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When you really have nothing better to do.
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April 27, 2012 at 1:01am
April 27, 2012 at 1:01am
April 26.2012

Day 26 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge
And you thought you had escaped the madness of the multi-part prompt!
"Describe a life experience so important to you it deserves to be told over multiple entries."
THURSDAY APRIL 26 --- No 1 -- Beginning.
FRIDAY APRIL 27 --- No. 2 - Middle.
SATURDAY APRIL 28 --- No.3 --- End.

Just when I got caught up with my blogging, this comes along. I knew it was coming. Didn't we have this very same prompt last month though?
I didn't care for it at the time, so I made up my own prompts. Life was good last month. I was a renegade, my own man. Now Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST is calling the shots.
Life is still good this month. I still don't like this prompt. Anybody who has children knows that your children are the most important entity in your life. I don't want to write about my children, and my children don't want me to write about them. Works out nice that way. The question still remains...What life experience is so important it deserves to be blah blah blah...Looks like I'm going to have to tell the ghostly true tale of The Thing Down Stairs.

We all went there. We all played there. We were kids, we all grew up there. Me, my 5 siblings, my six cousins. All of us. Maybe not at the same time, yet there were many occasions when we were all together there. It was the best place in the world to be. None of us lived there, but it was our home. We were always welcome, we were always loved, and the food was pretty good too. I'm talking about my Grandparents home. Everyone in the family has fond memories of their experiences in that house. My mother, two aunts, and uncle were raised in that house. I think that among my siblings and cousins I spent the most time there. Countless week-ends at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was the best place in the world for a kid to be...for me anyway.

Somewhere, somehow, without notice, something somehow changed. I may have been the only person to notice. I never told anyone. I often wonder these days, "what it was?" My Grandparents sold their home in the late seventies and moved into an apartment block. At that point it became someone else's home, someone else's problem. Their old house was back up for sale again recently. I went to have a look at it. It was still there. What ever it is.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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April 26, 2012 at 11:54pm
April 26, 2012 at 11:54pm
April 25, 2012

day 25 of the 30-Day Challenge
From one of you, from the Challenge War Chest.
"Describe your favorite fairy tale, myth or legend from your childhood. Discuss why it’s your favorite."
Suggestion: Has it influenced your beliefs and morals throughout your life so far?


It seems to be a difficult task for me to pick a favorite in anything. I like it all. Being a sports fan, I've always supported my home town team. When our city did not have a hockey team, I cheered for both teams on the ice. It was great, I celebrated every goal and my team never lost. I enjoy the sport of Nascar, there is no home team for me to cheer on. I could never pick just one driver to be my favorite. I have several drivers and racing teams that I like and I follow. Same goes for this topic of fairy tales, myths and legends. I like them all. When I think of what my favorite or favorites would be I find myself torn between Aesop's Fables which have a moral message, and Dr. Seuss stories which are mostly nonsense, but the rhyming is awesome. Peter Pan and Pinocchio were favorites of mine. I think because of the "never having to grow up" theme. Being a boy forever. The legend of the fountain of youth. I would say those type of stories were my favorites.
So...I am totally immature, and can make it rhyme if I have to.

Thanks for coming out.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

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April 26, 2012 at 11:15pm
April 26, 2012 at 11:15pm
April 24, 2012

"What are two skills you would love to have and why."

Depending on who you ask, if I added two skills to my current inventory of skills I would have a total of two skills.

One skill I would love to have is the skill of golfing. Truth be known I don't like golfing, but it is one skill that I am not too old to become
a highly paid professional athlete. Maybe I can still get Tiger Woods's old cel phone number, as my own.

A second skill I would love to have is what I consider to be more of a gift than a skill. It's the ability to be a skilled guitarist. Again it is a skill that I can still
become a famous rock star in spite of my age. Look at Kieth Richards, he's still going on concert tours and he died several years ago, just hasn't fallen down yet.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

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April 26, 2012 at 1:51pm
April 26, 2012 at 1:51pm
April 23, 2012
Day 23 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge

"name three advantages that kids
born these days have over older


name three advantages that older
generations have over kids
born these days."

NB: that's not either/or that's do both prompts.


From the: "So far behind, I think I'm ahead" Department.

If the prompt instructed us to list three DIFFERENCES between the generations it would be very easy. I can think of hundreds before even going outside the home.
The prompt instructed us to list ADVANTAGES between the generations. This makes it a lot more difficult. Kids these days have a completely changed world from the world I grew up in. Is that an advantage? Who's to know? I'll try find three.

Three advantages that kids born these days have over older generations.

1.The education system is better. What is taught, and how it's taught has improved greatly. There are options for students who Don't fit the mold that did not exist in my day. The schools my children attended, got the student's families involved in the education process, and encouraged the students to participate in their community in a positive way.

2.Toys, Games, Sports, Entertainment, Devices are so much better. Is this an advantage? It can be if you buy into the philosophy, Everything in it's proper time and place.

3. Points 1 & 2 contribute to this as well, but the entire planet is so much more accessible. The opportunities to broaden the mind, and gain through hands on experience, are limitless. This is due to improvement in transportation, the internet, and an new global mind set of openness and sharing.

Three advantages that older generations have over kids born these days."

1. The lack of technology available to the average person could be argued as a disadvantage, however, in my opinion it was a huge advantage. We gained from the experiences we lived, not to mention the added benefit of fresh air and exercise being a part of every day.
- we had to get up and WALK to the TV to change the channel. (One small example)

2. Food was WAY better. The mass produced, chemically ladened garbage and the produce grown in poisonous soil, as well as the meat of scientifically altered clones of what used to be domestic farm animals, is horrible, cancerous, crap. People didn't die from eating a hamburger in my day.

3. Back in the day we learned how to do things for ourselves. Much of those things have been taken out of our daily routines. Computers for example have taken on much of the work we do. Have you ever been to a store and be told that you can't buy anything because the computers are down? Not only can I work a computer but I can also add and subtract with out the aid of a calculator and I can operate a pen and paper system of processing data, when the computer fails.

Advantage old People.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Sex was better too... It was a non life threatening act...These days you pretty much have to be wrapped in plastic, and disinfected afterward. (Not that I would know anything about that.)

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 24, 2012 at 1:58pm
April 24, 2012 at 1:58pm
April 22, 2012

Day 22 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge

"It's that time of week to show you've been paying attention. Find something, everyone, throw something in. Find someone else's blog entry from the last week and discuss it in your own blog. Tell us why someone's entry resonated with you."

There were some fantastic entry's this week, so good luck!

It's time for me to either get caught up or bow out of the 30DBC. I'll catch up. It won't be pretty. Here we go.

I've kept up with the comments and I just now managed to go back and read the entries from the previous few days. So welcome back to Sunday.

Bonnie Bonnie broke her foot.
Snow, a merit badge, she took.

For Norb and Earl it was about the glasses,
while Cindy, listed off the gasses.

Sister and Eyestar are off the pace.
I'm just writing anything now. To get myself back in the race.

Sunny and Wolfe's blogs are brief,
much to a Busy Brother's relief.

I have to go now. My eyes are bleeding.
From all this writing, and all this reading.

Peace and love folks!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 24, 2012 at 1:25am
April 24, 2012 at 1:25am
April 21, 2012

Day 21 of the 30-Day Challenge!

It's that day where I force you guys to embrace your independent inner blogger. You have a choice now, blog about your day ... or blog about your week!

"In the tradition of bloggers everywhere, tell us all about your day, in great detail, even the mundane stuff, but especially the good stuff, the parts of your day that inspired you, that motivated you, that showed you the joy in your life. Tell us how your day was, whether you laughed or whether you cried. You know, blog."


"Another chance to blog. Under the guise of 'how was your week, in detail", feel free to blog about any subject dear to your heart. The dearer the better."

Click *ButtonPlay* Listen to the song while I try get caught up.

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I got got got got no time.
I got got got got no time.

There is a classic Canadian rocker for you all to enjoy. The young fellows in this band grew up in my neighborhood. A couple of them, infact, lived just a few doors down from Miss Leslie. Ahhh I still like em anyhow.

Too busy, that was how my week went. Our internet connection has been hit and miss lately. I have to write my Web Design Exam on or before Wednesday, and I have to submit an eight page web site for my Lawncare Business before I write the test. I'm not sure if I'm with in the rules for submitting blog entries, what are they gonna do? *Laugh* Remember when I got disqualified? Too *Cool*

This coming week is gonna be even busier for me, and if I'm not careful summer will be over before I get a chance to scratch my entire skin off from scritching-scratching skeeter bites.

I haven't even been around to read my favorite bloggers since Friday, I understand Prosperous Snow celebrating won a merit badge. Congratulations Snow. I will get over there and read up right away. Then I'm gonna write a little review of my fellow 30 Dayers blogs or blogettes. Then I might eat one of those apples I heard about. I'd rather have a bag of chips.

Gotta run! boo wookies ebbry buddy.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 21, 2012 at 8:31pm
April 21, 2012 at 8:31pm
April 20, 2012

day 20 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge
We received at least 4 versions of the ubiquitous super power prompt, what better place for it then Funny Friday !

"If you could have one super power to help save the world what would it be? Now, the proviso is it has to be a silly super power and your mileage may vary on the facet of the world you are saving."

The entry that gives me the biggest laugh wins a merit badge!


Nice time for the internet connection to go down, when there is a merit badge on the line. I wrote most of my entry in Open Document. I tried something a little different and wrote a story in two parts with the first part being entirely made up of dialog. If it's not funny then I guess it doesn't matter, but it has to be funny.It's Funny Friday. Enjoy!

Ummm aaaahhh Super Powers Maaaaan

“Hello Brother. What can I do for you today?”

“Hi Julie, I wanted to see you. It's about the super powers. I was hoping there has been some progress with my uh um situation.”

“I haven't heard anything back from the Powers Commission yet, and I honestly don't think I will for some time. These things take time Brother. You'll have to be patient. I'll let you know the moment I hear anything. I promise.”

“What about a trade? I'll take a trade. Do you have anything to trade?”

“N no not really”

“What do you mean? Not really! You either do or you don't.”

“Well it's not like you can just trade your super power for another even if I had one available.” They're not so easy to come by you know.”

“Not easy to come by! I didn't even want one in the first place, and now I keep getting the run around when I'm only just trying to get rid of it.”

“Listen to me. When the Powers Commission reviews your case and learns that you would like to rescind your powers I'm sure they will approve some type of reversal treatment for you. But until then. You are going to have to make the best of it. Don't forget that the powers you now process may someday serve to save the entire planet from some horrible form of destruction.”

“Save the entire planet! with my powers? Have you forgotten what my powers are? Julie,? Have you forgotten? I can't believe it. You forgot!”

“I'm sorry Brother. It's been real busy, and I have a lot of clients. I didn't have time to go over your file before our meeting. The only thing I noticed was the note on the front of the file that says, Don't make eye contact”

“Ha! That's a good one. You should look me in the eye, maybe that will refresh your memory. Ha ha refresh...get it.”

“No I don't get it Mr. Nature and I'm sorry I don't recall, out of all the super powers available, what your particular power is. Not that it matters anyways because you don't even appreciate the gift you have been given.”

Appreciate! Gift! Given! Are you kidding me? Do you think I wanted to be bitten by a radio active dung beetle while eating ex-lax while being electrocuted by a blender full of Metamucil and goat's milk?

“Oh my God, Is that what really happened to you?”

“Yep. Freak accident, that's what they wrote on my chart in the hospital anyway.”

“That's right. I remember now. I came to see you in the hospital. You were in the freak ward.”

“Are you saying I'm a freak?”

“No, no. Yes. Yes I am. I'm sorry. In my job I deal with the freaks, that is how we refer to our super heroes who gained their powers through freak accidents. You're a freak. I work with freaks. I'm surrounded by freaks. I know your staring at me Mr. Nature and I'm not going to look at you so please stop staring.”

“I don't mean to stare Miss Julie. I'm wondering if maybe it says anything about, how I'm expected to save the planet from some horrible form of destruction in that file of yours. Go ahead. Read the file. Tell me what horrible form of planetary destruction my powers can save the planet from?"

"It says here that you have the ability to cause one to involuntarily void their bowels simply by looking at them. Holy shi..."

"Exactly! So, how am I supposed to save the planet from some horrible form of destruction with that ability?"

"Your right. It's hard to imagine how the ability to make a person need to go the the bathroom is going to save the planet."

"It's not the ability to make a person need to go to the bathroom, they go to the bathroom, as in, right there and then. In other words, they make poopies in their pants."

"That's Fascinating! They actually shit their pants when you look at them."

"Now you're getting it. Do you see why I would sooner not want to have this ability."

"Yeah, sure, well, what I mean is, I'm trying to understand, it's all so strange. Well at least you have your powers under control, right?"

"It took a little while, and I'll admit it was fun at first. I always got a seat on the bus. Then there was that time when I first got out of the hospital. I went to the football game, and they put my face on the Jumbo Tron and I looked right into the camera. Talk about a standing ovation! Now the novelty has worn off"

"And people crap their drawers?"

"Explosive diarrhea."

"Amazing...I'm speechless Brother. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do for you until I get authorization from the Power Commission. I promise that we'll contact you the minute we hear something. Is it safe to look at you now Brother? I remember why I wrote that note on the front of your file now."

"Yeah sure you can look at me. How could you forget?"

"I guess there are somethings your mind protects you from thinking about."

"Well Julie I'm looking forward to hearing from you real soon, I'll see myself out. Take care."

Ummm aaaahhh Super Powers Maaaaan

Part II

Brother Nature hummed along with the elevator music as he rode to the ground floor of the mega tower that housed Dr. Julie Rax's office in the clouds.
Meanwhile at that very same time...Gelgmorphfk from the planet Yundle Nine was descending to street level in the first of the attack ships, to begin the horrible form of destruction phase in their plan to horribly destroy the planet earth. Gelgmorphfk is a gender neutral fiber based life form. Seven foot tall, and quite a stunning figure in his full military armor. Not that he\she needed armor, with his\her micro thin translucent grey skin which is impenetrable. Yes, Gelgmorphfk is a striking figure indeed, his\her\it's head is large and triangular. Two big black football shaped eyes take up most of the space on it's face, no nose, and a slash mouth with several rows of tiny sharp teeth. Gelgmorphfk by him\her self is intimidating enough but add to this Gelgmorphfk is not alone there are hundreds more identical to him\her.

The tyrannical galactic dictators of Yundle Nine employ Gelgmorphfk and countless others like him to travel the universe and horribly destroy planets. The reason for this isn't quite clear, but that doesn't matter to Gelgmorphfk, to Gelgmorphfk a job is a job. Gelgmorphfk stood at the front of the space ship door waiting for it to fully open. The standard method of horribly destroying planets is to first neutralize it's inhabitants, by giving them the Yundle Nine Death Stare. The Yundle Nine Death Stare renders the victims of it momentarily stunned then shortly there after they instantly vaporise.

At the very moment in time when Gelgmorphfk took his first step on earths surface, Brother Nature was taking his first step out of the mega tower.Dr. Julie Rax looked down from her office in the clouds. Julie saw the whole thing go down. Julie has super powers of her own. She could save the planet from this pending horrible destruction. But it was impossible for anyone to see her breasts from street level.

Gelgmorphfk quickly found his first victim and focused The Yundle Nine Death Stare on Brother Nature and Brother Natured stared right back. Time stood still.

Witnesses would have saw Gelgmorphfk's eyes get a little bit wider.Witnesses would have heard some gurgling, grumbling, splashy, swooshy sounds. Then they would have saw Gelgmorphfk reverse his steps slowly back into the space craft, and beam it the hell outta here.

On the space craft there was no need for Gelgmorphfk to make a report there was no communications system in the ship. Yundlites communicate telepathically, and Gelgmorphfk's superiors on Yundle Nine were already communicating back to Gelgmorphfk. They were laughing at him\her for making a hasty retreat from horribly destroying a planet because he crapped his shorts. The laugh was on the Yundlites though, because being telepathic the entire race did crap their pants for several days.They swore to never horribly destroy a planet again.

Brother Nature walked off into the sunset. Nobody thanked him. That was the way of a super hero.

Now a days the children of earth sing a song, it goes...

Gelgmorphfk, Gelgmorphfk he\she's big and strong and grey,
but when he saw Brother Nature,
he\she shit it's pants and ran away.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 19, 2012 at 10:41pm
April 19, 2012 at 10:41pm
April 19, 2012

Day 19 of 30 in the 30-Day Blogging Challenge
It's Opinion Thursday!
"Transportation. What is your preferred mode of getting around and what are your thoughts about the nature of mobility today and tomorrow?"
NB: There are 3 parts to this prompt. Please answer them all.

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The majority of my getting around is spent traveling to and from either the refrigerator or the bathroom. I do get out and about as much as I can, but most days I travel between the coffee pot, refrigerator and bathroom. If I made fewer trips to the coffee pot I'd make fewer trips to the bathroom, but I don't want to get started on mathematical equations again.

My preferred method of transport is "walking".

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Now I know that walking isn't for everybody, and it's not very practical for long trips, but it's the most basic, and humble form of transportation. I wanted to mention some of the benefits that come from simply walking. Fresh air, sun shine, exercise, and there is a calming affect that is good for your soul. I guess you could get the same thing by drinking a beer on the beach. I'll move on.

On the subject of walking I'd like to mention the people who are unable to walk and how medical science and research has made some enormous progress in areas to help people gain the ability to walk. The development with prosthetic limbs has given people with out limbs the ability to do amazing things. I ran the 1/2 marathon about 100 years ago. As I was about two miles from the finish line, the lead pack of the wheelchair athletes competing in the full marathon zipped past me. They were flying as they raced hard for the finish line. They were surrounded by a motorcycle police escort, media vehicles and people along the route cheered so loud and enthusiastically. It was one of the most amazing, awe inspiring, moments in my life. I had run 11 miles in the hot sun and still a cold chill over took me at that moment. Definitely a character building experience in my life.
So whether it's assisted, or un-assisted, or otherwise, get out there and go for a walk.

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There's that NB again you were talking about Fivesixer I was told (when I asked) that it stands for NOTE BRISKLY. I bought it. I won't even do a google test.
But I see that I did not yet address all three questions so thank you NB, I couldn't do this with out you.

The Nature of Mobility Tomorrow
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I'm not sure when it will happen but we will run out of oil at some point in our future. So transportation will face changes, because the current modes of transit are unsustainable. We have seen the auto manufacturers come out with concept vehicles that run on battery power or battery assisted. Cities world wide strive to provide fuel efficient mass transit to their citizens. I don't think air travel has anywhere to go. They may have to go back to air ships, or feather suits. I could think of a few people I would recommend to be test pilots.

So that got me thinking... what about zip lines? We could have high rise towers with upper floors having zip line launches to a variety of other towers in other locations. Gives a new meaning to the term, "I'll zip right over" Think of the social issues. MADZ ( Mothers Against Drunk Zippers) and they might run depressing TV commercials that say something corny like, "If you're zipping , know when to stop sipping."

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Leslie was away this week. She just got home from Vancouver Island on Friday, and then she left Monday morning for a three day seminar for PMP's
(Project Management Professionals) at Dorothy Lake Lodge in Whiteshell Provincial Park.
Well I just about made it through the week with out doing something stupid, but today my luck ran out, while I was in the shower.
The shampoo I use was missing. It was in a bright green container, but there it was, gone. Leslie took it. That's okay there were plenty of other containers of stuff in the shower surround. Unfortunately, with out my glasses I could not distinguish between shampoo, or whatever else is in those containers. To make a long story short.
I cream rinsed, body washed, cream rinsed again, then shampooed. I did not repeat.
Thanks for listening.
How bout a hug?

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 19, 2012 at 12:06am
April 19, 2012 at 12:06am
April 18, 2012

Day 18 of 30 in the 30-Day Blogging Challenge
A companion prompt to yesterday's:
"What things have you experienced to help build your character to what it is today?"

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Experience builds character or { E = < < C } The "things" in question, therefore are experience. Let's see what that looks like as a question now.

"What things experience have you experienced to help build your character to what it is today?"

A person's entire life is made of experience. One experience followed by another, all building character as a person journeys through life.

The question then should be more specific. We certainly can't be expected to write our entire life's history of character building experiences.

So this should be narrowed down to only the experience that was experienced specifically to help build your character.

I'll have to re-write the question one more time to make things more clear.

"What experience have you experienced specifically to help build your character to what it is today?"

Meet me at the blackboard...

If { E = < < C }
then( N = E ) = ( SE = < < C )
value of N = ?
( < < C x % of SE ) = ( % of SE x < < C )

I know.
I don't have to point out the flaw in the equation.

It is impossible to answer the question with out first determining what exactly your character has been built up to.

We must ask ourselves the following questions :
1. What exactly is character?

2. Is our character what we believe it is, or is it what others perceive it to be?

1. answer: see photo A.

Photo A
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character as defined by google

2. answer:I believe that your character is what other people think of you and not so much what you think about yourself.

Let's see if we can tweak that question just a tiny bit.

"What experience in you experience have you experienced specifically to help build your character, which is relative, to what it is perceived to be by others, today?"

Why does it have to be today? Today is almost over. What if everything changes tomorrow? What if after reading this, someone who used to like me decides I'm an idiot? That would change everything.

Writing this entry has been quite the character building experience. When I started out I held a pretty high opinion about my own character. I just wished there were more time so I could share some of the experiences I've experienced in order to become the type of character that you all think I am.

Just to show you that I truly appreciate the time you all spent to really get nothing out of reading this entry, I will share with you all an unfailing method to become successful in whatever you do in life.

If you want to be the BEST at anything. Find out who is the BEST, then do everything that they do. It wouldn't hurt to take them out for lunch.

This may seem simple, and it is. Try it. It really really really works.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 17, 2012 at 2:34am
April 17, 2012 at 2:34am
April 17, 2012

"What are three things you would change about your life right now and why?"
Now, don't forget the reasons why folks.

1.I would stop procrastinating. I can't think of a reason why I would do this except to say that it's probably just a good idea not to procrastinate too much.

2.I would change my business. I need to do this at some point, so why procrastinate? hmmmm I'm going to have to do this in some sort of order.

3. If I were to stop procrastinating,and change my business, I could afford to go live in the woods, off the grid. I guess I have some sort of pioneering spirit that yearns to be challenged to live off the land. I wouldn't want to miss any of my favorite TV shows or websites though.

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not much of a blog.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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