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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Am I allowed to put an emoticon of the rolling on the floor with laughter? I hope so, *Rolling*

This was delightful. I had a little trouble with the syncopation in a few spots. I started to count syllables and said forget it.

This was just adorable. I've never heard of stuffing a chicken with marshmallows. Loved the 'not thinner' line.

-other types of berries' you could say 'mixed kinds of berries' It takes out one syllable , comes out of my mouth better. just a suggestion. {It's crust was terribly dry} fits better to me.

You didn't mention who deceased, so I'm hoping it was not real. I'm still smiling about this poem.
Thanks so much for sharing it.

love, LinnAnn
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Super Powers Reviewers

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Ruwth, this was/is a very thought provoking poem. You did well in putting each phase of life and living. Did you pattern this after your own life?

Motherhood is the only word that , to me, didn't quite fit. Look at the verse with being a grandmother.I can't quite put my finger on it. No one says Grandmnother hood. lol Maybe because it's a title and none of the others are titles?

I like your poem and am so happy for you winning a competition. You go girl!

Love, LinnAnn

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Super Power Reviewer
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
If there is any chance you value these reviews, some people don't,...I was totally impressed with how you really touched me with this poem. You really did the poem with finesse and touched on the emotions most of us are feeling. I liked how you brought not just a close friend, but one across the country. It shows how far this extends.

Bringing in your mother was also very touching. Your last two lines were great. It first I wondered where the last line was to make the rhyme and then of course found it at the bottom. The way you filled in with the commas and the (I've got dementia, forgot the word...) elipse? made me pause as you did. It was a more powerful ending.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
love, LinnAnn

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Super Power Reviewers
Review of As Yet Untitled  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your verse lengths are different, I started to count because they didn't fit, no sing song type rhythm.
In the first verse you actually had a rhyme but not in others. I did like that one sentence rhymed.

I didn't get the 'part and parcel of'. Of what?

I didn't get 'projecting through you' are you meaning what you teach a child?

The ending was quite sad. We all have bad stuff, but I would not call you evil. Here is a quote from one of the Presidents of our church...

"Assume the virtue though you have it not." You put on the act of love and charity and it will become part of you.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
love, LinnAnn

A picture from the past.
power reviewer
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
You left me wondering, who was Annie? Mom, sister, aunt? Obviously someone who meant a great deal to you. If this is based on fact, I'm glad you had someone so special that you could remember so fondly.

I loved the image you left me of that little girl in the flannel night gown. It was sweet and touching. Then ending with an elderly woman in a flannel night gown? The part with Annie flying with the geese. That was a sweet way to say she was gone.

Thanks so much for sharing this. Good mental imagery.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
These are all very lovely. However it's late, so I don't know if I'll get through them all. I did read them all so I will try.

The first is missing a syllable in the first line. However the 'in pearls' is so lovely.

Number two, made me laugh at the last line. You set me up for a summer memory and it did hit home.

Number three, made me ask what country this person is sleeping in, and the last line made me fill with sorrow at their misery.

Number seven, makes me wonder if this is a person looking out a church window. I don't know any drear hymns. I do have children that would rather be outside when they were young. lol

Number eight, I am familiar with being warm in bed while a storm rages outside.Those branches would be my apple tree, scraping it's branches outside my bedroom window.

Number nine, I didn't understand SNAPa. I thought a mouse might enter and not suffer in the cold, but didn't understand the SNAP.

Number ten, Such a peaceful, cozy mental image. I don't know if we have wolves near my house, but we do have cougars. I think they would find deer, raccoons or opossums.

I did not understand number eleven. Something about death?

Number twelve. This reminds me of Mrs. Berner. She carefully tended her garden and all of her flowers.She tended her neighbors yards when we were invaded by moles. Then she was gone. The rose bush left, forgotten and unloved.

Thank you so much for lovely images. I think I only skipped two. I am old and have worked very hard this week so my brain is shutting down. Thank you for all of your effort and sharing your wonderful poetry.
love, LinnAnn

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Review of Bird of Prey  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Are you deliberately mixing the different forms? I counted the syllables and they aren't matching up. The first line in the first poem has 4 syllables, the first line in the second poem has 5 and the first line in the third poem only has 3 syllables. The second line on all three match and two of the last lines match.

If you can explain the styles and why you put in the variety, Maybe I can change my rate score.

The story is good. The 'miss' maybe could be past tense. lol Poor Hawk.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I haven't seen this type of Haiku. It was interesting reading the extra lines. I have to ask, is 'woken' a real word? Okay, I had to google it. lol It is a real word. and awaken, which I've used and many others use, is not a real word. You have inspired me to increase my knowledge. Thanks a bunch.I'll have to remember that. Your poem matched the weather here this morning. Your poem matched my morning to a T. Love it.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I found this article very interesting. You obviously put this plan into action for a very long time. I could have used some of these instructions a few decades ago when i was growing up.

I would have liked a few 'for instance's. I am asixty five and still learning how to be 'normal'.

It was good to put in the evil way or hurtful ways it could be used and hopefully no one who reads it will choose those ways.

I did like the way you gave examples of how you used this knowledge to help you become a better friend. Good job!

Thanks for taking the time to write and share this. Was it for a psych class? Just wondering.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I have a hand in a cast, and my keyboard is so old I cant see the letters, pardon typos.

I loved the imagery and emotion in your poem. Have you thought of breaking your sentences into smaller lines?

Take me back to the oaks
that sway in the breeze,
with the wind in our hair
and the sunset tease.

Shorter lines make it look more like a poem. This is just a suggestion.

You have a typo-filled our minds-is what you wanted I believe.

Was this written for your child? It's such a happy poem.

Being part Irish, I love the 'o that you use. lol
Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of All Hallows' Eve  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I saw your posting a few days ago saying you were going to write a poem. Pardon typos, typing with a brace on my hand. this is hard, sorry.

The tempo was a bit out of whack. I didn't count measures just said the poem. Other than that it s pretty good. *Laugh*

You got and held my attention and the poem was perfect for the season. You're second verse reminded me of night before Christmas. was that intentional? lol
I don't read scary things and for you this must be very mild. me, My heart was racing and I was in bed way ahead of you.
Thanks for sharing
love, LinnAnn

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Review of Dawn  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
That is a lovely poem. It has good imagery. Where I live, on a harbor and outside of a rain forest, there is not much in the 'light shines all around'. lol However, the rain quit and the sun is shining as I read your poem. It fit quite nicely.

I was wondering, what were you doing or thinking about that caused you to write this poem? It's simply stated as Haiku's are, and very well done.
I'll toss you and apple off my tree so you can eat while you ponder your next masterpiece. lol
Thanks for sharing it, like I said, perfect timing with the sun in our area.
love, LinnAnn

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Review of Charcoal  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
That charcoal sure does make a lot of black dust. lol I haven't worked with it for years but I do remember it very well. I like your 'realism in a smear'.

I didn't quite understand the first line of the next verse. I'm thinking the 'fire' is referring to the charcoal and being able to use it? 'Blacken beast's bone' was very interesting.

The 'do it right' repetition was right on! Then when you are out of school, it's 'do it how I want'. lol

I guess you don't like the noise. lol I'm type A and need the noise. lol I'm glad you decided to put poetry in with your art, you are right it is art
Thanks for sharing this with us.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
It's been 80-90F for the last two days and then I read this poem about winter. ahhh. I could use some of the rain you mention. I live outside rain forest and when we go without rain for so long, I worry about it.

Your poem gave me a few minutes of reflective coolness. lol We don't get much in the way of sleet and snow, so I wonder where you are at that you do!

It took me a bit to realize the yellow and red were leaves. Ours haven't turned yet, still summer. I like the silence part too. but then you say 'alas' and I wondered why? Your snow must be much heavier and lasting longer than ours. lol
Thanks for sharing this with us. I did enjoy it, as the fan blows to try and cool me down.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
When I read the 'winners kiss' I wondered who would be kissing you? Wife in appreciation? Or the winning of a contest here?

Writing from the heart is usually the best. People can fell the extra emotion when it's from the heart. Otherwise, it can sound and feel a bit flat. I think you do quite well.

As for grinding until your blue??? I would hope not. We should be supportive in our corrections and advice. Not destroy your hope and aspirations. We're supposed to encourage and uplift each other. I bet you don't destroy other writers when you do reviews.

I loved your poem. And to think it was your first one here. I'm impressed.
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a very sad poem, and I can empathize with you and all those in California that lost their homes.

I think in your first verse that the word 'lost' might be 'loss'. Just a thought. That is one humongous word in the last line of that verse. You will educate some people with that one.

I wasn't quite sure what you meant about the 'bullet proof' of our lives.

I like the comment about 'state burial'. Very profound. Very deep.

You used very strong words, assassinate as an example. I do think they give the deep feeling in your poem. Good for you.

Your last verse is also potent and very heart felt.
Thanks for sharing with us.
love, LinnAnn
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I know it's picky, lol but it should be hard cooked egg. We should never boil them. makes the yokes green. *Laugh*

I enjoyed your little story. It was quite cute and you did such a good job putting in the emotion of parting. I am impressed.

You did well with the little things that made it so real, hands on hips, holding face, hands in hair. Good touches to make it real.

Just as I was getting depressed with the ending, and the heartbreak, you pulled a happy ending out of the bag and made me smile. I like the way you slowly wound your way to bring in the kittens and working out how the wife would join him.

I thought it interesting you spelled her name Bee instead of Bea.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Love, LinnAnn
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Review of Cloudstepper  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Garlic Tonic huh? Cute name. I happen to love garlic.
I really liked this poem. I love to look at clouds and see the shapes they make as they glide across the sky.

The only suggestion I have to to have the one ending sentence that ends in sky stay the same. However, maybe the next sentence, the first in the next stanza, could not end in sky? Just a thought. I have a tendency to use a word frequently and am fortunate when someone points it out to me so I can change it. That isn't the same as only using it twice in two lines. lol

I loved, 'frolicking in fair weather'. Oooh, it came off the tongue so nicely.

Thank you so much for sharing.
love, LinnAnn
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Review of Unread  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was so heartbreaking. It brought to my memory of a time when I had letters tied with a ribbon. The man I married found them and started to read them. I felt so violated. They were private.
I can see the man laying in bed on a dark, silent night, wondering if she still cares. I am very tender hearted and this really touched me. You captured my attention and held it.

Seriously, this broke my heart. You kept the pattern of each verse, I just really love rhyming poetry. This was again, very emotional and heart breaking. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
love, LinnAnn
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Okay, this was amusing, especially with the line from Puppy Tails, but when you got to 'Yes, yes my precious' I cracked up laughing. Yes, right here in the library. Then I started to choke. I'm fine, now back to the story.
I had the librarian look up alembic for me. Got the picture, from Arabic.
You fit a lot in those parenthesis, including a duck and a bra? *Rolling*

The duck released a startled QUACK and opened his wings to take off, but the jumpy scientist was too fast; in a flash, he had one fist around the net, having trapped the squirming, flapping duck.---Since this is action, you might want to consider breaking it into three sentences. just a thought.

Where'd the shadow come from. Is it in the glass container? You lost me there.
You gave a great twist to the ending, back and forward all in the same few seconds. Amazing. I'm still grinning.
Thanks for sharing.
love, LinnAnn
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
That was cute, just plain cute. I wonder if you'd be able to make it rhyme? It just felt like it should. That could just be me, but it seemed to have that sort of flavor.

I loved the fact that you started out with it being old and forgotten, lost in an old attic, bringing out the history of the box and a peek into it's past. It seems it felt alone and forgotten.

Then you bring in a new family and the history is all new and enjoyed by a new generation. That is just perfect symmetry, at least to me. I have to admit, the last line just made me smile big, big time. lol Always back in time for dinner. Good thing, or mom might worry.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
love, LinnAnn
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Your third verse has too many syllables in the first line. It has seven where most have five. If you said 'I'm instead of 'I am' it would be a bit smoother. It's just a suggestion.

There are many spots where the fluidity is off because the line may have too many syllables. You might want to go through the poem and work on it some more.

This is a lovely poem, filled with such tenderness. It deserves to be smoothed out.

Verse six...try 'You've become' and take out 'now'. It flows better.

You put such tenderness into this poem. I love it. Let me know if you rework it some and I may be able to give a better rating. It is worth the effort.
Thanks for sharing it with us. Really.
love, LinnAnn
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Review of WILDFLOWERS!  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This is an incredible poem. I love the thoughtful reflection throughout and yes, we often make things more difficult by not saying what we should have. There are rhyming spots every now and then and then I expect them all to rhyme. silly me.
I have a tendency to pause at the end of the line, even if there is no period or comma. So some of the lines sort of threw me because they curved around to the next line to finish.
I think I love the last verse the best because it has some rhyming, repetition, my love, and it's a sweet ending.
I had a love like that once, but he died, so no second chance.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Okay, face palm and groan over that one. You did keep the rhythm and rhyming with this poem. It definitely had good imagery. On the other hand I didn't need the imagery of a short, possibly stout man whizzing in an old, grayish, unwashed toilet bowl.

I would take out the word 'that' on the second verse, second line. It had a better 'sing song' effect with out the extra word. "and hoped a restroom was near," just seemed to come off the tongue better. It is after all just my opinion, take it or leave it. It does have eight syllables like the second line in the first verse, so either fits okay.
Thanks for sharing.
love, LinnAnn
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Review of Our Escape  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again. I have absolutely nothing to suggest for this poem!!!

I love it. You have such a way of pulling great mental images from my head! You epitomize 'cozy' with the 'little' house.
'Charging' is a great word for getting the meaning of the outside world. 'Asylum and hectic' fit beautifully. You did great to leave out the 'rat' from the race.

Your third verse is wonderful in again showing the real self home can bring out. Who wants 'sterner stuff' in your cozy world. Nicely done.

You really do show the difference in the 'outer' world and the 'inner' sanctum. I really like your work.
Thanks for sharing this as well.
love, LinnAnn
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