. My advise to the Christmas Crisisies, who build anxiety, stress, then panic is twofold.
One - Wait until after December 21, 2012, just in case the Mayans were right.
Two - On December 22, 2012 re-evaluate your particular crisis, then forget about it. Let it go, because Christmas Day will come and pass, whether you are ready or not, so you might as well take in the glory of the Blessed Day. Rest assured Pre Christmas Crisis Manifestation will return again this time next year.

Hint: Toys make the best Christmas presents.

December 7, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: What was your favorite toy?

Today's prompt brings to mind my bitter/sweet relationship with, Etch-A- Sketch.

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I received my first Etch-A-Sketch on my fourth Christmas. I remember distinctly because I recall having the house to myself the entire day while my four older siblings were at school, and little bro was still in the cabbage patch. I also remember that my favorite daytime TV show was, Romper Room.

Romper Room, a childrens' show where the children played games and learned good manners.

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I was a "Good Do Bee" I even had a hat, I remember receiving it the same Christmas I received the, Etch-A- Sketch.

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This was the best part of the show, but I'll save it for a future blog entry.

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So there I was Christmas morning 1965, wearing my "Good Do Bee" beanie hat, and wondering what it was I was holding in my hands.
Turns out I had an, Etch-A- Sketch. Middle brother gave me a demo. He showed me the silvery blank screen. He twisted the two dials. He showed me the silvery screen, now with black vertical and horizontal lines on the screen. He shook the, Etch-A- Sketch violently back and forth holding it high over his head. He showed my the silvery screen again. It was blank once again. My jaw dropped. He repeated the demonstration. My jaw dropped a little further. Then it was my turn to try. I twisted the dials, and lines magically appeared on the screen. I shook the, Etch-A- Sketch violently, to and fro, high over my head, (just like big brother showed me.) The lines I drew magically disappeared. I repeated the process over and over. Then while I was shaking the thing over my head, I messed up and, drove the thing right into my forehead. Rang my own bell, as it were.
But I still loved that, Etch-A- Sketch and played with it often occasionally knocking myself out by driving the thing full force edge on into my frontal lobe.
One day I saw my sister playing with the, Etch-A- Sketch. When she was done with it, she shook it back and forth gentle, and harmlessly slightly above her lap as she sat on the sofa.

She's smart, I thought. I decided she would be a good one to keep an eye on, as I learned that my older siblings all had very different skill sets.

Have a nice day friends.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Coming to a blog entry soon.

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December 6, 2012 at 10:28am
December 6, 2012 at 10:28am
Brother's Blog

December 6, 2012

Great progress was made in the area of "Home Renovation" this week. Our bathroom will soon have a sink, to keep company with the toilet and tub.
The house never had a sink in the bathroom. Talk about humble beginnings, when I first came to look at this house, when I was intending on renting accommodations, I noticed immediately there was no bathroom sink. There is no shower either, but there is a huge, old, claw tub. I can handle trading showering for bathing, hey, at least you can read in the tub. Ever try reading in the shower?
I wasn't in a position to turn down these accommodations on the grounds...I need a place to shave. It made sense to me that, even if I had to shave outdoors, at least I would have a home to go to, when I was done. I've been here for eleven years now. I bought the house nine years ago. property values have increased 200% since I made this purchase. It feels good to be giving back, to a house that has taken care of me. After all this is the month of "Giving" the spirit of good will towards all mankind. It's only fair, we receive all year round.
It seems odd saying this, but...I feel good about giving a sink to a house.

December 6, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom?

Any gift IN THE WORLD, so...It would have to be something that exists. I couldn't just say I was going to give good health to all who suffer.
And to WHOM...Implies more than one. (If it doesn't - It does now.)
The easy answer here is to simply give food to those that do not have anything to eat.
I believe that laughter can be a gift. Laughter is a favorite gift of mine to receive. It's only fitting then that I strive to give the gift of laughter (when appropriate, sometimes NOT) to everyone I come in contact with.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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December 1, 2012 at 5:23pm
December 1, 2012 at 5:23pm
Brother's Blog

December 1, 2012

Hello and welcome to December. November was a bit of fun over in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I'm not sure who started it , but a few of us staged an occupation of the forum over there. Emily has stepped up, and is now the newly appointed leader of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I, unfortunately, do not have the time this month to participate in the 30DBC's "Follow Me" round. I did meet an interesting little fellow, from way up north, who is spending the winter in Sunset Bay. His name is Gordy Cobblepen and he is going to join in on the , "Follow Me" round. I'm looking forward to seeing what the little fella has to say.

Today, Leslie and I drove out to Sunset Bay, our place at the lake which, is closed up for the winter. We still have a few items to to bring back to the city to complete our move back to the city. I also want to store my truck in Sunset Bay, because we live on a, "Snow Route" in the city, and parking on the street is restricted to daytime only. It's been tough to find the time to write this week-end, all of these possessions we share all come with their own set of responsibilities and stake a claim to time, in our daily schedule.

I wonder sometimes who owns who.

December 1, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: What is your most prized possession?

As I was driving up to Sunset Bay, my thoughts turned to the number of times I watched the movie, "Toy Story" (at least 27,000 times) with my two pre-school children. Both the kids are now adults, but, I was thinking it would be nice to spend an afternoon together during this Christmas season to watch "Toy Story" together one more time. Memories and thoughts like these are my most prized possessions. Everything else can be bought or sold, given or taken away, but my most prized possessions will always be with me until they are all I have, and all I need.

I think a persons' values change as they age. I had a whole different set of possessions that meant everything to me, prior to becoming a parent. The things that I absolutely had to have...I don't even remember what they were now.

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Co-Host with Fi
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November 30, 2012 at 1:55pm
November 30, 2012 at 1:55pm
November Movember 30, 2012

Brother's Blog

Well, well, well, the end of November Movember is finally here. I shaved off my mustache on November 1, 2012 and three days later nobody could even tell I had shaved.
Sort of reminds me of someone else, who was regenerated, or should I say, resurrected after three days.

Wouldn't THAT be an event to witness?

November 30, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would you want to have seen?

The problem I faced with this prompt, was thinking of an event that I would simply want to witness. So many of the events that interest me, interest me because I'd like to have a hand in possibly changing the event and thus the course of history.

Like shouting out, "Mr. President, DUCK!!!"

The life of Jesus Christ is full of events I'd like to witness. There is no temptation to change any of the events, because all of the events were perfect in nature and in harmony with life as we know it.

Things got a little dicey during the middle of the dark ages, but this is not about that.

This is about witnessing Jesus Christ. From his birth to his death on the cross and then his rebirth and Ascension the life of Christ is full of events truly worthy of being witness to. Imagine being present for one of his sermons, or witnessing a miracle, like when he raised Lazarus from death, or restored the sight on a blind man. All miracles being equal, I would pick the wedding at Canaan miracle to witness. (Jesus turns water to wine.) (Best party in all of the new testament.)
I'd love to sit down with Jesus and tip back a couple glasses of vino.

Hey isn't that Mary Magdalene over there? (She's hot!)
I'm going to go ask her to dance.

November 30, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Official Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: "Create a Holiday. Tell me when it would occur, what the traditions would be, where it originated, what foods are eaten, and anything else you can think of that will make your Holiday come alive! Outlandish, Impractical, and Insane are welcome and encouraged! Remember, it is FUNNY Friday! Make me laugh! Wink"

Hey Mary. Great wedding. Did you get any of that new wine Jesus made? Wanna dance?

So I'm at this wedding, when we run out of wine, like right after dinner. Then, this carpenter turned minister named Jesus turned the water into wine.

Now I'm drunk out of my mind, making goo goo eyes at MM and I'm thinking...This could be a pretty awesome holiday to celebrate each anniversary. Who knows, it could even be bigger than Christmas and Easter.


Alcoholiday comes but once a year. On the first Saturday in January unless the Saturday falls on December 31 or January 1, in which case Alcoholiday is celebrated on the second Saturday, or until the second Saturday. (Nobody seems to remember.)

Alcoholiday is celebrated by every person of legal age, drinking excessive amounts of intoxicating alcohol, supplied free from their government and served to their specifications by the nations' youth population.

In every country a young person is paired up with an adult for the entire day, for the sole purpose of feeding drinks to that person and doing their bidding, until they are stinking drunk.

To every adult person a youngster will make ready for them unlimited drinks of their choosing as well as any foods they might desire. The food is limited to that of a youngsters tastes and ability to prepare it. Popular food choices are: Pizza, Pizza Pops, Burgers,and Fries. Drive-thru restaurants have their busiest day of the year.

The best part of Alcoholiday is in the early evening, before people start passing out and puking, when the video cameras come out. The videos taken on Alcoholiday are shared throughout the entire year online now. The videos, for some people, are the only record of the event. Celebrated by many, remembered by few. Alcoholiday coming to a Calender in your neighborhood soon.

Chat Later folks
See ya in December.

Hambby Alcihilla dazth eh

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Co-Host with Fi
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November 24, 2012 at 3:09pm
November 24, 2012 at 3:09pm
November Movember 24, 2012

Brother's Blog

Text is RED = fresh out of my head.
Text is BLACK = from a few days back.

I gotta get back into the blog.

I missed ONE day of writing an entry. On the second day I attempted to write a double entry to catch up. I spent a couple hours reading other blogs and emails, there by, missing a second day of blogging. I repeated this process, except for making a start at catching up, last Saturday. Sunday was a busy day, with the Grey Cup Holiday. Which reminds me of all the holidays we get. Who has time for them?

Here is where I went wrong: I try to catch up.

Now, I think I've figured this out... Instead of trying to catch up, when I miss writing a blog entry, I will let the missed day go and jump back in on the next prompt or on the next day I can write an entry.

I think I forgot who, it is that I'm writing for. I started to think I was writing for my friends and family and groups and contests and fans and so on. But, I'm not! I'm writing for ME. I have to be mindful of that, because, How can I write for YOU, If I don't first write for ME.

Okay, Enough about that. Just don't let it happen to you.

Starting fresh...

November Movember 29, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 29, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: What are your pet peeves?

I grew up in a family with five siblings. Mom, Dad, six children, five boys, one girl. I am the second youngest.
Anyhow... Mom never allowed us to have any pets. She had a prepared rant for any requests for a pet. Didn't matter what it was, dog, cat, rat, hamster, bird, fish, Mom always had the same reply. It was an endless rant of how much work she does cleaning and feeding and entertaining and paying for everything that five lazy boys need, and how she is not going to add pets to her daily list of things to take care of because nobody else will. Mom goes on like this until the person, stupid enough to ask for a pet, walks away.

It's because of this, I had no idea what a "Pet Peeve" was until I was an adult.
People had asked me, if I had any pet peeves?
I would say, "No, my Mom doesn't allow it."
There was always an awkward moment of silence after I answered the "Pet Peeve" question.

Now I have a home of my own, with plenty of room for pets. "Pet Peeves" abound, at Brother Nature's Pet Peeve Shelter Park and Rescue Center.

Now I offer care for those "Pet Peeves" that society doesn't have time for, like: "Disrespectful Neighbor" and "Constantly Calling Telemarketer"
If you or anyone you know are interested in adopting a "Pet Peeve" then reply in comments, I think "Too Fat to be Wearing Spandex in Public" is ready for a new home.

Checking in on the Occupation.

November 29, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Official Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: It's Opinion Thursday!
"What do you think of buying lottery tickets or the people who spend lots of money on them? How many tickets are too many? Do you buy lottery tickets?"

Ha ha, another question that can be referenced to Mom for an answer.
EASY...All of my life I have been witness to, my mother buying lotto tickets religiously, the sole purpose being: (get this) To give the money (When and IF she wins) to her children.
So, I think like this...I would be happy with one sixth of any amount, considering I have a stake in every draw and I've never bought a ticket.

I missed some pretty awesome prompts, I guess I'll just have to let it go. Here is a little of what I wrote that Saturday, when I attempted to catch up...

A benefit to being totally detached from reality is the ability to make it Sunday when ever it suits you, and it suits me.
I'm not just making it ANY Sunday, it's Grey Cup Sunday.
Huddle up, friends. I'll tell you all about it.

Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant, or your ox or your donkey or any of your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you.

(I just had a long episode of deje-vu. Did I already write this entry? See what happens, when you mess around with reality? Proceed with caution.)

Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you.

Is it okay to watch football? I know nascar is okay, because we pray before they start their engines. Either way, It's the 100th playing of The Canadian Football League's championship game. The Grey Cup.

I have included a couple of links if anyone is interested in learning the truth from facts.


I have included the following, for those of us that don't believe everything they read, (or write.)

You might think that Canadian football, (Canadian Football League, CFL) is the same as American football (The National Football League, NFL)
It's not.
The CFL game is way better.
These are the differences. You decide. Use replacement refs to help you decide, if you want.

The NFL is a great vehicle for gambling, the game itself is pretty much the same as watching a spinning roulette wheel. You have to wait for it to be over before you find out if your bet pays out.

The CFL game has a similar yet completely different set of rules for game play. The CFL game is exciting and entertaining. A person can watch and be entertained, without necessarily having a financial stake in the outcome of the match.

The NFL with it's "Super Bowl" game, crowns the victor as...The World's Champion of Football. You can't get much better than that!
The CFL with it's "Grey Cup" game, crowns the victor as the leagues championship winner. Humble potatoes, in comparison.

I guess that the real deal is...We have this awesome party (7-10 days long) then have an entire day to celebrate sport, by eating and drinking and painting our chests and exposing our bodies to the elements and national TV cameras , and, and ,and...AND we do it all again when we watch the Supper Bowl in January.

Just like thanksgiving...shhhhh

November 23, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: BLACK FRIDAY PROMPT:What are your shopping habits when going for gifts - early retriever, last-minute mania, online clickster, year-round collector, forgetful whatever, ... ? And does it work?

November 24, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: If you were given the opportunity to rename the days of the week, what would you call Saturday and why? You can also choose any other day of the week except Sunday if you'd prefer to rename one of those. Please be explicit as if you were going to win a prize for coming up with the right name and thoroughly justifying it. Wink

November 23, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

November 24, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: My family and friends love me. But they like me because . . .

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The Crazy Creative Colours Contest
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November 22, 2012 at 9:44pm
November 22, 2012 at 9:44pm
November Movember 22, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 21, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: It's the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, US style. That means one of the busiest travel days of the year as people rush to get somewhere to be thankful.
Talk about travel you've done or will do. The good, the bad, or just your opinion about traveling. Any mode acceptable including space and two or four-footed.

November 22, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: What's your opinion on holidays? Too many, too few, should there be a consolidated list that the world should agree on celebrating? Put some passion into this entry for extra credit.

November 21, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: What do you have to be thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving Day

The nuggets of knowledge. powerful that they are, run "Slow Release" from Brother's Brain to Brother's Blog.
Blame Brother's Boss, Brother's Bathroom and Brother's Buddies for Brother's Backlog.

I can do nothing more than type until it's over...Hang-on.

(Responsorial afterthought) (R)
For this, I am most thankful.

Thank you for the, "Travel" topic Sir Smitty. I have much to share with the world, on the subject. Except for the fact I have not quite figured out how to do it. I have the pictures, I have the video, I even have the script. Unfortunately the pictures and the video are trapped inside the hard drive of my laptop, and the script is, in my head.
Your prompt, Sir Smitty, reminded me of the days I would prepare for science, math, history, language arts, industrial arts class, by praying that the instructor won't ask for the assignment, I hadn't yet completed. (again)

So yeah, your not going to believe this...but...The dog ate my blog entry.(R)

I may have already said too much on the topic of Holidays.
I let on that we (us Canadians) celebrate the American Thanksgiving Day as well as one of our own in October of each year. (R)
I can say, our governments, both Provincial and Federal, have actually added official Holidays to our calendar year. (R)
I'm a bit paranoid about talking about the unofficial Holidays. I'm afraid it's gotten a bit out of hand.
We're having, "Black Friday" up here. First time ever. It's happening today. It's not an official Holiday, but the stores are full of shoppers. (R)
Some of these people should be at work?
Who cares...It's Grey Cup week. Our entire week, of celebrating the game of "Canadian Football" (R)
A whole entire week... I think I've said too much already...shhhhhh

I can't believe we are taking on Black Friday.
We're pretty much stealing it. (R)
Without shame!
We haven't even had the decency to change the name.

We could have given it a cute twist like: "Black Fried Egg."
A Canadian twist, like: Black Fride Eh! (R)

I discovered this movie when I was about fifteen years old. I soon after, discovered the sound track. This gives me the feel of an American Thanksgiving, celebrated in the nineteen sixties. I't a long song,(18minutes) but well worth the listen.

This is American, This is Thanksgiving, This is a song I like.

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Time for me to move on to other things. (R)

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Co-Host with Fi
The Crazy Creative Colours Contest
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

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November 20, 2012 at 10:44am
November 20, 2012 at 10:44am
November Movember 20, 2012

Brother's Blog

Let's dive right into this. Shall we?

There isn't too much going on that is interesting on the home front. I contracted with a friend to help with my house renovations, I should have told him that I already took care of the procrastinating, maybe then I wouldn't be waiting for him to start. Then again, I now have a few minutes to key in a blog entry. Seeing how everything else is always perfect, I'll get right to these prompts. My friend Smitty, made double duty* easier by writing a nicely compatible prompt for us loyal to the Occupation. Perhaps Smitty is not just "Eye Candy" after all. Wordsmitty ✍️

* *Laugh*

November 20, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: Discuss what you've done that gave you the biggest thrill or what you want to do for your next big thrill. No need to limit to amusement park rides. There's bungee jumping, white water rafting, jungle tree swinging, and many adventure things available these days.

November 20, 2012
Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: The topic is skydiving. Would you do it? Or have you done it?

I thought that I might like to try zip lining. Then, a couple months back, Leslie and I took a little tram ride at the CNE in Toronto. Similar to a ski lift, this tram traveled the length of the midway at a height of about fifteen feet. The ride shook a little too much for my tastes. I was fearful the entire ride that, our chair might suddenly crash to the ground. Leslie told me to stop being ridiculous, and to stop screaming while I was at it. "We are only fifteen feet above the ground," she pointed out.

When I looked down we were traveling over a food tent. "What if we crash onto a hot stove-top? Ever think of that?"
I hate it when I get that "Eye Roll" thing, so I went back to screaming.

"Maybe we should reconsider our plans to try zip lining," I said to Leslie after our tram ride.
More eye rolling.
I get that a lot.

It seems I don't have the stomach for thrills, like I did in my youth. As a young man I was fearless, indestructible, not very bright.

If they said, "Don't try this at home," rest assured I already tried it or was about to. I participated in activities that I can't speak of, because NOW I'm a responsible parent, and also I'm not certain if there are any statute of limitations on some of that stuff.

I'm not keen on flying, not inside an aircraft, at least. So the prospect of skydiving would not appeal to me, as I'm standing on solid ground. The idea of skydiving is much more appealing to me when I'm in the air. Quite often when I'm on a commercial flight, I will find myself wishing I was wearing a parachute. I think you should be given a choice...seat-belt or parachute. I've said this before and it's worth saying again...If the airlines won't let me drive the plane, then they should at least let me see out the front window. (I would feel so much better.) And if they can't do that, then let me sit by an exit and wear a parachute. It's all about having options people!

Skydiving: No. I would never do it.
Skydiving: Yes, I would jump out of an airplane in a heartbeat, if I was only given that option.

Peace and Love friends

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November 19, 2012 at 2:42pm
November 19, 2012 at 2:42pm
November Movember 19, 2012

Brother's Blog

Welcome to the new blog format. Beginning today Brother's Blog will be doing double duty. Readers can now find my blog entries included on, "The Blogging Circle of Friends Group," as well as on "The 30 Day Blogging Challenge Group," where I'm staging a "Unauthorized Occupation" in their forum. I am not alone. We are many. We are strong. Long live the Occupation! Okay, okay, I'm pretty much all alone.

So I will attempt to address both prompts of the two groups in one blog entry. Naturally I'll fit in all the other goodies people have grown fond of not bothering with.
Still with me?
Alright then, let's get started...

November 19, 2012
30 Day Blogging Challenge - The Occupation Round.
Writing/blog prompt: This Thursday will mark the American Thanksgiving Day. How do you spend the day? How do you give thanks?

Blogging Circle of Friends
Writing/blog prompt: What advice or words of wisdom would you like to leave for those who come after you?

In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in the same way as our American Neighbors, except we do it about a month earlier. I'll let you in on a little secret. We,(us Canadians I mean.) celebrate the American Thanksgiving Holiday as well. Shhhhhh Keep that to yourselves, we don't want our employers to find out. I've been booking the fourth Thursday in November off ever since I began working. I'd either book a holiday, or sick day off, call in, or outright go AWOL. I love the Macey's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It is like the red carpet treatment for the arrival of Santa Claus. It's the kick off to the whole Christmas season. Speaking of kick-off, if you every wanted to watch football until your eyes fall outta your head, then Thanksgiving Day is the day for you. A lot of us Canadians (and I do not condone this) head to the USA for, "Black Friday" I would rather chew my own arm off. We are starting to see reports on the news, where Americans are going out to do their, Black Friday, Christmas Shopping, only to find 30,000 Canadians lined up ahead of them. In all this, there is much to be thankful for, even if you are just thankful that I am moving onto the next prompt now.

What advice or words of wisdom would you like to leave for those who come after you?

This is a good question. I'd like to think of an amazing answer that would save the good life and the future of the planet for all eternity. But even if I could come up with the right words, a voice inside my head (the pessimistic one) tells me that, "nobody will listen anyway"
Hmmm, not a very good start to saving the planet. Is it?

Okay, so, forget I said that. Let's go with...Don't get your $#!T tied in knots over life, it's not permanent. Be a good person and try to do something nice for somebody each and every day.

That's all I have time for today friends
See you tomorrow.

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Co-Host with Fi
The Crazy Creative Colours Contest
"Invalid Item

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group
Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

I'm docked at "Blog Harbor from The Talent Pond, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

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