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When you really have nothing better to do.
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November 18, 2012 at 1:45pm
November 18, 2012 at 1:45pm
November Movember 18, 2012

Brother's Blog

I'm finally going to get a chance to sit down and, "Blog Out" (Is that what the young kids call it these days?) Don't give it one more thought. It's time to pull those straps tight one more time, call the kids, take the phone off the hook, and settle in for another installment of, boogity, boogity boogity, lets go blogging boys
Brother's Great Big Sunday Ex - Strava - Gan - Zaaaah.

Can you imagine how it is, that I get behind in performing my daily tasks? I should get on with it.

November 18, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: Write about something someone close to you said, or did recently, that made you laugh. Feel free to abandon the prompt, bottom line is: make us laugh.

November 17, 2012:
Writing/blog prompt: Tell us if you have any secret ways of finding time for yourself.

Sunday, November 18, 2012:
Writing/blog prompt: Free Roll...extra points if you make it rhyme.

Alright, here we go. Friday, was funny, but not in a, "Ha Ha Ha" funny way. I knew I wouldn't be able to write a blog entry on Friday, so I kept an open eye the entire day in order to capture funny blog material. Nothing!!! All day!! Nothing funny happened all day. Then in the evening *Telephone* riiiiing riiiing The phone rings.(indicated by the "Telephone Emoticon" and the exaggerated spelling of the word "Ring")
I pick up the phone and my friend of forty plus years says, "Check your email, I just sent you something funny." (I can't believe my luck.) I hang up on my friend completely forgetting to wish him a happy birthday, and I open my email. My friend sent this very funny video, I laughed out loud a few times while watching it. Perfect, right? No. Not perfect. The video featured vulgarity, which rendered it un-usable for me. I don't mind pushing the boundaries of offencesivenesstivityism. I like to get my toes right up next to that line. The video was clearly on the other side of the line. Sorry folks, no funny video from my friend of forty years, on his fiftieth birthday.

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Happy Birthday, Miles.
*ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG*

I was inspired by blainecindy with her recall of her youngster's mis-speak. "Invalid Entry

I'll share one of the many moments, like that, provided by my Son.

It seems like another lifetime ago, when I worked in retail sales, and had my days off during the week. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I stayed home with my kids, best week-ends ever. My daughter was four and my son, two. On this morning, all the TV channels were showing the funeral of, Princess Diana. My son was drawn to the TV set like a magnet. "What is this," he asked, hardly being able to take his eyes off the TV. I explained how it was the funeral for Princess Diana who was killed in a car accident. "Wow," was all he said. He was transfixed on the television screen, which was showing the procession of Princess Diana's casket, (draped in the, "Union Jack,"and all of it's adornment,) as it was carried into Westminster Abby.
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I watched as my son stood motionless, glued to the set. Twenty minutes or more went by. I wondered why it was he was so interested the proceedings. Then, suddenly, he turned from the screen and asked, in an exasperated tone, "When are they going to open that big present?"

Friday night, finds me visiting at the home of another friend. Tim has been around for as long as I can remember. He lives just up the street from us, when we're being city folk. Tim and I could have provided some laughs, but not because we were trying. Picture if you will...Two middle aged men (provided we live past 100, mind you.) playing the video game, "Rock Band." I'm the drummer, and Tim is lead guitar. Add to the mix, Tim is receiving treatment for advancing "Parkinson's Disease" and we both have a few drinks in us. This is what I meant, when I said, "Funny, but not in a, "Ha Ha Ha" funny way."

How am I doing so far?

Doesn't matter!

This video clip saves Funny Friday.
I laughed until I cried, and then laughed again.
Please enjoy.
I'm in awe of the person who made this video. Amazing!!

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On Saturday I worked right through the entire day. I'm working on the house, remember my threats of renovating? My secret to finding time for myself is simple.
I neglect doing things that I probably shouldn't. The more I enjoy spending the time to myself, the more likely I shouldn't be doing it. Luckily my Catholic initiation has taught me how to deal with the guilt. Amen to that.

The last thing I should do before I go.
Is make some rhymes, so my blog won't blow.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

Tomorrow is the first day of the new blogging group "Blogging Circle of Friends
I'm looking forward to participating in that group as well as continuing with the, "30Day Blogging Challenge, Occupation."
I'll be back with a brand new look to Brother's Blog Tomorrow.
Bye for Now.

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November 16, 2012 at 10:06am
November 16, 2012 at 10:06am
November Movember 15, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 15, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: "Do you believe in the super-natural, ghosts, aliens, UFOs, conspiracy theories, etc? Write about your knowledge or interest in these topics, (or others) Do you have a ghost story or sighting of a UFO to share?"

I am immensely interested in this subject matter, but I am also a skeptic. I continue to be skeptical because there is no, conclusive evidence to prove the existence of either Ghosts, Aliens, Sasquatches, Loc Ness Monsters and so on.

I don't believe that the government is, "Out to get us!"

It has been my personal experience to, on several occasions, sense the presence of unseen forces or energies. These have been both good and bad experiences. I have never seen or been engaged by one of these unseen forces, but I do believe in their existence. As a Christian I'm inclined to believe in the existence of spirits, and I do. The Holy Bible has many references to spirits and prophesy.

I have, on two occasions, saw unusual lighted objects in the night sky. These sightings, I believe are exactly what I saw...UFOs...The U stands for unidentified, and that's the way those sightings remain.

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, answers the: "Do Aliens Exist" question, better than I ever could. His explanation confirms a lot of what I believe about the topic.

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I believe that there are things (for lack of a better word) in this world that we are just not meant to have knowledge of. Take "Computers" for example. Everyone knows how to use one, but few people know how one works.

For the ghost hunters and monster trackers, and the folks that spy on area51 out there...I believe if you are determined to get a photo of something, you probably will, but until you produce a physical specimen of your Alien, Ghost, Monster, or whatever, I'll remain a skeptic.

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November 14, 2012 at 2:31pm
November 14, 2012 at 2:31pm
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Co-Host with Fi
The Crazy Creative Colours Contest
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November 13, 2012 at 12:47pm
November 13, 2012 at 12:47pm
November Movember 13, 2012

Andre's Blog

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November 13, 2012
Writing/blog prompt:By - Prosperous Snow celebrating “What is your idea of the perfect holiday feast? It doesn’t matter what holiday you’re celebrating.”

It's clear that I won't be doing any celebrating in Bro's office, if you saw the comment from Mrs. Bro.

But that don't matter, Snow is right. It's not about the holiday or the celebration. It's about the feast, and feasting is what I do best.

When I think of feasts I don't first think of food.

The food is usually a given, standard fair. The food is just something to push in your mouth, or someone else's mouth, rub into your scalp and body, then throw it around the room.

The feast is about the gathering of the troop, fellowship, sharing, coming together as a family. The spirit of the feast is always perfect.

The tradition of the feast shouldn't be monkeyed around with. BUT...On many occasions during the year, we will enjoy a meal, where everything on the plate is incredible, delicious and perfectly cooked, and someone might comment, "Wouldn't this be a nice meal to serve for (what ever holiday) in place of turkey."

*Banana**Apple**Chicken**Lime**Crab* *CupcakeP* *Cat2* *MugR**Banana**Apple**Chicken* FOOOOOOD FIGHT!!!!!*Banana**Apple**Chicken**Lime**Crab* *CupcakeP* *Cat2* *MugR**Banana**Apple**Chicken*

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November 12, 2012 at 4:51pm
November 12, 2012 at 4:51pm
November Movember 12, 2012

Andre's Blog

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November 12, 2012
Writing/blog prompt:By - Prosperous Snow celebrating “It’s November 30, 2012 and you won NaNoWriMo, how do you celebrate?”

I'm not sure how I got roped into this, but I guess I better do, what I have to do, to help a brother out. It Looks like Brother Nature over-extended his obligations again
and has bailed on the occupancy in favor of addressing more pressing matters. Last I saw of him, he was heading out to clear snow after a, "Colorado Low" dumped nearly 30cm of snow throughout the area. If your not familiar with the metric system, 30cm of snow is equal to "About a fricken foot." It wouldn't be so bad if it stayed put after it hit the ground (the snow, I'm talking about) but it doesn't. The wind blows it up into piles that can sometimes be over six feet high.

While I'm here, (and still sober)... I better get the little guy caught up on his blogging. His last entry was about, "Road trips." I gave that entry a "FAIL." He could have done so much better, given the trips he has been on recently. I was disappointed in his effort, and lack of respect for the people that read his crud-blab.

He missed the next two prompts, one By: Fivesixer about... let me think...oh yeah...Inspire us with your musings regarding a favorite quote.

Bro's favorite quote is one that his Great Grandmother used to say. It goes something like: "If you can't be thankful for what you have, then be thankful for what you don't have."

Mine is:"Monkey see, monkey do."

Besides hosting a winter storm, Sunday was Remembrance Day in Canada. 11/11/11 On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour, we honor those that fought and those that paid with their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today.

I know that Bro would have wrote about "Valour Road" on Sunday, I'll just paste in the Wikipedia text.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Valour Road is a street in the West End of Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was originally called Pine Street. In 1925, it was renamed as Valour Road in recognition of the courage of three young men who all lived on the 700 block of the street and all served in the First World War. Corporal Leo Clarke, Sergeant-Major Frederick William Hall, and Lieutenant Robert Shankland each received the Victoria Cross for acts of bravery during the war.
The inscription on the Victoria Cross is "For Valour".

So that brings us to,Today's Prompt.
I almost don't have the heart to do this, but what the hey!

If I were to win the NaNoWriMo (a month long novel writing exercise) or anything else for that matter, I would celebrate in the usual manner.
Loud high pitched screams, while turning back flips. pausing momentarily to insert a finger in my anus then smell it. Of course throwing of fecal matter is really where the celebration hits the society pages of your local news publications.

I am under instructions not to hold any celebrations while I'm staying in Bro's office. As long as Bro doesn't run out of vodka, things will be just fine. I protest running out of booze in the same way I would celebrate a victory.

That should about wrap things up here folks.

See ya tomorrow.

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November 9, 2012 at 11:35pm
November 9, 2012 at 11:35pm
November Movember 9, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 9, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: "Tell us a good 'road trip' story. If you don't have one, what would you think constitutes a good road trip?"

I was fortunate enough to get several road trips in, this past summer. We took day trips into the parkland, and went on a couple of, week-end long, fishing trips. A friend and I traveled two provinces to the west, on an eight day road trip, and Leslie and I went on a ten dayi0 trip to the east coast of Canada.

I have on my computer over 1500 images from this summer's road trips, add to that at least three hours of video. I have started to sort and edit this vacation content
into movie clips. I'm teaching myself how to make movies in "Movie Maker"

And now for the bad news...I don't have anything ready to share today, so I'm going to have to leave you all in suspense. Look for the 2012 vacation extravaaaaa - ganza
coming to a blog near you real soon.

There is some good news: Andre, aka "Andre the blog monkey," is here to cover for me during the week-end.

But, again with the bad news: He's going to start off my marking this blog entry with a BIG FAT FAIL.

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*PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints*

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Co-Host with Fi
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November 8, 2012 at 9:37am
November 8, 2012 at 9:37am
November Movember 8, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 8, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: "Fairy tales are known for being good stories with happy endings. Tell us about a happy ending that felt fairy tail-ish to you."

Back in the day, when fairy dust was cheap and plentiful, happy endings were a way of life. Now it's all too real, it's all... *Telephone* riiiiing riiiing

"Hang on."
Call display says, RANDHOUS
"I better take this, BRB."


"Hello, this is Dum Deedumdum from Random House Inc, I'm looking to speak to a Brother Nature."

"I'm Brother Nature, how can I help you?"

"Well Brother Nature, I'm sure you know Random House is the world's largest English language trade publisher."

"Largest in the world?"

"Yes, largest in the world."

"Okay then! So... I should have asked, how can yoo-ooo help meee-eee?"

"How we can help you, Mr. Nature, is by buying your book. Random House is prepared to offer you sixty seven bi..."

"I don't have a book."

"Not a problem Sir. We were planning to simply make one up from some of your blog entries, there's probably a movie deal or two in there as well. Anyway, we're prepared to make you a very rich man Mr. Nature... A very rich man."




"Yes. Really"


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Co-Host with Fi
The Crazy Creative Colours Contest
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program

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November 7, 2012 at 6:15pm
November 7, 2012 at 6:15pm
November Movember 7, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 7, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: Tell us about your hometown...either the place you were born or where you live now.


I was born, and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, a city of 730,018 people, located nearly in the center of the country.

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The name "Winnipeg" comes from the Cree for "muddy waters." The city is intersected by two rivers, "The Red" and "The Assinaboine" The two rivers meet in the heart of downtown at a place logically called "The Forks."

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Winnipeg is the eighth largest city in Canada. Winnipeg enjoys a stable and diverse economy, and is steadily growing.

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A future attraction to Winnipeg is, "The International Human Rights Museum" Slated to open in 2013.

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Winnipeg has some professional sports teams. The most notable is, The Winnipeg Jets, who just last year returned to the NHL after a twenty five year absence.
This year the team is locked out, in case I didn't mention it in earlier reports.

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The team plays it's home games at the newly built, "MTS center" MTS is a local telephone service provider so the arena is affectionately referred to as, "The Phone Booth."

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Winnipeg has a professional football team called, "The Winnipeg Blue Bombers." Our Bombers play in the CFL (Canadian Football League)

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The blue bombers have built a new stadium. The team was supposed to play their season opener in the new building this past year, but the project was delayed, so the team took the year off.

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We also have a professional baseball team here called, "The Goldeyes," named after a popular locally caught fish.

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   There is a lot to do in Winnipeg, the city has a lot to offer in the arts. With the Winnipeg Art Gallery, The Royal Winnipeg Ballet, The Symphony Orchestra, as well as several theater companies Winnipeggers are not without their share of world class entertainment.
   A nice benefit to being centrally located, Winnipeg makes a logistically sound stop off for touring acts. Not that we don't already have (in our own backyard) some of the biggest known musical acts in the world,
in the world!

These guys all went to the same high school as I did, only they attended a few years before I did. Although Winnipeg boasts being the home of countless, immensely talented people, this band, is one that I am most proud to say, "these guys are from my home town... Winnipeg."

give it up for ....The Guess Who
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Winnipegers TO ME, are known for their sense of humor. That may be why, when I looked for a serious and tasteful locally produced video highlighting Winnipeg, I couldn't find one. Everything out there seems to be tongue in cheek at best. Some of the stuff was pretty tasteless. Naturally I have selected a truly tasteless homegrown Winnipeg video to share... enjoy

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November 6, 2012 at 6:35pm
November 6, 2012 at 6:35pm
November Movember 6, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 6, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: "It's Election Day in the United States. Why should I vote for you as our next president?"

Mr. Prompter aka Fivesixer Wants to know, why he should vote for me as his country's next president.

That is an excellent question, I have my campaign speech all dusted off and ready to deliver. Luckily, for the good people of the United States of America, the following is a fanciful rant of a babbling Canadian lunatic, and I support this blog entry.

The first thing I would do as president of the United States of America, is declare myself "God like in nature and dictator for life," thus putting an end to these stupid &#@%$!^ elections...I mean...really!...wtf.

This is my first week with cable in the house in the city. EVERY STATION is covering the election, I could care less. I'm watching, "dumbest stuff on wheels" and I'm siting here, just sitting here, getting angrier and angrier at those #&#@%$!^ NHL players and owners, because I could be watching hockey right now!!!

As, "God like in nature and dictator for life," I would invoke immediate legislation to put the NHL back on the ice, and with the old rule book back, and none of this crying about too much fighting.

I better get back on track here or this thing could get ugly.

Yeah, I dislike politics on a global scale. Politics are only good for the politicians, and those that plot to buy their favor. Doesn't do much to help, "We The People," does it?

Dodge some bullets

*Bullet* We expect that our government supply jobs for us...they can't
*Bullet* We expect that our government protect us from terrorism... they can't
*Bullet* We expect that our government protect us from being exploited by huge corporations...they can't
*Bullet* We expect our government to protect our environment...they can't
*Bullet* We expect our government to rebuild after natural disasters...they can't
*Bullet* We expect our government to make our moral decisions for us...Why do we need a government to tell us to do what is right?.

All politicians in every country promise to do these things or fix these things, and they never do it, and never stop promising.

Good time for a musical interlude
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Still it's...Vote monkey vote, where I come from.

Do some stuff for yourselves folks, the government may not always be around.

Election campaigns, with all the lying, fear mongering, and empty promises, insults my intelligence, and I'm not that smart.

I'd be fooling myself if I said, "I'll be happy when it's over." I know it never ends.

I should say, before I go, if you vote for me, every body's birth date, will be a National Holiday, you have my word on that.

Mark your X in comments

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The Crazy Creative Colours Contest
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November 5, 2012 at 1:56pm
November 5, 2012 at 1:56pm
November Movember 5, 2012

Brother's Blog

November 5, 2012
Writing/blog prompt: Certain senses can often provoke a memory. A smell, a sound, an image, etc. Write about a favorite memory that is conjured up by a smell, a song, or any other sense.

You can just smell the rubber burning as I peel out of the driveway. The old Chevy has spent a lot of years working in the lawn-care business. It's a good idea to drive with the windows lowered a notch. That must be the ten bizzillionth dead skunk on the road we just drove by.

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The scent of freshly picked tomatoes, which is similar to the smell of malathion, always reminds me of a family outing we had in the mid sixties. I wrote about it in this story:
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As a kid from the city, when I first attended a camp in the forested wilderness, I asked, "What's that smell?" The reply I got was, "Fresh air."
Yep, my first breath of fresh air.

I left something cooking on the stove, I smell smoke.
Looking for an out, I fake a seizure... Haveagreatday, seeyatommorrow...I smell toast burning.

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