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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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October 24, 2012 at 3:01pm
October 24, 2012 at 3:01pm
A hot water heater is a technological object and as such it is intended to eventually wear out or breakdown. That is the nature of the beast. The water heater that I have to replace was installed in 1993 a year or so after we moved in, so it had a nice long life and it served us well. The problem I have is when this one broke down and began to leak because it did so at an inconvenient time. All though, I suppose when any piece of equipment breaks down it is at an inconvenient time.

All right, I am being or at least attempting to be philosophical about this situation with the water heater. It will not cost me anything for the water heater itself. The cost to me is to have everything brought up to code. I do not know how much a protective cover for the power line or a cutoff switch will cost; I do know how much it will cost to put in earthquake straps and the other stuff the plumber listed on the invoice. I can raise the money for that stuff, it is the power cutoff and protective cover that is worrying me; all though, I suspect those items will be less then what the electrician will charge to install them.

Hot water is necessary. I know I would not like to heat water on a wood burning stove to wash dishes, wash clothes, or take a bath. I will admit that I am spoiled by technology. I like having easy access to necessities, such as hot water when I turn on a facet. In addition, I do not enjoy soaking off the floor with newspapers, sheets, and towels water because the old hot water heater is still draining.

I know there has to be a lesson in this somewhere, I am just too close to the situation to see the lesson.

October 22, 2012 at 9:22pm
October 22, 2012 at 9:22pm
I woke up this morning and found my plans leaking onto the living room floor. All right, it was water from the hot water heater, but it may as well have been this week plans because I have to remain home for at least three days to get everything worked out. I don't have to purchase a water heater because that's covered by the home warenty. The service fee is $75.00.

There are several extras I need to take care of myself. That wll be at least $440.00. Then I have to have an electrician install an protective cover for the power line and I'm not sure how much that will cost. In addition there is the pipe to the presure release valve, it isn't up to code; tomorrow morning I have to call an inspecter to see if I they will grandfather the pipe on my hot water heater or if I have to have it brought up to code. At least, I can call the insespector at 6:30 A.M.on Tuesday to set up an appointment. I also have someone coming sometime tomorrow to give me an estimate on the power cord protector. Thank God for free estimates.

I don't have to worry about food because I spent most of the morning rearranging the pantry so that I know what we have to eat. We have various types of canned vegetables, rice, pasta, and beans. I can wash all my clothes in cold water, I can heat water for dishes in the microwave, which leaves me dealing with a cold shower. I'm not looking forward to that, but I don't know what else I can do. I know everything is going to work out; I'm just going to have to be patient.
October 21, 2012 at 10:04pm
October 21, 2012 at 10:04pm
I usually enjoy Sunday because it's the first day of a new week. A new week is a new beginning or that's how I normally feel, but not today. Today I'm not looking forward to the rest of the week. I feel down. Perhaps I just need some time to myself, which doesn't happen on Saturday or Sunday anymore. I have a lot to do this week and that could be the problem as well. I'm just not looking forward to doing much of anything.

I don't feel well, but I don't know if the problem is physical or mental. I have to figure it out because if it's physical then I need to make an appointment with my doctor. If it's mental then I need to do something spontaneous or out of the ordinary. Perhaps my problem is a rut and I need to climb out. Maybe I need to go out to eat or to a movie. If I knew what caused the problem then I would be able to solve it by either going to a doctor or doing something else.

I feel as if I'm pushing my way through a snow bank. I feel tired. I don't want to do anything except stay home and I don't think that's going to solve the problem. Perhaps I need to buy something frivolous. It's been so long since I did something like that, that I'm not sure what to buy. Unfortunately, I can't spend too much money, so it can't be very frivolous. Great now I'm putting spending limits on frivolous I think I'll post this and do some more reviews, maybe something will come to me while I'm reviewing.

October 20, 2012 at 9:07am
October 20, 2012 at 9:07am
Why do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front? - Author Unknown Quotes and sayings

It isn't only drugstores that have their pharmacy departments inconveniently located, but supermarkets as well. When I go to the supermarket to get my prescriptions filled I have to walk past customer service, where the cigarettes and restroom keys are located, past a mini-post office, and past a bank branch. Then if I should need to go to the restroom before doing the remainder of my shopping, I have to walk back to customer service to get the restroom key. You would think that, under these circumstances, the restrooms would be located close to customer service, but they're not. The restrooms are on the opposite side of the store, so you have to get the restroom key and then walk past the store's entrance to find the restrooms.

Then there is the issue with convenience stores. Since they are called convenience stores, you would think it would be easy to find the once convenience that is upper most in many senior citizens minds i.e. the restroom. In convenience stores the restrooms are hidden and inaccessible by anyone except the staff. A drugstore is another place where the restrooms are hidden from the general public; I know a person isn't suppose to do restroom stuff in front of witnesses, but you would think that in an emergency they would be easy to find. However, water and disposable undergarments are extremely easy to find in these stores.
October 18, 2012 at 10:44pm
October 18, 2012 at 10:44pm
My kitchen sink is stopped up. I have some stuff under the sink that is supposed to open up the drains, but it didn't work very will the last time I used it. I ended up having a plumber come out and unstop the sink. I have to call American Home Shield to get a plumber and it cost a service fee each time I have one come out. The question I have to answer tonight is Do I attempt to unstop the sink with the stuff I have or do I turn it in to American Home Shield and have them send a plumber?

If I attempt to unstop the sink and it remains clogged, then I'm going to have to turn it in anyway. This means I'm probably going to have to wait all weekend to get the sink unclogged. Which mean I'll have problems doing the dishes this weekend. In addition, I may not be able to do laundry because the issue may be more then just the kitchen sink. I can't spend the entire weekend unable to do laundry. After considering all my options, I think I'll turn the stopped up sink into American Home Shield and go to the bank to withdraw $60.00 from one of the accounts. All things considered, I suspect that will be the best option.
October 16, 2012 at 2:20pm
October 16, 2012 at 2:20pm
Lately I seem to be running around in circles. Sometimes I don't think I accomplish anything, but as along as I write everyday then I am accomplishing a little something. I still need to do some housework; I do housework and I don't think I accomplish much because I seem to be doing the some thing over and over again. Of course, laundry is a a bottomless basket of dirty clothes. It seems that I just get the towels or the sheets finished and I have to start all over again with the same sheets and the same towels.

It might help if I had a dryer so that I didn't have to hang clothes over the furniture. I don't do laundry during the day on weekdays, I usually do it of an evening or put clothes in right before I go to bed so that I can hang them up in the morning. On the weekends, I do laundry during the day because I can't seem to focus on much while I'm taking care of Mom. I can put in a load of laundry and return to Mom before she starts crying or decides she has to get out of the wheelchair. Hanging laundry across furniture takes less time then hanging it on the line. I still seem to run in circles, doing the same thing over and over.

This is starting to sound like a rant. This is starting to sound as if I don't enjoy doing laundry. I do enjoy doing laundry; at least now that I have a washer in the house. I didn't enjoy laundry when I had to go to the laundromat. That may be the reason I'm putting off taking winter blankets to the laundromat. It seems that all I do in the laundromat is sit and wait. When I do laundry at home, I can do other stuff such as sweep the floor or write. There isn't much I can do at the laundromat except read or watch the clothes wash and dry. Perhaps watching the clothes dry would be a good meditation exercise.

October 14, 2012 at 12:23pm
October 14, 2012 at 12:23pm
It's Sunday, October 14, and the beginning of a new week. Usually I find Sunday motivating, but this morning I don't seem to be motivated to accomplish much of anything. The only real work I did this morning was to wash the dishes and let them air dry instead of using a dishtowel. I got Mom up earlier then usual this morning because she wok up about 5:30 crying. I don' t know what she was crying about. I also brought the oxygen compressor into the living room, turned it on and put the tubes in Mom's nose.

I'm tired this morning, maybe that's why I'm not motivated. I don't feel like doing anything today and I have a lot to do. I have to fold the towels that I washed yesterday or did I wash the towels Friday evening and hang them up on Saturday morning. I've forgotten when I did wash the towels, it doesn't matter because they are dry now. They hung over the furniture all day Saturday, so they have to be dry by now. I need to get a dryer, but that's not going to happen this month.

Mom is sitting in her wheelchair dozing. She has oxygen on, but she still seems to want to sleep. Even when I sit next to her she wants to sleep. I haven't taken her blood pressure yet, so I think I will do that. Her blood pressure could be low. I didn't give her the water Friday or Saturday because her blood pressure was low one day and normal the next. Yesterday she was a lot more alert and talkative; of course, today I'm not all that alert or motivated, I think I will take some trash to the garage and stand in the sun for a little while, if I leave the door open I can hear Mom.
October 12, 2012 at 2:53pm
October 12, 2012 at 2:53pm
I missed another political debate last night. I had planned to watch it, just like I planned to watched the last one, but then I got involved, which is what happened during the last debate, and forgot about turning on the television. I don't know whether I missed anything or not. I could have watched a replay of it today on CNN at 9:00 AM Pacific Time, but again I got involved with something else and did not turn on the television. I think the only way I'm going to watch a debate is either resit my phone alarm to the debate time or leave the television on the channel that is showing the debate.

I'm not sure that I missed that much. I just finished checking my cox.net e-mail and deleted several updates, all political in nature, from one of my brother's that I found offensive. I will be glad when the election is over because there will be fewer "update" that I find offensive. At least, I hope that will be the case. It does not good to tell this brother that I find some of his political views offensive because he thinks he is right and the rest of the family is going to hell. The only thing I can do is pray for him.

I don't know what he thinks about the prayers I say for him. I haven't asked and I don't intend to ask. I learned a long time ago that it does no good to argue or even talk logically to someone who thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong and going to hell because it is easier to make a silk purse out of a sows ear then to convince someone the need to have an open mind. I handle the situation by deleting the text and e-mail I find offensive and then say a prayer. That is the way I handle it. Now that I have vented, deleted the e-mails, and the text messages I feel better.
October 11, 2012 at 11:57am
October 11, 2012 at 11:57am
Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. - Will Rogers Quotes and sayings

This is something I have to thankful for today in Las Vegas because it isn't warm enough to worry about kicking cow chips. Cow chips are things one normally doesn't have to worry about in Las Vegas, goat chips maybe, but not cow chips. Someone within the five or six block area around my house has a goat; at least, someone used to have a goat. I haven't heard the goat in several months, so perhaps one of their closer neighbors complained about the noise or the smell.

We have a lot of cats and dogs in this neighborhood, so one has to be careful of dog dodo on a hot day especially when people let their dogs run loose, the dogs escape their yards, or they don't clean up after their dogs when they walk them. Since cats bury their business their dodo isn't a problem. Normally, I don't see very many dogs running loose, there is one dog that gets loose once in a while. It's a Great Dane and he's large enough to jump fences. I saw him jump a neighbor's fence a couple of years ago. He went over that fence as if he were superman or rather superdog and he didn't even have a cape.

Another thing I am thankful for today is the rain and cloudy sky. It's cool, almost chilly; chilly enough for a sweater. There is a woman who usually wears short sleeved blouses and tops when she walks her dog (she cleans up after her dog). Today she was wearing a long sleeved sweater so it has to be cooler then normal this morning. I haven't been outside much this morning. I went out to pick up the newspaper and I enjoyed the brisk autumn air, but then I wasn't walking a dog in the autumn rain.

October 10, 2012 at 1:55pm
October 10, 2012 at 1:55pm
The moonshines through clouds
Illuminating from behind
I take out the trash

This is Wednesday, so I rolled the trashcan to the curb before dawn. I had feeling I should take the trash out early today. As I was rolling the black plastic trashcan to the curb, I paused and looked up at the sky. The moon was shining through the cloud cover. The clouds in front of the moon were bright and textured. The rest of the clouds were dark and covered most of the sky, so I knew it would be a mostly cloudy day.

This morning, when the delivery person threw the paper it landed in the rocks beside the driveway. I thought about stepping into the rocks and picking up the paper, but decided it might not be a good idea. There is a broom handle leaning against the house and I used that to drag the paper out of the rocks. I did not tear the paper because it was inside a plastic bag. Whenever it looks like rain, whenever there are clouds in the sky, the paper delivery person puts the paper in a plastic bag just in case it rains.

As I look out the living room window, I can see the variegated textures of the clouds. The sunshine cast shadows, but not dark shadows. I can tell by the brightness of the sunlight when the sun goes behind a cloud. I do not know it it will rain today. I did not look at the news this morning. I seldom look at the morning news anymore because I have to focus on Mom. I do read the paper of a morning, I have time for that while Mom and I wait in the living room for the C.N.A. to come and give Mom her bath. Considering that it is cloudy, Mom was in a good mood this morning.

do the promise rain
or is the an autumn joke
played by
Mother Nature.
October 8, 2012 at 10:03pm
October 8, 2012 at 10:03pm
It is Monday evening, Columbus Day 2012. Mom is in bed and I hope asleep, at least I don't hear her crying or calling my name. This morning, I had to call the paramedics to put Mom in the wheelchair after she slipped out of bed. For some reason she just couldn't stand up and every time she sit back down on the bed she got closer to the edge. I had put the Gate belt around her, so I was able to lower her to the floor when she missed sitting down on the bed.

It is the second Monday in October, the day that we commemorate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. It is just another Monday for me because I don't see any reason to commemorate Columbus' voyage in 1492. When I was a child and going to grade school there seemed to be a reason to commemorate the day, but I can't remember the reason. We didn't get out of school, we learned about Columbus and read about his voyage. I think it was one of those days when somebody served special treats, maybe that's why I remember the day so fondly. Because someone served chocolate cupcakes on Columbus Day.

It is Columbus Day 2012 and the holiday season has started. The stores are full of Halloween costumes and candy. On October 31, the daycare center Mom attends is having a Halloween Party and Mom has to wear a costume. When I go to the grocery store tomorrow, I will see what type of costumes they have. Maybe I can find some sort of mask or Halloween makeup for her to wear. I'm not sure a mask would be a good idea because I doubt Mom would keep it on, but some sort of makeup or face paint might work.

October 5, 2012 at 7:59pm
October 5, 2012 at 7:59pm
A couple of months ago I bought an oven timer so that I could use it to time my writing exercises and blog posts. I decided I needed to set a time limit on each project. I have some bad habits such as editing a piece while I'm writing and I thought that a timer would help me overcome this habit. I would help if I had put the timer where I could find it. The timer will also come in handy with the NaNoWriMo Prep Challenge.

The Prep Challenger began on October 1, since I couldn't find the oven timer I estimated the time by typing and keeping an eye on the clock on my computer. This doesn't work, as I found out on October 1, because it is distracting and once I begin writing I ignore the time and just keeping on typing. Unfortunately, I type longer then the fifteen minutes and this causes issues in other areas of my life; especially when it comes to giving Mom her list pill of the day. She is supposed to take the pill about 8:30 P.M. This also causes problems with my schedule because it makes me late if fixing breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Now that I have found the timer I can watch my schedule closer. I'm on a tight schedule when it comes to doing things around the house. I have to get some house work accomplished. Because of some physical issues, I can't do a very much at one sitting, but if I use the housework breaks to write then I can get more accomplished. I can rest for fifteen or twenty minutes between housework sessions. I'm not sure how long the housework sessions last because I attempt to work until I get tired. Perhaps I should see how long that is, but all I want to do is write and get some housework accomplished. This is as good a way to do it as I can figure.
October 3, 2012 at 10:37pm
October 3, 2012 at 10:37pm
All I want to do is write. I look at the house and feel I should be doing housework, but all I want to do is write. I began writing the protagonist profile for my NaNoWriMo novel today. I wrote several paragraphs and I included some background, but for some reason I don't think the profile or my idea is any good. I know I shouldn't judge the idea right now. I thought the idea was good when I came up with it a day or so before October 1. I don't know what my problem is; maybe I'm just worried about what I have to do.

I can't seem to accomplish everything I want to accomplish. I want to clean the house and I want to write. I want to pay bills I haven't even checked the bank accounts today. I used to check the bank accounts everyday, but not any more. Maybe I need to spend a day just cleaning house. I have to go to the bank and to the grocery store tomorrow. Perhaps I need a schedule.

All I want to do write. Sometimes, I get the feeling that when I do write, I'm putting off something else that I need to be doing. I'm disorganized. I think right now I will close this and go give Mom her last pill of the day. I need to focus and I can't seem to focus. For the past few days the only thing I could think about was that I can't do anything right. I have gotten the idea that no matter what I do, I'll screw it up and I can't get that out of my head. It helps writing these thoughts, at least I get them out of my head.

I know that it is impossible the screw everything up. I think I have to get back into a writing and housework routine. Once I do that then I'll be all right. I did manage to purchase another one-month premium membership. Now my membership is due on November 30. Not to change the subject, which I'm going to now, but I think I need to be more organized. My desk is a mess and I can't find anything. I also need to get a new printer for my new computer. A new printer would help because then I could at least print off a hard copy of whatever I'm working on at the time.

All I want to do is write and my basket is so full. Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only... perhaps the word I want to put her is alone. Sometimes I feel so alone. I feel overwhelmed. I feel as if I'm drowning in a rising sea. There is probably more I want to write, but I'm going to post this and give Mom her pill and then get back to writing something else.
October 2, 2012 at 4:56pm
October 2, 2012 at 4:56pm
I hate being sick. When I was a child I did not like being ill because it made me feel bad, but I did not hate it. However, at 65 I hate being ill and I realize why I dislike it so much. I have no one to take care of me, so I have to take care of myself. In addition, I have to take care of my mother. Taking care o myself when I am ill is sometimes difficult and taking care of two people at a time like this is like walking barefooted across loose gravel with several large sharp stones hidden among the loose gravel.

I am feeling a lot better today then I was last week or even on Sunday. The cough is still hanging on, but eventually that will leave like the summer heat in Las Vegas; slowly a little each day. I can now drink more then one cup of coffee without wanting to drink a gallon of water, which is usually an indication that I am on the highway of recovery. There were about three or four days last week that I did not drink any coffee because it made me thirsty.

I wish I knew ahead of time when I would be getting sick. If I knew then I could plan for it and get someone in to take care of Mom. I can take care of myself when I am sick, I do not like doing it, but I can do it. Mom did not seem to notice me being sick. If she did notice she did not say anything and I am sure she would have said something. Of course, in Mom's condition there is not telling how much she knows or comprehends about her surrounding environment.

I am better now and getting better all the time. I should be feeling fit as a fiddle without strings by Friday, which is much better then being fit as a fiddle that is broken into several widely scattered pieces. Maybe I will buy a couple of pints of chocolate ice cream the next time I go to the store.
October 1, 2012 at 2:54pm
October 1, 2012 at 2:54pm
I began the October NaNoWriMo challenge today. This is only the first do, so I am not discouraged or upset. This is also the first day of October and I have other things to do online plus balance my September books. I do not know how long it will take to balance the books, but I suspect it will take longer then I want it to. Oh well, I am not a C.P.A. I use Excel spreadsheets to keep track my finances and it is not the spreadsheets that give me the most difficulty when I am "doing the books".

The truth is I would much rather write then keep financial books. Unfortunately, in life one has to do many things they do not like or want to do in order to survive and keep one's head above water. I took a college class with a girl onetime. I do not remember the subject class discussion, but I do remember her comment during the discussion. She proudly announced to the class that "I never do anything I do not want to do!" I did not say anything because she was obviously just out of her parents house and high school (I hope no one takes offense to that statement), but the "girl" was a bit naive to think you could live on the planet Earth and survive in society without doing things you do not want to do.

I learn before I even left home that in order to have a half-way pleasant life you sometimes have to go out in the rain even when you want stay inside. That is just part of life. I do not know what happened to her and I am not sure I want to know. I do hope she found some nice young man who would give her the opportunity to never have to do anything she did not want to do; however, fate and God have a sense of humor and when a person makes a statement containing the words never and do in one sentence, the person usually end up doing whatever it was they would never do.
September 30, 2012 at 1:33pm
September 30, 2012 at 1:33pm
I am on the path to recover. I think I turned onto this path September 28, 2012 because that is the day I began these poem.

Ideas for poems

*Note* Hot pomegranate tea
*Noteb* Prayer of forgiveness

Poem Starts


O Lord,
I have failed
every test you have given me.
Where is Thy Mercy?


I want to meditate!
I want to sit on the couch with my legs stretched out
in front of me.

I want to meditate!
I want to inhale.
I want to exhale.
I want to let the thoughts flow unhindered from my mind.

I came up with the following on September 29, 2012 and I think this is the day the dam broke.

Ideas for poems

*Noteg* Take a moment to meditate

Poem Starts


I have felt an angle's touch,
In the darkness of the night.

I came up with the following on September 30, 2012.

Ideas for poems

*Noteo* A small dog walking west on Bracken Ave.

Poem Starts


Fulfilling my soul's desire,
I can't outrun the fire,
so step-by-step I advance
into the inferno's heart.

September 28, 2012 at 10:04pm
September 28, 2012 at 10:04pm
I don't know what's wrong with me. My intuitiion used to work fairly well, but this month it has let me down and it's been expensive. I know there isn't anyway to get the money back; at least I don't think so. I look at the time my intuition was working figure out what I'm doing wrong in that department. I haven't been praying the way I should, sometimes it hit or miss and perhaps that is the problem. I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with the problem. Fortunately, we have enough money to get us buy and there are no bill due until the check come in; at least, I don't think anything is immediately due. The only except in my AAA membership and that is only $57, I want to sit down and cry, but I'm not sure it would do any good.

I need to take a deep breath and be more careful. I'm tired right now. I'm on the verge of tears. Maybe it would do some good to set now and cry; at least, it would relieve the tension and depression. At this point, I just want to give up, admit I'm incapable of managing finances or anything else. I also want the throw-up, but I think that's I'm still recovering. I put off deciding whether to give-up and throw in the towel until Monday, perhaps things will look brighter of something wonderful will happen or I will be less depressed.
September 27, 2012 at 9:48pm
September 27, 2012 at 9:48pm
At first, I thought the problem was caused by something I ate, bui now I'm not sure. I woke up at 1:55 A.M. I started going to to the bathroom about 2:30 A.M. and I went several time. I started having the dry heaves about 3:00 A.M and had them several times. I I could have called in sick, but since I am taking care of my mother, that was impossible. I stayed home Wednesday and today I went out to pick up some food. I am feeling better, but I did have the dry heaves this afternoon. The only thing I have had to eat is broth, water, and green tea.

I am tired. I cannot focus on anything. Tomorrow I have to go the store to ge Mom some hearing aid batteries and bibs. I suppose I should go in the morning because that is coolest. I am going to post this and get me something to drink.
September 24, 2012 at 10:05pm
September 24, 2012 at 10:05pm
There are some days when it is a good idea to turn off the alarm and go immediately back to bed. This morning was one of those morning. I know there has to be a lesson in it somewhere, but I just can't see it. I suppose I should start at the beginning. I woke up, which I suspect was my first mistake, I should have remained asleep, but at the time I didn't realize the difficulties and aggravation I was going to encounter this morning. All thought, when I couldn't find my thyroid meds I should have guessed that something was amiss.

Anyway, the alarm went off and I got up. As I wrote before, I couldn't find my thyroid pills and I know the bottle had at least seven left when I took that pill yesterday. I decided that missing one wouldn't hurt. I'm not sure whether I said my prayers or not; morning was a long and stressful time ago. I either said or didn't say my prayers before getting Mom up. It took only fifteen minutes to get Mom up and that should have been an indication that this Monday was going to be different. It normally takes thirty minutes to an hour to get Mom up, everything changed that needs changing, her first pill, and into the living room where the rest of her meds are located.

The C.N.A. came, gave Mom her bath, and dressed her for the daycare center. The regular driver called in sick, so the bus was late. When the bus did come it had problems with the left. Anyway Mom didn't get out of the house until after 10:00 A.M. After Mom left, I made a carafe of coffee, but I didn't get to drink it hot; in fact, I didn't get to drink any of it until this afternoon and I had to warm that up in the microwave. I took my yardman to his apartment after he finished part of the backyard. On the bright side he bought me a double cheese burger, so I had lunch. He will finish the rest of my huge and overgrown backyard tomorrow.

September 23, 2012 at 4:47pm
September 23, 2012 at 4:47pm
It's the last week of September,
there are seven days left in the month,
there are three months left in the year.

I'm sitting at my computer, which is located on a desk in the living room. I'm sitting so that I can look out the window or look over at my mother. Mom is sitting in her wheelchair holding her doll on her lap. She is going through her second childhood. She is forgetting and unlearning 91 years of life. Today, I'm not sure that she remembers I'm her daughter. She know my name, but I don't know whether she thinks I am her daughter, her mother, or just a friend. The truth is I'm not sure I want to know sometimes it's better not to know who my mother thinks I am.

It I thought crying would do any good, I would cry. I can't leave the living room for more then a few minutes when Mom is awake because she might get out of the wheelchair and hurt herself. I can't cry in front of Mom because it would only upset her or make her cry as well. Mom spent the morning crying. The medication for agitation finally kicked in, so she doesn't want to cry any more. Right now, Mom seems to want to hold her doll and doze, which is better then her wanting to get up and go to the kitchen. When Mom decides she wants to go to anther room then she attempts to get out of the wheelchair.

It's the last week of September and I remember other Septembers before the Alzheimer's disease. I remember Septembers when we went shopping, to poetry readings, or to spiritual gatherings. All the places Mom enjoyed going in September. Mom used to enjoy evenings in restaurants, at the movies, at open mic poetry readings, etc. Mom used to enjoy staying up until midnight and watching televisions. Now Mom goes to bed about 5:30 P.M. When the television is on, I never know how much of it she sees or hears; sometimes she responds to the television shows and sometimes she doesn't. I think I will post this now before I start crying on my new keyboard.

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