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1,504 Public Reviews Given
1,842 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I look to be entertained, informed, and connected in some way. It may be wrong but if the first few lines or paragraphs don't hook me in some way, I will leave without even reading the rest. Also, I will notify you if I run into errors.
I'm good at...
I do not mean to toot my own horn but I am awesome at limericks. I've helped so many people with limericks. I've even thought about opening up a class here on limericks.
Favorite Genres
In no particular order: humor, horror, biography. I'll read any genre but those are my main favorites!
Least Favorite Genres
I'm not sure. Maybe legal or finance but if done in the right voice, even that can be good.
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, short stories, bios, essays,fiction, and nonfiction
Least Favorite Item Types
pros, books
I will not review...
Something that is LONG like 100 kbs or something. I will only review long pieces if someone requests it of me but nothing that's 100 kb. Let's not get crazy or anything.
Public Reviews
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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Explorer!

This was very well written and it stirred some thoughts within me.

I am not a religious person at all and I have never even read the bible. That to me is just fiction I don't care to read. You have said you're not an athiest but you don't believe in god. That is exactly what an athiest is: A person who does not believe in god. There is nothing wrong with that. I know some and they really are just like everyone else but do not believe in an all knowing being in the sky.

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Review of Rock Sub-Genres  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Metallicwriter!

I loved this! I really wish you did a metal one, not only because i love metal but because I think that you could have taught the ones that don't know about metal a thing or two. Like on the show "metal Evolution" on vh1 classic.

This was well written and I loved how you gave examples. I have always been a fan of all of thee, especially acid rock and hard rock.

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Review of The Army Mother  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Artemis!

This was an incredibly emotional poem that talked about what it is like for your child to join the military. What a frightful and nerve wracking thing for any parent to go through.

This poem went through what it is like to be a mother and protecting your child but not really having any say when they go off to the military.

Well done!

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Harry!

What a fantastic poem. I know of many people who can relate.

This was very well written and described everything perfectly. It had a great rhythm and rhyme.

Truthfully, the end was a major bummer for me to read.

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Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anna!

I, myself am an optimist so I just had to read this as I do know many pessimists but I just do not understand why they have so much negativity.

When I was reading this poem I came to the conclusion that pessimists are fearful of being hurt. That is what I gathered anyway.

This was very well written and I have no suggestion for it.

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Review of Writing.com  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Kings!

This poem captures writing.com perfectly, telling of all the different things to read and right around the site.

I did notice that it sort of rhymed as in just with the sounds of the vowels but there was this stanza:
Imagination makes the fictional writer.
Some author's write from their hearts.
Feeling borrowed by the words within.
They had their say in what was written.
Did not sound like that for me. I even read it again out loud and still was not hearing the rhyme as with the other stanzas.

I hope that I have been at least of a little bit of help.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Arosa!

This was incredibly humorous and as I was reading this, it was like I was reading something that my favorite humor columnist/author writes. This was just like his work!

The first line that gave me quite a laugh was Wear red. So what if the only red top you own is a tank-top and it’s -15 degrees outside? Red stands out, and that’s what you have to do. I laughed outloud and I knew from that moment on it was going to be full of fantastic humor. I was not disappointed one bit.

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Review of The Maple Tree  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Lori!

I really enjoyed this poem of yours. This was written incredibly written. Right from the very beginning of this there was fantastic descriptions of the changes of the tree.

There was amazing rhythm and rhyme throughout this poem.

My favorite part was definitely the descriptions of autumn. I think this would have been even greater if halloween was mentioned somewhere throughout here since that is my favorite holiday, personally.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Sliceablekitty

This was fantastic. It had beautiful descriptions that painted fantastic pictures. I could see all of the colors of the leaves quite well.

Reading this, I was trying to think of any holiday that it could possibly be for as it did not sound like any holiday I had in mind. Then I saw at the end what it was for! That was hilarious! Nice little twist. Reading this, I was not expecting to laugh at all.

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Review of Things I Love  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ninthtuna!

This poem was very nicely done.

When I read When I draw, it is like I am free

It is like I am a horse, running running
I thought how people have different things in there life that make them feel just like that, whether it be drawing, cooking, or even decorating. Everybody has a passion that makes them forget all of their troubles.

When I read this I love to laugh I thought that I do not want to meet a person that does not love to laugh.

This was very well done!

Write on!


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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Prier!

This story was a good recollection of a memory of yours from your youth that will be cherished for the rest of your life. Memories like that are just amazing in how they take you right to that time, even decades later.

I have just a couple of suggestions for you.

You put Mr. Daniels ran the neighborhood store. It was a small store but had all of the fascinating things stores had in those days including a hand cranked bologna slicer, a glass case filled with candy and double bubble gum, and a cooler full of RC colas and NEHI orange drinks This should be reworded because there are just too any ands. There are a couple of different things that you can do there.

I hope that I have been of at least some help.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Rocking Chair  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello SMPhillips!

In my humble opinion you should have won that contest. At the very least, you should have at the very least placed third.

This was terrifically written and told of a great story. My favorite parts were when the chair creaked. That gave the poem a slight chill to me. Absolutely loved it!

Write on!


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Review of Gramma's House  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello August Leaf!

This was a very wonderfully written poem that talked of your grandma's house and all of the memories that are there.

When I read this It was built by Gramma's Daddy
a hundred years ago.
I wondered if it is still in your family. The poem was amazing but it would have been even more amazing if you worked it in there somehow whether it is still in your family or not.

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Review of Falling Hard  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Little Dentist!

This was beautifully written and it described perfectly about falling in love with someone, that isn't the norm. Not necessarily someone that you should not be falling in love with but who society thinks you should not fall in love with. Nobody can control what the heart feels.

My favorite part was Watching the sun stroke your icy blond hair
Wishing that ray of sun could be my hands
I just loved the description!

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Kirsten!

When I read the description of this I just had to read it. The picture looks marvellous but I am not so sure about those ingredients. I do absolutely love brownies and I really love spicy things BUT I can not imagine I would care much for these. Kind of like bacon and ice cream. I love both but when I tried them together, I was not very hip on it at all. I am not ruling these out though. I would just have to ponder on it for a bit.

This was very well written. As if it was straight from a cook book.

Write on!


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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Magoo!

This described the fear quite well but as it turns out, the fear was only due to an overactive imagination.

This was very well written and described everything perfectly. The syllables and rhyming was right on.

My favorite is the ending. Gave me a nice chuckle!

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Review of CSI: Kansas City  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Dustin!

I have only actually watched CSI just a few times and I must say I felt like I was watching another episode as I read this.

A couple of my favorite things in here: He had boils on his crown and a peach-fuzz mustache. He had bleary, half-shut eyes and broken yellow teeth. He was decked out in XXL G-Unit apparel. In one hand he held a 64-ounce Styrofoam cup from QuikTrip, in his other hand he was holding a sideways 9 mm. That was definitely a typical bad guy description. As I read that, I cringed at how terrible he looked.

This was hilarious and upon reading it, I laughed outloud. The whole house is practically dripping in the gooey white substance, like a Japanese bukkake video Not everyone knows what bukkake is but for those of us that do know, that line was incredible.

The entire thing kept me on the edge of my seat and was a very good read.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Tim!

Well even though I absolutely hate the taste of grapefruit, that had no effect at all what I thought of this poem.

You painted such a great picture with the words! With your descriptions I very easily visualized everything.

My favorite lines are the last two. All around great work!

Write on!


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Review of Glazed Doughnuts  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Susan!

Well, first of all I have to tell you that momentarily, I will be going to the store and I was not planning on it before but now thanks to your poem, will be getting a donut or twelve. Perhaps you should go into advetising *Laugh*

You used great adjectives that made the reader (at least me) crave donuts. Made my mouth water. Now I'm off to go get some donuts!

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Review of Your Choice  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Jacko!

This was phenomenal! I want you to know right up front that I am not highly emotional and I do not get choked up very easily but this did it. I was pro choice then I got pregnant and that was not even an option. Giving my baby up for adoption was not an option either. Although the second alternative is a far better option for people. There are so many couples in the world who can not conceive and the only option for them is to adopt.

I had absolutely no idea at all that there were so many options for abortions. I thought that they only did it one way and before the fetus was formed much at all. I even thought that the mother would not be showing at all.

As I read it, I kept thinking of my unborn niece. That is why this was so emotional for me although her mother does not believe in abortion. The poem started off so positive. I thought of showing my nieces mom until just a little bit further and decided that she does not need to see such a thing. I think If I do show her, I'll only show her the top part until later on down the road.

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Review of His Own Eulogy  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Tylerr!

This was clearly a definite cry for help. To have written anything like this at all is a complete cry to seek out help from others. We all experience troubles and have bad times. Some more so than others. Nothing can justify taking your own life. I had hopes when I read the description that it was going to be on a positive note which spoke of accompishments and wshes. In stead though this was tragic and something that nobody should do. Life does get better.

I did notice that you have not been on here for a few years. I seriously hope that you are alive and well and that you will maybe one day decide to come back to writing.com. Then you will see this review waiting for you and be thankful that a stranger cares what you were going through.

Very hopeful!


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Review of Beef Stew  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello April!

First I would like to mention that I wanted to give you a higher rating but it went no higher than 5.0. This poem was just amazing! As I read it, I also was thinking that it would be amazing if people just talked in limerick form all the time.

This was very humorous and had a great beat to it. It almost made me want to read it out loud.

The last line was not expected but it tied in great with the rest of the poem, giving me a nice laugh.

Write on!


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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Maria Mize!

This was such a fantastic poem and if anybody that has undergone surgery has read it, would completely understand. I have had to be on the operating table a few times and I can completely relate. I think that if someone who has never had a surgery read this, they would then have a glimpse of what it is like.

This was very well written with incredible euphemisms. I see no room for improvement!

Write on!


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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello P Dykie!

This was well written and quite humorous. This was a great little explanation of what love really is. We make self sacrifices.

When I read this: "Son, marriage is like a job. It is also probably the hardest job you will ever have in your life. The one difference between a job and a marriage is that with marriage, you never get to retire." My very first thought was that is what parenthood is like for sure. I have no marriage experience but now upon reflecion about it, I can totally see how it fits there as well.

This part: My wife is known for remaining for extended periods of time beneath cascades of water hot enough to boil spaghetti. made me think: "who doesn't like a shower that hot? Maybe it is just a female thing. The simile was completely hilarious and made me laugh out loud!

All around great piece and very funny!

Write on!


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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Cuzzin Cecil!

Writing.com is for many writers and readers of many experience level. I know that when I first came here, I was way too overwhelmed and left for a while. Then I came back, determined, and did I got very familair with the sire.

Unlike you, I rely on reviewing to give me gift points. We all have our ways though. Reading in genres that you never thought you'd read, then reviewing then is great. Reviewing is not only for the writer but also the reader.

As far as technical errors, I did not see any. This was written quite well.

Write on!


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