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Review of Thoughts  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This complete breakdown of the literary fourth wall as an entry is bloody brilliant. Entertaining in a realistic way, too.

I wonder why women were (and still are, in too many ways ☹️) looked down on for so long when they have always done so much of the real hard work. No wonder you're all tired all the time.

Damn—anybody seen my collection of used bandages...?
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

So first, some notes on my reviews. I'm going to dig into this story a bit more then the previous one: ya pays the price (in GPs), ya rides the ride! Hopefully it doesn't spoil any of your wonderful emotional magic tricks. My reviews are generally not the same twice. Why? Because I get bored if I work from a template. I try to maintain some logical order, but I might jump around a little. So here's how I do it: image you and I are sitting at the kitchen table with some coffee or tea. Notebooks and pencils and laptops are kind of all over the place. You paw through a notebook and hand me this story, saying, "Here, whaddya think of this?"

Hmm... Well, lemme grab another cuppa coffee see what we got here...

This is another story that gave me chills—so wonderful! The cinema of which you wrote was so much sadness, so much sadness. This scene at the seashore is much stronger, a veritable emotional beating! Your writing is just as effective in an even shorter space; but there is a change of tone, and I think that's good, toherwise it's just the same story with different names, right? Yes, there is a slight change—there is anger in this piece. That anger drives more action this time around. And it was that undertone of anger that left me with a distinct feeling of vindication at the end, along with a deep sadness. This scene is a contest, a zero-sum battle with the past. But no one ever wins a battle. Everybody loses. And apologies go unsung.

You've chosen exquisite images again. The way you contrast objects via a verb is divine, like this: "The townsfolk collected these compositions in jars, hung them from porch rafters, and pretended not to hear the words hidden in the harmonies." Changing the music into some physical was another of your signature perspectives. They are absolutely incredible.

~ "...her mother’s cigarette smoke curling into eighth rests..."
~ "Its waves hummed lullabies in minor keys, and its tides left sheet music etched in seaweed..."
~ "...a single line of sheet music, its notes shaped like apologies."

Compared to the cinema in Lichthaven, the strand here in Selithyre is more transparent, psychologically. That's not a bad thing, don't get me wrong. The cinema was densely packed with layer after layer of regret, sadness, pain, and helplessness. This is less dense, though by no means less emotional. The familial relationships in your stories are heartbreaking. Nessa can do no right, and her mother can show no love. I mean, indifference would be kinder than telling your child "You’ll never be more than a missed note." Jesus, that's brutal!

Now, in this story, we have hope of salvation. Father gives her the key to set herself free: become your own woman, not the woman you could never make her want you to be. But—and this is brilliant to me, because I'm about as cheerful as a dying calf in a hailstorm—forgiveness was not the key! Oh, how powerfully, horribly true! Said salvation is communicated with good differentiation, too. Nessa's defiance against her mother "shrieks" and "warps," and her mother's sneers echo back through time mockingly. But father's voice is small and composed, symphonic. (One wonders if there is any reference at all here to that "still, small voice" written of in the Bible.)

But salvation is refused, another clear psychological lensing into the culture of abuse, repression, defiance, self-harm. Yeah, it's all those things, but it's something else, too—it's real, painfully real.

                   Hang on, my coffee's getting cold... ... ...Okay, that's better.

I did notice a couple of things in the tide that bear mentioning.

~ There was one glaring thing that snapped me out of this for a minute—the word "tactile." The vocbulary and phrasing you use is enchantingly diaphanous, like the wind, free of shape and full of intent. "Tactile" was like have a stick blown in my eye; it's so deliberate, so rigid. Is there a better word to use in this context? "Palpable," maybe? I'm not sure, but for me, "tactile" was exactly the wrong word.

~ Similarly, but far less starkly, "barnacled" just felt wrong. Because of the consonants, maybe? Maybe...

~ I mentioned the mood before. The mood in this story was heavy, heavier than Lichthaven. Be careful not to brutalize your reader. If Mother had sniped at Nessa one or two more times, I might have finished reading the story only as a courtesy to you, not as a devotee to the wonderful prosetryishness of it.

~ The last thing should have been the first thing, probably. "Our Throats" seemed extraneous in the title. Maybe it has a particular meaning... Does it imply that we don't speak when we should, don't defend ourselves? That the weight of those unspoken words chokes us and kills us inside, perhaps? I think those two words feel like an afterthought because we're so used to the old phrase "the ties that bind," which you also play on. Adding to such a common phrase feels awkward. That's all just an observation, mind you, not something that is "incorrect."

Again, there's lines in here I just keep going back to to reread and re-experience. I could probably cut and paste the whole story into this section, but these are some good examples:

~ “You’re breaking the wrong things,” she said. We do this so often, and so badly. We will wreck ourselves just to try to impact someone else.

~ "...oysters spilling from her palms." All those uncollected pearls of wisdom. Superb, superb metaphor, so beautifully nuanced that it could easily go unnoticed by the careless reader.

~ "...the violin case beside her filled with saltwater and starfish." This is a perfect snap back to reality for the reader. Well...something very close to reality anyway.

Which makes me wonder—in a deliciously thoughtful way—why these women in Lichthaven and Selithyre experience the world in such fantastical visions. Are they crazy? Are these hallucinations? Are they temporarily crazy, working through extreme trauma (in or out of hospital)? Is this just the way they have to think of these devastating pasts to keep from going crazy? Well, I'll never know, but each read will make me ask them again and look for answers...and come up with new answers every time!

You knocked my socks off again with this piece. I wonder if this one will follow me, too? Because last night, I fell asleep thinking about and feeling the cinema of tears—quite literally. When your stories impact us that hard...my word, you must, must Write On!


*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*

(Disclaimer: This is all meant to be constructive and respectful. If you have felt offended in any way...you can come to my house and beat me over the head with a wet violin!)

Review of Chats  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
"There's no such thing as a stupid question!"

My boss wasn't sure whether to fire me or give me a raise when I replied: "I take it that means you've never raised children!" *Wink*

Jacky, this was a quite natural-sounding conversation depicted here. Well done. It kind of points out something interesting: that some of the most simple answers that we can think of to questions such as "what is a test?" are not always easy to explain in simple language. Some of what we consider to be our most "basic" concepts are actually quite complex, and we discover that when we try to explain them to a kindergartner.

I think these types of conversations remind us that sometimes we need to step back, slow down, and simplify the things that we think we need to think.

The world just might be a little bit better if we have the patience to understand it through the questions of a kindergartener.


*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*

Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

You can't know how long it has been since a story gave me goosebumps of wonder and how unexpectedly exquisite that feeling is.

The absolute originality of this piece stuns me. The incredibly beautiful prose...! There's just enough to keep it from being prose-poetry, but that is very much a good thing here; it wants to be a little more than poetry, revels in being poetry's seductive first-cousin. Each metaphor and image was so exactly right—and the best part is that I can't articulate why they are so perfectly chosen!

Usually, when I review, I dig down and examine what's behind the scenes in the writing. In this case, I don't even want to do that. I know there's a lot of psychological trauma, avoidance, and sublimation going on here. But I don't want to examine it any more closely. This is like some impossible magic trick, and I don't want to know how it's done; I don't want it to lose one wit of its magic. I don't need to in order to get it, anyway. That is so rare for me, and so wonderful.

Even if I didn't "get" the story (which I very much do, absolutely achingly do), the writing just blows me away. Pacing, image/ action/ dialog proportion, sentence breathing (personal term there—the overall pattern of increasing and decreasing sentence length and structure)—all exquisite and customer honed for this piece. And the vocabulary! Here are some of the lines and phrases that hit me the hardest:

~ "The town of Lichthaven existed in the parentheses between midnight and dawn..." Where you came up with that, I have no idea. But I hope that muse visits me one day.

~ "Eleanor wore her mother’s moth-eaten cardigan and ate lukewarm tangerines in the booth..." This is a brilliant statement of the decay and disappointment. "Lukewarm" was the word that made this phrase golden for me.

~ “The films aren’t memories...They’re what’s left when memories rot.” *Shock*

~ "...her mother sobbing in the projection room, splicing the storm into a canister..."

This month, I have reviewed some stunning writing, more than I've been privileged to read in such a short period for a long time now. This easily takes the cake—the best I've read in years, including the "pros."

*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ah, GreenLion!

What a nice story— an important story—for the children. The illustrations will be truly memorable, all of those wonderful colorful flowers. Children's stories are challenging, walking that line between comforting and teaching. I think you've managed swimmingly!

(It's bittersweet for me, though. It's...well, suffice it to say I've learned otherwise.)

I wonder if the name of the flower should be the Allegory Rose. Should it be something children can better understand? Or is it a two-fold lesson, teaching children to keep their hearts open and how to think in comparisons and payables— in allegory?

Bottom line, this is delivered very, very well, my friend.


*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*

Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

This was a wonderful look at a beautiful object of memory.

There's a bit of self-analogy in this reflection. The self stays the same until one day... it's different. The self grows in a blind spot, so to speak. We don't realize how much we've grown until we see some sign of it—a reflection in a window, a shirt that doesn't fit, a game that that's no longer fun. A container of hope that is now just an old bucket that holds bolts instead of hope.

And we can never see ourselves the same, fit the old shirt, enjoy the old games. But we can look in the closet at the clothes and games and relish the memories, memories which are as real as the things were that are remembered. As real as the awe of a son for his father, trapped beneath the lid of an old bucket.

My opinion: yes, this splendid story is ready to publish.

Review of The Last Argument  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

This an excellent exploration into man's ignorance cum arrogance. Like Mickey in Fantasia, we've started up the broomsticks of AI. Now that they have have taken a life of their own, we're afraid... but also like Mickey, we have no idea how to put this broom back in the closet.

And perhaps we shouldn't, maybe Solace is right. Haven't we addressed this dilemma several times in past in the popular context? Short Circuit, Bicentennial Man, Frankenstein... And what do we keep telling ourselves? "It thinks, therefore it lives; it lives, therefore it should be free." I wonder why we can't accept the answer we keep coming up with?

I thought naming the robot "Solace" was a nice ironic touch. Giving it no face was also a nice departure from the norm. For some reason that kind of creeped me out a little — one more instance of juxtaposing the fear of AI with the need of that which is actually alive. And the best part, I think, is that there was no physical showdown, no display of strength or domination. It kept the story philosophical and thoughtful, and that was much of its strength.

I thought your punctuation, grammar, and structure were all spot-no. I really don't have anything constructive to offer other than applause and encouragement. Great story, my friend!


*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*

Review of Blackstone Cove  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I like this quite a bit. I'd definitely read on, The definition of your main character through means other than exposition is well done. He's fast, knows the risks, dedicated to his "craft," humane. I'm sure the rest of the story defines him even more, but he's already a compelling character. The mysterious nature of his antagonist is also attractive to the reader. Is he security? Why? Is he actually the rich guy? Why is he so fit? The story begs the reader to turn the page and learn more.

Good placement of line breaks. I personally appreciate the larger font and larger line spacing. (looks like 3.5 on the font size and 1.4 on the line spacing?) I would have been a lot less likely to read it if it was all crammed together in small type.

You handled dialect well, too. This could have been anywhere until the accents came in; then it was placed squarely in northern Europe. Dialog was sparse, but it didn't need to be any longer. Kinda hard to talk when you're sprinting full out to jump out a window, I reckon.

This is really a good start; I'm interested in reading the next chapter, if you choose to post it.


*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*

Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)

I turned your question over in my mind a bit before commenting, and I came to the conclusion that yes, you should continue. Bear in mind you're not breaking new ground; this storyline has been explored for decades. So why continue? For the practice. Writing is an art, but also a craft, and one must practice!

I suggest finishing this as a short story. Set yourself a word-limit, and make sure you can tell the story within that constraint, for example. Write the story, and then review not just the writing, but how the exercise felt. What could you do better next time? What did you do this time that was just too much; what did you accidentally leave out?

There's a lot you can learn from yourself, you know. Yes, this scenario has been written and rewritten... but not by you! So I say: hell yes, finish it, Chelle! Write on!


center}*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*{/center}
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hey! WDC is about all writing, not just stories *Smile* . It's about ideas, craft, community, resources. Share your ideas! There's a genre you can choose actually called Writing! As far as I've seen, this is a safe place, too—no one's going to pirate your ideas.

Now let's talk about Kiyan while he's out of the room. While not cliche, this perspective of the Angel of Death has been explored before. No harm exploring it again! But I suggest you watch Meet Joe Black, starting Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins; you might find some things you don't want to do. (That sounds kind of discouraging, but I don't mean it that way. *Frown*)

Couple of questions/ challenges to your sketch:

~ What if the person who is dying is not going to heaven? Or is passing by violent means? How can he help them be at peace?

~ Is he the grim reaper, or one of many? If there are others, are they all the same? (Try the book Insomnia, by Stephen King, which deals with this.)

~ Where does he come from? Does it matter? Does it matter for you, perhaps, but not the reader— so you understand the motivations for the character's choices and behaviors?

~ Can he be destroyed?*Ninja*

I write mostly stream- of- consciousness. My characters spawn as I put pen to paper, and they inform me where they're going. That has lead to so many story dead-ends that it hurts. That's why I'm offering these challenges, so that you own the character before he turns the tables mid-chapter and owns you!

I hope you share more of your ideas on WDC. There's a lot of really good writers around here, and everyone benefits from everyone else's input. So...Write On!


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

For a first attempt, this is quite an accomplishment! The poem is cohesive, articulate, artfully rendered. I hope you do more!

Living in the present is such an important message to communicate. "Where am I going to get the money for bills? Why did I say that to Lisa yesterday? I really wish I hadn't broken that window back in 1996." These are questions that haunt and harry us, but they also occlude our vision of what is now, as you state. Where we are now is defined by our decisions of the past--decisions made in that "now." And so the decisions we make in this "now" will build our future. In order to make those decisions the best we can, to address regrets and repeat successes of the past and to answer questions of the future, we must observe what is in the present as parameters for our actions.

"So live in the present because it's the gift of God." I am reminded of a verse a friend of mine has tattooed on his arm:

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? (Luke 12:25-31)

Rely on God to calm your anxieties; rely on friends to help share the load of your concern. Have confidence and positivity in what you do today so that you can also support your friends tomorrow.

You remind us, in the final stanza, to use what we've learned from the past, plan for the future, and understand about the present to define the space where we are--and to become comfortable and confident to belong there.

Quite a strong and positive message!

Now, I'd like to be so bold as to respectfully offer a few observations and suggestions by way of helping you hone your poetic craft.

~ Keep a strong eye on your punctuation. Punctuation is often neglected or even omitted in poetry and chalked up to "poetic license." However, it can be just as important in verse as in prose. For instance, the last two lines in your first stanza pose a question, but you have ended the fourth line with a period instead of a question mark. That one's more of a grammar thing, but more importantly, punctuation in the second stanza, depending how it is applied, can subtly change nuances of the verse, if not the overall concept. There is no hard-and-fast rule to the punctuation in a poem, but I encourage you to look at it closely, and make it reads exactly how you intended.

~ Consider the vocabulary you use in poems. Some phrases are trite or cliche—you don't have any of these, particularly, but it's something to avoid. Be sparse with articles—the, and, a. You have a tight window to convey your point; don't clutter it with unnecessary words or syllables. Maintain a consistent tone. For instance, beginning the first line of the third stanza with "Sure..." doesn't quite feel like the same confident tone of guidance as the rest of the poem.

~ Don't wander from your point! This is the trap I fall into with stories and poetry, very frequently *Frown*. Stay on topic. I mention this because the third stanza in your poem points more toward the future than living in the present. It subtly intimates that the reader can or should shift their focus away from the present, which is counter the overall theme of your poem.

You present a thoughtful and wise admonition to us as the readers, giving us a reminder that we need pause, observe, and think. To me, causing someone to think is the ultimate achievement of writing. Very good, my friend.


Please remember, Vesper, that these are the observations and opinions of just one reader. I hope they are encouraging, and I offer them with respect.

Review of My story  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)

Whew! I'm breathless after that!

I got this much: you've had one hell of a life so far— although more recently, it seems to be heavenly. First I want to point out what you did right here, then I'll talk about a couple ways you might be able to improve your writing style.

Your biographical piece here has the right elements of a story or essay: intro, conflict, resolution. You were born with several siblings; you and your siblings were separated under confusing circumstances; and you found God, which has brought you peace. You have put the pieces in the right order, as well, so you're almost there. "What do you mean, 'almost,' Mister?!"

Well, you have the theme and sequencing, but the organization and pacing need some work.

~ Periods/Full Stops. Take a breath. Think your thought--just one. If you were saying it to someone, when would you stop for about two to three seconds to take a breath and start s new thought? That's where a period goes. They enable the reader to parse your ideas and statements as he it she reads, and they are indispensable. Without them, the reader feels winded and fatigued. Here's an example:

I am the third 4th oldest of 4 brothers, 2 half and 2 biological-- well one being my twin. When I was born, me and my twin brother got separated, because my mom's best friend couldn't...

The period here ends the thought of your birth, and the thought of your separation behind in the next sentence.

~ Line Breaks/Paragraphs. Once you've converted a collection of similar thoughts, hit ENTER a couple times. It provides a visual line break that cuts me, the reader, that you're done with that part; I can take a second and interpret it before moving on to your next set of ideas. Like periods, paragraphs are absolutely necessary in writing.

~ Slow Down. Take a breath before you write a line, every time. Hold it a couple seconds, and let it out. Write your thought. Repeat the process. Why? I can tell that your thoughts were racing when you wrote this. Your sentences veritably sprint across the page. Take some breaths, take your time. Tell me clearly so you don't have to tell me again, and I don't misunderstand.

There's other stuff to work on, but that can come later. You have an important story to share here, Gracie. I encourage you to take another look at this and see what you can do to tighten it up.


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)

This is a nice collection of contradictions for one to ponder! An agnostic myself, I struggle with whether God is a guide, a policeman, or just a damn bully.

GUIDE: Romans 2:4—"Or do you...not knowing, that the goodness of God leads to repentance?" The people being spoken to are simply ignorant, and they need to be guided, taught.

BULLY: Isiah 48:9—Paraphrased, "if you don't kiss my ass, I'll kick yours!"

CONTRADICTION: John & Psalms—One is made perfect when the Lord loves them. One must seek forgiveness of the Lord (merely for existing, apparently, but that's a different discussion) to attain this love. Forgiveness is provided by the Lord so that fear of its withholding can be used as a lever against people. But "the one who fears is not made perfect in love." Again, this breaks down in my mind as: "Whether you fear me or not, whether I forgive you or not, you fools will never be worthy of me."

I would suggest revisiting this and adding at least a couple of sentences of context. Otherwise, it is a bit random. If one were to come to this as a chapter in a book, one would be puzzled indeed.

I am not sure if pointing out these conflicting theological points was the intent of your writing, but this piece made me think, and even if I didn't think along the lines intended, at least I got to thinking. And that's the best that writing can accomplish. At least, that's what I think.


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ouch. This took a turn I didn't expect, a painful one. As I read along, I identified strongly with the lack of motivation and the feelings of being overwhelmed by the simplest of tasks. I struggle with clinical depression, and this is all very accurate and familiar. But that last stanza that explains the depression comes not from an organic source but from emotional neglect is painful. So painful.

You achieve the "hook" very well, though. This could easily have been ham-fisted or waterlogged, focusing more on blame ("you need to show you love me more") than on the effect ("I'm rotting without your demonstration of love"). The way you wrote this, the reader is spared the worst of the pain until the end. This makes it both clearer and more acute.

I'm a fan of your mechanics here. The choice to use punctuation really helped me parse the speaker's thoughts and feelings. It makes it feel more real, less "poetic." In this case, I think that's a strength, because this is a very real situation. Using the word "rotting" was another inspired choice. Without nourishment, things rot, and love is the emotional nourishment we need. Without it, we have no energy, no drive, and we just...rot away.

Very good poem. I hope to see more of your work soon. I'd like to read on, so make sure you Write On!


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a really good horror piece! I was not expecting the ending, and I like that. Horror stories can be very formulaic, so finding a way to expand or break that box was a smart step.

In It, Bill Denbrough asks a college literature discussion, frustrated with their unending interpretations of a vignette: "Can't it just be a story?!" Well, Bill--no, not really. Because every story we tell is a way to analyze and interpret what goes on around us and inside us. The primary real-life lesson I see here is the consequences of desensitization. Little Annie is so enthralled with horror, and so desensitized to it (the reader is left to extrapolate whether that is through media or oral histories such as that of the Dullahan itself), that she becomes careless of the cautions such stories and movies and legends offer.

In the end, as Annie exits stage—well, into the orchestra pit, basically—we wonder if her carelessness calls the Dullahan, or if his moldy-cheese head had already set his sights on her before this. Did grandpa sense the Dullahan's proximity when he froze? If so, is it because "our stock is full of leprechaun blood?" Or could grandpa and the family have a more intuitive connection with the supernatural because they keep alive the old oral traditions: "Legends are as real as their tellers." (That's an awesome line, by the way, an inspiring doorway to so many stories other readers can begin to imagine.)

We are left with a shocking scene: the death of a little girl by falling out of a window. We are left with a legend (whether we previously knew the actual legend or not). We are left a bit unsettled by the questions of predestination and free-will—in this case, do we beckon death by our own actions and decisions, or does death already have us slated on a schedule designed in the Beginning? Wonderful questions to ponder after a nice little horror story like this!

I do have a few thoughts and suggestions (as I always seem to, eh?) I'd like to share.

~ First, "Dullahan" is a proper noun. As such, each instance of the word should be capitalized.

~Second—the only other mechanical correction I see—you don't need the apostrophe in "relative's" in the third line.

~ "Forgettable chiding" seems to want a little more context. Is grandpa's correction such a common protective action that it has become routine and is now ignored (touching again on desensitization)? That seems to fit the rest of Annie's carelessness, but a clause or sentence of context would make this a little smoother.

~ Annie's ghoulishness is at first described as curiosity. Is there room, again, for some contextual expansion? Perhaps a sentence or two about her fascination with the morbid, or a reference to her penchant for horror video games (pure conjecture on my part, there)? You clearly show us she's a bit of a bloodthirsty little brat, but I'd personally like just a little bit more of a frame around her.

~ "Annie listened blankly" doesn't convey what you intended, I think. This seems to imply Annie herself lost understanding or focus. Was she, perhaps, listening "expectantly?"

~ Nice job slipping in the fact that the girl's mother is Protestant. Does it bear on the story? Probably not, but in one phrase, it deepens the grandfather's Irishness and thus his connection to the legend .

~ Again, the question of whether she saw the Dullahan because she put herself in peril of death, or she was in peril of death by agency of the Dullahan itself is wonderfully compelling, at least to me.

This a nice, tight little story, Nick, as is your trademark. It's compact, it's complete, and it's compelling. And it's got a nice, unexpected, fairly messed-up ending!

Good job again, Nick. Thanks for pointing this out for me to read.


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Genie Lamp for use as graphicNICKIPEDIA
O, Djinn of the Lamp
Reveiw          Story  Open in new Window.

"O, Djinn of the Lamp" is a short story/long-flash fiction by Nick Newcastle  Open in new Window., published on Writing.com in 2025.
Themes and Concepts
"O, Djinn of the Lamp" is a modern version of the cautionary tale warning people to be careful and focused on their goals and aspirations, because unintended consequences can completely cancel out any good done by the attaining of such goals. The stories of djinn , genies, and faerie offer this lesson in the form of a parable wherein the protagonist (usually) is offered a certain number of wishes that are guaranteed to be granted.

This story offers an extension to one of the most famous tale of this trope: the lamp of Aladdin  Open in new Window., from 1001 Arabian Nights. In this iteration of the storyline, the link between repression and acceptance is explored as a link between magic and reality.

Setting and Accessibility
All three acts of this story take place in a very limited area--one house. As short stories are intended to quickly execute a storyline, the limitation of the scope of this story is a wise choice. The main setting is a mysterious dusty attic, reminiscent of the mysterious Cave of Wonders featured in the original tale. Dusty attics and basements are common throughout the world, and they are a common source of fear and anxiety  Open in new Window.. Thus, the reader is able to easily put themselves into the character of the protagonist, giving the reading of the rest of the story an organic first-person feel.
Dramatic Device
Reprising Aladdin's discovery, an unassuming antique lamp is found and rubbed. The same djinn who bartered with Aladdin is released. This story uses the magical nature of the djinn in a unique fashion, however: the real world and the world of magic are demonstrates to be intertwined. Interpretation of this theme can pose the unseen pressures and consequences of emotion can seem like magical forces. The djinn's frustration at being repressed has begun to impact the outside "real" world. Repressing emotion and desire can have dire side effects  Open in new Window. on an individual, and these emotional consequences are often directed outward toward others, creating a personal world of crumbling relationships and increasingly disappointing or destructive habits.

The djinn character of this story represents a majority of the world's population in general, which is exhausted and frustrated to the of destructive behavior. The being points to wars, violence, and even dramatic climate change as evidence of how his own discontent influences the world--more literally interpreted, how individuals' discontent leads the entire world to dangerous extremes.

Discovery and Climax
The protagonist, Miriam, makes wishes based on fear. Again, the story points out humankind's tendency to be a fear-driven race, making decisions based not on evidence, but on fear of consequences or the influence of outside forces. Initially, Miriam is afraid to even consider making a choice at all, demostrating the fight/ flight/ freeze/ fawn reaction  Open in new Window. of people (in this case, "freeze"). As she masters her initial shock, she begins wishing for generic and immediate solutions to problems that are actually very complex, and there are unintended consequences:

+ Her wish for world peace does simply stop violence and negativity; it ends all disturbances against nature, as well, depicted by the cessation of the sounds of traffic and even of nature. This will surely have an impact on the rest of humantiy. The lesson from this wish is that people often have goals that are very short-sighted, and while they may benefit the individual in the short term, they have a high probablitilty of negatively impacting many other lives in the long term.

+ Miriam reveals her loneliness when she wishes for a friend. She is non-specific as to the nature of that friend, however, reminding the reader of how often we disregard the very valid safety concern of stranger danger  Open in new Window.. While the nature of her "friend" is revealed later in the story, Miriam has metaphorically entered a relationship with little or no risk-assessment, and has potentially opened herself to an unfulfilling or even abusive relationship.

+ Considering her ultimate fear of all things she does not know, and a possible true agoraphobic condition  Open in new Window., she wishes for all reasons compelling her to leave her house to be eliminated. This wish delves into a complex combination of cascading problem/solution scenarios. When individuals fear that which is around them, they may often seek the safety of drawing in and isolating themselves. This isolation can then lead to feelings of depression, prompting self-destructive behaviors such as addiction, among other things. Addiction leads to shame, shame leads to self-loathing, and so on until the ultimate consequence is quite often death. However, as demonstrated by Miriam's eager recourse to isolation, we rarely to see those negative unintended consequences, either.

Resolution and Denouement
The end of the story sees Miriam greeting the friend for which she wished. In an unexpected twist, the reader finds that the djinn is the friend. When someone like Miriam helps another (the djinn) out of an environment of repression, abuse, or other psychological torment, the two parties often become unexpected friends. Miriam does not exactly recognize the djinn in this new environment, alluding to the fact that people grow rapidly when released from psychological constraint, and are often not recognized for the victim they previously portrayed.

As a final statement of conquering psychological issues by reaching out to others for help and offering help when possible. Miriam decides to leave the house after all, following her new acquaintance. This is very telling, and harkens back to the way her wish was originally worded: that she would never need to leave the house. When we build defenses against other people must always leave ourselves a way to move forward past our temporary coping mechanisms. Miriam experiences a positive unintended consequence by having wished herself out of her own self-imposed isolation.{/quote}

Overall Interpretation and Evaluation
Mr. Newcastle uses comparitvely few words to investigate some common but complex individual and social issues, while entertaining the reader with a modern-day continuation of a classic tale. One hopes, to be certain, Mr. Newcastle decides to Write On!
See Also
The Monkey's Paw  Open in new Window.
The Martian Chronicles: The Martian  Open in new Window.
The Wonderful Lamp  Open in new Window.


*Strong**Floral1*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.*Floral1**Explode*

Review of Sunflower  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Just the poetic contrast of calling the piece "Sunflower" when it is actually about the vase is brilliant. All of our observations say more about the observer than the observed.

"The cane of a broken man's fall" stands out as a line I wish I had come up with myself. The cane is not broken, causing the man to fall; the cane is intact--it is the man that is broken! Not injured or scarred or lamed, either, but broken! It's so perfectly metaphorical for many things, but it is applied to this context with sublime, gentle specificity.

Poems hit people in different ways. At first, I thought this felt like a parent's lament on children leaving actually being a reflection of the parent's observation of their own efforts raising the child. But I don't think that fits. Then I though: "A therapist. That's how I can best transfer this to the macro. Well...no..."

Hospice, though. Damn, that fits all too well. Life comes in, struggles, wanes, fails. And the nurses and staff, all vessels of deaths upon deaths, always wearing a welcoming face, like the beauty of a vase, but always with secretly broken hearts. That's the series of feelings and perceptions this poem encouraged me to explore.

Okay, time to get out of my feels. The structure of this is really interesting: ABB CDD EFF. Any reason behind that rhyme scheme? Or is it just the way the words told you they needed to fall? Also, I have one "crit," if you will. "Bulbous bush" didn't feel quite right--too literal perhaps, too concrete. That's just an opinion, of course, not a technical question of any kind.

Conrad, this is masterful, my favorite that I have read from you yet. It made me think--really think--about what it meant to me, how it applied to my own observations and experiences and life. It made me think.

Take a bow, my friend!


Review of "Goin' Soft"  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a killer story, my friend! *Wink*

First of all, I did get a quick glimpse at the first draft, so I can see a lot of the changes you made. You really smoothed a lot of areas out quite well, and the alternate ending works better here.

So, we've seen this story in various permutations before, such as Heat and Stone Cold (to use some contemporary instances). We've seen it in the inverse in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. But it's all just a variation on the theme of being trapped in a scenario that is currently sustaining oneself and his loved ones and knowing that to leave that scenario could bring detriment to all. A woman might want to sell her car shop to become an investigative journalist, but the shop is the only thing providing for her and her fiancée. How does she evolve? A guy in an LA gang falls in love with an innocent churchgoing woman; he wants to leave the gang and start a life, but how can he manage do it safely? Growth brings fear, and fear means danger.

You set the story up quite well, introducing the conflict right up front: George has developed emotions that are in direct conflict with survival in his lifestyle. The details of Bugs and Elmer are nice, giving the reader touchpoints to connect the story with reality. You could use a few more sprinkled through the rest of the story, though. That's just opinion, not correction.

In fact, I can't really find anything to correct. All of your commas seem to be behaving; your clauses have joined hands and become sentences. Tense and plurality match. Mechanically, it's solid.

There's a couple of observations I'd like to make, though. Mind you, these are not incorrect right now; they could just be improved in my own opinion.

~Consider expressing George's thoughts in italics. This helps set those portions off from the narration of the story. It lets the reader more easily consume those lines in the voice of the character. For instance:

        He put the gun back in its holster. No, he thought. Not this time...

~I don't think you need to obscure the foul language. You have this rated at 18+, so let us read it that way; the probability is in the high 90's that we've all heard it before. We're all big kids here. *Wink* There's a reason for it, though. Curse words feel like curse words only when you make an issue of them. "Oh, Bobby's such a...a 'b' word!" That calls attention to the word much more then "Bobby's a little bitch." Taking away the asterisks in your story will help the flow and decrease the risk of the reader being momentarily jarred out of the story.

~The last three lines are still a little problematic for me.

    + For one thing, instead of revealing Eliza's presence through narration, consider using George's voice: "Eliza?!" or "Eliza, what--how did you get here?!" Something along those lines.

    + The second example above actually addresses the next issue I have. Eliza's comment about the shortcut needs just a little bit of contextual setup. George simply asking where she came from would work. Even a questioning look. I feel like something needs to prompt her to offer the explanation of where she came from to both George and the reader.

    + The hospital. This is a real dilemma, man. Our killer-cum-courter has two severe wounds that need to be treated immediately. But if he goes to the hospital, there will detectives and cops piled up outside his room like cordwood, waiting to investigate the origin of those wounds. But you can't exactly just have him go home with Eliza and get a couple of Band-Aids, either. Maybe just leave that immediate part alone and skip to his convalescence in their home? I'm not sure, but it's something you might want to look at, I think.

    + Finally. (I know, I'm droning on and on like Elmer Fudd; sorry.) I think the story would be better served by Eliza's dialog in the second-to-last line being broken around the hospital/recovery issue. She talks about the shortcut; then immediately to the hospital or aftercare or whatever you choose to do there. Then they have time to talk a little; now you have a little room take a line or four to explain (or use dialog to explain) Eliza's heretofore secret past that actually does align with George's lifestyle. At that point, closing the circle with the proposal--now free of inhibition or internal conflict--closes the circle quite neatly.

The evolution of your story from first draft to second draft is excellent. The alternate ending is much more complete and satisfying to the reader. I don't know about you, but sometimes stories tell themselves to me. I might think a certain ending fits best. But when I read it back, the story informs me that there should be an altogether different conclusion. It's kind of weird, but very fun when that happens. On question lingers, though: do they stay killers, or do they retire from the business?

You've a good story here, thematically familiar enough to be easy to consume, but with enough unique variations to make it a distinct reading experience.

Nick, these are just the opinions of one guy who reads stuff and digests it in his own way. I hope something I've left is helpful. It is all meant to be encouraging and respectful. If I have strayed from that...well, I guess you can ask George to visit my house. *Shock2*

Thanks for the honor of being asked to critique your work, my friend. It was truly...write up my alley. *Wink*


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I sucked at dating. Waiting, watching, "the game," the misunderstanding (usually). This poem brought all that back to me. I don't mean that in a bad way at all; I mean I can feel the poem, which is a great thing.

"I want his name." I could be off base, but I interpret that this means you wanted to take his name in marriage. If I'm right, this was a very clever way of stating it. (If I'm wrong, the jury will please disregard the preceding statements.)

This is a very poetic poem, relying on brevity and images to convey a complex internal scene. Very nice!


Review of Coach Williams  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

Stories about positive maturation are always rewarding, and certainly describes your flash.

Starting Jeff out in 1st grade and switching Jeff out of the school in 5th grade was a nice touch, I thought. I've read a lot of permutations on this theme, and many of them are about the boy's (or girl's) high school years. These early years, before the famous, fabled formative years, are just as important. These are the years we learn to introvert or extrovert which determines the direction we enter those formative years. (I think; it seems like that to me anyway; and I feel like I'm smarter than everybody else; so it must be true *GoLucky*)

Coach's dialog flowed very nicely, and his attitude was stated smoothly. In short, he was presented well. I think sometimes we tend to contradict our characters by giving them dialog that doesn't match their attitude or position, and you avoided that well. Young Master Bennet was much less defined. Hey, you only get 300 words, I get it. Just noting it.

There was something I disliked about this, too, though. The end seemed very rushed. 2/3 of the story built Coach Williams and Jeff (a little bit). The last 1/3 went from fifth grade to the NFL! For my own taste, it rose out of its personal pocket and became...I guess superficial is the right word.

Only technical note is that you forgot a quotation mark before Well, Jeff Bennet...

I'm new to flash fiction, and I find it challenging and fun. I readily acknowledge that you can't write a novel in 300 words; so please understand my comments are meant respectfully, and I hope them to be helpful in some way.

I'm sure I'll be reading more of you work soon, so Write On!


Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

What a great lesson! Patience. If only Jeremy had been around to teach me...

This is a good framework for a children's story. I am thinking the line numbers represent pages perhaps? That the words are would be accompanied by large illustrations?

I have to wonder if this is also a subtle lesson in diversity. The rainbow has come to represent diversity in the last decade or so, as well as, well, just being a rainbow. Could Jeremy also be learning that clouds, sun, sea, and rainbow are all part of one world? That wanting only a rainbow robs him of the joy of also watching the clouds? Seeing a sunset? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

I really don't have anything to point out in the way of constructive criticism; wish I could have been more helpful there.

Hopefully Jeremy can teach many young children the virtues of patience (and maybe diversity). In any case, I hope you write on!


*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Review of The Good Old Days  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

Billy Joel reminded us that "the good old day weren't always good." You reinforce his position rather pointedly here.

This is bitter...but I'm willing to bet being in one of these situations is even worse. This is sarcastic, but I wonder if that is the only left for someone to view the world through when their legitimacy has been foreclosed on. This is angry; but only as angry as men will let it be--the rest of the rage needs to be couched in ironic allusions.

This is raw, and it's good.

I saw a couple of places you might be able to address pretty easily, should you be so inclined.

~"You must of" should be "you must have." That's the only concrete correction, really. The next ones are just observations, suggestions.

~Consider using end-line punctuation. Even if it's just a comma, it helps the reader parse where your thoughts begin and end, help shape the images in which the mind thinks.

~A line break at the period (full stop) in line 10 would help the visual presentation maintain more consistency. (Remember, they're just opinions.)

~The line about the police is brutally true but stated awkwardly. Something about that line breaks the rhythm, the feeling of the volume turning up and the writers voice getting a little quicker and a little sneer starting to appear. That's the best way I can put it.

This is an important poem. A jab, not a beating. A jab will get someone's attention; a beating will just push them further into defensiveness. Good job slipping the jab here. Keep us on the ropes.


DISCLAIMER: I'm just one guy that has an opinion about your work; and my comments are intended to be encouraging and helpful. If they aren't...well, I guess you owe me a real beating. *Frown*

*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

"Riding a bus isn't a sport; Why the f*** should sailing be a sport?!" (again, Carlin *Wink*)

If you've never seen Carlin's bit on advertising, you must go to YouTube immediately. It is hilarious (as is most of his stuff)! I don't recall if he touches on info-sello-mercials, but I recall it was damn funny!

This isn't recent, but it's nonetheless topical. Having been a Catholic until I reached the age of, well--reason, I used to wonder about the paradox of the limited role of women in the Church and the venerated Mary myself (when I wasn't making fart sounds in the back pews with my friends, that is).

These kinds of "entries" in our journals and portfolios are fun and funny. Mostly. The thing is, these idiotic contradictions in the worlds around us--yes, I do mean the plural of world, because there's the religious world, advertising world, etc--make us pick at the illogic of them like brain scabs. They're annoying enough to note and irritating enough to playfully ask others if they have an explanation for them. So I appreciate it when I see something like this--someone asking the hard questions. Not necessarily important ones, but challenging nonetheless!

Happy anniversary, my friend. (Speaking of which, why do people say they're celebrating a "one-month anniversary" when an anniversary can only happen annually?! Hmmmm...)


*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

I'm admittedly late to this bizarre party, but still...why the hell did he put a kitten in his mouth?! Man, I've gotten pretty loaded before, but that's Johnny-Cash-Eating-a-Cherry-Cake-Under-a-Christmas-tree drunk!

It's amazing what we will remember in order to try to cover the bad memories. I remember Dad (another drunk) putting Mom up against a wall one night...but I more frequently remember how he messed with the neighbor's head by walking up and down the yard pushing the lawnmower (not running) and holding a flashlight and wearing a coat. In the afternoon in June. AND HE WAS SOBER BY THEN! True story, I kid you not.

We need so desperately to find any reason we can to find ways to love the ones who hurt us. Sometimes we find the healthy ways, like Cat in Mouth Disease; sometimes we just repeat the cycle like some sort fo stupid family tradition.

I enjoyed this bright little window into a darker past. Still... what would posess a person to put a kitten in his mouth?!?!?

Write on!


...A kitten no less...!

*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

Review of BYPASS  Open in new Window.
Review by Jeffrey Meyer Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

Esto podría leerse un poco extraño; Estoy usando el traductor de Google porque nunca he aprendido español como quiero y debería.

Leí tu poema después de traducirlo, y ya sea que hubiera pequeños errores de traducción o no, fue muy, muy bueno.

Me llamó especialmente la atención esta frase: "Con un bypass aprenderé que a veces no está mal pasar por tu casa solo para decir adiós". Tenemos tanto miedo de perder cosas que somos propensos a alejarnos y actuar como si todavía nos estuvieran esperando de alguna manera. Pero insinuar que un desvío puede llevar a su opuesto, la conclusión, es una idea maravillosa.

Toda la metáfora de un corazón artificial es maravillosa (no pude evitar visualizar al Hombre de Hojalata de El Mago de Oz mientras leía esto *Wink*). A menudo he leído acerca de un corazón de acero o de piedra, pero un corazón de estaño es nuevo e intrigante. No es un corazón de calor y vida; Pero a pesar de que es un corazón de metal, es un metal débil, maleable y penetrable. Una vez más, esa sutil contradicción en realidad refuerza el tema de que negar el amor, negar el sentimiento, no lo hace a uno fuerte, sino que en realidad lo hace a uno más débil.

Haces un dibujo de heridas emocionales que sanan como un mosaico "tapizado con las sobras de vendajes húmedos y arrugados". Otra metáfora muy acertada, seguida de una autorrealización que todos hemos soportado.

Sin embargo, tengo que admitir que perdí un poco el tema a medida que el poema se redujo a líneas de una y dos palabras.

En general, una pieza muy disfrutable. Gracias por ofrecer esto para provocar nuestras propias autoevaluaciones.


*Gemo*  *Ribbono*  *Gemo* A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! *Ribbono*  *Gemo*  *Ribbono*

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