Hi flyfishercacher  ,
In celebration of your account anniversary, and as part of the "Game of Thrones" challenge, I have the pleasure of reviewing your item.
Your Hook
The main title itself is strong, but it is your subtitle that truly attracted me to read. You have created a series of grandfatherly advice essays for your grandson; this is plainly loaded with love as much as it is with experience.
Into the work itself, you have begun with an excellent quote from the author of Game Of Thrones (none other than the theme of the challenge Im currently on!). This is a good move I think, for a young man will no doubt see you are up with the times to be abreast of such literature/writers.
In an overarching caring and helpful tone, you have written in a clear manner, which is easy to understand and potentially apply.
I like the way that you mention books in the house(stopping short of telling him which shelf on the book case they are on!), that you had brought for his presumably older brothers, perhaps when they were at his age? It was like stepping into his world through the page, and a nice touch.
Favourite Part
A well-read person is a more interesting person. You will gravitate to educated interesting people while being shunned by the dull and ignorant. This is a good thing in your professional and social life, probably in romance also.
From the start of your essay, I had been reminded of 'The Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his Son', where he sent regular letters offering advice upon a range os subjects during his European tour. He hoped his son would go into politics, and was diligent to assist the rounding out of his education. I haev loved reading a letter now and then, relishing the historic flavor, the care and concern, and the honesty.
Your offerings to your grandson reminded me of his letters, and this quoted section especially does that. The admission of learning out of self interest really strikes my fancy, and is very 'Lord Chesterfield'.
My Recommendations
... I have no recommendations of edits. However I did notice, while looking through your port, that there is little written recently. Or if there is, I could not easily find it.
I truly hope you are still busy writing!
If there are new writing getting added, it would be great if you could create a 2024 folder to make it easier for footloose and fancy-free readers like me to find them.
I wonder how these were received by your Grandson, you have created a truly beautiful gift for him.
Thank you for sharing your work!
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